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Diagnosis and illustrations are given for Braunia secunda (Hook.) Bruch & Schimp., and a Humboldt and Bonpland specimen (BM) is selected as the lectotype. Also a collection by Arséne (BM) is designated as the lectotype for B. secunda var. crassiretis Thér. This variety is retained as synonym of B. secunda. The species concept of B. secunda is revised and a provisional key is provided to help in the identification of 23 species of Braunia, based on examination of herbarium specimens worldwide. About half of specimens from Mexico actually represent another species, B. andrieuxii Lorentz. All material examined from India, previously identified as B. secunda belongs to B. macropelma (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger, whereas collections from Africa are actually B. rupestris (Mitt.) A.Jaeger, B. entodonticarpa Müll.Hal., or B. diaphana (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger. These and other species should no longer be considered synonyms of B. secunda. The worldwide distribution of the species is documented for the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Venezuela, and Bolivia.  相似文献   

Boeckella antiqua n. sp. from samples collected in an ephemeral pond on the Patagonian plateau is described and illustrated. Diagnostic features of B. antiqua are almost exclusively related to the male fifth pair of legs, females being almost indistinguishable from those of the closely related B. poppei. The two-segmented, spine-bearing left endopod of the male fifth leg suggests that it may be the basal species in the genus.  相似文献   

Two new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae), B. baik and B. padawanensis, from Sarawak are described and illustrated. Begonia baik, a member of sect. Petermannia, resembles B. conipila, but is distinguishable by having glabrous ovary (vs sparsely hispid) and margins of bracts dentate and glandular hairy (vs entire). Begonia padawanensis (sect. Reichenheimia) is similar to B. andersonii, differing in the leaves being obtriangular‐spatulate (vs orbicular) and having 5 pistillate flower tepals (vs 4). Both new species were discovered in a sandstone area in Padawan, Sarawak.  相似文献   

Six populations of Batirachospermum section Setacea from North America were compared to eight type specimens using multivariate morphometrics and image analysis. From this analysis, four species in this section were distinguished worldwide: B. atrum (Hudson) Hartley [syn. B. gallaei Sirodot]; B. orrthostichum Skuja, B. sertularina (Bory) Bory]; B. diatyches Entwisle; B. androinvolucrum sp. nov.; and B. puiggarianum Grunow in Wittrock et Nordstedt (syn. B. angolense Welwitsch ex West et West, B. nigrescens Welwitsch ex West et West). Two of these species were found in North America: B. atrum in California and Texas and B. androinvolucrum in British Columbia, Washington State, and Alabama. The new species, B. androinvolucrum, is distinguished by having spermatangia restricted to one-celled involucral bracts of the carpogonial branch.  相似文献   

The new species Semenovia pulvinata Pimenov & Kljuykov, S. dissectifolia Ukrainskaja & Kljuykov, S. imbricata Ukrainskaja & Kljuykov, and S. vachanica Ukrainskaja & Kljuykov from the mountains of Pamiro‐Alai, Tajikistan and adjacent Afghanistan, are described and illustrated. For the Chinese species S. millefolia (Diels) V. M.Vinogr. & Kamelin, also known as Heracleum millefolium Diels, the correct name is S. torilifolia (H. Boissieu) Pimenov comb. nov. based on Peucedanum torilifolium H. Boissieu. For another closely related Chinese species, Peucedanum malcolmii Hemsl. & H. Pearson, also belonging to Semenovia, the new combination S. malcolmii (Hemsl. & H. Pearson) Pimenov is proposed. Heracleum thomsonii C. B. Clarke var. glabrior C. B. Clarke from Kashmir (Ladakh) is regarded as an independent species of Semenovia, S. glabrior (C. B. Clarke) Pimenov & Kljuykov.  相似文献   

The behaviour of Brassica campestris (2n=20, AA), B. oleracea (2n=18, CC), and B. napus (2n=38, AACC) were studied during a tissue-culturing process. Hypocotyl-protoplasts were cultivated into calli from which new plants were regenerated. The regenerated plants were compared, and mitotic root-tip cells were C-banded and karyotyped. A majority of the plants were tetraploid. The meioses were studied in the PMCs. A number of abberations were observed, mainly due to faulty spindle function. There was a difference between the three species in that B. campestris performed the most poorly with many fewer regenerated plants. These plants were more morphologically disturbed and had more problems during pollen production than B. oleracea and B. napus plants.  相似文献   

