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东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)是现存5个虎亚种中体型最大者,其作为全球生物多样性保护的旗舰物种,在维持健康生态系统功能中占据不可替代的重要地位。近几十年来,由于东北虎栖息地受到人类活动强烈干扰,致使栖息地破碎化,主要栖息地孤立分布,呈现岛状,天然生态廊道消失殆尽,东北虎的保护面临巨大挑战。因此,确定东北虎关键栖息地,构建与恢复东北虎栖息地之间的生态廊道十分必要。本研究运用专家模型结合东北虎栖息地选择规律和栖息地特征,综合分析植被类型、国家级与省级自然保护区分布、地形因子以及人为干扰因子共7个主要影响因子;通过层次分析法(AHP)获得各影响因子的相对权重值,运用加权线性方程获得了东北虎潜在适宜栖息地,并确定了东北虎核心分布区以及分布区间的综合代价值。通过廊道设计模型(Linkage mapper)得到东北虎核心栖息地间的潜在生态廊道。结果得到了21条东北虎潜在生态廊道,对打通国内零星分布区,特别是张广才岭-完达山-老爷岭之间的迁移通道、扩大东北虎生存空间具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

Lake Cuitzeo basin is an important ecological area subjected to strong human pressure on forest covers that are key elements for the long-term support of biodiversity. We studied landscape connectivity changes for the years 1975, 1996, 2000, 2003 and 2008 to identify potential conservation areas in the basin. We modeled potential distributions of the Mexican bobcat (Lynx rufus escuinapae) and the ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) – two terrestrial mammal focal species with contrasting dispersal capacities – and we determined their habitat availability and suitability in the basin. We then identified their optimal habitat patches and produced landscape cumulative resistance maps, estimated least-cost paths (graph theory approach), and elaborated current flow maps (circuit theory approach). For evaluation of landscape connectivity, we applied an integral index of connectivity (IIC) to each study period, and determined individual habitat patch contribution to the overall landscape connectivity. The IIC index had very low values associated with reduced availability of focal species habitat. However, our study showed the conservation importance of the surface of optimal habitat patch areas. The combined application of a graph-based approach and current flow mapping were useful, and complementary both in terms of estimating potential dispersal corridors and identifying high probability dispersal areas. This indicated that landscape connectivity analysis is a useful tool for identification of potential conservation areas and for local landscape planning.  相似文献   

The outcome of competition among species is influenced by the spatial distribution of species and effects such as demographic stochasticity, immigration fluxes, and the existence of preferred habitats. We introduce an individual-based model describing the competition of two species and incorporating all the above ingredients. We find that the presence of habitat preference—generating spatial niches—strongly stabilizes the coexistence of the two species. Eliminating habitat preference—neutral dynamics—the model generates patterns, such as distribution of population sizes, practically identical to those obtained in the presence of habitat preference, provided an higher immigration rate is considered. Notwithstanding the similarity in the population distribution, we show that invasibility properties depend on habitat preference in a non-trivial way. In particular, the neutral model results more invasible or less invasible depending on whether the comparison is made at equal immigration rate or at equal distribution of population size, respectively. We discuss the relevance of these results for the interpretation of invasibility experiments and the species occupancy of preferred habitats.  相似文献   

Predicting connectivity, or how landscapes alter movement, is essential for understanding the scope for species persistence with environmental change. Although it is well known that movement is risky, connectivity modelling often conflates behavioural responses to the matrix through which animals disperse with mortality risk. We derive new connectivity models using random walk theory, based on the concept of spatial absorbing Markov chains. These models decompose the role of matrix on movement behaviour and mortality risk, can incorporate species distribution to predict the amount of flow, and provide both short‐ and long‐term analytical solutions for multiple connectivity metrics. We validate the framework using data on movement of an insect herbivore in 15 experimental landscapes. Our results demonstrate that disentangling the roles of movement behaviour and mortality risk is fundamental to accurately interpreting landscape connectivity, and that spatial absorbing Markov chains provide a generalisable and powerful framework with which to do so.  相似文献   

Habitat connectivity is considered to have an important role on the persistence of populations in the face of habitat fragmentation, in particular, for species with conservation concern. However, it can also impose indirect negative effects on native species through the spread of invasive species. Here, we investigated direct and indirect effects of habitat connectivity on populations of invasive bullfrogs and native wrinkled frogs and how these effects are modified by the presence of common carp, a resident shared predator, in a farm pond system in Japan. The distribution pattern analysis using a hierarchical Bayesian modelling indicated that bullfrogs had negative effects on wrinkled frogs, and that these negative effects were enhanced with increasing habitat connectivity owing to the metapopulation structure of bullfrogs. The analysis also suggested that common carp mitigated these impacts, presumably owing to a top-down trophic cascade through preferential predation on bullfrog tadpoles. These presumed interspecific interactions were supported by evidence from laboratory experiments, i.e. predation by carp was more intense on bullfrog tadpoles than on wrinkled frog tadpoles owing to the difference in refuge use. Our results indicate that metacommunity perspectives could provide useful insights for establishing effective management strategies of invasive species living in patchy habitats.  相似文献   

