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Phage as agents of lateral gene transfer   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
When establishing lysogeny, temperate phages integrate their genome as a prophage into the bacterial chromosome. Prophages thus constitute in many bacteria a substantial part of laterally acquired DNA. Some prophages contribute lysogenic conversion genes that are of selective advantage to the bacterial host. Occasionally, phages are also involved in the lateral transfer of other mobile DNA elements or bacterial DNA. Recent advances in the field of genomics have revealed a major impact by phages on bacterial chromosome evolution.  相似文献   

Many species of bacteria harbor multiple prophages in their genomes. Prophages often carry genes that confer a selective advantage to the bacterium, typically during host colonization. Prophages can convert to infectious viruses through a process known as induction, which is relevant to the spread of bacterial virulence genes. The paradigm of prophage induction, as set by the phage Lambda model, sees the process initiated by the RecA-stimulated self-proteolysis of the phage repressor. Here we show that a large family of lambdoid prophages found in Salmonella genomes employs an alternative induction strategy. The repressors of these phages are not cleaved upon induction; rather, they are inactivated by the binding of small antirepressor proteins. Formation of the complex causes the repressor to dissociate from DNA. The antirepressor genes lie outside the immunity region and are under direct control of the LexA repressor, thus plugging prophage induction directly into the SOS response. GfoA and GfhA, the antirepressors of Salmonella prophages Gifsy-1 and Gifsy-3, each target both of these phages' repressors, GfoR and GfhR, even though the latter proteins recognize different operator sites and the two phages are heteroimmune. In contrast, the Gifsy-2 phage repressor, GtgR, is insensitive to GfoA and GfhA, but is inactivated by an antirepressor from the unrelated Fels-1 prophage (FsoA). This response is all the more surprising as FsoA is under the control of the Fels-1 repressor, not LexA, and plays no apparent role in Fels-1 induction, which occurs via a Lambda CI-like repressor cleavage mechanism. The ability of antirepressors to recognize non-cognate repressors allows coordination of induction of multiple prophages in polylysogenic strains. Identification of non-cleavable gfoR/gtgR homologues in a large variety of bacterial genomes (including most Escherichia coli genomes in the DNA database) suggests that antirepression-mediated induction is far more common than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Phages are a primary driving force behind the evolution of bacterial pathogens by transferring a variety of virulence genes into their hosts. Similar to other bacterial genomes, the Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis LK5 genome contains several regions that are homologous to phages. Although genomic analysis demonstrated the presence of prophages, it was unable to confirm which phage elements within the genome were viable. Genetic markers were used to tag one of the prophages in the genome to allow monitoring of phage induction. Commonly used laboratory strains of Salmonella were resistant to phage infection, and therefore a rapid screen was developed to identify susceptible hosts. This approach showed that a genetically tagged prophage, ELPhiS (Enteritidis lysogenic phage S), was capable of infecting Salmonella serovars that are diverse in host range and virulence and has the potential to laterally transfer genes between these serovars via lysogenic conversion. The rapid screen approach is adaptable to any system with a large collection of isolates and may be used to test the viability of prophages found by sequencing the genomes of various bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages capable of integrating into host bacterial genomes as prophages affect the biology and virulence of their bacterial hosts. Previously, partial sequencing of 12 prophages similar to CJIE1 from Campylobacter jejuni RM1221 did not show the presence of inserted nonphage genes. Therefore, four of these prophages were sequenced completely, and indels were found in at least two different regions of the prophage genome. Putative proteins from one indel appeared to be members of two new families of proteins, with proteins within each family related to each other by a common domain. Further heterogeneity was found adjacent to the CJE0270 homolog, creating difficulty locating the end of the prophage on this side and in determining the composition of the core prophage. These prophages appear to comprise a family that has heterogeneity in gene content resulting from insertion or deletion of additional genes at three locations in their genomes. In addition, members of the CJIE1 phage family may differ somewhat in their biology from phage Mu. Further investigations of these Campylobacter prophages can be expected to provide interesting insights into the biology of the phages themselves and into the role of these phages in the biology of their hosts.  相似文献   

