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Ozeri  Lital  Blaustein  Leon  Polevikov  Antonina  Kneitel  Jamie  Rahav  Eyal  Horwitz  Rael 《Hydrobiologia》2021,848(20):4713-4729
Hydrobiologia - Fire retardants are commonly used for fighting wildfires. Retardant chemicals washed via runoff into aquatic systems may be concentrated, thus exposing aquatic species to high...  相似文献   

This study presents data on the food composition of the Near Eastern Fire Salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata, from Bingöl, eastern Turkey. A total of 139 prey items was determined in the food content of 28 individuals (14 juveniles, 7 males, and 7 females). Insecta (N%= 37.4), Gastropoda (27.3%), and Isopoda (25.9%) constitute together 91% of the food items. The most frequent prey groups in the diet are Coleoptera (F%=50.0%), Isopoda (57.1%), and Gastropoda (46.4%). Coleoptera (V%= 34.6%), Gastropoda (28.0%), and Isopoda (23.5%) had the highest prey volumes. No significant difference was found between the sexes in food composition. The species generally feeds upon poorly flying or slow-moving invertebrates, but is opportunistic in taking up more mobile prey species as well. Diptera, Odonata and Hemiptera were found in small numbers only.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions experienced early in life have been shown to significantly affect growth trajectories at later stages in many vertebrate species. Amphibians typically have a biphasic life history, with an aquatic larval phase during early development and a subsequent terrestrial adult phase after completed metamorphosis. Thus, the early conditions have an especially strong impact on the future survival and fitness of amphibians. We studied whether early nutritional conditions affect the behavioural reaction of fire salamander larvae (Salamandra salamandra) before completion of metamorphosis. Fire salamander larvae reared under rich nutritional conditions were heavier and larger, displayed better body condition overall throughout the first three month of life and metamorphosed earlier compared with larvae raised under poor nutritional conditions. Specifically, we tested whether larvae reared under these different conditions differed with respect to their risk‐taking behaviour and activity. We found no differences in the activity of larvae with respect to their experienced early food conditions. However, larvae reared under poor nutritional conditions hid significantly more often in a risk‐taking test than larvae reared under rich food conditions. This increase in shelter‐seeking behaviour might be an adaptation to reduce the risk of larval drift or an adaptation to compensate for physiological deficits in part by appropriate behavioural reactions. Our results indicate that environmental conditions, such as food availability, may lead to different behavioural strategies.  相似文献   

Kerby JL  Hart AJ  Storfer A 《EcoHealth》2011,8(1):46-54
Emerging diseases and environmental contamination are two of the leading hypotheses for global amphibian declines. Yet few studies have examined the influence of contaminants on disease susceptibility, and even fewer have incorporated the role of natural stressors such as predation. We performed a factorial study investigating the interaction of the insecticide carbaryl, dragonfly predator cue, and the emerging pathogen Ambystoma tigrinum virus (ATV) on fitness correlates and disease susceptibility in tiger salamander larvae. Four week old larvae were exposed for 22 days in a 2 (0, 500 μg/l carbaryl) × 2 (control, predator cue water) × 2 (0, 1 × 104 pfu ATV) factorial designed laboratory study. Results show significant impacts to survival of larvae for both virus and predator cue treatments, as well as an interactive effect between the two, in which predator cue strongly exacerbated disease-driven mortality. There was a clear pattern of reduced survival with the addition of stressors, with those where all three stressors were present exhibiting the worst effects (a decrease in survival from 93 to 60%). On those that survived, we also detected several sub-lethal impacts in mass, SVL, and development. Predator cue and pesticide treatments significantly reduced both SVL and mass. Virus and predator treatments significantly slowed development. Stressors also exhibited opposing effects on activity. Predator cue caused a significant reduction in activity, whereas virus caused a significant increase in activity over time. These results highlight the importance of examining combined natural and introduced stressors to understand potential impacts on amphibian species. Such stressors may contribute to the emergence of ATV in particular regions, raising concerns about the influence of pesticides on disease emergence in general.  相似文献   

