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We recently identified in a proteomic screen a novel synaptic vesicle membrane protein of 31 kDa (SV31) of unknown function. According to its membrane topology and its phylogenetic relation SV31 may function as a vesicular transporter. Based on its amino acid sequence similarity to a prokaryotic heavy metal ion transporter we analyzed its metal ion-binding properties and show that recombinant SV31 binds the divalent cations Zn(2+) and Ni(2+) and to a minor extent Cu(2+), but not Fe(2+), Co(2+), Mn(2+), or Ca(2+). Zn(2+)-binding of SV31 in viable cells was verified following heterologous transfection of pheochromocytoma cells 12 (PC12) with recombinant red fluorescent SV31 (SV31-RFP) and the fluorescent zinc indicator FluoZin-3. Sucrose density gradient fractionation of SV31-RFP-transfected PC12 cells revealed a partial overlap of SV31-RFP with synaptic-like vesicle markers and the early endosome marker rab5. Immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated a punctuate distribution in the cell soma and in neuritic processes and in addition in a compartment in vicinity to the plasma membrane that was immunopositive also for synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP-25) and syntaxin1A. Our data suggest that SV31 represents a novel Zn(2+) -binding protein that in PC12 cells is targeted to endosomes and subpopulations of synaptic-like microvesicles.  相似文献   

Zinc is a trace nutrient for the brain and a signal factor to serve for brain function. A portion of zinc is released from glutamatergic (zincergic) neuron terminals in the brain. Synaptic Zn2+ signaling is involved in synaptic plasticity such as long-term potentiaion (LTP), which is a cellular mechanism of memory. The block and/or loss of synaptic Zn2+ signaling in the hippocampus and amygdala with Zn2+ chelators affect cognition, while the role of synaptic Zn2+ signal is poorly understood, because zinc-binding proteins are great in number and multi-functional. Chronic zinc deficiency also affects cognition and cognitive decline induced by zinc deficiency might be associated with the increase in plasma glucocorticoid rather than the decrease in synaptic Zn2+ signaling. On the other hand, excess glutamatergic (zincergic) neuron activity induces excess influx of extracellular Zn2+ into hippocampal neurons, followed by cognitive decline. Intracellular Zn2+ dynamics, which is linked to presynaptic glutamate release, is critical for LTP and cognitive performance. This paper deals with insight into cognition from zinc as a nutrient and signal factor.  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) requirements are increased during lactation. Increased demand is partially met through increased Zn absorption from the diet. It is estimated that 60–80% of women of reproductive age are at risk for Zn deficiency due to low intake of bioavailable Zn and increased demands during pregnancy and lactation. How Zn is redistributed within the body to meet the demands of lactation, and how Zn deficiency affects this process, is not understood. Female C57bl/6J mice were fed a control (ZA; 30 mg Zn/kg) or a marginally Zn deficient (ZD; 15 mg Zn/kg) diet for 30 days prior to mating through mid-lactation and compared with nulliparous mice fed the same diets. While stomach and plasma Zn concentration increased during lactation in mice fed ZA, mice fed ZD had lower stomach Zn concentration and abrogated plasma Zn levels during lactation. Additionally, femur Zn decreased during lactation in mice fed ZA, while mice fed ZD did not experience this decrease. Furthermore, red blood cell, pancreas, muscle and mammary gland Zn concentration increased, and liver and adrenal gland Zn decreased during lactation, independent of diet, while kidney Zn concentration increased only in mice fed ZD. Finally, maternal Zn deficiency significantly increased the liver Zn concentration in offspring but decreased weight gain and survival. This study provides novel insight into how Zn is redistributed to meet the increased metabolic demands of lactation and how marginal Zn deficiency interferes with these homeostatic adjustments.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of intracellular dialysis on fluorescence detection of neuronal intracellular Zn2+ accumulation. Comparison between two dialysis conditions (standard; 20 min, brief; 2 min) by standard whole‐cell clamp revealed a high vulnerability of intracellular Zn2+ buffers to intracellular dialysis. Thus, low concentrations of zinc‐pyrithione generated robust responses in neurons with standard dialysis, but signals were smaller in neurons with short dialysis. Release from oxidation‐sensitive Zn2+ pools was reduced by standard dialysis, when compared with responses in neurons with brief dialysis. The dialysis effects were partly reversed by inclusion of recombinant metallothionein‐3 in the dialysis solution. These findings suggested that extensive dialysis could be exploited for selective detection of transmembrane Zn2+ influx. Different dialysis conditions were then used to probe responses to synaptic stimulation. Under standard dialysis conditions, synaptic stimuli generated significant FluoZin‐3 signals in wild‐type (WT) preparations, but responses were almost absent in preparations lacking vesicular Zn2+ (ZnT3‐KO). In contrast, under brief dialysis conditions, intracellular Zn2+ transients were very similar in WT and ZnT3‐KO preparations. This suggests that both intracellular release and transmembrane flux can contribute to intracellular Zn2+ accumulation after synaptic stimulation. These results demonstrate significant confounds and potential use of intracellular dialysis to investigate intracellular Zn2+ accumulation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Using both ZnAF-2F (a Zn2+ specific fluorophore) and 65Zn2+, we determined the rate of transporter mediated Zn2+ influx (presumably mediated by the SLC39A1 gene product, protein name hZIP1) under steady state conditions and studied the effects of extracellular acidification. When K562 erythroleukemia cells were placed in Zn2+ containing buffers (1-60 microM), the initial rate of 65Zn2+ accumulation mirrored the apparent rise in free intracellular Zn2+ concentrations sensed by ZnAF-2F. Therefore, newly transported Zn2+ equilibrated with the free intracellular Zn2+ pool sensed by ZnAF-2F. A new steady state with elevated free intracellular Zn2+ was established after about 30 min. An estimate of 11 microM for the Km and 0.203 nmol/mg/s for the Vmax were obtained for Zn2+ influx. 65Zn2+ uptake and ZnAF-2F fluorescent changes were inhibited by extracellular acidification (range tested: pH 8-6, IC50 = pH 6.34). The IC50 for proton effects was close to the pKa for histidine, suggesting conserved histidine residues present in SLC39A1 play a critical role in Zn2+ influx and are involved in the pH effect.  相似文献   

