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Several studies have shown that mate choice based on condition leads to higher reproductive success of the choosing individual. Yet, a growing body of literature has failed to find support for mate choice based on mate condition, even when the choosing individual would clearly benefit from such a choice. This indicates that animals’ mate choice is often more complex than currently appreciated and that even well-founded expected preferences cannot be taken for granted. Using the broad-nosed pipefish, Syngnathus typhle, we manipulated male condition experimentally to explore whether it affects female mate choice. In this sex-role-reversed species, males care for the offspring in a specialised brood pouch. Males are the choosier sex, but given the opportunity, females are selective as well. During brooding, males can both provide embryos with nutrients and take up nutrients that originate from eggs deposited in the pouch, and embryo survival correlates positively with male condition. Together, this suggests that it would be beneficial for females to mate with males in high condition. However, we found no female preference for males in better condition. Thus, this study adds to the literature of mate choice that is unaffected by mate condition. Possible reasons for our result are discussed.  相似文献   

Hybrids from crosses of different species have been reported to display decreased developmental stability when compared to their pure species, which is conventionally attributed to a breakdown of coadapted gene complexes. Drosophila subobscura and its close relative D. madeirensis were hybridized in the laboratory to test the hypothesis that genuine fluctuating asymmetry, measured as the within-individual variance between right and left wings that results from random perturbations in development, would significantly increase after interspecific hybridization. When sires of D. subobscura were mated to heterospecific females following a hybrid half-sib breeding design, F1 hybrid females showed a large bilateral asymmetry with a substantial proportion of individuals having an asymmetric index larger than 5% of total wing size. Such an anomaly, however, cannot be plainly explained by an increase of developmental instability in hybrids but is the result of some aberrant developmental processes. Our findings suggest that interspecific hybrids are as able as their parents to buffer developmental noise, notwithstanding the fact that their proper bilateral development can be harshly compromised. Together with the low correspondence between the co-variation structures of the interindividual genetic components and the within-individual ones from a Procrustes analysis, our data also suggest that the underlying processes that control (genetic) canalization and developmental stability do not share a common mechanism. We argue that the conventional account of decreased developmental stability in interspecific hybrids needs to be reappraised.  相似文献   

Three models of age-structured populations with demographically heterogeneous subpopulations are analyzed. In the first model, each subpopulation has its own age-specific vital rates which are fixed in time. In the second model, the vital rates of each subpopulation are uniformly inhibited by increasing total numbers of individuals. In the third, the vital rates of groups of subpopulations are inhibited by the total numbers of individuals in other groups of subpopulations with an intensity that depends on the interacting pair of groups. Three functions are defined to measure disequilibrium in the subpopulation frequencies, subpopulation age structures, and total population size. For the first model, we show that disequilibrium will shift the trajectory of the total numbers of individuals forward or backward in time by an asymptotic constant that is proportional to the sum of the disequilibrium measures. For the second model, we establish sufficient conditions for the existence of a globally stable equilibrium and we show that disequilibrium will result in a finite loss or gain in life which is proportional to the sum of the disequilibrium measures. For the last model, we show that the loss or gain in life for each group of subpopulations is a linear combination over all groups of the sums of the three disequilibrium measures. We illustrate these results with numerical examples and give possible biological interpretations of the models. We relate these new results to previous work on the cost of natural selection and measures of demographic disequilibrium.  相似文献   

Male but not female pipefish copy mate choice   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
If mate choice is costly, an individual may reduce the costsof choice by observing and copying the mate choice of others.Although copying has received much attention during the past10 years, evidence of copying is not very strong, partly becauseof problems with distinguishing copying from other mechanismscreating similar mating patterns. I conducted an aquarium experimentusing the deep-snouted pipefish Syngnathus typhle, a specieswith reversed sex roles and mutual mate choice. I tested whethercopying occurred both during male and female mate choice. Theresults showed that males, but not females, displayed more towardan individual, which they perceived as popular among others,and this was interpreted as male mate choice copying. Whilebeing the first evidence of copying in a sex-role–reversedspecies, the sex difference in behavior mirrors the sex-rolepattern and begs the question whether we should predict copyingonly in females in other species with mutual choice but conventionalsex roles.  相似文献   

