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A fundamental understanding of the mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is critically important to quantify the amount of macroscopic stress and/or strain transmitted to the cellular level of vascular tissue. Structural constitutive models integrate histological and mechanical information, and hence, allocate stress and strain to the different microstructural components of the vascular wall. The present work proposes a novel multi-scale structural constitutive model of passive vascular tissue, where collagen fibers are assembled by proteoglycan (PG) cross-linked collagen fibrils and reinforce an otherwise isotropic matrix material. Multiplicative kinematics account for the straightening and stretching of collagen fibrils, and an orientation density function captures the spatial organization of collagen fibers in the tissue. Mechanical and structural assumptions at the collagen fibril level define a piece-wise analytical stress-stretch response of collagen fibers, which in turn is integrated over the unit sphere to constitute the tissue's macroscopic mechanical properties. The proposed model displays the salient macroscopic features of vascular tissue, and employs the material and structural parameters of clear physical meaning. Likewise, the constitutive concept renders a highly efficient multi-scale structural approach that allows for the numerical analysis at the organ level. Model parameters were estimated from isotropic mean-population data of the normal and aneurysmatic aortic wall and used to predict in-vivo stress states of patient-specific vascular geometries, thought to demonstrate the robustness of the particular Finite Element (FE) implementation. The collagen fibril level of the multi-scale constitutive formulation provided an interface to integrate vascular wall biology and to account for collagen turnover.  相似文献   

The present study reports on the fine structure of human costal cartilage at different ages in order to obtain information on the morphogenesis of amianthoid fibers. Our results reveal an overall increase of collagen fibril diameter with increasing age, even in areas with no signs of amianthoid transformation. Ultrastructural evidence is presented that this increase in diameter is due to a gathering of the preexisting collagen fibrils. The age-related change in collagen fibril diameter is paralleled by changes in the composition and ultrastructural appearance of cartilage proteoglycans (as revealed by acridine orange staining). Acridine-orange-positive filaments indicative for proteoglycans are markedly reduced in size with advancing age in centrally located regions of costal cartilage. Treatment with testicular hyaluronidase previous to acridine-orange staining leaves these small proteoglycan filaments unaffected. By contrast, the filaments visible after acridine-orange staining in the extracellular matrix near to the perichondrium are susceptible to hyaluronidase treatment. Infrequently, a sharp increase in collagen fibril diameter can be observed in territorial matrix areas of degenerating chondrocytes. This observation is conspicuous at ages of 10 and 20 years. Amianthoid transformation is characterized by the appearance of collagen fibrils strictly arranged in parallel. These amianthoid fibers are embedded in a matrix rich in small acridine-orange-positive filaments similar to the proteoglycan filaments observed in centrally located matrix regions. It can be concluded that extensive remodelling not only of the collagen fibrils but also of the cartilage proteoglycans is involved in the development of amianthoid transformation.  相似文献   

Collagen fibril reinforcement was incorporated into a nonlinear poroelastic model for articular cartilage in unconfined compression. It was found that the radial fibrils play a predominant role in the transient mechanical behavior but a less important role in the equilibrium response of cartilage. The radial fibrils are in tension and can be highly stressed during compression, in contrast to low compressive stresses in all directions for the proteoglycan matrix after a small initial compression. The strain dependent fibril stiffening produces strong nonlinear transient response; the fibrils provide extra stiffness to balance a rising fluid pressure and to restrain stress increase in the proteoglycans. The fibril reinforcement, induced by the fluid pressure and flow, also accounts for a complex pattern of strain-magnitude and strain-rate dependence of cartilage stiffness.  相似文献   

