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Zebrafish pectoral fin bud formation is an excellent model for studying morphogenesis. Fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) and sonic hedgehog (shh) are essential for pectoral fin bud formation. We found that Fgf16 was expressed in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) of fin buds. A knockdown of Fgf16 function resulted in no fin bud outgrowth. Fgf16 is required for cell proliferation and differentiation in the mesenchyme and the AER of the fin buds, respectively. Fgf16 functions downstream of Fgf10, a mesenchymal factor, signaling to induce the expression of Fgf4 and Fgf8 in the AER. Fgf16 in the AER and shh in the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) interact to induce and/or maintain each other's expression. These findings have revealed that Fgf16, a newly identified AER factor, plays a crucial role in pectoral fin bud outgrowth by mediating the interactions of AER-mesenchyme and AER-ZPA.  相似文献   

Fins and limbs, which are considered to be homologous paired vertebrate appendages, have obvious morphological differences that arise during development. One major difference in their development is that the AER (apical ectodermal ridge), which organizes fin/limb development, transitions into a different, elongated organizing structure in the fin bud, the AF (apical fold). Although the role of AER in limb development has been clarified in many studies, little is known about the role of AF in fin development. Here, we investigated AF-driven morphogenesis in the pectoral fin of zebrafish. After the AER-AF transition at ~36 hours post-fertilization, the AF was identifiable distal to the circumferential blood vessel of the fin bud. Moreover, the AF was divisible into two regions: the proximal AF (pAF) and the distal AF (dAF). Removing the AF caused the AER and a new AF to re-form. Interestingly, repeatedly removing the AF led to excessive elongation of the fin mesenchyme, suggesting that prolonged exposure to AER signals results in elongation of mesenchyme region for endoskeleton. Removal of the dAF affected outgrowth of the pAF region, suggesting that dAF signals act on the pAF. We also found that the elongation of the AF was caused by morphological changes in ectodermal cells. Our results suggest that the timing of the AER-AF transition mediates the differences between fins and limbs, and that the acquisition of a mechanism to maintain the AER was a crucial evolutionary step in the development of tetrapod limbs.  相似文献   

The patterning of an internal organ, like the heart, is little understood. Central to this patterning is the formation, or the acquisition, of an anteroposterior (A-P) axis. We have approached the question of how the heart tube acquires polarity in the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio, which offers numerous advantages for studying cardiac morphogenesis. During the early stages of organogenesis in the fish, the heart tube lies in an A-P orientation with the venous end lying anteriorly and the arterial end lying posteriorly. High doses (10(-6)-10(-5)M) of retinoic acid (RA) cause truncation of the body axis, as they do in Xenopus. Low doses of retinoic acid (10(-8)-10(-7) M), which do not appear to affect the rest of the embryo, have pronounced effects upon heart tube morphogenesis, causing it to shrink progressively along the A-P axis. To investigate this further, we identified monoclonal antibodies that distinguish between the zebrafish cardiac chambers and used them to show that the RA-induced cardiac truncation always begins at the arterial end of the heart tube. There is a continuous gradient of sensitivity from the arterial to the venous end, such that increasing RA exposure causes the progressive and sequential deletion first of the bulbus arteriosus and then, in order, of the ventricle, the atrium, and the sinus venosus. As exposure increases, parts of chambers are deleted before entire chambers; thus, the sensitivity to RA appears to be independent of chamber boundaries. The analysis of the heart tube's sensitivity to RA and its timing suggest that polarity is established during or shortly after initial commitment to the cardiac lineage.  相似文献   

