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A parsimony analysis was performed on 37 specific taxa belonging to the subfamily Pudicinae (family Heligmonellidae), which contains parasites mainly from South American caviomorph rodents. Thirteen characters were used from the synlophe (rotation of axis, presence of carene, carene asymmetry, presence of comaretes, single ventral comarete length, ridge discontinuity, ventral ridge numbers, presence of a peculiar posterior synlophe, presence of supernumerary spines) and the male caudal bursa (relative length of rays 9 and 10, caudal bursa type, division of the dorsal ray, divergence of the 10th rays). The cladogram shows a consistency index of 1.0. The subfamily Pudicinae has two synapomorphies. Two suprageneric groups are recognized. Suprageneric group 1 shows one synapomorphy and contains Heligmostrongylus, Fuellebornema, Sciurodendrium and Pseudoheligmosomum; suprageneric group 2 shows two synapomorphies and contains Pudica, Acanthostrongylus, Justinema and Durettestrongylus. Five genera are defined on the basis of synapomorphies. The genera Heligmostrongylus, Sciurodendrium and Pudica which are considered paraphyletic, however, are retained due to lack of knowledge as to their relationships.  相似文献   

Sciurodendrium bravohollisae n. sp. (Heligmonellidae) is described as an intestinal parasite of 2 squirrels, Sciurus aureogaster Cuvier, 1829, collected from Los Robles, Municipio de Tlalnepantla, Morelos State, Mexico. The new species differs from all other congeners in possessing a very well-developed and sacciform genital cone. This is the seventh species described for the genus and the first one recorded in Mexico.  相似文献   

Stilestrongylus peromysci n. sp. collected from Peromyscus difficilis (Hidalgo state, México), differs from other species in the genus in number of the spines (30) in the synlophe (both sexes) and because the eighth ray arises from the root of the ninth ray; S. hidalguensis n. sp. parasitised Peromyscus sp. and differs from all other congeneric species in the presence of 24 spines in the male synlophe and in the arrangement of the bursal rays (2-2-1 in the right lobe and 2-3 in the left lobe). A key to the species of Stilestrongylus is provided.  相似文献   

A total of 138 nematodes were found in the small intestine of Ctenomys talarum (Octodontidae) from Mar de Cobo, Argentina. A new nematode species, Pudica ctenomydis n. sp., is described. The new species more closely resembles P. pujoli Durette-Desset, 1990, parasite of Microcavia niata Thomas, from Bolivia. It can be distinguished from P. pujoli by the number of ridges and characteristics of the synlophe, the spicular morphology, differences in length between rays 9 and 10, and by the presence of a symmetrical caudal bursa and a cuticular expansion surrounding the body between vulva and anus in females.  相似文献   

To understand the interaction of Trypanosoma cruzi with caviomorph rodents, which supposedly have an ancient co-evolutionary history with this parasite, experimental infection of laboratory reared Trichomys apereoides with several isolates of both genotypes of the parasite was studied. Parasitemia, pattern of hematic cells, specific humoral immune response, histopathological features and parasite clearance were appraised. T. apereoides maintained stable infections independent of the T. cruzi genotype as demonstrated by positive PCR results in analyses of several tissues after a 5 months follow-up. The acute phase was characterized by abundant and disseminated presence of amastigotes, vacuolization and/or myocytolysis. Lymphocytosis was a common feature. The chronic phase was characterized mainly by lymphomacroeosinophilic infiltrates independent of the inoculated T. cruzi isolate. T. cruzi of different genotypes did not show any tissular preference in T. apereoides.  相似文献   

A new species of Heligmonellidae nematode, Guerrerostrongylus gomesae n. sp., is described from specimens collected from the small intestine of the rodent Oecomys mamorae Thomas, 1906 in the Brazilian Pantanal. It differs from the 2 other species of the genus by the number of ridges in the synlophe 35-46 and 40-48 at the midbody in the male and female, respectively, by rays 8 arising at midlength of the dorsal trunk, ending near the margin of the caudal bursa, and the dorsal ray divided at the second-third part into 2 branches, each branch divided into 2 subequal subbranches. In addition, specimens of Guerrerostrongylus zetta Travassos, 1937 collected in Oligoryzomys nigripes Olfers, 1818 contain synlophe with 36-42 cuticular ridges in males and 38-42 in females at the midbody. By the characteristics of the synlophe and caudal bursa, Gerrerostrongylus gomesae n. sp. is considered a new species. We suggest that the number of cuticular ridges for this genus broadens the range of the cuticular ridges to at least 35 at midbody.  相似文献   