Integrated into their bacterial hosts’ genomes, prophage sequences exhibit a wide diversity of length and gene content, from highly degraded cryptic sequences to intact, functional prophages that retain a full complement of lytic-function genes. We apply three approaches—bioinformatics, analytical modelling and computational simulation—to understand the diverse gene content of prophages. In the bioinformatics work, we examine the distributions of over 50,000 annotated prophage genes identified in 1384 prophage sequences, comparing the gene repertoires of intact and incomplete prophages. These data indicate that genes involved in the replication, packaging, and release of phage particles have been preferentially lost in incomplete prophages, while tail fiber, transposase and integrase genes are significantly enriched. Consistent with these results, our mathematical and computational approaches predict that genes involved in phage lytic function are preferentially lost, resulting in shorter prophages that often retain genes that benefit the host. Informed by these models, we offer novel hypotheses for the enrichment of integrase and transposase genes in cryptic prophages. Overall, we demonstrate that functional and cryptic prophages represent a diversity of genetic sequences that evolve along a parasitism-mutualism continuum.  相似文献   

Temperate phages have the ability to maintain their genome in their host, a process called lysogeny. For most, passive replication of the phage genome relies on integration into the host''s chromosome and becoming a prophage. Prophages remain silent in the absence of stress and replicate passively within their host genome. However, when stressful conditions occur, a prophage excises itself and resumes the viral cycle. Integration and excision of phage genomes are mediated by regulated site-specific recombination catalyzed by tyrosine and serine recombinases. In the KplE1 prophage, site-specific recombination is mediated by the IntS integrase and the TorI recombination directionality factor (RDF). We previously described a sub-family of temperate phages that is characterized by an unusual organization of the recombination module. Consequently, the attL recombination region overlaps with the integrase promoter, and the integrase and RDF genes do not share a common activated promoter upon lytic induction as in the lambda prophage. In this study, we show that the intS gene is tightly regulated by its own product as well as by the TorI RDF protein. In silico analysis revealed that overlap of the attL region with the integrase promoter is widely encountered in prophages present in prokaryotic genomes, suggesting a general occurrence of negatively autoregulated integrase genes. The prediction that these integrase genes are negatively autoregulated was biologically assessed by studying the regulation of several integrase genes from two different Escherichia coli strains. Our results suggest that the majority of tRNA-associated integrase genes in prokaryotic genomes could be autoregulated and that this might be correlated with the recombination efficiency as in KplE1. The consequences of this unprecedented regulation for excisive recombination are discussed.  相似文献   

