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《Médecine Nucléaire》2017,41(4):280-290
The retroperitoneal masses are various and heterogeneous and include tumors from different organs (kidneys), the primary retroperitoneal tumors and metastasis. The primary retroperitoneal tumors are rare, frequently malignant with a delayed diagnosis. More than half of them are sarcoma. Rarity and heterogeneity of retroperitoneal tumors explain the difficulties of diagnostic. The goal of this article is to review the imaging characteristics of CT scan and RMN of retroperitoneal mass and to clarify the diagnosis. The management of sarcoma requires an expert multidisciplinary team (pathologist, radiologist, surgeon, oncologist) and pathology analysis by retroperitoneal transcutaneous biopsy.  相似文献   

Acheulean and Mousterian human occupations left an abundant record of lithic productions in the Liguro-Provençal region. Certain sites show the transition between the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic, yielding industries in which the shaping of bifaces continued along with partial Levallois reduction and the development of light-duty, retouched Mousterian tools. In the more recent sites, Mousterian lithic productions show further development in Levallois reduction techniques and sometimes blade production, while shaping techniques disappeared. The transport of artefacts of exotic lithic raw materials from sometimes very distant sources had already occurred by the end of the Acheulean, and the example of the use of allochthonous jasper illustrates an aspect of techno-economical behaviours and the mobility of these human groups. Such transport of jasper blanks from distant sources became further developed at certain Mousterian sites in Liguria, but with the addition of knapping and retouching activities at the occupation sites.  相似文献   

Résumé L'ultrastructure de la cuticule du rectum a été étudiée chez onze espèces d'Insectes, appartenant à neuf ordres. On s'est surtout intéressé aux espèces présentant des papilles rectales; dans ce cas on distingue toujours trois types de cuticule: cuticule de l'épithélium rectal, cuticule des papilles, cuticule du cadre entourant les papilles.La cuticule du cadre est formée d'une masse compacte et amorphe, sclérifiée, surmontée d'une cuticuline de structure normale.Les deux autres types de cuticules possèdent une structure plus classique: épicuticule comprenant cuticuline et zone dense, et endocuticule. La cuticule de l'épithélium rectal a toujours une structure comparable à celle d'une cuticule périphérique non sclérifiée. La cuticule des papilles est plus variable, et toujours différente de celle de l'épithélium rectal. Ces différences portent sur la cuticuline, la zone dense, les filaments épicuticulaires; l'endocuticule sur les papilles montre une organisation fibrillaire moins nette, qui paraît corrélative d'une réaction positive à l'APS. Des canaux poraires n'ont jamais été observés dans la cuticule des papilles; il en existe quelquefois dans la cuticule de l'épithélium rectal. Une sous-cuticule, contenant des mucopolysaccharides acides, est présente dans certains cas dans les deux types de cuticule.Dans les espèces ne possédant pas de papilles rectales, il n'existe qu'un seul type de cuticule rectale, variable suivant l'espèce.La cuticule des papilles montre, dans certaines espèces, des dépressions superficielles, d'un diamètre voisin de 0,2 , réparties uniformément mais sans ordre défini (dépressions épicuticulaires). De telles dépressions s'observent aussi dans quelques espèces dépourvues de papilles (Tenebrio). Au niveau de ces dépressions, la cuticuline a une structure particulière et la zone dense est réduite.Les rapports entre structure et perméabilité de la cuticule sont discutés. On envisage en particulier les rôles respectifs de la cuticuline, de la zone dense, des filaments épicuticulaires et des dépressions épicuticulaires.
Proctodeal cuticle of InsectsI. Comparative ultrastructure
Summary The ultrastructure of the rectal cuticle was studied in eleven species of Insects from nine orders. Special attention was given to those having rectal papillae. In such species, three types of cuticule were observed: 1) the cuticle of the rectal epithelium, 2) the cuticle of the papillae, 3) the cuticle of the border of the papillae.The cuticle of the border is made of a compact amorphous substance, which is sclerotized and covered by a typical cuticulin layer.The two other types of cuticle exhibit a more conventional organization, namely the epicuticle comprising both the cuticulin and the dense layer, and the endocuticle. The cuticle of the rectal epithelium is similar to unsclerotized external cuticle. The cuticle of the papillae is more variable and always differs from the cuticle of the rectal epithelium. Variations occur with regards to the cuticulin, the dense layer and the epicuticular filaments. The endocuticle of the papillae has a less conspicuous fibrillar structure which we believe is correlated with the PAS-positive reaction found in this endocuticle. Pore canal sometimes are observed in the cuticle of the rectal epithelium but never above the papillae. In some cases, a sub-cuticular layer containing acid mucopolysaccharids is present in the two types of cuticle.In species lacking rectal papillae, the rectal wall is covered by only one type of cuticle, the features of which vary according to species.In some Insects, the cuticle of papillae shows numerous superficial depressions, each of about 0.2 in diameter. These epicuticular depressions are uniformly distributed throughout the papillae but are not arranged in any particular pattern. We have also found such depressions in other Insects lacking rectal papillae (e.g. Tenebrio). In the epicuticular depressions, the cuticulin exhibits a modified organization and the dense layer is reduced.The relations between ultrastructure and cuticular permeability are discussed. The possible roles of the cuticulin, the dense layer, the epicuticular filaments and the epicuticular depressions are examined.