The multistep method here applied in studying the genetic structure of a low dispersal and philopatric species, such as the Fire Salamander Salamandra salamandra, was proved to be effective in identifying the hierarchical structure of populations living in broad‐leaved forest ecosystems in Northern Italy. In this study, 477 salamander larvae, collected in 28 sampling populations (SPs) in the Prealpine and in the foothill areas of Northern Italy, were genotyped at 16 specie‐specific microsatellites. SPs showed a significant overall genetic variation (Global FST = 0.032, < 0.001). The genetic population structure was assessed by using STRUCTURE 2.3.4. We found two main genetic groups, one represented by SPs inhabiting the Prealpine belt, which maintain connections with those of the Eastern foothill lowland (PEF), and a second group with the SPs of the Western foothill lowland (WF). The two groups were significantly distinct with a Global FST of 0.010 (< 0.001). While the first group showed a moderate structure, with only one divergent SP (Global FST = 0.006, < 0.001), the second group proved more structured being divided in four clusters (Global FST = 0.017, = 0.058). This genetic population structure should be due to the large conurbations and main roads that separate the WF group from the Prealpine belt and the Eastern foothill lowland. The adopted methods allowed the analysis of the genetic population structure of Fire Salamander from wide to local scale, identifying different degrees of genetic divergence of their populations derived from forest fragmentation induced by urban and infrastructure sprawl.  相似文献   

Among the many topics of interest to ecologists studying associations between phytophagous insects and their host plants are the influence of natal host plant on future oviposition decisions and the mechanisms of generalist versus specialist host selection behavior. In this study, we examined the oviposition preferences, behavior and larval development of the tomato/potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli. By rearing psyllids with two distinct geographically-linked haplotypes on different host plants, we were able to examine the role of natal host plant and potential local adaptation on host plant usage. Choice bioassays among three host species demonstrated that psyllids from California had clear preferences that were influenced by natal plant. We further found that patterns in choice bioassays corresponded to observed feeding and movement responses. No-choice bioassays demonstrated that there is little to no association between development and host-plant choice for oviposition, while also indicating that host choice varies between haplotypes. These findings support the concept that mothers do not always choose oviposition sites optimally and also add support for the controversial Hopkins'' host selection principle.  相似文献   

Prescribed fire is an increasingly important management tool for eastern deciduous forests, but relativity little is known about the direct effects of fire on the eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina). We used very high frequency (VHF) transmitters to monitor mortality, movement, and spatial ecology of 118 box turtles in response to 17 prescribed fires across 4 seasons and 3 sites in east Tennessee, USA, during 2016–2018. Annual survival of box turtles that experienced a prescribed fire event was lower (0.87 ± 0.04 [SE]) than turtles that did not (0.98 ± 0.01) and was negatively correlated with fire intensity, fire temperature the turtle experienced, and litter depth. All prescribed fire-related mortalities occurred during the early (Apr–May, n = 5) or late growing season (Sep–Oct, n = 1). Fourteen percent of box turtles we captured exhibited damage to their carapace from previous fire events. Box turtles that survived prescribed fires were in microsites that did not burn, moved to unburned areas during the fire, or burrowed following ignition. Home range size was similar before and after burns and sinuosity of movements did not differ in burned or unburned areas. Our results indicate that though box turtles are susceptible to prescribed fire during their active season, they have behavioral and physical traits that reduce the direct effects of prescribed fire. Prescribed fire practitioners should be aware of the risks of fire, particularly during the active season. We suggest managers consider altering prescribed fire intensity, seasonality, and firing pattern to minimize risk of direct effects where box turtles are of concern. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Fluorescence is common in both coral adult and larval stages, and is produced by fluorescent proteins that absorb higher energy light and emit lower energy light. This study investigated the changes of coral fluorescence in different life history stages and the effects of parental light environment on larval fluorescence, larval endosymbiotic dinoflagellate abundance, larval size and settlement in the brooding coral Seriatopora hystrix. Data showed that coral fluorescence changed during development from green in larvae to cyan in adult colonies. In larvae, two green fluorescent proteins (GFPs) co-occur where the peak emission of one GFP overlaps with the peak excitation of the second GFP allowing the potential for energy transfer. Coral larvae showed great variation in GFP fluorescence, dinoflagellate abundance, and size. There was no obvious relationship between green fluorescence intensity and dinoflagellate abundance, green fluorescence intensity and larval size, or dinoflagellate abundance and larval size. Larvae of parents from high and low light treatments showed similar green fluorescence intensity, yet small but significant differences in size, dinoflagellate abundance, and settlement. The large variation in larval physiology combined with subtle effects of parental environment on larval characteristics seem to indicate that even though adult corals produce larvae with a wide range of physiological capacities, these larvae can still show small preferences for settling in similar habitats as their parents. These data highlight the importance of environmental conditions at the onset of life history and parent colony effects on coral larvae.  相似文献   

In a series of microcosm experiments with an arable, sandy loam soil amended with sugarbeet leaf, the short-term (8 weeks) dynamics of numbers of nematodes were measured in untreated soil and in γ-irradiated soil inoculated with either a field population of soil microorganisms and nematodes or a mixed population of laboratory-propagated bacterivorous nematode species. Sugarbeet leaf stimulated an increase in bacterivorous Rhabditidae, Cephalobidae, and a lab-cultivated Panagrolaimus sp. Differences were observed between the growth rates of the nematode population in untreated and γ-irradiated soils, which were caused by two nematophagous fungi, Arthrobotrys oligospora and Dactylaria sp. These fungi lowered the increase in nematode numbers due to the organic enrichment in the untreated soil. We estimated the annually produced bacterivous nematodes to consume 50 kg carbon and 10 kg nitrogen per ha, per year, in the upper, plowed 25 cm of arable soil.  相似文献   

