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Indigenous palm species of Paraguay are presented with data on their diversity, distribution, threats and conservation status. The Paraguayan palm flora consists of 23 native species in 11 genera, representing two of the five subfamilies recognized in the group. The palm distribution in the country is strongly related to the different ecoregions present in Paraguay, with number of species by ecoregion being as follow: Cerrado (18), Upper Parana Atlantic forest (6), Wet Chaco (4), Pantanal (2), and Dry Chaco (1). Half of the species display an acaulescent habit reflecting an interesting ecological adaptation to natural fires in the Cerrado. The alarming rate of habitat modification that the country is undergoing since 1940s has put palms under a high risk of extinction in the wild. A GIS model was used to calculate the extent of occurrence and the area of occupancy of the species in order to assess their conservation status applying the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. This analysis shows that about 30% of the species are threatened; one species is Critically Endangered, three of them are Endangered, and three are Vulnerable. One species (Acrocomia hassleri) is considered Near Threatened, 13 are Least Concern whereas two species are insufficiently known and therefore unable to be assessed. Important areas for palm conservation in Paraguay were identified, revealing the importance of the Amambay department. Conservation measures for the threatened species identified are proposed.  相似文献   

Palm forests of Copernicia alba are a rare habitat in the semi-arid Chaco of Northwestern Argentina, are centres of high species diversity, and provide key resources for many species. Our goal was to assess the conservation status of five C. alba patches in Northwestern Argentina: Reserve; Embarcación; Palma Sola; Vinalito; and, Talar. We compared patches to identify the sites with greatest conservation needs based on four criteria: population size structure; palm density (of individuals with height >1.30 m); probability of seedlings being browsed; and, presence of potential seed dispersers. We found that three (Embarcación, Reserve, and Talar) out of five sites had palm densities greater than 200 individuals/ha and only one site (Embarcación) showed a reverse J-shaped size structure for height. Reserve and Embarcación had the greatest probability of seedlings being browsed (0.99 ± 0.01 and 0.88 ± 0.12, respectively). A total of 14 potential disperser species of mammals and birds were recorded across the five sites. Only Reserve harboured all of the potential dispersers, but at least two potential disperser species were recorded at the other sites. None of the palm patches studied had an adequate conservation status. However, Embarcación met three out of four criteria, and therefore it can be considered to have the best conservation status in the semi-arid Chaco. Palma Sola and Vinalito have the greatest conservation needs. To conserve C. alba in Northwestern Argentina, strategies are needed that ensure seedling establishment for future populations to reach an adequate density and structure.  相似文献   

The Hondo River is the natural border between Mexico and Belize, and it is part of the distribution area of the Endangered Antillean manatee Trichechus manatus manatus. Currently, the Hondo River does not have any special protection. Employing qualitative research methods, we documented the social perception and local knowledge from riverside communities to assess conservation status and trends of manatees in the area. Fifty semi-structured interviews were carried out to river users in 16 Mexican communities, distributed in six segments along the riverbed. The claims of the inhabitants agree with boat-based surveys: most of the current and historical manatee sightings were reported in segments of the main watercourses, but also in small tributaries, which are usually shallow and rich in aquatic vegetation. Additionally, the local perception about manatee conservation status can be helpful to understand population trends and threats: 48 % of the interviewees claimed that nowadays the number of sighted manatees is less than that observed 10 years ago. The responders identified water pollution due to cane cultivation practices, motorized vessels traffic, and presence of fishing nets as potential threats to manatees. This study provides evidence of relevant local knowledge about the manatee ecology and its habitat, critical in the construction of binational conservation strategies for the species. Therefore, local resources users may play an increasingly significant role in manatee management and monitoring. Although manatees are poached for their meat in several areas of their distribution, the most common value attributed to manatees in Hondo River was non-use existence values. Local people recognize the challenges to observe this cryptic species in this river, but also identified manatees as potential flag species, suggesting that it may represent a valuable resource for ecotourism. We suggest that the non-extractive use of manatees has the potential for promoting species conservation and local economic growth.  相似文献   

