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This study reports the development of a tool to characterise and differentiate northern Adriatic waters, particularly oligotrophic, high-salinity waters, based on the cellular fatty acids of culturable heterotrophic bacterioplankton. The growth abilities and population dominance were observed for particle-attached and free-living bacteria cultured in three types of media: Marine Broth, diluted Marine Broth (1:10) and R2 broth. Three groups of water layers were distinguished by hierarchical clustering analysis: eutrophic, oligotrophic and oligotrophic nutrient-selected. Significant differences between the resulting groups were tested by two-way ANOVA (with replication). Eutrophic layers were characterised by readily culturable particle-attached and free-living fractions of the bacterial community in all three media, all dominated by fast-growing γ-Proteobacteria. In contrast, oligotrophic water layers with low productivity had a much weaker culturability and a different population dominance for the free-living community, as compared to their attached or growth-arrested counterparts, for all media. The free-living bacteria from strictly oligotrophic environments demonstrated minimum culturability in Marine Broth, while those from selective oligotrophic environments were culturable and were dominated either by CytophagaFlavobacter complex, α-Proteobacteria or γ-Proteobacteria. The conclusive evidence regarding the selective and refractory nature of organic compounds in these waters demonstrates the dominant culturability of the CytophagaFlavobacter complex and α-Proteobacteria in free-living communities in all growth-media. The response of fatty acid dominance ratios depends significantly on the trophic state and fraction (p < 0.05), although the effect of the trophic state is completely different in attached and free fractions. Both fractions were tested separately, demonstrating a significant influence of the trophic state (p < 0.05), while the effect of the media on the fatty acid response was not significant (p > 0.05). An interaction between media and trophic status was present in the attached fraction (p < 0.05), yet this was not observed in the free fraction (p > 0.05), indicating that any systematic difference between trophic states was the same for each media tested. Accordingly, the free-living fraction of bacterioplankton is a more informative attribute and can be used solely as an indicator of the water layer trophic condition.  相似文献   

寡营养细菌及其生态作用和应用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寡营养细菌是自然环境中特别是在寡营养环境中广泛分布的一种细菌,对寡营养生态环境起着至关重要的作用。近年来,随着分子生物学技术的飞速发展,寡营养细菌开始被广泛深入的研究。其分离培养技术,细菌形态特征,在生态中的作用和应用是目前微生物领域和环境科学领域的前沿课题,本文对这几个方面近年来的研究状况进行了综述,并展望了未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Seventy-five marine bacterial strains associated with four species of sponges (Echinodictyum sp., Spongia sp., Sigmadocia fibulatus and Mycale mannarensis) were isolated from the Tuticorin coast, Gulf of Mannar region. The agar-overlay method was used to screen for antibiotic production by these strains against four bacteria, viz., Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Vibrio harveyi and one fungal pathogen, viz., Candida albicans. Twenty-one per cent of the bacterial strains were found to be antibiotic producers and their activities ranged from broad spectral to species specific. A strain coded SC3 was found to be highly potent and was mass cultured. The ethyl acetate extract of the culture broth was further fractionated by reverse phase HPLC and the active fraction identified. In addition, SC3 was subjected to morphological and physiological characterization. The results of the tests showed SC3 to be a Gram-positive rod, sporulating, motile, catalase and oxidase positive. Phylogenetic analysis based on comparative analysis of sequenced 16s rRNA of the active strains indicated a preponderance of bacteria belonging to Vibrio and Bacillus genera with 95-99% sequence similarities. To our knowledge this is the first report on phylogenetic identification of antibiotic producing bacteria associated with sponges from Indian waters.  相似文献   