The influence of mating practices on genetic structure has been an area of great interest for anthropologists. In this paper, the techniques of potential mates analysis are employed to explore the mating patterns observed among the Jirels, a tribal population of eastern Nepal. Genealogical, anthropometric, dermatoglyphic, and demographic data for members of seven Jirel villages are used. Potential mate pools for a sample of 268 females are enumerated by village. Age structure and the Jirel restriction against clan endogamy are found to severely limit the number of males who are potential mates for a given female. The mating structure of the population is illuminated by statistical analysis of the characteristics of 160 actual mate pairs and all corresponding potential mate pairs. Using this approach several general mate choice practices were verified: 1) biological kin tend to be avoided as mates, 2) members of the same clan are excluded as potential mates, 3) mate exchange between clans is nonrandom, 4) individuals similar in age tend to be selected as mates, and 5) mates are drawn from the natal village more often than random expectation. A multivariate phenotypic distance measure between individuals did not reveal any evidence for assortative mating for either anthropometric or dermatoglyphic characters.  相似文献   

The existence and nature of indirect genetic benefits to mate choice remain contentious. Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, which play a vital role in determining pathogen resistance in vertebrates, may be the link between mate choice and the genetic inheritance of vigour in offspring. Studies have shown that MHC-dependent mate choice can occur in mammal and fish species, but little work has focused on the role of the MHC in birds. We tested for MHC-dependent mating patterns in the Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis). There was no influence of MHC class I exon 3 variation on the choice of social mate. However, females were more likely to obtain extra-pair paternity (EPP) when their social mate had low MHC diversity, and the MHC diversity of the extra-pair male was significantly higher than that of the cuckolded male. There was no evidence that females were mating disassortatively, or that they preferred males with an intermediate number of MHC bands. Overall, the results are consistent with the 'good genes' rather than the 'genetic compatibility' hypothesis. As female choice will result in offspring of higher MHC diversity, MHC-dependent EPP may provide indirect benefits in the Seychelles warbler if survival is positively linked to MHC diversity.  相似文献   

Latta RG  Linhart YB  Mitton JB 《Genetics》2001,158(2):843-850
We measured the cytonuclear disequilibrium between 11 nuclear allozyme loci and both mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA haplotypes in a natural population of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa, Laws). Three allozyme loci showed significant associations with mtDNA variation, while two other loci showed significant association with cpDNA. However, the absolute number of individuals involved in any of the associations was small, such that in none of the nuclear-organellar combinations was the difference between observed and expected numbers >11 individuals. Patterns of association were not consistent across loci or organellar genomes, suggesting that they are not the result of mating patterns, which would act uniformly on all loci. This pattern of disequilibria is consistent with the action of genetic drift and with existing knowledge of the structure of this population and thus does not imply the action of other evolutionary processes. The overall magnitude (normalized disequilibrium) of associations was greater for maternally inherited mtDNA than for paternally inherited cpDNA, though this difference was neither large nor significant. Such significant disequilibria involving the paternally inherited organelle indicate that not only are there a limited number of seed parents, but the effective number of pollen parents is also limited.  相似文献   