Genome evolution of bacteria is usually influenced by ecology, such that bacteria with a free-living stage have large genomes and high rates of horizontal gene transfer, while obligate intracellular bacteria have small genomes with typically low amounts of gene exchange. However, recent studies indicate that obligate intracellular species that host-switch frequently harbor agents of horizontal transfer such as mobile elements. For example, the temperate double-stranded DNA bacteriophage WO in Wolbachia persistently transfers between bacterial coinfections in the same host. Here we show that despite the phage's rampant mobility between coinfections, the prophage's genome displays features of constraint related to its intracellular niche. First, there is always at least one intact prophage WO and usually several degenerate, independently-acquired WO prophages in each Wolbachia genome. Second, while the prophage genomes are modular in composition with genes of similar function grouping together, the modules are generally not interchangeable with other unrelated phages and thus do not evolve by the Modular Theory. Third, there is an unusual core genome that strictly consists of head and baseplate genes; other gene modules are frequently deleted. Fourth, the prophage recombinases are diverse and there is no conserved integration sequence. Finally, the molecular evolutionary forces acting on prophage WO are point mutation, intragenic recombination, deletion, and purifying selection. Taken together, these analyses indicate that while lateral transfer of phage WO is pervasive between Wolbachia with occasional new gene uptake, constraints of the intracellular niche obstruct extensive mixture between WO and the global phage population. Although the Modular Theory has long been considered the paradigm of temperate bacteriophage evolution in free-living bacteria, it appears irrelevant in phages of obligate intracellular bacteria.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages (or phages) play major roles in the evolution of bacterial pathogens via horizontal gene transfer. Multiple phages are often integrated in a host chromosome as prophages, not only carrying various novel virulence-related genetic determinants into host bacteria but also providing various possibilities for prophage-prophage interactions in bacterial cells. In particular, Escherichia coli strains such as Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing E. coli (STEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) strains have acquired more than 10 prophages (up to 21 prophages), many of which encode type III secretion system (T3SS) effector gene clusters. In these strains, some prophages are present at a single locus in tandem, which is usually interpreted as the integration of phages that use the same attachment (att) sequence. Here, we present phages integrating into T3SS effector gene cluster-associated loci in prophages, which are widely distributed in STEC and EPEC. Some of the phages integrated into prophages are Stx-encoding phages (Stx phages) and have induced the duplication of Stx phages in a single cell. The identified attB sequences in prophage genomes are apparently derived from host chromosomes. In addition, two or three different attB sequences are present in some prophages, which results in the generation of prophage clusters in various complex configurations. These phages integrating into prophages represent a medically and biologically important type of inter-phage interaction that promotes the accumulation of T3SS effector genes in STEC and EPEC, the duplication of Stx phages in STEC, and the conversion of EPEC to STEC and that may be distributed in other types of E. coli strains as well as other prophage-rich bacterial species.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage induced lysis of host bacterial cell is mediated by a two component cell lysis cassette comprised of holin and lysozyme. Prophages are integrated forms of bacteriophages in bacterial genomes providing a repertoire for bacterial evolution. Analysis using the prophage database (http://bicmku.in:8082) constructed by us showed 47 prophages were associated with putative two component cell lysis genes. These proteins cluster into four different subgroups. In this process, a putative holin (essd) and endolysin (ybcS), encoded by the defective lambdoid prophage DLP12 was found to be similar to two component cell lysis genes in functional bacteriophages like p21 and P1. The holin essd was found to have a characteristic dual start motif with two transmembrane regions and C-terminal charged residues as in class II holins. Expression of a fusion construct of essd in Escherichia coli showed slow growth. However, under appropriate conditions, this protein could be over expressed and purified for structure function studies.The second component of the cell lysis cassette, ybcS, was found to have an N-terminal SAR (Signal Arrest Release) transmembrane domain. The construct of ybcS has been over expressed in E.coli and the purified protein was functional, exhibiting lytic activity against E.coli and Salmonella typhi cell wall substrate. Such targeted sequence- structure-function characterization of proteins encoded by cryptic prophages will help understand the contribution of prophage proteins to bacterial evolution.  相似文献   



Prophages are integrated viral forms in bacterial genomes that have been found to contribute to interstrain genetic variability. Many virulence-associated genes are reported to be prophage encoded. Present computational methods to detect prophages are either by identifying possible essential proteins such as integrases or by an extension of this technique, which involves identifying a region containing proteins similar to those occurring in prophages. These methods suffer due to the problem of low sequence similarity at the protein level, which suggests that a nucleotide based approach could be useful.


Earlier dinucleotide relative abundance (DRA) have been used to identify regions, which deviate from the neighborhood areas, in genomes. We have used the difference in the dinucleotide relative abundance (DRAD) between the bacterial and prophage DNA to aid location of DNA stretches that could be of prophage origin in bacterial genomes. Prophage sequences which deviate from bacterial regions in their dinucleotide frequencies are detected by scanning bacterial genome sequences. The method was validated using a subset of genomes with prophage data from literature reports. A web interface for prophage scan based on this method is available at http://bicmku.in:8082/prophagedb/dra.html. Two hundred bacterial genomes which do not have annotated prophages have been scanned for prophage regions using this method.


The relative dinucleotide distribution difference helps detect prophage regions in genome sequences. The usefulness of this method is seen in the identification of 461 highly probable loci pertaining to prophages which have not been annotated so earlier. This work emphasizes the need to extend the efforts to detect and annotate prophage elements in genome sequences.  相似文献   

Bacterial genome nucleotide sequences are being completed at a rapid and increasing rate. Integrated virus genomes (prophages) are common in such genomes. Fifty-one of the 82 such genomes published to date carry prophages, and these contain 230 recognizable putative prophages. Prophages can constitute as much as 10-20% of a bacterium's genome and are major contributors to differences between individuals within species. Many of these prophages appear to be defective and are in a state of mutational decay. Prophages, including defective ones, can contribute important biological properties to their bacterial hosts. Therefore, if we are to comprehend bacterial genomes fully, it is essential that we are able to recognize accurately and understand their prophages from nucleotide sequence analysis. Analysis of the evolution of prophages can shed light on the evolution of both bacteriophages and their hosts. Comparison of the Rac prophages in the sequenced genomes of three Escherichia coli strains and the Pnm prophages in two Neisseria meningitidis strains suggests that some prophages can lie in residence for very long times, perhaps millions of years, and that recombination events have occurred between related prophages that reside at different locations in a bacterium's genome. In addition, many genes in defective prophages remain functional, so a significant portion of the temperate bacteriophage gene pool resides in prophages.  相似文献   