Populations of naturally growing woody species valued for their contribution to human livelihoods are threatened with extinction. Most at risk are those existing in human inhabited areas outside protected areas that are subjected to high population pressure and to a variety of land use demands. The sustainable utilization of these plants requires as a first step knowledge, including, their ecology and an understanding of the peoples attitudes to conservation. This study was conducted to generate data that would contribute to the management for conservation and sustainable use of woody resources. The study objectives were to document local knowledge covering the uses, status, threats, habitats and management solutions of woody species; determine the abundances, distribution and population structure of 16 woody species, and assess the conservation status of the selected woody species. The study was carried out in Gadumire Sub-county, Uganda using both an ethnobotanical approach and quantitative ecological methods. The species are multipurpose and are exploited to satisfy different subsistence needs. They had population densities ranging between 3.6 and 2630 individuals ha−1, and distributions ranging between 0.3 and 39.5%. The species Acacia hockii, Albizia zygia, Acacia seyal, Markhamia lutea and Albizia coriaria had a good conservation status. The remainder of the species appear threatened either because they had low densities, frequencies or less steep size class distribution (SCD) slopes. Securidaca longipedunculata Fres. was not encountered at all in the study plots. Community perceptions collaborated the measured population dynamics. The major threats believed to be impacting the species by the community are the growing human population, expanding crop agriculture, poor harvesting methods and over-exploitation of the species.  相似文献   

To evaluate the conservation status of a species or population it is necessary to gain insight into its ecological requirements, reproduction, genetic population structure, and overall genetic diversity. In our study we examined the genetic diversity of Rhinopithecus brelichi by analyzing microsatellite data and compared them with already existing data derived from mitochondrial DNA, which revealed that R. brelichi exhibits the lowest mitochondrial diversity of all so far studied Rhinopithecus species. In contrast, the genetic diversity of nuclear DNA is high and comparable to other Rhinopithecus species, i.e. the examined microsatellite loci are similarly highly polymorphic as in other species of the genus. An explanation for these differences in mitochondrial and nuclear genetic diversity could be a male biased dispersal. Females most likely stay within their natal band and males migrate between bands, thus mitochondrial DNA will not be exchanged between bands but nuclear DNA via males. A Bayesian Skyline Plot based on mitochondrial DNA sequences shows a strong decrease of the female effective population size (Nef) starting about 3,500 to 4,000 years ago, which concurs with the increasing human population in the area and respective expansion of agriculture. Given that we found no indication for a loss of nuclear DNA diversity in R. brelichi it seems that this factor does not represent the most prominent conservation threat for the long-term survival of the species. Conservation efforts should therefore focus more on immediate threats such as development of tourism and habitat destruction.  相似文献   

Bats are diverse and ecologically important, but are also subject to a suite of severe threats. Evidence for localized bat mortality from these threats is well-documented in some cases, but long-term changes in regional populations of bats remain poorly understood. Bat hibernation surveys provide an opportunity to improve understanding, but analysis is complicated by bats'' cryptic nature, non-conformity of count data to assumptions of traditional statistical methods, and observation heterogeneities such as variation in survey timing. We used generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs) to account for these complicating factors and to evaluate long-term, regional population trajectories of bats. We focused on four hibernating bat species – little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus), tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus), Indiana myotis (M. sodalis), and northern myotis (M. septentrionalis) – in a four-state region of the eastern United States during 1999–2011.Our results, from counts of nearly 1.2 million bats, suggest that cumulative declines in regional relative abundance by 2011 from peak levels were 71% (with 95% confidence interval of ±11%) in M. lucifugus, 34% (±38%) in P. subflavus, 30% (±26%) in M. sodalis, and 31% (±18%) in M. septentrionalis. The M. lucifugus population fluctuated until 2004 before persistently declining, and the populations of the other three species declined persistently throughout the study period. Population trajectories suggest declines likely resulted from the combined effect of multiple threats, and indicate a need for enhanced conservation efforts. They provide strong support for a change in the IUCN Red List conservation status in M. lucifugus from Least Concern to Endangered within the study area, and are suggestive of a need to change the conservation status of the other species. Our modeling approach provided estimates of uncertainty, accommodated non-linearities, and controlled for observation heterogeneities, and thus has wide applicability for evaluating population trajectories in other wildlife species.  相似文献   

