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The Desertas Islands (Madeira, Portugal) are the sole home of one of the largest and rarest wolf spider species, Hogna ingens (Blackwall 1857) (Araneae, Lycosidae). Despite its size, it inhabits a single valley in the North of the Deserta Grande Island, Vale da Castanheira, currently invaded by the herb Phalaris aquatica. This invasive species competes with the native flora and was subject to several eradication experiments, namely through fire and chemicals. The objectives of this work were to: (1) estimate the current distribution and abundance of H. ingens and respective trends; (2) evaluate the impact of the invasive plant and eradication methods on the spider population; (3) suggest future measures for the recovery of the species; and (4) evaluate its conservation status according to the IUCN criteria.The current distribution of H. ingens covers 23 ha, a recent reduction from its original 83 ha, corresponding to the entire Vale da Castanheira. A total of 4447 and 4086 adults and 71,832 and 24,635 juveniles were estimated to live in the valley during 2011 and 2012, respectively. We found a significant negative impact of P. aquatica cover on the presence and abundance of H. ingens and that chemical treatment specifically directed towards the invasive plant species may be the only way to effectively recover the spider's habitat. We suggest (1) regular monitoring; (2) extend chemical treatments; (3) ex-situ conservation with future reintroduction of adults. Based on the current area of occupancy (AOO) of H. ingens and its recent decline in both AOO and number of individuals, it was recently classified as Critically Endangered by IUCN and we suggest its urgent inclusion in the Habitats Directive species lists.  相似文献   

Ten endemic Chinese bird genera are currently recognized: Nipponia, Tetraophasis, Chrysolophus, Crossoptilon, Ithaginis, Pseudopodoces, Rhopophilus, Kozlowia, Urocynchramus and Latoucheornis. Of these genera, Nipponia, Ithaginis, Pseudopodoces, Rhopophilus, Kozlowia, Urocynchramus and Latoucheornis are monotypic, while Tetraophasis, Chrysolophus and Crossoptilon are polytypic. In this paper, we first set up a database of the geographic distribution and suitable habitat requirements for each species of these endemic genera. Secondly we produced a modified habitat-based prediction of their distribution using GIS (ArcView 3.1) software overlap analysis. We then explored the spatial–temporal distribution patterns of different genera. By comparing the richness of the endemic genera in distributed areas, we identified centers of endemic avian biodiversity. These are: the northern and eastern Hengduanshan Mountains, and the Qinling, Dabashan and Minshan Mountain regions. Finally, we identified conservation hotspots with a higher priority based on these centers. These results may provide a valuable tool for identifying and conserving areas with high endemic biodiversity and methods for researching the biogeography of endemic genera, the evolutionary history of fauna and species differentiation.  相似文献   

Reseda pentagyna is the only endemic species among the seven species of the genera Reseda found in Saudi Arabia. Probably no information is available on regeneration by conventional method of regeneration through seeds or cuttings. Therefore, alternative method of tissue culture was attempted to regenerate and multiply the plant. High shoot regeneration (14.44 shoots/explant) was obtained after four weeks, when shoot cuttings cultured on MS containing BA at 1.0 µM. Other cytokinins e.g., Kn, 2iP and TDZ found to be less effective in bud induction and shoot multiplication. Individual shoots were rooted on MS medium supplemented with various auxins at 0.5–5.0 µM concentrations. The IBA (1.5 µM) supplemented MS media induced maximum (83.3%) rooting. The plantlets were acclimatized and hardened under greenhouse conditions in plastic pots containing soil and farm yard manure with 95.0% success. The protocol developed would help to multiply the plant as well as conserve them in natural habitat. This can also be utilized to obtain active constituents for pharmaceutics and genetic manipulations.  相似文献   

