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Childhood obesity has become an issue of increasing concern to health researchers and policymakers in the United States. One important chronic health condition linked to obesity is pediatric asthma. Although researchers have speculated that both conditions may have common origins, the majority of research in this area has focused on a unidirectional relationship between obesity and later asthma. However, much of the literature is limited by its reliance on cross-sectional data and its failure to examine the possibility that asthma may influence weight fluctuations through changes in physical and sedentary activity. Using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K), I explore the bidirectional relationships between childhood obesity and asthma. The results in this paper suggest that past asthma levels are positively correlated with changes in BMI and the onset of obesity. However, only new onset asthma is positively correlated with subsequent changes in BMI. The potential mechanisms are unclear, as I find little evidence that asthma is structurally related to changes in physical or sedentary activity over time. When testing the prevailing hypothesis that obesity is related to subsequent asthma, I find that lagged weight status is strongly related to asthma prevalence levels but that the onset of overweight or obesity is not associated with the subsequent onset of asthma. These results suggest that the onset of asthma may be related to subsequent weight gain over time.  相似文献   

福建省土地利用碳排放空间关联性与碳平衡分区   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
魏燕茹  陈松林 《生态学报》2021,41(14):5814-5824
全球变暖与二氧化碳浓度升高密不可分,在工业化及城镇化发展过程中,人类对土地的利用和改造是造成全球大气中含碳量迅速增加的重要原因,且土地在利用过程中碳减排的潜力较大。因此,从不同土地利用方式视角研究福建省碳排放量,采用基尼系数来衡量福建省各设区市碳收支的空间差异,探索区域内土地利用碳收支规模和空间分异;运用社会网络分析方法对福建省土地利用碳排放空间网络结构的整体特征和设区市在网络结构中的角色进行考察,有助于从基础层面对人类活动所造成的环境影响进行评估,及时调整土地利用方式从而促进低碳经济发展。结果表明:2006-2018年福建省土地利用净碳排放量逐年递增,呈现东高西低的空间分布特征,建设用地是主要碳源,而林地起到主要碳汇的作用;区域内碳补偿率逐年递减且存在明显的空间差异,经济较发达的区域碳补偿率低于经济欠发达的区域,生态承载系数东西差距不断加强,东部地区碳排放的比例明显超过了碳吸收的比例;福建省土地利用碳排放在空间上具有明显的关联性和溢出效应,碳排放空间关联网络越来越复杂、稳定,各设区市在网络中所处地位和作用存在明显的不均衡性,厦门市在整个碳排放网络中占据领导地位,其他城市的碳影响力在网络中的地位及作用随着经济联系逐渐加强正在逐步提高;对网络空间聚类发现,第一模块和第三模块对模块内外均有溢出效应且密度值较大,属于"双向溢出模块",其余第二、四模块均属于"净收益模块"。在研究的基础上将福建省各设区市分为3类区域:低碳优化区、碳总量控制区和碳汇功能区,并提出协同减排的差异性对策建议。  相似文献   

土地利用碳排放效应及其低碳管理研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
韩骥  周翔  象伟宁 《生态学报》2016,36(4):1152-1161
土地利用是造成全球温室气体排放量迅猛增长的重要因素,但由于土地利用的碳排放在时间和空间上受社会经济活动与自然过程的共同作用,相对自然生态系统碳排放的过程和机制更加复杂,因此,其研究也越来越多地受到包括学者、政府决策者、企业、非政府组织等利益相关者的关注,并被诸多能源与生态环境领域的国内外重大科学研究计划列为核心内容。通过对土地利用的直接和间接碳排放效应及其低碳管理的国内外研究进展进行综述,较全面地对上述研究中已取得的成果以及尚存在的不足与挑战进行了总结,并对未来研究应如何完善现有研究的不足提出了几点展望,以期为科学编制低碳目标导向的土地利用规划提供理论基础和实践管理经验,从而全面引导城市的低碳发展。  相似文献   

罗谷松  李涛 《生态学报》2019,39(13):4751-4760
土地利用效率是衡量区域经济社会系统运行质量的重要参数。在构建了考虑非期望产出的土地利用效率评价指标体系基础之上,综合运用Super SBM-undesirable DEA和多元统计等研究方法,分析了2003—2016年碳排放影响下的中国省域土地利用效率的时空特征及其影响因素。研究结果表明:中国区域土地利用效率处于中低水平,碳排放非期望产出降低了15%的土地利用效率水平;与全国发展水平空间格局一致,土地利用效率省际差异在空间上呈现出自东向西逐渐递减的分异特征;2003—2016年,土地利用效率演化呈现出"U"型演进特征,区域差异呈现收敛态势;不考虑非期望产出的土地利用效率水平呈现下降态势;非期望产出和能源消费投入过大成为土地利用效率提升的主要限制因素。经济发展水平、对外开放程度以及固定资产投资对土地利用效率的提升起到了显著的正向作用;现阶段城镇化水平的增加对土地利用效率的提升具有微弱促进作用,且仅在东部地区具有显著性。基于松弛变量冗余度和影响因素分析,针对不同区域土地利用效率低效的差异性因素,提出了相应的对策措施。  相似文献   