The pericellular matrix of articular cartilage has been shown to regulate the mechanical environment of chondrocytes. However, little is known about the mechanical role of collagen fibrils in the pericellular matrix, and how fibrils might help modulate strains acting on chondrocytes when cartilage is loaded. The primary objective was to clarify the effect of pericellular collagen fibrils on cell volume changes and strains during cartilage loading. Secondary objectives were to investigate the effects of pericellular fixed charges and fluid on cell responses. A microstructural model of articular cartilage, in which chondrocytes and pericellular matrices were represented with depth-dependent structural and morphological properties, was created. The extracellular matrix and pericellular matrices were modeled as fibril-reinforced, biphasic materials with swelling capabilities, while chondrocytes were assumed to be isotropic and biphasic with swelling properties. Collagen fibrils in the extracellular matrix were represented with an arcade-like architecture, whereas pericellular fibrils were assumed to run tangential to the cell surface. In the early stages of a stress-relaxation test, pericellular fibrils were found to sensitively affect cell volume changes, even producing a reversal from increasing to decreasing cell volume with increasing fibril stiffness in the superficial zone. Consequently, steady-state volume of the superficial zone cell decreased with increasing pericellular fibril stiffness. Volume changes in the middle and deep zone chondrocytes were smaller and opposite to those observed in the superficial zone chondrocyte. An increase in the pericellular fixed charge density reduced cell volumes substantially in every zone. The sensitivity of cell volume changes to pericellular fibril stiffness suggests that pericellular fibrils play an important, and as of yet largely neglected, role in regulating the mechanical environment of chondrocytes, possibly affecting matrix synthesis during cartilage development and degeneration, and affecting biosynthetic responses associated with articular cartilage loading.  相似文献   

Ligament mechanical behavior is primarily regulated by fibrous networks of type I collagen. Although these fibrous networks are typically highly aligned, healthy and injured ligament can also exhibit disorganized collagen architecture. The objective of this study was to determine whether variations in the collagen fibril network between neighboring ligaments can predict observed differences in mechanical behavior. Ligament specimens from two regions of bovine fetlock joints, which either exhibited highly aligned or disorganized collagen fibril networks, were mechanically tested in uniaxial tension. Confocal microscopy and FiberFit software were used to quantify the collagen fibril dispersion and mean fibril orientation in the mechanically tested specimens. These two structural parameters served as inputs into an established hyperelastic constitutive model that accounts for a continuous distribution of planar fibril orientations. The ability of the model to predict differences in the mechanical behavior between neighboring ligaments was tested by (1) curve fitting the model parameters to the stress response of the ligament with highly aligned fibrils and then (2) using this model to predict the stress response of the ligament with disorganized fibrils by only changing the parameter values for fibril dispersion and mean fibril orientation. This study found that when using parameter values for fibril dispersion and mean fibril orientation based on confocal imaging data, the model strongly predicted the average stress response of ligaments with disorganized fibrils (\(R^{2}=0.97\)); however, the model only successfully predicted the individual stress response of ligaments with disorganized fibrils in half the specimens tested. Model predictions became worse when parameters for fibril dispersion and mean fibril orientation were not based on confocal imaging data. These findings emphasize the importance of collagen fibril alignment in ligament mechanics and help advance a mechanistic understanding of fibrillar networks in healthy and injured ligament.  相似文献   

We report here the existence of a crystalline molecular packing of type II collagen in the fibrils of the lamprey notochord sheath. This is the first finding of a crystalline structure in any collagen other than type I.The lamprey notochord sheath has a composition similar to that of cartilage, with type II collagen, a minor collagen component with 1α, 2α and 3α chains, and cartilage-like proteoglycan. The high degree of orientation of fibrils in the notochord makes it possible to use X-ray diffraction to determine collagen fibril organization in this type II-containing tissue. The low angle equatorial scattering shows the fibrils are all about 17 nm in diameter and have an average center-to-center separation of 31 nm. These results are supported by electron microscope observations. A set of broad equatorial diffraction maxima at higher angles represents the sampling of the collagen molecular transform by a limited crystalline lattice, extending over a lateral dimension close to the diameter of one fibril. This indicates that each 17 nm fibril contains a crystalline array of molecules and, although a unit cell is difficult to determine because of the broad overlapping reflections, it is clear that the quasi-hexagonal triclinic unit cell of type I collagen in rat tail tendon is not consistent with the data. The meridional diffraction pattern showed 26 orders with the characteristic 67 nm periodicity found for tendon. However, the intensities of these reflections differ markedly from those found for tendon and cannot be explained by an unmodified gap/ overlap model within each 67 nm period. Both X-ray diffraction and electron microscope data indicate a low degree of contrast along the fibril axis and are consistent with a periodic binding of a non-collagenous component in such a way as to obscure the gap region.  相似文献   

