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Knowledge of the Early-Middle Pleistocene (Ensenadan Age/Stage ; ca. 1.8-0.4 Ma) South American Glyptodontidae (Cingulata) is still poor compared with the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene taxa (Lujanian Age/Stage). This is especially true for the Glyptodontidae Panochthini, in which it is possible to recognize two Ensenadan species from the Pampean region of Argentina, Panochthus intermedius and P. subintermedius, known only by their type material. Prior to this contribution, the knowledge of P. intermedius, a taxon with biostratigraphic importance for being considered as a guide taxon of the Ensenadan Age/Stage of South America, was limited to a dorsal carapace. The finding of an exceptional almost complete specimen from the Early-Middle Pleistocene of Bolivia has allowed us to greatly improve the morphological characterization of this species, and discuss some taxonomic aspects related to the other Ensenadan Panochthini. This specimen represents the most completely known Panochthini and one of the most complete Glyptodontidae from the Early-Middle Pleistocene of South America.  相似文献   

The dispersal of Equus into South America during the Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI) represented a major event for Pleistocene land-mammal age chronology on that continent. It has been argued that this dispersal occurred during the late Pleistocene, ∼0.125 Ma, and it defines the base of the Lujanian South American Land Mammal Age (SALMA). In this scenario, Equus dispersed during the fourth and latest recognized phase of the interchange, i.e., GABI 4. Although Equus was widely distributed in South America during the Pleistocene, only a few localities are calibrated by independent chronostratigraphic data. In this paper, new biostratigraphic evidence documents that Equus occurs from 15 superposed faunal horizons or zones throughout the Tolomosa Formation at Tarija, Bolivia. This biostratigraphic sequence is independently calibrated to occur between ∼0.99 to <0.76 Ma during the middle Pleistocene Ensenadan SALMA and coincident with GABI 3, not GABI 4. Tarija remains the only well calibrated Ensenadan locality at which Equus is found. The new biostratigraphic data presented here are unambiguous and document the earlier (pre-Lujanian) occurrence of this genus in South America. The hypothesized dispersal of the genus Equus into South America at ∼0.125 Ma is no longer supportable in light of the new biostratigraphic evidence presented here. The new data from Tarija thus have continent-wide implications for the origins and biogeography of Equus in South America as well as the calibration of GABI 3.  相似文献   

The fossil record of the Charadriiformes in South America is scarce and limited to the Neogene of Argentina and Peru. In the present contribution, we present and describe a nearly complete tarsometatarsus of Thinocorus rumicivorus (Least Seedsnipe) from the Ensenadan Age/Stage (early-middle Pleistocene) of Punta Hermengo, Buenos Aires province, Argentina, which constitutes the youngest record for the species to date. We also compare the material with extant and fossil Thinocoridae. The stratigraphic range of the fossil predates the Matuyama/Brunhes boundary and is coincident with the biozone of Mesotherium cristatum, which indicates a more humid and warmer climate than the present for the species.  相似文献   

In this paper the systematic position and age of several Pleistocene cat remains found in southern South American are studied, in an attempt to more fully document the scarce record of the group and clear up their obscure Quaternary history. The fossils are compared with a large sample of recent specimens by means of qualitative and quantitative characters, as well as multivariate methods (discriminant analysis). The age of previous records is restricted using recent chronostratigraphic and biostratigraphic studies. Ly. colocolo is recorded in the late Ensenadan (0.78-0.5 Ma BP) and Bonaerian/Lujanian (0.5 Ma-8.5 Ka BP) ages of the Pampean Region (Argentina) and in the late Pleistocene or Holocene of Tierra del Fuego (Chile). An incomplete hemimandible found in the Bonaerian of the Pampean Region is referred to cf. Herpailurus and could be the earliest record of this lineage. Two other remains could belong to On. geoffroyi, but their incompleteness and some differences prevent their assignation to this recent species. The age of “Felisvorohuensis is restricted to the late Ensenadan. The fossil record of the Ocelot Lineage is very fragmentary, but it is at least as old as late Ensenadan. Taphonomic biases are responsible for this poor fossil record and this fact could partially explain the hiatus with respect to the timing estimated by molecular divergence. The combination of data suggests that Ly. colocolo, On. guigna, On. geoffroyi and Oreailurus jacobita speciated in South America, supporting previous opinions. If the molecular divergence dates are right the recent diversity of this group could be explained by a minimum of five to six immigrations.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(3):325-334
Scelidotheriinae (Mammalia, Pilosa) is a xenarthran mylodontid clade recorded in much of South America from the middle Miocene to the early Holocene. However, studies of their Neogene representatives are still scarce compared to their Quaternary representatives. The main goal of this contribution is to report new remains of Proscelidodon rothi (Ameghino, 1908) found in the basal levels of the El Polvorín Formation (Pliocene), cropping out near the city of Olavarría (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina). On the basis of the faunistic association, these deposits were assigned to the late Pliocene. The new materials include a skull, a mandible, and a calcaneal fragment (Xen-121), which enhance the characterization of this taxon, and allow more precise comparisons with other Neogene and Quaternary Scelidotheriinae. This new record extends the biochron and geographic distribution of the species, until now recorded in the latest Pliocene (Marplatan Stage/Age, Vorohuean Subage) of Olavarría.  相似文献   

