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Research funds for addressing practical plant pest or disease problems are justified by the size of the threat and the financial burden it imposes. When new technology is developed for pest or disease control, regulatory costs to pay for risk assessments make sense when projected income from a new product can be charged to expected income from a future market. When a pest or disease problem affects a minor crop, the research to address regulatory issues does not have such a clear‐cut funding origin. Ironically, a very selective biopesticide designed to address a local pest or disease problem is the ideal form of sustainable pest management, but has the smallest market of any pest control strategy and therefore the smallest amount of financial support. In this sphere of modest financial resources, regulatory needs can force research away from solving the problem at hand to address assessment issues that add considerable cost. When genetic modification is a part of the proposed new strategy, an added burden is placed on the developers. This burden can defy logic and can also come largely from peers, not the public.  相似文献   

Many important ecological management issues can only be addressed by long‐term monitoring or through studies carried out over extended periods. But such studies require institutional settings that ensure funding is sustained and that data arising from these studies are securely managed. Recent experience suggests both are difficult to achieve. This is because management agencies and research bodies are periodically restructured, especially in recent years. This has often led to long‐term work being terminated. But there is anecdotal evidence that the data collected in at least some of these studies are not always lost. Instead, it can remain stored in the back rooms of agencies or in the personal files of former staff. Such data are clearly at risk; with time fewer people remain aware of the work or of the existence of data that were collected, thereby increasing the likelihood that the information will eventually disappear. This seems a waste. Securing funds for any long‐term ecological study is always likely to be difficult, and many of these previous long‐term studies are likely to be relevant to some of our present management problems. One approach to taking advantage of these earlier studies would be to ask scientific and professional associations to survey their older members to identify relevant previous investigations. But any re‐establishment of former studies will require the creation of new institutional arrangements, more robust institutional memories and sufficient funds that are able to sustain any resurrected investigations into the future.  相似文献   

New discoveries are improving the odds of human cells surviving in host animals, prompting regulatory and funding agencies to issue calls for additional layers of ethical oversight for certain types of human–animal chimeras. Of interest are research proposals involving chimeric animals with humanized brains. But what is motivating the demand for additional oversight? I locate two, not obviously compatible, motivations, each of which provides the justificatory basis for paying special attention to different sets of human–animal chimeras. Surprisingly, the sets of animals that actually get flagged for special scrutiny by research and funding guidelines do not correlate with either of the sets of animals that arise when we think about what is motivating additional oversight. What this shows is that existing research policies and funding guidelines are disconnected from their motivation: the rationale for flagging certain types of human–animal chimeras as requiring special oversight is ignored in execution.  相似文献   

Funding agencies (and journals) seem to be discriminating against ideas that are contrary to the mainstream, leading to leading to the preferential funding of predictable and safe research over radically new ideas. To remedy this problem a restructuring of the scientific funding system is needed, e.g. by utilizing laymen--together with scientists--to evaluate grant proposals.  相似文献   

Complete isolation of production fields for hybrid corn seed is difficult to attain in our Middle West. When the seed being produced is field corn seed and it is fertilized by other field corns, contamination is difficult to detect and not very serious. But when the seed being grown is of a specialized type, such as popcorn or waxy corn, outcrossing is most detrimental. A practical solution to this isolation problem lies in a unique type of cross-sterility discovered in some of our popcorns.  相似文献   

Phytoseiid mites of the genus Phytoseius are natural enemies of tetranychid and eriophyid herbivorous mites mostly found on hairy plants where they feed on prey, as well as on pollen. Nevertheless, the nutritional ecology and the role of these predators in biological pest control are only rarely addressed. In the present study, we evaluated the potential of Phytoseius finitimus to feed and reproduce on three major greenhouse pests, the two-spotted spider mite, the greenhouse whitefly and the western flower thrips. Additionally, we estimated the effect of cattail pollen when provided to the predator alone or in mixed diets with prey. Contrary to thrips larvae, both spider mite larvae and whitefly crawlers sustained the development of P. finitimus. In addition, females consumed more spider mite eggs and larvae, as well as whitefly crawlers than thrips larvae, but laid eggs when feeding on all prey. When provided alone, cattail pollen sustained the development and reproduction of the predator. The addition of pollen in mixed diets with prey reduced prey consumption, though it increased the predator’s egg production. We discuss the implications of our findings for biological pest control.  相似文献   

