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污水灌溉与人体健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑世英 《生物学通报》2005,40(12):23-23
用未经处理或未达到排放标准的工业污水灌溉农田是污染物进入土壤的主要途径,其后果是在灌溉渠系两侧形成污染带,属封闭式局限性污染。由于大量未经处理污水直接用于农田灌溉,水质超标,已经造成土壤、作物及地下水的严重污染。污水灌溉已成为我国农村水环境恶化的主要原因之一,直接危害着污水灌溉区的人体健康。  相似文献   

作为环境污染的重要组成部分,水污染始终是人类生存与发展所要面临的重大问题.未经处理的污水大量排放进入水体,会使氮磷等污染物在水体中大量积累,引起藻类及其他浮游生物过度繁殖,水体溶解氧含量下降,水质恶化,威胁水生生物的生存,甚至会造成水生生态系统功能的退化.因此,开发经济高效的污水处理技术已成为水环境保护领域的研究重点.  相似文献   

山东潍坊地下水硝酸盐污染现状及δ15N溯源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用均匀布点选取了山东潍坊居民区、粮田和蔬菜种植区等区域地下水为研究对象,分析了地下水硝态氮含量及污染来源,结果表明:潍坊地区地下水硝态氮平均含量为28.1 mg/L ,按照国家地下水质量标准(GB/T 14848-93)属于Ⅲ类水;饮用水井硝态氮平均含量为23.3 mg/L, 最高值达到了150 mg/L,对国家饮用水标准(10 mg/L)超标率高达73.5%,严重超标率达50%;不同土地利用方式下地下水硝态氮含量不同,设施蔬菜种植区最高,其次是露地蔬菜种植区, 小麦-玉米种植区地下水硝态氮含量较低,但都超过了WHO饮用水中硝酸盐的最大允许含量50 mg/L的规定(折合为硝态氮11.3 mg/L);硝酸盐与水质离子之间的相关性以及水质分析相关的派珀图分析显示地下水硝酸盐污染与氮肥施用有关;根据硝酸盐δ15N的稳定同位素溯源分析,潍坊地区地下水硝酸盐41.5%来自于化肥,14.6%来自于生活污水,其他是来自化肥、生活污水和家畜粪尿的混合污染。综上,潍坊市地下水硝酸盐污染非常严重,已经对当地居民的身体健康造成了潜在的威胁;因此,亟需从源头控制做起,减少肥料的过量投入和生活污水的随意排放,以控制硝酸盐的继续污染及改善当地水环境。  相似文献   

利用微生物净化污水,既可以避免化学法处理所造成的再次污染,又可以利用微生物营养类型多的特点,适应千变万化的水质条件。但生物处理的不足之处有:活性污泥法的处理时间较长,有时达5一11小时,污泥产量也十分可观。这些污泥难于脱水,因此需要相当规模的污泥消化设备。曝气过程还需较大的动力。近  相似文献   

污水生物处理是一种利用微生物分解污水中的污染物、实现污水净化的方法。噬菌体是侵染细菌的病毒,在污水生物处理系统中广泛存在,它们能够特异性地控制微生物菌群,影响污水处理效果和调控污泥性状。因此,研究污水生物处理中噬菌体的分布及其功能具有重要意义。本文介绍了不同污水生物处理中噬菌体的分布,简要分析了噬菌体分离、培养与鉴定方法及其优缺点,详细总结了噬菌体在污水生物处理中的功能,包括:(1)调节微生物群落结构,影响污水处理效果;(2)作为环境监测的指示生物;(3)控制病原菌、污泥膨胀、污泥发泡和膜污染;(4)减少污泥产量,重点分析了影响噬菌体功能的因素,探讨了污水生物处理中噬菌体功能应用存在的问题及其解决方法,最后对噬菌体未来应用的发展方向进行了展望,以期为污水生物处理技术和工艺的开发与应用提供参考,促进污水处理健康发展。  相似文献   

为查明葫芦岛市浅层地下水的水化学特征,对采集的地下水样品进行了测试分析,采用模糊综合评价法和层级阶梯法进行地下水质量与污染综合评价。在此基础上,利用相关系数法筛选出影响地下水化学特征的指标,应用水文地球化学模拟方法分析各指标的成因机制。结果表明:研究区由低山丘陵向沿海冲积平原,地下水化学类型由HCO_3型水过渡至HCO_3·SO_4、HCO_3·Cl型水;Ⅰ~Ⅲ类、Ⅳ和Ⅴ类水质分别占样品总数的44%、4%和52%;中度、重度和极重度污染水样比例分别为48%、36%和16%;影响水质与污染状况的指标有Na~+、K~+、Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、HCO_3~-、SO_4~(2-)、Cl~-、Br、NH_4~+、NO_3~-和Pb,成因机制主要是阳离子交换吸附、蒸发蒸腾和氧化还原作用,地区农业生产、采矿活动和海水入侵现象是造成浅层地下水水质恶化、污染加重的主要因素。  相似文献   