Sexual cues, including extended phenotypes, are expected to be reliable indicators of male genetic quality and/or provide information on parental quality. However, the reliability of these cues may be dependent on stability of the environment, with heterogeneity affecting how selection acts on such traits. Here, we test how environmental change mediates mate choice for multiple sexual traits, including an extended phenotype–‐the structure of male‐built nests – in stickleback fish. First, we manipulated the dissolved oxygen (DO) content of water to create high or low DO environments in which male fish built nests. Then we recorded the mate choice of females encountering these males (and their nests), under either the same or reversed DO conditions. Males in high DO environments built more compact nests than those in low DO conditions and males adjusted their nest structure in response to changing conditions. Female mate choice for extended phenotype (male nests) was environmentally dependent (females chose more compact nests in high DO conditions), while female choice for male phenotype was not (females chose large, vigorous males regardless of DO level). Examining mate choice in this dynamic context suggests that females evaluate the reliability of multiple sexual cues, taking into account environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in the possibility that genetic compatibility may drive mate choice, including gamete choice, particularly from the perspective of understanding why females frequently mate with more than one male. Mate choice for compatibility differs from other forms of choice for genetic benefits (such as 'good genes') because individuals are expected to differ in their mate preferences, changing the evolutionary dynamics of sexual selection. Recent experiments designed to investigate genetic benefits of polyandry suggest that mate choice on the basis of genetic compatibility may be widespread. However, in most systems the mechanisms responsible for variation in compatibility are unknown. We review potential sources of variation in genetic compatibility and whether there is any evidence for mate choice driven by these factors. Selfish genetic elements appear to have the potential to drive mate compatibility mate choice, though as yet there is only one convincing example. There is abundant evidence for assortative mating between populations in hybrid zones, but very few examples where this is clearly a result of selection against mating with genetically less compatible individuals. There are also numerous cases of inbreeding avoidance, but little evidence that mate choice or differential fertilization success driven by genetic compatibility occurs between unrelated individuals. The exceptions to this are a handful of situations where both the alleles causing incompatibility and the alleles involved in mate choice are located in a chromosome region where recombination is suppressed. As yet there are only a few potential sources of genetic compatibility which have clearly been shown to drive mate choice. This may reflect limitations in the potential for the evolution of mate choice for genetic compatibility within populations, although the most promising sources of such incompatibilities have received relatively little research.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(2):545-550
Selection generally favours male competition for females, and female mate choice of males. If, however, females vary in quality, and if males are limited in the maximum number of females with which they can mate, then selection should also favour male mate choice. We report on male mate choice in two species of fishes with different mating systems: the threespine stickleback, which has male parental care, and the coho salmon, which has female parental care. In both species, males allocated their mating effort in direct proportion to female quality.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to evaluate non-random mating patterns in two groups of mantled howler monkeys in two tropical dry forest habitats. Sexual dimorphism, female estrus stage, male dominance rank, sexual solicitations and copulations were assessed. Males are significantly larger than females, but female weight varies more than male weight. The length of female estrus cycles is comparable in both habitats, but females in the more strongly seasonal habitat demonstrate greater estrus synchrony relative to their numbers. Males solicit potential mates more frequently than females, a pattern explained by the relatively high rate of sexual solicitation by high-ranking males. Females in “peak” estrus solicit “alpha” males, while females in other stages of estrus solicit males equally by rank. Intersexual aggression occurs rarely, and “forced copulations” are attempted but, apparently, are unsuccessful. Sexual solicitations by “alpha” males and “peak” estrus females are most likely to lead to copulation, and “alpha” males are more likely to copulate than “gamma” males. In general, latencies from first solicitation to copulation are expensive in time, especially for high-ranking males. Estimated annual reproduction success favors high-ranking males, and results indicate that male and female mating behavior is mutually coordinated and controlled.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that a 1 : 1 sex ratio is favoured in the absence of countervailing selection pressures. In an experiment with Drosophila melanogaster, we found significantly greater variation in the offspring sex ratios of freely mated flies than would be expected by the binomial distribution. In a surprise result, control flies given no mate choice exhibited significant under-dispersal in their sex ratio variation, possibly from sperm limitation. Both treatments, however, produced populations with a 1 : 1 sex ratio. This supports the hypothesis that sexually antagonistic selection for reproductive success in sons, and fecundity in daughters, may overcome selection for an equal sex ratio. Such precision in sex allocation may allow for the maintenance of genetic variation underlying trade-offs between male and female reproductive success.  相似文献   

Visual mate choice in poison frogs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We investigated female mate choice on the basis of visual cues in two populations of Dendrobates pumilio, the strawberry poison frog, from the Bocas del Toro Archipelago in Panama, Central America. Mate choice experiments were carried out by presenting subject females of each of two morphs of this species (orange and green) from two different island populations (Nancy Key and Pope Island) with object frogs (one of each morph) under glass at one end of a terrarium. Recorded calls were played simultaneously from behind both object frogs. The experiments were carried out under two light regimes: (i) white light, and (ii) relatively monochromatic filtered blue light. Subject females from each population displayed a significant preference for their own morph under white light, but not under blue light. These results indicate that female D. pumilio use visual cues in mate choice, and suggest that colour may be the visual cue they use.  相似文献   

Animal and human studies have shown that individuals choose mates partly on the basis of similarity, a tendency referred to as homogamy. Several authors have suggested that a specific innate recognition mechanism, phenotypic matching, allows the organism to detect similar others by their resemblance to itself. However, several objections have been raised to this theory on both empirical and theoretical grounds. Here, we report that homogamy in humans is attained partly by sexual imprinting on the opposite-sex parent during childhood. We hypothesized that children fashion a mental model of their opposite-sex parent's phenotype that is used as a template for acquiring mates. To disentangle the effects of phenotypic matching and sexual imprinting, adopted daughters and their rearing families were examined. Judges found significant resemblance on facial traits between daughter's husband and her adoptive father. Furthermore, this effect may be modified by the quality of the father-daughter relationship during childhood. Daughters who received more emotional support from their adoptive father were more likely to choose mates similar to the father than those whose father provided a less positive emotional atmosphere.  相似文献   