We identified a novel secreted protein, fibin, in zebrafish, mice and humans. We inhibited its function in zebrafish embryos by injecting antisense fibin morpholino oligonucleotides. A knockdown of fibin function in zebrafish resulted in no pectoral fin bud initiation and abolished the expression of tbx5, which is involved in the specification of pectoral fin identification. The lack of pectoral fins in fibin-knockdown embryos was partially rescued by injection of fibin RNA. fibin was expressed in the lateral plate mesoderm of the presumptive pectoral fin bud regions. Its expression region was adjacent to that of tbx5. fibin expression temporally preceded tbx5 expression in presumptive pectoral fin bud regions, and not abolished in tbx5-knockdown presumptive fin bud regions. In contrast, fibin expression was abolished in retinoic acid signaling-inhibited or wnt2b-knockdown presumptive fin bud regions. These results indicate that fibin is a secreted signal essential for pectoral fin bud initiation in that it potentially acts downstream of retinoic acid and wnt signaling and is essential for tbx5 expression. The present findings have revealed a novel secreted lateral plate mesoderm signal essential for fin initiation in the lateral plate mesoderm.  相似文献   

During posthatching development the fins of fishes undergo striking changes in both structure and function. In this article we examine the development of the pectoral fins from larval through adult life history stages in the zebrafish (Danio rerio), describing in detail their pectoral muscle morphology. We explore the development of muscle structure as a way to interpret the fins' role in locomotion. Genetic approaches in the zebrafish model are providing new tools for examining fin development and we take advantage of transgenic lines in which fluorescent protein is expressed in specific tissues to perform detailed three-dimensional, in vivo fin imaging. The fin musculature of larval zebrafish is organized into two thin sheets of fibers, an abductor and adductor, one on each side of an endoskeletal disk. Through the juvenile stage the number of muscle fibers increases and muscle sheets cleave into distinct muscle subdivisions as fibers orient to the developing fin skeleton. By the end of the juvenile period the pectoral girdle and fin muscles have reoriented to take on the adult organization. We find that this change in morphology is associated with a switch of fin function from activity during axial locomotion in larvae to use in swim initiation and maneuvering in adults. The examination of pectoral fins of the zebrafish highlights the yet to be explored diversity of fin structure and function in subadult developmental stages. J. Morphol. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Formation of the adenohypophysis in mammalian embryos occurs via an invagination of the oral ectoderm to form Rathke's pouch, which becomes exposed to opposing dorsoventral gradients of signaling proteins governing specification of the different hormone-producing pituitary cell types. One signal promoting pituitary cell proliferation and differentiation to ventral cell types is Sonic hedgehog (Shh) from the oral ectoderm. To study pituitary formation and patterning in zebrafish, we cloned four cDNAs encoding different pituitary hormones, prolactin (prl), proopiomelancortin (pomc), thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh), and growth hormone (gh), and analyzed their expression patterns relative to that of the pituitary marker lim3. prl and pomc start to be expressed at the lateral edges of the lim3 expression domain, before pituitary cells move into the head. This indicates that patterning of the pituitary anlage and terminal differentiation of pituitary cells starts while cells are still organized in a placodal fashion at the anterior edge of the developing brain. Following the expression pattern of prl and pomc during development, we show that no pituitary-specific invagination equivalent to Rathke's pouch formation takes place. Rather, pituitary cells move inwards together with stomodeal cells during oral cavity formation, with medial cells of the placode ending up posterior and lateral cells ending up anterior, resulting in an anterior-posterior, rather than a dorsoventral, patterning of the adenohypophysis. Carrying out loss- and gain-of-function experiments, we show that Shh from the ventral diencephalon plays a crucial role during induction, patterning, and growth of the zebrafish adenohypophysis. The phenotypes are very similar to those obtained upon pituitary-specific inactivation or overexpression of Shh in mouse embryo, suggesting that the role of Shh during pituitary development has been largely conserved between fish and mice, despite the different modes of pituitary formation in the two vertebrate classes.  相似文献   