Twenty-one populations of Batrachospermum section Turfosa from North America were compared to nine type and two historically important specimens using multivariate morphometrics and image analysis. The protologues of six other infrageneric taxa were also compared. From this analysis, six species are recognized worldwide: B, de-sikacharyi Sankaran, B. gombakense Kumano et Ratnasabapathy, B. keratophytum Bory de Saint-Vincent [syn. B. vagum var. keratophytum (Bory de Saint-Vincent) Sirodot, B. gulbenkianum Reis, and B. suevorum Kützing nom. Meg.], B. sinense Jao, B. turfosum Bory de Saint-Vincent [syn. B. vagum (Roth) C. Agardh and B. vagum var. undulato-pedicellatum Kumano et Watanabe], and B. vogesiacum F. G. Schultz ex Skuja [syn. B. vagum var. flagelliforme Sirodot, B. flagelliforme (Sirodot) Necchi], These species are distinguished on the basis of carposporophyte-bearing branch cortication, secondary fascicle development, monoecy or dioecy, presence of spermatangia on involucral filaments and monosporangia, and dimensions of trichogynes and carposporangia. Peripheral cortication has been previously used to separate species in this section, but we observed that this feature is quite widespread in the section. Presence of indeterminate gonimoblast filaments has been reported for some taxa in section Turfosa, but no such structures were seen in any of the specimens examined. Only B. keratophytum has been collected in North America, ranging from southwestern Greenland (64°N) to Louisiana (30° N).  相似文献   

该文首次报道了摩拉维采真藓(新拟)在中国的分布。研究表明:(1)摩拉维采真藓的主要识别特征为:叶常聚集在茎顶成莲座状,叶倒卵状披针形至匙形,具长毛尖,具分化边缘,中肋消失于叶尖下,叶细胞长菱形至六边形,叶腋处着生大量单列细胞构成的分枝或不分枝的丝状芽胞。(2)通过对摩拉维采真藓的命名和系统位置的讨论,确认该种是真藓属细叶真藓组的有效种。(3)摩拉维采真藓与近缘种细叶真藓和幽美真藓有诸多相似特征:莲座状的茎顶、有分化边和菱形至六边形中上部细胞的倒卵形叶,但该种以具有大量叶腋生丝状芽胞和叶中肋不及顶等特征区别于细叶真藓的无腋生芽胞、叶中肋突出叶尖成长芒状,以具有叶湿时平展、干时卷曲和叶腋有芽胞等特征区别于幽美真藓的叶湿时内凹、干时紧贴于茎和无腋生芽胞;拟三列真藓、圆叶真藓和灰黄真藓的部分种群都曾报道有与摩拉维采真藓相似的腋生丝状芽胞,但摩拉维采真藓的假根集生于植株基部、叶有狭分化边、叶缘平直、中肋消失于叶尖下而区别于拟三列真藓的茎中下部密被假根、叶有宽分化边、叶缘背卷、中肋及顶或短出,摩拉维采真藓有分化边和长毛尖的倒卵状披针形区别于圆叶真藓叶有无分化边和圆钝叶尖的卵圆形叶,区别于灰黄真藓有中肋及顶和短尖的卵状披针形叶;柔叶真藓有与摩拉维采真藓相似、中肋不及顶的叶,但无芽胞而易与新记录种区分。(4)该种在北温带有较广泛分布,形成欧洲-北亚-中亚-西亚和北美两个主要分布区;作者在四川和新疆等地的发现可以推测摩拉维采真藓在中国可能有更广泛的分布。  相似文献   

