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The relationship between substrate inhibition and maintenance energy ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii grown heterotrophically on acetate was investigated. At low acetate concentrations (<0.4 g l–1), where no inhibition of cell growth was observed, the cell growth yield and specific growth rate could be represented by the Pirt model, 1/Y=1/Y g +m/ with a constant value of maintenance energy coefficient m. However, at high acetate concentrations (>0.4 g l–1), inhibition of cell growth occurred, in which m became variable and dependent on the acetate concentration. A simple mathematical model was proposed to predict the actual maintenance energy coefficient m in the inhibited cultures and experimentally validated.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis BD170, harboring a plasmid pGT44[phyC] carrying the phytase gene (phyC) and a phosphate-depletion inducible pst-promoter, was grown in a 2 l bioreactor. Using a controlled feeding of glucose, high cell densities of 32 and 56 g dry cell weight l–1 were achieved with peptone and yeast extract, respectively, as the complex nitrogen sources in a semi-defined growth medium. The fed-batch protocol was applied to production of recombinant phytase and a high extracellular phytase activity (48 U ml–1) was reached with peptone. Although the yeast extract feeding resulted in a higher cell density, it was unsuitable as a medium component for phytase expression due to its relatively high phosphate content.  相似文献   

In high density cultivation of Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells in Grace's medium supplemented with FBS (fetal bovine serum) and yeastolate, amino acids were the primary limiting substrates while the carbon sources were not. Glutamine, methionine, and threonine were consumed rapidly during the cultivation. When cultures were supplemented with amino acids, yeastolate components other than amino acids became the secondary limiting substrates.  相似文献   

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are important components of infant and adult nutrition because they serve as structural elements of cell membranes. Fatty acid desaturases are responsible for the insertion of double bonds into pre-formed fatty acid chains in reactions that require oxygen and reducing equivalents. In this study, the genome-wide characterization of the fatty acid desaturases from seven eukaryotic photosynthetic microalgae was undertaken according to the conserved histidine-rich motifs and phylogenetic profiles. Analysis of these genomes provided insight into the origin and evolution of the pathway of fatty acid biosynthesis in eukaryotic plants. In addition, the candidate enzyme from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with the highest similarity to the microsomal delta 12 desaturase of Chlorella vulgaris was isolated, and its function was verified by heterologous expression in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).  相似文献   

微藻主要是指一类能进行光合自养的微生物,且很多藻株还兼具运动特性.因而将微藻与微流控芯片结合,实现精确靶向,或用于分子药物递送,在生物医学治疗和药效学分析等领域有重要的潜在应用价值,也是当今的研究热点之一.然而,目前关于微藻趋向运动的研究及潜在的应用的综述报道却相对较少.本文主要以模式微藻莱茵衣藻为例,概述基于微藻细胞...  相似文献   

The marine algaBrachiomonas submarina var.pulsifera (Droop) CCAP 7/2A, is employed as a food organism in aquaculture; it can be cultured heterotrophically or mixotrophically. Growth rates and productivity under heterotrophic conditions were lower than those achieved under mixotrophic conditions. By reducing the osmotic potential of the medium, whilst simultaneously increasing the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus and using sodium acetate as a carbon source, a 20-fold increase in final yield was attained. This corresponded to a maximum culture of 9.02times 106 cells ml–1 and a dry weight of 2.51 g l–1.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

High cell density of Panax notoginseng in a 17 l airlift bioreactor was achieved in batch cultivation using a modified MS medium. The dry cell weight, ginseng saponin and polysaccharide reached 24, 1.7 and 2.8 g l–1, respectively, after 15 d. A strategy of sucrose feeding based on changes in the specific O2 uptake rate was applied to the cell cultures, which increased these respective yields to 30, 2.3 and 3.2 g l–1.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation is a practical method for stabilizing the genetic content of living algae over long periods of time. Yet, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the algal species most often utilized in studies requiring genetically defined strains, is difficult to cryopreserve with a consistently high post-thaw viability. Work described here demonstrates that C. reinhardtii retains high viability only when cryopreserved at a low cell density. Low viability at high cell density was caused by the release of an injurious substance into the culture medium. Rapid freezing and thawing under non-cryoprotective conditions released large amounts of the injurious substance. Heat denaturation of cells prevented the release of the injurious substance, but heating did not inactivate it after it was released. Even when concentrated, the injurious substance was non-toxic to cells under normal culture conditions. Reduced viability of cells cryopreserved in the presence of the injurious substance could not be attributed to changes in the tonicity of the medium. A mutant strain of C. reinhardtii (cw10) with a greatly diminished cell wall did not release a substance that reduced the post-thaw viability of wild-type or cw10 cryopreserved cells. Cryopreservation of cw10 cells was achieved with approximately the same post-thaw viability irrespective to the cell concentration at the time of freezing. Acid treatment of the injurious substance was able to partially diminish its injurious effect on cells during cryopreservation. We propose that diminished viability of C. reinhardtii cells cryopreserved at high cell densities is caused by the enzymatic release of a cell-wall component.  相似文献   

