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During trans-endothelial migration (TEM), leukocytes use adhesion receptors such as intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM1) to adhere to the endothelium. In response to this interaction, the endothelium throws up dynamic membrane protrusions, forming a cup that partially surrounds the adherent leukocyte. Little is known about the signaling pathways that regulate cup formation. In this study, we show that RhoG is activated downstream from ICAM1 engagement. This activation requires the intracellular domain of ICAM1. ICAM1 colocalizes with RhoG and binds to the RhoG-specific SH3-containing guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (SGEF). The SH3 domain of SGEF mediates this interaction. Depletion of endothelial RhoG by small interfering RNA does not affect leukocyte adhesion but decreases cup formation and inhibits leukocyte TEM. Silencing SGEF also results in a substantial reduction in RhoG activity, cup formation, and TEM. Together, these results identify a new signaling pathway involving RhoG and its exchange factor SGEF downstream from ICAM1 that is critical for leukocyte TEM.  相似文献   

The human hepatoma Hep3B cells contain integrated hepatitis B viral genome and continually secret hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). The production of HBsAg (but not alpha-fetoprotein) was suppressed by addition of low concentrations (0.1-1 nM) of insulin into serum-free medium. In addition, the suppression of HBsAg production by insulin was paralleled with the decrease in HBsAg mRNA abundance. Insulin also cause a rapid rate of disappearance of HBsAg mRNA (t 1/2, 2 h) in Hep3B cells. The Hep3B cells carry specific receptor with high affinity for insulin (Kd = 1.8 nM). The receptor showed an insulin-dependent protein tyrosine kinase activity. The half-maximal insulin concentration for the activation of the receptor kinase was about 5 nM. Only very high concentrations of insulin-like growth factor I and human proinsulin can compete for the insulin receptor binding and suppress HBsAg production, this suggests that insulin may act through its receptor binding to suppress HBsAg expression in human hepatoma Hep3B cells.  相似文献   

Polyamine depletion with the ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor alpha-difluoromethyl ornithine (DFMO), prevents Rac1 activation causing the formation of a thick actin cortex at the cell periphery and inhibits migration of intestinal epithelial cells. In the present study, we demonstrate that MEK activation by EGF increased Rac1 activation, dissociation of intercellular contacts, and migration in both control and polyamine-depleted cells, while U0126, a specific inhibitor of MEK1, prevented disruption of junctions as well as EGF-induced Rac1 activation. Constitutively active MEK1 (CA-MEK) expression altered cell-cell contacts in control and polyamine depleted cells. The expression of constitutively active Rac1 (CA-Rac1) restored beta-catenin to the cell periphery and prevented the formation of actin cortex and caused the appearance of F-actin stress fibers in polyamine-depleted cells. Inhibition of Rac activation by NSC23766, a specific inhibitor of Tiam1, an upstream guanidine nucleotide exchange factor for Rac1, reproduced the beta-catenin localization and actin structure of polyamine-depleted cells. Tiam1 localized more extensively with beta-catenin at the cell periphery in CA-Rac1 cells compared to vector cells. Polyamine depletion decreased the expression of E-cadherin to a greater extent compared to beta-catenin. Subcellular fractionation further confirmed our immuno-localization and western blotting observations. These data suggest that EGF acting through MEK1/ERK to activate Rac1 regulates cell-cell contacts. Thus, decreased migration in polyamine depleted cells may be due to the inhibition of Tiam1 activation of Rac1 and the subsequent decreased expression of beta-catenin and E-cadherin leading to reduced cell-cell contacts.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe endothelial glycocalyx, located at the interface of vascular lumen, is a carbohydrate-rich complex that controls vascular functions such as solute permeation and mechanotransduction. It anchors to the cell membrane through core proteins, e.g. syndecan-1, which couple to the actin cytoskeleton. Membrane tension plays an important role in the reorganisation of membrane-bound proteins, however, little is known on the effect of the membrane tension on the various components of the glycocalyx.MethodsHypo-osmotic stress is used to investigate the effect of the membrane tension on syndecan-1 expression.ResultsFollowing 20 min exposure to hypo-osmotic medium, the expression of syndecan-1 in the endothelial glycocalyx layer is reduced to 84.7 ± 3.6% (255 mOsm) and 64.7 ± 2.1% (167 mOsm). This reduction, however, is transient and partial recovery is observed at the end of 2 h exposure to the hypo-osmotic medium. The transient reduction of syndecan-1 is associated with depolymerisation of the actin cytoskeleton. Further examination of the effect of actin manipulation reveals that actin depolymerisation by cytochalasin D results in sustained syndecan-1 reduction. In contrast, stabilising actin using jasplakinolide abolishes the transient reduction of syndecan-1completely.ConclusionsWe demonstrate, for the first time, that membrane tension plays an important role in the regulation of syndecan-1 expression and this effect is mediated by the reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton.General significanceFindings in this study suggest a new venue of research on the protective role of the glycocalyx in vascular pathophysiology and diseases.  相似文献   