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - Mate choice in most organisms is not random, but determined by a suite of interacting traits and environmental factors. While the selective pressures...  相似文献   

There is currently considerable controversy in evolutionary ecology revolving around whether social familiarity brings attraction when a female chooses a mate. The topic of familiarity is significant because by avoiding or preferring familiar individuals as mates, the potential for local adaptation may be reduced or favoured. The topic becomes even more interesting if we simultaneously analyse preferences for familiarity and sexual ornaments, because when familiarity influences female mating preferences, this could very significantly affect the strength of sexual selection on male ornamentation. Here, we have used mate-choice experiments in siskins Carduelis spinus to analyse how familiarity and patterns of ornamentation (i.e. the size of wing patches) interact to influence mating success. Our results show that females clearly prefer familiar individuals when choosing between familiar and unfamiliar males with similar-sized wing patches. Furthermore, when females were given the choice between a highly ornamented unfamiliar male and a less ornamented familiar male, half of the females still preferred the socially familiar birds as mates. Our finding suggests that male familiarity may be as important as sexual ornaments in affecting female behaviour in mate choice. Given that the potential for local adaptation may be favoured by preferring familiar individuals as mates, social familiarity as a mate-choice criterion may become a potential area of fruitful research on sympatric speciation processes.  相似文献   

Abstract Female mate choice, both before and after copulation, is pervasive among insect species. It is often hypothesized that females would preferentially mate with males that are genetically dissimilar to promote the genetic variability of the offspring. We used various strains of red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, and tested the effect of male and female genetic backgrounds on precopulatory and post‐copulatory female mate choice. Simultaneous mate choice experiments using previously well established pheromone assays did not detect female preference for males of different strains. Post‐copulatory female mate choice was examined through paternity analysis. Two parameters were used to measure post‐copulatory female mate choice, including male defence capacity (P1, proportion of offspring sired by the first male when a female mated with two males consecutively) and offence capacity (P2, proportion of offspring sired by the second of two males to mate with a female). When female and male beetle strains were same, defence capacity was significantly higher than when female and male strains were different. However, such a pattern was not observed for offence capacity. The results suggest that female precopulatory mate choice is not affected by genetic background, but the outcome of post‐copulatory processes depends on the genetic background of male and female beetles.  相似文献   

Female mate choice is much more dynamic than we once thought. Mating decisions depend on both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and these two may interact with one another. In this study, we investigate how responses to the social mating environment (extrinsic) change as individuals age (intrinsic). We first conducted a field survey to examine the extent of natural variation in mate availability in a population of threespine sticklebacks. We then manipulated the sex ratio in the laboratory to determine the impact of variation in mate availability on sexual signaling, competition, and mating decisions that are made throughout life. Field surveys revealed within season heterogeneity in mate availability across breeding sites, providing evidence for the variation necessary for the evolution of plastic preferences. In our laboratory study, males from both female‐biased and male‐biased treatments invested most in sexual signaling late in life, although they competed most early in life. Females became more responsive to courtship over time, and those experiencing female‐biased, but not male‐biased sex ratios, relaxed their mating decisions late in life. Our results suggest that social experience and age interact to affect sexual signaling and female mating decisions. Flexible behavior could mediate the potentially negative effects of environmental change on population viability, allowing reproductive success even when preferred mates are rare.  相似文献   

Sexual selection arising through female mate choice typically favours males with larger, brighter and louder signals. A critical challenge in sexual selection research is to determine the degree to which this pattern results from direct mate choice, where females select individual males based on variation in signalling traits, or indirect mate choice, where male competition governs access to reproductively active females. We investigated female mate choice in a lekking Lake Malawi cichlid fish, Hemitilapia oxyrhynchus, in which males build and aggressively defend sand 'bowers'. Similar to previous studies, we found that male reproductive success was positively associated with bower height and centrality on the lek. However, this pattern resulted from males holding these territories encountering more females, and thus their greater success was due to indirect mate choice. Following initial male courtship, an increase in the relative mating success of some males was observed, but this relative increase was unrelated to bower size or position. Crucially, experimentally manipulating bowers to resemble those of a co-occurring species had no appreciable effect on direct choice by females or male spawning success. Together, these results suggest indirect mate choice is the dominant force determining male-mating success in this species, and that bowers are not signals used in direct mate choice by females. We propose that, in this species, bowers have a primary function in intraspecific male competition, with the most competitive males maintaining larger and more central bowers that are favoured by sexual selection due to higher female encounter rates.  相似文献   

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