A catalogue and a key to the non-lichenized, bulbilliferous basidiomycetes are given. The new genus Burgella is described for the lichenicolous B. flavoparmeliae, phylogenetically close to Sistotrema oblongisporum and Multiclavula. The genera Pneumatospora and Tricellulortus are placed in synonymy of Minimedusa, the new combination M. obcoronata is proposed, and the new facultative lichenicolous M. pubescens is described. The new facultative lichenicolous Burgoa angulosa is phylogenetically close to the generic type B. verzuoliana, whilst the new B. moriformis and B. splendens are provisionally included in the genus Burgoa. A Burgoa-like species in the Ceratobasidiaceae is left unnamed. Two new species of Marchandiomyces, M. buckii and M. nothofagicola, are described. As Marchandiomyces aurantiacus is phylogenetically more close to Erythricium than to Marchandiomyces, it is proposed to exclude it from that genus and to use the holomorphic generic name Marchandiobasidium for both anamorph and teleomorph of this species. The new genus Marchandiomphalina is introduced for the lichenized Omphalina foliacea, a taxon phylogenetically close to Marchandiobasidium. Taxonomic novelties Burgella Diederich & Lawrey; B. flavoparmeliae Diederich & Lawrey; Burgoa angulosa Diederich, Lawrey & Etayo; B. moriformis Diederich, Ertz & Coppins; B. splendens Diederich & Coppins; Marchandiomphalina Diederich, Lawrey & Binder; Marchandiomphalina foliacea (P. M. J?rg.) Diederich, Lawrey & Binder; Marchandiomyces buckii Diederich & Lawrey; M. nothofagicola Diederich & Lawrey; Minimedusa pubescens Diederich, Lawrey & Heylen; M. obcoronata (B. Sutton, Kuthub. & Muid) Diederich & Lawrey  相似文献   

For the transfer of genes from B. tournefortii (TT) to the allotetraploid oilseed brassicas, B. juncea AABB, B. carinata BBCC and B. napus AACC, B. tournefortii was first crossed with the three basic diploid species, B. campestris (AA), B. nigra (BE) and B. oleracea (CC), to produce the allodiploids TA, TB and TC. These were tetraploidized by colchicine treatment to produce the allotetraploids TTAA, TTBB and TTCC, which were further crossed with B. juncea and B. napus to produce three-genome hybrids with substitution-type genomic configurations: TACC, TBAA and TCAA. These hybrids along with another hybrid TCBB produced earlier, the three allodiploids, their allotetraploids and the four diploid parent species were studied for their male meiotic behaviour. The diploid parent and the allotetraploids (TTAA, TTBB and TTCC) showed regular meiosis although the pollen viability was generally low in the allotetraploids. In the allodiploids (TA, TB and TC) only some end-to-end associations were observed without any clearly discernible chiasmata or exchange points. Chromosomes involved in end-to-end associations were randomly distributed at the metaphase/anaphase-I stages. In contrast, the three-genome hybrids (TACC, TBAA, TCAA and TCBB) showed normal bivalents whose number exceeded the expected bivalent values. Bivalents arising out of homoeologous pairing were indistinguishable from normal pairs by their disjunction pattern but could be distinguished on the basis of the heteromorphy of the homoeologous chromosomes. The three-genome hybrids could be backcrossed to allotetraploid oilseed brassicas as they had some fertility. In contrast, the allodiploids could neither be selfed nor back-crossed. On the basis of their meiotic stability, in terms of more pronounced homoeologous pairing and fertility for backcrossing, the three-genome configurations provide the best possible situation for the introgression of alien genes from the secondary gene pool to the allotetraploid oilseed crops B. juncea, B. napus and B. carinata.  相似文献   

Bothriocephalus gadellus n. sp. is described from the intestine of the beardless codling Gadella imberbis (Gadiformes: Moridae) from the southwestern Gulf of Mexico. It resembles B. scorpii, the type-species of Bothriocephalus, and B. manubriformis, the only species of the genus reported from the Gulf of Mexico. B. gadellus n. sp. differs from both species in having four excretory canals on each side of the proglottid (three per side in B. scorpii; two per side anastomosing to form an extensive plexus throughout the medulla in B. manubriformis ), 24-33 testes per proglottid (30-60 in B. scorpii; 60-100 in B. manubriformis), a total length of 31-47 mm (32-950 mm in B. scorpii; 130-1,000 mm in B. manubriformis), and a seminal receptacle and wing-like expansions on each proglottid (absent in B. scorpii and B. manubriformis), as well as lacking two sets of reproductive organs per proglottid (present in B. scorpii) and a vagina with a bulbous sphincter near the opening (present in B. manubriformis). An amendment to the generic diagnosis of Bothriocephalus might be warranted if other species of this genus are found to possess a seminal receptacle. B. gadellus n. sp. appears to be like those species of Bothriocephalus that can utilise two intermediate hosts (copepod and fish). B. ellipticus and B. neglectus are designated as species inquirendae. This is the first report of a cestode from a morid fish in the Gulf of Mexico, and the first report of a parasite from a species of Gadellus.  相似文献   