The collagen network and proteoglycan matrix of articular cartilage are thought to play an important role in controlling the stresses and strains in and around chondrocytes, in regulating the biosynthesis of the solid matrix, and consequently in maintaining the health of diarthrodial joints. Understanding the detailed effects of the mechanical environment of chondrocytes on cell behavior is therefore essential for the study of the development, adaptation, and degeneration of articular cartilage. Recent progress in macroscopic models has improved our understanding of depth-dependent properties of cartilage. However, none of the previous works considered the effect of realistic collagen orientation or depth-dependent negative charges in microscopic models of chondrocyte mechanics. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the collagen network and fixed charge densities of cartilage on the mechanical environment of the chondrocytes in a depth-dependent manner. We developed an anisotropic, inhomogeneous, microstructural fibril-reinforced finite element model of articular cartilage for application in unconfined compression. The model consisted of the extracellular matrix and chondrocytes located in the superficial, middle, and deep zones. Chondrocytes were surrounded by a pericellular matrix and were assumed spherical prior to tissue swelling and load application. Material properties of the chondrocytes, pericellular matrix, and extracellular matrix were obtained from the literature. The loading protocol included a free swelling step followed by a stress-relaxation step. Results from traditional isotropic and transversely isotropic biphasic models were used for comparison with predictions from the current model. In the superficial zone, cell shapes changed from rounded to elliptic after free swelling. The stresses and strains as well as fluid flow in cells were greatly affected by the modulus of the collagen network. The fixed charge density of the chondrocytes, pericellular matrix, and extracellular matrix primarily affected the aspect ratios (height/width) and the solid matrix stresses of cells. The mechanical responses of the cells were strongly location and time dependent. The current model highlights that the collagen orientation and the depth-dependent negative fixed charge densities of articular cartilage have a great effect in modulating the mechanical environment in the vicinity of chondrocytes, and it provides an important improvement over earlier models in describing the possible pathways from loading of articular cartilage to the mechanical and biological responses of chondrocytes.  相似文献   

Collagen fibrils are the principal source of mechanical strength of connective tissues such as tendon, skin, cornea, cartilage and bone. The ability of these tissues to withstand tensile forces is directly attributable to the length and diameter of the fibrils, and to interactions between individual fibrils. Although electron microscopy studies have provided information on fibril diameters, little is known about the length of fibrils in tissue and how fibrils interact with each other. The question of fibril length has been difficult to address because fibril ends are rarely observed in cross-sections of tissue. The paucity of fibril ends, or tips, has led to controversy about how long individual fibrils might be and how the fibrils grow in length and diameter. This review describes recent discoveries that are relevant to these questions. We now know that vertebrate collagen fibrils are synthesised as short (1-3 microm) early fibrils that fuse end-to-end in young tissues to generate very long fibrils. The diameter of the final fibril is determined by the diameter of the collagen early fibrils. During a late stage of tissue assembly fibril tips fuse to fibril shafts to generate branched networks. Of direct relevance to fibril fusion is the fact that collagen fibrils can be unipolar or bipolar, depending on the orientation of collagen molecules in the fibril. Fusion relies on: (1) specific molecular interactions at the carboxyl terminal ends of unipolar collagen fibrils; and (2) the insulator function of small proteoglycans to shield the surfaces of fibrils from inappropriate fusion reactions. The fusion of tips to shafts to produce branched networks of collagen fibrils is an elegant mechanism to increase the mechanical strength of tissues and provides an explanation for the paucity of fibril tips in older tissue.  相似文献   

Degradation of collagen network and proteoglycan (PG) macromolecules are signs of articular cartilage degeneration. These changes impair cartilage mechanical function. Effects of collagen degradation and PG depletion on the time-dependent mechanical behavior of cartilage are different. In this study, numerical analyses, which take the compression-tension nonlinearity of the tissue into account, were carried out using a fibril reinforced poroelastic finite element model. The study aimed at improving our understanding of the stress-relaxation behavior of normal and degenerated cartilage in unconfined compression. PG and collagen degradations were simulated by decreasing the Young's modulus of the drained porous (nonfibrillar) matrix and the fibril network, respectively. Numerical analyses were compared to results from experimental tests with chondroitinase ABC (PG depletion) or collagenase (collagen degradation) digested samples. Fibril reinforced poroelastic model predicted the experimental behavior of cartilage after chondroitinase ABC digestion by a major decrease of the drained porous matrix modulus (-64+/-28%) and a minor decrease of the fibril network modulus (-11+/-9%). After collagenase digestion, in contrast, the numerical analyses predicted the experimental behavior of cartilage by a major decrease of the fibril network modulus (-69+/-5%) and a decrease of the drained porous matrix modulus (-44+/-18%). The reduction of the drained porous matrix modulus after collagenase digestion was consistent with the microscopically observed secondary PG loss from the tissue. The present results indicate that the fibril reinforced poroelastic model is able to predict specifically characteristic alterations in the stress-relaxation behavior of cartilage after enzymatic modifications of the tissue. We conclude that the compression-tension nonlinearity of the tissue is needed to capture realistically the mechanical behavior of normal and degenerated articular cartilage.  相似文献   

