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Current plasma fractionation technology combines ethanol precipitation with packed bed chromatography. We have developed a novel core fractionation process comprising five expanded bed adsorption (EBA) chromatographic steps on high-density modified agarose/tungsten carbide beads. Plasma was first chromatographed on two diethyl amino-ethyl (DEAE)-tungsten carbide agarose adsorbents (respective mean particle diameters of dv(0.5) = 190 and 37 μm) to isolate at 50 to 80% recovery a fraction containing 4 to 7 IU/ml factor II (FII), factor IX (FIX), and factor X (FX) (specific activity >1 IU/mg) and another enriched in FVIII and von Willebrand factor (vWF) (∼1 IU/ml and 0.6 IU/mg, respectively). The flow-through was adsorbed on 4% agarose-10% tungsten carbide beads coupled with an acidic mixed-mode ligand to isolate an 80% pure immunoglobulin G (IgG) at a 93% step recovery. A highly purified α1-antitrypsin was isolated at 95% step recovery by adsorbing the flow-through on 4% epoxy-crosslinked agarose-10% tungsten carbide adsorbent material coupled with a cationic ligand. Isolation of 98% pure albumin was achieved at a 99% step recovery by pH 4.5 adsorption of the flow-through on 6% agarose-10% tungsten carbide beads coupled with an acidic mixed-mode ligand. EBA may represent a feasible alternative core plasma fractionation tool.  相似文献   

N-glycosidically-linked glycans released by hydrazinolysis of human factor VIII/von Willebrand factor (FVIII/vWf) were separated by high-voltage electrophoresis. Five fractions were obtained, one of them representing 60% of the total amount of the N-glycosidically-linked glycans of FVIII/vWf. On the basis of the carbohydrate composition, methylation analysis and 500 MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy, we describe the primary structure of this major glycan which is of the monosialylated and monofucosylated biantennary N-acetyllactosaminic type.  相似文献   

Product development and process validation are shown in the case of several products obtained from human plasma. These are virus-inactivated plasma, intravenous immunoglobulins and the clotting factors VIII and IX. Different analytical methods are presented, which are used for product control and in-process control. For the production of virus-inactivated human plasma a down-scale protocol is presented, allowing a simulation of the production on a laboratory scale. Virus validation has shown that the reduction of transfusion-relevant viruses in the process was higher than six log steps. Determination of leachables from the RP-column, which was used in this production, proved that they appear in the final product in quantities below the detection limits only. It was also shown that the chemicals used for virus inactivation could be quantitatively removed from the product. For the isolation of other products, here intravenous gamma globulins and the clotting factors VIII and IX, similar validation steps had to be taken. In the case of clotting factor VIII the following data were determined, the reduction of viruses, the amount of leachables from the column, the residues of chemicals from the solvent/detergent treatment for virus inactivation. Virus reduction was successfully performed as well as the removal of chemicals used for virus inactivation. The amount of leachables from the columns used for chromatographic purification was found to be far below the permissible levels.  相似文献   

A high capacity gel filtration system was developed with the purpose of isolating factor VIII (FVIII) and von Willebrand factor (vWF) directly from plasma in significantly higher yields than obtained by cryoprecipitation, the technique most commonly used to recover FVIII–vWF from human plasma. After laboratory-scale gel filtration of plasma, a FVIII-containing fraction was collected containing about 90% of FVIII in the applied plasma and with almost tenfold higher purity than that obtained by cryoprecipitation. The gel filtration step has been scaled up for use as the initial step in the manufacturing process for a FVIII preparation (Nordiate).  相似文献   

Factor VIII was purified from porcine plasma using adsorption on aluminium hydroxide with CM-cellulose as a filtration aid, cold ethanol precipitation, and two anion-exchange (Q-Sepharose fast flow) chromatographies. The final product was purified 264-fold and had a specific activity of 10 U mg–1. The method is suitable to produce purified porcine FVIII by an easy process where all steps can be scaled up. The final product is free of von Willebrand factor that is responsible for the main side effects in patients. Finally, this method can be used to obtain purified porcine plasma FVIII for use in haemophilic patients with inhibitors.  相似文献   

目的 培育凝血因子IX基因剔除小鼠近交系。方法 采用全同胞兄妹对交配 ,每代选用第一胎小鼠留种 ,记录繁殖性能 ;第 8代开始筛选纯合子。结果 凝血因子IX基因剔除小鼠已近交培育到第 12代 ,交配年龄 70 - 90d ,平均每窝产仔数 5只以上 ,离乳数 3只以上。结论 纯合子FIX剔除基因小鼠在子代鼠中能稳定遗传  相似文献   

