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《Biotechnology advances》2017,35(8):936-949
With the rapidly growing number of sequenced microbial (meta)genomes, enormous cryptic natural product (NP) biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) have been identified, which are regarded as a rich reservoir for novel drug discovery. A series of powerful tools for engineering BGCs has accelerated the discovery and development of pharmaceutically active NPs. Here, we describe recent advances in the strategies for BGCs manipulation, which are driven by emerging technologies, including efficient DNA recombination systems, versatile CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tools and diverse DNA assembly methods. We further discuss how these approaches could be used for genome mining studies and industrial strain improvement.  相似文献   

Consideration of the possibilities and difficulties of detecting character displacement leads to a re-definition of the phenomenon; character displacement is the process by which a morphological character state of a species changes under Natural Selection arising from the presence, in the same environment, of one or more species similar to it ecologically and/or reproductively. This incorporates the principal ideas in the original definition given by Brown & Wilson (1956), but eliminates the restriction of making comparisons of the character states of a species in sympatry and allopatry. The evidence for the ecological (competitive) aspect of character displacement is assessed by analyzing in detail the best documented and well publicized examples in the literature. Some of the examples either do not exhibit displaced characters or, if they do, the “displacement” can be interpreted in other and perhaps simpler ways; this applies to the so-called classical case of character displacement, Sitta tephronota and S. neumayer in Iran. Other examples, involving lizards and birds, constitute better evidence for character displacement, but in no single study is it entirely satisfactory. It is concluded that the evidence for the ecological aspect of character displacement is weak.  相似文献   

Phosphonate natural products have proven to be a rich source of useful pharmaceutical, agricultural, and biotechnology products, whereas study of their biosynthetic pathways has revealed numerous intriguing enzymes that catalyze unprecedented biochemistry. Here we review the history of phosphonate natural product discovery, highlighting technological advances that have played a key role in the recent advances in their discovery. Central to these developments has been the application of genomics, which allowed discovery and development of a global phosphonate metabolic framework to guide research efforts. This framework suggests that the future of phosphonate natural products remains bright, with many new compounds and pathways yet to be discovered.  相似文献   

Significant advances have been made concerning the biosynthesis, regulation and genetic manipulation of plant natural products. These include insights into the structural biology of isoprenoid cyclization and polyketide condensation reactions, a better understanding of the molecular biology of plant cytochrome P450s and O-methyltransferases, and new information on the effects of natural products on human health.  相似文献   

The heterologous expression of natural product biosynthetic pathways is of increasing interest in biotechnology and drug discovery. It enables the (over)production of structurally complex substances through transfer of the biosynthetic genes from the original producer to more amenable heterologous hosts, and provides the basis to generate novel analogs through biosynthetic engineering. Furthermore, the lateral transfer of 'silent' (not expressed under standard laboratory conditions) secondary metabolite pathways or metagenomic DNA into surrogate host strains is expected to yield new, potentially bioactive compounds. This review discusses recent reports on the heterologous production of natural products with emphasis on polyketide and nonribosomally biosynthesized peptide compounds.  相似文献   

The use of proteomics for direct detection of expressed pathways producing natural products has yielded many new compounds, even when used in a screening mode without a bacterial genome sequence available. Here we quantify the advantages of having draft DNA-sequence available for strain-specific proteomics using the latest in ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry for both proteins and the small molecules they generate. Using the draft sequence of Streptomyces lilacinus NRRL B-1968, we show a >tenfold increase in the number of peptide identifications vs. using publicly available databases. Detected in this strain were six expressed gene clusters with varying homology to those known. To date, we have identified three of these clusters as encoding for the production of griseobactin (known), rakicidin D (an orphan NRPS/PKS hybrid cluster), and a putative thr and DHB-containing siderophore produced by a new non-ribosomal peptide sythetase gene cluster. The remaining three clusters show lower homology to those known, and likely encode enzymes for production of novel compounds. Using an interpreted strain-specific DNA sequence enables deep proteomics for the detection of multiple pathways and their encoded natural products in a single cultured bacterium.  相似文献   

