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In Drosophila melanogaster mutant alleles of the segmentation gene wingless fall into two classes: winglessLethal mutations are embryonic lethals with a segment-polarity phenotype; the wingless1 mutation is viable when homozygous and produces a homeotic transformation in adults. This paper further describes the embryonic lethal phenotype, and also pole-cell transplants, experiments with a temperature-sensitive mutation, and clonal analysis with a winglessLethal mutation. It is argued that the wg gene is zygotically required after gastrulation for the normal patterning of each embryonic segment. The gene is still required in the larval stages, and the cell nonautonomy of this function supports the view that the wg gene product may be involved in intercellular signaling during development.  相似文献   

Hey J  Kliman RM 《Genetics》2002,160(2):595-608
In Drosophila, as in many organisms, natural selection leads to high levels of codon bias in genes that are highly expressed. Thus codon bias is an indicator of the intensity of one kind of selection that is experienced by genes and can be used to assess the impact of other genomic factors on natural selection. Among 13,000 genes in the Drosophila genome, codon bias has a slight positive, and strongly significant, association with recombination--as expected if recombination allows natural selection to act more efficiently when multiple linked sites segregate functional variation. The same reasoning leads to the expectation that the efficiency of selection, and thus average codon bias, should decline with gene density. However, this prediction is not confirmed. Levels of codon bias and gene expression are highest for those genes in an intermediate range of gene density, a pattern that may be the result of a tradeoff between the advantages for gene expression of close gene spacing and disadvantages arising from regulatory conflicts among tightly packed genes. These factors appear to overlay the more subtle effect of linkage among selected sites that gives rise to the association between recombination rate and codon bias.  相似文献   

S Qian  M Capovilla    V Pirrotta 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(6):1415-1425
The Drosophila homeotic gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx) is regulated by complex mechanisms that specify the spatial domain, the timing and the activity of the gene in individual tissues and in individual cells. In early embryonic development, Ubx expression is controlled by segmentation genes turned on earlier in the developmental hierarchy. Correct Ubx expression depends on multiple regulatory sequences located outside the basal promoter. Here we report that a 500 bp DNA fragment from the bx region of the Ubx unit, approximately 30 kb away from the promoter, contains one of the distant regulatory elements (bx region enhancer, BRE). During early embryogenesis, this enhancer element activates the Ubx promoter in parasegments (PS) 6, 8, 10, and 12 and represses it in the anterior half of the embryo. The repressor of the anterior Ubx expression is the gap gene hunchback (hb). We show that the hb protein binds to the BRE element and that such binding is essential for hb repression in vivo, hb protein also binds to DNA fragments from abx and bxd, two other regulatory regions of the Ubx gene. We conclude that hb represses Ubx expression directly by binding to BRE and probably other Ubx regulatory elements. In addition, the BRE pattern requires input from other segmentation genes, among them tailless and fushi tarazu but not Krüppel and knirps.  相似文献   

The sequence of a cDNA from the giant gene of Drosophila shows that its product has a basic domain followed by a leucine zipper motif. Both features contain characteristic conserved elements of the b-ZIP family of DNA-binding proteins. Expression of the gene in bacteria or by in vitro translation yields a protein that migrates considerably faster than the protein extracted from Drosophila embryos. Treatment with phosphatase shows that this difference is due to multiple phosphorylation of the giant protein in the embryo. Ectopic expression of the protein in precellular blastoderm embryos produces abnormal phenotypes with a pattern of segment loss closely resembling that of Krüppel mutant embryos. Immunological staining shows that giant, ectopically expressed from the hsp70 promoter, represses the expression of both the Krüppel and knirps segmentation gap genes. The analysis of the interactions between Krüppel, knirps and giant reveals a network of negative regulation. We show that the apparent positive regulation of knirps by Krüppel is in fact mediated by a negative effect of Krüppel on giant and a negative effect of giant on knirps. giant protein made in bacteria or in embryos binds in vitro to the Krüppel regulatory elements CD1 and CD2 and recognizes a sequence resembling the binding sites of other b-ZIP proteins.  相似文献   