A new species of heligmosomoid nematode belonging to the subfamily Nippostrongylinae Durette-Desset, 1970 is described: Heligmonina wakelini n. sp., a parasite from the small intestine of the commensal rodent Mastomys natalensis (Smith, 1834) from Swaziland. It differs from the most closely related species H. boomkeri Durette-Desset & Digiani, 2005 by the number of the cuticular ridges in the female synlophe (10 vs 12), the width of the left ala, larger than the body diameter in the male, and the inclination of the axis of orientation of the ridges in both sexes (53 degrees vs 70 degrees). New morphological data (head and synlophe) on Heligmonina chabaudi (Desset, 1964), also a parasite of Mastomys natalensis in the Republic of Congo, are provided in order to compare with the new species.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic and phylogeographic relationships within and among species of the Atlantic Forest spiny rat Trinomys (family Echimyidae) were examined using cytochrome b sequence data. Levels of sequence divergence among species of Trinomys are as high as those found among taxa of echimyids that are recognized as different genera. Trinomys contains three distinct monophyletic clades that show a striking concordance with vegetational distribution. Haplotypes of clade 1 are distributed along the coastal margins of southeastern Brazil, following the moist tropical forest. Members of clade 2 are found in the semi-deciduous tropical forest. T. albispinus represents clade 3 and is found in a more xeric vegetation. Estimates of divergence times separating the three clades are very deep and range from 1.6 to 7.4 millions of years, predating the climatic fluctuations of the Pleistocene. Therefore, the proposed Late Pleistocene refugia in the Atlantic Forest cannot account for the divergence of the clades of Trinomys , but most likely shaped the modern distribution of species. The current taxonomy of this group does not reflect the diversity and phylogenetic relationships of the named species. However, morphological characters are congruent with the phylogeny uncovered by the molecular data. An extensive taxonomic rearrangement is suggested, reflecting phylogenetic relationships of monophyletic entities within the genus Trinomys , degree of sequence differences, and morphological diagnosability.  相似文献   

Spalacina n. g. (Heligmonellidae, Nippostrongylinae) is erected for S. yanchevi n. sp. (type-species) [syns Heligmonina nevoi of Genov & Janchev (1982) and Genov (1984)] from Spalax leucodon (Spalacidae) and two other species from spalacid rodents previously considered as members of Heligmonina Baylis, 1928: S. spalacis (Sharpilo, 1973) n. comb. and S. nevoi (Wertheim & Durette-Desset, 1975) n. comb. The new genus belongs to the subfamily Nippostrongylinae and is closely related to the genus Heligmonina from which it can be distinguished by a greater angle of rotation of the synlophe, the absence of a gradient on the ventral ridges and a weakly developed right dorsal ridge. The zoogeographical distribution of Spalacina spp. is associated with that of Palaearctic spalacids. S. yanchevi differs from S. spalacis and S. nevoi in the number and size of the ridges, the distance between the extremities of the rays 6 and 8, the degree of reduction of the dorsal ray and the length of the spicules.  相似文献   

Heteromyoxyuris otomii n. sp., which inhabits the intestinal caecum of Perognathus flavus (Heteromyidae), in Zaragoza, Hidalgo, Mexico, is described. This new species differs from the 2 other congeneric species in the morphology and length of lateral alae in males. Heteromyoxyuris deserti has simple lateral alae located at both sides of the body, whereas in the new species, these structures are double at both sides; in contrast, lateral alae of Heteromyoxyuris longejector begin at the posterior half of the body, whereas they arise in the first third in the new species. Heteromyoxyuris longejector was found in 2 new host species, i.e., Perognathus amplus and Chaetodipus hispidus. This record represents the first record for the species in Mexico, increasing its geographic distribution.  相似文献   