Résumé La formation des divers types de cuticule rectale a été suivie au cours de la mue chezKalotermes flavicollis (Isoptera). Dans l'épithélium rectal, l'épicuticule externe est formée de couches alternativement sombres et claires, comme dans les autres types de cuticule; l'épicuticule interne présente d'abord une fine lamellation de sa région superficielle, lamellation qui disparaît ensuite. Sur les papilles rectales, l'épicuticule externe a d'abord le même aspect, mais ensuite des différences apparaissent dans l'évolution des différentes couches; ces différences sont encore plus accentuées dans les dépressions épicuticulaires, où les couches superficielles de l'épicuticule externe disparaissent. Sur le cadre bordant les papilles, le dépôt de l'épicuticule externe est peu différent de ce qu'on observe sur l'épithelium rectal; l'épicuticule interne, très mince, présente là aussi une lamellation temporaire; le reste de la cuticule acquiert d'emblée la structure homogène observée pendant l'intermue. Dans tous les cas, la sécrétion de la cuticule (y compris la sous-cuticule) est terminée au moment de l'exuviation. Les modifications des cellules sont brièvement décrites; les cellules des papilles rectales subissent une dédifférenciation complète de leur surface apicale, mais, sur les faces latérales, les associations des mitochondries avec les replis des membranes plasmiques subsistent en grande partie.
Proctodeal cuticle of insectsII. Formation during the molt
Summary The formation of the different kinds of rectal cuticle has been followed during the molt inKalotermes flavicollis (Isoptera).In the rectal epithelium, the outer epicuticle consists of alternating dark and light layers, as previously described in other types of cuticle; the inner epicuticle first exhibits in its superficial part a thin multilayered pattern, which later disappears.In the rectal papillae, the outer epicuticle has primarily the same appearance, but the evolution of the various layers is somewhat different; even more pronounced differences occur in the epicuticular depressions where the more superficial layers of the outer epicuticle disappear.In the border of the rectal papillae, the outer epicuticle is laid down according nearly the same way as in the rectal epithelium; the temporary multilayered pattern of the very thin inner epicuticle also may be observed; the underlying part of the cuticle, as soon as it is formed, shows the homogeneous appearance observed during the intermolt.In all the cases, the secretion of the cuticle (sub-cuticle included) is achieved when the ecdysis occurs.The modifications affecting the cells are briefly described; the apical surface of the rectal papillae cells undergoes a complete dedifferentiation, but, on the lateral faces, the associations of mitochondria with plasma membrane interdigitations for a large part remain unchanged.