We describe here how the early limb bud of the quail embryo develops in the absence of retinoids, including retinoic acid. Retinoid-deficient embryos develop to about stage 20/21, thus allowing patterns of early gene activity in the limb bud to be readily examined. Genes representing different aspects of limb polarity were analysed. Concerning the anteroposterior axis, Hoxb-8 was up-regulated and its border was shifted anteriorly whereas shh and the mesodermal expression of bmp-2 were down-regulated in the absence of retinoids. Concerning the apical ectodermal genes, fgf-4 was down-regulated whereas fgf-8 and the ectodermal domain of bmp-2 were unaffected. Genes involved in dorsoventral polarity were all disrupted. Wnt-7a, normally confined to the dorsal ectoderm, was ectopically expressed in the ventral ectoderm and the corresponding dorsal mesodermal gene Lmx-1 spread into the ventral mesoderm. En-1 was partially or completely absent from the ventral ectoderm. These dorsoventral patterns of expression resemble those seen in En-1 knockout mouse limb buds. Overall, the patterns of gene expression are also similar to the Japanese limbless mutant. These experiments demonstrate that the retinoid-deficient embryo is a valuable tool for dissecting pathways of gene activity in the limb bud and reveal for the first time a role for retinoic acid in the organisation of the dorsoventral axis.  相似文献   

A cartilaginous pectoral fin endoskeleton in zebrafish (Danio rerio) develops early, after which the cartilage of the larval fin endoskeleton undergoes a complete transformation into the adult morphology. This transformation includes multiple subdivisions of a single cartilaginous disk. The type of cartilage subdivision is unique to teleost fish. In this study, we present the timing and the developmental features of these subdivisions and we discuss variation in this process, caused by differences in growth rate. We establish that the cartilage subdivisions are developmentally linked to the formation of lepidotrichia in the fin fold. At the cellular level, we show that neither apoptosis nor resorption by chondroclasts and/or macrophages contributes to the cartilage subdivision. Ultrastructural observations show dedifferentiation of chondrocytes in subdivision zones. Different from forelimb development in other vertebrates, dedifferentiation is an important mechanism in the development of the adult pectoral fin skeleton. We here provide further support for the idea that the phenotype of skeletal tissues is not terminal and that plasticity of differentiated connective tissues can play an important role in various developmental and homeostatic processes.  相似文献   

The secreted protein encoded by the Sonic hedgehog (Shh) gene is localized to the posterior margin of vertebrate limb buds and is thought to be a key signal in establishing anterior-posterior limb polarity. In the Shh(-/-) mutant mouse, the development of many embryonic structures, including the limb, is severely compromised. In this study, we report the analysis of Shh(-/-) mutant limbs in detail. Each mutant embryo has four limbs with recognizable humerus/femur bones that have anterior-posterior polarity. Distal to the elbow/knee joints, skeletal elements representing the zeugopod form but lack identifiable anterior-posterior polarity. Therefore, Shh specifically becomes necessary for normal limb development at or just distal to the stylopod/zeugopod junction (elbow/knee joints) during mouse limb development. The forelimb autopod is represented by a single distal cartilage element, while the hindlimb autopod is invariably composed of a single digit with well-formed interphalangeal joints and a dorsal nail bed at the terminal phalanx. Analysis of GDF5 and Hoxd11-13 expression in the hindlimb autopod suggests that the forming digit has a digit-one identity. This finding is corroborated by the formation of only two phalangeal elements which are unique to digit one on the foot. The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is induced in the Shh(-/-) mutant buds with relatively normal morphology. We report that the architecture of the Shh(-/-) AER is gradually disrupted over developmental time in parallel with a reduction of Fgf8 expression in the ridge. Concomitantly, abnormal cell death in the Shh(-/-) limb bud occurs in the anterior mesenchyme of both fore- and hindlimb. It is notable that the AER changes and mesodermal cell death occur earlier in the Shh(-/-) forelimb than the hindlimb bud. This provides an explanation for the hindlimb-specific competence to form autopodial structures in the mutant. Finally, unlike the wild-type mouse limb bud, the Shh(-/-) mutant posterior limb bud mesoderm does not cause digit duplications when grafted to the anterior border of chick limb buds, and therefore lacks polarizing activity. We propose that a prepattern exists in the limb field for the three axes of the emerging limb bud as well as specific limb skeletal elements. According to this model, the limb bud signaling centers, including the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) acting through Shh, are required to elaborate upon the axial information provided by the native limb field prepattern.  相似文献   

