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F. pennanti presented a clear biphasic pineal mediated seasonal sexual cycle. This sexual cycle was essentially characterised by a very short period of sexual quiescence with an arrest of spermatogenesis during October-November. A small but clear decrease in sexual activity was also observed during March-April. This decrease in sexual activity, however, had no quantifiable effect on spermatogenesis. Sexual recrudescence was observed from December-January. The testes remained sexually active from January till September. Almost an inverse relationship was observed between pineal and testicular weight. Pinealectomy, however, prevented naturally induced gonadal regression during both the periods, i.e. September-November and February-April. Exposure of animals to high RH (80 +/- 4%) during sexually active phase induced a steep regression in testicular weight of sham-operated animals even in the presence of gonad stimulatory long photoperiod (16L:8D) and high temperature (40 degrees +/- 5 degrees C) while exposure of animals to moderate RH (65 +/- 5%) during sexual regression phase partially prevented testicular regression even in presence of inhibitory short photoperiod (11L:13D) and normal environmental temperature (30 degrees +/- 5 degrees C). Pinealectomized animals, neither exhibited testicular regression in February-March nor had involuted testes in September-October, thus, suggesting that the effect of humidity is mediated via the pineal gland.  相似文献   

A seasonal study of the seminal vesicles in relation to that of the testes had been conducted in the catfish, H. fossilis. The annual reproductive cycle of the catfish has been divided into (i) Preparatory period (February–April), (ii) Prespawning period (May–June), (iii) Spawning period (July–August) and (iv) Postspawning period (September–January). Testes exhibit initiation of spermatogenesis in the mid-preparatory period, but significant increase in weight of the testes accompanied by active spermatogenesis occurs during the prespawning period. In the spawning period, the testes are maximally enlarged and their seminiferous tubules are packed with spermatozoa. Following spawning, the testes gradually regress in the postspawning period. The seminal vesicles show initiation of secretory activity during the preparatory period but their recrudescence lags behind that of the testes by about a month. The seminal vesicles attain maximum weight and secretory activity during the spawning period. Thereafter, the seminal vesicles regress precipitously and sooner than the testes. The histochemical and biochemical studies on the seminal vesicles indicate that the secretion contains mucoproteins, acid mucopolysaccharides, primary proteoses, besides traces of phospholipids and native proteins.  相似文献   

The effects of pinealectomy and exogenous melatonin treatment on the reproductive system of male anoles were examined at several different times of year. In September pinealectomy of anoles exposed to either a stimulatory LD 14:10 light cycle or a nonstimulatory LD 10:14 light cycle induced significant testicular growth and development over that observed in sham-operated anoles. At a nonphotosensitive time of year (December) pinealectomy also had a significant progonadal effect but no effect of pinealectomy was seen in February-March. Daily melatonin injections given either in the morning or afternoon (or both) failed to block gonadal growth either (1) in sham-operated or pinealectomized anoles exposed to LD 14:10 in the fall or (2) in pinealectomized lizards exposed to LD 10:14 in the fall. Continuous melatonin administration via subcutaneous silastic implants blocked the progonadal effects of pinealectomy in the winter (December). The results show that pinealectomy can have significant progonadal effects; these effects are seasonal but can encompass phases of the annual testicular cycle which are either photoperiod-dependent or temperature-dependent; and melatonin may be a reproductively active factor involved.  相似文献   

The duration of nocturnal pineal melatonin secretion transduces effects of day length (DL) on the neuroendocrine axis of photoperiodic rodents. Long DLs support reproduction, and short DLs induce testicular regression, followed several months later by spontaneous recrudescence; gonadal regrowth is thought to reflect development of tissue refractoriness to melatonin. In most photoperiodic species, pinealectomy does not diminish reproductive competence in long DLs. Turkish hamsters (Mesocricetus brandti) deviate from this norm: elimination of melatonin secretion in long-day males by pinealectomy or constant light treatment induces testicular regression and subsequently recrudescence; the time course of these gonadal transitions is similar to that observed in males transferred from long to short DLs. In the present study, long-day Turkish hamsters that underwent testicular regression and recrudescence in constant light subsequently were completely unresponsive to the antigonadal effects of short DLs. Other hamsters that manifested testicular regression and recrudescence in short DLs were unresponsive to the antigonadal effects of pinealectomy or constant light. Long-term suppression of melatonin secretion induces a physiological state in Turkish hamsters similar or identical to the neuroendocrine refractoriness produced by short-day melatonin signals (i.e., neural refractoriness to melatonin develops in the absence of circulating melatonin secretion). A melatonin-independent interval timer, which would remain operative in the absence of melatonin during hibernation, may determine the onset of testicular recrudescence in the spring. In this respect, Turkish hamsters differ from most other photoperiodic rodents.  相似文献   