South America was isolated from other continents during most of the Cenozoic, developing a singular mammalian fauna. In contrast to North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, up to the late Neogene, the carnivore adaptive zone in South America was populated by crocodiles (Sebecidae), large snakes (Madtsoiidae), large birds (Phorusrhacidae), and metatherian mammals (Sparassodonta). Sparassodonta were varied and comprised a wide range of body masses (≈ 2–50 kg) and food habits. Their diversity decreased towards the late Miocene (Huayquerian Stage/Age) and the group became extinct in the “middle” Pliocene (≈ 3 Ma, Chapadmalalan Stage/Age). Several authors have suggested that the cause of this decline and extinction was the ingression of carnivorans to South America (about 6–7 Ma ago), because they competed with the Sparassodonta; although this hypothesis has been criticized in recent years. With the intention of testing the hypothesis of “competitive displacement,” we review the fossil record of South American Sparassodonta and Carnivora, collect data about diversity, estimate size and diet, and determine first and last appearances. The diversity of Sparassodonta is low relative to that of Carnivora throughout the Cenozoic with the early Miocene (Santacrucian Stage/Age) showing the greatest diversity with 11 species. In the late Miocene-middle Pliocene (Huayquerian Stage/Age), the fossil record shows overlap of groups, and the Sparassodonta’s richness curve begins to decline with the first record of Carnivora. Despite this overlap, carnivorans diversity ranged from four or fewer species in the late Miocene-Pliocene to a peak of around 20 species in the early Pleistocene (Ensenadan Stage/Age). Carnivora was initially represented by small-sized, omnivorous species, with large omnivores first appearing in the Chapadmalalan Stage/Age. Over this period, Sparassodonta was represented by large and small hypercarnivores and a single large omnivorous species. From this review of the fossil record, it is suggested that factors other than competitive displacement may have caused the extinction of the Sparassodonta.  相似文献   

Among the South American Pleistocene Glyptodontidae (Xenarthra, Cingulata), one of the most scarcely represented genus in the fossil record is Neuryurus Ameghino, in which the only well characterized species, until now, is Neuryurus rudis (Gervais), coming from the Ensenadan (early-middle Pleistocene) of the Pampean region, Argentina. In this contribution, we report and describe a new species of Neuryurus, coming from the Arroyo Feliciano Formation (early Lujanian; ca. 130 ka), Entre Ríos province, Argentina, in a particular palaebiogeographic context, more associated with the western sector of Uruguay and southern Brazil than the Pampean region. From a morphological perspective, this new taxon is characterized by: (a) the remarkable development of the foramina at the exposed surface of the osteoderms of the dorsal carapace, showing un aspect almost spongy; (b) the large diameter of the perforations observed in the ventral surface of the osteoderms, resembling to those present in the dorsal surface of the osteoderms of the Glyptodontidae Doedicurinae; (c) the evident thickness of the osteoderms, as in Glyptodon Owen; (d) area of contact and articulation of adjacent osteoderms very denticulate, with deep osseous interdigitating projections, as in Glyptodon and Glyptotherium Osborn, but here more evident; (e) larger osteoderms of the dorsal carapace showing, in the dorsal surface, many little conical tubercles, having some resemblance to Panochthus tuberculatus Burmeister. The presence of this new species in the early late Pleistocene of the Mesopotamic region is another element that adds to the biogeographical characterization of this particular area, especially evident during the warm and humid pulses of the late Pleistocene. In turn, this species represents the most complete record of the genus outside the Pampean region and partially complete the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of the genus.  相似文献   

