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Ascorbate oxidase, dissolved in Hepes or sodium phosphate buffers, was analyzed by EPR and activity measurements before and after storage at −30°C and 77 K. The specific activity was somewhat higher in the phosphate buffer, about 3500–3700 Dawson units compared to about 3100 units of the enzyme dissolved in Hepes buffer. After storage at −30°C the activity fell to 1400–2000 units in the phosphate buffer but only to 2600–2800 units in the Hepes buffer. Large changes occurred in the EPR spectrum of enzyme dissolved in the phosphate buffer after storing at −30°C suggesting an alteration of the type 2 copper site. These changes were, however, reverted when the samples were thawed and rapidly frozen at 77 K. Copper analysis showed that about 50% of the total copper was EPR detected. The type 2 Cu2+ EPR intensity was in most samples close to 25% of the total EPR intensity. This low contribution of type 2 Cu2+ could not be changed if the enzyme was completely reduced and reoxidized, treated with Fe(CN)63−, large excess of NaF, addition of 50% (v/v) ethylene glycol or dialyzed against 0.1 M Mes buffer (pH 5.5). Since the crystal structure shows that there are one each of types 1 and 2 copper in the monomers there must be another species with an EPR signal rather different from these two copper species. This signal is proposed to originate from some trinuclear centers. The EPR simulations show that it is possible to house a broad unresolved signal under the resolved type 1 and 2 signals so that the total integral becomes 50% of the total copper in the molecule.  相似文献   

Anaerobic treatment with cyanide of reduced ascorbate oxidase causes total depletion of copper. No significant amount of the metal is reincorporated when the apo-enzyme is incubated with cupric ions, but it is upon incubation with a stoichiometric amount (eight mol per mol of native enzyme) of a Cu(I) complex stable in air [Cu(I)(thiourea)3]Cl. The yield in reconstituted protein is higher under anaerobic conditions (85-90%) than in air (70-75%). By treatment with less than stoichiometric amounts of [Cu(I)(thiourea)3]Cl the apo-protein binds copper preferentially at the blue copper site. As a consequence the recovery of enzymatic activity is percentually lower than copper reincorporation.  相似文献   

Esaka M  Fujisawa K  Goto M  Kisu Y 《Plant physiology》1992,100(1):231-237
Ascorbate oxidase expression in pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.) tissues was studied. Specific ascorbate oxidase activities in pumpkin leaf and stem tissues were about 2 and 1.5 times that in the fruit tissues, respectively. In seeds, little ascorbate oxidase activity was detected. Northern blot analyses showed an abundant ascorbate oxidase mRNA in leaf and stem tissues. Fruit tissues had lower levels of ascorbate oxidase mRNA than leaf and stem tissues. Ascorbate oxidase mRNA was not detected in seeds. Specific ascorbate oxidase activity gradually increased during early seedling growth of pumpkin seeds. The increase was accompanied by an increase in ascorbate oxidase mRNA. When ascorbate oxidase activity in developing pumpkin fruits was investigated, the activities in immature fruits that are rapidly growing at 0, 2, 4, and 7 d after anthesis were much higher than those in mature fruits at 14 and 30 d after anthesis. The specific activity and mRNA of ascorbate oxidase markedly increased after inoculation of pumpkin fruit tissues into Murashige and Skoog's culture medium in the presence of an auxin such as 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) but not in the absence of 2,4-D. In the presence of 10 mg/L of 2,4-D, ascorbate oxidase mRNA was the most abundant. Thus, ascorbate oxidase is induced by 2,4-D. These results indicate that ascorbate oxidase is involved in cell growth. In pumpkin callus, ascorbate oxidase activity could be markedly increased by adding copper. Furthermore, immunological blotting showed that the amount of ascorbate oxidase protein was also increased by adding copper. However, northern blot analyses showed that ascorbate oxidase mRNA was not increased by adding copper. We suggest that copper may control ascorbate oxidase expression at translation or at a site after translation.  相似文献   