The effects of pinealectomy on pituitary gonadotrophs, pituitary gonadotropin potency and hypothalamic gonadotropin releasing activity were examined in the cyprinid teleost, Notemigonus crysoleucas, exposed to various photoperiod-temperature regimes. In fish exposed to a long photoperiod-warm temperature regime, pinealectomy resulted in a decrease in gonadal activity, in hypothalamic gonadotropin releasing activity and an increase in pituitary gonadotropin potency. Fewer gonadotrophs were present in the pituitary of sham operated fish than in the pituitary of pinealectomized fish. Ovarian development was more rapid in sham operated than in pinealectomized fish exposed to a long photoperiod–low temperature regime. Pituitary gonadotropin activity was also greater in shams than in pinealectomized fish. A short photoperiod-warm temperature regime retarded ovarian development in N. crysoleucas. Pinealectomy reversed this trend. Gonadotrophs made up a greater area of the pituitary in pinealectomized fish than in shams under these conditions. Gonadotropin potency of the pituitary and hypothalamic gonadotropin releasing activity were also greater in pinealectomized fish than in shams. The area of the pituitary occupied by gonadotrophs was greater in pinealectomized than in sham operated animals maintained on a short photoperiod-low temperature regime. Pituitary gonadotropin activity was also greater in pinealectomized fish as compared to shams. Pituitary gonadotropin potency varies diurnally in animals maintained on both short and long photoperiods; the rhythm of variation differs depending on photoperiod. Pinealectomy alters the diurnal rhythm of pituitary gonadotropin potency in animals exposed to both long and short photoperiods. It is concluded that pinealectomy has a pronounced effect on reproductive activity in N. crysoleucas. The effects of pinealectomy on reproduction vary with photoperiod, but are mediated via the hypothalamus and pituitary. In fish exposed to long daylengths the pineal favours reproductive activity, but the epiphysis retards reproductive processes in animals maintained on short photoperiods.  相似文献   

Testes of the Western spotted skunk enlarge and regress seasonally. The pineal hormone, melatonin, may be important in timing this seasonal reproductive activity. Likewise, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) have been implicated as possible neural regulators of pineal and reproductive events. These experiments were conducted to determine whether ablation of the SCN or constant administration of melatonin alters timing of the seasonal pattern of testicular regression and recrudescence. Male skunks (n = 24) were treated as follows: six received two empty Silastic capsules, six received two melatonin-filled Silastic capsules, six received sham lesions to the SCN, and six received lesions to the SCN (SCNx). All skunks were exposed to a natural photoperiod and had regressed testes at the onset of the experiment. Four of six males from the SCNx group had an average of 94 +/- 11.3% of these nuclei destroyed. Sham SCNx, animals with less than 40% of the SCN ablated, and males with empty capsules did not have fully enlarged testes until October. SCNx and melatonin-treated skunks exhibited a hastening of testicular recrudescence with maximal testis size being reached in June. Skunks with lesions to the SCN maintained enlarged testes for 5 months while all other groups exhibited rapid regression after attaining maximal testis size. Testicular regression occurred from July through October in animals receiving continuous melatonin, while controls exhibited recrudescence during this same period. Our data suggest that the SCN, melatonin, and thus the pineal gland, play a role in regulating the seasonal testicular cycle of the spotted skunk.  相似文献   