Oceanic island ecosystems harbour many endemic plant and animal species, which are often threatened because they have only a few small populations. Many factors contribute to the biological viability of such populations, such as demography and population dynamics, breeding system and pollination ecology, seed dispersal and genetic variation. In a collaborative project, all these factors were studied in the rare endemic, predominantly monoecious shrub Bencomia exstipulata Svent. (Rosaceae), which grows exclusively in the national parks of El Teide (Tenerife) and La Caldera de Taburiente (La Palma). Demography was monitored through annual censuses of individual plants in a natural and an augmented population on Tenerife. The breeding system and reproductive success were studied through bagging and pollination experiments, and insect visitation censuses. Seed dispersal by animals was assessed using cafetaria experiments. With matrix projection models and stochastic simulations, we show that the Tenerife population was demographically stable. This was largely explainable by the high survival of adult individuals. Despite frequent germination, successful seedling recruitment was very rare. Male and female flowers occurred in separate inflorescences within individuals, although some inflorescences were mixed and some shrubs were entirely male or female. Despite frequent visits by honeybees, the species is predominantly wind pollinated. Insect-proof bags reduced seed set by 12.5%, and pollen-proof bags by 44%. Large quantities of airborne pollen were detected on unbagged sticky microscope slides, this was 56% reduced by insect-proof and 96% by pollen-proof bags. Hence, some self-pollination also seems to occur. Cafetaria experiments showed that the local lizards (Gallotia galloti Oudart) readily eat the fruits and that the seeds pass through their intestines unharmed and germinable. Since other dispersal vectors are unknown, saurochory seems the most likely mode of dispersal. Our study strongly suggests that the population of B. exstipulata on Tenerife is viable, and that there are no significant threats associated with its breeding system, pollination or seed dispersal. To alleviate the natural extinction risk typical of narrow endemics, five main conservation measures are proposed.  相似文献   

Saruma henryi Oliv., the only representative of the monotypic genus Saruma Oliv. (Aristolochiaceae), is an endangered perennial herb endemic to China. It is a phylogenetically, ecologically, and medicinally important species. In the present study, inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were employed to investigate the genetic diversity and differentiation of 14 populations. A total of 16 selected primers yielded 175 bright and discernible bands, with an average of 10.94 per primer. POPGENE analysis showed that the genetic diversity was quite low at the population level (h = 0.0447–0.1243; I = 0.0642–0.1853; PPB = 10.29–36.57%), but pretty high at the species level (h = 0.2603; I = 0.3857; PPB = 73.71%). The hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a high level of genetic differentiation among populations (67.18% of total variance components, P < 0.001), in line with the gene differentiation coefficient (G ST = 0.6903) and the limited among-population gene flow (N m = 0.2243). Both Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) and UPGMA cluster analysis supported the grouping of all 14 populations into three geographic groups, among which there occurred a moderate level of genetic differentiation (33.18% of total variance components, P < 0.001) as shown by AMOVA analysis. In addition, Mantel test revealed a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances among populations (r = 0.7792, P = 0.001), indicating the role of geographic isolation in shaping its present population genetic structure. The present levels and patterns of genetic diversity of S. henryi were assumed to result largely from its breeding system, geographic isolation, clonal growth, its unique biological traits and evolutionary history. The high genetic differentiation among populations implies that the conservation efforts should aim to preserve all the extant populations of this endangered herb.  相似文献   

云南省野生稻资源保存保护现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年和1999年对云南省野生稻原生境进行考察,并结合云南野生稻的历史,阐述了云南野生稻的保护保存现状,云南野生稻原生境正在遭到严重的破坏,野生稻群体锐减,云南野生稻保护保存现状令人担忧.最后提出了保护保存云南野生稻资源的四点建议.  相似文献   

Sedimentation resulting from riparian deforestation has a wide range of detrimental effects on aquatic biodiversity, but predicting the full consequences of such disturbances requires an understanding of the ecosystem’s key functional components. We investigated the ecology and response to sedimentation of the diverse, endemic freshwater crabs of Lake Tanganyika, which may occupy important positions in littoral foodwebs. Our surveys revealed crab distribution patterns to be patchy, and that crabs can be locally abundant (0–28 individuals m−2). Crab densities decreased with depth and the dry mass of crab assemblages ranged from 0.0 to 117.7 g m−2. Comparisons among sites revealed significant effects of sedimentation on crab assemblage evenness, but provided no evidence that sedimentation has altered densities, incidence or species richness. The resilience of crabs to sedimentation might be related to their intraspecific dietary breadth. Stable isotope data (δ13C and δ15N) from crabs and their potential food resources indicated differences in trophic roles among endemic crab species. Overall, crabs occupy higher trophic positions than most other invertebrates, and they draw upon both benthic and planktonic energy pathways. The high biomass and top-predator status of some crab species suggests the potential for cascading effects on organisms lower in the food web.  相似文献   

