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Biological invasions can have severe and widespread impacts on ecological communities. A few species of ants have become particularly damaging invaders but quantitative data of their impacts on many taxa is still lacking. We provide experimental evidence using artificial nests baited with quail eggs that the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) can be a significant avian nest predator – Argentine ants recruited to more nests and in higher abundance than the native ant species they displace. However, at a site invaded by Argentine ants, we monitored over 400 nests of a ground-nesting species, the Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis), and found that less than 2% of nests failed as a result of Argentine ant predation/infestation. A review of the literature also suggests that Argentine ants may not be a serious threat to bird nests relative to other predators or parasites. However, invasive ants with the capability of overwhelming prey though stinging (specifically the red-imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta), may have a higher impact on avian nesting success. Received 14 January 2005; revised 28 April 2005; accepted 12 May 2005.  相似文献   

Colonial breeding is characteristic of seabirds but nesting at high density has both advantages and disadvantages and may reduce survival and fecundity. African penguins (Spheniscus demersus) initiated breeding at Robben Island, South Africa in 1983. The breeding population on the island increased in the late 1990s and early 2000s before decreasing rapidly until 2010. Before the number breeding peaked, local nest density in the areas where the colony was initiated plateaued, suggesting that preferred nests sites were mostly occupied, and the area used by breeding birds expanded. However, it did not contract again as the population decreased, so that nesting density varied substantially. Breeding success was related positively to the prey available to the breeding birds and negatively to local nest density, particularly during the chick-rearing period, suggesting a density-dependence operating through social interactions in the colony, possibly exacerbated by poor prey availability when the breeding population was large. Although nest density at Robben Island was not high, nesting burrows, which probably reduce the incidence of aggressive encounters in the colony, are scarce and our results suggest that habitat alteration has modified the strength of density-dependent relationships for African penguins. Gaining a better understanding of how density dependence affects fecundity and population growth rates in colonial breeders is important for informing conservation management of the African penguin and other threatened taxa.  相似文献   

GREGORY J. ROBERTSON 《Ibis》1995,137(1):109-115
Nesting site selection and nesting success in Common Eiders Somateria mollissima were studied over a 3-year period (1991–1993) in the Mast River delta (58o24'N, 94o24'W), 40 km east of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Eiders preferentially nested on islands that had incubating Lesser Snow Geese Anser caerulescens caerulescens on them; this effect was also seen between years on the same islands. Eiders which nested on islands with geese had a reduced chance of having eggs taken by predators during egg-laying and had a greater chance of hatching once incubation had begun, independent of the number of other eiders nesting on the island. The distance to a goose nest was less in nests which did not lose eggs prior to incubation than in those which did, but there was no difference in the distance to a goose nest in eider clutches which did or did not hatch. Artificial eider eggs placed closer to goose nests had a lower probability of being predated than those placed farther away. Nests on islands farther up the river and farther from the mainland had higher nesting success, presumably because these nesting islands were inaccessible to Arctic Foxes Alopex lagopus.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Competition for nest sites by sympatric species can lead to resource partitioning among species. We examined the partitioning of cavity resources by Red-and-green Macaws ( Ara chloropterus ), Blue-and-yellow Macaws ( A. ararauna ), and Scarlet Macaws ( A. macao ) in the lowland forest of southeast Peru. Red-and-green Macaws nested primarily in cavities in emergent Dipteryx trees, and Blue-and-yellow Macaws nested predominantly in palm snags. Scarlet Macaws had the broadest nesting niche, and their use of cavities overlapped that of the other two species. These differences in cavity use may be related to differences in size, with Red-and-green Macaws the largest of the three species (90 cm long, 1050–1320 g), followed by Scarlet Macaws (85 cm long, 1060–1123 g) and Blue-and-yellow Macaws (70 cm long, 1086 g). We did not observe interspecific conflicts between Blue-and-yellow Macaws and the other two species. However, Scarlet and Red-and-green macaws frequently compete for cavities, perhaps contributing to the use of a wider range of cavity resources by the smaller, less competitive Scarlet Macaws. For the three macaw species combined, 40 of 84 nests (48%) were successful, fledging either one or two young (mean = 1.4 ± 0.43). The overall reproductive output (including failed nests) was 0.60 ± 0.68 fledglings per nesting pair, with no difference between macaw species ( P > 0.18). A lack of alternative nest substrates for large macaws may drive resource partitioning by sympatric species, with specialization on either emergent trees or palm snags, whereas less competitive species like Scarlet Macaws need to be flexible and use a variety of nest sites.  相似文献   