Long days stimulate and short days (SDs) inhibit the reproductive axis of photoperiodic rodents. In long-day Turkish hamsters, unlike most other rodents, elimination of pineal melatonin secretion by constant light or pinealectomy initiates a cycle of gonadal involution and recrudescence outwardly similar to that induced by short days. The present study assessed whether short days and constant light induce the seasonal reproductive cycle via common or different interval timing mechanisms. Male hamsters that had undergone gonadal involution in SDs for 8 or 14 weeks were treated with LL for 14 and 8 weeks, respectively. If SDs and LL act via independent mechanisms, then gonadal quiescence of SD-regressed males, which normally lasts 10 weeks, might be extended by LL treatment; alternatively, if SDs and LL act on the same timer, or the timer cannot be retriggered, then LL will not extend the duration of reproductive quiescence. Neither of these outcomes materialized. Instead, male hamsters exposed to LL while reproductively quiescent exhibited accelerated gonadal recrudescence. Extended LL treatment did not restore responsiveness to SDs in photorefractory hamsters. In Turkish hamsters, photoperiodic history determines whether constant light inhibits or stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis.  相似文献   

Summary Fine structural changes of testicular interstitial cells of Leydig and secretory cells of seminal vesicles were studied in golden hamsters under different functional states of the pineal gland. Experiments were performed in the reproductive season (summer months). In the hamsters blinded for 8 weeks the testes and the seminal vesicles were markedly atrophic, and the Leydig cells and the secretory cells of seminal vesicles were extremely involuted. By contrast, both types of cells in the pinealectomized or superior cervical ganglionectomized hamsters exhibited cytological features suggestive of an enhanced secretory activity. This study shows that functional activity of Leydig cells as well as secretory cells of seminal vesicles in the hamster may be depressed or augmented by stimulating or inhibiting the pineal antigonadal function, respectively, without performing hypophysectomy or hormonal administration.Dedicated to Professor Shu Yeh on the occasion of his 70th birthday. This study was supported in part by a grant from the National Science Council, the Republic of China  相似文献   

The effects of pinealectomy on pituitary and plasma gonadotropin levels and gonadal development in female goldfish exposed to various photoperiod-temperature regimes during different seasons were examined. Pinealectomy during autumn had no effect on either pituitary or plasma hormone levels or gonadal development. When goldfish are pinealectomized in spring and exposed to long photoperiod conditions, the ovaries regress and plasma gonadotropin levels are significantly depressed compared to sham operated animals. Sham operated goldfish exposed to short photoperiod conditions in spring had regressing ovaries whereas pinealectomized animals under this regime either spawned or had ovaries in the late vitellogenic phase. Plasma gonadotropin titres in the pinealectomized group were significantly lower than those of sham operated animals. The pineal can be either stimulatory or inhibitory to gonadal development depending on the photoperiod regime to which the animals are exposed. The pineal apparently influences gonadal activity by modulating gonadotropin secretion. A diurnal variation in plasma gonadotropin levels was also observed in both sham operated and pinealectomized goldfish exposed to a long photoperiod warm-temperature regime in spring.  相似文献   

Food intake, food retrieval, and body weight changes were measured in female Syrian hamsters maintained under long and short photoperiods, and in animals sustaining pinealectomy or sham surgery. Animals maintained under short photoperiods gained more weight, ingested more food, and brought more food from more distant compartments into their nest compartments than did animals maintained under long photoperiods. Pinealectomy prevented the short-day elevations in body weight and food retrieval during the period of gonadal recrudescence, but it did not produce significant changes during the period of gonadal regression; in contrast, pinealectomy prevented the short-day increases in food intake only during initial weeks of the period of gonadal regression: The effects of photoperiod or pinealectomy were not evident for any of the dependent measures during pregnancy. The role of the pineal gland in mediating short-day effects is discussed.  相似文献   