Résumé Par la technique de Falck et Hillarp, nous avons étudié la localisation des monoamines indoliques et catéchniques épiphysaires durant la vie pré- et postnatale, chez Lacerta vivipara. A partir du stade 36 de l'embryogenèse, le traitement par les vapeurs de paraformaldéhyde induit en U.V. une fluorescence jaune, labile, dans l'épithélium épiphysaire dont la localisation est étudiée en fonction de la différenciation épiphysaire. L'analyse microspectrofluorimétrique des fluorophores jaunes permet de garantir, à tous les stades de la vie, un stockage de 5-HT et peut-être de 5-HTP, dans les cellules de type photorécepteur rudimentaire sécrétoire. Chez l'embryon, la confrontation des recherches histochimiques et ultrastructurale montre que les cellules «interstitielles» de type épendymaire (= «cellules de soutien») jouent un rôle dans le captage des acides aminés, dont les précurseurs de la sérotonine.Grâce à la technique de culture des embryons, en chambre noire, l'application de traitements pharmacologiques renseigne sur les modalités d'incorporation, et de stockage des dérivés indoliques. Le problème des systèmes enzymatiques impliqués dans la biosynthèse et le catabolisme de la sérotonine est discuté chez l'embryon.La fluorescence verte des fibres nerveuses pinéalopètes n'apparaît qu'au stade 39. L'analyse microspectrofluorimétrique des fluorophores verts, chez l'adulte, montre que le neurotransmetteur de ces fibres est la noradrénaline. L'apparition de la sérotonine et de ses rythmes éventuels ne dépendent donc pas de l'innervation adrénergique, aux jeunes stades de la vie embryonnaire.Dans les conditions normales et expérimentales, les monoamines (5-HTP, 5-HT et catécholamines) ne peuvent pas être mises en évidence dans l'oeil pariétal embryonnaire.
Monoamines in the pineal organ and the parietal eye of Lacerta vivipara A fluorescence microscopic and microspectrofluorometric study
Summary The distribution of monoamines (indole- and catecholamines) was studied in the pre- and postnatal pineal organ of the lizard Lacerta vivipara (J.) using fluorescence histochemistry. After formaldehyde treatment, a yellow (U.V.-labile) fluorescence first appears at stage 36 in the parenchyma. The distribution of this fluorescence is considered with regard to cellular differentiation. Microspectrofluorometric analysis of the yellow fluorophores shows a storage of 5-HT, and possibly 5-HTP, in secretory rudimentary photoreceptors throughout life.The fluorescence histochemistry and electron microscopy of the embryonic pineal organ indicates that the interstitial cells of the ependymal type play a role in the uptake of tryptophan and 5-HTP (precursors of serotonin).Dark chamber culture of embryos was used to clarify the incorporation and storage of indole compounds. The presence of enzymatic systems, involved in the metabolism of indoleamines is discussed.From stage 39 onwards a green fluorescence can be demonstrated in sympathetic nerve fibres running in the pineal capsule. Microspectrofluorometric analysis of the green fluorophores in the adult showed noradrénaline to be the normal neurotransmitter. Evidently the appearance of 5-HT during embryonic life does not depend on the adrenergic innervation of the pineal organ.In normal and experimental series, monoamines could not be demonstrated in the embryonic pariétal eye.
Que le Dr. Björklund (Institute of Anatomy and Histology, University of Lund, Lund) trouve ici l'expression de notre profonde reconnaissance, pour avoir accepté de nous conseiller dans l'application de la technique microspectrofluorimétrique et dans la correction des courbes.Ce travail doit également à la collaboration technique de Mme. Benay, et à Frl. Vaihinger pour la réalisation des schémas. Nous remercions également la firme Beckman (BRD) qui nous a autorisé à modifier l'un de ses schémas, concernant le microspectrophotomètre MS 1206, la firme Leitz (BRD) qui nous a procuré une lampe à tungstène calibrée et les Laboratoires CIBA, PFIZER-CLIN et ROCHE (France) qui nous ont gracieusement fourni des drogues.Avec l'aide de la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Dr. W. F. Wassink 《Genetica》1935,17(1-2):103-144
Sans résumé  相似文献   

