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In murine models of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT), MHC-mismatched recipients given a delayed infusion of donor leukocytes (DLI) at 21 days posttransplant develop significant GVHD whereas MHC-matched recipients do not. The current study was initially designed to test the hypothesis that small numbers of T cells in the MHC-mismatched donor bone marrow (BM) graft exacerbated graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) when DLI was administered at 21 days after BMT. Ex vivo depletion of Thy1+ cells from the donor BM had no impact on the severity of GVHD after DLI. However, depletion of donor T cells in vivo with a Thy1 allele-specific mAb given after BMT resulted in significantly more severe GVHD after DLI. Similar results were obtained in a MHC-matched model of allogeneic BMT, indicating that this was a general phenomenon and not model dependent. These results indicated that a population of donor-derived Thy1+ cells suppressed graft-vs-host reactivity after DLI. Results of experiments with thymectomized recipients demonstrated that an intact thymus was required for generation of the immunoregulatory donor cells. Experiments using TCR beta-chain knockout mice as BM donors indicated that the immunosuppressive Thy1+ cells coexpressed alphabetaTCR heterodimers. Similar experiments with CD4 and CD8 knockout donor BM suggested that the immunoregulatory Thy1+alphabetaTCR+ cells consisted of two subpopulations: a CD4+CD8- subpopulation and a CD4-CD8- subpopulation. Together, these results show that thymus-derived, Thy1+alphabetaTCR+ donor cells generated early after allogeneic BMT suppress the graft-vs-host reactivity of T cells given as DLI. These cells may mediate dominant peripheral tolerance after allogeneic BMT.  相似文献   

Delayed lymphocyte infusions (DLIs) are used to treat relapse occurring post bone marrow transplantation (BMT) and to increase the donor chimerism in recipients receiving nonmyeloablative conditioning. As compared with donor lymphocytes given early post-BMT, DLIs are associated with a reduced risk of graft-vs-host disease (GVHD). The mechanism(s) responsible for such resistance have remained incompletely defined. We now have observed that host T cells present 3 wk after lethal total body irradiation, at the time of DLI, contribute to DLI-GVHD resistance. The infusion of donor splenocytes on day 0, a time when host bone marrow (BM)-derived T cells are absent, results in greater expansion than later post-BMT when host and donor BM-derived T cells coexist. Selective depletion of host T cells with anti-Thy1 allelic mAb increased the GVHD risk of DLI, indicating that a Thy1(+) host T cell regulated DLI-GVHD lethality. The conditions by which host T cells are required for optimal DLI resistance were determined. Recipients unable to express CD28 or 4-1BB were as susceptible to DLI-GVHD as anti-Thy1 allelic mAb-treated recipients, indicating that CD28 and 4-1BB are critical to DLI-GVHD resistance. Recipients deficient in both perforin and Fas ligand but not individually were highly susceptible to DLI-GVHD. Recipients that cannot produce IFN-gamma were more susceptible to DLI-GVHD, whereas those deficient in IL-12 or p55 TNFRI were not. Collectively, these data indicate that host T cells, which are capable of generating antidonor CTL effector cells, are responsible for the impaired ability of DLI to induce GVHD. These same mechanisms may limit the efficacy of DLI in cancer therapy under some conditions.  相似文献   

Skin is the most commonly affected organ in graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). To explore the role of Langerhans cells in GVHD, the principal dendritic cells of the skin, we studied the fate of these cells in mice transplanted with allogeneic bone marrow. In contrast to other dendritic cells, host Langerhans cells were replaced by donor Langerhans cells only when donor T cells were administered along with bone marrow, and the extent of Langerhans cell chimerism correlated with the dose of donor T cells injected. Donor T cells depleted host Langerhans cells through a Fas-dependent pathway and induced the production in skin of CCL20, which was required for the recruitment of donor Langerhans cells. Administration of donor T cells to bone marrow-chimeric mice with persistent host Langerhans cells, but not to mice whose Langerhans cells had been replaced, resulted in marked skin GVHD. These findings indicate a crucial role for donor T cells in host Langerhans cell replacement, and show that host dendritic cells can persist in nonlymphoid tissue for the duration of an animal's life and can trigger GVHD despite complete blood chimerism.  相似文献   