The microstructure of tissues and tissue equivalents (TEs) plays a critical role in determining the mechanical properties thereof. One of the key challenges in constitutive modeling of TEs is incorporating the kinematics at both the macroscopic and the microscopic scale. Models of fibrous microstructure commonly assume fibrils to move homogeneously, that is affine with the macroscopic deformation. While intuitive for situations of fibril-matrix load transfer, the relevance of the affine assumption is less clear when primary load transfer is from fibril to fibril. The microstructure of TEs is a hydrated network of collagen fibrils, making its microstructural kinematics an open question. Numerical simulation of uniaxial extensile behavior in planar TE networks was performed with fibril kinematics dictated by the network model and by the affine model. The average fibril orientation evolved similarly with strain for both models. The individual fibril kinematics, however, were markedly different. There was no correlation between fibril strain and orientation in the network model, and fibril strains were contained by extensive reorientation. As a result, the macroscopic stress given by the network model was roughly threefold lower than the affine model. Also, the network model showed a toe region, where fibril reorientation precluded the development of significant fibril strain. We conclude that network fibril kinematics are not governed by affine principles, an important consideration in the understanding of tissue and TE mechanics, especially when load bearing is primarily by an interconnected fibril network.  相似文献   


Loading in cartilage is supported primarily by fibrillar collagen, and damage will impair the function of the tissue, leading to pathologies such as osteoarthritis. Damage is initiated by two types of matrix metalloproteinases, collagenase and gelatinase, that cleave and denature the collagen fibrils in the tissue. Experimental and modeling studies have revealed insights into the individual contributions of these two types of MMPs, as well as the mechanical response of intact fibrils and fibrils that have experienced random surface degradation. However, no research has comprehensively examined the combined influences of collagenases and gelatinases on collagen degradation nor studied the mechanical consequences of biological degradation of collagen fibrils. Such preclinical examinations are required to gain insights into understanding, treating, and preventing degradation-related cartilage pathology. To develop these insights, we use sequential Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations to probe the effect of enzymatic degradation on the structure and mechanics of a single collagen fibril. We find that the mechanical response depends on the ratio of collagenase to gelatinase—not just the amount of lost fibril mass—and we provide a possible mechanism underlying this phenomenon. Overall, by characterizing the combined influences of collagenases and gelatinases on fibril degradation and mechanics at the preclinical research stage, we gain insights that may facilitate the development of targeted interventions to prevent the damage and loss of mechanical integrity that can lead to cartilage pathology.


The remarkable compressive strength of articular cartilage arises from the mechanical interactions between the tension-resisting collagen fibrils and swelling proteoglycan proteins within the tissue. These interactions are facilitated by a significant level of interconnectivity between neighbouring collagen fibrils within the extracellular matrix. A reduction in interconnectivity is suspected to occur during the early stages of osteoarthritic degeneration. However, the relative contribution of these interconnections towards the bulk mechanical properties of articular cartilage has remained an open question. In this study, we present a simple 2D fibre network model which explicitly represents the microstructure of articular cartilage as collection of discrete nodes and linear springs. The transverse stiffness and swelling properties of this fibre network are studied, and a semi-analytic relationship which relates these two macroscopic properties via microscopic interconnectivity is derived. By comparing this derived expression to previously published experimental data, we show that although a reduction in network interconnectivity accounts for some of the observed changes in the mechanical properties of articular cartilage as degeneration occurs, a decrease in matrix interconnectivity alone do not provide a full account of this process.  相似文献   