The radiopharmaceuticals are products that combine two very stringent regulatory requirements from two different authorities: as medicine from a pharmaceutical point of view (Afssaps) and as radioactive source with specific authorization (ASN). This article discusses the different regulatory constraints imposed by these authorities but suggests also that legislation is supposed to be modified in the coming years in collaboration with nuclear physicians and their Society (SFMN).  相似文献   

This paper describes the sexological examination of spinal cord injured men. The complete exam includes a clinical interview, neurological examination, an EMG of the pelvic floor, a urodynamic examination and ano-rectal exploration, and the objective recording of the man’s sexual response to reflex and psychogenic professionals or psychologists and sextherapists can proceed with a more thorough interview which evaluates number of the elements of the physical examination. The results of the investigation give rise to a number of clinical entities described in terms of lesion levels with respect to the innervation of the reproductive system. Lesions can therefore be classified as being located above the two pathways of erection, or extended to the cauda equina. Each lesion type is associated with a given pronostic of erectile and ejaculatory function. The accompanying physiological recording of penile responses further helps to establish a differential diagnosis between an exclusively organic dysfunction or a primarily psychogenic dysfunction in spinal cord injured men.  相似文献   

We report three cases of ovarian psammocarcinoma, which is a serous adenocarcinoma having psammoma calcifications. The FDG uptake in the psammomatous lesions is due to the tissular part of the lesion and the technetium-99m labelled agents uptake to its calcified part. Calcifications are detected on CT scans. Therefore, they are relatively simple to diagnose by nuclear medicine which is useful given relatively the better prognosis of the psammomatous ovarian serous carcinoma when compared to the serous one.  相似文献   

In this article, the paraplegics’ possibilities for procreation will be examined. A first chapter will deal with the testicle functioning along with the study of hormonal measuring and testicle histology (study involving 100 patients). As a result, it appears that, after a testicle biopsy, there is a testicle lesion of neurological origin that is sometimes irreversible. On the contrary, the endocrinal testicle lesions have proved reversible under stimulation or spontaneously. A second chapter will deal with the different techniques to obtain an ejaculation and the semen analysis. The techniques that were used being: massage by vibrator, electroejaculation, ejaculation through pharmacological stimulation. The study focuses on 124 ejaculatory tests among which 64 forward ejaculations (52%) and 4 bachward ejaculations (3%) were obtained. The resulting semen analysis revealed a spermatozoon count greater than 20 millions per millilitre (that is 51,5%) and smaller than 5 millions in 11 cases (16%).  相似文献   

H. A. Guénin 《Genetica》1951,25(1):157-182
Sans résumé Avec 81 figures dans le texte  相似文献   

R. Mieusset 《Andrologie》1995,5(3):317-325
The testis migrates to a scrotal location before birth. This physiological descent is associated with a reduction in the temperature of the testicular environment since the temperature of the scrotal cavity is lower than that of the body one. This leads to the etablishment of a themperature gradient between the testis and the body which already exists in prepubertal boys. In cases of testicular maldescent (cryptorchidism), the temperature of the testis in its cryptorchid location is much higher than that of the normally descended contrlateral testis. However, there are no data obtained from human studies to establish wether the increased temperature of a cryptorchid testis is responsible for the spermatogenic perturbations typically observed. Nor do we know wether the relocation of a cryptorchid testis to the scrotum permits re-establishment of a normal testicular temperature. Adult men with a history of cryptorchidism constitute about 10% of infertile men, and among these previously cryptorchid infertile men 45% have an abnormally elevated scrotal temperature. This abnormal increase in scrotal temperature is a negative risk factor for fertility: these men have smaller testicular volumes, a more severely impaired spermatogenesis and a higher prevalence of primary infertility than previously cryptorchid infertile than previously cryptorchid infertile men with normal scrotal temperature. However, data provided until now do not allow to know whether elevated temperature is due to the decreased testicular size (hypotrophy) or is a consequence of cryptorchidism per se.  相似文献   

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