A purification method for immunoglobulin A (IgA) yielding monomeric IgA with a purity of over 97% has been developed. This procedure uses ethanol-precipitated plasma (Cohn fraction III precipitate) as the starting material and includes heparin-Sepharose adsorption, dextran sulfate and ammonium sulfate precipitation, hydroxyapatite chromatography, batch adsorption by an anion-exchange matrix and gel permeation. Additional protein G Sepharose treatment leads to an IgA preparation of greater than 99% purity. The isolated IgA presented with an IgA subclass distribution, equivalent to IgA in unfractionated plasma, and was biologically active, as was shown by its ability to down-modulate Haemophilus influenzae-b-induced IL-6 secretion of human monocytes.  相似文献   

Plasma-derived blood coagulation factor VIII was analyzed in real time using biosensor technology. Monoclonal antibodies directed against the heavy and against the light chain of factor VIII were immobilized on different carboxymethyl dextran surfaces. Different factor VIII concentrations were injected over the antibody surfaces in parallel and response levels were determined from the dissociation phase at a fixed time after sample injection. Serial dilutions of plasma-derived factor VIII with known concentrations determined by a commercial FVIIIC:Ag ELISA were used as standards. A quantification limit of 0.9 I.U./ml with antibody 530p and 1.5 I.U./ml with antibody 531p was calculated. Intra-assay precision expressed as percent coefficient of variation was below 10% for concentrations above 0.6 I.U./ml. Inter-assay precision for antibody 530p was below 20% for concentrations higher than 0.6 I.U./ml. For 531p, inter-assay precision was below 10% for concentrations higher than 2 I.U./ml. A sensor chip lifetime in respect to regeneration of at least 100 cycles for both antibodies was found. The small sample requirement of 35 μl allows fast analysis of different FVIII products and the use of two monoclonal antibodies directed against two different FVIII domains provides additional information about the integrity of the FVIII molecule.  相似文献   

Cultivation of microvascular endothelial cells from human preputial skin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A procedure is described for the isolation and cultivation of microvascular endothelium from human skin. Neonatal foreskins are pooled, washed, minced, and dissociated by a mixture of collagenase and dispase. Microvascular endothelium, liberated in the form of intact capillary fragments, is incompletely separated from fibroblasts and epidermal cells by sieving through nylon mesh, followed by velocity sedimentation on 5% bovine serum albumin. The endothelium-enriched fraction has been maintained in primary culture for up to 3 weeks. The resulting epithelioid colonies have been characterized morphologically by both light and transmission electron microscopy and manifest all of the structural features that distinguish other, large-vessel endothelia in culture. In addition, immunohistochemical studies using an indirect fluorescent antibody technique demonstrate that these cells contain the endothelium-specific product, Factor VIII antigen. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants AM18904 and AM20571, the RGK Foundation, the Charlotte and Sidney Lifschultz Foundation, the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, and the South Carolina Geenral Medical Faculty Research Appropriation.  相似文献   

Elution properties of horse immunoglobulin isotypes from protein A and protein G columns were examined. IgGa and IgGb isotypes were bound to protein A and protein G columns and were eluted by adjusting the pH of the elution buffer from 8.0 to 2.0. IgGc bound to protein G column but not to protein A column while IgG(T) bound to both columns. IgM and IgA apparently appeared not to bind to either column. New methods for purification of serum isotypes were developed using protein A and protein G columns as well as formerly established methods. Using these methods, it was possible to obtain purified isotypes for establishment of immunological assays for practical clinical use.  相似文献   

Cultured endothelial cells derived from the human iliac arteries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Cells derived from the endothelium of human iliac arteries were cultured in vivo. The cells were isolated, grown, and subcultured in HEPES buffered Medium 199 supplemented with 20% heat inactivated human whole blood serum, human alpha-thrombin, and commercial endothelial cell growth supplement derived from bovine brain. The cells were viable in culture for 8 to 10 passages at a split ratio of 1:3. After the 10th passage, the cells began to enlarge and their growth rate was reduced. No cultures were viable after the 12th passage. The cells were determined to be of endothelial origin by their morphology at confluence; their ultrastructural characteristics, including the presence of Weibel-Palade bodies; the production and release of factor VIII-related antigen; and by their maintenance of a surface that prevented platelet attachment. The cultured arterial endothelial cells released prostacyclin in response to challenge with thrombin and protamine sulfate but not in response to bradykinin or the platelet-derived growth factor. Although the cultures described in this report were derived from patients with varying degrees of atherosclerotic disease, there were no significant differences in morphological or physiological parameters among these cultures or in comparison with commonly studied cells derived from human umbilical veins. The above work was supported by Grant CA28540 from the National Institutes of Health and by a grant from The Council for Tobacco Research, USA.  相似文献   

