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The distributions of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) in the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) of the cat were determined by electron microscopy (EM) with the bis- (thioacetoxy)aurate (I), or Au(TA)2, method. Before the infusion of fixative, one of the enzymes was selectively, irreversibly inactivated in vivo, as confirmed by light microscope (LM) examination of sections of the stellate ganglion stained by the more specific copper thiocholine method. Physostigmine-treated controls, for inhibition of AChE or BuChE, were stained concomitantly with tissue for enzyme localization by the Au(TA)2 method for EM examination in each experiment. It was concluded that most of the AChE of the cat SCG is present in the plasma membranes of the preganglionic axons and their terminals, and in the dendritic and perikaryonal plasma membranes of the postsynaptic ganglion cells. BuChE is confined largely to the postsynaptic neuronal plasma membranes. Reasons for the discrepancies between the localizations found by the present direct EM observations and those deduced earlier from LM comparisons of normal and denervated SCG are discussed. It is proposed that a trophic factor released by the preganglionic terminals is probably required for the synthesis of postsynaptic neuronal AChE, and that BuChE may serve as a precursor of AChE at that site.  相似文献   

Ciliary ganglia (CG) of cats were stained for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) by the bis-(thioacetoxy) aurate (I), or Au(TA)2, method for examination by electron microscopy. Acetylcholinesterase was localized along the axolemmas of the preganglionic fibers and their terminals and on the plasmalemmas of the perikarya and dendrites of the ganglion cells, as in the cat superior cervical ganglion (SCG). In contrast to the SCG, AChE was also found in significant amounts in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of the CG cells and dendrites, and in varying but high concentrations in channels of extracellular space in the complex capsular region surrounding the perikarya and dendrites. Butyrylcholinesterase was confined chiefly to the dendritic and perikaryonal plasma membranes of the ganglion cells, as in the SCG. Lysosomes and mitochondria were stained chiefly for non-cholinesterase enzymes, as indicated by the physostigmine-treated controls. The significance of these distributions is discussed.  相似文献   

The origins of the afferent fibers to the cat's superior cervical ganglion (SCG) were demonstrated by using the retrograde horseradish peroxidase tracing method. We found that the preganglionic neurons were located in the spinal segments C8-T5, particularly in T1-T3. These neurons were situated mainly in the intermediolateral column. The extra-SCG neurons along with the cervical sympathetic trunk originated ipsilaterally from the middle cervical and stellate ganglia, and contralaterally from the caudal part of the SCG. Labeled neurons also originated from the mandibular division of the trigeminal ganglion. Our results demonstrated that many fiber sources projected to the SCG, which plays a complicated synaptic role in controlling the visceral organs of the head and neck region.  相似文献   

The synapse structure of the caudal mesenteric ganglion was investigated by an electron-microscopic method in normal cats and at various times (10, 30, and 100 days) after decentralization. The submicroscopic localization of acetylcholinesterase was demonstrated by Karnovsky's method [18] in some synapses of the intact and decentralized ganglion. From the character of the reaction for acetylcholinesterase two groups of synapses could be distinguished. One group, containing pale agranular synaptic vesicles and giving a positive reaction for acetyl-cholinesterase, was classed as cholinergic; the other synapses, giving a negative or weakly positive reaction for acetylcholinesterase and containing many granular vesicles, belonged to the monoaminergic group. The question of the origins of these two groups of synapses is discussed.Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Belorussian SSR, Minsk. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 74–79, January–February, 1979.  相似文献   

Individual nerves of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion were stimulated in acute experiments on cats, and action potentials (AP) were recorded from other nerves of the ganglion in order to clarify whether or not there is transmission of excitation through the ganglion from one nerve to another and to establish whether this transmission is continuous or synaptic. The method of intracellular recording from neurons of the ganglion was also used. It is established that stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerve evokes AP in all of the peripheral nerves of the ganglion, a circumstance that is the result of synaptic transmission of excitation. There is no transmission of excitation in the reverse direction or between any of the 12 peripheral nerves of the ganglion (including the four branches of the internal carotid nerve). Orthodromic excitation is recorded intracellularly from neurons of the ganglion during stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerve, and antidromic excitation is recorded during stimulation of a peripheral nerve (the internal carotid nerve). It follows that the pathways through the ganglion which conduct excitation from the cervical sympathetic nerve into all of the remaining nerves of the ganglion are synaptic. Analysis of EPSP latent periods indicated that preganglionic fibers that differ sharply with respect to threshold and conduction rate (groups S2 and S4) converge on one and the same neurons of the ganglion.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 216–224, March–April, 1970.  相似文献   