The factors underlying the occurrence of communal nesting in a natural population of fat dormouse ( Glis glis ) breeding in nest-boxes have been analysed on the assumption that such behaviour is adaptive. Since co-nesting females were previously shown to be close kin (prevalently mother-daughter pairs), they were expected to obtain kin-selected benefits not enjoyed by solitary breeders. The only advantage so far detected accrues to the younger partner, which gives birth, on average, several days earlier than it would as a solitary breeder and thus allows its progeny to attain a heavier weight by the time of hibernation. On the other hand, pup predation in the nest, presumably caused by the older female towards the younger's litter, was occasionally recorded. On the whole, it is perhaps more plausible that communal nesting results from delayed dispersal of yearling females when a high population density limits breeding space, as proposed for other small rodents.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of Blackbirds Turdus merula breeding in contiguous woodland and farmland habitats was studied over three years. The aim of the study was to investigate how reproductive success was influenced by nestling diet and the provisioning rates of parents feeding nestlings. Parental provisioning rates increased with brood size, and consequently individual nestlings were no lighter in larger broods. None of the environmental factors measured had strong effects on parental provisioning rate. The nestling diet was dominated by caterpillars and earthworms, the former occurring in a short period in the middle of the breeding season. The availability of earthworms was higher in woodland and was dependent on rainfall in farmland. Nestling mass and provisioning rates were marginally higher under predominantly earthworm diets. Nestling mass increased with rainfall in farmland only, and was higher in farmland than in woodland or woodland-edge, although it is doubtful whether this result is of any significance for fledgling survival. Overall, Blackbirds were able to provision their nestlings adequately throughout the breeding season across a range of conditions. There was no evidence to suggest that reproductive success was constrained by aspects of feeding ecology within the natural range of brood size.  相似文献   

Minimizing the risk of nest predation has led some bird species to exploit the nest defense behavior of other species. At Nasaruvaalik Island, Nunavut, Canada, some common eiders (Somateria mollissima borealis) nest within the boundaries of Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) colonies, while others nest elsewhere on the island, away from the terns. We tested the effects of location (within vs. outside the tern colonies), density of common eider nests, and annual variation on the nesting parameters of common eiders. Our results suggest that nesting in association with Arctic terns does not confer an obvious benefit to eiders. Such associative nesting of eiders and terns may be the result of overlapping habitat preferences between the two species, or a general scarcity of suitable nesting habitat for ground-nesting species in the high Arctic. However, eiders nesting in higher densities with other eiders had greater nest success and lower total clutch predation, indicating a positive correlation between nest density and success.  相似文献   

As human populations and associated development increase, interactions between humans and wildlife are occurring with greater frequency. The effects of these interactions, particularly on species whose populations are declining, are of great interest to ecologists, conservationists, land managers and natural resource policy‐makers. The American Oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus, a species of conservation concern in the USA, nests on coastal beaches subject to various forms of anthropogenic disturbance, including aircraft overflights, off‐road vehicles and pedestrians. This study assessed the effects of these human disturbances on the incubation behaviour and reproductive success of nesting American Oystercatchers at Cape Lookout National Seashore, on the Atlantic coast of the USA. We expanded on‐going monitoring of Oystercatchers at Cape Lookout National Seashore by supplementing periodic visual observations with continuous 24‐h video and audio recording at nests. Aircraft overflights were not associated with changes in Oystercatcher incubation behaviour, and we found no evidence that aircraft overflights influenced Oystercatcher reproductive success. However, Oystercatchers were on their nests significantly less often during off‐road vehicle and pedestrian events than they were during control periods before the events, and an increase in the number of off‐road vehicles passing a nest during incubation was consistently associated with significant reductions in daily nest survival (6% decrease in daily nest survival for a one‐vehicle increase in the average number of vehicles passing a nest each day; odds ratio = 0.94; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.90, 0.98) and hatching success (12% decrease in hatching success for a one‐vehicle increase in the average number of vehicles passing a nest each day; odds ratio = 0.88; 95% CI 0.76, 0.97). Management of vehicles and pedestrians in areas of Oystercatcher breeding is important for the conservation of American Oystercatchers.  相似文献   