We compile a Mexican insular herpetofaunal checklist to estimate endemism, conservation status, island threats, net taxonomic turnover among six biogeographic provinces belonging to the Nearctic and Neotropical regions, and the relationships between island area and mainland distance versus species richness. We compile a checklist of insular herpetofaunal through performing a literature and collection review. We define the conservation status according to conservation Mexican law, the Red List of International Union for Conservation of Nature, and Environmental Vulnerability Scores. We determine threat percentages on islands according to the 11 major classes of threats to biodiversity. We estimate the net taxonomic turnover with beta diversity analysis between the Nearctic and Neotropical provinces. The Mexican insular herpetofauna is composed of 18 amphibian species, 204 species with 101 subspecies of reptiles, and 263 taxa in total. Endemism levels are 11.76% in amphibians, 53.57% in reptiles, and 27.91% being insular endemic taxa. Two conservation status systems classify the species at high extinction risk, while the remaining system suggests less concern. However, all systems indicate species lacking assessment. Human activities and exotic alien species are present on 60% of 131 islands. The taxonomic turnover value is high (0.89), with a clear herpetofaunal differentiation between the two biogeographic regions. The species–area and species–mainland distance relationships are positive. Insular herpetofauna faces a high percentage of threats, with the Neotropical provinces more heavily impacted. It is urgent to explore the remaining islands (3,079 islands) and better incorporate insular populations and species in ecological, evolutionary, and systematic studies. In the face of the biodiversity crisis, islands will play a leading role as a model to apply restoration and conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Threats and biodiversity in the mediterranean biome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim Global conservation assessments recognize the mediterranean biome as a priority for the conservation of the world's biodiversity. To better direct future conservation efforts in the biome, an improved understanding of the location, magnitude and trend of key threats and their relationship with species of conservation importance is needed. Location Mediterranean‐climate regions in California‐Baja California, Chile, South Africa, Australia and the Mediterranean Basin. Methods We undertook a systematic, pan‐regional assessment of threats in the mediterranean biome including human population density, urban area and agriculture. To realize the full implications of these threats on mediterranean biodiversity, we examined their relationship with species of conservation concern: threatened mammals at the global scale and threatened plants at the subecoregional scale in California, USA. Results Across the biome, population density and urban area increased by 13% and agriculture by 1% between 1990 and 2000. Both population density and urban area were greatest in California‐Baja California and least in Australia while, in contrast, agriculture was greatest in Australia and least in California‐Baja California. In all regions lowlands were most affected by the threats analysed, with the exception of population density in the Chilean matorral. Threatened species richness had a significant positive correlation with population density at global and subecoregional scales, while threatened species were found to increase with the amount of urban area and decrease as the amount of natural area and unfragmented core area increased. Main conclusions Threats to mediterranean biodiversity have increased from 1990 to 2000, although patterns vary both across and within the five regions. The need for future conservation efforts is further underlined by the positive correlation between species of conservation concern and the increase in population density over the last decade. Challenges to reducing threats extend beyond those analysed to include human–environmental interactions and their synergistic effects, such as urbanization and invasive species and wildfires.  相似文献   