Shiga toxins (Stx) are the main virulence factors associated with a form of Escherichia coli known as Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). They are encoded in temperate lambdoid phages located on the chromosome of STEC. STEC strains can carry more than one prophage. Consequently, toxin and phage production might be influenced by the presence of more than one Stx prophage on the bacterial chromosome. To examine the effect of the number of prophages on Stx production, we produced E. coli K-12 strains carrying either one Stx2 prophage or two different Stx2 prophages. We used recombinant phages in which an antibiotic resistance gene (aph, cat, or tet) was incorporated in the middle of the Shiga toxin operon. Shiga toxin was quantified by immunoassay and by cytotoxicity assay on Vero cells (50% cytotoxic dose). When two prophages were inserted in the host chromosome, Shiga toxin production and the rate of lytic cycle activation fell. The cI repressor seems to be involved in incorporation of the second prophage. Incorporation and establishment of the lysogenic state of the two prophages, which lowers toxin production, could be regulated by the CI repressors of both prophages operating in trans. Although the sequences of the cI genes of the phages studied differed, the CI protein conformation was conserved. Results indicate that the presence of more than one prophage in the host chromosome could be regarded as a mechanism to allow genetic retention in the cell, by reducing the activation of lytic cycle and hence the pathogenicity of the strains.  相似文献   

Fouts DE 《Nucleic acids research》2006,34(20):5839-5851
Phage_Finder, a heuristic computer program, was created to identify prophage regions in completed bacterial genomes. Using a test dataset of 42 bacterial genomes whose prophages have been manually identified, Phage_Finder found 91% of the regions, resulting in 7% false positive and 9% false negative prophages. A search of 302 complete bacterial genomes predicted 403 putative prophage regions, accounting for 2.7% of the total bacterial DNA. Analysis of the 285 putative attachment sites revealed tRNAs are targets for integration slightly more frequently (33%) than intergenic (31%) or intragenic (28%) regions, while tmRNAs were targeted in 8% of the regions. The most popular tRNA targets were Arg, Leu, Ser and Thr. Mapping of the insertion point on a consensus tRNA molecule revealed novel insertion points on the 5' side of the D loop, the 3' side of the anticodon loop and the anticodon. A novel method of constructing phylogenetic trees of phages and prophages was developed based on the mean of the BLAST score ratio (BSR) of the phage/prophage proteomes. This method verified many known bacteriophage groups, making this a useful tool for predicting the relationships of prophages from bacterial genomes.  相似文献   

Cocultures of Salmonella strains carrying or lacking specific prophages undergo swift composition changes as a result of phage-mediated killing of sensitive bacteria and lysogenic conversion of survivors. Thus, spontaneous prophage induction in a few lysogenic cells enhances the competitive fitness of the lysogen population as a whole, setting a selection regime that forces maintenance and spread of viral DNA. This is likely to account for the profusion of prophage sequences in bacterial genomes and may contribute to the evolutionary success of certain phylogenetic lineages.  相似文献   

Integrated bacteriophages (prophages) can impact host cells, affecting their lifestyle, genomic diversity, and fitness. However, many basic aspects of how these organisms affect the host cell remain poorly understood. Ralstonia solanacearum is a gram-negative plant pathogenic bacterium that encompasses a great diversity of ecotypes regarded as a species complex (R. solanacearum Species Complex - RSSC). RSSC genomes have a mosaic structure containing numerous elements, signaling the potential for its evolution through horizontal gene transfer. Here, we analyzed 120 Ralstonia spp. genomes from the public database to identify prophage sequences. In total, 379 prophage-like elements were found in the chromosome and megaplasmid of Ralstonia spp. These elements encode genes related to host fitness, virulence factors, antibiotic resistance, and niche adaptation, which might contribute to RSSC adaptability. Prophage-like elements are widespread into the complex in different species and geographic origins, suggesting that the RSSC phages are ancestrally acquired. Complete prophages belonging to the families Inoviridae, Myoviridae, and Siphoviridae were found, being the members of Inoviridae the most abundant. Analysis of CRISPR-Cas spacer sequences demonstrated the presence of prophages sequences that indicate successive infection events during bacterial evolution. Besides complete prophages, we also demonstrated 14 novel putative prophages integrated into Ralstonia spp. genomes. Altogether, our results provide insights into the diversity of prophages in RSSC genomes and suggest that these elements may deeply affect the virulence and host adaptation and shaping the genomes among the strains of this important pathogen.  相似文献   

