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Salt Lakes in Australia: Present Problems and Prognosis for the Future   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Australia is a land of salt lakes and despite low human population density, many lakes are adversely impacted by a range of factors. Secondary salinisation is the most pernicious force degrading lakes, especially in south-west Western Australia where up to 30% of the landscape is predicted to be affected. Mining also impinges on many salt lakes in this state, mainly through the dewatering of saline groundwater. Exploitation of groundwater for irrigation caused some lakes in Victoria, Australia, to dry, especially the significant Red Rock Complex. Global climate change will result in new water balances in endorheic lakes, with most having less water, particularly the seasonal lakes of southern Australia. This has already happened in Lake Corangamite, Victoria, but the prime reason is diversion of inflowing floodwater. Consequently, the lake has retreated and become salinised compromising its status as a Ramsar site. Various other lakes suffer from enhanced sedimentation, have introduced biota or their catchments are being disturbed to their detriment. Enlightened management should be able to maintain some important lakes in an acceptable condition, but, for most others, the future is bleak.  相似文献   

Studies on shallow lakes from the north temperate zone show that they alternate between clear and turbid water states in response to control factors. However, the ecology of semi-arid to arid shallow Mediterranean lakes is less explored. Hydrological effects (e.g. water level fluctuations, water residence time) on major ions and nutrient dynamics and processes, and ecology of submerged macrophytes appear to have a crucial role for food webs in shallow Mediterranean lakes. Nutrient control may be of greater priority in eutrophicated warm shallow lakes than in similar lakes at higher latitudes. This will be relevant for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive, and conservation and management of these ecosystems. Strong trophic cascading effects of fish resulting from dominance of omnivorous and benthivorous fish species, whose diversity is usually high, together with frequent spawning and absence of efficient piscivores, seem to be the reason for the lack of large-bodied grazers that could control phytoplankton. However, such effects may vary within the region depending on fish distribution and community. These factors need elaboration in order to allow shallow lake ecologists and managers to develop better restoration strategies for eutrophicated shallow Mediterranean lakes. Consequently, modifications for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive for determining ecological status in shallow Mediterranean lakes appear to be necessary. Furthermore, the implications of climate warming may be even more challenging than in high latitude lakes since shallow lakes in the Mediterranean region are among the most sensitive to extreme climate changes. There is an urgent need for data on the ecology of shallow lakes in the region. An appeal is made for international cooperation, development of large-scale research and information exchange to facilitate this and a web-based discussion list has been implemented.  相似文献   

Exploitation of land and water resources has increased rapidly in North Africa during the 20th century, paralleling regional population growth. As part of the CASSARINA Project (see Flower, 2001), the environmental status of nine wetland lakes in Morocco, Tunisia, and Egypt was evaluated. All are conservationally important habitats and several are Ramsar Sites (internationally recognized bird reserves) and several support significant fisheries. All are shallow (<2 m in depth) but vary greatly in area.Where available, documentary information on relevant 20th century changes is given. Survey transects for aquatic vegetation were established and used to provide baseline ecological information on the aquatic plant communities during 1997–1999. Unusually, one site (Tunisian Megene Chitane) supported acidophilous vegetation (some taxa being nationally rare). Aquatic macrophytes declined catastrophically at two sites during the 1990s. Merja Bokka was drained in 1998 and, at Garaet El Ichkeul, fringing Phragmites and Scirpus spp. were lost, mainly as a result of salinity changes. Elsewhere, fringing macrophytes remain (extensively so in the Nile Delta lakes) common, despite major land reclamation and water quality problems, or are degraded by grazing (Merja Zerga). Marginal vegetation during 1997/98 changed markedly at Megene Chitane due to water level lowering.Documentary records indicated that throughout the 20th century, reclamation and hydrologic modifications, mainly for agricultural purposes, affected all nine sites. The loss of lake area by reclamation is substantial for the Nile Delta lakes (Edku, Burullus and Manzala). For the western sites, some data indicate increasing salinity in the most recent decade but the Delta lakes have become generally fresher during the 20th century, as supply of Nile water for irrigation increased.Despite intense human disturbance, many of the remaining CASSARINA sites still support regions of high aquatic diversity. Spatial scale monitoring of the larger sites for seasonal and inter-annual changes in open water area and in aquatic plant abundances is a key requirement for integrated environmental change assessment in the 21st century.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to draw a general picture of the phytoplankton community in peri-Alpine lakes, including for the first time a broad data set of six deep peri-Alpine lakes, belonging to the same geographical region. The objective was to define the main key drivers that influence the phytoplankton community composition in this particular vulnerable region, for which the impacts of climate change have been demonstrated to be stronger than on a global average. The phytoplankton was investigated with a particular focus on cyanobacteria and using a classification approach based on morpho-functional groups. We hypothesized that phytoplankton in peri-Alpine lakes is mainly driven by nutrient loads as well as by water temperatures, variables that are strongly influenced by climate change and eutrophication. Though different phytoplankton configurations among lakes were partly due to their geographical (altitude) position, assemblages were mostly linked to temperature and nutrients. Furthermore, the results confirmed the significant role of the spring fertilization on the seasonal phytoplankton development. Cyanobacteria were related to the increasing annual average of air and water temperature gradient and therefore might become more important under future warming scenario. Air temperatures have a significant impact on water temperature in the uppermost meters of the water column, with a stronger influence on warmer lakes.  相似文献   

