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Quantitative data on the morphology of leaves and canopy in a high elevation desert stand on Tenerife have been analyzed by multivariate methods. The results show a trend in morphological variation that is related to plant height. An interpretation of this trend in terms of the adaptive values of different character combinations suggests that this could be related to a vertical microclimatic gradient. Three main groups of species have been identified, which have evolved different adaptive strategies to different niches within a single stand. The functional values of the character combinations of each species group are discussed.Nomenclature follows Bramwell & Bramwell (1983).This research is part of a broader co-operative project Convergent evolution of plant communities in distant areas, codirected by D. Lausi (University of Trieste, Italy) and L. Orlóci (University of W-Ontario, London, Canada), and funded by the Italian C.N.R. and the Canadian N.S.E.R.C.  相似文献   

The general wood structure, vessel size and distribution along the stem xylem radius and in petioles were studied in Laurus azorica trees living in a Tenerife laurel forest. The fractions of volume occupied by dry matter, water and air in percentage of wood fresh volume were also studied. The wood showed a diffuse-porous structure, with solitary vessels or vessels somewhat clustered in small radially oriented groups. Vessels had a diameter ranging from 20 to 130 µm. This diameter was minimal close to the pith, increased more than 2-fold with age, and reached its maximum width close to the cambium. Vessel density decreased from 36 vessels mm-2 near the pith to about 13 vessels mm-2 near the cambium. Accordingly, the lumen area was small in young xylem close to the pith (0.0015 mm2), reaching a value 5 times larger (0.007 mm2) near the cambium than in the centre of the stem. Lumen area of vessels in petioles was about 1.5% of petiole cross-sectional area and thus much lower than in stems. Mean hydraulic diameter of these vessels was about 20 µm, and mean vessel density about 136 per petiole. There were only small differences in proportions of dry matter, water and air along stem radius. The relevance of each one of these fractions in the wood is discussed as evidence of the possible existence of a number of embolized vessels dispersed in the total functional cross-sectional area of the xylem.  相似文献   

The efficiency of the conductive system in about 40-year-old Laurus azorica trees growing in a laurel forest was evaluated by comparing main stems and leaves (petioles) on the basis of theoretical sap flow values (1) calculated from vessel anatomy (taking vessels as ideal capillaries), (2) derived from measured dye velocity and (3) data taken from direct sap flow measurements. It was found that actual sap flow rate per wood area increases in stems from the pith towards the cambium. The outermost part of the stem is the most important part of the tree for conducting water. Maximum actually measured transpiration (sap flow rate) for the stand was practically identical to the theoretical rate calculated based on petiole anatomy, but it was about 45 times lower than that calculated based on stem anatomy. This illustrates the safety features of stem wood, which due to its high vessel density, is capable of transporting all the water required even when only a small area of its vessels is working. In the petioles, xylem is more efficiently used, but almost all vessels must work in order to supply water to leaves and any disturbance may cause leaf loss.  相似文献   

 Stand structure and leaf area distribution of a laurel forest in the Agua García mountains of Tenerife are described. The site is situated at 820 m a.s.l., faces NNE, and has a humid mediterranean climate. Summer droughts are mitigated by relatively high air humidity and clouds. The natural mixed hardwood forest is composed of six major tree species: Laurus azorica (Seub.) Franco, Persea indica (L.) Spreng, Myrica faya Ait., Erica arborea L. and two species of Ilex (I. platyphylla Webb & Berth. and I. canariensis Poivet.). The experimental stand had a density of 1693 trees ha – 1, a basal area of 33.7 m2ha – 1, and a cumulated volume of above-ground parts of trees of 231 m3 ha – 1 with a corresponding dry mass of 204 ton ha – 1. Diameters at breast height ranged from 6 to 46 cm. Mean concentration of plant dry mass per volume was 1.17 kg m – 3. The vertical pattern of leaf area distribution in individual trees for all tree species was characterized by a Gaussian-like curve. Stand leaf area index was 7.8. These evergreen, broad-leaved (laurisilva or lucidophyllous) forests represent a relic forest that was widespread in the Mediterranean region some 20 million years ago. Our data illustrate some of the structural characteristics of this historically widespread forest type. Received: 2 December 1994 / Accepted: 6 November 1995  相似文献   

