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The basic features of the life cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi have been known for nearly a century. Various aspects of the life cycle, however, have been elucidated only recently, whilst others remain either controversial or unstudied. Here, we present a revised life cycle influenced by recent findings and specific questions that remain unresolved.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas. Although the nuclear chromatin of this parasite is organized in the form of nucleosome filaments, its chromatin is physically and enzymatically fragile, and no condensation into chromosomes occurs during mitosis. All previous investigations have been carried out with epimastigote form in its proliferate stage. It is not known whether these differences in chromatin structure are also found in the non-proliferate stationary epimastigote forms and in tissue derived trypomastigotes. Our results confirm that chromatin of logarithmic epimastigotes presents limited compaction when increasing salt concentrations from 1 to 100 mM NaCl, and no 30-nm fibers were formed. Contrary to these results, non-proliferative forms of the parasites showed a pattern of compactation similar to that observed in rat liver chromatin, where solenoids of 30-nm fibers are formed at 100-mM NaCl. In accordance with these results, digestion of the nuclear chromatin with DNase I revealed that the chromatin of logarithmic phase epimastigotes was more accessible to the enzyme. We conclude from these results that structural differences in the chromatin exist not only between T. cruzi and higher eukaryotes but also among various forms of the parasite. The functional significance of these differences are currently under investigation.  相似文献   

Glycosphingolipids are endocytosed and targeted to the Golgi apparatus, but are mistargeted to lysosomes in numerous sphingolipidoses. Substrate reduction therapy utilizes imino sugars to inhibit glucosylceramide synthase and potentially abrogate the effects of storage. Gaucher disease is a hereditary deficiency in glucocerebrosidase leading to glucosylceramide accumulation; however, Gaucher fibroblasts exhibited normal Golgi transport of lactosylceramide. To better understand the effects of glycosphingolipid accumulation on intracellular trafficking and the use of imino sugar inhibitors, we studied sphingolipid endocytosis in fibroblast and macrophage models for Gaucher disease. Treatment of fibroblasts or RAW macrophages with conduritol B epoxide, an inhibitor of lysosomal glucocerebrosidase, resulted in a change in the endocytic targeting of lactosylceramide from the Golgi to the lysosomes. Co-treatment of macrophages with conduritol B-epoxide and 12-25 microM N-butyldeoxygalactonojirimycin, an inhibitor of glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, prevented the mistargeting of lactosylceramide to the lysosomes and restored trafficking to the Golgi. Surprisingly, higher doses (>25 microM) of NB-DGJ induced targeting of lactosylceramide to the lysosomes, even in the absence of conduritol B-epoxide. These data demonstrate that both increases and decreases in glucosylceramide levels can dramatically alter the endocytic targeting of lactosylceramide and suggest a role for glucosylceramide in regulation of membrane transport.  相似文献   

The replication and segregation of organelles producing two identical daughter cells must be precisely controlled during the cell cycle progression of eukaryotes. In kinetoplastid flagellated protozoa, this includes the duplication of the single mitochondrion containing a network of DNA, known as the kinetoplast, and a flagellum that grows from a cytoplasmic basal body through the flagellar pocket compartment before emerging from the cell. Here, we show the morphological events and the timing of these events during the cell cycle of the epimastigote form of Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan parasite that causes Chagas' disease. DNA staining, flagellum labeling, bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, and ultra-thin serial sections show that nuclear replication takes 10% of the whole cell cycle time. In the middle of the G2 stage, the new flagellum emerges from the flagellar pocket and grows unattached to the cell body. While the new flagellum is still short, the kinetoplast segregates and mitosis occurs. The new flagellum reaches its final size during cytokinesis when a new cell body is formed. These precisely coordinated cell cycle events conserve the epimastigote morphology with a single nucleus, a single kinetoplast, and a single flagellum status of the interphasic cell.  相似文献   

The infection pattern in Swiss mice and Triatomine bugs (Rhodnius neglectus) of eleven clones and the original stock of a Trypanosoma cruzi isolate, derived from a naturally infected Didelphis marsupialis, were biochemically and biologically characterized. The clones and the original isolate were in the same zymodeme (Z1) except that two clones were found to be in zymodeme 2 when tested with G6PDH. Although infective, neither the original isolate nor the clones were highly virulent for the mice and lesions were only observed in mice infected with the original stock and one of the clones (F8). All clones and the original isolate infected bugs well while only the original isolate and clones E2 and F3 yielded high metacyclogenesis rates. An observed correlation between absence of lesions in the mammal host and high metacyclogenesis rates in the invertebrate host suggest a evolutionary trade off i.e. a fitness increase in one trait which is accompanied by a fitness reduction in a different one. Our results suggest that in a species as heterogeneous as T. cruzi, a cooperation effect among the subpopulations should be considered.  相似文献   