Orchidaceae has the largest percentage of threatened genera and species in relation to other plant families. One of the largest neotropical genus in this family is Epidendrum, represented in Brazil by 130 species. In this study, we assessed the conservation status of 63 Brazilian endemic species of Epidendrum. We characterized the extinction risk following the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) assessment guide, using criterion B. We considered species with a minimum number of four samples with confirmed occurrence localities and we measured the decline in quality or absolute reduction in the geographical distribution area of the species due to vegetation suppression (conditions bi, bii and biii of criterion B) in the last 35 years, using data available in MAPBIOMAS. A total of 2,754 records belonging to 37 assessed species were gathered, other 24 species were classified as Data Deficient (DD), and two were not assessed. Among the assessed species, 10 were categorized as Endangered (EN), six as Vulnerable (VU), 10 as Near Threatened (NT) and 11 as Least Concern (LC). The results reveal that epiphytic species of the Atlantic Forest were more frequently assessed in some degree of threat (55%). E. strobilicaule Hágsater & Benelli had the largest reduction of distribution area in the last 35 years to the classes of human use that include economical activities, while E. paniculosum Barb.Rodr. showed the smallest reduction. The main threats of the last 35 years for the analyzed species were conversion of land to pastures, urbanization, and the conversion of land to a mosaic of agriculture and pasture. This study provides important information about the conservation status of Brazilian endemic species of Epidendrum, helping to fill an expressive gap of non-assessed species.  相似文献   

Dehaasia pugerensis Koord. & Valeton is a threatened Indonesian Lauraceae species. It is an endemic tree known only from Jember Regency in East Java. To enhance the conservation of D. pugerensis, we conducted a population survey in several locations in Jember where the species were previously collected. The objectives were to: i) assess the current population status of D. pugerensis, ii) collect plant materials (seed, seedling, or cutting) to serve as ex situ collections, and iii) update the conservation status of the species according to IUCN Red List Category and Criteria. We only found D. pugerensis in 6 out of 16 locations in Wuluhan and Ambulu District during the survey. We successfully located 560 individuals of the species, of which 194 individuals (34.6%) were in the mature stage. Based on the diameter and height classes, the population of D. pugerensis formed a reverse J-shaped size distribution. We successfully collected 23 seeds and 15 seedlings of the species for ex situ collections. Our findings showed that the current status of D. pugerensis is Critically Endangered (CR) based on criteria B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)and C2a(ii). Under these categories, the species faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. Therefore, prompt comprehensive conservation actions are needed to ensure the survival of the species.  相似文献   

The recent industrial boom along the Australian coastline has increased concerns about the long term conservation of snubfin dolphins along the Queensland coast. National assessment of the conservation status and management of the Australian snubfin dolphin is currently hindered by the lack of adequate biological and ecological information throughout most of its range. In response to the issue of determining the conservation status of species with broad ranges, the IUCN has provided a framework for assessing the threatened status of regional populations. In this study we assessed the conservation status of a small geographically isolated population of snubfin dolphins living in the Fitzroy River region, Queensland, Australia, against the IUCN criteria for regional populations. A review of all available sightings data and stranding information indicates that this is the southernmost resident population of snubfin dolphins in Australian waters. The Fitzroy River snubfin dolphin population is composed of less than 100 individuals, with a representative range and core area of less than 400 and 300 km2 respectively. The area most often used by snubfin dolphins within the representative range and core area was estimated to be about 292 and 191 km2, respectively. A decrease in representative range, core area and preferred habitat between 14 and 25% is projected to occur if a planned industrial port development were to occur. These results are robust to uncertainty and considering the low level of formal protection and future threats, a classification of this subpopulation under the IUCN Red List as “Endangered” is appropriate.  相似文献   

We assessed the distribution, population size and conservation status of Candidula coudensis, a recently described endemic land snail from Portugal. From March 2013 to April 2014, surveys were carried out in the region where the species was described. We found an extent of occurrence larger than originally described, but still quite small (13.5 km2). The species was found mainly in olive groves, although it occurred in a variety of other habitats with limestone soils, including grasslands, scrublands and stone walls. Minimum population estimate ranged from 110,000–311,000 individuals. The main identified potential threats to the species include wildfires, pesticides and quarrying. Following the application of IUCN criteria, we advise a conservation status of either “Least Concern” or “Near-threatened” under criterion D (restricted population).  相似文献   