Selected oligotrophic or low-nutrient (LN) bacteria were used in laboratory studies to measure the amounts of available or labile dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in waters collected from various locations and depths in the central and northeastern Pacific Ocean. Two parameters, bacterial specific growth rates and maximum cell densities, were examined as indicators of DOC availability in unsupplemented seawater samples. Maximum growth rates of LN bacteria were 0.1–0.3 h−1 regardless of sample location. Growth rates were slightly depressed due to anthropogenic inputs such as chlorine or metals. The range of specific growth rates measured for the test bacteria is considerably less (approximately 3-fold) than that for maximum cell density (approximately three orders of magnitude). Highest levels of labile DOC (as determined by maximum cell densities attained) were observed in waters collected from interfaces or discontinuities such as surface films, thermocline and oxygen minima waters, chlorophyll maxima and ammonium regeneration zones, benthic boundary layers, sediment/water interface and sediment trap supernatants. We estimate labile DOC pools of < 1% to approximately 45% of the total measured DOC.  相似文献   

Abstract Two copiotrophic Gram-negative bacteria isolated from marine waters, S14 and Vibrio sp. DW1, were examined for changes in the rate of protein synthesis in the initial phase of energy and nutrient deprivation. The incorporation of [3H] leucine into the trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-insoluble material was examined as a method for estimating rates of protein synthesis. The incorporation of methionine was measured and compared with the results of leucine incorporation. Protein synthesis was demonstrated throughout a period of 120 h of starvation. The incorporation rate was related to the time of starvation and decreased subsequent to an initial increase during the first few hours of dormancy. Control experiments with proteinase K and chloramphenicol demonstrated that the labelled amino acids were preferentially incorporated into proteins. It was also demonstrated that the uptake of amino acids was not a rate-limiting step. During the first hours of starvation the ratio of the protein to the dry weight of the S14 cells increased parallel to the increase in the amino acid incorporation rate. The increased activity of the protein-synthesising system during the first hours of nutrient and energy depletion indicates the presence of an active cellular response to the downshift conditions. Furthermore, these findings are consistent with the increased respiratory activity during the first hours of starvation, which has previously been observed for the bacteria examined in this study.  相似文献   

Abstract Extractable cell membrane-derived polarlipid ester-linked fatty acids (PLFA) obtained from aerated soils gassed with methane or propane and from methane- and propane-oxidizing bacteria isolated from the soils were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Exposure of aerated soils to methane resulted in the formation of a high proportion of an unusual 18-carbon mono-unsaturated PLFA, 18:lw8c. High proportions of this fatty acid biomarker are found in monocultures from this soil grown in minimal media with methane. This PLFA has been previously established as associated with authentic type II methane-oxidizing bacteria. The microbiota in aerated soils exposed to hydrocarbons containing propane, formed a suite of PLFA characterized by high proportions of a 16-carbon mono-unsaturated acid, 16:lw6c, and an 18-carbon saturated fatty acid with an additional methyl branch at the 10 position, 10 Me 18:0. This PLFA pattern has been detected in several monocultures enriched from the soil with propane-amended minimal media. The correspondence of high proportions of these unusual mono-unsaturated PLFA in the isolated monocultures and in situ in the soils after stimulation with the appropriate hydrocarbon is a strong validation of the utility of these biomarkers in defining the community structure of the surface soil microbial community.  相似文献   