Abstract. The distribution of 44 common vascular plant species on Tenerife, The Canary Islands, has been related to the variation in temperature and precipitation. Frequency values for these speceis were obtained using a stratified sampling system with 200 10 m x 10 m plots distributed all over the island. A model is proposed relating variation in vegetation to altitude according to two main climatic gradients occurring between the 3718 m summit and the coastline of Tenerife. The vascular plants have been classified into guilds according to their presumed tolerance to cold and drought; one remainder group includes species which are randomly distributed without any relation to climatic variation. Differences between the guild structure suggested here and common knowledge of plant species occurrence in the well-known vegetation belts of Tenerife are explained by assuming disturbance and local ground-water availability as additional decisive factors.  相似文献   

Endemic genera on oceanic islands often evolved striking morphological and ecological differences among species, with weak postzygotic reproductive isolation. Human activities can lead to increased connectivity and can thereby promote secondary contact and hybridization between previously isolated species. We studied this phenomenon in three species of the genus Pericallis (Asteraceae) on Tenerife, Canary Islands. A total of 53 populations was sampled, including morphologically uniform as well as mixed populations containing morphologically diverse individuals. All plants were analyzed both genetically using AFLP markers and morphometrically. As expected, morphological analysis clearly separated the plants from the uniform populations in three clusters, with distinguishing characters corresponding to those used in species identification. The three species were also grouped into distinct genetic clusters in a structure analysis, although no private alleles were observed. Adding the mixed population data to the analyses provided evidence for extensive hybridization among species, predominantly between P. cruenta and P. echinata, and between P. cruenta and P. tussilaginis, and morphological and genetic signals were congruent. The mixed populations were geographically located in between the uniform populations and were found in road verges significantly more often than the uniform populations. The observed distribution strongly suggests that hybridization between originally isolated species is recent, promoted by secondary contact due to human disturbance and the construction of roads.  相似文献   

The introduction of non-native gastropods on islands has repetitively been related to a decline of the endemic fauna. So far, no quantitative information is available even for the native gastropod fauna from the laurel forests (the so-called Laurisilva) of the Canary Islands. Much of the original laurel forest has been logged in recent centuries. Based on vegetation studies, we hypothesized that densities and the number of introduced species decline with the age of the regrowth forests. We sampled 27 sites from which we collected thirty native and seven introduced species. Two introduced species, Milax nigricans and Oxychilus alliarius, were previously not reported from the Canary Islands. Assemblage composition was mainly structured by disturbance history and altitude. Overall species richness was correlated with slope inclination, prevalence of rocky outcrops, amounts of woody debris and leaf litter depth. Densities were correlated with the depth of the litter layer and the extent of herb layer cover and laurel canopy cover. Introduced species occurred in 22 sites but were neither related to native species richness nor to the time that elapsed since forest regrowth. One introduced slug, Lehmannia valentiana, is already wide-spread, with densities strongly related to herb cover. Overall species richness seemed to be the outcome of invasibility, thus factors enhancing species richness likely also enhance invasibility. Although at present introduced species contribute to diversity, the potential competition between introduced slugs and the rich native semi-slug fauna, and the effects of introduced predatory snails (Oxychilus spp. and Testacella maugei) warrant further monitoring.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns are important characteristics of the forest and theycan reveal such things as successional status and ecological characteristics ofthe species. We tested the hypothesis that spatial distribution will bedifferent, depending on whether the species is intolerant or tolerant to shade.We assessed the spatial distribution of trees (> 4 cm dbh) andjuveniles in eight laurel forest plots. A univariate spatial analysis(performed with Ripley's K1) showed that all tree species havesignificantaggregation at short distances (2 m). Nevertheless, two groups ofspecies could be differentiated: Erica scoparia,Myrica faya and Ilex canariensisshowed a tendency for aggregation at large distances (larger than 6m)while L. azorica and Prunuslusitanicashowed aggregation only at shorter distances. Ripley's BivariateK1,2 analyses showed no significant differences in the spatialdistribution ofanalyzed species pairs from a null model. Only Laurusazoricahad a sufficient sample size for analysis of juvenile distribution. Aunivariateanalysis revealed thatL. azorica seedlings (stems < 50 cm high)were clumped in some plots up to 5 m, but this was not consistent.Saplings (stems > 50 cm high and < 4 cm dbh)didnot show strong clumping even at short distances. L.azoricasaplings had no significant aggregation with, nor repulsionfrom, adults of the same or different species. Spatial patterns of the speciesshould be considered in the development of restoration plans of the laurelforest 90%of which has disappeared or been intensively disturbed on Tenerife Island.  相似文献   