State-of-the-art structure elucidation and dereplication of natural products is incomplete without the determination of enantiomeric purity, especially when compounds are to be biologically evaluated. An NMR procedure is presented in order to distinguish and determine enantiomers in natural product samples. The method is also of value in the structure elucidation process by providing information, which is otherwise of a non-routine nature. Using enantiomeric 1-acetoxychavicol acetates and carvones as model compounds, this study presents a chiral NMR procedure that allows distinction and determination of chiral antipodes of natural products in a routine set-up.  相似文献   

Carbon-phosphorus bond cleavage activity, found in bacteria that utilize alkyl- and phenylphosphonic acids, has not yet been obtained in a cell-free system. Given this constraint, a systematic examination of in vivo C-P lyase activity has been conducted to develop insight into the C-P cleavage reaction. Six bacterial strains were obtained by enrichment culture, identified, and characterized with respect to their phosphonic acid substrate specificity. One isolate, Agrobacterium radiobacter, was shown to cleave the carbon-phosphorus bond of a wide range of substrates, including fosfomycin, glyphosate, and dialkyl phosphinic acids. Furthermore, this organism processed vinyl-, propenyl-, and propynylphosphonic acids, a previously uninvestigated group, to ethylene, propene, and propyne, respectively. A determination of product stoichiometries revealed that both C-P bonds of dimethylphosphinic acid are cleaved quantitatively to methane and, furthermore, that the extent of C-P bond cleavage correlated linearly with the specific growth rate for a range of substrates. The broad substrate specificity of Agrobacterium C-P lyase and the comprehensive characterization of the in vivo activity make this an attractive system for further biochemical and mechanistic experiments. In addition, the failure to observe the activity in a group of gram-positive bacteria holds open the possibility that a periplasmic component may be required for in vivo expression of C-P lyase activity.  相似文献   

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Ecological transition zones, where organismal phenotypes result from a delicate balance between selection and migration, highlight the interplay of local adaptation and gene flow. Here, I study the response of an entire species assemblage to natural selection across a common ecotone. Three lizard species, distributed along a dramatic environmental gradient in substrate color, display convergent adaptation of blanched coloration on the gypsum dunes of White Sands National Monument. I investigate the role of gene flow in modulating phenotypic response to selection by quantifying color variation and genetic variation across the ecotone. I find species differences in degree of background matching and in genetic connectivity of populations across the ecotone. Differences among species in phenotypic response to selection scale precisely to levels of genetic isolation. Species with higher levels of gene flow across the ecotone exhibit less dramatic responses to selection. Results also reveal a strong signal of ecologically mediated divergence for White Sands lizards. For all species, phenotypic variation is better explained by habitat similarity than genetic similarity. Convergent evolution of blanched coloration at White Sands clearly reflects the action of strong divergent selection; however, adaptive response appears to be modulated by gene flow and demographic history and can be predicted by divergence-with-gene-flow models.  相似文献   

M cells are specialized epithelial cells mediating immune surveillance of the mucosal lumen by transepithelial delivery of Ags to underlying dendritic cells (DC). At least three M cell phenotypes are known in the airways and intestine, but their developmental relationships are unclear. We used reporter transgenic mouse strains to follow the constitutive development of M cell subsets and their acute induction by cholera toxin (CT). M cells overlying intestinal Peyer's patches (PPs), isolated lymphoid follicles, and nasal-associated lymphoid tissue are induced by distinct settings, yet show convergent phenotypes, such as expression of a peptidoglycan recognition protein-S (PGRP-S) transgene reporter. By contrast, though PP, isolated lymphoid follicle, and villous M cells are all derived from intestinal crypt stem cells, their phenotypes were clearly distinct; for example, PP M cells frequently appeared to form M cell-DC functional units, whereas villous M cells did not consistently engage underlying DC. B lymphocytes are critical to M cell function by forming a basolateral pocket and possible signaling through CD137; however, initial commitment to all M cell lineages is B lymphocyte and CD137 independent. CT causes induction of new M cells in the airway and intestine without cell division, suggesting transdifferentiation from mature epithelial cells. In contrast with intestinal PP M cells, CT-induced nasal-associated lymphoid tissue M cells appear to be generated from ciliated Foxj1(+)PGRP-S(+) cells, indicative of a possible precommitted progenitor. In summary, constitutive and inducible differentiation of M cells is toward strictly defined context-dependent phenotypes, suggesting specialized roles in surveillance of mucosal Ags.  相似文献   