Guenni  Orlando  Marín  Douglas  Baruch  Zdravko 《Plant and Soil》2002,243(2):229-241
The introduction of African grasses in Neotropical savannas has been a key factor to improve pasture productivity. We compared the response of five Brachiaria species to controlled drought (DT) in terms of biomass yield and allocation, pattern of root distribution, plant water use, leaf growth, nutrient concentration and dry matter digestibility. The perennial C4 forage grasses studied were B. brizantha (CIAT 6780), B. decumbens (CIAT 606), B. dictyoneura (CIAT 6133), B. humidicola (CIAT 679) and B. mutica. Two DT periods, which mimic short dry spells frequent in the rainy season, were imposed by suspending irrigation until wilting symptoms appeared. They appeared after 14 days in B. brizantha, B. decumbens and B. mutica, and after 28 days in B. humidicola and B. dictyoneura. The impossed drought stress was mild and only the largest grass, B. brizantha, showed reduced (23%) plant yield. The other grasses were able to adjust growth and biomass allocation in response to DT leaving total plant yield relatively unaffected. Brachiaria mutica, had a homogeneous root distribution throughout the soil profile. In the other species more than 80% of root biomass was allocated within the first 30 cm of the soil profile. Brachiaria brizantha and B. decumbens had the lowest proportion of roots below 50 cm. Drought caused a general reduction in root biomass. The shoot:root ratio in B. mutica and B. humidicola increased in response to DT at the expense of a reduction in root yield down to 50 cm depth. Although the total water volume utilized under DT was similar among grasses, the rate of water use was highest (0.25 l day–1) in B. brizantha, B. decumbens and B. mutica and lowest (0.13 l day–1) in B. humidicola and B. dictyoneura. In all species leaf expansion was reduced by DT but it was rapidly reassumed after rewatering. Drought increased specific leaf mass (SLM) only in B. brizantha compensating for leaf area reduction, but leaf area ratio (LAR) was unaffected in all species. In almost all grasses DT increased leaf N and K concentration and in vitro dry matter digestibility. The results indicate that B. brizantha, B. decumbens and to a lesser extent, B. mutica are better adapted to short dry periods, whereas B. humidicola and B. dictyoneura are better adapted to longer dry periods.  相似文献   

The new combination, Bupleurum candollei Wallich ex de Candolle var. paucefulcrans (C. Y. Wu) X. J. He & C. B. Wang, is proposed. The status of this taxon, endemic to Guizhou, China, has been confused since it was first described in 1963. Morphological and anatomical evidence, based primarily on bractlet number and length, umbel number and length, fruit size and shape, and stem structure indicated that B. hamiltonii N. P. Balakrishnan var. paucefulcrans C. Y. Wu is more closely related to B. candollei than to B. hamiltonii. To evaluate the credibility of the morphological similarity, the phylogenetic relationship of B. candollei var. candollei, B. hamiltonii var. hamiltonii and B. candollei var. paucefulcrans were inferred by Bayesian analysis of nrDNA ITS sequences. The molecular analysis is fully congruent with the morphological data and supports the transfer of the variety to B. candollei.  相似文献   