The helminth fauna of the barbary partridge (Alectoris barbara) in Tenerife Island (Canary Archipelago) was studied from 2001 to 2002, as there were no records of helminths from this host in the Canary Islands. Seven helminth species were identified: two cestodes Choanotaenia infundibulum and Lyruterina nigropunctata, and five nematodes Aonchotheca caudinflata, Baruscapillaria obsignata, Eucoleus annulatus, Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum. Lyruterina nigropunctata, A. galli and E. annulatus are recorded for first time in A. barbara. An analysis of available data on Alectoris spp. reveals the importance of intermediate hosts such as arthropods and earthworms in the diet of partridges. Terrestrial helminths are dominant species, with monoxenous and heteroxenous species being present in similar numbers in different Alectoris species along their geographical distribution. Helminth species found in Tenerife from A. barbara are poor indicators of the host colonization from North Africa because these helminths are species that are commonly found in fowl with a cosmopolitan distribution.  相似文献   

This study is based on a phytosociological table and a matrix of species and morphological characters. The relevés were taken along a transect in a Myrica faya-Erica arborea formation on Tenerife (Canary Islands). The analysis of the phytosociological table reveals a vegetational succession and a corresponding ecological gradient. The study of correlations between morphological and ecological data leads to the creation of groups of species with different combinations of characters, and to a discussion of the adaptive values of each character combination. The species of each group occupy similar niches.Abbreviations AOC= Analysis of Concentration - P/C= index ratio between the perimeter of a leaf and the circumference of a circle having the same area as the leaf  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied two sites in the laurel forest of Tenerife to predict future changes in canopy composition. We used two projection methods: Horn's ‘Markovian Projection’, which utilizes information on juveniles in the vicinity of canopy trees, and a 'Stand Projection’, which ignores such information. We performed these projections both including and excluding a-sexual regeneration. Although all of our projections predict a change in species composition, inclusion of a-sexual reproduction decreased the magnitude of successional change. The persistence of Prunus lusitanica and Ilex canariensis appears to be highly dependent on a-sexual regeneration. Both the Markov- and stand projections predict a slight convergence in species composition between the two sites when only sexual regeneration is considered, and also a higher dominance of the shade-tolerant species Laurus azorica. When a-sexual regeneration is also considered, some divergence is shown, with less projected change in the stand projection than in the Markov projection. In spite of some differences between the models, general patterns such as an increase of shade-tolerant species (Laurus azorica and Prunus lusitanica) and a decrease of shade-intolerant species (Erica arborea, Erica scoparia and Myrica faya) are consistent.  相似文献   