The advent of online publishing greatly facilitates the dissemination of scientific results. This revolution might have led to the untimely death of many traditional publishing companies, since today’s scientists are perfectly capable of writing, formatting and uploading files to appropriate websites that can be consulted by colleagues and the general public alike. They also have the intellectual resources to criticize each other and organize an anonymous peer review system. The Open Access approach appears promising in this respect, but we cannot ignore that it is fraught with editorial and economic problems. A few powerful publishing companies not only managed to survive, but also rake up considerable profits. Moreover, they succeeded in becoming influential ‘trendsetters’ since they decide which papers deserve to be published. To make money, one must set novel trends, like Christian Dior or Levi’s in fashion, and open new markets, for example in Asia. In doing so, the publishers tend to supplant both national and transnational funding agencies in defining science policy. In many cases, these agencies tend simply to adopt the commercial criteria defined by the journals, forever eager to improve their impact factors. It is not obvious that the publishers of scientific journals, the editorial boards that they appoint, or the people who sift through the vast numbers of papers submitted to a handful of ‘top’ journals are endowed with sufficient insight to set the trends of future science. It seems even less obvious that funding agencies should blindly follow the fashion trends set by the publishers. The perverse relationships between private publishers and public funding agencies may have a toxic effect on science policy.  相似文献   

[First paragraph]Improved grasslands pose particular problems in pest management. The areas are extensive and the returns per hectare from grassland agriculture are much less than those from intensive cropping or horticulture, but pastures are usually sown to last for a number of years and have a much more stable ecology than in cropping or horticulture. For these reasons, biological controls and plant resistance have long been the preferred options for managing pasture pests. Within this context, the role of diseases in pasture pest population dynamics has received increasing attention, especially their ability to control pest outbreaks. Diseases are common within our major pasture pest species but their role in population regulation is often difficult to define. One of New Zealand’s major pasture pest species, the grass grub Costelytra zealandica, is widespread and often damaging throughout the country. The insect is an endemic species that has adapted to an introduced pasture system, dominated by exotic plant species (Lolium perene/Trifolium repens), where it can reach populations ten-fold higher than in its native habitat. Such high densities favour disease transmission and it is not surprising that a wide array of pathogens have been recorded from this insect (Glare et al., 1993). But the insect can still be highly damaging and can cause total loss of sown species within 3–4 years from sowing in grass grub prone regions. Probably the most important of these diseases, found throughout New Zealand, is amber disease caused by strains of the bacteria Serratia entomophila and S. proteamaculans. This is an unusual disease, controlled by a bacterial plasmid which has only been found in New Zealand bacterial isolates (Jackson et al., 2001).  相似文献   

Funding for understanding biodiversity on this planet has had a checkered and unsatisfactory history. There have been some true successes in developing models for assessing biodiversity, but satisfactory governmental and international support has been piecemeal and unsatisfactory. A true solution to the biodiversity crisis will require greater attention from governmental and international funding agencies.  相似文献   

When used alone, only a minority of biological control programs succeed in bringing the target pest population under sufficient control. Biological control is, therefore, usually employed with chemical, cultural, genetic or other methods in an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy. The interactions between different pest management methods, especially conventional pesticides and host plant resistance, is an area of growing research interest but relatively little consideration is given to novel combinations. This paper reviews the interactions between biological control and other forms of pest management, especially induced plant defences and the novel, non-toxic plant protection compounds that may boost these defences; and sterile insect technique. We also cover the cultural methods that offer scope to support synergies between the aforementioned methodological combinations. We conclude that despite the sometimes negative consequences of other pest management techniques for biological control efficacy, there is great scope for new strategies to be developed that exploit synergies between biological control and various other techniques. Ultimately, however, we propose that future use of biological control will involve integration at a greater conceptual scale such that this important form of pest management is promoted as one of a suite of ecosystem services that can be engineered into farming systems and wider landscapes.  相似文献   

Although therapeutics derived from biological sources have been subjected to regulatory oversight for some time, the products used in transplantation procedures have historically been exempt from this oversight. These products have been viewed as being part of medical practice rather than as the result of mainstream pharmaceutical manufacture. Furthermore, their unique source makes them difficult to assess in traditional regulatory systems based on the␣tenets of pharmaceutical quality control. With the␣increasing use of transplantation therapies to both replace dysfunctional organs and to influence genetic and metabolic processes, public health concerns on these therapies have increased. In addition, it is recognized that therapeutic claims for some of these interventions need to be properly assessed. These considerations have led the established regulatory agencies of the developed world to develop new regulatory paradigms for the products of transplantation practice. While a number of concerns have driven these developments, the minimization of infectious disease risk remains the paramount driver for introducing these regulatory systems. More than the regulation of medicines and medical devices manufactured in traditional pharmaceutical modes, the regulation of cell and tissue products is intimately linked to areas of public health policy and funding. This places regulators in a challenging position as they attempt to reconcile their roles as independent assessors with the needs of the overall public health framework. This is particularly difficult when considering measures which may affect access to life saving therapies. Regulators have recognized the need to assess these therapies through systems which incorporate consideration of risk-benefit ratios and include mechanisms for transparent and accountable release of products when full compliance to traditional concepts of manufacturing practice is not possible.  相似文献   