In previous studies, we reported that sphingosine 1-phosphate (Sph-1-P) inhibits the chemotactic motility of some cancer cell lines such as mouse melanoma cells, as well as human smooth muscle cells, at a very low concentration, as demonstrated by a transwell migration assay method (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 9698, 1992; J. Cell Biol. 130, 193, 1995). In this study, we investigated the effect of Sph-1-P on the chemotactic motility and invasiveness of human neutrophils, utilizing three different assay systems: (a) a transwell migration assay where IL-8 or fLMP was added as a chemotactic factor, (b) a phagokinetic assay with gold colloids, and (c) a trans-endothelial migration assay with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) plated on collagen layers. We found that among various sphingosine derivatives, Sph-1-P specifically inhibited the IL-8- or fLMP-induced chemotactic migration of neutrophils at concentrations below 1 μM. Phagokinetic activity of neutrophils was also suppressed by Sph-1-P, but more moderately than by the PKC inhibitory sphingosine analog, trimethylsphingosine. Finally, Sph-1-P inhibited trans-endothelial migration and invasiveness of neutrophils into HUVEC-covered collagen layers, whereas no effect on their adhesion to HUVECs was observed. These observations strongly suggest that Sph-1-P can act as a specific and effective motility regulator of human neutrophils, raising the possibility of future applications of Sph-1-P, or its analogs, as anti-inflammatory agents regulating invasive migration of neutrophils through endothelial layers at injured vascular sites.  相似文献   

Chemoattractants differ in their capacity to stimulate neutrophils to adhere to and to migrate through matrices containing fibrin. Formyl methionyl leucyl phenylalanine (fMLP) stimulates neutrophils to adhere closely to, but not to migrate into, fibrin gels. Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) stimulates neutrophils to adhere loosely to and to migrate through fibrin gels. We report that alpha5beta1 integrins regulate the different migratory behaviors on fibrin gels of neutrophils in response to these chemoattractants. fMLP, but not LTB4, activated neutrophil beta1 integrins, as measured by binding of mAb 15/7 to an activation epitope on the beta1 integrins. Antibodies or peptides that block alpha5beta1 integrins prevented fMLP-stimulated neutrophils from forming zones of close apposition on fibrin and reversed fMLP's inhibitory effect on neutrophil chemotaxis through fibrin. In contrast, neither peptides nor antibodies that block beta1 integrins affected the capacity of LTB4-stimulated neutrophils to form zones of loose apposition or to migrate through fibrin gels. These results suggest that chemoattractants generate at least two different messages that direct neutrophils, and perhaps other leukocytes, to accumulate at specific anatomic sites: a general message that induces neutrophils to crawl and a specific message that prepares neutrophils to stop when they contact appropriate matrix proteins for activated beta1 integrins.  相似文献   