A thermophilic strain isolated from sea sand at Maronti, near Sant' Angelo (Ischia), is described. The organism grows well at an optimal temperature of 60 °C at pH 7.0. The thermophilic bacterium, named strain 4004, produces an exocellular polysaccharide (EPS) in yields of 90 mg/l. The EPS fraction was produced with all substrates tested, although a higher yield was obtained with sucrose or trehalose as sole carbon source. During growth, the EPS content was proportional to the biomass. Three fractions (EPS1, EPS2, EPS3) were obtained after purification. Quantitative monosaccharide analysis of the EPSs revealed the presence of mannose:glucose:galactose in a relative ratio of 0.5:1.0:0.3 in EPS1, mannose:glucose:galactose in a relative ratio of 1.0:0.3:trace in EPS2, and galactose:mannose:glucosamine:arabinose in a relative ratio of 1.0:0.8:0.4:0.2 in EPS3. The average molecular mass of EPS3 was determined to be 1×106 Da. From comparison of the chemical shift values in 1H and 13C spectra, we conclude that EPS3 presents a pentasaccharide repeating unit. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Marine organisms, in particular invertebrates, have proved to be a major source of unique fatty acid (FA) structures originating from unusual biosynthetic pathways. Among them, non-methylene-interrupted (NMI) FA occur in various molluscs in the wide ranges of concentrations (up to 20%), such as the most often encountered 20:2 Δ5,11, 20:2 Δ5,13, 22:2 Δ7,13 or 22:2 Δ7,15. Such NMI FA have also been reported from algae, echinoderms, sponges, tropical rays, and many other invertebrates. The most intriguing marine invertebrates seem to be sponges that commonly contain very long-chain Δ5,9 FA. A third double bond can occur in the NMI FA as reported in some marine organisms, such as 20:3 Δ7,13,16 or 30:3 Δ5,9,23. Lipids of invertebrates from deep-sea hydrothermal and cold-seep vents gave rise to an intense research activity including reports on unprecedented NMI polyunsaturated FA. The bivalve molluscs are able to synthesize de novo the NMI FA but their precise biological interest is presently not well-known, although structural and functional roles in biological membranes have been suggested, in particular a higher resistance to oxidative processes and microbial lipases. Biosynthetic pathways of Δ5,9 FA in sponges were demonstrated up to C26 FA structures and include particular elongation and desaturation steps. Recently, intense research effort has been conducted to investigate the biomedical potential of these unusual FA. Thus, Δ5,9 FA displayed interesting antiplasmodial activity. The most promising FA topoisomerase I inhibitors to date seem to be the long-chain Δ5,9 FA. This inhibitory activity is probably partially responsible for the toxicity displayed by some of the Δ5,9 FA towards cancer cell lines.  相似文献   

Bacterial production of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) is a promising biotechnological approach for the mass production of these valuable compounds, but extensive screening is currently needed to select a strain that meets industrial requirements.A method was developed for the rapid screening and isolation of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)-producing marine bacteria from mixed cultures using the dye 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC). The method was first validated using two bacteria from the Shewanella genus, S. gelidimarina (known to contain EPA) and S. fidelis (known not to contain EPA), and subsequently applied to a range of bacterial samples collected from seven randomly selected New Zealand fish species.By incorporating TTC in both solid and liquid state fermentation treatments, a clear association between the reduction of TTC to the red-coloured triphenyl formazan (TF) and the presence of EPA within Gram-negative bacteria was confirmed. Incubation in 0.1% w/v TTC was optimal for colour response and cell growth in agar plates and liquid cultures. Bacteria that produce EPA reduced TTC to TF, but a number of non-EPA-producing bacteria also showed this capacity. By conducting a subsequent Gram staining, all EPA-producing strains were revealed to be G (−) rod bacteria while the non-producing ones were all G (+) cocci. The fatty acid methyl esters of the isolated bacteria that reduced TTC to TF were analysed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and the content of EPA was confirmed by gas chromatography.From a pool of 2.0 × 108 CFU/ml, this method allowed the rapid isolation of 16 bacteria capable of producing EPA. This new approach significantly reduces the number of samples submitted for GC analysis and therefore the time, effort and cost of screening and isolating strains of EPA-producing marine bacteria.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out to examine the influence of overfeeding ducks with corn on the lipid composition of hepatocyte plasma membrane. Seventy-day-old male Mule ducks (Cairina moschata × Anas platyrhynchos) were overfed with corn for 12.5 days in order to induce fatty livers. The cholesterol and phospholipid contents were approximately 50% higher in hepatocyte plasma membranes from fatty livers compared to those of lean livers obtained from non-overfed ducks. However, the cholesterol/phospholipids molar ratio did not differ between both groups. Overfeeding induced a significant change in phospholipid composition of hepatocyte plasma membrane with a decrease in phosphatidylcholine proportion and conversely an increase in phosphatidylethanolamine. The fatty acid profile of phospholipids was also altered. In fatty hepatocyte plasma membrane, the overall proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) was decreased and this was due to the decrease of some of, but not all, the PUFA. In addition, the proportions of oleic acid and n-9 series unsaturated fatty acids were higher in fatty than in lean liver membranes. This study provides evidence that overfeeding with a carbohydrate-rich corn-based diet induces a de novo hepatic lipogenesis in Mule duck which predominates over dietary lipid intake to change the lipid composition of the hepatocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Abstract The agar shake technique has been tested for the enumeration and isolation of bacteria involved in the anaerobic oxidation of reduced sulphur compounds. High numbers of colony forming units were observed from regions rich in sulphide, and the numbers of these forms were sometimes significantly correlated with the number of sulphate-reducing bacteria. The isolates could oxidise not only thiosulphate but also sulphide in liquid medium at the expense of nitrate. Addition of 1 mM glucose to the medium enhanced the rate and amount of thiosulphate oxidised by many of the isolates. Hence the use of the agar shake technique is recommended for the study of these little known facultatively or even obligately chemolithotrophic bacteria involved in the anaerobic oxidation of reduced inorganic sulphur compounds in the marine and estuarine environment.  相似文献   