The tassel seed mutations of maize cause sex reversal of the florets of the tassel, such that the normally staminate florets develop pistils. Although these mutations have been recognized for many years, little is known about how they act. We have tested the hypothesis that the tassel seed genes interact directly with each other and with other genes controlling sex determination in a single genetic pathway by the construction and analysis of double mutants. On the basis of the phenotypes of the double mutants, the tassel seed mutations were placed into two groups: ts1, ts2, Ts5 and ts4, Ts6. Both groups of tassel seed mutations were additive with the masculinizing mutation dwarf, indicating independent modes of action. Interactions of tassel seed mutations with silkless varied, allowing the ordering of the action of the various tassel seed mutations relative to silkless. Both groups of tassel seed mutations were epistatic with regard to sex expression to mutations that alter both architecture of the plant and distribution of male and female florets, Teopod 1, terminal ear, and teosinte branched. Thus, there are at least two separate genetic pathways that control the sex of florets in maize tassels. In addition, analysis of double mutants revealec that all tassel seed genes tested play a role in the regulation of flower morphogenesis as well as pistil suppression. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Drosophila gene giant (gt) is a segmentation gene that affects anterior head structures and abdominal segments A5-A7. Immunolocalization of the gt product shows that it is a nuclear protein whose expression is initially activated in an anterior and a posterior domain. Activation of the anterior domain is dependent on the maternal bicoid gradient while activation of the posterior domain requires maternal nanos gene product. Initial expression is not abolished by mutations in any of the zygotic gap genes. By cellular blastoderm, the initial pattern of expression has evolved into one posterior and three anterior stripes of expression. The evolution, position and width of these stripes are dependent on interactions between gt and the other gap genes. In turn, gt activity in these domains affects the expression of the other gap genes. These interactions, typical of the cross-regulation previously observed among gap genes, confirm that gt is a member of the gap gene class whose function is necessary to establish the overall pattern of gap gene expression. After cellular blastoderm, gt protein continues to be expressed in the head region in parts of the maxillary and mandibular segments as well as in the labrum. Expression is never detected in the labial or thoracic segment primordia but persists in certain head structures, including the ring gland, until the end of embryonic development.  相似文献   

Although mutations in the segment polarity genes wingless, engrailed, hedgehog, gooseberry and cubitus-interruptusD all affect the region of naked cuticle within each segment of the Drosophila larva, subtle phenotypic differences suggest that these genes play different roles in segmental patterning. In this paper, the regulative interactions between these genes are analysed. They have revealed that the products of most of these genes accomplish more than one function during embryogenesis. Whereas early on a positive feed-back loop involving wg, en and hh maintains the expression of wg and en in the extremes of each parasegment, later on wg and en become independent from each other. en appears to regulate the expression of hh and ptc, while wg depends on gsb and ciD.  相似文献   

The formation of the segmentation pattern in Drosophila embryos provides an excellent model for investigating the process of pattern formation in multicellular organisms. Several genes required in an embryo for normal segmentation have been analyzed by classical and molecular genetic and morphological techniques. A detailed consideration of these results suggests that these segmentation genes are combinatorially involved in translating the positional identities of individual cells at an early stage in Drosophila development.  相似文献   

Lyamouri M  Enerly E  Kress H  Lambertsson A 《Gene》2002,282(1-2):199-206
In Drosophila melanogaster, the apparently unrelated genes anon-66Da, RpL14, and anon-66Db (from telomere to centromere) are located on a 5547 bp genomic fragment on chromosome arm 3L at cytological position 66D8. The three genes are tightly linked, and flanked by two relatively large genes with unknown function. We have taken a comparative genomic approach to investigate the evolutionary history of the three genes. To this end we isolated a Drosophila virilis 7.3 kb genomic fragment which is homologous to a 5.5 kb genomic region of D. melanogaster. Both fragments map to Muller's element D, namely to section 66D in D. melanogaster and to section 32E in D. virilis, and harbor the genes anon-66Da, RpL14, and anon-66Db. We demonstrate that the three genes exhibit a high conservation of gene topography in general and in detail. While most introns and intergenic regions reveal sequence divergences, there are, however, a number of interspersed conserved sequence motifs. In particular, two introns of the RpL14 gene contain a short, highly conserved 60 nt long sequence located at corresponding positions. This sequence represents a novel Drosophila small nucleolar RNA, which is homologous to human U49. Whereas DNA flanking the three genes shows no significant interspecies homologies, the 3'-flanking region in D. virilis contains sequences from the transposable element Penelope. The Penelope family of transposable elements has been shown to promote chromosomal rearrangements in the D. virilis species group. The presence of Penelope sequences in the D. virilis 7.3 kb genomic fragment may be indicative for a transposon-induced event of transposition which did not yet scramble the order of the three genes but led to the breakdown of sequence identity of the flanking DNA.  相似文献   

M Treier  C Pfeifle    D Tautz 《The EMBO journal》1989,8(5):1517-1525
We have cloned and sequenced a large portion of the hunchback (hb) locus from Drosophila virilis. Comparison with the Drosophila melanogaster hb sequence shows multiple strong homologies in the upstream and downstream regions of the gene, including most of the known functional parts. The coding sequence is highly conserved within the presumptive DNA-binding finger regions, but more diverged outside of them. The regions of high divergence are correlated with regions which are rich in short direct repeats (regions of high 'cryptic simplicity'), suggesting a significant influence of slippage-like mechanisms in the evolutionary divergence of the two genes. Staining of early D.virilis embryos with an hb antibody reveals conserved and divergent features of the spatial expression pattern at blastoderm stage. It appears that the basic expression pattern, which serves as the gap gene function of hb, is conserved, while certain secondary expression patterns, which have separate functions for the segmentation process, are partly diverged. Thus, both slippage driven mutations in the coding region, which are likely to occur at higher rates than point mutations and the evolutionary divergence of secondary expression patterns may contribute to the evolution of regulatory genes.  相似文献   

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