Ascorbate oxidase from pumpkin (Cucurbita sp.) was purified from a commercially available preparation. A single polypeptide band with Mr 64,000 was detected after sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme. In double immunodiffusion tests, antiserum against the purified preparation formed a single precipitin line with the crude extract from pumpkin fruit tissue or the callus as well as with the purified preparation. Immunological blotting method showed that mol wt of ascorbate oxidase subunit in pumpkin callus was the same as that of the purified preparation. Analysis with the single radial immunodiffusion method showed that the increase in ascorbate oxidase activity during the growth of pumpkin callus correlated with an increase in the enzyme protein. Furthermore, enzyme protein in the callus grown in the presence of 10 micromolar CuSO4 for 2 weeks was about eight times that grown in the presence of 0.1 micromolar CuSO4. The synthesis of ascorbate oxidase in pumpkin callus may be induced by copper, a prosthetic metal of the enzyme, or copper may help stabilize the enzyme against proteolytic breakdown.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of native, type-2 Cu-depleted and fully Cu-depleted ascorbate oxidase to thermal and chemical denaturation has been probed by differential scanning calorimetry, fluorimetry and circular dichroism. The data indicate that copper affects the stability, but not the protein conformation. The unfolding of ascorbate oxidase is characterized by a single endotherm. Calorimetric domains revealed by deconvolution are consistent with the domains identified by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

Anaerobic reaction of ascorbate oxidase with ascorbate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ascorbate oxidase is fully reduced by 4 mol of ascorbate in the absence of air, as monitored by optical and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. At less than stoichiometric ascorbate concentration there is a slow equilibration between the 605-and 330-nm absorption bands: The 605-nm chromophore is first reduced, then its color reappears while the 330-nm absorption band decreases. Upon reoxidation with air the process takes place in the opposite direction. Intramolecular rather than intermolecular electron exchange appears to be responsible for this process. The reduced protein is about twice as fluorescent as the oxidized protein. The fluorescence quenching in the oxidized protein is related to the 330-nm absorption band rather than to the 605-nm band as previously reported for laccase.  相似文献   

The copper content and activity data of 137 purified samples of ascorbate oxidase (l-ascorbate:O2 oxidoreductase, EC prepared in this laboratory during the period 1951–1977 have been examined and correlated. These data support the developing concepts of “active site heterogeneity” in otherwise homogeneous protein preparations. The specific activities, based on the copper contents of these 137 enzyme specimens, have been determined to average at about 760 units per μg copper and to reach maximum values in the area of 1000 units per μg copper. The maximum specific activity value (units per mg protein) and the copper content value of these purified specimens have been found to be 3800 ± 400 and 0.46 ± 0.06%, respectively.  相似文献   

Azide binding to the blue copper oxidases laccase and ascorbate oxidase (AO) was investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and pulsed electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopies. As the laccase : azide molar ratio decreases from 1:1 to 1:7, the intensity of the type 2 (T2) Cu(II) EPR signal decreases and a signal at g approximately 1.9 appears. Temperature and microwave power dependent EPR measurements showed that this signal has a relatively short relaxation time and is therefore observed only below 40 K. A g approximately 1.97 signal, with similar saturation characteristics was found in the AO : azide (1:7) sample. The g < 2 signals in both proteins are assigned to an S = 1 dipolar coupled Cu(II) pair whereby the azide binding disrupts the anti-ferromagnetic coupling of the type 3 (T3) Cu(II) pair. Analysis of the position of the g < 2 signals suggests that the distance between the dipolar coupled Cu(II) pair is shorter in laccase than in AO. The proximity of T2 Cu(II) to the S = 1 Cu(II) pair enhances its relaxation rate, reducing its signal intensity relative to that of native protein. The disruption of the T3 anti-ferromagnetic coupling occurs only in part of the protein molecules, and in the remaining part a different azide binding mode is observed. The 130 K EPR spectra of AO and laccase with azide (1:7) exhibit, in addition to an unperturbed T2 Cu(II) signal, new features in the g parallel region that are attributed to a perturbed T2 in protein molecules where the anti-ferromagnetic coupling of T3 has not been disrupted. While these features are also apparent in the AO : azide sample at 10 K, they are absent in the EPR spectra of the laccase : azide sample measured in the range of 6-90 K. Moreover, pulsed ENDOR measurements carried out at 4.2 K on the latter exhibited only a reduction in the intensity of the 20 MHz peak of the 14N histidine coordinated to the T2 Cu(II) but did not resolve any significant changes that could indicate azide binding to this ion. The lack of T2 Cu(II) signal perturbation below 90 K in laccase may be due to temperature dependence of the coupling within the trinuclear : azide complex.  相似文献   