The sabal palmetto woodland is a tropical plant formation dominated by Sabal mexicana, with restricted distribution to southeast Mexico. Sabal palms grow on poor soils but accumulate large quantities of organic substrate in their crowns, harboring a contingent of plants that use it as phorophyte. Although it is a threatened formation, basic information on its biodiversity is scant. We examined the floristic diversity of recruited (diameter at breast height, DBH, ≥1 cm) and understory (DBH ≤ 1 cm) plants, and its variation with anthropogenic disturbance. We also examined the floristic diversity of plants that use the sabal palms as phorophytes, and assessed its variation with human impact. All plants present in transects within a conserved and an adjacent perturbed area were sampled. The list of observed taxa shows that this vegetation has a clear affinity with tropical dry and wet forests of Mexico, with a small representation of taxa from desert ecosystems. The floristic contingent included a total of 81 species in 2000 m2. Richness, composition and diversity were affected by disturbance. Recruited and understory vegetation in the disturbed site were 5- and 1.6-times less diverse than in the conserved site, and species of mature, conserved vegetation were substituted by heliophytes in the disturbed site. In contrast, abundance of palms and diversity and identity of epiphytic/hemiepiphytic plants were not affected by disturbance. We show that even monodominated tropical ecosystems growing on poor soils have a high floristic diversity and that current anthropogenic impact threatens not only species and populations but also entire plant formations.  相似文献   

Cane is one of the important forest products after timber, form an integral part of a rural and tribal population of many of the tropical countries of South East Asia, Africa and America. Calamus nambariensis Becc. has been recognized as endemic and threatened cane to the North East region of India. The plant is restricted to only two pockets of Assam with a poor population size. Therefore, conservation of this plant through proper scientific investigation is utmost necessary. The present investigation has as its objectives to study the distribution, estimation of population size, standardization of suitable micropropagation methods for reintroduction and reinforcement in suitable wild habitat as determined by ecological niche modelling (ENM) for the purposes of conservation. For improving the conservation status of the species, potential area and habitat for reintroduction was determined using maximum entropy (MaxEnt) distribution modelling algorithm. The population size in both the site was found to be very poor i.e., mean density, frequency of occurrence and abundance in relation to other associated species was 0.600, 29.26 and 2.307 in Nambor Reserve Forest whereas 0.526, 27.407 and 2.112 respectively in Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary. Macropropagation of C. nambariensis was standardized here through seed germination which was found to be more efficient in terms of time and cost which revealed 87% germination in treated seeds, followed by 61% only for untreated seeds till 90 days. It was also observed that seedlings in the hilly slope of Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary (reinforcement) showed high survivability than that of the hilly slop of Lahorijan Reserve Forest (reintroduction). Further, survival rate was measured for 24 months, which revealed significantly very high on an average of 97.85% in both the locations, while 1200 numbers of C. nambariensis plantlets were transferred to the field. The present study could change the population size of C. nambariensis in its natural habitat, proving effective means for preventing extinction and improving conservation status of the plant.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the relationship between priority-setting in conservation and in taxonomy. A simple and generally applicable scheme is presented based on prior quantitative extinction threat evaluation. In the main part of the study we describe the assessment of the herbarium voucher collection date time series of 21 endemic fig tree species of Ficus sect. Oreosycea (Moraceae). The fig tree assessment is then compared with the available IUCN Red List data and with the collection information on two other groups of endemic tree radiations in New Caledonia: ebonies of Diospyros sect. Maba (Ebenaceae) and the Iguanura palm lineage (Arecaceae). We find a remarkably low level of extinction threat evident in Ficus but a pronounced need to differentiate between true species rarity and putative rarity of potential taxonomic artifacts. To this end it is proposed how such numerical evaluations can be used to set future priorities for the assessment or validation of the taxonomic and conservation status of taxa. The limitations and implications of the evaluation are discussed and relevant criteria for a meaningful analysis of collection records are listed. Finally, putting our results on woody plants into perspective, we briefly review the general conservation situation and outlook of New Caledonia, acknowledging both its high conservation priority and potential. Abbreviations: Note that different IUCN threat category classifications have been in use during the last decade and that some of the cited categories and their abbreviations have changed (IUCN 1994, 2001).  相似文献   

基于鸟类特有种亚种分化的保护优先性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们以中国鸟类特有种为代表,基于鸟类物种分化程度来探讨多样性保护优先区。本文参照105种中国特有鸟种的分化等级来制作物种地理分布图。依据生物种的概念,给单型种赋值“1”,对具有n各亚种分化的物种赋值“n”。利用GIS叠加与制图功能对物种的分布做图以反映不同区域的物种分化等级。结果发现分布中心赋值很高并以同心圆形式向周边递减,反映了物种在中国西南部横断山区至秦岭高度分化的地理格局,并由此向外递减。作为全球25个生物多样性热点之一的横断山区,可能不仅是物种种级而且是种下级多样性的热点。因此,该地区的多样性保护优先性,不仅要考虑目前物种多样性分布的格局而且要考虑其未来发展  相似文献   