Climate warming and major land-use changes have profoundly affected the Mongolian landscape in the past several decades. Previous studies have recognized the impacts of a warmer, more arid climate and Mongolia’s 1991 transition from a command to a market economy on terrestrial ecosystems, including impaired sustainability of subsistence herding and threats to wild animals. In this study, we examined the combined effects of changing climate and herding practices on lake eutrophication in Western Mongolia. We sampled 65 lakes for modern nutrients and found the majority of lakes were eutrophic to hyper-eutrophic. Sediment cores were taken from five of the lakes to compare current lake status to paleolimnologial measures of lake eutrophication over the past 100–2000 years, including changes in diatom assemblages, diatom-inferred total phosphorus, biogenic silica, organic matter, and sediment accumulation rates. Variance partitioning analysis showed that recent shifts in diatom assemblages were related to changes in both climate and herding practices. The results presented here demonstrate a need for further study and long-term monitoring of water quality in Mongolia to understand the complicated interactions of climate and land use on aquatic resources and to preserve water quality in this remote and ecologically important region.  相似文献   

There is growing concern that harmful cyanobacterial blooms are increasing in frequency and occurrence around the world. Although nutrient enrichment is commonly identified as a key predictor of cyanobacterial abundance and dominance in freshwaters, several studies have shown that variables related to climate change can also play an important role. Based on our analysis of the literature, we hypothesized that temperature or water‐column stability will be the primary drivers of cyanobacterial abundance in stratified lakes whereas nutrients will be the stronger predictors in frequently mixing water bodies. To test this hypothesis, as well as quantify the drivers of cyanobacteria over different scales and identify interactions between nutrients and climate‐related variables, we applied linear and nonlinear mixed‐effect modeling techniques to seasonal time‐series data from multiple lakes. We first compared time series of cyanobacterial dominance to a published lake survey and found that the models were similar. Using time‐series data of cyanobacterial biomass, we identified important interactions among nutrients and climate‐related variables; dimictic basin experienced a heightened susceptibility to cyanobacterial blooms under stratified eutrophic conditions, whereas polymictic basins were less sensitive to changes in temperature or stratification. Overall, our results show that due to predictable interactions among nutrients and temperature, polymictic and dimictic lakes are expected to respond differently to future climate warming and eutrophication.  相似文献   

Over-abstraction of water places unsustainable pressures on river ecosystems, with the impacts amplified under drought conditions. Freshwater fishes are particularly vulnerable due to associated changes in water quality, and habitat availability, condition and connectivity. Accordingly, fish assemblages are ideal indicators of the impacts of drought and over-abstraction. The Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), south-eastern Australia, terminates at the Ramsar listed Coorong and Lower Lakes, which comprise Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert. Over-abstraction and extreme drought during the last decade has placed these lakes under severe environmental stress. The purpose of this study was to investigate shifts in fish assemblages caused by substantial water level recession and salinization in the Lower Lakes. Small-bodied fish assemblages were sampled at the beginning and several years into the drought. Off-lake habitats held diverse fish assemblages in 2003, but most sites were dry by 2009. Remaining habitats were disconnected, salinities increased substantially, and aquatic vegetation shifted from freshwater to salt-tolerant species. There was a substantial decline in the proportion of specialist species, especially diadromous and threatened species, and an emerging dominance of generalist freshwater and estuarine species. The findings warn of the inevitable ecological impact of over-allocating water for human use in drought-prone regions, and highlight the need for adequate environmental water allocations. This study also emphasises that understanding the ecological attributes of a fish species, and the subsequent assignment to a functional group, will help predict vulnerability to decline and extirpation.  相似文献   