Type I collagen, the predominant protein of vertebrates, polymerizes with type III and V collagens and non-collagenous molecules into large cable-like fibrils, yet how the fibril interacts with cells and other binding partners remains poorly understood. To help reveal insights into the collagen structure-function relationship, a data base was assembled including hundreds of type I collagen ligand binding sites and mutations on a two-dimensional model of the fibril. Visual examination of the distribution of functional sites, and statistical analysis of mutation distributions on the fibril suggest it is organized into two domains. The "cell interaction domain" is proposed to regulate dynamic aspects of collagen biology, including integrin-mediated cell interactions and fibril remodeling. The "matrix interaction domain" may assume a structural role, mediating collagen cross-linking, proteoglycan interactions, and tissue mineralization. Molecular modeling was used to superimpose the positions of functional sites and mutations from the two-dimensional fibril map onto a three-dimensional x-ray diffraction structure of the collagen microfibril in situ, indicating the existence of domains in the native fibril. Sequence searches revealed that major fibril domain elements are conserved in type I collagens through evolution and in the type II/XI collagen fibril predominant in cartilage. Moreover, the fibril domain model provides potential insights into the genotype-phenotype relationship for several classes of human connective tissue diseases, mechanisms of integrin clustering by fibrils, the polarity of fibril assembly, heterotypic fibril function, and connective tissue pathology in diabetes and aging.  相似文献   

It is proposed that radial growth of collagen fibrils, which takes place in all connective tissues to varying extents, according to the tensile stresses exerted on them, proceeds mainly by aggregation of protofibrils (approximately 10 nm) and existing fibrils. In young tissues, fibrils are prevented from making frequent intimate contacts which would lead to aggregation by abundant interfibrillar proteoglycan, that keeps the fibrils apart. Collagen fibrils are probably unable to fuse except when the molecules within them are packed in the same sense, i.e. fusing fibrils are parallel. The roughly equal numbers of parallel and antiparallel fibrils seen in several tissues must limit radial fibril growth in older tissues, where proteoglycan is usually less abundant. Possible origins of the balance of fibril polarities, which must be conserved after fibril nucleation on cell or non-cell templates, are analysed. The two controlling factors, ambient proteoglycan and fibril polarity, working against the tendency of fibrils to fuse, account for many features of the observed distributions of collagen fibril diameters in diverse tissues and at different ages.  相似文献   

Load-bearing characteristics of articular cartilage are impaired during tissue degeneration. Quantitative microscopy enables in vitro investigation of cartilage structure but determination of tissue functional properties necessitates experimental mechanical testing. The fibril-reinforced poroviscoelastic (FRPVE) model has been used successfully for estimation of cartilage mechanical properties. The model includes realistic collagen network architecture, as shown by microscopic imaging techniques. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between the cartilage proteoglycan (PG) and collagen content as assessed by quantitative microscopic findings, and model-based mechanical parameters of the tissue. Site-specific variation of the collagen network moduli, PG matrix modulus and permeability was analyzed. Cylindrical cartilage samples (n=22) were harvested from various sites of the bovine knee and shoulder joints. Collagen orientation, as quantitated by polarized light microscopy, was incorporated into the finite-element model. Stepwise stress-relaxation experiments in unconfined compression were conducted for the samples, and sample-specific models were fitted to the experimental data in order to determine values of the model parameters. For comparison, Fourier transform infrared imaging and digital densitometry were used for the determination of collagen and PG content in the same samples, respectively. The initial and strain-dependent fibril network moduli as well as the initial permeability correlated significantly with the tissue collagen content. The equilibrium Young's modulus of the nonfibrillar matrix and the strain dependency of permeability were significantly associated with the tissue PG content. The present study demonstrates that modern quantitative microscopic methods in combination with the FRPVE model are feasible methods to characterize the structure-function relationships of articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Human collagen type IX was isolated from the media of organ cultures of fetal or infant hyaline cartilage. It consisted of three distinct, disulfide-bonded polypeptides of 115, 84, and 72 kDa, respectively. Digestion with chondroitinase ABC reduced the apparent molecular mass of the 115-kDa chain to about 65 kDa demonstrating that also human collagen type IX is a proteoglycan. In the electron microscope, the molecule had a rigid rod-like structure with characteristic kinks and with a globular domain at one end. Digestion of human collagen type IX with pepsin leads to somewhat heterogeneous fragments. Affinity-purified antibodies to the mixture of fragments specifically reacted with the fragment HMW without cross-reaction with chicken HMW. LMW of both species were recognized to the same low extent. Mechanically generated fibril fragments from human fetal cartilage were heterogeneous in diameter. Significantly, they could be immunostained for collagen type IX in a D-periodic pattern and regardless of the fibril diameter. Some fibrils were poorly labeled, again independently of the diameter. Therefore, the role of collagen type IX in cartilage probably is not to control directly the lateral growth during fibrillogenesis but rather to stabilize the fibril network.  相似文献   