The apple, Malus × domestica Borkh, is one of the most important temperate fruit crops grown around the world. Although the apple is a diploid (2n = 34), it originated as an allopolyploid and has a relatively small genome size of 750 Mb/haploid. The apple is self-incompatible, highly heterozygous, and displays a juvenile period of 6 to 10 years or more. These characteristics contribute to long-term and difficult efforts to breed new cultivars of apple. However in the past 15 years, significant advances have been made to develop molecular markers linked to traits of economic interest for apple. In turn, these molecular markers have been used to map, clone, and isolate genes. Efforts to pursue map-based cloning in apple have been quite successful in identifying and characterizing target genes, particularly those controlling disease and pest resistance. Strategies of chromosome walking and chromosome landing have provided viable approaches to locate, isolate, and clone some of these genes. In this review, we provide detailed information for these strategies and their use to clone some of these target genes controlling qualitative traits.  相似文献   

Obtaining reliable estimates of pest insect species abundance is an essential part of ecological monitoring programs. It is often the case that data available for obtaining such estimates are sparse which in turn makes achieving an accurate evaluation difficult. This is especially true for strongly heterogeneous pest population density distributions. In our paper we discuss the accuracy of a mean density estimate when a certain class of high aggregation density distributions is considered and a standard statistical method is employed to handle sparse sampled data. It will be shown in the paper that conventional conclusions about the accuracy of the pest population size evaluation do not work when the data are sparse and a new approach is required. Namely, if the number of traps is small, an estimate of the mean density becomes a random variable with an error of high magnitude and we have to compute the probability of an accurate estimate rather than computing the estimate itself. We have obtained a probability of an accurate estimate based on the assumption that only one trap falls within a sub-domain where the pest population density is different from zero. The probability has been calculated for the one-dimensional and the two-dimensional problem.  相似文献   

The way in which the huge Australian parasite fauna is described (discovery and naming) is the subject of this address. The approach to the task has never been well-organised so that a few groups of parasites are now relatively well-known because of the efforts of small groups of workers who have made sustained efforts in these groups, but equally some host-parasite systems have been almost completely ignored in that no worker has ever given them sustained attention. A high proportion of Australian parasites have been described by international workers. The sustaining of interest in a group of parasites over a long period is the key to real progress being made. The nature of the organisation of Australian science presently means that few positions are available for parasite taxonomists and funding for taxonomic research is scarce. Thus, parasite taxonomy (like the taxonomy of many groups of Australian plants and animals) can only be considered to be in crisis.  相似文献   

三突花蛛对桃蚜和桃粉蚜选择效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
三突花蛛是桃树上早春2种重要害虫桃蚜和桃粉蚜的主要天敌。对这2种害虫的捕食喜欢程度,受害虫种群密度的变化而变化。在二者等密度增加时,其捕食喜好程度相近;在桃蚜数量明显增加时,喜食桃蚜;在桃蚜数量剧增时,当两者密度值在50:50以下,喜食桃蚜,高于此值,则喜食桃粉蚜。  相似文献   



Taxonomy or biological systematics is the basic scientific discipline of biology, postulating hypotheses of identity and relationships, on which all other natural sciences dealing with organisms relies. However, the scientific contributions of taxonomists have been largely neglected when using species names in scientific publications by not citing the authority on which they are based.


Consequences of this neglect is reduced recognition of the importance of taxonomy, which in turn results in diminished funding, lower interest from journals in publishing taxonomic research, and a reduced number of young scientists entering the field. This has lead to the so-called taxonomic impediment at a time when biodiversity studies are of critical importance. Here we emphasize a practical and obvious solution to this dilemma. We propose that whenever a species name is used, the author(s) of the species hypothesis be included and the original literature source cited, including taxonomic revisions and identification literature - nothing more than what is done for every other hypothesis or assumption included in a scientific publication. In addition, we postulate that journals primarily publishing taxonomic studies should be indexed in ISISM.