Continuous exposure of male hamsters to short day lengths induces testicular regression. This is followed many weeks later by spontaneous recrudescence of the testes with reinitiation of spermatogenesis and function of the accessory sexual glands. Hamsters at this stage of the annual reproductive cycle are refractory to short photoperiods--even continuous darkness will not induce another bout of testicular regression. Animals refractory to short days are also refractory to the pineal hormone melatonin and a number of investigators attribute spontaneous recrudescence and photo and melatonin refractoriness to a developed target cell insensitivity to endogenous melatonin from the pineal. Refractoriness is terminated by exposure to long days for at least 11 weeks. The pineal gland is reported to be essential for this process. We report here the effects of pinealectomy, daily melatonin injections, and constant-release melatonin implants on the ability of male hamsters to recover from the refractory state. In the absence of the pineal gland, refractory male hamsters did not discriminate (count?) 15 weeks of long days to terminate refractoriness. Daily melatonin injections at 1900 h, but not at 1200 h (lights 0600-2000 h) during the 15 weeks of long-day exposure blocked the recovery from refractoriness. Constant-release melatonin implants abolished the animals ability to measure 12 and 15 weeks of long days to terminate refractoriness. These results demonstrate that general target tissue insensitivity to melatonin cannot account for the refractory state in hamsters, that a multiplicity of target tissues may exist for melatonin to account for its varied roles throughout the annual reproductive cycle in hamsters, and that the pineal gland is intimately involved in the animals' ability to measure a prescribed duration of long days to terminate refractoriness.  相似文献   

The reproductive and adaptative behavior of wild rodents is synchronized primarily by the photoperiod. The viscacha, a South American rodent of nocturnal habits and seasonal reproduction is photoperiod‐dependent and its reproductive behavior is regulated by the retinohypothalamic‐pituitary pineal axis. Adult males exhibit an annual reproductive cycle with periods of maximum gonadal activity (summer‐early autumn) and gonadal regression (winter). The corpus and the cauda, the most sensitive segments of the epididymis to changes induced by the photoperiod, were analyzed using electron microscopy and enzymatic biochemistry. During gonadal regression, principal and clear cells showed signs of involution with respect to the activity period. These were characterized by more irregular nuclei, smaller cytoplasms, large vacuoles, altered mitochondria, and glycogen deposits. All cellular populations of the epididymal epithelium in regression presented abundant lysosome‐like dense bodies during the active period. In addition, we measured the activity of four acid glycosidases in the cauda epididymis along the reproductive cycle. N‐acetyl‐β‐D‐glucosaminidase (NAG), an enzyme that degrades endocytosed substances from the epididymal lumen, increased significantly during gonadal regression relative to the active period. These results demonstrate that the viscacha epididymis exhibits significant ultrastructural and biochemical changes during the reproductive cycle. We demonstrate that during regression, melatonin secretion in viscacha increases. This study shows that the epididymal epithelium is reduced. Thus, we postulate that the changes observed in the epididymis are modulated by pineal melatonin. Despite these changes, the epididymis might maintain a microenvironment suitable for the survival of stored spermatozoa. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Adult male prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) were housed for 10 wk and exposed to long (16L:8D) or short (8L:16D) photoperiods at 21 degrees or 5 degrees C. Maintenance in short day lengths reduced testicular, epididymal, and seminal vesicle mass and also significantly depressed spermatogenic activity. Cold ambient temperature further suppressed gonadal size in voles exposed to short days. Several pelage characteristics were affected by photoperiod, but not by temperature. Increased fur density, fur depth, and length of guard hair and underhair were observed in voles exposed to short days. Intrascapular brown fat and gonadal fat pad mass as well as body mass were significantly less in voles housed in cold temperatures than in voles exposed to warm ambient temperatures; photoperiod did not affect these parameters. Approximately 30% of the male voles exposed to short days maintained their reproductive systems, yet they clearly processed photoperiodic information; all short-day males, regardless of reproductive condition, had comparable winter pelage development. Our results suggest that in prairie voles, photoperiod may be a predictive cue for reproductive function in nature; however, it appears that pelage development is a more obligatory response to photoperiod than is reproduction.  相似文献   