Zinc chelate affinity chromatography was used to develop a rapid, three-step procedure to isolate coagulation factor XII from human plasma. The first step was ammonium sulphate fractionction which gave a 2-fold purification and 90% recovery in the 25–50% saturation fraction. The second step was zinc chelate affinity chromatography which gave a 240-fold purification and 67.5% recovery. The third step was zinc chelate affinity chromatography again, but with the application of a pH gradient. The overall recovery of zymogen factor XII was 21.7% and the total purification was 1992-fold. The purified factor XII had an apparent molecular weight of 77 600 as determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and a specific activity of 50 units/mg on a clotting assay.  相似文献   

The production of recombinant vitamin K dependent (VKD) proteins for therapeutic purposes is an important challenge in the pharmaceutical industry. These proteins are primarily synthesized as precursor molecules and contain pre–propeptide sequences. The propeptide is connected to γ‐carboxylase enzyme through the γ‐carboxylase recognition site for the direct γ‐carboxylation of VKD proteins that has a significant impact on their biological activity. Propeptides have different attitudes toward γ‐carboxylase and certain amino acids in propeptide sequences are responsible for the differences in γ‐carboxylase affinity. By aiming to replace amino acids in hFIX propeptide domain based on the prothrombin propeptide, pMT‐hFIX‐M14 expression cassette, containing cDNA of hFIX with substituted ?14 residues (Asp to Ala) was made. After transfection of Drosophila S2 cells, expression of the active hFIX was analyzed by performing ELISA and coagulation test. A 1.4‐fold increase in the mutant recombinant hFIX expression level was observed in comparison with that of a native recombinant hFIX. The enhanced hFIX activity and specific activity of the hFIXD‐14A (2.2 and 1.6 times, respectively) were further confirmed by comparing coagulation activity levels of substituted and native hFIX. Enrichment for functional, fully γ‐carboxylated hFIX species via barium citrate adsorption demonstrated 2‐fold enhanced recovery in the S2‐expressing hFIXD‐14A relative to that expressed native hFIX. These results show that changing ?14 residues leads to a decrease in the binding affinity to substrate, increase in γ‐carboxylation and activity of recombinant hFIX. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:515–520, 2018  相似文献   

The binding protein to a hypoglycosylated IgA1/Sepharose (IgA1-BP) could be prepared from human sera. IgG was a major component in the IgA1-BP. A Protein A column was used to remove the IgG; however, about half of the IgA1-BP was passed from the column [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 264 (1999) 424]. Quantitative analysis of the passed fraction (PAP) by laser nepherometry indicated that it was composed of a fairly large amount of IgA, IgM and complement C3 besides IgG. The relative content of IgG:IgA:IgM:C3:C4 was 25:10:41:22:2 in the PAP fraction. Meanwhile, the Protein A bound-fraction was essentially composed of IgG (78%) and IgM (19%). The total amount of IgA1-BP was not different between the sera from IgA nephropathy patients and other nephropathy patients. With respect to the IgA content in the IgA1-BP from IgA nephropathy patients, it was significantly higher than that from other nephropathy patients. It was found that the IgA1-BP from some IgA nephropathy patients contained a few micrograms of aberrant IgA per ml of serum. Thus, the obtained results suggested the preferential deposition of the self-aggregated IgA composed of hypoglycosylated IgA1 and co-deposition of IgG, IgM and C3 in the glomeruli in an IgA nephropathy patient.  相似文献   