The proposal outlined above would make visible the true contribution of taxonomists within the scientific community, and would provide a more accurate assessment for funding agencies impact and importance of taxonomy, and help in the recruitment of young scientists into the field, thus helping to alleviate the taxonomic impediment. In addition, it would also make much of the biological literature more robust by reducing or alleviating taxonomic uncertainty.  相似文献   

烟粉虱在我国的发生为害现状及其非化学控制对策(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烟粉虱 (BemisiatabaciGennadius )是热带、亚热带和温带地区主要害虫之一。烟粉虱早在 40年代在我国就已有记载 ,现广泛分布于我国的 2 2个省市。过去烟粉虱在我国为害并不严重 ,近年来在广东和北京等地已成为蔬菜和园艺作物生产的严重障碍。除直接为害外 ,烟粉虱可传播番茄和南瓜曲叶病等5种难于防治的病毒病。到目前为止 ,已报到 1 8种寄生性天敌、1 7种捕食性天敌及 1种虫生真菌。本文简要慨述烟粉虱在我国的发生为害与传毒现状 ,并结合我国的具体情况提出非化学控制烟粉虱的对策。  相似文献   

Myths, models and mitigation of resistance to pesticides   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Resistance to pesticides in arthropod pests is a significant economic, ecological and public health problem. Although extensive research has been conducted on diverse aspects of pesticide resistance and we have learned a great deal during the past 50 years, to some degree the discussion about ''resistance management'' has been based on ''myths''. One myth involves the belief that we can manage resistance. I will maintain that we can only attempt to mitigate resistance because resistance is a natural evolutionary response to environmental stresses. As such, resistance will remain an ongoing dilemma in pest management and we can only delay the onset of resistance to pesticides. ''Resistance management'' models and tactics have been much discussed but have been tested and deployed in practical pest management programmes with only limited success. Yet the myth persists that better models will provide a ''solution'' to the problem. The reality is that success in using mitigation models is limited because these models are applied to inappropriate situations in which the critical genetic, ecological, biological or logistic assumptions cannot be met. It is difficult to predict in advance which model is appropriate to a particular situation; if the model assumptions cannot be met, applying the model sometimes can increase the rate of resistance development rather than slow it down. Are there any solutions? I believe we already have one. Unfortunately, it is not a simple or easy one to deploy. It involves employing effective agronomic practices to develop and maintain a healthy crop, monitoring pest densities, evaluating economic injury levels so that pesticides are applied only when necessary, deploying and conserving biological control agents, using host-plant resistance, cultural controls of the pest, biorational pest controls, and genetic control methods. As a part of a truly multi-tactic strategy, it is crucial to evaluate the effect of pesticides on natural enemies in order to preserve them in the cropping system. Sometimes, pesticide-resistant natural enemies are effective components of this resistance mitigation programme. Another name for this resistance mitigation model is integrated pest management (IPM). This complex model was outlined in some detail nearly 40 years ago by V. M. Stern and colleagues. To deploy the IPM resistance mitigation model, we must admit that pest management and resistance mitigation programmes are not sustainable if based on a single-tactic strategy. Delaying resistance, whether to traditional pesticides or to transgenic plants containing toxin genes from Bacillus thuringiensis, will require that we develop multi-tactic pest management programmes that incorporate all appropriate pest management approaches. Because pesticides are limited resources, and their loss can result in significant social and economic costs, they should be reserved for situations where they are truly needed--as tools to subdue an unexpected pest population outbreak. Effective multi-tactic IPM programmes delay resistance (= mitigation) because the number and rates of pesticide applications will be reduced.  相似文献   

Incentives to care for nonhuman animals derive in part from the extent to which people depend on animals for food, for livelihood, and for cultural and psychological reasons as well as from the duty to protect animals in their care. When attention is turned to solving and preventing animal welfare problems at times of crisis, it becomes clear that those problems are also associated with problems for human welfare and environmental impact. The incidence and spread of animal diseases is affected by how animals are treated, and this can have very important effects. Similarly, during disasters caused by either natural or human-made events, outcomes for animals are important both in themselves and for their effects on humans and the environment. The need to plan and prepare to care for animals in advance of disease pandemics and disasters—and then to provide coordinated, measured management in response when such crises occur—requires collaboration between all agencies involved as well as increasing attention and resources.  相似文献   

In the ecological environment, pest infestation seriously affects the ecological balance; therefore, pest control is both necessary and urgent. However, most popular pest detection methods require various handcrafted components, which further limits the improvement of their pest detection performance. This study attempts to overcome this challenge from a new perspective by achieving an end-to-end network that eliminates the introduction of handcrafted components and effectively detects pests by combining residual networks and transformers. First, a squeeze-and-excitation module was introduced to assist the residual network fully extracting pest features. Second, a novel multihead criss cross attention module was designed to fully obtain the mutual relations between object queries with minimal computational cost. Third, data augmentation was incorporated to balance the sample categories. Finally, our model performance was evaluated based on a public pest dataset consisting of 25,378 images and 24 categories, and an average accuracy of 72.5% was achieved. The experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods. In addition to its excellent detection performance, this method demonstrates promising potential as an effective means of detecting other targets with similar characteristics. Therefore, it can be be effectively applied to practice and provide a new pest detection solution.  相似文献   

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