We present new data on the life history and a new locality of occurrence ofTrinomys moojeni (Pessôaet al., 1992). The study was conducted in a region considered to be a transition zone between the Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest biomes in Minas Gérais, Brazil. Animals were sampled by the capturemark-recapture (CMR) methods between January 2001 and January 2002. Fifteen males and 34 females were captured and a total of 29 individuals were studied. Seasonal variation in the numbers ofT. moojeni males and females captured was observed; no sexual dimorphism was recorded. There was no evidence for the existence of a defined mating season. During the year, females remained in the vicinity of the study area while males dispersed over longer distances as evidenced by the fewer number of males captured. This suggests that females are more territorial.  相似文献   

South American histricognath rodents Thrichomys apereoides laurentius and Thrichomys pachyurus are natural hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi, agent of Chagas disease. We established breeding colonies of these species to serve as experimental models in various parasitological studies. Both species of Thrichomys have all the requirements necessary to become excellent laboratory models: they can be easily maintained in the standard laboratory conditions and breed throughout the year and they do not have any special dietary demands and can be fed by standard food pellets designed for laboratory mice. Both species produce precocious offspring that have their eyes and ears open, teeth erupted, fur well developed, and can eat solid food in the first week of life. T. a. laurentius has larger litter sizes and lower body masses at birth and weaning than T. pachyurus. Moreover, females of T. a. laurentius reach puberty earlier and with lower body mass than T. pachyurus.  相似文献   

Models of evolutionary quantitative genetics were employed to analyze cranial phenotypic evolution in the echimyid rodent Proechimys iheringi Thomas. The hypothesis that cranial differentiation among populations and subspecies of P. iheringi resulted from random drift was rejected. The completely selective model was then used to reconstruct the forces of selection that might have acted to produce the observed differences in cranial morphometric traits in P. iheringi . The net gradient of selection indicates that some cranial traits evolved in the direction contrary to the forces of selection, acting to increase mean values for cranial traits in the evolutionary transitions between populations of P. iheringi . Minimum intensities of selection were calculated and showed that selective mortality per generation was low, of the order of l0-3, suggesting that weak selection can explain the observed cranial morphometric differences among the populations of P. iheringi .  相似文献   

In July 1999, 2 heteromyid rodents Heteromys desmarestianus Gray, 1868, were collected from the Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica, and examined for parasites. Individuals of a new species of Vexillata (Travassos, 1937) Durette-Desset, 1970, were found from the intestine of hosts. Vexillata brooksi n. sp. differs from all other congeners by the presence of spicules divided at the tip instead of simple spicules. The new species closely resembles Vexillata legallae Denke, 1977, and Vexillata convoluta (Caballero and Cerecero, 1943); however, it can be distinguished from both species by possessing a smaller number of cuticular ridges at the posterior part of the body in males (9 vs. 11 and 12, respectively) and by the absence of a carene at this level.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Four new species of Molinema (Filarioidea: Onchocercidae), parasites of echimyid rodents in South America, are described: M. algardneri n. sp. from Proechimys...  相似文献   

The aim was to characterize the karyotype of rodents of the genus Proechimys from three localities in the central Brazilian Amazon, in the search for new markers that might shed light on our understanding of the taxonomy and evolutionary history of this taxon. Two karyotypes were found, viz., 2n = 28, FN = 46 in individuals from the NRSP (Cuieiras River) and REMAN (Manaus), and 2n = 46, FN = 50 in individuals from the Balbina Hydroelectric Plant. While individuals with the karyotype with 2n = 28 chromosomes were morphologically associated with Proechimys cuvieri, their karyotype shared similarities with those of the same diploid number in two other regions. Although three karyotypes are described for Proechimys cuvieri, no geographic distribution pattern that defined a cline could be identified. Based on the morphological examination of voucher specimens and additional results from molecular analysis, the karyotype with 2n = 46 and FN = 50 could be associated with P. guyannensis.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among available samples of the genus Isothrix using mitocondrial gene cytochrome b were carried out and a new karyotype of Isothrix specimens referred to Isothrix negrensis from the mid course of Rio Negro, in the Brazilian Amazon, was described. Molecular, karyological and morphological data of Isothrix negrensis was compared to that of I. bistriata and I. pagurus. Cytochrome b DNA sequence analyses clearly separate I. negrensis from I. bistriata and genetic distances estimates between then are greater than between species of the related genus Mesomys. The median-joining analysis postulated the presence of two median vectors between I. bistriata haplotypes from adjacent localities, suggesting that genetic isolation between them is unrelated to geographic distance. These results confirm previous molecular differences suggesting that I.bistriata is a composite of several taxa. The karyotype of Isothrix negrensis also differs from those reported for I. bistriata and I. pagurus. In relation to the external morphology I. negrensis differs from I. bistriata by the overall darker dorsal coloration, head darker than dorsum, presence of a longitudinal line of blackish hairs in the proximal part of the tail extending until near to its base, dorsal surface of hind feet covered with yellowish hairs and stripe of light hairs in the head reduced to a small patch.  相似文献   