王朝  李伟峰  海霞  周伟奇  韩立建  钱雨果 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4257-4267
城镇化发展加剧了城市对能源的消耗,进而加剧了能源供需不平衡,这种不平衡已经成为限制城镇化发展的重要因素。目前,城市群作为我国城镇化发展的重要形式,充分发挥城市群的协同效应以减缓能源供需矛盾,对实现区域可持续发展具有重要意义。研究以京津冀城市群为例,从地级市尺度系统地核算了2001—2015年能源供应和需求量,并采用ward聚类方法划分3种不同类型的能源供求特征,并分析了每种类型的能源供需特征差异。同时,以能源供需比值表示供需差异并进行了比较。在此基础上,采用多指标综合分析方法进一步探讨了能源供需与城市化的关系模式。结果表明:(1)京津冀城市群不同城市能源的供求特征及变化存在明显的时空差异。一方面,从能源供给特征来看,年平均能源生产量较高的城市(天津市)能源产量由上升转变为平缓变化趋势,而低产城市(石家庄市)呈不稳定的变化趋势,两类城市平均能源产量相差2497.66万t标准煤;另一方面,从能源需求特征来看,北京、天津市等能源高耗城市能源消费近年来趋于下降趋势,而低耗型城市(沧州市)近年来呈波动变化,二者平均差值为4752.49万t标准煤;(2)基于能源供需比值,京津冀城市群所有城市均表现为能源供不应求,且不同城市能源供需缺口差异明显。其中,天津市能源供给能力最强,但其生产量却不及自身消费量的65%,而供给能力相对最弱的城市保定市,其能源需求几乎完全依赖外部能源供给;(3)城市能源供需与城市化水平之间关系不完全一致。研究对能源供需模式与城市化模式不一致的城市,划分了先进型和滞后型两种关系模式。对于先进型的城市,主要有北京市、沧州市和廊坊市,它们的城市化水平相对较高,分析认为其能源开发利用相对集约;而属于滞后型的城市,包括唐山市、邯郸市和邢台市,其城市化水平偏低,分析认为这类城市能源开发利用效率低、发展方式相对粗放,是城市群能源效率提升的重点。本研究旨在为今后的城市群能源规划提供科学依据,建议北京市等能源相对集约型城市带动唐山市等发展方式粗放、落后的城市,以提高京津冀城市群整体的能源效率。  相似文献   

黄蕊  刘昌新  王铮 《生态学报》2017,37(9):2869-2879
基于气候治理背景,计算模拟了征收碳税和硫税后的经济影响和减排效果。结果发现,基准情景下,中国经济将保持不断增长的趋势,到2100年,GDP总量将达到69.95万亿美元,碳排放呈现环境库兹涅茨曲线特征,高峰值出现在2034年,碳排放高峰为3832Mt C。在收税治理策略下,无论单独征收硫税还是单独征收碳税,我国的GDP均会受到影响,碳排放都会减少。同时征收碳税和硫税,碳排放显著降低,碳排放高峰出现在2031年,峰值估计为3111Mt C,较基准情景下碳排放高峰降低了721Mt C,高峰值出现的年份也提前了3a,完全满足2030年左右实现碳高峰的承诺。  相似文献   

Adaptive radiation of partulid land snails in the tropical Pacific has produced an extraordinary array of distinctive morphological, ecological and behavioural types. Here we use part of the nuclear ribosomal RNA gene cluster to investigate the relationships within and between the three partulid genera, Partula, Samoana and Eua. The genera cluster separately, with Samoana and Partula forming monophyletic groups. With one exception, the molecular data generally support the previous generic classification based on genital morphology, even in species that show a number of characteristics otherwise atypical of the genus. Convergent evolution explains morphological similarities between members of different genera. The phylogeny suggests that Samoana has colonized the Pacific from west to east, originating in the area where Eua, believed to be the most ancient partulid genus, is found. An unexplained anomaly is the reported occurrence of a single species of Samoana in the Mariana Islands of the western Pacific. The genus Partula has a disjunct distribution, encompassing islands both to the east and west of the range occupied by Eua. Partula seems to have spread both eastward and westward after the splitting of the Partula lineage.  相似文献   