The coordinated expression of chemokines and receptors may be important in the directed migration of alloreactive T cells during graft-vs-host disease (GVHD). Recent work demonstrated in a murine model that transfer of CCR5-deficient (CCR5(-/-)) donor cells to nonconditioned haploidentical recipients resulted in reduced donor cell infiltration in liver and lymphoid tissues compared with transfer of CCR5(+/+) cells. To investigate the function of CCR5 during GVHD in conditioned transplant recipients, we transferred CCR5(-/-) or wild-type C57BL/6 (B6) T cells to lethally irradiated B6D2 recipients. Unexpectedly, we found an earlier time to onset and a worsening of GVHD using CCR5(-/-) T cells, which was associated with significant increases in the accumulation of alloreactive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in liver and lung. Conversely, the transfer of CCR5(-/-) donor cells to nonirradiated recipients led to reduced infiltration of target organs, confirming previous studies and demonstrating that the role of CCR5 on donor T cells is dependent on conditioning of recipients. Expression of proinflammatory chemokines in target tissues was dependent on conditioning of recipients, such that CXCL10 and CXCL11 were most highly expressed in tissues of irradiated recipients during the first week post-transplant. CCR5(-/-) T cells were shown to have enhanced migration to CXCL10, and blocking this ligand in vivo improved survival in irradiated recipients receiving CCR5(-/-) T cells. Our data indicate that the effects of inhibiting CCR5/ligand interaction on donor T cells during GVHD differ depending on conditioning of recipients, a finding with potentially important clinical significance.  相似文献   

T cell subsets from rat strains that have been characterized as high and low responders to alloantigen were examined for their capacity to mediate lethal graft versus host disease (GVHD) across strain combinations incompatible for class I, class II, and non-MHC antigens. Inocula of 5 X 10(7) lymph node and spleen cells (LC) from low responder DA (RT1a) and high responder W/F (RT1u) strains caused lethal GVHD in (W/F X DA)F1 hybrids given 6 Gy whole body irradiation. W/F CD4+ (W3/25+) cells (2 X 10(7], equal to the number in 5 X 10(7) LC mediated lethal GVHD but 10(8) DA CD4+ cells were required to cause lethal GVHD. CD8+ (MRC OX8+) cells (5 X 10(7] from W/F rats alone caused lethal GVHD but those from DA rats could not. Mixtures of CD4+ and CD8+ DA T cells, equivalent to the number in 5 X 10(7) LC, did mediate lethal GVHD, demonstrating that synergy between the subsets was the predominant mechanism with DA cells. These results suggest that differences in alloreactivity between the strains tested may be due to alternate requirements for the alloactivation of T cell subsets; the high responder subsets being self-sufficient and the low responder subsets being dependent upon each other.  相似文献   