Plant-pollinator interactions are important for the evolution and survival of the species involved. Plant-pollinator networks on oceanic islands are often small in size and as a consequence the connectance is high suggesting a substantial generalisation level. Further, linkage level for insular plants is shown to be lower than on mainland. The present study investigates a plant-pollinator network on the Galápagos Islands that is unique because of its very small size. We recorded pollinator visits to plant species as well as pollen grains on insect bodies. The combination of these data increased the observed number of interactions. The values for connectance and linkage level for plants were found to be consistent with similar values found in other network studies. There were no relation between the abundance of plant species and the number of pollinating species. The dominating pollinator species was the Galápagos carpenter bee Xylocopa darwini . Specimens of the shorthorned grasshopper Halmenus cuspidatus turned out to carry pollen from five plant species out of twelve and are probably functioning as pollinator. Bagging experiments revealed dependency on insect visits for a high seed set for most of the plant species, but only one species Plumbago scandens seemed to possess a pollen limited seed set. The network showed an asymmetric pattern of number of interactions per species with a few species having several interactions and many species a few. This pattern is supposed to result in a rather robust community, but is also fairly sensitive if the dominant species are threatened. The high connectance value found could, however, counteract this vulnerability.  相似文献   

We analyzed the genetic polymorphism of eight red cell enzymes in samples from different geographical areas of Tenerife and the Iberian peninsula. The gene frequency heterogeneity found within the Tenerife samples was at the same level as that of Tenerife-mainland comparisons. The presence of the Negroid G6PD A+ allele in the Tenerife samples is evidence of an African admixture with a mean estimation of 4.5%.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distribution of various aggressive and courting behaviors of the lacertid lizardGallotia galloti was studied in Tenerife (the Canary Islands) for several days from April to June, by direct observations with binoculars from a hide situated near the study area. Aggressive behaviors were exhibited by the lizards throughout the whole recording period and were more frequently shown on sunny days or near the midday hours of cloudy days. The same occurred for courting behaviors, but these were less frequently seen in April and May. The spatial distribution of both kinds of behaviors for each lizard proved to be overlapped, thus confirming the non-territoriality of this lizard population.  相似文献   

Larvae of Mesocestoides sp. were recovered in Tenerife (Canary Islands) in 2004 from the peritoneal cavities of 2 domestic dogs and a domestic cat. Morphological and molecular identification were carried out. Mesocestoides litteratus from Vulpes vulpes was sequenced for the first time using the ITS-2 region (18S rDNA), and was included in the phylogenetic analysis to compare the sequence variability among these and other Mesocestoides spp. belonging to different carnivores. Phylogenetic studies were carried out based on maximum parsimony and neighbor-joining analysis. The results showed the relationships between these and other previously published Mesocestoides species. Moreover, it is demonstrated that Mesocestoides sp. from Tenerife comprises a previously unreported sequence. This is the first larval record of Mesocestoides sp. in domestic animals from Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

Aim We report the first analysis of the long‐term ecology of Tenerife, in order to establish a pre‐colonization base‐line and to assess the effect of human activity and the role of climatic variation on vegetation during the Late Holocene. Location A former lake bed in the city of La Laguna (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain). Methods A sedimentary sequence of over 2 m was obtained from the former lake bed. Fossil pollen and microfossil charcoal concentrations were analysed. Radiocarbon dating of the sequence indicates that it spans approximately the last 4700 years. The pollen diagram was zoned using optimal splitting within psimpoll 4.25. Results Three pollen zones were differentiated: (1) in Zone L1 (c. 4700–2900 cal. yr bp ) a mixed forest was dominated by Quercus, Carpinus, Myrica and Pinus; (2) in Zone L2 (c. 2900–2000 cal. yr bp ) the laurel forest taxa increased, while Pinus, Juniperus and Phoenix declined; and (3) Zone L3 (c. 2000–400 cal. yr bp ) was characterized by the decline of Carpinus and Quercus and the abundance of laurel forest taxa (e.g. Myrica). Neither Carpinus nor Quercus was hitherto considered to be native to the Canary Islands. Their decline started c. 2000 years ago, coinciding with microfossil charcoal evidence of increased burning and with archaeological evidence for the first human settlement on Tenerife. Main conclusions Between c. 4700 and 2000 cal. yr bp , the composition of the forest in the valley of La Laguna was very different from what it is at present. In particular, Quercus and Carpinus appear to have been significant components, alongside components of the present‐day laurel forest, and the native pine (Pinus canariensis) forest and thermophilous woodland were also more prevalent in the region (but probably not within the lake basin itself) until 3000 cal. yr bp . The subsequent decline of Quercus and Carpinus led to the establishment of the present laurel forest in the region and a shift to more open vegetation types. These changes indicate that the aboriginal inhabitants of the islands, the Guanches, had a far more profound impact on the vegetation of Tenerife than hitherto realized.  相似文献   