Cold-water coral reefs form spectacular and highly diverse ecosystems in the deep sea but little is known about reproduction, and virtually nothing about the larval biology in these corals. This study is based on data from two locations of the North East Atlantic and documents the first observations of embryogenesis and larval development in Lophelia pertusa, the most common framework-building cold-water scleractinian. Embryos developed in a more or less organized radial cleavage pattern from ∼160 µm large neutral or negatively buoyant eggs, to 120–270 µm long ciliated planulae. Embryogenesis was slow with cleavage occurring at intervals of 6–8 hours up to the 64-cell stage. Genetically characterized larvae were sexually derived, with maternal and paternal alleles present. Larvae were active swimmers (0.5 mm s−1) initially residing in the upper part of the water column, with bottom probing behavior starting 3–5 weeks after fertilization. Nematocysts had developed by day 30, coinciding with peak bottom-probing behavior, and possibly an indication that larvae are fully competent to settle at this time. Planulae survived for eight weeks under laboratory conditions, and preliminary results indicate that these planulae are planktotrophic. The late onset of competency and larval longevity suggests a high dispersal potential. Understanding larval biology and behavior is of paramount importance for biophysical modeling of larval dispersal, which forms the basis for predictions of connectivity among populations.  相似文献   

In this study the effects of vitamin A on tadpoles of Polypedates maculatus with an amputated tail were investigated. After amputation of half the tail at the hindlimb-bud stage, tadpoles were exposed to vitamin A (palmitate) 10 IU/ml solution for 24 hr (Group I), 48 hr (II), 72 hr (III), 96 hr (IV), 120 hr (V) or 144 hr (VI). Vitamin A was deleterious to survival of the tadpoles since 10, 30 and 30% tadpoles died from Group IV, V and VI, respectively before the emergence of forelimbs. Regeneration of the tail was abnormal in 91.7% of the tadpoles. Vitamin A induced homeotic transformation of the amputated tail to hindlimbs in 11.6% of the animals. Normal limb development was suppressed partially or completely in 48.3% tadpoles. These results indicate that in addition to traumatic effects, vitamin A can lead to homeotic transformation of the tail into hindlimbs and can also interfere with normal development of limbs.  相似文献   



Following the amputation of a limb, newts and salamanders have the capability to regenerate the lost tissues via a complex process that takes place at the site of injury. Initially these cells undergo dedifferentiation to a state competent to regenerate the missing limb structures. Crucially, dedifferentiated cells have memory of their level of origin along the proximodistal (PD) axis of the limb, a property known as positional identity. Notophthalmus viridescens Prod1 is a cell-surface molecule of the three-finger protein (TFP) superfamily involved in the specification of newt limb PD identity. The TFP superfamily is a highly diverse group of metazoan proteins that includes snake venom toxins, mammalian transmembrane receptors and miscellaneous signaling molecules.

Methodology/Principal Findings

With the aim of identifying potential orthologs of Prod1, we have solved its 3D structure and compared it to other known TFPs using phylogenetic techniques. The analysis shows that TFP 3D structures group in different categories according to function. Prod1 clusters with other cell surface protein TFP domains including the complement regulator CD59 and the C-terminal domain of urokinase-type plasminogen activator. To infer orthology, a structure-based multiple sequence alignment of representative TFP family members was built and analyzed by phylogenetic methods. Prod1 has been proposed to be the salamander CD59 but our analysis fails to support this association. Prod1 is not a good match for any of the TFP families present in mammals and this result was further supported by the identification of the putative orthologs of both CD59 and N. viridescens Prod1 in sequence data for the salamander Ambystoma tigrinum.