Cyclin D1 is overexpressed in human tumors, correlating with cellular metastasis, and is induced by activating Rho GTPases. Herein, cyclin D1-deficient mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) exhibited increased adhesion and decreased motility compared with wild-type MEFs. Retroviral transduction of cyclin D1 reversed these phenotypes. Mutational analysis of cyclin D1 demonstrated that its effects on cellular adhesion and migration were independent of the pRb and p160 coactivator binding domains. Genomewide expression arrays identified a subset of genes regulated by cyclin D1, including Rho-activated kinase II (ROCKII) and thrombospondin 1 (TSP-1). cyclin D1(-/-) cells showed increased Rho GTP and ROCKII activity and signaling, with increased phosphorylation of LIM kinase, cofilin (Ser3), and myosin light chain 2 (Thr18/Ser19). Cyclin D1 repressed ROCKII and TSP-1 expression, and the migratory defect of cyclin D1(-/-) cells was reversed by ROCK inhibition or TSP-1 immunoneutralizing antibodies. cyclin E knockin to the cyclin D1(-/-) MEFs rescued the DNA synthesis defect of cyclin D1(-/-) MEFs but did not rescue either the migration defect or the abundance of ROCKII. Cyclin D1 promotes cellular motility through inhibiting ROCK signaling and repressing the metastasis suppressor TSP-1.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest members of the degenerin (DEG)/epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC)/acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC) protein family play an important role in vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) migration. In a previous investigation, we found suppression of a certain DEG/ENaC/ASIC member, ASIC2, increased VSMC chemotactic migration, raising the possibility that ASIC2 may play an inhibitory role. Because ASIC2 protein was retained in the cytoplasm, we reasoned increasing surface expression of ASIC2 might unmask the inhibitory role of ASIC2 in VSMC migration so we could test the hypothesis that ASIC2 inhibits VSMC migration. Therefore, we used the chemical chaperone glycerol to enhance ASIC2 expression. Glycerol 1) increased cytoplasm ASIC2 expression, 2) permitted detection of ASIC2 at the cell surface, and 3) inhibited platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-bb mediated VSMC migration. Furthermore, ASIC2 silencing completely abolished the inhibitory effect of glycerol on migration, suggesting upregulation of ASIC2 is responsible for glycerol-induced inhibition of VSMC migration. Because other investigators have shown that glycerol regulates ENaC/ASIC via interactions with a certain heat shock protein, heat shock protein 70 (Hsc70), we wanted to determine the importance of Hsc70 on ASIC2 expression in VSMCs. We found that Hsc70 silencing increases ASIC2 cell surface expression and inhibits VSMC migration, which is abolished by cosilencing ASIC2. These data demonstrate that Hsc70 inhibits ASIC2 expression, and, when the inhibitory effect of Hsc70 is removed, ASIC2 expression increases, resulting in reduced VSMC migration. Because VSMC migration contributes to vasculogenesis and remodeling following vascular injury, our findings raise the possibility that ASIC2-Hsc70 interactions may play a role in these processes.  相似文献   

Menin is the ubiquitously expressed nuclear protein product of the MEN1 gene, which interacts with PKB/Akt in the cytoplasm to inhibit its activity. This study describes a novel insulin-dependent mechanism of menin regulation and interaction with other metabolic proteins. We show that insulin downregulated menin in a time-dependent manner via the human insulin receptor. Inhibition analysis indicated a critical role for the protein kinase Akt in regulation of menin expression and localization. Insulin-mediated decrease in menin expression was abrogated by the PI3K/Akt inhibitor LY-294002 at early time points, from 2 to 7 h. Furthermore, exposure to insulin resulted in the cytoplasmic localization of menin and increased interaction with FOXO1. Fasting followed by refeeding modulates serum insulin levels, which corresponded to an increase in menin interaction with FOXO1 in the liver. Liver-specific hemizygous deletion of menin resulted in increased expression of FOXO1 target genes, namely IGFBP-1, PGC-1α, insulin receptor, Akt, and G-6-Pase. This study provides evidence that menin expression and localization are regulated by insulin signaling and that this regulation triggers an increase in its interaction with FOXO1 via Akt with metabolic consequences.  相似文献   

PTEN regulates Mdm2 expression through the P1 promoter   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Mononuclear cells (MNCs) are the primary cell type involved in the pro-inflammatory state of obesity-linked insulin-resistance, and atherosclerosis. Increased serum levels of MMP-9 are reported in insulin-resistant type 2 diabetic patients. Here we demonstrate insulin facilitating human monocytic THP-1 cell chemotaxis via prolonged Erk1/2-dependent induction of MMP-9. In vivo, significantly increased serum levels of MMP-9 were found in obesity-induced hyperinsulinemic C57BL/J6 mice, which were diminished by treatment with the anti-diabetic PPARγ-ligand pioglitazone. In line with this, pioglitazone inhibited Erk1/2-phosphorylation and subsequent insulin-dependent MMP-9 synthesis in THP-1 cells. Thus, insulin increases MMP-9 gelatinolytic activity in monocytic cells, which results in accelerated chemotaxis. Hyperinsulinemia is associated with enhanced MMP-9 serum levels, potentially facilitating monocyte migration to and infiltration of adipose tissue and the arterial wall, thereby contributing to the increased cardiovascular risk in obese, hyperinsulinemic patients.  相似文献   

The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), a key regulator of melanogenesis, is known to control inflammation, acting in concert with the MC1R ligand α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone. Although cell migration is a key event in inflammation, few studies have addressed the function of MC1R in this context. Using highly motile melanoma cells, we found that the expression level of MC1R was associated with the extent of migration of mouse melanoma cells, suggesting that MC1R plays a functional role in controlling this migration. Overexpression of MC1R enhanced melanoma cell migration, whereas the opposite was true when MC1R levels were knocked down using small inhibitory RNAs. Interestingly, MC1R expression enhanced the synthesis of syndecan-2, a cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan known to be involved in melanoma cell migration. Knockdown of syndecan-2 expression decreased MC1R-mediated cell migration. Further, MC1R inhibited the activation of p38 MAPK, subsequently enhancing expression of sydnecan-2, in parallel with an increase in the extent of cell migration. Consistently, activation of p38 by H(2)O(2) inhibited syndecan-2 expression and cell migration, whereas inhibition of p38 activation enhanced syndecan-2 expression and cell migration. Finally, we found that α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone inhibited MC1R-mediated cell migration via activation of p38 and inhibition of syndecan-2 expression. Together, the data strongly suggest that MC1R regulates melanoma cell migration via inhibition of syndecan-2 expression.  相似文献   