Two mouse myeloma cell lines which were transfected with chimeric mouse variable-human constant immunoglobulin heavy and light chain genes have been cultured at high cell density in a settling perfusion culture vessel to produce chimeric antibody specific for human common acute lymphocytic leukemia antigen (cALLA).J558L transfectant proliferated well in a serum-free medium (ITES-eRDF) to a viable cell density of 3.7×107 cells/ml and produced chimeric antibody to a maximum value of 60 g/ml in 120 ml scale vessel. X63Ag8.653 transfectant reached a density of 1.9×107 cells/ml in 1.2 I scale vessel in serum supplemented medium (10% FCS-eRDF) and produced chimeric antibody which consisted of chimeric gamma and chimeric kappa chains to a maximum value of 5.8 g/ml.  相似文献   

A laboratory-scale system for mass culture of microalgae in 8-, 20- and 40-L polyethylene bags, was designed. Bags are 16.8 cm diameter and 52 cm (8-L bags), 112 cm (20-L) or 224 cm (40-L) length. The system was tested successfully with two freshwater microalgae,Ankistrodesmus falcatus andScenedesmus incrassatulus, cultured in Bold's Basal medium (prepared with either deionized or tap water). The procedure described is simple, reliable and practical, and enables a very cost-effective production of freshwater microalgae to satisfy any laboratory requirements, and when quantities demanded for special applications can not be met by the standard laboratory culture procedures.  相似文献   

Optimal substrate feeding strategy in bioreactor operation was investigated to increase the production of secondary metabolite in a high density culture of plant cell. It was accomplished by the previously proposed structured kinetic model that describes the cell growth and synthesis of the secondary metabolite, berberine, in a batch suspension culture ofThalictrum rugosum. Four types of operation strategies for sugar feeding intoT. rugosum culture were proposed based on the model, which were the periodic fedbatch operations to maintain the cell activity, the cell viability, and the specific production rate, and the perfusion operation to maintain the specific production rate. From the simulation results of these strategies, it could be found that the periodic fed-batch operation and the perfusion operation could achieve the higher volumetric production of berberine (mg berberine/L) and specific production yield (mg berberine/g dry cell weight) than those of batch cultures. Although the highest productivity (mg berberine/day) of berberine could be achieved by the periodic fed-batch operation to maintain the cell activity compared with the other strategies in the periodic fed-batch operations, the specific production yield was low due to the higher maximum dry cell weight than other cases. The periodic fed-batch operation to maintain cell viability resulted in the highest volumetric production of berberine and specific production yield compared with the other strategies. In the cases of maintaining the specific production rate, the per-formance of the periodic fed-batch operation was better than that of the perfusion operation in the respect of the volumetric production and productivity of berberine. In order to increase the volumetric production of berberine and to get the highest specific production yield, the periodic fed-batch operation to maintain cell viability could be chosen as the optimal operating strategy in high density, culture ofT. rugosum plant cell.  相似文献   

A simple and effective method for the recovery poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)] directly from high cell density culture broth with no pretreatment steps has been developed. This method consists of direct addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to the culture broth, shaking, heat treatment, and washing steps. When the SDS/biomass ratio was higher than 0.4, the purity of recovered P(3HB) was over 95% for various cell concentrations of 50–300 g dry cell l–1, with the highest value of 97%. The recovery of P(3HB) was over 90% regardless of cell concentration and SDS dosage (SDS/biomass ratios, 0.1–0.7). One g SDS digests 0.72 g non-P(3HB) cell materials. The reduction in molecular weight, due to degradation of P(3HB) by SDS, was negligible.  相似文献   