土地利用变化的碳排放与碳足迹研究对了解人类活动对生态环境的扰动程度及其机理、制定有效的碳排放政策具有重要意义。采用1990—2010年四川省能源消费数据和土地利用数据,通过构建碳排放模型、碳足迹及其压力指数模型,对研究区20年来土地利用的碳排放及碳足迹进行了定量分析。结果表明:(1)土地利用变化的碳排放和能源消费碳的足迹呈显著增加趋势。碳排放增加5407.839×10~4t,增长率达143%;能源消费的碳足迹增加1566.622×10~4hm~2,四川全省的生态赤字达1563.598×10~4hm~2。(2)建设用地和林地分别为四川省最大的碳源与碳汇。20年间建设用地的碳排放增加5407.072×10~4t,增长率达126.27%,占碳排放总量的88%以上;林地的碳汇减少10.351×10~4t,但仍占四川省碳汇的96%以上。(3)土地利用碳排放、碳足迹和生态赤字存在明显区域差异。成都平原区碳排放、碳足迹压力最大,生态赤字严重,西部高山高原区和盆周山区碳排放、碳足迹最小,未出现生态赤字;成都、德阳、资阳和内江等地的碳排放、碳足迹压力最大,生态赤字最严重,甘孜、阿坝等地的碳排放、碳足迹最小,未出现生态赤字。(4)土地利用结构与碳排放、碳足迹存在一定的相互关系,趋高的碳源、碳汇比导致土地利用的碳源效应远大于碳汇效应。因此,四川省减排的重点应该在保持或增加现有的林地的同时,主要以降低建设用地的碳排放、碳足迹为主。  相似文献   

中国能源消费碳排放的时空特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舒娱琴 《生态学报》2012,32(16):4950-4960
选择联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的部门方法和8大类能源,采用1990年至2009年的中国能源统计数据,按照自下而上的思路,对我国各省区的碳排放量进行估算,并从碳排放量、碳排放强度、人均碳排放量和碳排放密指标出发,深入分析了各省区碳排放的时空特征差异。以期对国内碳排放的时空特征分析,有助于决策者和能源分析家提高节能减排政策制定的有效性。  相似文献   

The henipaviruses, represented by Nipah virus and Hendra virus, are emerging zoonotic viral pathogens responsible for repeated outbreaks associated with high morbidity and mortality in Australia, Southeast Asia, India and Bangladesh. These viruses enter host cells via a class I viral fusion mechanism mediated by their attachment and fusion envelope glycoproteins; efficient membrane fusion requires both these glycoproteins in conjunction with specific virus receptors present on susceptible host cells. The henipavirus attachment glycoprotein interacts with a cellular B class ephrin protein receptor triggering conformational alterations leading to the activation of the viral fusion (F) glycoprotein. The analysis of monoclonal antibody (mAb) reactivity with G has revealed measurable alterations in the antigenic structure of the glycoprotein following its binding interaction with receptor. These observations only appear to occur with full-length native G glycoprotein, which is a tetrameric oligomer, and not with soluble forms of G (sG), which are disulfide-linked dimers. Single amino acid mutations in a heptad repeat-like structure within the stalk domain of G can disrupt its association with F and subsequent membrane fusion promotion activity. Notably, these mutants of G also appear to confer a postreceptor bound conformation implicating the stalk domain as an important element in the G glycoprotein's structure and functional relationship with F. Together, these observations suggest fusion is dependent on a specific interaction between the F and G glycoproteins of the henipaviruses. Further, receptor binding induces measurable changes in the G glycoprotein that appear to be greatest in respect to the interactions between the pairs of dimers comprising its native tetrameric structure. These receptor-induced conformational changes may be associated with the G glycoprotein's promotion of the fusion activity of F.  相似文献   

Both otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) and the relative length of the index and ring fingers (the 2D:4D ratio) exhibit large sex differences, and both exhibit masculinization effects in female homosexuals and bisexuals. Because these sex differences exist in young children, the implication is that both types of measure are affected by prenatal androgen exposure, but it has been unknown to what degree these two types of measure are related. Accordingly, OAEs and the relative lengths of the fingers and the toes were measured in 59 heterosexual females, 55 heterosexual males, 29 homosexual females, and 33 homosexual males. The correlations between the two types of measure were unexpectedly quite low in both the heterosexual and nonheterosexual groups. For example, the correlation between number of spontaneous OAEs per ear and 2D:4D was less than 0.25, for both sexes and both sexual orientations. One interpretation of these results is that the prenatal hormonal mechanisms producing the sex differences in OAEs differ in quality, degree, or timing from those producing the sex differences in relative finger length. That is, OAEs and 2D:4D may be windows onto slightly different prenatal processes or times during prenatal development. Measures of mental-rotation ability also were obtained on these participants, and those correlations with relative finger length also were small.  相似文献   