In mammals, reproduction is dependent on specific neurons secreting the neuropeptide gonadotropin hormone–releasing hormone-1 (GnRH-1). These cells originate during embryonic development in the olfactory placode and migrate into the forebrain, where they become integral members of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. This migratory process is regulated by a wide range of guidance cues, which allow GnRH-1 cells to travel over long distances to reach their appropriate destinations. The Semaphorin4D (Sema4D) receptor, PlexinB1, is highly expressed in the developing olfactory placode, but its function in this context is still unknown. Here, we demonstrate that PlexinB1-deficient mice exhibit a migratory defect of GnRH-1 neurons, resulting in reduction of this cell population in the adult brain. Moreover, Sema4D promotes directional migration in GnRH-1 cells by coupling PlexinB1 with activation of the Met tyrosine kinase (hepatocyte growth factor receptor). This work identifies a function for PlexinB1 during brain development and provides evidence that Sema4D controls migration of GnRH-1 neurons.  相似文献   

Adiponectin/Acrp30 is a hormone secreted by adipocytes, which acts as an antidiabetic and antiatherogenic adipokine. We reported previously that AdipoR1 and -R2 serve as receptors for adiponectin and mediate increased fatty acid oxidation and glucose uptake by adiponectin. In the present study, we examined the expression levels and roles of AdipoR1/R2 in several physiological and pathophysiological states such as fasting/refeeding, obesity, and insulin resistance. Here we show that the expression of AdipoR1/R2 in insulin target organs, such as skeletal muscle and liver, is significantly increased in fasted mice and decreased in refed mice. Insulin deficiency induced by streptozotocin increased and insulin replenishment reduced the expression of AdipoR1/R2 in vivo. Thus, the expression of AdipoR1/R2 appears to be inversely correlated with plasma insulin levels in vivo. Interestingly, the incubation of hepatocytes or myocytes with insulin reduced the expression of AdipoR1/R2 via the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Foxo1-dependent pathway in vitro. Moreover, the expressions of AdipoR1/R2 in ob/ob mice were significantly decreased in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, which was correlated with decreased adiponectin binding to membrane fractions of skeletal muscle and decreased AMP kinase activation by adiponectin. This adiponectin resistance in turn may play a role in worsening insulin resistance in ob/ob mice. In conclusion, the expression of AdipoR1/R2 appears to be inversely regulated by insulin in physiological and pathophysiological states such as fasting/refeeding, insulin deficiency, and hyper-insulinemia models via the insulin/phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Foxo1 pathway and is correlated with adiponectin sensitivity.  相似文献   

The pancreatic ATP-sensitive potassium (K(ATP)) channel consisting of four inwardly rectifying potassium channel 6.2 (Kir6.2) and four sulfonylurea receptor SUR1 subunits plays a key role in insulin secretion by linking glucose metabolism to membrane excitability. Syntaxin 1A (Syn-1A) is a plasma membrane protein important for membrane fusion during exocytosis of insulin granules. Here, we show that Syn-1A and K(ATP) channels endogenously expressed in the insulin-secreting cell INS-1 interact. Upregulation of Syn-1A by overexpression in INS-1 leads to a decrease, whereas downregulation of Syn-1A by small interfering RNA (siRNA) leads to an increase, in surface expression of K(ATP) channels. Using COSm6 cells as a heterologous expression system for mechanistic investigation, we found that Syn-1A interacts with SUR1 but not Kir6.2. Furthermore, Syn-1A decreases surface expression of K(ATP) channels via two mechanisms. One mechanism involves accelerated endocytosis of surface channels. The other involves decreased biogenesis and processing of channels in the early secretory pathway. This regulation is K(ATP) channel specific as Syn-1A has no effect on another inward rectifier potassium channel Kir3.1/3.4. Our results demonstrate that in addition to a previously documented role in modulating K(ATP) channel gating, Syn-1A also regulates K(ATP) channel expression in β-cells. We propose that physiological or pathological changes in Syn-1A expression may modulate insulin secretion by altering glucose-secretion coupling via changes in K(ATP) channel expression.  相似文献   

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