It has been known for many years that trypanosomatids require exogenous essential growth factors in order to divide. Two surface domains are involved in starting nutrient endocytosis: the flagellar pocket and the cytostome. Although the flagellar pocket plays a fundamental role in the endocytic process occurring in several trypanosomatids, we have shown the cytostome as the main structure involved in this process in epimastigote forms of T. cruzi. After one minute of endocytosis, cargo is still found at the cytostome entry as well as along the cytopharynx. After two, five and fifteen minutes of endocytosis, cargo was seen inside vesicles and tubules, prior to fusing with reservosomes. Three-dimensional reconstruction of these tubules and vesicles showed they are interconnected, forming an intricate and branched network, distributed from the perinuclear region to the posterior end of the cell. Whole unfixed parasites that had taken up gold-protein conjugates for fifteen minutes were washed and dried on electron microscope grids. Observation with an energy-filtering transmission electron microscope revealed long gold-filled tubules at the posterior end of the cell. Parasites treated with ammonium chloride had their intracellular traffic slowed down, which allowed us to observe many events of vesicle fusion. The acidic nature of this network was evidenced using acridine orange. Based on pH and protein uptake kinetics we propose that the vesicular-tubular network is the early endosome of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes.  相似文献   

Utilizing the previously reported inter-clonal differences in total DNA/organism, flow cytometry was used to analyze the population dynamics of Trypanosoma cruzi clone mixtures growing in liquid medium or vertebrate cells. The growth of clone mixtures in liquid medium can be described by unique parameters reflecting exponential growth rate (r), stationary phase population density (1/k), and the interaction between the clones (h). The relative numbers of each clone in the population change rapidly with time and the results arc in quantitative agreement with mathematical models of competitive population growth. The relationship between the parameters for T. cruzi is such that, in general, there is no dynamic equilibrium with coexistence of clones with different growth rates; under all culture protocols, the faster growing clone will prevail. A computer simulation of the vertebrate cell cycle of T. cruzi suggests that clone mixtures grow relatively independently; the basic attributes of the model were substantiated experimentally. Although wide fluctuations in the proportion of each clone released occurred, the faster growing clone again predominated. Finally, these results underline the importance of working with well-defined clones in the laboratory to avoid inconsistencies and paradoxical results and stress the importance of the rapid isolation of single cell clones from clinical specimens when studying the relationship of the parasite to human disease.  相似文献   

After cell surface receptors are internalized for endocytosis, they are accurately sorted in endosomes. Some are recycled to the plasma membrane and others are downregulated by delivery to lysosomes. Evidence is rapidly accumulating that ubiquitination of cargo proteins acts as a sorting signal during endocytosis. Sorting devices that recognize ubiquitin are distributed to various compartments, probably acting in a concerted manner. Cholesterol is enriched in the plasma membrane and endosomes, and is involved in protein sorting by forming microdomains called lipid rafts. Ubiquitin and cholesterol hold the key to control the endocytic sorting, and they are likely acting cooperatively.  相似文献   

Lipid rafts, formed by the lateral association of sphingolipids and cholesterol in the external membrane leaflet, have been implicated in membrane traffic and cell signaling in mammalian cells. Yeast plasma membranes were also recently shown to contain lipid raft microdomains consisting of sphingolipids and ergosterol, and containing several plasma membrane proteins, including Gas1p, a GPI-anchored protein, and the [H+] ATPase Pma1p. In this study, we investigated whether lipid rafts were involved in the intracellular trafficking of a yeast transporter, uracil permease, which undergoes ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis. Regardless of its ubiquitination status, uracil permease was found to be associated with rafts in the plasma membrane. The expression of Fur4p in lcb1–100 cells, deficient in the first enzyme of sphingolipid synthesis, impaired the association of Fur4p with detergent-resistant fractions. When targeted to endocytic compartments, uracil permease appeared to be progressively transferred to detergent-soluble fractions, suggesting that the lipid environment might change between plasma membrane and endosomes. Consistent with this hypothesis, the wild-type form of the v-SNARE Snc1p, which is known to cycle between the plasma membrane and endosomal compartments, was recovered in both detergent-resistant and detergent-soluble fractions. In contrast, a variant Snc1p that accumulates at the plasma membrane was recovered exclusively in detergent-resistant fractions .  相似文献   

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