浑河河水及其沿岸地下水污染特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
崔健  都基众  王晓光 《生态学报》2014,34(7):1860-1869
选择沈阳地区重要河流浑河及其沿岸地下水进行定量分析,研究并探讨了包括无机物和有机物在内的水质综合污染特征。结果表明,浑河河水中氨氮、硝氮、亚硝氮和酚超过了地表水环境质量标准,最大超标倍数分别为15.8、1.5、82.4和1.8倍,检测出的11种卤代烃、氯苯和六六六等有机物均未超标。浑河沿岸地下水中氨氮、硝氮、亚硝氮、化学需氧量、酚和铅超过地下水质量标准,超标率分别为31.6%、10.5%、26.3%、36.8%、47.4%和26.8%,检测出的4种卤代烃和六六六等有机物均未超标。河水及其沿岸地下水中的污染物,尤其是有机污染物种类和浓度高值基本出现在城西的谟家—大祝断面之间。浑河水质主要受城市工业废水、居民生活污水排放的影响,沿岸地下水的污染来源包括工业生产或农村居民生活造成的地表污染物垂直入渗式的点源污染、浑河水侧向渗透补给式的线源污染以及农药化肥使用产生的面源污染,而有机污染物主要通过点源污染地下水。浑河各区段的使用功能、包气带岩性及沿岸水源地开采井布局等因素都为受污染的河水对沿岸几百米范围内的浅层地下水的补给提供了条件,造成浅层地下水的污染,对当地生态系统及人类健康构成潜在威胁。  相似文献   

在污水处理实践过程中,研究者发现超声波能够强化污水的生物处理能力,从而提高污水的处理效率。因此文章从超声波强化污水生物处理的研究出发,分析了超声波强化污水生物处理技术的特点及其原理,最后探讨了超声波在强化污水生物处理中的具体应用。  相似文献   

水污染已成为全球普遍关注的一个重大问题。为探讨洗水印染企业废水和生活污水排放对环境的污染程度以及对周边生物的遗传损伤,研究利用蚕豆根尖细胞微核监测技术对位于广州番禺区灵岗河段淤泥浸出液和污水引发的环境情况进行了测定。数据显示用灵岗河段污水处理后的蚕豆根尖细胞微核发生率显著大于阴性对照组的微核率,水质污染指数为2.912,初步测定该河段属中度污染。  相似文献   

可溶性微生物产物(SMP)是污水生物处理中有机物质的主要成分,对出水水质有着重要影响。对污水生物处理中SMP的产生、分子质量分布、生物可降解性、毒性、离子螯合性、吸附性等进行了综述,分析了影响SMP产生的因子。分析表明,SRT、HRT、进水浓度、基质性质、有毒物质的存在以及温度都会对SMP的产生及浓度产生影响,控制系统运行的这些参数,可使出水中SMP量降到最少,从而提高出水质量。  相似文献   

地下水数值模拟技术可以定性、定量描述地下水系统中大量的不确定性和模糊因素。由于不合理的开发利用水资源,拓城县土壤和地表水受到污染严重。以拓城县作为研究区,通过探讨研究区的水文地质概念模型、地下水流运动的数学模型,求解该模型,确定研究方法。同时,结合地下水各类监测因子,对研究区的污染场场地地下水进行模拟评价,包括了参数率定和模型预测两部分,从而确定最合理的地下水开采方案。  相似文献   

Analyses were conducted on four pharmaceutical compounds, representing different therapeutic classes, to evaluate the presence and potential adverse human health effects of trace levels of these substances in aqueous environmental media. Acetylsalicylic acid, clofibrate, cyclophosphamide, and indomethacin have been detected in aqueous environmental media including sewage treatment plant effluent, surface water, drinking water, and groundwater. An extensive literature search and chemical-specific risk assessments were performed to assess the potential human health significance of each compound's individual presence in environmental media. Safe water quality limits were estimated for each pharmaceutical by following the USEPA Methodology for Deriving Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health and were compared to the concentrations found in the environment. The calculation of the provisional ambient water quality criteria involved estimation of human exposure to contaminated water, including intake via bioaccumulation in fish, and calculation of cancer risk and non-cancer hazard indices. Parameters detailing the toxicological and pharmacological nature, exposure assessment, and environmental fate and transport of each pharmaceutical were also considered. The overall conclusion was that based on available data, no appreciable risk to humans exists, as the detected concentrations of each of these pharmaceutical compounds found in aqueous media were far below the derived safe limits  相似文献   