Ortega YK  McKelvey KS  Six DL 《Oecologia》2006,149(2):340-351
Although exotic plant invasions threaten natural systems worldwide, we know little about the specific ecological impacts of invaders, including the magnitude of effects and underlying mechanisms. Exotic plants are likely to impact higher trophic levels when they overrun native plant communities, affecting habitat quality for breeding songbirds by altering food availability and/or nest predation levels. We studied chipping sparrows (Spizella passerina) breeding in savannas that were either dominated by native vegetation or invaded by spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa), an exotic forb that substantially reduces diversity and abundance of native herbaceous plant species. Chipping sparrows primarily nest in trees but forage on the ground, consuming seeds and arthropods. We found that predation rates did not differ between nests at knapweed and native sites. However, initiation of first nests was delayed at knapweed versus native sites, an effect frequently associated with low food availability. Our seasonal fecundity model indicated that breeding delays could translate to diminished fecundity, including dramatic declines in the incidence of double brooding. Site fidelity of breeding adults was also substantially reduced in knapweed compared to native habitats, as measured by return rates and shifts in territory locations between years. Declines in reproductive success and site fidelity were greater for yearling versus older birds, and knapweed invasion appeared to exacerbate differences between age classes. In addition, grasshoppers, which represent an important prey resource, were substantially reduced in knapweed versus native habitats. Our results strongly suggest that knapweed invasion can impact chipping sparrow populations by reducing food availability. Food chain effects may be an important mechanism by which strong plant invaders impact songbirds and other consumers.  相似文献   

Migratory birds have a narrow time window to breed, especially in the Arctic, where early nesting typically yields the highest reproductive success. We assessed temporal changes (1991–2015) in reproductive success components in relation to timing of breeding in greater snow geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica). This species breeds in the Canadian Arctic, a region that has experienced a strong warming trend. We tested the effect of laying or hatching date, year and their interaction on six reproductive components: Total clutch laid, nesting success, egg survival, hatching success, prefledging, and postfledging survival. Over 25 years, mean laying date changed little, even though it advanced 1.8 days in early breeders and was delayed 3 days in late breeders. Likewise, the number of eggs in nests initiated early in the season decreased by 0.6 egg, whereas in late nests it increased by 0.3 egg. Success of nests initiated early and late in the season was lower than nests initiated near the population mean, and consistently increased over time. The proportion of eggs surviving to partial predation and postfledging survival decreased with laying date but the pattern did not change over time. In contrast, prefledging survival was not affected by laying date initially but declined in nests initiated late in the season toward the end of the study. Overall, nests initiated close to the population mean showed little temporal change for most components of reproductive success and seem to be less affected by environmental change than nests initiated early and late in the season.  相似文献   

I analyzed nest site preferences and whether these preferences were linked to nest success of five bird species breeding in an arid area of southern South America. Most nests (90%) were located in three plant species (Geoffroea decorticans, Capparis atamisquea, and Atriplex lampa). Serpophaga griseiceps, Poospiza ornata, and P. torquata nested in plants with size significantly different from randomly selected plants. At the mesohabitat scale (i.e., habitat patch surrounding the nest), four species showed clear differences from random patches within the general habitat, and the remaining species (Saltatricula multicolor) showed a non-significant trend. The daily survival rate of S. griseiceps nests placed in the preferred plant species (i.e., G. decorticans) was lower than those in the other nest-plants. In the other four bird species, nest survival did not differ between preferred and other plants used for nesting. At the scale of microhabitat (i.e., plant size and location of the nest inside the plant), no significant differences were detected between unsuccessful and successful nests. Similarly, unsuccessful nest patches did not differ significantly in habitat features from those that were successful. High nest predation rates found in this habitat (around 85% for the total assemblage) and a relatively high diversity of predators (and of predation tactics) appear to impede the presence of safe sites for nesting (i.e., there are trade-offs between avoidance strategies).  相似文献   

Artificial nest experiments have been used in approximately 80 recent studies to identify a wide range of factors influencing reproductive success of birds. Despite the same factors being examined in different studies, few consistent patterns have emerged from these experiments. Analysis of reproductive success at artificial and natural nests reveals that reproductive success measured with use of artificial nests is frequently underestimated. In addition, several studies suggest that different species of predators may be differentially attracted to the two types of nest. These results call the utility of artificial nests into question as a tool for elucidating factors influencing the success of natural nests. Analysis of the methodology used in artificial nest experiments reveals that in general there is poor correspondence between the appearance of experimental setups and the natural systems they attempt to model. If future experiments with artificial nests are to contribute to theory, the quality of experiments must improve and the assumptions underlying the artificial approach must be tested. Collecting this information will be relatively simple compared with the time-consuming task of experimenting with natural nests. Until these data are collected, conclusions about nesting ecology derived from the use of artificial nest experiments should be treated as preliminary.  相似文献   