Superior cervical ganglia isolated from immature cats accumulated 0.9 ng atoms of 45Ca per mg wet weight during 10-min incubations at 37°C; when expressed as an equivalent volume of medium the accumulation was four times the uptake of 3H-inulin. Orthodromic stimulation of the ganglia doubled 45Ca accumulation, whereas excitation with 50 mM KCl, 5 mM glutamate, or antidromic stimulation increased accumulation by one-half. Hexamethonium reduced the increment in 45Ca accumulation due to orthodromic stimulation only, but another ganglionic blocking agent, tetraethylammonium, did not reduce accumulation in any case. Both agents blocked ganglionic transmission monitored electrophysiologically. To resolve this discrepancy, and to approach the localization of 45Ca within the ganglia, the efflux of previously accumulated 45Ca was examined. The data could be fitted by an equation incorporating the sum of three exponentials, representing a rapidly exchanging compartment plus two more slowly exchanging ones. The latter two appeared to reflect the pre- and postganglionic elements in the ganglia: 45Ca content of the “preganglionic” compartment was increased by orthodromic but not by antidromic stimulation, and was not decreased by either blocking agent; conversely, 45Ca content of the “postganglionic” compartment was increased by both orthodromic and antidromic stimulation, and was decreased by both blocking agents after orthodromic stimulation. The lack of effect of tetraethylammonium on the whole ganglion resulted from an increase in “preganglionic” accumulation that offset the “postganglionic” decrease. After preganglionic denervation, the 45Ca content of the “preganglionic” compartment was reduced by two-thirds, while the 45Ca content of the “postganglionic” compartment was unchanged. Chemical stimulation increased 45Ca accumulation in both compartments. Diphenylhydantoin, 0.1 mM, decreased the increment in 45Ca accumulation due to electrical stimulation and to 50 mM KCl; this inhibition occurred in the “preganglionic” compartment (and perhaps also in the “postganglionic”), and was accompanied by an increased efflux of 45Ca.  相似文献   

The sucrose gap technique was used to study the long positive potential (P-potential) in a curarized cat superior cervical ganglion. The frequency of stimulating the preganglionic trunk optimal for P-potential production was 30–40 impulses/sec at a stimulus series duration of 1 sec. Proserine in low concentrations (1–5 µg/ml) increased amplitude and especially duration of the P-potential. Atropine (0.5–2 µg/ml) blocked it completely. Adrenaline and noradrenaline (10–50 µg/ml inhibited both the negative potential (corresponding to the fast EPSP of neurons) and the P-potential in equal measure. The nature of dependence of P-potential amplitude on value of the membrane potential was also studied. It was found that the P-potential is inhibited in solutions with low potassium ion content, and that amplitude of the P-potential rises with an increase of intracellular sodium concentration. The rate of its increase rises with an increase of temperature. Under the influence of strophathin, the P-potential is inhibited. The data obtained support the hypothesis that the P-potential is determined by synaptic activation of the electrogenic sodium pump.A. A. Bogomol'ets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 76–83, January–February, 1971.  相似文献   

Amphiphile dependency, solubility in aqueous solutions, and sensitivity to proteolysis of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and nonspecific cholinesterase (nsChE) in the rat superior cervical ganglion were studied and compared to properties of soluble plasma cholinesterases. Ganglion AChE shows strong amphiphile dependency: an amphyphilic substance must be present in the homogenizing medium in order to obtain maximal apparent enzyme activity. Apparent activity of AChE solubilized in Ringer's solution was also increased after subsequent addition of a detergent. The 4 S molecular form, predominant in this extract (corresponding to the fastest electrophoretic band), is very sensitive to papain proteolysis but can be protected by a detergent. This molecular form therefore carries an important hydrophobic domain and is probably membrane bound in situ. The 10 S form of ganglionic AChE, extracted in Ringer's solution, is probably a soluble enzyme since, like soluble plasma enzymes, it is not amphiphile dependent and is rather resistant to proteolysis. Ganglion nsChE is more water soluble, less amphiphile dependent and more protease resistant than AChE.  相似文献   