The marine PrasinophyteTetraselmis may be cultured under both mixotrophic (photoheterotrophic) and heterotrophic conditions. The growth rate was slightly lower, and pigment levels and lipid composition were radically affected on heterotrophic culture in 1 L fermenters. Total chlorophyll levels of dark grown cultures were less than 1% of those observed in mixotrophically grown cells, the chlorophylla : b ratio also decreased as did the carotenoid content. In addition, the total amounts of lipids including polyunsaturated fatty-acids were also lower in heterotrophically cultured cells: 6.4 mg g–1 (dried alga) and 0.35 mg g–1 (dried alga); as compared to 37.1 mg g–1 (dried alga) and 18.5 mg g–1 (dried alga), for cells grown in the light. However, gross morphology and final yield (>16 g l–1) were relatively unaffected. The algae produced were spray-dried and tested for their suitability as an aquaculture feed.Address for correspondence  相似文献   

Heterotrophic production of ascorbic acid by microalgae   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An aerobic fermentation process has been developed for the production of L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C). After an extensive screening program for microorganisms capable of heterotrophically synthesizing L-ascorbic acid, a unicellular green microalga,Chlorella pyrenoidosa, was selected. This organism has a number of characteristics that recommend it as an industrial organism: (1) it can double every 3.5 h when growing aerobically in the dark on a glucose-minimal salts medium; (2) its small size and tough cell wall make it very insensitive to shear, allowing very high impeller velocities; (3) it can be grown to 100 g L–1 cell dry weight; (4) it is readily mutable by classical mutagenesis techniques; and (5) it has efficient growth kinetics with respect to yield of cell mass on glucose and oxygen. Fermentation process development and classical strain improvement have resulted in a greater than 70-fold increase in intracellular ascorbic acid concentration compared to the parent strainC. pyrenoidosa UTEX 1663. The process is compatible with existing industrial fermentation technology and equipment and is described in U.S. Patent 5,001,059. Patents have been submitted for a process in which the ascorbic acid accumulates extracellularly.  相似文献   

Summary Chondrocytes isolated from the proliferative and differentiating zones of 3-wk-old chick growth plates were cultured in the presence of 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and ascorbic acid for up to 21 d in a high cell density culture within Eppendorf tubes. The proliferative, differentiating, and calcification properties of the chondrocytes were examined by immunolocalization and by enzyme histochemical and biochemical methods. The cells maintained a chondrocyte phenotype throughout culture: they were round in shape and synthesized both collagen type II and proteoglycans. The expression of a hypertrophic phenotype was evident by Day 3 of culture and from this time onwards characteristics of terminal differentiation were observed. The cells were positive for both alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and c-myc protein and the surrounding matrix stained strongly for collagen type X. Small foci of mineralization associated with individual chondrocytes were first evident by Day 6 and more widespread areas of mineralization occupying large areas of matrix were present by Day 15. Mineralization occurred without the addition of exogenous phosphate to the medium. This culture system displays characteristics that are similar in both morphological and developmental terms to that of chick chondrocyte differentiation and calcification in vivo and therefore offers an excellent in vitro model for endochondral ossification.  相似文献   

A multi-stage continuous high cell density culture (MSC-HCDC) system makes it possible to achieve high productivity together with high product titer of many bioproducts. For long-term continuous operation of MSC-HCDC systems, the cell retention time and hydraulic retention time must be decoupled and strains (bacteria, yeast, plant, and animal cells) must be stable. MSC-HCDC systems are suitable for low-value high-volume extracellular products such as fuel ethanol, lactic acid or volatile fatty acids, and high-value products such as monoclonal antibodies as well as intracellular products such as polyhydroxybutyric acid (PHB), microbial lipids or a number of therapeutics. Better understanding of the fermentation kinetics of a specific product and reliable high-density culture methods for the product-generating microorganisms will facilitate timely industrialization of MSC-HCDC systems for products that are currently obtained in fed-batch bioreactors.  相似文献   