NKT cells are a unique immunoregulatory T cell population that produces large amounts of cytokines. We have investigated whether stimulation of host NKT cells could modulate acute graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) in mice. Injection of the synthetic NKT cell ligand alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer) to recipient mice on day 0 following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation promoted Th2 polarization of donor T cells and a dramatic reduction of serum TNF-alpha, a critical mediator of GVHD. A single injection of alpha-GalCer to recipient mice significantly reduced morbidity and mortality of GVHD. However, the same treatment was unable to confer protection against GVHD in NKT cell-deficient CD1d knockout (CD1d(-/-)) or IL-4(-/-) recipient mice or when STAT6(-/-) mice were used as donors, indicating the critical role of host NKT cells, host production of IL-4, and Th2 cytokine responses mediated by donor T cells on the protective effects of alpha-GalCer against GVHD. Thus, stimulation of host NKT cells through administration of NKT ligand can regulate acute GVHD by inducing Th2 polarization of donor T cells via STAT6-dependent mechanisms and might represent a novel strategy for prevention of acute GVHD.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature indicates that the Notch pathway can influence the activation and differentiation of peripheral murine T cells, though comparatively little is known about the effects of Notch signaling in human T cells. In the present report we demonstrate that Jagged-1-induced Notch signaling (using immobilized Jagged-1 fusion protein) during stimulation of purified human CD4+ and CD8+ T cells potently inhibits T cell proliferation and effector function, including both Th1- and Th2-associated cytokines. Inhibition of T cell activation is not due to apoptosis or disruption of proximal TCR signaling, but is associated with up-regulation of GRAIL (gene related to anergy in lymphocytes) in CD4+ T cells, with modest effects on other E3 ubiquitin ligases such as c-Cbl and Itch. When evaluated for its effects on CD4+ T cell differentiation, Jagged-1-mediated signaling inhibits T cell cytokine secretion with no significant effect on proliferative responses. Collectively, these data demonstrate that Notch signaling in human T cells induced by Jagged-1 promotes a novel form of T cell hyporesponsiveness that differs from anergy, whereby primary T cell proliferation and cytokine secretion are potently inhibited, and effector function but not proliferative capacity are ameliorated upon secondary stimulation.  相似文献   

CD25(+)CD4(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) are required for the maintenance of peripheral tolerance to certain self Ags. In this study, the requirements for murine Treg-suppressive activity and proliferation were examined in the context of the maturation of myeloid dendritic cells (DCs). We find that the suppressive function of Tregs is critically dependent on immature DCs and is readily reversed by the maturation of DCs induced by GM-CSF, but does not require TLR activation of either DCs or Tregs. In contrast, reversal of Treg anergy is dependent on TLR activation of DCs, and involves the potentiation of Treg responsiveness to IL-2 by cooperative effects of IL-6 and IL-1, both of which are produced by TLR-activated, mature DCs. Thus, proinflammatory cytokines produced by TLR-activated, mature DCs are required for reversal of Treg anergy, but are not required to overcome Treg suppression.  相似文献   

Lethal graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) can be induced between MHC-matched murine strains expressing multiple minor histocompatibility Ag differences. In the B6->BALB.B model, both CD4(+) and CD8(+) donor T cells can mediate lethal GVHD, whereas in the B6->CXB-2 model, only CD8(+) T cells are lethal. TCR Vbeta CDR3-size spectratyping was previously used to analyze CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cell responses in lethally irradiated BALB.B and CXB-2 recipients, which showed significant overlap in the reacting repertoires. However, CD4(+) T cells exhibited unique skewing of the Vbeta2 and 11 families in only BALB.B recipients. These Vbeta family reactivities were confirmed by immunohistochemical staining of lingual epithelial infiltrates, and by positive and negative selection Vbeta family transfer experiments for GVHD induction in BALB.B recipients. We have now extended these studies to examine the T cell repertoire responses involved in target tissue damage. Infiltrating B6 host-presensitized CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells were isolated 8-10 days post-transplant from the spleens, intestines and livers of CXB-2 and BALB.B transplant recipients. For both T cell subsets, the results indicated overlapping tissue skewings between the recipients, also between the tissues sampled within the respective recipients as well as tissue specific responses unique to both the BALB.B and CXB-2 infiltrates. Most notably, the CD4(+) Vbeta 11(+) family was skewed in the intestines of BALB.B but not CXB-2 recipients. Taken together, these data suggest that there are likely to be target tissue-related anti-multiple minor histocompatibility Ag-specific responses in each of the strain recipients, which may also differ from those found in peripheral lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