In this contribution we document the southernmost and probably the oldest record of the tribe Neuryurini (Glyptodontidae). The southernmost record of this tribe outside of Patagonia is Neuryurus sp. from Lujanian sediments (Luján Formation, late Pleistocene–early Holocene) at Quequén Grande River (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina). The first and only previous record of a specimen of the Neuryurini in Patagonia was reported from the upper levels of the Puerto Madryn Formation (Huayquerian SALMA, late Miocene), exposed in Península Valdés (Chubut Province, Argentina). The new specimen described here and assigned to an indeterminate Neuryurini was recovered at Estancia La Peninsular (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina). This locality has been recognized in geological studies as part of the Santa Cruz Formation (Santacrucian SALMA, late early Miocene), but there have been no fossils described from this site until now. Therefore, the new specimen represents, with the two confirmed records of Glyptodon Owen and Panochthus Burmeister (both from the Quaternary), the only non-Propalaehoplophorinae glyptodontids reported for Santa Cruz Province.  相似文献   

Coyotes (Canis latrans) are an important species in human-inhabited areas. They control pests and are the apex predators in many ecosystems. Because of their importance it is imperative to understand how environmental change will affect this species. The end of the Pleistocene Ice Age brought with it many ecological changes for coyotes and here we statistically determine the changes that occurred in coyotes, when these changes occurred, and what the ecological consequences were of these changes. We examined the mandibles of three coyote populations: Pleistocene Rancho La Brean (13–29 Ka), earliest Holocene Rancho La Brean (8–10 Ka), and Recent from North America, using 2D geometric morphometrics to determine the morphological differences among them. Our results show that these three populations were morphologically distinct. The Pleistocene coyotes had an overall robust mandible with an increased shearing arcade and a decreased grinding arcade, adapted for carnivory and killing larger prey; whereas the modern populations show a gracile morphology with a tendency toward omnivory or grinding. The earliest Holocene populations are intermediate in morphology and smallest in size. These findings indicate that a niche shift occurred in coyotes at the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary – from a hunter of large prey to a small prey/more omnivorous animal. Species interactions between Canis were the most likely cause of this transition. This study shows that the Pleistocene extinction event affected species that did not go extinct as well as those that did.  相似文献   


Glyptodonts (Xenarthra, Cingulata) are one of the most amazing Cenozoic South American mammals, with some terminal forms reaching ca. two tons. The Paleogene record of glyptodonts is still poorly known, although some of their diversification is observable in Patagonian Argentina. Since the early and middle Miocene (ca. 19–13 Ma), two large clades can be recognized in South America. One probably has a northern origin (Glyptodontinae), while the other one, called the “austral clade”, is interpreted to have had an austral origin, with the oldest records represented by the “Propalaehoplophorinae” from the late early Miocene of Patagonian Argentina. In this scenario, the extra-Patagonian radiations are still poorly known, despite their importance for understanding the late Miocene and Pliocene diversity. Here, we carry out a comprehensive revision of late Miocene (Chasicoan Stage/Age) glyptodonts of central Argentina (Buenos Aires and San Juan provinces). Our results show that, contrary to what is traditionally assumed, it was a period of very low diversity, with only one species recognized in this region, Kelenkura castroi gen et sp. nov. Our phylogenetic analysis shows that this species represents the sister taxon of the remaining species of the “austral clade”, representing the first branch of the extra-Patagonian radiation. Additionally, K. castroi is the first taxon showing a “fully modern” morphology of the caudal tube.