为提高酿酒酵母工程菌S7香紫苏醇产量,采用摇瓶培养,研究了其生长和代谢特点,发现产物合成与菌体生长密切关联。在3 L发酵罐中通过补料-溶氧联动控制的方式,以葡萄糖、乙醇和葡萄糖/乙醇混合物为碳源进行高密度培养,香紫苏醇产量分别达到253 mg/L、386 mg/L和408 mg/L,最高产量是摇瓶培养的27倍。说明添加乙醇作为碳源有助于香紫苏醇合成。研究结果对优化酿酒酵母细胞工厂,高效生产萜类化合物具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

微藻光密度与细胞密度及生物质的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁芳  鸭乔  杜伟春  温晓斌  耿亚洪  李夜光 《生态学报》2014,34(21):6156-6163
以四种常见微藻,小球藻(Chlorella sp.XQ-20044)、栅藻(Scenedesmus sp.SS-200716)、绿球藻(Chlorococcum sp.)和螺旋藻(Spirulina sp.CH-164)为实验材料,用梯度稀释法测定对数生长期不同浓度藻液的光密度(OD)、细胞密度和生物质干重(DW),在光自养分批培养模式下对4种微藻进行OD-波长(350—800 nm)扫描,同时测定细胞密度和生物质干重,分析藻液OD与细胞密度、生物质干重的关系。结果表明:在任何波长下,对数生长期的4种微藻细胞密度与OD值、生物质干重与OD值的变化都不成比例,波长不同其拟合曲线偏离直线的程度不同。但是,在435 nm处这种关系最接近直线,可以用直线方程近似描述(R20.98),其它波长处细胞密度-OD、干重-OD的关系都可以用二项式方程很好地描述(R20.99)。因此,光密度法适用于连续和半连续培养,可以用435 nm处测得的OD值计算细胞密度与干重。但是在分批培养模式下,4种微藻DW/OD比值随着培养时间均逐渐上升。小球藻DW/OD540为0.19—0.44 g/L,栅藻DW/OD540为0.36—0.53 g/L,绿球藻DW/OD540为0.48—0.75 g/L,螺旋藻DW/OD560为0.46—0.74 g/L,因此分批培养模式下采用测定藻液OD值反映细胞密度和生物质的方法不适用,只有直接测定细胞密度和生物质才是准确的。研究结果为正确使用分光光度法监测微藻生长提供依据。  相似文献   

Maintenance of genomic stability is of crucial importance for all living organisms. It is no surprise that during evolution, a series of highly selective and efficient systems to detect DNA damage and control its repair have evolved. To this end, signal transduction pathways are involved in pausing the cell division cycle to provide time for repair, and ultimately releasing the cell cycle from arrest. Genetic components of the damage and replication checkpoints have been identified and a working model is beginning to emerge. This area of biological inquiry has received a great deal of attention in the past decade with the realization that the underlying regulatory mechanisms controlling the cell cycle are conserved throughout eukaryotic evolution. Many of the key players in this response have structural and functional counterparts in species as diverse as yeast and human. In recent years attention has also been paid to the plant kingdom suggesting that checkpoint controls have been highly conserved during evolution. The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a suitable model organism for the study of basic cellular processes including cell cycle regulation and DNA repair. To investigate how algal cells accomplish these tasks, we have isolated mutants in the recognition and repair of DNA damage or in the response to DNA damage. Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia.  相似文献   

The [2Fe-2S] soluble ferredoxin from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was mutated by site directed mutagenesis, using PCR and the expression plasmid pET-Fd as a template. The recombinant mutated proteins were purified to homogeneity and tested in the activation of NADP-malate dehydrogenase, a light dependent reaction in which ferredoxin thioredoxin reductase (FTR) and thioredoxin are involved. The mutation of residue Glu-91 (E92 in spinach, E94 in Anabaena) alone, either to Gln (E91Q) or to Lys (E91K), was found to completely abolish the reaction of the enzyme light activation. On the other hand, the mutants (E92Q) or (E92K) were as efficient as the wild type ferredoxin in this reaction whereas the double mutants (E91Q/E92Q) or (E91K/E92K) had no activity. In addition, a triple mutant (D25A/E28Q/E29Q) was also found to be inactive for this redox dependent light activation. All these mutations had much weaker effects on the ferredoxin/ferredoxin NADP reductase interaction as measured by the cytochrome c reduction assay. These results indicate that there is a recognition site for FTR in the C terminus part of ferredoxin, but also that a core of negatively charged residues in the α1 helix of ferredoxin might be important in the general process of light activation.  相似文献   

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