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Naturally occurring terphenyls and related compounds such as terferol and its corresponding quinone and phlebiarubrone were synthesized from 2,5-diphenyl-1,4-benzoquinone. According to the proposed biosynthetic pathway, chemical conversion of phlebiarubrone to ustalic acid, a toxic compound isolated from the poisonous mushroom, Tricholoma ustale, was examined to find a low-yield conversion to the ustalic acid dimethyl ester.  相似文献   

13C NMR chemical shift assignments have been shown to be diagnostic for the establishment of the dimeric linkage of some naturally occurring binaphthoquinones. The unsymmetric 13C and 1H spin-spin coupled pattern observed in the 1H coupled 13C NMR spectrum of plumbagin for C-6 has also been noticed earlier with the related compound juglone. The nature of these effects has been substantiated for the first time using benzene induced solvent shifts and D2O exchange. 13C chemical shift assignments of plumbagin reported earlier for C-6 and C-8 have been revised.  相似文献   

The nearly unlimited enzymatic potential of cultured plant cells can basically be employed for bioconversion purposes. Plant enzymes are able to catalyze regio- and stereospecific reactions and can therefore be applied to the production of compounds of pharmaceutical interest. Naturally occurring as well as related synthetic compounds may be used as precursors. A review of the current status of such bioconversions is given. It includes the performance of bioconversions by freely suspended and immobilized plant cells or enzyme preparations. In addition, the kinetic aspects of immobilized plant cells are discussed. Special attention is paid to the bioconversion of poorly or water insoluble precursors. Finally, a model scheme for the development of a commercially available drug, produced by bioconversion, and perspectives are discussed.  相似文献   

The literature dealing with the detection, isolation, purification and characterization of cyanogenic glycosides has been integrated with spectral and chemical data as well as other techniques from our laboratory to establish a method for the positive identification of glycosides of this type. The compounds are arranged into biosynthetically related groups (those derived from l-phenylalanine; l-tyrosine; l-leucine, l-valine; l-isoleucine; those with cyclopentene rings and pseudocyanogenic glycosides) and features of each of the above procedures are critically reviewed and spectral data for each group presented (IR, MS, UV and NMR). The NMR spectra of TMS ethers of cyanogenic glycosides have proven especially useful in chemical structure determination. This information is sufficient to permit identification of any of the 26 known glycosides as well as certain uncharacterized ones.  相似文献   

Starting with commercially available tetracyanoethylene, we describe a more efficient and higher yielding synthesis of toyocamycin with regards to convenience, overall yield, and total reaction time than those syntheses previously reported.  相似文献   

Two classes of common phenolic plant pigments, the anthraquinones and the flavonols, contain many members mutagenic in the Salmonella/mammalian microsome assay. Several reports on the mutagenicity or other genetic or “carcinogenic” effects of these compounds have appeared in the literature or have been presented at various scientific meetings. The object of this review paper is to assess the present state of knowledge with respect to the genetic toxicity of these agents and their dietary intake and metabolic fate in man. Such information is necessary for formulating an assessment of genetic or carcinogenic risk to man posed by these agents.  相似文献   

The ratio of hapten to bovine serum albumin (BSA) in an antigen conjugate was determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) tof mass spectrometry. A hybridoma secreting monoclonal antibody (MAb) was produced by fusing splenocytes immunized with an antigen-BSA conjugate with HAT-sensitive mouse myeloma cells. The cross-reaction of anti-forskolin antibodies with 7-deacetyl forskolin was 5.6%. A very small cross-reaction appeared with other derivatives. The full measuring range of the assay extends from 5 ng to 5 μg/ml of forskolin. Immunoaffinity column chromatography using anti-forskolin MAbs appears to be far superior to previously published separation methods. The capacity of the immunoaffinity column as determined by ELISA is 9 μg/ml. Forskolin has been isolated directly from the crude extracts of tuberous roots and the callus culture of Coleus forskohlii. A MAb against tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) was produced. The cross-reaction of anti-THCA antibody against other cannabinoids was very wide. Many cannabinoids and a spiro-compound were reactive, but did not react with other phenolics. It became evident that this ELISA was able to be applied to the biotransformation experiments of cannabinoids in plant tissue culture system. Anti-ginsenoside Rb1 MAbs were produced. New western blotting method of determination for ginsenosides was established. Ginsenosides separated by silica gel TLC were transferred to a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane. The membrane was treated with NaIO4 solution followed by BSA, resulting in a ginsenoside-BSA conjugate. Immunostaining of ginsenosides was more sensitive compared to other staining. Immunostaining of ginsenosides in the fresh ginseng root was succeeded using anti-ginsenoside Rb1 (GRb1) MAb after blotting to PVDF membrane. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Three naturally occurring di-C-glycosylflavonoids, phloretin (dihydrochalcone), naringenin (flavanone), and apigenin (flavone) bis-6,8-C-beta-D-glucopyranosides (4, 5, and 6), were synthesized in total yields of 52.3%, 53.5%, and 36.4%, respectively, starting from the key compound, di-C-beta-D-glucopyranosylphloroacetophenone (1). Benzyl protection of the phenolic hydroxyls in 1 and a subsequent aldol condensation with benzyloxybenzaldehyde led to the production of chalcone 3, which, after hydrogenolysis or acid hydrolysis and deprotection, gave 4 and 5, respectively. The acetylation of 5, followed by DDQ oxidation and deprotection, gave 6.  相似文献   

The first asymmetric total synthesis of FD-838, a naturally occurring azaspirobicyclic product, has been accomplished allowing determination of its absolute stereochemistry.  相似文献   