Fast dissociation rate of peptide-MHC complexes from TCR has commonly been accepted to cause T cell anergy. In this study, we present evidence that peptides that form transient complexes with HLA-DR1 induce anergy in T cell clones in vitro and specific memory T cells in vivo. We demonstrate that similar to the low densities of long-lived agonist peptide-MHC, short-lived peptide-MHC ligands induce anergy by engagement of approximately 1000 TCR and activation of a similar pattern of intracellular signaling events. These data strongly suggest that short-lived peptides induce anergy by presentation of low densities of peptide-MHC complexes. Moreover, they suggest that the traditional antagonist peptides might also trigger anergy by a similar molecular mechanism. The use of short-lived peptides to induce T cells anergy is a potential strategy for the prevention or treatment of autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

TCR affinity dictates T cell selection in the thymus and also has a high impact on the fate of peripheral T cells. Graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) is a pathological process initiated by activation of donor T cells after adoptive transfer into an allogeneic recipient. How TCR affinity affects the potential of alloreactive T cells to induce GVHD is unclear. Using alloreactive CD4+ and CD8+ TCR transgenic (Tg) T cells, GVHD models are presented that allow for the visualization of how CD8+ alloreactive T cells behave in response to alloantigens with different TCR affinity in the absence or presence of CD4 help. In a nonmyeloablative transplant model where GVHD lethality is due to marrow aplasia, alloreactive CD8+ TCR Tg T cells induced significantly more severe GVHD in the recipients that express an intermediate-affinity alloantigen than in the recipients that express a high-affinity alloantigen. In a myeloablative transplant model where GVHD lethality is due to epithelium injury, CD8+ TCR Tg cells were also more pathogenic in the recipients with an intermediate-affinity alloantigen than in those with a high-affinity alloantigen. The presence of alloreactive CD4+ TCR Tg cells enhanced the potential of CD8+ TCR Tg cells to cause GVHD in recipients with an intermediate-, but not with a high-, affinity alloantigen. These findings underscore that alloantigen affinity and CD4 help control the fate and pathogenicity of alloreactive CD8+ T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

The contribution of the T cell chemoattractant chemokine IFN-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) in host defense following viral infection of the CNS was examined. IP-10 is expressed by astrocytes during acute encephalomyelitis in mouse hepatitis virus-infected mice, and the majority of T lymphocytes infiltrating into the CNS expressed the IP-10 receptor CXCR3. Treatment of mice with anti-IP-10 antisera led to increased mortality and delayed viral clearance from the CNS as compared with control mice. Further, administration of anti-IP-10 led to a >70% reduction (p 相似文献   

Host versus graft (HVG) syndrome is the fatal complex of lesions which has been observed in six inbred strains of mice following the perinatal inoculation of related F1 hybrid spleen cells. Morphological studies have indicated that the key lesion is the depletion of peripheral T lymphocytes due to inflammatory destruction and failure of the thymus to replace them. In the present studies, tests of T-cell function were done on RFM mice, which had developed HVG disease following perinatal inoculations of (T6 × RFM)F1 spleen cells. As compared to control values, HVG spleen cell suspensions showed loss of reactivity to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) = 90%, to concanavalin A (Con A) = 94%, to (T6 × RFM)F, cells in the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) = 82%, to DBA cells in MLR = 94%, and to DBA mastocytoma cells in cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) = 95%. Lymph node cell suspensions showed losses of reactivity to PHA = 83%, to Con A = 62%, to (T6 × RFM)F1 cells in the MLR = 91%, and to DBA cells in the MLR = 77%. The CML activity of nodal cells to DBA mastocytoma cells varied widely from 12 to 273% of control values, and averaged 121%. Filtration of HVG spleen cells through nylon fiber columns failed to restore low responses to PHA to normal values. This suggested that the macrophage-like, adherent accessory cells were not acting as suppressors of T-cell responses in HVG disease. The deficits in all T-cell-mediated functions tested so far, appeared to correlate very well with quantitative morphological studies which showed the loss of 98% of the small lymphocytes normally present in the thymic dependent portions of the splenic white pulp. It is suggested that experimental HVG disease may serve as a model for immunodeficiency syndromes of the Nezelof type which are also characterized by T-cell deficiency, poor primary antibody responses, and the presence of variable amounts of serum immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