The available data suggest that Prod1, and thereby its role in encoding PD identity, is restricted to salamanders. The lack of comparable limb-regenerative capability in other adult vertebrates could be correlated with the absence of the Prod1 gene.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of hearing in fishes has become a major interest among bioacoustics researchers studying fish behavior and sensory ecology. Most fish begin to detect acoustic stimuli during the larval stage which can be important for navigation, predator avoidance and settlement, however relatively little is known about the hearing capabilities of larval fishes. We characterized the acoustically evoked behavioral response (AEBR) in the plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus, and used this innate startle-like response to characterize this species'' auditory capability during larval development. Age and size of larval midshipman were highly correlated (r2 = 0.92). The AEBR was first observed in larvae at 1.4 cm TL. At a size ≥1.8 cm TL, all larvae responded to a broadband stimulus of 154 dB re1 µPa or −15.2 dB re 1 g (z-axis). Lowest AEBR thresholds were 140–150 dB re 1 µPa or −33 to −23 dB re 1 g for frequencies below 225 Hz. Larval fish with size ranges of 1.9–2.4 cm TL had significantly lower best evoked frequencies than the other tested size groups. We also investigated the development of the lateral line organ and its function in mediating the AEBR. The lateral line organ is likely involved in mediating the AEBR but not necessary to evoke the startle-like response. The midshipman auditory and lateral line systems are functional during early development when the larvae are in the nest and the auditory system appears to have similar tuning characteristics throughout all life history stages.  相似文献   

The Biogents® Sentinel (BGS) trap is the standard tool to monitor adult Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae), the Asian tiger mosquito. BGS traps are commonly placed in residential properties during surveillance operations, but locations within properties may have significant differences in ambient light, temperature, and humidity (e.g. between a sunlit lawn and shady underbrush). We examined the effect of BGS trap placement on Ae. albopictus capture rates in three residential properties in Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA. In each property we visually selected locations as shade, partial shade, and sun. Traps in “partial shade” locations were under vegetation and were exposed to filtered sunlight during some parts of the day while “shaded” locations were never exposed to direct sunlight. Locations defined as “sun” were exposed to direct sunlight for large parts of the day. We placed a BGS trap in each of the three location types and used small data loggers to measure temperature, relative humidity, and light exposure at each trap during a 24-hour deployment. To address temporal variability, we made seven separate measurements from 31 August to 22 September 2010. We found that “partial shade” and “full shade” locations did not differ but that “full sun” locations had significantly higher light exposure, higher temperature, and lower humidity. Importantly, Ae. albopictus catches (males, females, or both) were consistently and significantly over 3 times higher in traps located in shaded locations. To further investigate the effects of local temperature and humidity on surveillance we examined Ae. albopictus collections from 37 BGS traps fitted with data loggers and deployed weekly from August through mid October, during the 2009 season, in three urban sites in Mercer County, NJ. We confirmed that local climate influences capture rates and that Ae. albopictus surveillance projects need to monitor trap placement carefully for maximum efficiency.  相似文献   

The yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is a vector for transmitting dengue fever and yellow fever. In this study, we assessed the histopathological and molecular effects of pellitorine, an isobutylamide alkaloid, on the third instar of Ae. aegypti larvae. At 5 mg/l concentration of pellitorine, the whole body of the treated larvae became dark in color, particularly damaged thorax and abdominal regions. Pellitorine was targeted mainly on midgut epithelium and anal gills, indicating variably dramatic degenerative responses of the midgut through a sequential epithelial disorganization. The anterior and posterior midgut was entirely necrosed, bearing only gut lumen residues inside the peritrophic membranes. Pellitorine caused comprehensive damage of anal gill cells and branches of tracheole and debris was found in hemolymph of the anal gills. RT-PCR analysis indicates that the compound inhibited gene expression encoding V-type H+-ATPase and aquaporine 4 after treatment with 2.21 mg/l pellitorine. These results verify that pellitorine merits further study as a potential larvicide with a specific target site and a lead molecule for the control of mosquito populations.  相似文献   

As bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and silver carp H . molitrix (the bigheaded carps) are poised to enter the Laurentian Great Lakes and potentially damage the region’s economically important fishery, information on developmental rates and behaviors of carps is critical to assessing their ability to establish sustainable populations within the Great Lakes basin. In laboratory experiments, the embryonic and larval developmental rates, size, and behaviors of bigheaded carp were tracked at two temperature treatments, one “cold” and one “warm”. Developmental rates were computed using previously described stages of development and the cumulative thermal unit method. Both species have similar thermal requirements, with a minimum developmental temperature for embryonic stages of 12.1° C for silver carp and 12.9° C for bighead carp, and 13.3° C for silver carp larval stages and 13.4° C for bighead carp larval stages. Egg size differed among species and temperature treatments, as egg size was larger in bighead carp, and “warm" temperature treatments. The larvae started robust upwards vertical swimming immediately after hatching, interspersed with intervals of sinking. Vertical swimming tubes were used to measure water column distribution, and ascent and descent rates of vertically swimming fish. Water column distribution and ascent and descent rates changed with ontogeny. Water column distribution also showed some diel periodicity. Developmental rates, size, and behaviors contribute to the drift distance needed to fulfill the early life history requirements of bigheaded carps and can be used in conjunction with transport information to assess invasibility of a river.  相似文献   

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