A review of stratigraphic, radiocarbon, pollen, and aerial photographic data on the Swan Coastal Plain, south-western Australia, allows interpretation of long-term changes in climate and its effects on wetlands during the Holocene, whereas monitoring wetland hydrology and vegetation provides a measure of shorter-term changes. The information provides models for basin wetland response to changing climate. Drying climates shift wetlands to drier conditions, turning lakes into seasonally inundated or waterlogged basins, or resulting in an overall loss of wetlands, and favours more saline conditions, and development of carbonate deposits. Wetter conditions results in more frequent inundation, shifting damplands to sumplands or lakes, and resulting in fresher water conditions, and development of peat and/or organic matter enriched deposits. Examples of wetland basin responses to climate change across the Swan Coastal Plain show differential responses depending on setting, spatial distribution, hydrology, hydrochemistry and geochemistry, different temporal frameworks, and biological resilience.  相似文献   

AIMS: Despite the biodiversity values of the freshwater floodplains of northern Australia being widely recognized, there has not been a concomitant investment in developing the extent of knowledge of the basic functions and ecological processes that underpin the ecological character of these habitats. This review addresses the extent of our knowledge on the plant ecology of these wetlands and covers: the relationships between the climate and the hydrological regime on the floodplain; the vegetation patterns, succession and adaptation; and primary production. SCOPE: Information is available on the seasonal, but less regularly on the inter-annual, dynamics of the macrophytic vegetation and its evident inter-relationship with the extent, depth and duration of inundation by seasonal flooding. The available scientifically collected information on plant distribution and relationship with the water regime could be complemented by more attention to traditional knowledge. The productivity of the vegetation is high-the dominant wetland grass species have an annual dry weight production of 0.5-2.1 kg m-2 and the surrounding riparian (Melaleuca) trees contribute litterfall of 0.7-1.5 kg (dry weight) m-2 year-1, approximately 70% due to leaf-fall. The availability of dissolved oxygen in the water is known to vary diurnally and seasonally, at least in some habitats. The importance of seasonal differences in the availability of dissolved oxygen for the growth of micro- and macrophytic vegetation has not been investigated. The seasonal distribution and growth of plant species on a few floodplains have been investigated, and maps at scales of 1:10,000 to 1:100,000 are available for these. However, only on a few occasions have longer term analyses been conducted and long-term changes in the vegetation measured and assessed. Species lists and categorization of growth strategies and forms are available and provide a basis for further ecological investigation. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the large investment in managing the many pressures that have degraded the ecological character of these highly valued wetlands, the fundamental ecological processes that underpin the biodiversity values have not received the same level of attention. Further information on plant growth and the environmental factors that drive seasonal and annual changes in vegetation distribution and productivity is required to assist managers in attending to changes due to increasing invasive species and changes in fire regimes.  相似文献   

The status of wetland inventory and classification is considered for 44 European countries, as well as for the continent as a whole. Data and information were obtained from questionnaires compiled by the International Waterfowl and Wetland Research Bureau, the MedWet sub-project on inventory and monitoring, and the Ramsar Bureau. Nine European countries have national wetland inventories, and 32 have inventories of sites of international importance listed under the Ramsar Convention. There has been a trend in producing regional or continental inventories for wetlands that are important as waterfowl habitat. There is an urgent need to produce wetland inventories for all European countries. The Ramsar database takes into consideration hydrological and economic wetland values, as well as ecological ones. The Ramsar classification lists a total of 35 wetland types, and is sufficiently flexible that it could be used for classifying European wetlands at the national scale.  相似文献   

While extensive knowledge exists on the relationship between nutrient loading and nutrient concentrations in lakes in the cold temperate region, few studies have been conducted in warm lakes, not least in warm arid lakes. This is unfortunate as a larger proportion of the world’s lakes will be situated in arid climates in the future due to climate change and a larger proportion will suffer from a higher frequency of intensive drought. We conducted a comprehensive 11–13 year mass balance study in two interconnected shallow Mediterranean lakes in Turkey, covering a period with substantial changes in climate conditions. The upstream lake was only affected by natural changes in nutrient loading, while the downstream lake was additionally influenced by sewage diversion and restoration by fish removal. Contrasting to experience from north temperate lakes we found an increase in in-lake concentrations of total phosphorus and inorganic nitrogen (ammonia as well as nitrate) in dry years despite lower external nutrient loading, and submerged macrophytes did not increase the nitrogen retention capacity of the lakes. In contrast, fish removal modulated the nitrogen concentration as in north temperate lakes, but the effect was not long-lasting. Our results suggest that climate warming reduces the nutrient retention capacity of shallow lakes in the Mediterranean and exacerbates eutrophication. Lower thresholds of nutrient loading for shifting turbid shallow lakes to a clear water state are therefore to be expected in arid zones in a future warmer climate, with important management implications.  相似文献   