Vitamin C and its degradation products participate in chemical modifications of proteins in vivo through non-enzymatic glycation (Maillard reaction) and formation of different products called advanced glycation end products. Vitamin C levels are particularly high in selected tissues, such as lens, brain and adrenal gland, and its degradation products can inflict substantial protein damage via formation of advanced glycation end products. However, the pathways of in vivo vitamin C degradation are poorly understood. Here we have determined the levels of vitamin C oxidation and degradation products dehydroascorbic acid, 2,3-diketogulonic acid, 3-deoxythreosone, xylosone, and threosone in the human lens using o-phenylenediamine to trap both free and protein-bound adducts. In the protein-free fraction and water-soluble proteins (WSP), all five listed degradation products were identified. Dehydroascorbic acid, 2,3-diketogulonic acid, and 3-deoxythreosone were the major products in the protein-free fraction, whereas in the WSP, 3-deoxythreosone was the most abundant measured dicarbonyl. In addition, 3-deoxythreosone in WSP showed positive linear correlation with age (p < 0.05). In water-insoluble proteins, only 3-deoxythreosone and threosone were detected, whereby the level of 3-deoxythreosone was ~20 times higher than the level of threosone. The identification of 3-deoxythreosone as the major degradation product bound to human lens proteins provides in vivo evidence for the non-oxidative pathway of dehydroascorbate degradation into erythrulose as a major pathway for vitamin C degradation in vivo.  相似文献   

In our previous papers, we reported that factor IX (F-IX), when activated by erythrocyte membranes, causes coagulation. We report on purification, identification, and characterization of F-IX-activating enzyme extracted from human erythrocyte membranes. The enzyme whose amino acid sequence is almost in accord with neutrophil elastase was found in normal erythrocyte membrane. The molecular mass was slightly smaller than that of neutrophil elastase. The content of the enzyme in erythrocyte membranes was estimated to be 3.0-3.7 ng per 10(6)erythrocytes. The F-IX sites cleaved by the enzyme were slightly different from those by the ordinary coagulation reaction. The ability of F-IX cleaved by the enzyme to cause coagulation was estimated to be approximately 1/10 as high as that of the F-IX cleaved by activated F-XI. These findings provide evidence that F-IX is activated by erythrocyte membrane, which may serve as a triggering mechanism for blood coagulation.  相似文献   

The factor VIII (FVIII) crystal structure suggests a possible bonding interaction of His281 (A1 domain) with Ser524 (A2 domain), although the resolution of the structure (∼4 Å) does not firmly establish this bonding. To establish that side chains of these residues participate in an interdomain bond, we prepared and examined the functional properties of a residue swap variant (H281S/S524H) where His281 and Ser524 residues were exchanged with one another and a disulfide-bridged variant (H281C/S524C) where the two residues were replaced with Cys. The latter variant showed efficient disulfide bonding of the A1 and A2 domains. The swap variant showed WT-like FVIII and FVIIIa stability, which were markedly reduced for H281A and S524A variants in an earlier study. The disulfide-bridged variant showed ∼20% increased FVIII stability, and FVIIIa did not decay during the time course measured. This variant also yielded 35% increased thrombin peak values compared with WT in a plasma-based thrombin generation assay. Binding analyses of H281S-A1/A3C1C2 dimer with S524H-A2 subunit yielded a near WT-like affinity value, whereas combining the variant dimer or A2 subunit with the WT complement yielded ∼5- and ∼10-fold reductions, respectively, in affinity. Other functional properties including thrombin generation potential, FIXa binding affinity, Km for FX of FXase complexes, thrombin activation efficiency, and down-regulation by activated protein C showed similar results for the two variants compared with WT FVIII. These results indicate that the side chains of His281 and Ser524 are in close proximity and contribute to a bonding interaction in FVIII that is retained in FVIIIa.  相似文献   

It has been recently reported that the peptide Ac-Glu-Thr-Lys-Thr-Tyr-Phe-Trp-Lys-NH2, analogue of the Glu1811-Lys1818 region of A3 light chain of blood coagulation factor VIII, presents in vitro significant anticoagulant activity. The encapsulation of this peptide into different polyvinyl alcohol formulations is examined here. The formulations were prepared using polyvinyl alcohol cross-linked with either boric acid or glutaraldehyde, giving a series of twelve different hydrogels. In case of PVA-boric acid method, a small percentage of sodium alginate was used in order to avoid bead's agglomeration. In that case, the most efficient encapsulation of the octapeptide (74%) was achieved with 0.2% (w/w) sodium alginate. It was also observed that the increase in sodium alginate percentage leads to beads with increased peptide release time, ranging from 60 to 90 min at 0.02% and 1% (w/w) sodium alginate respectively. The water holding of the PVA gels was estimated to be 27% regardless of the cross-linking reagent used, while it was increased with increasing sodium alginate concentration and reached about 60% for 1% sodium alginate. The longer octapeptide release, at 120 min, was observed with PVA-glutaraldehyde hydrogel, with encapsulation efficiency comparable to those obtained with boric acid, indicating that this hydrogel may be further used in drug delivery systems.  相似文献   

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