A taxonomic study of specimens of Bothriocephalus from eels (Anguilla spp.) in Japan has demonstrated the occurrence of two species, B. claviceps (Goeze, 1782) and B. japonicus Yamaguti, 1934. The former species is a parasite of eels (A. anguilla and A. rostrata) in the Holarctic Region and was recently reported from A. marmorata in Japan. The conspecificity of tapeworms newly found in an eel (A. ? japonica) from Lake Biwa, central Japan, with B. claviceps has been confirmed by the great similarity of their ITS-2 gene sequences (similarity 95.3% and 95.2%). However, the sequences of worms identified as B. claviceps from A. marmorata differed considerably from those of B. claviceps from two populations of A. anguilla from Europe and the above-mentioned one from Japan (similarity 66.3%, 67.1% and 65.1 %, respectively), thus indicating that the former cestodes may have been misidentified. This assumption was confirmed by morphological evaluation of a voucher specimen from A. marmorata. The morphology of this cestode, as well as those from A. japonica from two localities in Japan (Lakes Biwa and Suwa), indicates their conspecificity with B. japonicus. The validity of this taxon has been confirmed on the basis of a re-examination of the type-specimens. The two taxa, B. japonicus and B. claviceps, differ from each other in the shape and length of the scolex (619–730 μm in B. japonicus versus 1,180–2,100 μm in B. claviceps), the relative position of the cirro-vaginal and uterine pores (opposite each other in relation to the median line of the body in B. japonicus versus tandem or slightly offset along the median line in the latter species), and the size of the eggs (41–52 × 28–35 μm in B. japonicus versus 50–70 × 31–43 μm in B. claviceps).


Miscanthus subgen. Rubimons (B. S. Sun) Y. C. Liu et H. Peng, a new subgenus of Miscanthus Anderss. (Poaceae) is established and Miscanthus (Rubimons) villosus Y. C. Liu et H. Peng, a new species of this subgenus from southwest Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. It is closely related to M. paniculatus (B. S. Sun) S. L. Chen & Renvoize, but differs mainly by its villous panicle axis, long callus hair, lanceolate lower lemma and the consistently longer awn of the upper lemma.  相似文献   

The great majority of the Procamallaninae occur in teleosts from tropical regions; however, representatives of this group are also frequent parasites of aquatic clawed toads (Xenopus spp.) in Africa. The taxonomic status of procamallanines from different Xenopus spp. and their geographical distribution is reviewed. Batrachocamallanus n. g. is created to include forms from amphibians with large numbers of mucrons on the female tail and relatively small body size. B. occidentalis n. sp. and B. siluranae n. sp. are described, while Procamallanus brevis Kung, 1948, originally recorded from an unidentified African amphibian, is considered a synonym of B. slomei (Southwell & Kirshner, 1937) n. comb. Due to the presence of spiral thickenings on its buccal capsule, B. xenopodis (Baylis, 1929) n. comb. has previously been placed in the genus Spirocamallanus Olsen, 1952. However, this species shares the apomorphic presence of numerous mucrons on the female tail, and almost identical cephalic morphology, male caudal structures and female reproductive system with other procamallanines from clawed toads. This suggests that they represent a monophyletic grouping. There is also only limited morphometric differentiation between B. xenopodis and the other proposed representatives of Batrachocamallanus (supported by a multivariate analysis of male and female specimens), which further indicates a close relationship between them. Great variability in the presence and type of buccal capsule thickenings occurs within Batrachocamallanus. Members of this genus most closely resemble the African species Procamallanus laeviconchus (Wedl, 1862), which exhibits a smooth buccal capsule similar to that of B. siluranae. Buccal capsule thickenings of the remaining Batrachocamallanus spp. probably arose independently from those described in other procamallanines. Such characters may be evolutionarily unstable and an unsuitable basis for generic classification in this subfamily. Although B. siluranae is the only Batrachocamallanus species to occur in X. tropicalis-like hosts (which represent a separate lineage from other clawed toads), its distribution, and that of its congeners, may be determined more by host-independent ecological or biogeographical factors than by an association with host phylogeny. Thus, B siluranae occurs in Xenopus spp. from tropical rain forest (including those from other host lineages) while the other forms are typically found in savanna or montane forest, and in the cases of B. slomei and B. xenopodis at least, do not show narrow host specificity to particular clawed toad taxa. Although more than one Batrachocamallanus spp. were found in X. laevis, X. muelleri and X. fraseri-like clawed toads, co-existence at the same locality never occurred, perhaps indicating a high degree of interspecific ecological segregation.  相似文献   

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