Landscape connectivity analysis is a major tool in supporting biodiversity conservation. Several methodologies have been developed to tackle it by following two main paths. The first path exploits graph approaches and models focal nodes’ connections on a resistance/conductance matrix depending on focal species’ movement potential. The second path considers geometrical pattern analyses based on the calculation of structural landscape metrics. These approaches separately investigate functional and structural features of the landscape, and may come short of a total definition if used separately. Here we propose a new scalable, modular, participative and open-source procedure based on Fuzzy logic to combine the functional and structural aspects of connectivity. We applied this method on the highly fragmented landscape of the Po Plain, focusing on its rare and endangered plain springs named fontanili. We identified an expert panel and involved it in the assignation of permeability values of land use classes with respect to the capacity of movement of animal species typical of fontanili. We concurrently performed a quantitative evaluation of the landscape fragmentation with a moving window. We found that the functional and structural evaluations were poorly correlated in the area under study (Pearson's r = −0.35, p < 0.001). We thus integrated these two non-overlapping analyses of the landscape by Fuzzy logic using thresholds and combination weights obtained from questionnaires proposed to the expert panel. The resulting index, termed Fuzzy Functionality Index (FFI), improved the level of information associated with landscape classification. By merging functional and structural aspects of the landscape, the FFI allowed us to discriminate different functional values of equally permeable parcels and vice versa. We demonstrate that FFI may act as a conductance measure in a circuit theory approach, highlighting ecological corridors between focal points of species’ distribution. We present FFI as an effective predictive index to inspect complex and non-linear landscape dynamics.  相似文献   

Abstract Species need to disperse at a broad range of spatial scales, the recognition of which has spawned programmes such as Wildlands and WildCountry that aim to restore large‐scale connectivity. To achieve connectivity, a first step is to understand how wildlife uses existing remnants. In this study we examine the effect of remnant isolation and condition on the reptile fauna of fragmented mallee habitats in southern Australia. In three replicate landscapes we use pitfall traps to survey reptiles in five landscape elements: Conservation Park, connected, disconnected and isolated fragments, and the agricultural matrix. Reptile species richness, abundance, abundance of snakes, skinks and the 10 most common species had no significant association with landscape elements, excluding the matrix. This was despite a substantial reduction in plant species richness in the fragments, particularly of shrubs. Only seven individual reptiles were captured in the matrix, most on one site with deep sandy soils. The farmland on clay soils appeared to be relatively impermeable for reptiles, although four species could traverse 100 m of cleared sand‐dune. The lack of an isolation effect suggests that populations in remnants are persistent, or that occasional dispersal by common reptiles maintains populations. In contrast with common species, fewer rare species were captured in remnants compared with the Conservation Park, implying that some species may be entirely excluded from the remnants. Our study suggests that the spatial configuration and condition of the fragments sustain populations of many common reptile species. Remnants will therefore be invaluable as attempts are made to restore landscape‐scale permeability. However, additional conservation effort should be made to restore plant species that have been lost from the agricultural landscape. Future research should aim to better define the suite of reptile species that may not be able to use the remnants at all.  相似文献   

Spatial and Temporal Considerations in Restoring Habitat for Wildlife   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An accumulated body of theory and empirical evidence suggests that habitat selection by animals is a scale‐dependent, hierarchical process. Hierarchy theory predicts that habitat suitability is influenced by the interaction of factors at multiple spatial scales from the microsite to the landscape and that higher‐order factors impose constraints at lower levels. For instance, large‐scale factors such as landscape context may make a site unsuitable for a species even if the vegetation structure and composition are appropriate. In addition, the spatial arrangement of habitat elements at all scales must be considered when planning restoration efforts. For example, the presence of snags does not ensure that the site will be suitable for snag‐dependent species. The size, age, and spacing of snags and their juxtaposition to other habitat elements must also be considered. Finally, all habitats are dynamic, and therefore the ecological processes that contribute to those dynamics must be maintained or suitable substitutes included in the recovery plan. When considering restoring habitat for wildlife, we recommend that managers: (1) identify the wildlife species they want to target for restoration efforts, (2) consider the size and landscape context of the restoration site and whether it is appropriate for the target species, (3) identify the habitat elements that are necessary for the target species, (4) develop a strategy for restoring those elements and the ecological processes that maintain them, and (5) implement a long‐term monitoring program to gauge the success of the restoration efforts.  相似文献   