The Hua-ruea sub-district has long been a major agricultural area of Thailand. Shallow groundwater from farm wells is a main source of drinking water for most locals. This study assessed the human health hazards associated with consuming groundwater contaminated with heavy metals among adults age 15–60 years and the aging, greater than 60 years. Twelve groundwater wells were sampled in the Hua-ruea agricultural area. The results showed adults’ average groundwater consumption was high at 3.6 ± 2.1 L/day/person and for the aging group was 2.6 ± 1.0 L/day/person. The hazard quotients for As, Cu, Pb, and Zn exceeded 1 among both the adult and aging populations. Residents of the Hua-ruea subdistrict may be at risk of developing diseases from consumption of water contaminated with these four metals at seven of the 12 wells. These wells are located in intensely cultivated chili fields. All non-carcinogenic hazards of all heavy metals were higher in adults than for the aging population due to a higher intake rate of water by the former. One well had the highest hazard index, 91.8 and 66.2 for adults and the aging, respectively. This study suggested that local people living in intensively agricultural areas should take precautions before drinking contaminated groundwater.  相似文献   

为研究钛酸盐纳米材料(TNTs)介导下微藻对生活污水的处理效应,设置不同的TNTs添加方式与5种微藻协同处理生活污水,比较不同藻种和处理方式下叶绿素的光化学效率和光合色素含量,筛选优势藻种和高效处理方式。结果表明, TNTs能够显著加强微藻对生活污水的处理效果。在添加TNTs后, 5种微藻细胞均出现团聚现象,叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素的含量均有所上升。微藻对生活污水的处理效果均在TNTs介导2d后最好,斜生四链藻(Tetradesmus obliquus)对COD和NH3-N的去除率最高,达到95.00%和88.62%;普通小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)对TN的去除率最高,达到95.00%;四尾栅藻(Scenedesmus quadricauda)对TP的去除率最高,达到79.43%。与微藻单独处理相比, TNTs添加显著提升了污染物的降解率(>10%)和微藻除污率(>5%)。TNTs介导在微藻深度处理生活污水中具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

Water is necessary to life so when supplied as drinking water to consumers, a satisfactory quality must be maintained. In Egypt, infectious intestinal diseases are the major cause of hospitalization in almost all regions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of treated and untreated water samples from urban and rural communities. Thirty-five samples of treated (chlorinated) water from taps, 25 samples of bottled water and 15 samples of hand pump (untreated) water collected from different cities alongside the River Nile during the winter of 2007 were bacteriologically tested for safety as drinking water. This study indicated good quality of tap water and bottled water. The untreated water samples (hand pumps) were, however, slightly contaminated by faecal coliforms, faecal enterococci, Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella and Shigella. Consequently, the consumers in the villages receiving water through hand pumps are often exposed to the risk of water-borne diseases due to inadequate treatment of the raw water. Therefore, there are guidelines necessary to protect groundwater quality. Moreover, PCR-amplified by some functional gene fragments such as dctA, dcuB, frdA, dcuS and dcuR genes of the E. coli was adapted for use as a non-cultivation-based molecular approach for detection of E. coli populations from water samples without the need for pure and identified cultures.  相似文献   

The blue green algae or cyanobacteria represent a diverse group of organisms that produce potent natural toxins. There have been case reports of severe morbidity and mortality in domestic animals through drinking water contaminated by these toxins. Microcystins, in particular, have been associated with acute liver damage and possibly liver cancer in laboratory animals. Although, there has been little epidemiologic research on toxin effects in humans, a study by Yu (1995) found an association between primary liver cancer and surface water. Surface water drinking supplies are particularly vulnerable to the growth of these organisms; current US drinking water treatment practices do not monitor or actively treat for blue green algal toxins including the microcystins.After a monitoring survey in Florida found organisms and microcystins (among other cyanobacterial toxins) in surface water drinking sources, a pilot ecological study was performed using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to evaluate the risk of primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and proximity to a surface water treatment plant at cancer diagnosis. The study linked all HCC cancers diagnosed in Florida from 1981 to 1998 with environmental databases.A significantly increased risk for HCC with residence within the service area of a surface water treatment plant was found compared to persons living in areas contiguous to the surface water treatment plants. However, this increased risk was not seen in comparison to persons living in randomly selected ground water treatment service areas or compared to the Florida cumulative incidence rate for the study period, using various comparison and GIS methodologies. Furthermore, these findings must be interpreted in light of significant issues of latency, high population mobility, and the lack of individual exposure information. Nevertheless, the issue of acute and chronic human health effects associated with the consumption of surface waters possibly contaminated by blue green algal toxins merits further investigation.  相似文献   