Since the late eighteenth century, fossils of bizarre extinct creatures have been described from the Americas, revealing a previously unimagined chapter in the history of mammals. The most bizarre of these are the ‘native’ South American ungulates thought to represent a group of mammals that evolved in relative isolation on South America, but with an uncertain affinity to any particular placental lineage. Many authors have considered them descended from Laurasian ‘condylarths’, which also includes the probable ancestors of perissodactyls and artiodactyls, whereas others have placed them either closer to the uniquely South American xenarthrans (anteaters, armadillos and sloths) or the basal afrotherians (e.g. elephants and hyraxes). These hypotheses have been debated owing to conflicting morphological characteristics and the hitherto inability to retrieve molecular information. Of the ‘native’ South American mammals, only the toxodonts and litopterns persisted until the Late Pleistocene–Early Holocene. Owing to known difficulties in retrieving ancient DNA (aDNA) from specimens from warm climates, this research presents a molecular phylogeny for both Macrauchenia patachonica (Litopterna) and Toxodon platensis (Notoungulata) recovered using proteomics-based (liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry) sequencing analyses of bone collagen. The results place both taxa in a clade that is monophyletic with the perissodactyls, which today are represented by horses, rhinoceroses and tapirs.  相似文献   

Tayassuidae represent one of the first mammalian immigrants that entered South America during the “Great American Biotic Interchange.” However, the exact moment of its arrival for the first time in South America is controversial. Three genera are recognized in South America: Platygonus, Catagonus, and Tayassu. This paper aims to: (1) review the paleontological record of the South American Tayassuidae and update it; and (2) discuss its geographical and statigraphical distribution pattern in South America. The genus Platygonus (middle Pliocene to early Pleistocene) is registered in Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, and Bolivia; Catagonus (late Pliocene? to Recent) in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, and Bolivia; and Tayassu (middle Pleistocene to Recent) in Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. Platygonus and Catagonus have adaptations to dry and relatively open environments; in contrast, Tayassu is adapted mainly to humid climates and woodland and forest environments. The faunal changes that took place since the middle-late Pliocene could have been strongly influenced by climate. Open and arid environments developed during the glacial cycles, allowing the latitudinal expansion of Platygonus and Catagonus. Considering ecological and anatomical information, it is possible to infer that Platygonus species were replaced by those of Catagonus since the middle Pleistocene, probably due to a reduction of the open environments to which Platygonus species were better adapted. The alternation of these mainly arid or semiarid, cold conditions with warmer and more humid short pulses would have allowed the posterior expansion of Tayassu species. According to phylogenetic analysis and chronological as well as geographical evidence, Platygonus and Catagonus represent two Tayassuidae lineages that originated in North America and then migrated to South America. This migration would have occurred on more than one occasion and with different taxa. Evidence indicates that Tayassu represents a lineage that differentiated in the Southern Hemisphere and then migrated to North America.  相似文献   

The first record of milk teeth of South American fossil procyonids comes from the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene at “Farola Monte Hermoso,” Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Five extant genera of Procyonidae inhabit South America (Bassaricyon Allen, Nasuella Hollister, Potos Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and Cuvier, Procyon Storr, and Nasua Storr). Of these only Procyon and Nasua are present in the fossil record (Late Pleistocene–Holocene), in several localities in Brazil, Uruguay, and Bolivia. In addition, six other fossil genera were named, but only two are considered valid: Cyonasua and Chapadmalania. Thus, Cyonasua encompasses ten formally named species and Chapadmalania two. The new specimen, MLP 09-X-5-1, is assigned to cf. Cyonasua. In addition, anatomical evidence implies a much more carnivorous diet in Late Miocene–Early Pleistocene procyonids than that of extant South American taxa. Finally, I examine and discuss the “competitive displacement” hypothesis regarding the extinction of native marsupial carnivores after the arrival of immigrant placental carnivores in South America.  相似文献   