The effect of isolation and the importance of dispersal in establishing and maintaining populations in fragments of remnant habitat remain poorly understood. Nevertheless, environmental connectivity is likely to be important for ensuring the long‐term preservation of biodiversity in extensively cleared landscapes. In this study, we compared reptile communities in large conservation parks with those in small woodland remnants 6.5–12 km from the parks, on the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, Australia. We assessed the impact of fragmentation on the abundance, richness and habitat preferences of reptiles, and examined whether connection to linear roadside vegetation altered reptile communities in small woodland remnants. Of the 31 reptile species, 12 were restricted to conservation parks and six to habitat fragments in farmland. There was a substantial reduction in reptile species richness and abundance in farmland fragments. Direct connection of remnant vegetation to roadside corridors did not affect abundance of common species in the farmland fragments, although species richness was lower in isolated remnants in one of our two study regions. The habitat preference of the scincid lizard Menetia greyii differed between farmland fragments, where they were regularly found on dunes and roadsides, and conservation parks, where they were rare and not detected on dunes. We suggest that habitat fragmentation may have altered interspecific interactions, enabling an expansion of habitat use in the farming landscape. Significantly lower abundance of four common species in farmland settings compared with reserves indicated that existing corridors and small fragments provide inadequate connectivity over larger distances. To counter this effect, large reserves may need to be less than 10 km apart.  相似文献   

In urbanized areas, habitat loss and fragmentation resulting from urban growth and human activities may threaten the biological diversity. It is essential to maintain the connectivity in some isolated and fragmented habitat patches. In 2005, the orchard-based conservation with the legal binding was implemented in Shenzhen to mitigate the ecological threats from forest destruction and to protect the ecological diversity. It is critical to evaluate the efficiency of orchard habitat from the species’ perspective for providing the reference for the habitat management. Based on graph-theoretic methods, we compared the habitats with or without orchards and evaluated the contribution of orchards to the whole network connectivity and its three fractions (intra, flux and connector), and then analyzed the species that could benefit the most from the habitat supplement. We identified the important landscape elements for serving the prioritized conservation. The results showed that orchard-based conservation was an efficient way in maintaining the functional connectivity, which mainly contributed to the intrapatch connectivity and species dispersal flux. The value of orchard incorporation was strongly related with the dispersal ability of threatened species. Our findings indicated that the orchard conservation would be more valuable for species with relatively weak dispersal abilities. We showed the key patches and links that most contribute to uphold functional connectivity in the reserve network. We believe that the assessment based on habitat functional connectivity can effectively serve the practical guidelines of habitat conservation and management in urban areas.  相似文献   

The recovery of large carnivore species from over-exploitation can have socioecological effects; thus, reliable estimates of potential abundance and distribution represent a valuable tool for developing management objectives and recovery criteria. For sea otters (Enhydra lutris), as with many apex predators, equilibrium abundance is not constant across space but rather varies as a function of local habitat quality and resource dynamics, thereby complicating the extrapolation of carrying capacity (K) from one location to another. To overcome this challenge, we developed a state-space model of density-dependent population dynamics in southern sea otters (E. l. nereis), in which K is estimated as a continuously varying function of a suite of physical, biotic, and oceanographic variables, all described at fine spatial scales. We used a theta-logistic process model that included environmental stochasticity and allowed for density-independent mortality associated with shark bites. We used Bayesian methods to fit the model to time series of survey data, augmented by auxiliary data on cause of death in stranded otters. Our model results showed that the expected density at K for a given area can be predicted based on local bathymetry (depth and distance from shore), benthic substrate composition (rocky vs. soft sediments), presence of kelp canopy, net primary productivity, and whether or not the area is inside an estuary. In addition to density-dependent reductions in growth, increased levels of shark-bite mortality over the last decade have also acted to limit population expansion. We used the functional relationships between habitat variables and equilibrium density to project estimated values of K for the entire historical range of southern sea otters in California, USA, accounting for spatial variation in habitat quality. Our results suggest that California could eventually support 17,226 otters (95% CrI = 9,739–30,087). We also used the fitted model to compute candidate values of optimal sustainable population abundance (OSP) for all of California and for regions within California. We employed a simulation-based approach to determine the abundance associated with the maximum net productivity level (MNPL) and propose that the upper quartile of the distribution of MNPL estimates (accounting for parameter uncertainty) represents an appropriate threshold value for OSP. Based on this analysis, we suggest a candidate value for OSP (for all of California) of 10,236, which represents 59.4% of projected K. © 2021 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Landscape genetics is an important framework for investigating the influence of spatial pattern on ecological process. Nevertheless, the standard analytic frameworks in landscape genetics have difficulty evaluating hypotheses about spatial processes in dynamic landscapes. We use a predictive hypothesis-driven approach to quantify the relative contribution of historic and contemporary processes to genetic connectivity. By confronting genetic data with models of historic and contemporary landscapes, we identify dispersal processes operating in naturally heterogeneous and human-altered systems. We demonstrate the approach using a case study of microsatellite polymorphism and indirect estimates of gene flow for a rainforest bird, the logrunner ( Orthonyx temminckii ). Of particular interest was how much information in the genetic data was attributable to processes occurring in the reconstructed historic landscape and contemporary human-modified landscape. A linear mixed model was used to estimate appropriate sampling variance from nonindependent data and information-theoretic model selection provided strength of evidence for alternative hypotheses. The contemporary landscape explained slightly more information in the genetic differentiation data than the historic landscape, and there was considerable evidence for a temporal shift in dispersal pattern. In contrast, migration rates estimated from genealogical information were primarily influenced by contemporary landscape change. We discovered that landscape heterogeneity facilitated gene flow before European settlement, but contemporary deforestation is rapidly becoming the most important barrier to logrunner dispersal.  相似文献   