The anticipated impacts of climate change on aquatic biota are difficult to evaluate because of potentially contrasting effects of temperature and hydrology on lake ecosystems, particularly those closed‐basin lakes within semiarid regions. To address this shortfall, we quantified decade‐scale changes in chemical and biological properties of 20 endorheic lakes in central North America in response to a pronounced transition from a drought to a pluvial period during the early 21st century. Lakes exhibited marked temporal changes in chemical characteristics and formed two discrete clusters corresponding to periods of substantially different effective moisture (as Palmer Drought Severity Index, PDSI). Discriminant function analysis (DFA) explained 90% of variability in fish assemblage composition and showed that fish communities were predicted best by environmental conditions during the arid interval (PDSI 相似文献   

1. A method based on hierarchical clustering and Bayesian probabilities is used to identify phytoplankton assemblages and analyse their pattern of occurrence and temporal coherence in three deep, peri‐alpine lakes. The hierarchical properties of the method allowed ranking by order of importance of the effects of changes related to climate and to human activity on the phytoplankton structure. 2. The three deep, peri‐alpine lakes (the Lower Zurich, Upper Zurich and Walen lakes) investigated in this study have been monitored since 1972. During that period they have undergone oligotrophication as a result of management programmes and they have been subject to similar meteorological effects that have led to higher water temperatures since 1988. 3. The phytoplankton assemblages of the most eutrophic lake (Lower Zurich) differ strongly from those observed in the two meso‐oligotrophic lakes. Local environmental conditions appear to be the main factor responsible for species composition and change in climate characterised by the warmer water temperatures observed since 1988 have had a major impact on the winter composition of the lower basin of Lake Zurich by promoting Planktothrix rubescens. 4. Some phytoplankton assemblages are found in all the lakes. Their patterns of occurrence display strong synchrony at the annual and/or inter‐annual scales. However, temporal coherence between the lakes sometimes also involves different assemblages. 5. The reduction in phosphorus had a great influence on long‐term changes in composition. In all three lakes, decreases in phosphorus are associated with a community characterised by some mixotrophic species or species adapted to low nutrient concentrations or sensitive to transparency. In the Lower Lake Zurich the decrease in phosphorus has also led to the development of species adapted to low light intensities. 6. Seasonal meteorological forcing has also induced synchronous changes, but the same assemblages are not necessarily involved, because the pool of the well‐placed candidate taxa that may develop is determined by the local environmental conditions, and mainly by phosphorus concentrations. In the most eutrophic lake, the seasonal pattern is characterised by a succession of more stages. However, the seasonal assembly dynamics involve the succession of species sharing common selective advantages that make them relatively stronger under these nutrient and light conditions.  相似文献   

Tissue water relations of four co-occurring chaparral shrubs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Chaparral shrubs of California have a suite of morphological and physiological adaptations to withstand the prolonged summer droughts of a mediterranean climate. Not all species of chaparral have the same rooting depth and there is some evidence that those with shallow roots have tissue that is most tolerant to water stress. We tested this notion by comparing the tissue water relations of four co-occurring chaparral shrubs: Quercus durata, Heteromeles arbutifolia, Adenostoma fasciculatum, and Rhamnus californica. We used a pressure-volume technique and a dew-point hygrometer to metsure seasonal changes in osmotic potential when plant tissue was fully hydrated and osmotic potential at predawn, midday, and the turgor loss point. We also calculated seasonal changes in the minimum daily turgor potential, saturated weight/dry weight ratio of leaf tissue, and the bulk modulus of elasticity. We had information on the seasonal water use patterns and apparent rooting depths of these same four shrubs from a previous study (Davis and Mooney 1986). All evidence indicated that Rhamnus had shallow roots and Quercus deep roots. Our results indicated that the tissue water relations of our four co-occurring chaparral shrubs were not alike. Even though Rhamnus had shallow roots, it had the least xerophytic tissue. Seasonal osmotic potential and saturated weight/dry weight ratios were relatively high and bulk modulus of elasticity and minimum daily turgor potentials were low. Furthermore, even though Quercus had deep roots and experienced no seasonal water stress at our study site, its tissue water relations indicated relatively high tolerance to water stress. We conclude that seasonal drought tolerance of stem and leaf tissue of co-occurring chaparral shrubs does not necessarily correspond to rooting depth, to soil moisture resources available to the shrub, or to the degree of seasonal water stress experienced by the shrub.  相似文献   

The concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) is an important attribute of aquatic ecosystems, influencing habitat, drinking water quality, biodiversity, nutrient biogeochemistry, and greenhouse gas emissions. While average summer DO concentrations are declining in lakes across the temperate zone, much remains unknown about seasonal factors contributing to deepwater DO losses. It is unclear whether declines are related to increasing rates of seasonal DO depletion or changes in seasonal stratification that limit re-oxygenation of deep waters. Furthermore, despite the presence of important biological and ecological DO thresholds, there has been no large-scale assessment of changes in the amount of habitat crossing these thresholds, limiting the ability to understand the consequences of observed DO losses. We used a dataset from >400 widely distributed lakes to identify the drivers of DO losses and quantify the frequency and volume of lake water crossing biologically and ecologically important threshold concentrations ranging from 5 to 0.5 mg/L. Our results show that while there were no consistent changes over time in seasonal DO depletion rates, over three-quarters of lakes exhibited an increase in the duration of stratification, providing more time for seasonal deepwater DO depletion to occur. As a result, most lakes have experienced summertime increases in the amount of water below all examined thresholds in deepwater DO concentration, with increases in the proportion of the water column below thresholds ranging between 0.9% and 1.7% per decade. In the 30-day period preceding the end of stratification, increases were greater at >2.2% per decade and >70% of analyzed lakes experienced increases in the amount of oxygen-depleted water. These results indicate ongoing climate-induced increases in the duration of stratification have already contributed to reduction of habitat for many species, likely increased internal nutrient loading, and otherwise altered lake chemistry. Future warming is likely to exacerbate these trends.  相似文献   

Aim The main goal of this study was to investigate how climate and human activities may have influenced ecotonal areas of disjoint savannas within Brazilian Amazonia. Location Eastern Brazilian Amazonia, Amapá State. Methods The fossil pollen and charcoal records of two lakes in Amapá (Marcio and Tapera) were used to provide a Holocene palaeoecological history of eastern Amazonian savannas. Detrended correspondence analysis was used to enhance the patterns of sample distribution along the sediment core. Results Even though sedimentary hiatuses were recognized in the sediment cores from both lakes, a marked change in vegetation from closed forests with swamp elements to open flooded savanna at c. 5000 yr bp was evident from the pollen record. Charcoal analysis revealed a pattern of increased accumulation of charred particles coincident with the establishment of savanna vegetation, suggesting higher fire frequency near the lakes. Because the timing of the sedimentary hiatus overlapped with the highest Holocene sea level, which would have increased the local water table preventing the lakes from drying out, we infer that both lakes used to depend heavily on flood waters, and the sedimentary gap was caused by reduced discharge from the Amazon River, due to a dry period in the Andes, when precipitation levels markedly decreased between 8000 and 5000 yr bp . The lack of Andean pollen (probably river transported) in the sediment record after this event and the existence of similar records near the study site make this interpretation more appealing. The resumption of sedimentation in Lake Marcio, contemporaneous with falling sea level and increasingly wet conditions in the Andes after 5000 yr bp , indicates that Holocene sea‐level variation did not play an important role in maintaining lake levels. Main conclusions The study site recorded long‐term occupation by pre‐Columbian peoples. However, it is still unclear whether these disjoint savannas have an anthropogenic origin. Even though locally dry environmental conditions were inferred from both records, there is no evidence of a mid‐Holocene dry climate in eastern Amazonia. Instead, the Amapá record indicates a connection between Andean climate and eastern Amazonia, demonstrating the need for a better understanding of the impacts and magnitude of climate changes.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of the vertical structure of small saline Lake Uchum, located in the steppe arid zone of the south of Siberia (Krasnoyarsk krai), has been studied in detail for the first time. This lake is a meromictic water body. We have revealed a heterogeneous vertical distribution of plankton organisms and a dense population of purple sulfuric bacteria in the redox zone. The taxonomic composition and seasonal dynamics of phyto- and zooplankton are described. Presumably, the meromixis of Lake Uchum is due to the inflow of fresh water to the surface of the saline water body during the rise of its level in the early 20th century, similarly to lakes Shira and Shunet located nearby. The processes of salt displacement into the solution during the formation of ice, as well as the precipitation of salts in the winter, also contribute to the maintenance of permanent stratification. The information on the current state of the lake can be useful for reconstructing the climate by bottom sediments, as well as for creating a model of water quality and investigating the therapeutic properties of lake mud.  相似文献   

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