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In this study, we investigate the brain networks during positive and negative emotions for different types of stimulus (audio only, video only and audio + video) in \(\alpha , \beta\), and \(\gamma\) bands in terms of phase locking value, a nonlinear method to study functional connectivity. Results show notable hemispheric lateralization as phase synchronization values between channels are significant and high in right hemisphere for all emotions. Left frontal electrodes are also found to have control over emotion in terms of functional connectivity. Besides significant inter-hemisphere phase locking values are observed between left and right frontal regions, specifically between left anterior frontal and right mid-frontal, inferior-frontal and anterior frontal regions; and also between left and right mid frontal regions. ANOVA analysis for stimulus types show that stimulus types are not separable for emotions having high valence. PLV values are significantly different only for negative emotions or neutral emotions between audio only/video only and audio only/audio + video stimuli. Finding no significant difference between video only and audio + video stimuli is interesting and might be interpreted as that video content is the most effective part of a stimulus.  相似文献   

Targeted gene disruption via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (ATMT) and homologous recombination is the most common method used to identify and investigate the functions of genes in fungi. However, the gene disruption efficiency of this method is low due to ectopic integration. In this study, a high-efficiency gene disruption strategy based on ATMT and the split-marker method was developed for use in Nomuraea rileyi. The β-glucuronidase (gus) gene was used as a negative selection marker to facilitate the screening of putative transformants. We assessed the efficacy of this gene disruption method using the NrCat1, NrCat4, and NrPex16 genes and found that the targeting efficiency was between 36.2 and 60.7%, whereas the targeting efficiency using linear cassettes was only 1.0–4.2%. The efficiency of negative selection assays was between 64.1 and 82.3%. Randomly selected deletion mutants exhibited a single copy of the hph cassette. Therefore, high-throughput gene disruption could be possible using the split-marker method and the majority of ectopic integration transformants can be eliminated using negative selection markers. This study provides a platform to study the function of genes in N. rileyi.  相似文献   

Phenotypic Up-regulated Gene Support Vector Machine (PUGSVM) is a cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG?) analytical tool for multiclass gene selection and classification. PUGSVM addresses the problem of imbalanced class separability, small sample size and high gene space dimensionality, where multiclass gene markers are defined by the union of one-versus-everyone phenotypic upregulated genes, and used by a well-matched one-versus-rest support vector machine. PUGSVM provides a simple yet more accurate strategy to identify statistically reproducible mechanistic marker genes for characterization of heterogeneous diseases. AVAILABILITY: http://www.cbil.ece.vt.edu/caBIG-PUGSVM.htm.  相似文献   

6 gentamicin acetyltransferases detoxify aminoglycoside antibiotics containing a 6 amino group. We tested whether a 6 gentamicin acetyltransferase gene (6 gat) of Shigella sp. is suitable as selectable gene in plant transformation using kanamycin (Km) as a substrate. A comparative transformation experiment using Nicotiana tabacum SR1 protoplasts showed that 6 gat is as effective for selection of transformants as the commonly used neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII). In stably transformed plants we detected moderate levels of the 6 gat mRNA. An enzymatic assay was developed with which the acetyltransferase activity of the protein is easily demonstrated.  相似文献   

Plackett–Burman design was used to efficiently select important media components influencing lactic acid production in a two step screening procedure. A total of 36 screening experiments were conducted for studying the effect of various media components such as carbon and nitrogen (simple and complex) sources, minerals/buffering agents and a specific inducer for the production of lactic acid by Lactobacillus plantarum NCIM 2084. The eleven ingredients chosen after the first screening experiments were further screened by a Plackett-Burman design consisting of 12 experiments. Liquefied starch, wheat bran extract, ammonium nitrate, manganese sulphate and sodium acetate were chosen as promising ingredients for further optimisation studies. The highest yield of 41.9?g/l of lactic acid was obtained at the end of 24 hours of fermentation which corresponded to 90% conversion, on the basis of sugar supplied.  相似文献   

A two year-old child presented with mild developmental delay. On karyotype analysis, a supernumerary small marker chromosome (SMC) was found in all cells examined. This SMC was approximately the size of an isochromosome 18p, being symmetrical with a central constriction. C-banding and silver staining were negative and FISH with all chromosome-specific paints, centromere probes and telomere probes showed no hybridization to the SMC; telomere repeat sequences were however present on both arms. Comparative genomic hybridization showed no amplification of any chromosome region. Flow sorting of the SMC and reverse painting onto normal metaphase spreads showed no hybridization to any chromosome, whereas reverse painting onto the patient's own metaphases showed hybridization to the SMC only. This SMC may thus represent either a complex amplicon of different genomic regions, or a multifold amplification of a very small region, with a neocentromere comprising an active kinetochore but no alphoid DNA. Prognostic implications for the proband were difficult to assess due to the absence of reports of similar marker chromosomes in the literature.  相似文献   

Gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells via homologous recombination can occur at very low frequency. In order to enrich homologous recombinants before screening, a negative selection marker, such as thymidine kinase (TK) and diphtheria toxin A fragment (DTA), has been commonly used. In this study, we developed a negative selection marker using DTA gene with polyadenylation signal and it was designated DTApA. To determine the difference in targeting efficiency of the negative selections, we constructed three different targeting vectors for each negative selection (first, TK at the 3 end, second, TK at both the 5 and 3 ends <2 X TK>, and third, DTApA at the 5 end of the homologous sequences). Gene targeting experiments using these constructs clearly showed that negative selection using DTApA was more efficient than that using TK for homologous recombination and that negative selection using DTApA was as efficient as that using 2 X TK. Considering the fact that the use of DTApA is more convenient for construction of targeting vectors than that of 2 X TK, DTApA is an efficient negative selection marker.In addition, we examined long and accurate PCR (LAPCR) for screening gene targeted clones. The use of LAPCR with genomic DNAs from ES cell clones facilitated simple detection of homologous recombinants, suggesting that the screening with LAPCR is compatible with the use of longer homologous sequences of both arms in vector design. Our results indicate that the use of DTApA for negative selection together with the application of LAPCR for screening ensures efficient and timesaving screening for homologous recombinants.  相似文献   

Seeds and plants of wild type Lupinus albus are bitter and contain high level of alkaloids. During domestication, at least three genes conferring low-alkaloid content were identified and incorporated into commercial varieties. Australian lupin breeders exclusively utilize one of these sweetness genes, “pauper”, in all varieties to prevent possible bitterness contamination via out-crossing. A cross was made between a sweet variety Kiev Mutant (containing pauper gene) and a bitter type landrace P27174, and the population was advanced into F8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs). Twenty-four plants representing sweetness and bitterness were subjected to DNA fingerprinting by the microsatellite-anchored fragment length polymorphism (MFLP) technique. A dominant polymorphism was discovered in an MFLP fingerprint. The MFLP marker was converted into a co-dominant, sequence-specific, simple PCR-based marker. Linkage analysis by the software program MapManager with marker score data and alkaloid phenotyping data from a segregating population containing 190 F8 RILs indicated that the marker is linked to the pauper gene at the genetic distance of 1.4 centiMorgans (cM). This marker, which is designated as “PauperM1”, is capable of distinguishing the pauper gene from the other two low-alkaloid genes exiguus and nutricius. Validation on germplasm from the Australian lupin breeding program showed that the banding pattern of the marker PauperM1 is consistent with the alkaloid genotyping on a wide range of domesticated varieties and breeding lines. The PauperM1 marker is now being implemented for marker assisted selection in the Australian albus lupin breeding program.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of a PCR marker to detect the β-amylase-R1 gene of rye. It provides an easy and rapid means for the identification of plants containing the β-amylase-R1. Because rye chromosome segments do not normally recombine with wheat chromosomes, this marker provides a means for tracking all linked genes on that alien 5RL chromosome segment. Reaction conditions were optimised for an annealing temperature of 60°C for a high stringency. The reaction was also optimised for low reaction volumes reducing the cost of the reagents required for the reaction. This PCR test can be used in breeding or mapping programs for the rapid screening of progeny containing translocations of 5RL and hence select for the copper efficiency trait of rye.  相似文献   

Inheritance of resistance to rust was investigated in the self progeny of the sugarcane cultivar R570 also used to build a RFLP genetic map. Resistance was evaluated through both field and controlled greenhouse trials. A clear-cut 3 (resistant) 1 (susceptible) segregation indicative of a probable dominant resistant gene was observed. This is the first documented report of a monogenic inheritance for disease resistance in sugarcane. This gene was found linked at 10 cM with an RFLP marker revealed by probe CDSR29. Other minor factors involved in the resistance were also detected.  相似文献   

In their journey through the oviduct some subpopulations of sperm are preserved in a reservoir, while others are negatively selected. Sperm binding glycoprotein (SBG) is a pig oviductal epithelial cell glycoprotein that produces, under capacitating conditions, acrosome alteration, p97 tyrosine-phosphorylation and reduction of the motility of sperm. In this paper, we show that SBG is accessible at the extracellular surface of the oviductal epithelial cells, supporting a sperm interaction biological role in situ. We analyze the possible dependence of the tyrosine-phosphorylation of p97 on the PKA mechanism, finding that apparently it is not PKA dependent. Also, after SBG treatment the phosphorylated proteins locate mainly at the detached periacrosomal region and at the tail of sperm; the latter may be related to SBG's motility reduction effect. The study of the time course effect of SBG on sperm as detected by chlortetracycline (CTC) staining and of its binding to sperm by immunodetection in conjunction with CTC, shows results in agreement with the hypothesis that this glycoprotein is involved in the alteration of acrosomes in a specific sperm subpopulation. The results suggest that SBG may be part of a mechanism for negative selection of sperm.  相似文献   