Abstract Wildlife biologists use knowledge about wildlife-habitat relationships to create habitat models to predict species occurrence across a landscape. Researchers attribute limitations in predictive ability of a habitat model to data deficiencies, missing parameters, error introduced by specifications of the statistical model, and natural variation. Few wildlife biologists, however, have incorporated intra- and interspecific interactions (e.g., conspecific attraction, competition, predator-prey relationships) to increase predictive accuracy of habitat models. Based on our literature review and preliminary data analysis, conspecific attraction can be a primary factor influencing habitat selection in wildlife. Conspecific attraction can lead to clustered distributions of wildlife within available habitat, reducing the predictive ability of habitat models based on vegetative and geographic parameters alone. We suggest wildlife biologists consider incorporating a parameter in habitat models for the clustered distribution of individuals within available habitat and investigate the mechanisms leading to clustered distributions of species, especially conspecific attraction.  相似文献   

Recent findings have suggested that there has been a change in the structural nature of forests in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, which explains decreases in forest fauna. One of these (rare) forest species is the tree hyrax Dendrohyrax arboreus, a nocturnal, arboreal folivore, which makes use of cavity‐bearing trees as dens. However, a conflict exists between the use of forest resources and in protecting habitats for the tree hyrax. In order to design appropriate management strategies, conservation authorities and forest managers require information regarding the specific habitat requirements of fauna in their forest, particularly those that are already threatened by resource use. The aims of this study were thus: (i) to characterise the den trees of D. arboreus, (ii) to determine whether D. arboreus selects for certain den tree characteristics (i.e. relative to the abundance of that characteristic); and (iii) to develop a habitat assessment model for D. arboreus. The tree hydrax was found to select for den trees with particular characteristics: seven tree species were selected as den trees, which were usually the tallest trees in the canopy (4–8 m). Den trees were usually only partly decayed, with multiple cavity entrances and trunk angles of between 45° and 68°. Cavity entrance and orientation did not appear to play a role in den tree selection by D. arboreus. A function which discriminated between den trees and non‐den trees was calculated, and can be used to determine the suitability of a tree as a den for a tree hyrax (and thus to prevent it from being removed during commercial logging operations), or to assess the suitability of an area for habitation by tree hyraxes. This model can therefore help to alleviate the conflict between forest conservation managers and resource users in the Eastern Cape.  相似文献   

Changes in agricultural practices and forest fragmentation can have a dramatic effect on landscape connectivity and the dispersal of animals, potentially reducing gene flow within populations. In this study, we assessed the influence of woodland connectivity on gene flow in a traditionally forest-dwelling species--the European roe deer--in a fragmented landscape. From a sample of 648 roe deer spatially referenced within a study area of 55 x 40 km, interindividual genetic distances were calculated from genotypes at 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci. We calculated two geographical distances between each pair of individuals: the Euclidean distance (straight line) and the 'least cost distance' (the trajectory that maximizes the use of wooded corridors). We tested the correlation between genetic pairwise distances and the two types of geographical pairwise distance using Mantel tests. The correlation was better using the least cost distance, which takes into account the distribution of wooded patches, especially for females (the correlation was stronger but not significant for males). These results suggest that in a fragmented woodland area roe deer dispersal is strongly linked to wooded structures and hence that gene flow within the roe deer population is influenced by the connectivity of the landscape.  相似文献   

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