The binding of bacterial superantigens (SAgs) is profoundly affected by the nature of the MHC class II-associated antigenic peptide. It was proposed that this limitation in the density of SAgs displayed at the surface of APCs is important for efficient TCR serial triggering as well as for preventing apoptosis of the responding T lymphocytes. Here, we have addressed quantitatively the size of this SAg-receptive pool of HLA-DR molecules that are available to bind and present staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) at the surface of B lymphocytes. Our binding curves, depletion experiments, and quantitative immunoprecipitations show that about half the HLA-DR class II molecules on B cells are refractory to SEA binding. Yet, as compared with typical nominal Ags, an unusually high amount of class II-SAg complexes can be presented to T cells. This characteristic appears to be necessary for SAg-induced T cell apoptosis. When <0.3% of the total cell surface MHC class II molecules are occupied by SEA, T cells undergo a normal sequence of early activation events. However, presentation of a ligand density beyond this threshold results in T cell activation that is readily aborted by apoptosis but only after a few cell divisions. Thus, we confirm the existence of MHC class II subsets that are structurally unable to present SEA and provide a quantitative framework to account for the ability of bacterial SAgs to induce peripheral activation vs tolerance in the host.  相似文献   

Murine Th1 clones that receive signals through their TCR in the absence of APC-derived co-stimulatory signals do not produce IL-2 and instead become anergic, i.e., they are subsequently unable to produce IL-2 in response to Ag and normal APC. The critical cellular event required to prevent the induction of this anergic state appears to be T cell proliferation. Anergy was induced when T cell clones were stimulated under conditions where both TCR occupancy and costimulatory signals were provided but where proliferation in response to the IL-2 produced was prevented. Once induced, anergy could be reversed if the T cells were allowed to undergo multiple rounds of cell division. These results show that anergy is induced as a consequence of TCR occupancy in the absence of cell division; this can be achieved either by limiting IL-2 production because of deficient provision of co-stimulatory signals or by preventing response to IL-2.  相似文献   

The correlation between properties of the T cell memory pool and the two regulatory mechanisms of cell death (apoptosis) and memory entry (differentiation) is investigated mathematically. Apoptosis of T cells occurs at the end of an immune response, removing unwanted activated T cells. T cells escaping apoptosis enter the memory pool composed of T cells specific for previously encountered antigens. We find that the relative efficiencies of these two pathways determine the clonal distribution and the long-term stability of the memory pool by regulating the number of new entries. The main result presented in this paper is that immunological memory of previously encountered pathogens cannot be erased by either severe or repeat infections with a particular pathogen (the diversity of the memory pool is ensured) only if apoptosis and/or memory differentiation are regulated by population dependent processes. Furthermore, vaccination properties are improved significantly by population dependent mechanisms and our mathematical analysis reveals that the T cell population must communicate with other parts of the immune system to ensure optimal performance of immunological memory.  相似文献   

Based on the expression of the TNFR SFP CD27, two Ag-primed CD8(+) T cell subsets can be discerned in the circulation of healthy individuals: CD27(+) T cells that produce a variety of cytokines but do not display immediate cytolytic activity; and cytotoxic CD27(-) T cells, which secrete only IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha. The mechanism that controls the generation of these different phenotypes is unknown. We show that CMV reactivation not only increases the number of virus-specific T cells but also induces their transition from a CD27(+) to a CD27(-) phenotype. In support of a relation between pool size and phenotype in a cohort of latently infected individuals, the number of Ag-specific CD27(-) CD8(+) T cells was found to be linearly related to the total number of CMV-specific CD8(+) T cells. In vitro studies revealed that the acquisition of the CD27(-) phenotype on CMV-specific T cells depended on the interaction of CD27 with its cellular ligand, CD70. Expression of CD70 was proportional to the amount of antigenic stimulation and blocked by the CD4(+) T cell-derived cytokine IL-21. Thus, induction of CD70, which may vary in distinct viral infections, appears to be a key factor in determining the size and phenotype of the CMV-specific T cell population in latently infected individuals.  相似文献   