Glycosyltransferases (GTs) constitute a very large multi-gene superfamily, containing several thousand members identified in sequenced organisms especially in plants. GTs are key enzymes involved in various biological processes such as cell wall formation, storage polysaccharides biosynthesis, and glycosylation of various metabolites. GTs have been identified in rice (Oryza sativa) and Arabidopsis thaliana, but their precise function has been demonstrated biochemically for only a few. In this work we have established a repertoire of virtually all the wheat (Triticum aestivum) GT sequences, using the large publicly available banks of expressed sequences. Based on sequence similarity with Arabidopsis and rice GTs compiled in the carbohydrate active enzyme database (CAZY), we have identified and classified these wheat sequences. The results were used to feed a searchable database available on the web () that can be used for initiating an exhaustive candidate gene survey in wheat applied to a particular biological process. This is illustrated through the identification of GT families which are expressed during cell wall formation in wheat grain maturation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This work was funded by a grant of the French ministry of research.  相似文献   

Fire blight is the most important bacterial disease in apple (Malus?×? domestica) and pear (Pyrus communis) production. Today, the causal bacterium Erwinia amylovora is present in many apple- and pear-growing areas. We investigated the natural resistance of the wild apple Malus?×? robusta 5 against E. amylovora, previously mapped to linkage group 3. With a fine-mapping approach on a population of 2,133 individuals followed by phenotyping of the recombinants from the region of interest, we developed flanking markers useful for marker-assisted selection. Open reading frames were predicted on the sequence of a BAC spanning the resistance locus. One open reading frame coded for a protein belonging to the NBS–LRR family. The in silico investigation of the structure of the candidate resistance gene against fire blight of M.?×? robusta 5, FB_MR5, led us hypothesize the presence of a coiled-coil region followed by an NBS and an LRR-like structure with the consensus ‘LxxLx[IL]xxCxxLxxL’. The function of FB_MR5 was predicted in agreement with the decoy/guard model, that FB_MR5 monitors the transcribed RIN4_MR5, a homolog of RIN4 of Arabidopsis thaliana that could interact with the previously described effector AvrRpt2EA of E. amylovora.  相似文献   

Identification of inhibitors for protein–protein interactions (PPIs) from high-throughput screening (HTS) is challenging due to the weak affinity of primary hits. We present a hit validation strategy of PPI inhibitors using quantitative ligand displacement assay. From an HTS for Bcl-xL/Mcl-1 inhibitors, we obtained a hit candidate, I1, which potentially forms a reactive Michael acceptor, I2, inhibiting Bcl-xL/Mcl-1 through covalent modification. We confirmed rapid reversible and competitive binding of I1 with a probe peptide, suggesting non-covalent binding. The advantages of our approach over biophysical assays include; simplicity, higher throughput, low protein consumption and universal application to PPIs including insoluble membrane proteins.  相似文献   


We constructed a new Thermus thermophilus cloning vector which enables the colour selection of cloned DNA inserts in the T. thermophilus HB27 host strain (β-gal) on growth plates containing 3,4-cyclohexenoesculetin β-d-galactopyranoside (S-gal) in the medium. This vector harbors a modified β-galactosidase gene (TTP0042 of T. thermophilus HB27) with 12 unique restriction enzyme sites (Acc65I, AvrII, BlpI, BssHII, EcoRI, EcoRV, HindIII, NruI, SalI, SpeI, SphI and XbaI) as multiple cloning sites under the control of the T. thermophilus slpA promoter. This host–vector system facilitates cloning procedures in T. thermophilus HB27.


Biological nitrogen fixation, the main source of new nitrogen to the Earth's ecosystems, is catalysed by the enzyme nitrogenase. There are three nitrogenase isoenzymes: the Mo‐nitrogenase, the V‐nitrogenase and the Fe‐only nitrogenase. All three types require iron, and two of them also require Mo or V. Metal bioavailability has been shown to limit nitrogen fixation in natural and managed ecosystems. Here, we report the results of a study on the metal (Mo, V, Fe) requirements of Azotobacter vinelandii, a common model soil diazotroph. In the growth medium of A. vinelandii, metals are bound to strong complexing agents (metallophores) excreted by the bacterium. The uptake rates of the metallophore complexes are regulated to meet the bacterial metal requirement for diazotrophy. Under metal‐replete conditions Mo, but not V or Fe, is stored intracellularly. Under conditions of metal limitation, intracellular metals are used with remarkable efficiency, with essentially all the cellular Mo and V allocated to the nitrogenase enzymes. While the Mo‐nitrogenase, which is the most efficient, is used preferentially, all three nitrogenases contribute to N2 fixation in the same culture under metal limitation. We conclude that A. vinelandii is well adapted to fix nitrogen in metal‐limited soil environments.  相似文献   

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