刘慧雅  王铮  马晓哲 《生态学报》2011,31(15):4405-4414
以云南省为例,用马尔科夫链计算能源结构,在经济增长模型基础上基于动态最优化理论估计能源消费碳排放,并基于CO2FIX模型计算云南省森林碳汇,预测在能源消费碳排放和森林碳汇共同作用下的从2008到2050年碳净排放量。研究发现云南省能源消费碳排放量和碳净排放量曲线都呈"倒U"型,在2035年达到高峰,高峰值分别为和129.71 MtC和118.89 MtC;在森林碳汇中,原有森林的碳汇作用在现在和未来一段时间内处于主导地位,但新造林有着巨大的碳汇潜力,所以在保护原有森林的同时要植树造林,从生态学角度抵消碳排放;森林碳汇只能减少小部分碳排放,更主要的是改善云南省的能源结构,加快技术进步速度,开发水电等新能源,从根本上减少温室气体的排放。  相似文献   

颜建军  冯君怡  陈彬 《生态学报》2024,44(2):637-650
在碳达峰、碳中和的时代背景下,探究城市生态基础设施的碳减排效应对实现城市的可持续性发展、现代化发展具有重要的现实意义。选用中国2003-2019年中国214个地级市为样本,采用熵权法量化中国城市生态基础设施发展水平,构建空间计量模型研究城市生态基础设施发展对碳排放量的影响及其空间溢出效应。研究发现:(1)中国城市碳排放总量整体呈上升趋势,并且碳排放量较高的地区是人口密度较大的城市,以及传统工业城市。城市生态基础设施发展水平总体呈先下降,后上升的趋势,发展较好的城市分布在东部沿海地区,西北城市,中部省会与直辖市。(2)城市生态基础设施发展显著促进了本地城市和邻地城市的碳排放量,该结果通过稳健性检验。并且,城市生态基础设施的碳减排效应存在滞后性,城市生态基础设施在发展至12期时,具有显著的碳减排效应。(3)城市第二产业发展具有集聚效应,降低了邻地城市的碳排放量;城市对外开放程度越高,地区间贸易加速流动,促进了邻地城市的碳排放量。(4)与其他城市相比,西部地区城市、非省会城市和直辖市,以及资源型城市的生态基础设施发展显著促进了城市碳排放。(5)政策制定上,一方面应全力推进城市生态基础设施发展和第二产业转型,重视城市绿化覆盖、垃圾废水处理等设施建设。另一方面需特别关注西部地区城市、非直辖市和非省会城市、以及资源型城市,因地制宜,激发其生态基础设施建设动力,助推碳达峰、碳中和目标的实现。  相似文献   

中国天然林资源保护工程温室气体排放及净固碳能力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于天然林资源保护工程(简称天保工程)一期(2000—2010年)营造林过程工程边界内碳排放和边界外碳泄漏的计算,分析了天保工程及各区域碳排放和碳泄漏年际变化及影响因素,对比了天保工程及各区域碳排放和碳泄漏的组成特征,研究了天保工程及各区域净固碳量的变化特征。结果表明:天保工程一期西北、中西部地区、南部地区、东北地区和天保工程的碳排放分别为0.89、1.47、0.09、2.45 Tg C;碳泄漏分别为3.17、3.11、6.50、12.78 Tg C。工程措施和碳排放强度的区域性差异导致各区域碳排放组成特征不同。造林及配套森林基础设施建设是西北、中西部地区和南部地区最大的工程措施碳排放;新造林及森林管护是东北地区最大的工程措施碳排放。相应地,各种物资消耗中,建材是西北、中西部地区和南部地区最大的物资碳排放;燃油是东北地区最大的物资碳排放。天保工程在工程边界内外引起的额外温室气体排放量达到15.23 Tg C,抵消了工程固碳效益的9.82%;在西北、中西部地区、南部地区和东北地区的抵消作用分别为10.08%、8.16%和11.24%。天保工程一期净固碳量为139.77 Tg C,年均净固碳量为12.71 Tg C/a。因此,碳排放和碳泄漏对天保工程固碳的抵消较小,工程一期在我国温室气体减排和减缓全球气候变暖上做出了巨大贡献。避免工程基础设施的盲目建设和对工程进行合理规划是减少温室气体排放的可能途径。  相似文献   