Convergent maternal care strategies in ungulates and macropods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mammals show extensive interspecific variation in the form of maternal care. Among ungulates, there is a dichotomy between species in which offspring follow the mother ("following" strategy) versus species in which offspring remain concealed ("hiding" strategy). Here we reveal that the same dichotomy exists among macropods (kangaroos, wallabies and allies). We test three traditional adaptive explanations and one new life history hypothesis, and find very similar patterns among both ungulates and macropods. The three traditional explanations that we tested were that a "following" strategy is associated with (1) open habitat, (2) large mothers, and (3) gregariousness. Our new life-history hypothesis is that a "following strategy" is associated with delayed weaning, and thus with the "slow" end of the slow-fast mammalian life-history continuum, because offspring devote resources to locomotion rather than rapid growth. Our comparative test strongly supports the habitat structure hypothesis and provides some support for this new delayed weaning hypothesis for both ungulates and macropods. We propose that sedentary young in closed habitats benefit energetically by having milk brought to them. In open habitats, predation pressure will select against hiding. Followers will suffer slower growth to independence. Taken together, therefore, our results provide the first quantitative evidence that macropods and ungulates are convergent with respect to interspecific variation in maternal care strategy. In both clades, differences between species in the form of parental care are due to a similar interaction between habitat, social behavior, and life history.  相似文献   

Due to the worldwide prevalence of multidrug-resistant pathogens and high incidence of diseases such as cancer, there is an urgent need for the discovery and development of new drugs. Nearly half of the FDA-approved drugs are derived from natural products that are produced by living organisms, mainly bacteria, fungi, and plants. Commercial development is often limited by the low yield of the desired compounds expressed by the native producers. In addition, recent advances in whole genome sequencing and bioinformatics have revealed an abundance of cryptic biosynthetic gene clusters within microbial genomes. Genetic manipulation of clusters in the native host is commonly used to awaken poorly expressed or silent gene clusters, however, the lack of feasible genetic manipulation systems in many strains often hinders our ability to engineer the native producers. The transfer of gene clusters into heterologous hosts for expression of partial or entire biosynthetic pathways is an approach that can be used to overcome this limitation. Heterologous expression also facilitates the chimeric fusion of different biosynthetic pathways, leading to the generation of “unnatural” natural products. The genus Streptomyces is especially known to be a prolific source of drugs/antibiotics, its members are often used as heterologous expression hosts. In this review, we summarize recent applications of Streptomyces species, S. coelicolor, S. lividans, S. albus, S. venezuelae and S. avermitilis, as heterologous expression systems.  相似文献   

The past few decades have witnessed the development of novel naturally inspired biomimetic materials, such as polysaccharides and proteins. Likewise, the seemingly exponential evolution of genetic-engineering techniques and modern biotechnology has led to the emergence of advanced protein-based materials with multifunctional properties. This approach allows extraordinary control over the architecture of the polymer, and therefore, monodispersity, controlled physicochemical properties, and high sequence complexity that would otherwise be impossible to attain. Elastin-like recombinamers (ELRs) are emerging as some of the most prolific of these protein-based biopolymers. Indeed, their inherent properties, such as biocompatibility, smart nature, and mechanical qualities, make these recombinant polymers suitable for use in numerous biomedical and nanotechnology applications, such as tissue engineering, "smart" nanodevices, drug delivery, and protein purification. Herein, we present recent progress in the biotechnological applications of ELRs and the most important genetic engineering-based strategies used in their biosynthesis.  相似文献   

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