Prophages are viruses, which have integrated their genomes into the genome of a bacterial host. The status of the prophage genome can vary from fully intact with the potential to form infective particles to a remnant state where only a few phage genes persist. Prophages have impact on the properties of their host and are therefore of great interest for genomic research and strain design. Here we present a genome- and next generation sequencing (NGS)-based approach for identification and activity evaluation of prophage regions. Seven prophage or prophage-like regions were identified in the genome of Bacillus licheniformis DSM13. Six of these regions show similarity to members of the Siphoviridae phage family. The remaining region encodes the B. licheniformis orthologue of the PBSX prophage from Bacillus subtilis. Analysis of isolated phage particles (induced by mitomycin C) from the wild-type strain and prophage deletion mutant strains revealed activity of the prophage regions BLi_Pp2 (PBSX-like), BLi_Pp3 and BLi_Pp6. In contrast to BLi_Pp2 and BLi_Pp3, neither phage DNA nor phage particles of BLi_Pp6 could be visualized. However, the ability of prophage BLi_Pp6 to generate particles could be confirmed by sequencing of particle-protected DNA mapping to prophage locus BLi_Pp6. The introduced NGS-based approach allows the investigation of prophage regions and their ability to form particles. Our results show that this approach increases the sensitivity of prophage activity analysis and can complement more conventional approaches such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM).  相似文献   

The ctxAB genes encoding cholera toxin, reside in the genome of a filamentous bacteriophage CTXphi. The presence of CTX prophage in non-epidemic environmental Vibrio cholerae strains is rare. The CTX prophage, the lysogenic form of CTXphi in V. cholerae, is comprised of the 'RS2' and the 'Core'. Analysis of the rstR gene present in the RS2 region of the CTX prophage revealed the presence of new alleles of the prophages in four environmental non-O1, non-O139 strains VCE22 (O36), VCE228 (O27), VCE232 (O4) and VCE233 (O27), and the CTX prophages are located in the small chromosomes. Phylogenetic analysis based on the nucleotide sequences of the rstR and orfU (present in the core) genes of these prophages placed them in a single unique cluster, which is distally located compared with that of epidemic V. cholerae O1 strains. Further analysis indicated that the genome of the prophage present in the strain VCE22 is devoid of the ctxAB genes, called pre-CTX prophage and the strain also possess the toxin-coregulated pilus protein coding gene tcpA of classical type, another important pathogenicity determining locus of the epidemic V. cholerae strains. Comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the rstR and orfU genes indicated that the pre-CTX prophage of VCE22 might be the progenitor of new alleles of the CTX prophages present in these environmental strains.  相似文献   

【目的】预测并分析82株全基因组测序的鲍曼不动杆菌前噬菌体的携带情况,鉴定前噬菌体编码的抗生素耐药基因和毒力因子。【方法】利用PHASTER (Phage Search Tool Enhanced Release)软件预测鲍曼不动杆菌携带的前噬菌体,采用CARD (The Comprehensive Antibiotic Research Database)和VFDB(VirulenceFactorsDatabase)在线分析软件预测前噬菌体编码的抗生素耐药基因和毒力因子。【结果】预测到472条鲍曼不动杆菌前噬菌体,其中完整型前噬菌体201条,疑似型前噬菌体91条,缺陷型前噬菌体180条。平均每株鲍曼不动杆菌基因组中可携带至少2条完整型前噬菌体。每株鲍曼不动杆菌所携带的全部前噬菌体占其基因组比例约为4%–6%。29条前噬菌体携带77个耐药基因,耐药表型共有14种,分别来自15个不同的家族,涵盖6种抗生素耐药的作用机制。132条前噬菌体编码毒力基因,归类为38种毒力基因和34种毒力因子。不同类型的前噬菌体普遍携带1–2种毒力因子,少数前噬菌体携带3种及以上毒力因子。分析毒力因子可能的宿主...  相似文献   

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