BackgroundTh1/Th17 imbalance had been indicated to mediate several kinds of inflammatory diseases. We deduce that Th1/Th17 imbalance might also contribute to the pathogenesis of acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). This study is to investigate the relation between Th1/Th17 imbalance and acute GVHD.MethodsWe applied a murine GVHD model of C57BL/6 (H-2b) donor to BALB/c (H-2d) recipient by treating the recipients with low dose of halofuginone (HF), which is competent in selectively inhibiting Th17 differentiation and facilitating Th1 differentiation. Recipient mice were monitored for survival rate, body weight change, clinical symptoms and pathological evidence of acute GVHD. We also measured the proportions of Th1 and Th17 cells in circulation and expression levels of IFN-γ and IL-17A in tissues involved in GVHD.ResultsFirstly, we confirm the existence of Th1/Th17 imbalance in acute GVHD and Th1/Th17 imbalance positively correlates with severity of acute GVHD. Secondly, low dose of HF augments Th1/Th17 imbalance by driving the Th1/Th17 balance to a Th1-dominant reaction. Finally, augmented Th1/Th17 imbalance leads to aggravated systemic GVHD. An increased Th1-type reaction results in aggravated hepatic and intestinal GVHD, and inhibiting Th17 differentiation is sufficient to alleviate pulmonic impairment.ConclusionOur study is indicative for a critical role of Th1/Th17 imbalance in the pathogenesis of murine GVHD.  相似文献   

Transplantation tolerance is facilitated by activation-induced apoptosis of peripheral T cells triggered by specific AG: Abs specific for the nonpolymorphic CD3 component of the TCR complex bind to APCs through Fc-FcR interactions, mimic MHC-peptide, and activate polyclonal T cells. In contrast, F(ab')(2) of anti-CD3epsilon Abs do not activate naive T cells but induce apoptosis of Ag-activated, cycling T cells. Here, we report that treatment with anti-CD3epsilon F(ab')(2) can selectively induce apoptosis of donor T cells that recognize a recipient alloantigen, thereby preventing graft-vs-host disease initiated by a TCR-transgenic T cell population. The selective elimination of Ag-activated T cells by non-FcR-binding anti-CD3epsilon Abs could serve as an ideal strategy to prevent graft-vs-host disease and allograft rejection or to treat autoimmune disorders.  相似文献   

The transfer of unfractionated DBA/2J (DBA) splenocytes into B6D2F(1) (DBA → F(1)) mice results in greater donor CD4 T cell engraftment in females at day 14 that persists long-term and mediates greater female lupus-like renal disease. Although donor CD8 T cells have no demonstrated role in lupus pathogenesis in this model, we recently observed that depletion of donor CD8 T cells prior to transfer eliminates sex-based differences in renal disease long-term. In this study, we demonstrate that greater day 14 female donor CD4 engraftment is also critically dependent on donor CD8 T cells. Male DBA → F(1) mice exhibit stronger CD8-dependent day 8-10 graft-versus-host (GVH) and counter-regulatory host-versus-graft (HVG) responses, followed by stronger homeostatic contraction (days 10-12). The weaker day 10-12 GVH and HVG in females are followed by persistent donor T cell activation and increasing proliferation, expansion, and cytokine production from days 12 to 14. Lastly, greater female day 14 donor T cell engraftment, activation, and cytokine production were lost with in vivo IFN-γ neutralization from days 6 to 14. We conclude the following: 1) donor CD8 T cells enhance day 10 proliferation of donor CD4 T cells in both sexes; and 2) a weaker GVH/HVG in females allows prolonged survival of donor CD4 and CD8 T cells, allowing persistent activation. These results support the novel conclusion that sex-based differences in suboptimal donor CD8 CTL activation are critical for shaping sex-based differences in donor CD4 T cell engraftment at 2 wk and lupus-like disease long-term.  相似文献   

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