A K Foy  P Vernon  K Jang 《Twin research》2001,4(6):443-452
While it is widely assumed that twinsh p involves high levels of intimacy to the detriment of other relationships, an examination of twinship using measures of intimacy has not yet been conducted. Participants were 214 individua twins (128 MZ, 62 DZ same-sex, and 24 DZ mixed-sex) between 16-73 years of age. Twins completed measures of intimacy in reference to their co-twin, their closest same-sex friend, and their closest other-sex friend. As expected, the highest level of intimacy was reported for the co-twin. Contrary to expectation, MZ twins did not report significantly higher levels of intimacy with their co-twin, or significantly lower levels of intimacy with their closest friends when compared to DZ same-sex or DZ mixed-sex twins. Furthermore, twins who reported high levels of intimacy with their co-twin did not report significantly lower levels of intimacy with their closest friends. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

基于碳收支的中国土地覆被分类系统   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张磊  吴炳方  李晓松  邢强 《生态学报》2014,34(24):7158-7166
生态系统的碳收支是影响全球变化的重要环节,而土地覆被变化改变了生态系统碳收支的现状、速率。提出了面向碳收支的中国土地覆被分类系统,服务于生态系统碳收支估算和国家生态环境监测。分类系统由一、二级土地覆被类型、三级土地覆被辅助特征构成。通过物质组成、结构、排列、季节特征等19个指标,将土地覆被划分38个二级类型,反映生态系统的碳储量现状。三级土地覆被辅助特征利用9个指标补充了二级土地覆被类型的属性。其中5个环境指标主要反映生态系统碳储备的潜力和强度,土地利用方式指标反映植被演替过程植被碳收支中的人为扰动影响,植被覆盖度、植被生育期、物种特征指标用于进一步细化植被类型。二级类型与三级特征为分层组织的土地覆被产品,有利于产品管理和应用。分类系统已应用到面向全国生态系统碳收支的30m格网的中国土地覆被制图中。  相似文献   

We examined the use of stream baseflow water quality as a representative measure of mean ground water quality in the Tomorrow-Waupaca Watershed in central Wisconsin and the relationship between agricultural land use and watershed water quality. From 1997 to 1999, 38 stream sites were sampled for nitrate during winter and summer baseflow conditions. Some sites have been sampled during winter baseflow conditions since 1994. The land area contributing ground water to each stream sampling site was delineated, resulting in 38 sub-basins. In addition, over 3500 test results from private wells in the watershed were compiled and mapped using a Geographic Information System (GIS). Nitrate concentrations in stream baseflow and well waters were found to have strong positive correlation in the sub-basins of second order or higher. This indicates that stream baseflow may be valid for monitoring mean ground water quality in watersheds predominantly fed by ground water, where much of the stream nitrate is believed to originate from ground water. Analysis of seasonal variation in the stream data showed that winter nitrate concentrations were higher than summer concentrations, implying that winter stream monitoring may be more critical for the assessment of overall ground water quality in the watershed. We also found that, as the amount of agricultural land increased in each sub-basin, average nitrate concentrations in the well and stream waters also increased, suggesting a connection between agricultural land use and nitrate contamination of water resources in the watershed.  相似文献   

中国与北美苔藓植物区系关系的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
关于中国和北美间苔藓植物区系关系的研究是在20世纪90年代开始的。研究表明中国和北美苔类和藓类的种间关系疏远,这一事实说明两个大陆在第三纪后期分离后,由于地质、地理、气候等因素的差异致使苔藓植物区系成分也产生明显分异。虽然它们在科、属方面差异较小,但两个大陆已各自形成地区特有的苔类和藓类的属。已知的中国特有及东亚特有的苔类属有5个,藓类属有22个;而已知北美地区特有的苔类属有4个、藓类属有5个。北美东部和西部形成于不同地质时期,在苔藓植物方面与中国共同分布的科、属和种存在一定差异。从神农架藓类植物研究表明,从共同分布的种来看,北美东部与中国比北美西部与中国的相似性系数高约6%。从两地区间苔类和藓类植物的雌雄同株或雌雄异株及孢子直径大小而论,这两个因素似乎并不是影响苔藓植物在两大地区间分布的主要原因,但对苔藓植物的分布仍然十分重要。本文作者认为结合中国和北美的地史、地理条件及苔藓植物自身的特点,可以认为白令海峡不是阻碍中国和北美苔藓植物交流的绝对自然屏障;中国和北美苔藓植物区系关系目前的状况,是长期多次交流融合和分异的结果。  相似文献   

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