Pampatheres are extinct, large‐bodied cingulates, which share morphological characters with both armadillos and glyptodonts but are considered to be more closely related to the latter. The osteoderm histology of six pampathere taxa was examined and compared to the histology of other cingulate osteoderms. This study investigates the development and functional adaptation of pampathere osteoderms as well as the phylogenetic relationships of the Pampatheriidae within the Cingulata. We found that pampathere osteoderms share a uniform histological organization based on a basic diploe‐like structure. After initial stages of intramembranous growth, metaplastic ossification, that is, the direct incorporation and mineralization of pre‐existing protein fibers, plays an important role in osteoderm development and provides information on various kinds of soft tissue otherwise not preserved. The latest stages of osteoderm growth are dominated by periosteal bone formation especially in the superficial cortex. Movable band osteoderms show regular arrangements of incorporated fibers that may increase the resistance of particularly weak areas against strain. The histological composition of pampathere osteoderms is plesiomorphic in its basic structure but shows a number of derived features. A unique array of Sharpey's fibers that are incorporated into the bone matrix at sutured osteoderm margins is interpreted as a synapomorphy of pampatheres. The arrangement of dermal fibers in the deep and superficial cortexes supports the close relationship between pampatheres and glyptodonts. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Tayassu pecari is widely distributed across the Neotropical region, from northern Argentina to south-eastern Mexico. However, its fossil record is scarce; it is recorded since the middle Pleistocene to Holocene in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. This paper aims to: (1) update the systematic synonymy of this species; (2) review and update its geographic chronologic distribution and provide a new Lujanian record of Tayassu pecari in Buenos Aires Province and (3) discuss the paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographical implications of this record. Considering the quantitative analysis performed, the fossil here recorded clearly integrates the group of Tayassu pecari. This specimen corresponds to the first record of Tayassu pecari in the central-northern region of the Buenos Aires Province. During Late Pleistocene, Tayassu pecari was distributed southern to its recent range, probably evidencing different paleoenvironment conditions. This species is the better adapted peccary to tropical and subtropical rainforests, but may also be present in arid environments. Consequently, Tayassu by itself is insufficient to infer the prevailing environmental conditions. However, according to the fauna associated with the specimen described here, it is possible to infer an open or semi-open and arid or semi-arid environment for the central-northern Buenos Aires region by Late Pleistocene times.  相似文献   

The Glyptodontidae is one of the most conspicuous groups in the Pleistocene megafauna of the Americas. The Glyptodontinae were involved in the Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI) and their earliest records in North America are about 3.9 Ma, suggesting an earlier formation of the Panamanian landbridge. Taxonomically it is possible to recognize two Pleistocene genera of Glyptodontinae:Glyptodon (ca. 1.8 – 0.008 Ma), restricted to South America, andGlyptotherium (ca. 2.6 – 0.009 Ma), including records in both North and Central America. Here we present the first report of the genusGlyptotherium in South America, from the Late Pleistocene of several fossil localities in Falcón State, northwestern Venezuela. A comparative analysis of the material, represented by cranial and postcranial parts, including the dorsal carapace and caudal rings, suggests a close affinity withGlyptotherium cylindricum (Late Pleistocene of Central Mexico). This occurrence in the latest Pleistocene of the northernmost region of South America Supports the bidirectional faunal migration during the GABI and the repeated re-immigration from North America of South American clades, as has been reported in other members of the Cingulata (e.g., Pampatheriidae).   相似文献   