Genus Rusa, belonging to the deer family Cervidae is native to the Indo-Malaya Archipelago (IMA). However, detailed information on the Rusa genus in the IMA is limited. This review provides comprehensive information on the Rusa genus in the IMA including, threats and conservation efforts. There are four species of deer in Rusa genus, which is Sambar deer (Rusa unicolor), Javan deer (Rusa timorensis), Visayan spotted deer (Rusa alfredi) and Philippine deer (Rusa marianna). Despite their wide distribution in the South Asian and Southeast Asian regions, they are under serious threats. Some conservation efforts that are being done to protect and conserve them among others are; (1) facilities protection, (2) habitat enrichment programme, (3) Ex-situ conservation, (4) legislations, and (5) captive breeding. Conservation through genetics is also an important step in conserving these species. Recommendations for conservation of the genus are also discussed; 1. maintenance of ecosystem. 2. more effective monitoring system on the existing protected area. 3. ex-situ conservation, and 4. habitat monitoring.  相似文献   

In 2007 we conducted a field study of almost 6 mo to determine the distribution of Callicebus oenanthe, formerly known as the Andean titi monkey. There previously has been no extensive study on the distribution and status by other fieldworkers. We visited a total of 96 localities within or around the presumed distribution of this rare primate species to determine the distribution of Callicebus oenanthe. We collected additional information on group size and threats to the species. Our expeditions revealed that the species is not endemic to the Alto Mayo Valley, as earlier authors suggested, but that its distribution extends into the Bajo Mayo and Huallaga Central. The study area is heavily deforested, and to date only one area was found where a viable population might live, although further research is needed to confirm this. The species lives in the southern part of its distribution in sympatry with another, undescribed species of Callicebus. We will continue the study to determine more precisely the distribution and conservation status of the Callicebus oenanthe, to determine if conservation measures are necessary for this species. This is the first activity of a long-term project for the conservation of Callicebus oenanthe initiated by La Vallée des Singes Primate park.  相似文献   

Amphibians are the most threatened Class of vertebrate, with wetland-associated anurans in particular suffering high levels of habitat loss. We used predictive modelling to better understand the distribution of a critically endangered South African endemic (Hyperolius pickersgilli) and to guide conservation action. MaxEnt distribution models were produced based on limited occurrence data. Predicted localities with probability of occurrence ≥60% were surveyed. Ten new sub-populations were discovered. The mean probability of occurrence for the species at wetlands where it was detected was greater than that at wetlands where it was not detected or absent. In addition, 17 known historical localities were re-visited and the species deemed absent at 8 of these. The total number of localities at which the species is now known to occur is 18, which is an increase in the known extant sub-populations of six. We recalculate the area of occupancy and extent of occurrence for the species as 108 km2 and 2081.5 km2, respectively; both increases on previous estimates. Implications of these changes on the IUCN Red List status of H. pickersgilli are discussed. A friction map was created to identify possible linkages between sub-populations, which can be used to guide habitat restoration and population repatriation. Given the degree of isolation of subpopulations and the potentially severe threats to most of these, urgent conservation action for H. pickersgilli remains crucial. This study provides a method for use in conservation planning for wetland-breeding amphibians in eastern coastal regions of Africa and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Nepenthes lavicola Wistuba & Rischer (Nepenthaceae) is a pitcher plant endemic to the northern tip of Sumatra Island, Indonesia. Due to its narrow geographic distribution and threats from a volcanic eruption and illegal harvesting by pitcher plant hunters, N. lavicola was assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) under criteria B1 + 2c of the IUCN Red List in 2000. Here, we report two new additional locations of N. lavicola in Aceh Tengah Regency, along with the population data and habitat characteristics of the species in each location. Based on our findings, we propose Endangered (EN) B1ab(iii) + 2ab(iii),C2a(i) as the new conservation status of N. lavicola. The new proposed status has a lower category of threat than the current status of the species. Nevertheless, under the new category, N. lavicola is still considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild. Comprehensive and immediate conservation actions are required to halt the species from extinction.  相似文献   