Faunistic and ecological analyses of the wild rabbit helminth fauna were undertaken in Tenerife island (Canary Islands). Rabbits were collected between 1998 and 2000 in seven bioclimatic zones in Tenerife selected by orientation and altitude. Five parasite species were identified, three cestodes (Taenia pisiformis (larvae), Andrya cuniculi and Mosgovoyia ctenoides) and two nematodes (Trichostrongylus retortaeformis and Passalurus ambiguus). Taenia pisiformis presented an irregular distribution with significant differences in prevalences between the zones. Andrya cuniculi was only found in two zones and there were no significant differences in prevalence values. Mosgovoyia ctenoides presented a wide distribution with significant prevalences, which were higher in northern compared to southern zones. Trichostrongylus retortaeformis was absent in the low southern zones of the island. Passalurus ambiguus was found in all zones with no significant difference in the prevalence of infection. The differences in prevalences are likely to be explained by abiotic factors in the case of T. retortaeformis, and by the absence of definitive and intermediate hosts in the case of T. pisiformis and A. cuniculi, respectively. All parasite species in Tenerife are common helminths in the Iberian Peninsula, from which their rabbit hosts originated. No significant differences were recorded in the mean intensities of infection of any of the parasite species identified.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are one of the major threats to biodiversity, especially in oceanic islands. In the Canary Islands, the relationships between plant Alien Species Richness (ASR) and their environmental and anthropogenic determinants were thoroughly investigated using ecological models. However, previous predictive models rarely accounted for spatial autocorrelation (SAC) and uncertainty of predictions, thus missing crucial information related to model accuracy and predictions reliability. In this study, we propose a Generalized Linear Spatial Model (GLSM) for ASR under a Bayesian framework on Tenerife Island. Our aim is to test whether the inclusion of SAC into the modelling framework could improve model performance resulting in more reliable predictions. Results demonstrated as accounting for SAC dramatically reduced the model's AIC (ΔAIC = 4423) and error magnitudes, showing also better performances in terms of goodness of fit. Calculation of uncertainty related to predicted values pointed out those areas where either the number of observations (e.g. under-sampled areas) or the reliability of the environmental predictors was lower (e.g. low spatial resolution in highly heterogeneous environments). Although our results confirmed what was already observed in other ecological studies, such as the important role of roads in ASR spread, methodological considerations on the applied modelling approach point out the importance of considering spatial autocorrelation and researcher's prior knowledge to increase the predictive power of statistical models as well as the correctness in terms of coefficients estimates. The proposed approach may serve as an essential management tools highlighting those portions of territory that will be more prone to biological invasions and where monitoring efforts should be addressed.  相似文献   

The secretive breeding behaviour of petrels makes monitoring their breeding populations challenging. To assess population trends of Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea, Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria bulwerii and Macaronesian Shearwater Puffinus baroli in Tenerife from 1990 to 2010, we used data from rescue campaigns that aim to reduce the mortality of fledgling petrels attracted to artificial lights as proxies for trends in breeding population size. Despite increases in human population size and light pollution, the number of rescued fledglings of Cory’s Shearwater and Bulwer’s Petrel increased and remained stable, respectively, whereas numbers of rescued Macaronesian Shearwaters sharply declined. In the absence of more accurate population estimates, these results suggest a worrying decline in the Macaronesian Shearwater’s breeding population.  相似文献   

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