Aim Although sharing many similarities in their vegetation types, South America and Africa harbour very dissimilar recent mammal faunas, not only taxonomically but also in terms of several faunistic patterns. However late Pleistocene and mid‐Holocene faunas, albeit taxonomically distinct, presented many convergent attributes. Here we propose that the effects of the Holocene climatic change on vegetation physiognomy has played a crucial role in shaping the extant mammalian faunistic patterns. Location South America and Africa from the late Pleistocene to the present. Methods Data presented here have been compiled from many distinct sources, including palaeontological and neontological mammalian studies, palaeoclimatology, palynology, and publications on vegetation ecology. Data on Pleistocene, Holocene and extant mammal faunas of South America and Africa allowed us to establish a number of similar and dissimilar faunistic patterns between the two continents across time. We then considered what changes in vegetation physiognomy would have occurred under the late Pleistocene last glacial maximum (LGM) and the Holocene climatic optimum (HCO) climatic regimes. We have ordained these proposed vegetation changes along rough physiognomic seral stages according to assumptions based on current botanical research. Finally, we have associated our hypothesized vegetation changes in South America and Africa with mammalian faunistic patterns, establishing a putative causal relationship between them. Results The extant mammal faunas of South America and Africa differ widely in taxonomical composition; the number of medium and large species they possess; behavioural and ecological characteristics related to herbivore herding, migration and predation; and biogeographical patterns. All such distinctions are mostly related to the open formation faunas, and have been completely established around the mid‐Holocene. Considering that the mid‐Holocene was a time of greater humidity than the late Pleistocene, vegetation cover in South America and Africa would have been dominated by forest or closed vegetation landscapes, at least for most of their lower altitude tropical regions. We attribute the loss of larger‐sized mammal lineages in South America to the decrease of open vegetation area, and their survival in Africa to the existence of vast savannas in formerly steppic or desertic areas in subtropical Africa, north and south of the equator. Alternative explanations, mostly dealing with the disappearance of South American megamammals, are then reviewed and criticized. Main conclusions The reduction of open formation areas during the HCO in South America and Africa explains most of the present distinct faunistic patterns between the two continents. While South America would have lost most of its open formations within the 30° latitudinal belt, Africa would have kept large areas suitable to the open formation mammalian fauna in areas presently occupied by desert and semi‐arid vegetation. Thus, the same general climatic events that affected South America in the late Pleistocene and Holocene also affected Africa, leading to our present day faunistic dissimilarities by maintaining the African mammalian communities almost unchanged while dramatically altering those of South America.  相似文献   

Here we present a revision of the fossil record of chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) of Late Pleistocene and Holocene marine deposits of Uruguay and discuss their potential for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Chitons were recorded as isolated valves in bivalve- and gastropod-rich assemblages. They are represented by the species Chaetopleura angulata (Spengler), C. isabellei (d’Orbigny), C. asperrima (Gould) and Ischnochiton striolatus (Gray). The last two species are recorded for the first time as fossils not only in Uruguay but also in South America. Exclusively recorded for the Late Pleistocene is the warm water species I. striolatus, whose current southern range limit is located in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Higher temperatures than at present are inferred for the Uruguayan coast during the Late Pleistocene, probably driven by the southward influence of the warm Brazilian Current along the eastern margin of South America. Chitons from Holocene deposits show a wider geographic distribution along the Uruguayan coast in comparison to current distributions. They are recorded where an estuarine and eurihaline fauna lives today, which suggests the former existence of marine conditions. This is explained by the westward displacement of the marine front in the Uruguayan coast during the Holocene transgressive events. Chitons have proven to be useful palaeoenvironmental proxies for the reconstruction of salinity and temperature trends in the Uruguayan coast during the climatic oscillations of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene epochs. As such, their patterns of distribution are related to the recent physical evolution of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Holocene climate warming has dramatically altered biological diversity and distributions. Recent human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases will exacerbate global warming and thus induce threats to cold-adapted taxa. However, the impacts of this major climate change on transcontinental temperate species are still poorly understood. Here, we generated extensive genomic datasets for a water strider, Aquarius paludum, which was sampled across its entire distribution in Eurasia and used these datasets in combination with ecological niche modeling (ENM) to elucidate the influence of the Holocene and future climate warming on its population structure and demographic history. We found that A. paludum consisted of two phylogeographic lineages that diverged in the middle Pleistocene, which resulted in a “west–east component” genetic pattern that was probably triggered by Central Asia-Mongoxin aridification and Pleistocene glaciations. The diverged western and eastern lineages had a second contact in the Holocene, which shaped a temporary hybrid zone located at the boundary of the arid–semiarid regions of China. Future predictions detected a potentially novel northern corridor to connect the western and eastern populations, indicating west–east gene flow would possibly continue to intensify under future warming climate conditions. Further integrating phylogeographic and ENM analyses of multiple Eurasian temperate taxa based on published studies reinforced our findings on the “west–east component” genetic pattern and the predicted future northern corridor for A. paludum. Our study provided a detailed paradigm from a phylogeographic perspective of how transcontinental temperate species differ from cold-adapted taxa in their response to climate warming.  相似文献   

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