In the state Meghalaya, northeast India, >80% of the forest lands are owned by local communities and managed by traditional institutions. These forests are under severe threats due to a number of human disturbances. The present study was conducted to assess the plant diversity and identify the community forests for priority conservation in Khasi Hills of Meghalaya. Floristic explorations carried out in the 87 forests reveals the presence of 1300 plant species of which 400 are either rare, endemic or threatened. Of the different forest categories, reserve forests had the highest number of species (1190), followed by sacred forests (987 species) and village forests (786 species). Majority of the forests (56) had high-species richness, irreplaceability level (42 forests) and vulnerability level (54). In terms of area, 13.8% (1666.8 ha) fall under low risk while 1855 ha under high risk zone. High risk zone was mostly represented by village forests. An area of 7661.56 ha of community forests falls under high priority category and hence calls for immediate conservation actions. The conservation priority map generated in the present study will help to concentrate the protection strategy to the demarcated and adjoining areas and help conservationists and planners to evolve effective strategies for conservation of the community forests.  相似文献   

The reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) is listed as a species of “least concern” on the Red List of Threatened Species of the World Conservation Union (IUCN). It is distributed in the northern part of China and semi-domesticated in the region. Here we present a comparison of the historical and current distribution and numbers of reindeer in China, as well as an assessment of the factors limiting population growth. Based on this information we explore potential protective measures for reindeer in China.The reindeer has been herded extensively by the Ewenki people, the only people to do so in China. Reindeer in China originated from the Wenduosenlin tundra highlands of Siberia. Capable of migrating more than 3000 km/year, the reindeer moved from the highlands to the Weitimu river during the 16th century and on to the Northeast area of China in 1654. Since 1957, 600 reindeer have settled in Qiqian in Inner Mongolia, and from 1965 more than 900 reindeer migrated from there to Mangui. In response to frequent flooding and a fluctuating reindeer population in the Mangui region, in 2003 the Ewenki people and more than 260 reindeer translocated from there to Aoluguya.Currently, eight meta-populations of reindeer comprising 773 individuals inhabit in the Arctic region of China. The reindeer population peaked in the 1970s at more than 1080 animals, but declined markedly from 1998 onwards mainly as a result of inbreeding, poaching, predation and tourism. The Chinese government's interest in wildlife protection is increasing, as evidenced by the introduction of wildlife protection laws and regulations, the importation of new reindeer varieties from Russia and the joining of the Association of World Reindeer Herders. However, natural reserves and national parks have still not been established within the reindeer's range in China to conserve this fragile population.  相似文献   

The people of Manipur, a state in northeast India, follow ancestral worship and animism in the form of deity worship, with the central focus on worship in forest patches. The beliefs and taboos associated with the Sylvan deities (Umanglais) in the forest patches are restricted to any sort of disturbance of flora and fauna. These social boundaries help to conserve the entire organism as a whole, which stand the concept of sacred groves. The pleasing of deities is performed every year by the Meiteis, a dominant community of Manipur, in honour of the deities and to gain their favour. Indigenous cultural and rituals practices of the local people in sacred groves serve as a tool for conserving biodiversity. Sacred groves are distributed over a wide ecosystem and help in conservation of rare and endemic species. Well-preserved sacred groves are store houses of valuable medicinal and other plants having high economic value, and serve as a refuge to threatened species. One hundred and sixty-six sacred groves were inventoried in Manipur valley that comprises Imphal east, Imphal west, Thoubal and Bishnupur districts of the state. Detailed studies were carried out in four selected sacred groves, to know the importance of biodiversity status and vegetation characteristics. A total of 173 plant species representing 145 genera under 70 families were recorded through baseline floristic survey. The species diversity indices were compared among the four studied groves. The vegetation composition and community characteristics were recorded. Ethnobotanical uses of species were examined, which reveal that 96% of the species were used as medicine for the treatment of various ailments. Utilization of herbal medicine by the Meiteis is closely related to the cultural and ritual practices. A few of the medicinal plants which have disappeared from the locality are now confined only to the groves. Socio-cultural aspects were investigated taking into account the attitudes of local people, which indicate social beliefs and taboo are eroding, simultaneously degrading the degree of protection of sacred groves. Therefore, conservation measures of sacred groves need to be formulated considering the factor of degradation and the basic necessities of the local people. Until and unless a viable option is provided to the local people (especially those who habitat nearby the adjoining areas) for sustaining their economic condition, no step for conservation of biodiversity will be successful.  相似文献   