The collagen fibril network is an important factor for the depth-dependent mechanical behaviour of adult articular cartilage (AC). Recent studies show that collagen orientation is parallel to the articular surface throughout the tissue depth in perinatal animals, and that the collagen orientations transform to a depth-dependent arcade-like structure in adult animals. Current understanding on the mechanobiology of postnatal AC development is incomplete. In the current paper, we investigate the contribution of collagen fibril orientation changes to the depth-dependent mechanical properties of AC. We use a composition-based finite element model to simulate in a 1-D confined compression geometry the effects of ten different collagen orientation patterns that were measured in developing sheep. In initial postnatal life, AC is mostly subject to growth and we observe only small changes in depth-dependent mechanical behaviour. Functional adaptation of depth-dependent mechanical behaviour of AC takes place in the second half of life before puberty. Changes in fibril orientation alone increase cartilage stiffness during development through the modulation of swelling strains and osmotic pressures. Changes in stiffness are most pronounced for small stresses and for cartilage adjacent to the bone. We hypothesize that postnatal changes in collagen fibril orientation induce mechanical effects that in turn promote these changes. We further hypothesize that a part of the depth-dependent postnatal increase in collagen content in literature is initiated by the depth-dependent postnatal increase in fibril strain due to collagen fibril reorientation.  相似文献   

Connective tissue mechanical behavior is primarily determined by the composition and organization of collagen. In ligaments and tendons, type I collagen is the principal structural element of the extracellular matrix, which acts to transmit force between bones or bone and muscle, respectively. Therefore, characterization of collagen fibril morphology and organization in fetal and skeletally mature animals is essential to understanding how tissues develop and obtain their mechanical attributes. In this study, tendons and ligaments from fetal rat, bovine, and feline, and mature rat were examined with scanning electron microscopy. At early fetal developmental stages, collagen fibrils show fibril overlap and interweaving, apparent fibril ends, and numerous bifurcating/fusing fibrils. Late in fetal development, collagen fibril ends are still present and fibril bundles (fibers) are clearly visible. Examination of collagen fibrils from skeletally mature tissues, reveals highly organized regions but still include fibril interweaving, and regions that are more randomly organized. Fibril bifurcations/fusions are still present in mature tissues but are less numerous than in fetal tissue. To address the continuity of fibrils in mature tissues, fibrils were examined in individual micrographs and consecutive overlaid micrographs. Extensive microscopic analysis of mature tendons and ligaments detected no fibril ends. These data strongly suggest that fibrils in mature ligament and tendon are either continuous or functionally continuous. Based upon this information and published data, we conclude that force within these tissues is directly transferred through collagen fibrils and not through an interfibrillar coupling, such as a proteoglycan bridge.  相似文献   

Organization of the collagen network is known to be different in healthy, osteoarthritic and repaired cartilage. The aim of the study was to investigate how the structure and properties of collagen network of cartilage modulate stresses in a knee joint with osteoarthritis or cartilage repair. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 1.5 T was conducted for a knee joint of a male subject. Articular cartilage and menisci in the knee joint were segmented, and a finite element mesh was constructed based on the two-dimensional section in sagittal projection. Then, the knee joint stresses were simulated under impact loads by implementing the structure and properties of healthy, osteoarthritic and repaired cartilage in the models. During the progression of osteoarthritis, characterized especially by the progressive increase in the collagen fibrillation from the superficial to the deeper layers, the stresses were reduced in the superficial zone of cartilage, while they were increased in and under menisci. Increased fibril network stiffness of repair tissue with randomly organized collagen fibril network reduced the peak stresses in the adjacent tissue and strains at the repair–adjacent cartilage interface. High collagen fibril strains were indicative of stress concentration areas in osteoarthritic and repaired cartilage. The collagen network orientation and stiffness controlled the stress distributions in healthy, osteoarthritic and repaired cartilage. The evaluation of articular cartilage function using clinical MRI and biomechanical modeling could enable noninvasive estimation of osteoarthritis progression and monitoring of cartilage repair. This study presents a step toward those goals.  相似文献   

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