海洋细菌抗菌和细胞毒活性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从不同海域的生物、海水和海泥中分离海洋细菌,利用琼脂扩散法和MTT法对细菌培养液的乙酸乙酯提取物进行了抗菌和细胞毒活性筛选。比较了活性菌株与来源的相关性.结果表明,在分离的341株海洋细菌中。42株细菌的代谢产物具有抗菌活性,7株具有细胞毒活性,其中来源于海洋无脊椎动物和海藻的活性菌株比例(22%和11%)大于来源于海水和海泥的细菌(7%和5%).细菌分类鉴定结果显示,具有活性的细菌大部分属于假单胞菌属、发光杆菌属、梭状芽孢杆菌属、交替单胞菌属和黄杆菌属.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the microbial ecology of biofilm communities or the diversity of antimicrobial molecules that they produce to regulate these communities. This study tested whether the production of antimicrobial activity in biofilm cultures is enhanced towards competing bacteria found in those biofilms. First, the production of antimicrobial activity of marine bacteria grown in biofilms was tested. Fourteen of the 105 marine isolates tested were found to produce antimicrobial factors when grown in biofilms. The antimicrobial activity produced by these isolates in biofilms was more potent and inhibited a broader range of target bacteria grown in biofilms compared to shaken liquid cultures. In a separate experiment, we found that cultivation in biofilms containing produced metabolites from an ‘inducer’ bacterium stimulated the production of antimicrobial molecules by ‘producer’ bacteria that were active against the ‘inducer’ bacterium. Overall, the study suggests that surface attached marine bacteria can target their antimicrobial activity towards competing bacteria in biofilms.  相似文献   

Ladderane lipid distribution in four genera of anammox bacteria   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Intact ladderane phospholipids and core lipids were studied in four species of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing (anammox) bacteria, each representing one of the four known genera. Each species of anammox bacteria contained C(18) and C(20) ladderane fatty acids with either 3 or 5 linearly condensed cyclobutane rings and a ladderane monoether containing a C(20) alkyl moiety with 3 cyclobutane rings. The presence of ladderane lipids in all four anammox species is consistent with their putative physiological role to provide a dense membrane around the anammoxosome, the postulated site of anammox catabolism. In contrast to the core lipids, large variations were observed in the distribution of ladderane phospholipids, i.e. different combinations of hydrophobic tail (ladderane, straight chain and methyl branched fatty acid) types attached to the glycerol backbone sn-1 position, in combination with different types of polar headgroup (phosphocholine, phosphoethanolamine or phosphoglycerol) attached to the sn-3 position. Intact ladderane lipids made up a high percentage of the lipid content in the cells of "Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis", suggesting that ladderane lipids are also present in membranes other than the anammoxosome. Finally, all four investigated species contained a C(27) hopanoid ketone and bacteriohopanetetrol, which, indicates that hopanoids are anaerobically synthesised by anammox bacteria.  相似文献   