Karyologic analysis of Thrichomys specimens from different Brazilian localities, in Pantanal, Cerrado and Caatinga biomes, shows different chromosome complements. The 2n = 34, FN = 64 karyotype is found in Mato Grosso do Sul state; the 2n = 30, FN = 54 karyotype in Bahia, Pernambuco, Piauí and Ceará states; the 2n = 30, FN = 56 karyotype in Goiás and Tocantins states, the 2n = 28, FN = 50 karyotype in Minas Gerais state, the 2n = 28, FN = 52 and 2n = 26, FN = 48 karyotypes in Bahia state. Comparisons of G-band patterns allowed the identification of homologies shared by all karyotypes and show that the two karyotypes with the lowest diploid number (2n = 26 and 2n = 28) belong to two different evolutionary lineages. The most proper names for each karyomorphic population are: Thrichomys pachyurus for 2n = 34; Thrichomys apereoides apereoides for 2n = 28, FN = 50; Thrichomys apereoides laurentius for 2n = 30, FN = 54 and Thrichomys inermis for 2n = 26. Two karyotypes (2n = 28, FN = 52 and 2n = 30, FN = 56) could not be attributed to any subspecies. These different karyomorphotypes are allopatric and/or parapatric.  相似文献   

Echimyidae constitute the most important radiation of caviomorph rodents in the Neotropical region, represented by 20 extant genera and several extinct species. Both in extant and fossil forms, this diversity is reflected by a significant morphological variation found in crown structures of the cheek teeth. Different hypotheses of primary homology have been proposed for these structures, which, in turn, support diverse dental evolutionary hypotheses. In this contribution we inspect the main structures (cusps and lophids) of the lower deciduous teeth and molars in extinct and extant Echimyidae, and establish their topological correspondences. Comparisons with cusps and lophids of Erethizontidae are emphasized. We explore the testing of alternative primary hypotheses of lophid correspondences in a cladistic context. Following a ‘dynamic’ approach, we select the hypothesis of primary homology, which produced the more parsimonious results, and evaluate the evolutionary transformations of the dental characters analysed. In this context, the phylogenetic relationships of living Myocastor coypus (Molina, 1782) with the extinct Tramyocastor and Paramyocastor are tested. Our results indicate that pentalophodonty is the derived condition for the lower molars in Echimyidae, that trilophodonty evolved independently at least three times during the evolutionary history of these rodents, and that tetralophodonty represents the plesiomorphic condition. This study shows that dental evolution in echimyids can be better understood when occlusal structures are expressed as reliably comparable characters, and when fossils are taken into account. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 451–480.  相似文献   

The development and evolution of the rodent mandible have been studied in depth in recent years. The mandible is a complex structure because it consists of six morphogenetic components formed by different condensations of mesenchymal cells. Using recent techniques for the geometric analysis of shape, we have combined developmental information with a powerful quantification of shape variation and an independent estimate of phylogeny (molecular data) to assess the evolutionary patterns of shape change in mandibles of the rodent genus Trinomys . In general, the major trends in shape variation did not agree with the expected phylogenetic pattern. However, for small-scale morphological differences, one species ( T. yonenagae ) was responsible for the lack of association between morphology and molecular divergence. This species is genetically similar to but morphologically different from other Trinomys . The coronoid process was considered to be the most conservative morphogenetic component in the mandible.  相似文献   

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