The recent compilation of IUCN Action Plans for partridges and pheasants has highlighted the need for locality data to be used in conservation evaluation. Here we used locality data to measure changes in the proportion of localities from which each of 25 South East Asian species has been recorded, changes in their geographic extent and the amount of habitat that is potentially available to them. These are measures that use the data which are most readily available. Single landmass endemics from both montane and lowland forests appear to have fared badly with peacock pheasants Polyplectron and hill-partridges Arborophila suffering particularly large declines, although for montane forest species, these apparent declines are probably the result of relatively less survey effort in highland areas. Species previously widespread that give cause for concern include the green peafowl, Pavo muticus, and the blue-breasted quail, Coturnix chinensis. Conservation priorities include action on behalf of lowland forest specialists, some of which have suffered substantial reductions in the area of habitat that is potentially available. Surveys are required on the hills and mountains of Borneo, the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra, and in the Lesser Sundas. Increased resolution of vegetation data would permit more accurate prediction of species ranges.  相似文献   

De Silva et al . (2007) present an overview of the distribution and conservation status of the endemic freshwater fish of Asia. Within that review they use data from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ (2006) to conduct an analysis of the conservation status of those endemic fish species. Their analysis is incorrect and provides a very misleading impression of the level of threat to Asian freshwater fish and to freshwater fish at the global scale. The errors stem from a misinterpretation of the data presented on the IUCN Red List. The sources of errors are discussed below and the opportunity is taken to clarify what the information on the IUCN Red List represents.  相似文献   

中国濒危兽类保护基因组学和宏基因组学研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
揭示濒危兽类的演化历史、濒危机制及适应性演化策略,是保护生物学关注的重大科学问题。近十几年来,高通量测序技术的不断发展以及多学科交叉融合,为揭示濒危物种的演化历史、遗传结构、适应性演化及其与肠道微生物的协同演化的分子机制提供了重要的技术支撑,由此产生了保护基因组学和保护宏基因组学两个分支学科,为野生动物尤其是濒危动物的保护生物学研究提供了新的方向与思路。本文综述了我国在保护基因组学和保护宏基因组学领域取得的重要进展,并展望未来的发展趋势,以期进一步推动我国濒危兽类保护生物学的发展。  相似文献   

Entomology in Mauritius has historically been linked with the agricultural and medical fields but concern should now be directed towards the conservation of native forest insects given that they are key components of the local ecosystem. Despite its young age, small size and remoteness, the island has a well-developed native insect fauna with a high proportion of endemic species. A majority of the insect orders are represented on the island. We document the current state of knowledge for Mauritian arthropods, with particular focus on the Coleoptera. This is the most diverse order locally with 1,032 species. In addition, it is the best catalogued historically, providing a framework for future conservation studies to evaluate the current status of this group. We explore the current threats facing the native insect fauna and highlight the needs for concern on this vital component of local biodiversity. We recognize that the initial step for conserving the native insects will depend largely on the establishment of a local taxonomic knowledge base with international expert input.  相似文献   

Eighteen populations of the endangered aromatic and medicinal plant Mentha cervina (Lamiaceae) were sampled across its natural range, in the western half of the Iberian Peninsula, and inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs) markers were used to assess genetic diversity and population structure. M. cervina populations exhibited a relatively low genetic diversity (percentage of polymorphic loci PPB = 14.2–58.3%, Nei's genetic diversity He = 0.135–0.205, Shannon's information index I = 0.08 − 0.33). However, the genetic diversity at species level was relatively high (PPB = 98.3%; He = 0.325; I = 0.23). The results of the analysis of molecular variance indicated very structured populations, with 50% of the variance within populations, 44% among populations and 6% between regions defined by hydrographic basins, in line with the gene differentiation coefficient (GST = 0.532). A Mantel test did not find significant correlation between genetic and geographic distance matrices (r = 0.064), indicating that isolation by distance is not shaping the present genetic structure. The levels and patterns of genetic diversity in M. cervina populations were assumed to result largely from a combination of evolutionary history and its unique biological traits, such as breeding system, low capacity of dispersion, small effective size and habitat fragmentation. The high genetic differentiation among populations indicates the necessity of conserving the maximum possible number of populations. The results also provide information to select sites for ex situ conservation. Optimal harvesting strategies, cultivation and tissue culture should also be developed as soon as possible to guarantee sustainable use of the species under study.  相似文献   

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