Lipid composition of the benthic, stenothermal amphipod Monoporeia affinis collected from constantly cold deep-water (> 80 m) regions of the northern Baltic Sea was analysed in detail to study phospholipid characteristics, its relation to thermal adaptation as well as potential effects of food quality and seasonal variability. Similar measurements were performed on the littoral, eurythermic amphipod Gammarus spp. Fatty acid (FA) composition of storage lipids of Pontoporeia femorata, a sibling species of M. affinis, was also studied. Interannual and interspecies variability in selected FA was observed both in triacylglycerols (TAG) and phospholipids (PL). Differences in monounsaturated vs. polyunsaturated (MUFA/PUFA) FA combinations of phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) diacyl and alkylacyl subgroups were also observed. Seasonal variability in M. affinis was considerably lesser compared to Gammarus spp. A literature synopsis shows that in diacyl PE the share of the FA combination MUFA/PUFA increases with lowering body temperature (40-55% in cold-adapted organisms vs. 5-15% in warm adapted ones), signifying that this characteristic is probably in key position concerning regulation of membrane fluidity in temperature adaptation. According to this feature M. affinis belongs to the group of cold-adapted stenothermic species (Group 1) while eurythermic Gammarus spp. settles in the Group 2 (cold-acclimatized) or 3 (warm-acclimatized/tropical) depending on the status of temperature adaptation. Omnivory and/or periodical food item switching is an important strategy in benthic organisms in high-latitude areas characterised by recurring long poor-nutritional periods. Since many benthic species utilise a time-averaged, integrated food source from phytal and animal matter from various sources the FA composition of TAG of the amphipod species measured here do not exclusively point towards any specific feeding mode or food source. In general, using selected FA as food source markers to assess the diet of field collected more-or-less omnivoric species cannot be considered as an optimal approach. The current study gives more insight to the biochemistry of biological membranes of aquatic crustaceans that is essential in estimation of the capacity of the thermal adaptation/acclimatization of organisms as well as the potential effects of food quality on storage lipids.  相似文献   

海洋微生物生物活性物质研究   总被引:40,自引:5,他引:40  
海洋微生物以其分类的多样性和遗传背景的特征而具有产生新型生物活性物质的巨大潜力,本文对海洋微生物产生的生物活性物质的研究进展进行了综述,从报道的研究结果看,占海洋微生物主导地位的海洋细菌产生的活性物质种类最为丰富;海洋真菌和海洋放射线菌虽非海洋微生物中的主要菌群,但其产生新型生物活性物质的潜能不可低估。此外,目前研究主要局限于那些在常规条件下易于培养的微生物类群,今后的之一是对于非可培养海洋微生物产生的生物活性物质的探索,我国应充分利用国内海洋微生物资源优势加强这一领域的研究。  相似文献   

Summary Ten obligate marine fungi have as their principal fatty acids 160, 180, 181n9 and 182n6. The fatty acids ranged from 14 to 22 carbons, completely dominated by those with even numbers of carbons. The amount of unsaturated fatty acids varied between 35% and 80%. Each isolate contained small amounts of the acids 183n3 and 204n6. Branched, hydroxy- or cyclic fatty acids were not detected. Multivariate statistical, i.e. principal component analysis, showed that all ten strains could be distinguished on the basis of their fatty acid composition. These results indicate that the marine fungi do not have an unusual fatty acid composition and suggest that chemometric, multivariate analysis might be employed to confirm taxonomic relationships among these organisms.  相似文献   

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