The structure of naturally occurring anhydrovitamin A2 was elucidated as 3-hydroxyanhydroretinol from study of its u.v.--visible, i.r., n.m.r. and mass spectra. The structure has been confirmed by a chemical synthesis. Saccobranchus fossils, a freshwater fish, can convert 3-hydroxyretinol into 3-hydroxyanhydroretinol, which in turn is converted into-3-dehydroretinol. Chemical conversion of 3-hydroxyretinol into 3-dehydroretinol was also carried out.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E2 concentrations in naturally occurring canine cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to determine the PGE2 concentration in naturally-occurring cancer in pet dogs and in canine cancer cell lines in order to identify specific types of canine cancer with high PGE2 production which could serve as preclinical models to evaluate anticancer strategies targeting PGE2. PGE2 concentrations were measured by enzyme immunoassay in canine melanoma, soft tissue sarcoma, transitional cell carcinoma, osteosarcoma, and prostatic carcinoma cell lines; in 80 canine tumor tissue samples including oral melanoma (MEL), oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder (TCC), lymphoma (LSA), mammary carcinoma (MCA), osteosarcoma (OSA), prostatic carcinoma (PCA); and in corresponding normal organ tissues. High concentrations of PGE(2)(range 400-3300 pg/10(4)cells) were present in cell culture medium from the transitional cell carcinoma, prostatic carcinoma, and osteosarcoma cell lines. PGE2 concentrations in tumor tissues were elevated (tumor PGE2 concentration>mean+2X sd PGE(2)concentration of normal organ tissue) in 21/22 TCC, 5/6 PCA, 7/10 SCC, 5/10 MEL, 3/8 MCA, 4/15 OSA, and 0/9 LSA. Results of this study will help guide future investigations of anticancer therapies that target cyclooxygenase and PGE2.  相似文献   

Chemoprevention is regarded as one of the most promising and realistic approaches in the prevention of human cancer. Among naturally occurring products, sulfur-containing compounds (OSCs), especially garlic compounds (GCs) and isothiocyanates (ITCs), represent two important and promising chemopreventive families because of their potent chemopreventive effects in various in vivo and in vitro models. In recent years, numerous investigations have shown that sulfur-containing compounds induce apoptosis in multiple cell lines and experimental animals. In the course of apoptosis induction by GCs and ITCs, multiple signal-transduction pathways and apoptosis intermediates are modulated. In particular, modulation of MAPKs and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) seem to play pivotal roles in apoptosis induction by most GCs and ITCs. However, the role of P53 is still controversial. Based on present knowledge, GCs and ITCs may target not only the metabolism of carcinogens but also apoptosis signaling molecules. The effects of ITCs and GCs at multiple points of cancer development make these compounds highly promising candidates in cancer chemoprevention. However, the mechanisms of their anticancer effects are not fully understood, and further studies are required, especially to elucidate the role of cell-death receptors (the extrinsic pathway) and whether these agents induce apoptotic effects in non-tumor cells.  相似文献   

The antibacterial activities of 18 naturally occurring compounds (including essential oils and some of their isolated constituents, apple and green tea polyphenols, and other plant extracts) against three strains of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (a bovine isolate [NCTC 8578], a raw-milk isolate [806R], and a human isolate [ATCC 43015]) were evaluated using a macrobroth susceptibility testing method. M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis was grown in 4 ml Middlebrook 7H9 broth containing 10% oleic acid-albumin-dextrose-catalase, 0.05% Tween 80 (or 0.2% glycerol), and 2 microg/ml mycobactin J supplemented with five concentrations of each test compound. The changes in the optical densities of the cultures at 600 nm as a measure of CFU were recorded at intervals over an incubation period of 42 days at 37 degrees C. Six of the compounds were found to inhibit the growth of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis. The most effective compound was trans-cinnamaldehyde, with a MIC of 25.9 microg/ml, followed by cinnamon oil (26.2 microg/ml), oregano oil (68.2 microg/ml), carvacrol (72.2 microg/ml), 2,5-dihydroxybenzaldehyde (74 microg/ml), and 2-hydroxy-5-methoxybenzaldehyde (90.4 microg/ml). With the exception of carvacrol, a phenolic compound, three of the four most active compounds are aldehydes, suggesting that the structure of the phenolic group or the aldehyde group may be important to the antibacterial activity. No difference in compound activity was observed between the three M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis strains studied. Possible mechanisms of the antimicrobial effects are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been considerable efforts to search for naturally occurring substances for intervention of carcinogenesis. Many components from medicinal or dietary plants have been identified to possess potential chemopreventive properties. For instance, curcumin, a yellow colouring agent from turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn., Zingiberaceae) has been shown to inhibit tumor formation in diverse animal models. Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel that also belongs to ginger family has been used in oriental herbal medicine. In the present work, we have evaluated the anti-tumor promoting potential of yakuchinone A (1-[4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl]-7-phenyl-3-heptanone) and yakuchinone B (1-[4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl]-7-phenylhept-1-en-3-one), major pungent ingredients of A. oxyphylla. Thus, topical application of yakuchinone A or B significantly suppressed TPA-induced epidermal ornithine decarboxylase activity. They also reduced TPA-stimulated production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in cultured human promyelocytic leukemia (HL-60) cells. Both compounds blunted the TPA-induced superoxide generation in differentiated HL-60 cells in a concentration-related manner and also inhibited lipid peroxidation in rat brain homogenates. Furthermore, yakuchinone A and yakuchinone B nullified the activation of the activator protein-1 (AP-1) in immortalized mouse fibroblast cells in culture. These findings indicate that pungent diarylheptanoids from A. oxyphylla have anti-tumor promotional properties that can contribute to their chemopreventive potential.  相似文献   

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