A number of studies have suggested that retinoic acid (RA) is an important signal for patterning the hindbrain, the branchial arches and the limb bud. Retinoic acid is thought to act on the posterior hindbrain and the limb buds at somitogenesis stages in chick and mouse embryos. Here we report a much earlier requirement for RA signalling during pre-segmentation stages for proper development of these structures in zebrafish. We present evidence that a RA signal is necessary during pre-segmentation stages for proper expression of the spinal cord markers hoxb5a and hoxb6b, suggesting an influence of RA on anteroposterior patterning of the neural plate posterior to the hindbrain. We report the identification and expression pattern of the zebrafish retinaldehyde dehydrogenase2 (raldh2/aldh1a2) gene. Raldh2 synthesises retinoic acid (RA) from its immediate precursor retinal. It is expressed in a highly ordered spatial and temporal fashion during gastrulation in the involuting mesoderm and during later embryogenesis in paraxial mesoderm, branchial arches, eyes and fin buds, suggesting the involvement of RA at different times of development in different functional contexts. Mapping of the raldh2 gene reveals close linkage to no-fin (nof), a newly discovered mutant lacking pectoral fins and cartilaginous gill arches. Cloning and functional tests of the wild-type and nof alleles of raldh2 reveal that nof is a raldh2 mutant. By treating nof mutants with RA during different time windows and by making use of a retinoic acid receptor antagonist, we show that RA signalling during pre-segmentation stages is necessary for anteroposterior patterning in the CNS and for fin induction to occur.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) Squid (Sqd) is a highly abundant protein that is expected to bind most cellular RNAs. Nonetheless, Sqd plays a very specific developmental role in dorsoventral (DV) axis formation during Drosophila oogenesis by localizing gurken (grk) RNA. Here, we report that Sqd is also essential for anteroposterior (AP) axis formation. We identified sqd in a screen for modifiers of the Protein Kinase A (PKA) oogenesis polarity phenotype. The AP defects of sqd mutant oocytes resemble those of PKA mutants in several ways. In both cases, the cytoskeletal reorganization at mid-oogenesis, which depends on a signal from the posterior follicle cells, does not produce a correctly polarized microtubule (MT) network. This causes the posterior determinant, oskar (osk) RNA, to localize to central regions of the oocyte, where it is ectopically translated. Additionally, MT-dependent anterior movement of the oocyte nucleus and the grk-dependent specification of posterior follicle cells are unaffected in both mutants. However, in contrast to PKA mutants, sqd mutants do not retain a discrete posterior MT organizing center (MTOC) capable of supporting ectopic posterior localization of bicoid (bcd) RNA. sqd mutants also display several other phenotypes not seen in PKA mutants; these probably result from the disruption of MT polarity in earlier stages of oogenesis. Loss of Sqd does not affect polarity in follicle cells, wings or eyes, indicating a specific role in the determination of MT polarity within the germline.  相似文献   



Cell proliferation in multicellular organisms must be coordinated with pattern formation. The major signaling pathways directing pattern formation in the vertebrate limb are well characterized, and we have therefore chosen this organ to examine the interaction between proliferation and patterning. Two important signals for limb development are members of the Hedgehog (Hh) and Fibroblast Growth Factor (Fgf) families of secreted signaling proteins. Sonic hedgehog (Shh) directs pattern formation along the anterior/posterior axis of the limb, whereas several Fgfs in combination direct pattern formation along the proximal/distal axis of the limb.  相似文献   

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