Female Sprague-Dawley rats, exposed to a long (18L:6D) or a short (6L:18D) photoperiod from 21 days of age, were mated when they reached 55 days of age. On Day 2 of gestation, dams were pinealectomized or sham-operated. Pre- and postnatal photoperiods were identical, and offspring were killed at 15 days of age. Maternal pinealectomy had no effect when rats were kept on 18L:6D. Rats born to sham-operated mothers and kept on 6L:18D had higher testicular testosterone and androstenedione content than offspring raised on the long photoperiod. This stimulatory effect of the short photoperiod was blocked by maternal pinealectomy and was not dependent on the offspring's own pineal since it was observed in both sham-operated and neonatally (on Day 5 after birth) pinealectomized rats. When sham-operated mothers housed on 18L:6D were treated daily during pregnancy and lactation by s.c. melatonin injection, there was an increase in the testicular testosterone content of offspring. It was concluded that when rats are maintained on a 6L:18D cycle the maternal pineal gland enhances the testicular testosterone and androstenedione content in 15-day-old offspring. This effect is probably mediated by maternally derived melatonin. At 15 days of age, the pineal of the offspring had no influence on testicular function.  相似文献   

Among individuals of many nontropical species, seasonal breeding is timed by tracking changes in the daily photoperiod. Transfer of rodents to short (< 12 h of light/day) day lengths for 6 to 14 weeks can induce regression of the testes mediated by apoptosis. After 16 to 20 weeks of short day exposure, reproductive function is "spontaneously" initiated, and testicular recrudescence is observed. The gonadal mechanisms that underlie testicular recrudescence are not fully understood. If the onset of testicular regrowth that occurs during spontaneous recrudescence reflects a down-regulation of apoptotic signals, then a decline in apoptosis should be noted concurrent with increased testis mass. This experiment sought to assess the role of apoptosis in the restoration of reproductive capacity to photoperiod-inhibited white-footed mice. Males were assigned to long (16:8 LD) or short (8:16 LD) photoperiods for 0, 14, 18, 22, 26, or 30 weeks. At each of these time points, testis mass and testosterone concentrations were assessed. In addition, apoptotic activity was measured using both in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dNTP end labeling (TUNEL) and DNA laddering. Short photoperiod exposure induced maximal decreases in testicular parameters after 14 weeks (p < 0.05). After 26 weeks of short days, testis mass was no longer different between males housed in long days and those housed in short days. In contrast, the high incidence of apoptotic TUNEL labeling and DNA laddering observed at 14 weeks was reduced to long day values after 22 weeks of short day exposure. Together, our results establish that a decrease in testicular apoptosis coincides with testicular recrudescence in white-footed mice. The current study demonstrates a decline in the incidence of testicular cell death concomitant with changes in testis mass or length, elucidating a timeline of changes at the cellular level related to the onset of recrudescence.  相似文献   

Female Clarias batrachus acclimated to long photoperiod (13L:11D), were subjected to 30º ± 1ºC thermopulses of either 6-hour or 12-hour duration at different phases of the LD cycle during the late resting phase (first week of January) of their annual reproductive cycle. Six-hour pulses were given either at 0600 or 1200 or 1800 or 0000. Twelve-hour thermopulses were given at 0600 or 1800. The long photoperiods were started at 0530 and that of ambient at 0630 coinciding with the average timing of sunrise that prevailed during the period of the study. The results indicate that exposure to long photoperiod or constant high temperature induced gonadal growth (GSI) and elevated testosterone and oestradiol levels in plasma. The high temperature was significantly more effective in its action. Further, combination of long photoperiod and high temperature produced the strongest gonadal stimulation as gauged from GSI and the levels of steroid hormones. Interestingly, 30ºC thermopulses of 12-h duration when given at 0600 to fish held under long photoperiod induced gonadal development of comparable magnitude as observed in response to constant high temperature under long photoperiod. Thermopulses (30ºC) of 6-h duration given at 0600 or 1200 also induced significant gonadal recrudescence but of much lesser magnitude. Thermopulses either of 6-h or 12-h duration at 1800 failed to elicit any change in the variables under study. The results of cosinor analysis performed on the responses to 6-h thermopulses also substantiate that there is a rhythm in the sensitivity of C. batrachus to thermopulses. Thus it appears that in this species temperature-induced gonadal recrudescence would occur only following coincidence of high temperature with the thermoinducible phase. The underlying mechanism of this phenomenon might be circadian in nature.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in pineal function are well coordinated with seasonal reproductive activity of tropical birds. Further, immunomodulatory property of melatonin is well documented in seasonally breeding animals. Present study elucidates the interaction of peripheral melatonin with seasonal pattern of immunity and reproduction in Indian tropical male bird Perdicula asiatica. Significant seasonal changes were noted in pineal, testicular and immune function(s) of this avian species. Maximum pineal activity along with high immune status was noted during winter month while maximum testicular activity with low immune status was noted in summer. During summer month's long photoperiod suppressed pineal activity and high circulating testosterone suppressed immune parameters, while in winter short photoperiod elevated pineal activity and high circulating melatonin maintained high immune status and suppressed gonadal activity. Therefore, seasonal levels of melatonin act like a major temporal synchronizer to maintain not only the seasonal reproduction but also immune adaptability of this avian species.  相似文献   