The electronic, CD and EPR spectra of ascorbate oxidase isolated from the green zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo medullosa) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) have been investigated. The visible absorption bands are clearly resolved in the CD spectrum, where the extrema occur at 735, 610, 550, 475 and 330 nm, while weak additional CD activity possibly occurs near 420 nm. The near-UV spectrum is dominated by the absorption of the aromatic amino acid residues centered at 280 nm, while resolved CD bands occur at 296, 291, 283, 265 and 240 nm. In the far-UV region the protein CD spectrum reflects its secondary structure: a single negative maximum at 218 nm suggests a predominant anti-parallel β conformation for ascorbate oxidase. The frozen solution EPR spectrum of the protein has been fitted according to a new computer simulation procedure. The following parameters were obtained: for the type 1 copper gz = 2.222, gx = 2.032, gy = 2.056, Az = 59 G, Ax = 11 G, and Ay = 5 G; for the type 2 copper g ? = 2.240, g = 2.057, A? = 179 G and A = 1 G. Of the eight copper atoms present in the protein four are EPR-detectable: three of type 1 and one of type 2, as shown by computer simulation of the EPR spectrum. Ascorbate oxidase is a rather unstable protein when purified and it is sensitive to a number of environmental factors. Aging of the protein leads to a decrease in the ratio between the type 1 and type 2 coppers. A new species formed at the early stages of the aging process, that has been spectrally characterized, suggests that the loss of the type 1 copper is preceded by a change in the symmetry of the original type 1 site from pseudotetrahedral to pseudotetragonal.  相似文献   

The ascorbate oxidase of two squash cultivars was resolved into five molecular forms by gel electrophoresis; that of cucumber was resolved into three forms. Molecular weight estimates by Sephadex gel filtration and interconversions of these forms strongly suggest the presence of a monomeric form of MW 30 000 for the cucumber enzyme and 35 000 for that of the squashes. The other two forms in the cucumber appear to be a dimer and a tetramer, whilst a tetramer, an octamer, a dodecamer, and a polymer of MW between 670 000 and 2 000 000 are likely to be the other four forms present in the squashes. The monomer was the most abundant form in the cucumber and the tetramer in the two squashes. The peel of these fruits was higher in activity than the flesh, but the isozyme pattern was the same in peel and flesh. The tetramer of the squashes and the dimer of cucumbers were the most resistant forms to heat inactivation. The enzyme is soluble and not associated with subcellular particles.  相似文献   

The function of ascorbate oxidase in tobacco   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  

When cytochrome oxidase is solubilized in bile acid, ascorbate alone is capable of reducing the oxidase and induces oxygen uptake in the absence of cytochrome c. Cytochrome oxidase is organized into vesicular structures in the absence of detergent in phosphate buffer. In this, spectral changes are brought about by ascorbate, but there is negligible oxygen uptake in the absence of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Ascorbate oxidase oxidizes leuco 2, 6-dichloroindophenol to the blue quinoid dye and produces spectral changes in the UV spectra of certain substituted polyhydric and amino phenols at pH 5.7. The new peaks produced by the addition of enzyme to the dichlorohydroquinones (2,5 and 2,6) and hydroxyhydroquinone correspond to the respective p-quinones of these substrates. At pH 5.7, the enzyme does not oxidize hydroquinone, barely oxidizes chlorohydroquinone, but oxidizes 2,6- and 2,5-dichlorohydroquinone and hydroxyhydroquinone at a rate about 112 that of ascorbic acid, with the uptake of one gram atom of oxygen per mole of substrate. A correlation has been found between the concentration of anion present in solution at pH 5.7 and the rate of oxidation of compounds of the hydroquinone series by the enzyme. The results indicate that an anionic form of the substrate is an important requirement of the enzyme specificity.  相似文献   