Elevated nitrate concentration in groundwater is a worldwide problem. Continuous exposure to high levels of nitrate in groundwater may cause adverse health effects among residents who use groundwater for consumption. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the nitrate distribution and its potential health risk assessment from semi-arid region of Peddavagu in Central Telangana (PCT), South India. Groundwater samples were collected from thirty five locations and analyzed for nitrate and other water quality parameters. Nitrate (NO3-) in groundwater was observed to vary from 17 to 120?mg/L, with a mean of 58.74?mg/L. About 57% of samples exceeded the maximum acceptable limit of Indian drinking water standard. About, 40% of groundwater samples drinking water quality index (DWQI) is good, while 60% of groundwater falls in poor quality for drinking purposes. Health risk maps were created based on hazard quotient to quantify the potential health risk of the residents using US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) health risk assessment model. Health risk assessment revealed that mean total hazard index (HItotal) for men, women, and children were found as 1.42E?+?00, 1.67E?+?00, and 1.95E?+?00, respectively. Results exhibited that children are at high health risk than men and women in the PCT. Further, the human exposure to the NO3- contaminated water was above the critical limit of non-carcinogenic risk.  相似文献   

Virus movement in soil during saturated and unsaturated flow   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Virus movement in soil during saturated and unsaturated flow was compared by adding poliovirus to sewage water and applying the water at different rates to a 250-cm-long soil column equipped with ceramic samplers at different depths. Movement of viruses during unsaturated flow of sewage through soil columns was much less than during saturated flow. Viruses did not move below the 40-cm level when sewage water was applied at less than the maximum infiltration rate; virus penetration in columns flooded with sewage was at least 160 cm. Therefore, virus movement in soils irrigated with sewage should be less than in flooded groundwater recharge basins or in saturated soil columns. Management of land treatment systems to provide unsaturated flow through the soil should minimize the depth of virus penetration. Differences in virus movement during saturated and unsaturated flow must be considered in the development of any model used to simulate virus movement in soils.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study measured the arsenic level in scalp hair samples of children from two age groups exposed to contaminated underground water in Pakistan. The As concentrations in water and scalp hair samples were analyzed by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The studied areas were divided into three regions based on concentration of As in water and scalp hair of children who had been exposed to different levels of As through drinking water. The average As concentrations in underground water samples of sub-districts Faiz Ganj, Thari Mirwah, and Gambat were observed to be 15.2, 28.5, and 98.3 μg/L, respectively, which were marked as less, medium, and highly contaminated areas, respectively. The proportion of the children with lower body mass index significantly increased with increasing As exposure level; the dose–response relationship was consistently observed among the subgroups. The range of As concentrations in scalp hair samples of children of age 1–5 and 6–10 years was 0.21–3.88 and 0.32–3.63 μg/g, respectively. Thus, it is likely that children in our study areas are chronically exposed to As through drinking groundwater, suggesting that there is an urgent need to take immediate solution, especially in the Gambat sub-district.  相似文献   

Virus movement in soil during saturated and unsaturated flow.   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Virus movement in soil during saturated and unsaturated flow was compared by adding poliovirus to sewage water and applying the water at different rates to a 250-cm-long soil column equipped with ceramic samplers at different depths. Movement of viruses during unsaturated flow of sewage through soil columns was much less than during saturated flow. Viruses did not move below the 40-cm level when sewage water was applied at less than the maximum infiltration rate; virus penetration in columns flooded with sewage was at least 160 cm. Therefore, virus movement in soils irrigated with sewage should be less than in flooded groundwater recharge basins or in saturated soil columns. Management of land treatment systems to provide unsaturated flow through the soil should minimize the depth of virus penetration. Differences in virus movement during saturated and unsaturated flow must be considered in the development of any model used to simulate virus movement in soils.  相似文献   

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