The seasonal variations in serotonin immunoreactivity and ultrastructure of the secretory rudimentary photoreceptor cells (SRPC) were studied in the pineal organ of the Japanese grass lizard, Takydromus tachydromoides in relation to the environmental temperature. Our results clearly demonstrated that serotonin immunoreactivity in the lizard pineal organ displayed seasonal variations under an artificial photoperiod of LD 12:12 and natural temperature in the laboratory. Immunoreactivity became intense with increase in temperature from spring to summer, showing the strongest reaction in the summer, and subsequently became weak with the drop in temperature to winter. Also, the SRPC of the lizard showed distinct seasonal variations in number and size of the dense-cored vesicles correlated to the serotonin immunoreactivity. In contrast, the changes in size of the lysosomes and nucleoli of the SRPC were inversely proportional to that of the dense-cored vesicles. Furthermore, the lysosomes ingested some dense-cored vesicles after the autumn, and they coalesced to form huge autophagosomes or residual bodies during the winter. The present study provided serotonin-immunohistochemical and ultrastructural evidence for seasonal variations in the secretory activity of the lizard pineal organ in accordance with changes in the environmental temperature. However, there may be few functional relationships between the pineal gland and the reproductive organs in the male Japanese lizard in relation to environmental temperature.  相似文献   

P. Licht    H. E. Hoyer    P. G. W. J. van  Oordt 《Journal of Zoology》1969,157(4):469-501
Annual testicular cycles in the lizards Lacerta sicula and L. muralis appear to be regulated by the interaction between seasonal changes in body temperature and an endogenous rhythmicity in thermal responsiveness. Photoperiodism does not appear to be an important factor; i.e. testicular activity does not appear to be regulated by daylength.
Following testicular regression in July, the lizards are refractory to sexual stimulation by high temperatures (i.e. normal preferred levels) for about five months. High temperatures accelerate gonadal regression and prevent recrudescence during late summer. Reduced temperatures stimulate testicular enlargement and spermatid formation during the autumn; this recrudescence can be blocked by treatment with testosterone. Very low temperatures suppress gonadal activity during mid-winter.
Maintenance of lizards at constant high temperatures (33°C) starting in July suppresses testicular recrudescence until December. Also, testicular collapse occurs in lizards transferred to high temperatures after recrudescence has started. The gonads are stimulated by exogenous gonadotropins at 33°C during the fall indicating that high temperatures reduce circulating levels of gonadotropins.
The refractoriness to high temperatures is "spontaneously" terminated during midwinter (December) under a wide range of photo-thermal conditions. Low temperatures may accelerate the termination of refractoriness. Thereafter, high temperatures stimulate, and are required for the final development of the testes and accessory sexual structures. Thus, the increase in body temperature following hibernation times the onset of breeding in the spring.
Temperature also has a marked influence on appetite and growth, independent of photo-period. Weight gains are greater at 33° than at 20°C. At 33° there is a tendency for abdominal fat bodies to enlarge but with little hepatic growth; whereas, the reverse occurs at 20°C.  相似文献   

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