对分布于吉林白城地区草原生境中栗斑腹巫鸟的窝卵数、营巢成功率和繁殖成功率的初步研究结果表明 ,繁殖期栗斑腹巫鸟种群的平均窝卵数为 5 .0 9± 0 .5 8枚 /巢 ;窝卵数与产卵期、出巢数与产卵期、窝卵数与卵大小之间呈负相关 ,产卵期与孵化率之间存在极显著的负相关关系 ,巢外径与窝卵数之间存在显著的正相关关系 ,巢的其余指标均与窝卵数呈正相关 ;平均孵化期为 12± 0 .4 9d ,孵化率为 36 .3% ,繁殖成功率为 11.11% ;7日龄以上的雏鸟群体大小为 2 .5 6± 1.5 3只 ,栗斑腹巫鸟的雏鸟存活率为 2 7.6 9% .  相似文献   

Red-winged blackbirds are polygynous and show strong breeding site preferences, but it is unclear which environmental factors regulate their reproductive success and are ultimately responsible for shaping their patterns of habitat selection and their mating system. We evaluated the effect of variation in insect emergence rates on the reproductive success of male and female redwings nesting on replicate ponds. The number of male and female redwings that settled on a pond varied two- to three-fold among ponds, but was not related to insect emergence rates. Insect emergence rates had a positive effect on the number of nestlings successfully fledged by females, the number of nestlings fledged from male territories, and on the mass of nestlings at fledging. Typha stem density also varied widely among ponds, and was positively related to male and female settling density and mass of nestlings at fledging, but not to the number of nestlings fledged by females or males. We conclude that alternative breeding sites differ in their ability to support redwing reproduction, and that the availability of emerging odonates is an important environmental factor influencing the reproductive success of both male and female red-winged blackbirds. Received: 31 March 1997 / Accepted: 3 July 1997  相似文献   

Weatherhead PJ 《Oecologia》2005,144(1):168-175
Predicting ecological consequences of climate change will be improved by understanding how species are affected by contemporary climate variation, particularly if analyses involve more than single ecological variables and focus on large-scale climate phenomena. I used 18 years of data from red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) studied over a 25-year period in eastern Ontario to explore chronological and climate-related patterns of reproduction. Although blackbirds started nesting earlier in years with warmer springs, associated with low winter values of the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOI), there was no advance in laying dates over the study. Nesting ended progressively later and the breeding season lasted longer over the study, however, associated with higher spring values of NAOI. As the length of the nesting season increased, offspring sex ratios became more female biased, apparently as a result of females adjusting the sex of the eggs they laid, rather than from sex-biased nestling mortality. Clutch size did not vary systematically over the study or with climate. Opposing trends of declining nest success and increasing productivity of successful nests over the study resulted in no chronological change in productivity per female. Higher productivity of successful nests was associated with higher winter NAOI values, possibly because synchrony between nesting and food availability was higher in years with high NAOI values. Other than the association between the start of nesting and spring temperatures, local weather (e.g., temperature, rainfall) patterns that linked NAOI with reproduction were not identified, suggesting that weather patterns may be complex. Because climate affected most aspects of red-winged blackbird reproduction examined, focusing on associations between climate and single variables (e.g., first-egg dates) will have limited value in predicting how future climates will affect populations.  相似文献   

A 2-year study of three natural populations of the distylousJasminum fruticans showed that mean fruit and seed production were significantly greater in shortstyled plants (thrums) than in long-styled plants (pins). In this study, we investigated the role of four sequential factors which may differentially influence fruit and seed set in the two floral morphs: (1) differences in flowering phenology, (2) a limitation of pollen transfer towards pins, (3) a differential capacity of the two morphs to act through famale and male function and (4) differential fruit abortion in the two morphs. Fruit set was significantly influenced by differences in flowering phenology although there were no differences in flowering time between the two morphs. supplementary pollinations in a natural population significantly increased fruit set and reduced the difference in fruit set between the two morphs in relation to controls, indicating a limitation on pollen transfer which was most severe towards pin stigmas. In reciprocal crosses, seed set was significantly dependent on the paternal and maternal identity of the pin parent. There was no significant variation among thrums for their performance as male or female parent. Furthermore, individual pin plants with relatively high percentage seed set as female parents gave poor seed set as male parents and vice-versa. Whereas fruit removal had no effect on seed number in thrum plants, a greater proportion of viable seeds were produced on pin plants which were left to naturally mature their fruits than on pins which had fruits artificially removed, suggesting the occurrence of selective fruit abortion in pins but not in thrums. The initially greater maternal fitness of thrums due to their greater success as pollen recipients may thus be opposed by increased viable seed set in the pins due to factors acting after the pollination stage. The relative reproductive success of floral morphs in the distylousJ. fruticans is thus differentially influenced by ecological factors occurring at different stages of the reproductive process.  相似文献   

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