Reoxidation process of reduced cucumber ascorbate oxidase ( with dioxygen was investigated in detail through absorption, circular dichroic (CD) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra. One of the three type I coppers and the type II copper were reoxidized more rapidly than other type I coppers. The principal active site of ascorbate oxidase was considered to be comprised of one type I, one type II and a pair of type III coppers similarly to the active sites in laccase and ceruloplasmin. Remaining two type I and a pair of type III coppers were also disclosed to contribute to the oxidation of L-ascorbate.  相似文献   

Ascorbate oxidase (AAO) is a large, multidomain, dimeric protein whose folding/unfolding pathway is characterized by a complex, multistep process. Here we used fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to demonstrate the formation of partially folded monomers by pH-induced full dissociation into subunits. Hence, the structural features of monomeric AAO could be studied by fluorescence and CD spectroscopy. We found that the monomers keep their secondary structure, whereas subtle conformational changes in the tertiary structure become apparent. AAO dissociation has also been studied when unfolding the protein by high hydrostatic pressure at different pH values. A strong protein concentration dependence was observed at pH 8, whereas the enzyme was either monomeric or dimeric at pH 10 and 6, respectively. The calculated volume change associated with the unfolding of monomeric AAO, ΔV ~ -55 mL·mol(-1), is in the range observed for most proteins of the same size. These findings demonstrate that partially folded monomeric species might populate the energy landscape of AAO and that the overall AAO stability is crucially controlled by a few quaternary interactions at the subunits' interface.  相似文献   

The possible presence of dimeric unfolding intermediates might offer a clue to understanding the relationship between tertiary and quaternary structure formation in dimers. Ascorbate oxidase is a large dimeric enzyme that displays such an intermediate along its unfolding pathway. In this study the combined effect of high pressure and denaturing agents gave new insight on this intermediate and on the mechanism of its formation. The transition from native dimer to the dimeric intermediate is characterized by the release of copper ions forming the tri-nuclear copper center located at the interface between domain 2 and 3 of each subunit. This transition, which is pH-dependent, is accompanied by a decrease in volume, probably associated to electrostriction due to the loosening of intra-subunit electrostatic interactions. The dimeric species is present even at 3 x 10(8) Pa, providing evidence that mechanically or chemically induced unfolding lead to a similar intermediate state. Instead, dissociation occurs with an extremely large and negative volume change (DeltaV approximately -200 mL.mol(-1)) by pressurization in the presence of moderate amounts of denaturant. This volume change can be ascribed to the elimination of voids at the subunit interface. Furthermore, the combination of guanidine and high pressure uncovers the presence of a marginally stable (DeltaG approximately 2 kcal.mol(-1)) monomeric species (which was not observed in previous equilibrium unfolding measurements) that might be populated in the early folding steps of ascorbate oxidase. These findings provide new aspects of the protein folding pathway, further supporting the important role of quaternary interactions in the folding strategy of large dimeric enzymes.  相似文献   

From the peelings of cucumber Cucumis sativus and marrow squash Cucurbita pepo var. giramontia highly purified ascorbate oxidase preparations were obtained. Molecular weights, optical and EPR spectra, total copper contents and different type copper contents of the both proteins were similar. The effects of NaN3, KCN, I- and F- on the optical and EPR spectra of the proteins were studied. The incubation of ascorbate oxidase with these anions lead to the partial reduction of the copper. The data obtained indicate that F- is bound to the copper atoms of the type 2, and that N5- modifies surroundings of these copper atoms. The copper atoms of types 1 and 2 in both ascorbate oxidases, unlike fungal laccase, are completely reduced under effect of CN-. The bleaching of ascorbate oxidase, observed in alkaline media involves also increasing of the intensity of the band at 330 nm. The results show that three types of copper in ascorbate oxidase have various sensitivities to the inorganic anions. These data are compared with results observed for another blue copper-containing enzymes, such as laccases and ceruloplasmin.  相似文献   

Concerning the quaternary structure of ascorbate oxidase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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