The distributions of noradrenaline and dopamine in subcellular fractions of bovine superior cervical ganglia were measured fluorimetrically and were compared with that of acetylcholine. Results indicate that the crude synaptosomal pellet (P2), which contained the bulk of the bound acetylcholine, was not seriously contaminated with catecholamines. The microsomal fraction showed the highest concentration of noradrenaline relative to protein content, while dopamine was richest in P2, possibly due to formation of synaptosomes from nerve endings of the dopaminergic interneurones which have been described in this tissue.  相似文献   

H Kondo  S Fujiwara 《Acta anatomica》1979,103(2):192-199
The fine structure of granule-containing cells in the human superior cervical ganglion is described. These cells are larger than the typical SIF cells in mammals and exhibit green-yellow fluorescence. They are characterized by numerous granular vesicles (80-140 nm in diameter) in the cytoplasm, but have many features in common with ordinary ganglion cells. They emit several long processes which form bundles together with ordinary nerve fibers. No synapses are found where the cells are presynaptic, although a few synapses are observed there where nerves are prosynaptic on the perikarya and processes of the cells. No close topographical relations are seen between the cells and blood vessels. It is suggested that the granule-containing cells are a special type of postganglionic aminergic neurons.  相似文献   

It has previously been reported that in the isolated cat superior cervical ganglion (SCG) labeled with tritiated norepinephrine (3H-NE), the stimulation of the preganglionic trunk at 10 Hz as well as the exposure to 100 microM exogenous acetylcholine (ACh), produced a Ca++-dependent release of 3H-NE. The present results show that a Ca++-dependent release of 3H-NE was produced also by exposure to either 50 microM veratridine or 60 mM KCl. Tetrodotoxin (0.5 microM) abolished the release of 3H-NE induced by preganglionic stimulation, ACh and veratridine but did not modify the release evoked by KCl. The metabolic distribution of the radioactivity released by the different depolarizing stimuli showed that the 3H-NE was collected mainly unmetabolized. In the cat SCG neither the release of 3H-NE evoked by KCl nor the endogenous content of NE was modified by pretreatment with 6-OH-dopamine (6-OH-DA). On the other hand, this chemical sympathectomy depleted the endogenous content of NE in the cat nictitating membrane, whose nerve terminals arise from the SCG. The data presented suggest that the depolarization-coupled release of NE from the cat SCG involves structures that are different to nerve terminals and that contain Na+ channels as well as Ca++ channels.  相似文献   

The superior cervical ganglion (SCG) was reinnervated by vagal afferent fibers by cross anastomosis between the cranial end of nodose ganglion and the caudal end of SCG in cats. Formation of functional synapses was evidenced by unilateral mydriasis and contraction of the nictitating membrane in response to inflation of the stomach with a balloon or to electrical stimulation of the afferent vagus. The acetylcholine (ACh) content in the cross-anastomosed SCG (reinnervated by vagal afferent fibers) was measured. In anastomosed SCG, the ACh content was about half of normal SCG, but significantly higher than chronically decentralized SCG. Also the ACh content in nodose ganglion (NDG) was investigated in situations in which there was anastomosis, chronic supra, infra, or supra-/infranodose vagotomy. The ACh content of anastomosed NDG was near that of supranosdose vagotomized ganglion. The ACh content of supra-/infranodose vagotomized NDG, which can be considered the NDG itself, was as much as that of normal intact NDG. It was found that the ACh content of infranodose vagotomized NDG was increased, possibly the result of vagal efferent axonal flow or transport. The ACh content of vagal trunk with or without infranodose vagotomy was also measured. The ACh content of vagal trunk with infranodose vagotomy was smaller than that of the normal trunk, but there was still a considerable quantity of ACh. There was no significant change in wet weight of the SCG and NDG before or after the operations. From these results we have concluded that the transmission of the cross-anastomosed SCG (reinnervated with vagal afferent nerve) was cholinergic; and that the vagal afferent nerve have afferent cell bodies not only in NDG but also in peripheral vagal trunks (infranodose portion). These results strongly suggest that vagal afferent fibers are in part cholinergic.  相似文献   

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