Estimates of population density and abundance are essential for the assessment of nonhuman primate conservation status, especially in view of increasing threats. We undertook the most extensive systematic primate survey yet of the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania, an outstanding region for primate endemism and conservation in Africa. We used distance sampling to survey three arboreal monkey species, including the endangered and endemic Udzungwa red colobus (Procolobus gordonorum). Overall, we encountered 306 primate clusters over 287 km walked along 162 line transects. We found the lowest cluster densities for both red colobus and Angolan colobus (Colobus angolensis; 0.8 clusters/km2) in the least protected forest (Uzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve, US), while we found the highest densities (3.2 and 2.6 clusters/km2 for red colobus; 3.2 and 2.7 clusters/km2for Angolan colobus) in two large and protected forests in the national park. Unexpectedly, Magombera, a small forest surrounded by plantations, had the highest densities of red colobus (5.0 clusters/km2), most likely a saturation effect due to the rapid shrinking of the forest. In contrast, Sykes’ monkey (Cercopithecus mitis monoides/moloneyi) had more similar densities across forests (3.1–6.6 clusters/km2), including US, suggesting greater resilience to disturbance in this species. For the endemic red colobus monkey, we estimated an abundance of 45–50,000 individuals across all forests, representing ca. 80% of the global population. Though this is a relatively high abundance, the increasing threats in some of the Udzungwa forests are of continued concern for the long-term survival of red colobus and other primates in the area.  相似文献   

To optimize conservation efforts, it is necessary to determine the risk of extinction by collecting reliable population information for a given species. We developed eight novel, polymorphic microsatellite markers and used these markers in conjunction with twelve existing markers to measure genetic diversity of South Korean populations of leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis), a species for which population size and habitat area data are unknown in the country, to assess its conservation status. The average number of alleles and the observed heterozygosity of the species were 3.8 and 0.41, respectively, and microsatellite diversity was lower than the average genetic diversity of 57 populations of 12 other felid species, and lower than that of other mammal populations occurring in South Korea, including the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), water deer (Hydropotes inermis), and endangered long-tailed goral (Naemorhedus caudatus). Furthermore, analysis of genetic structure in the national leopard cat population showed no clear genetic differentiation, suggesting that it is not necessary to divide the South Korean leopard cat population into multiple management units for the purposes of conservation. These results indicate that the genetic diversity of the leopard cat in South Korea is unexpectedly low, and that the risk of local extinction is, as a result, substantial. Thus, it is necessary to begin appropriate conservation efforts at a national level to conserve the leopard cat population in South Korea.  相似文献   

A brief review of the geometrid fauna of the large island of Tasmania and a simple analysis of its conservation status and threats are presented. The fauna comprises 310 species of which Ennominae contribute slightly less than half the total and Larentiinae one third; 23% of the geometrid fauna is endemic at species level. Mixed eucalypt-rainforest is identified as the richest wet forest habitat in geometrid species. Using distribution data at 10  km resolution, the most widespread and most restricted taxa are identified. The conservation status of Lepidoptera living above 800 m is relatively good. However, coastal species and those associated with herb-rich native grasslands are under some pressure from habitat change. Three species of geometrid moths are listed as threatened in Tasmania’s Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 but several others may qualify for listing.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an integrative framework to assess the conservation status of rare plant populations that combines population trends with four criteria to assess habitat vulnerability. We illustrate how population trends can be studied using a presence/absence method for a species that is inappropriate for a demographic study. The four other criteria concern habitat fragmentation, the human footprint in the surrounding landscape, observed impacts on a population and elements of habitat structure and quality that may impinge on population status. Each criterion is assessed with various indicators that can be adapted to the biology and ecology of the studied species. To test the feasibility of the proposed framework, we perform a case study of a Mediterranean geophyte Allium chamaemoly L., a species listed for protection in France. The results show a wide range of conservation status among a regional set of populations in the study species. Variation among the indicators used to assess different criteria illustrates the importance of assessing a range of different factors and ways to combine them if population conservation status is to be objectively identified. The study of diverse criteria may allow for a more precise assessment of the causes of differences in conservation status among populations of a single species. The framework of five criteria could be adapted by modification or substitution of indicators or adaptation of thresholds among classes, and thus be applied to other species of conservation importance.  相似文献   

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