Spreading depolarization (SD) is a feed‐forward wave that propagates slowly throughout brain tissue and recovery from SD involves substantial metabolic demand. Presynaptic Zn2+ release and intracellular accumulation occurs with SD, and elevated intracellular Zn2+ ([Zn2+]i) can impair cellular metabolism through multiple pathways. We tested here whether increased [Zn2+]i could exacerbate the metabolic challenge of SD, induced by KCl, and delay recovery in acute murine hippocampal slices. [Zn2+]i loading prior to SD, by transient ZnCl2 application with the Zn2+ ionophore pyrithione (Zn/Pyr), delayed recovery of field excitatory post‐synaptic potentials (fEPSPs) in a concentration‐dependent manner, prolonged DC shifts, and significantly increased extracellular adenosine accumulation. These effects could be due to metabolic inhibition, occurring downstream of pyruvate utilization. Prolonged [Zn2+]i accumulation prior to SD was required for effects on fEPSP recovery and consistent with this, endogenous synaptic Zn2+ release during SD propagation did not delay recovery from SD. The effects of exogenous [Zn2+]i loading were also lost in slices preconditioned with repetitive SDs, implying a rapid adaptation. Together, these results suggest that [Zn2+]i loading prior to SD can provide significant additional challenge to brain tissue, and could contribute to deleterious effects of [Zn2+]i accumulation in a range of brain injury models.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid-glutamatergic interactions have been proposed as a potential model to explain stress-mediated impairment of cognition. However, it is unknown whether glucocorticoid-zincergic interactions are involved in this impairment. Histochemically reactive zinc (Zn(2+)) is co-released with glutamate from zincergic neurons. In the present study, involvement of synaptic Zn(2+) in stress-induced attenuation of CA1 LTP was examined in hippocampal slices from young rats after exposure to tail suspension stress for 30s, which significantly increased serum corticosterone. Stress-induced attenuation of CA1 LTP was ameliorated by administration of clioquinol, a membrane permeable zinc chelator, to rats prior to exposure to stress, implying that the reduction of synaptic Zn(2+) by clioquinol participates in this amelioration. To pursue the involvement of corticosterone-mediated Zn(2+) signal in the attenuated CA1 LTP by stress, dynamics of synaptic Zn(2+) was checked in hippocampal slices exposed to corticosterone. Corticosterone increased extracellular Zn(2+) levels measured with ZnAF-2 dose-dependently, as well as the intracellular Ca(2+) levels measured with calcium orange AM, suggesting that corticosterone excites zincergic neurons in the hippocampus and increases Zn(2+) release from the neuron terminals. Intracellular Zn(2+) levels measured with ZnAF-2DA were also increased dose-dependently, but not in the coexistence of CaEDTA, a membrane-impermeable zinc chelator, suggesting that intracellular Zn(2+) levels is increased by the influx of extracellular Zn(2+). Furthermore, corticosterone-induced attenuation of CA1 LTP was abolished in the coexistence of CaEDTA. The present study suggests that corticosterone-mediated increase in postsynaptic Zn(2+) signal in the cytosolic compartment is involved in the attenuation of CA1 LTP after exposure to acute stress.  相似文献   

The speciation study of the Zn(2+)/glutathione (GSH, H(3)G) and Zn(2+)/N-acetylcysteinylglycine (NAcCG, H(2)L) was performed in aqueous solution by means of potentiometry and ESI mass spectrometry. The ligand N-acetylcysteinylglycine was synthesized by protection/activation strategies. (1)H NMR data for the Zn(2+)/NAcCG system at different pH were also collected, to gain insight in the coordination modes for the ligand. The information collected for the NAcCG model ligand were used to propose the structure in solution for the Zn(2+)/GSH complexes. Dinuclear complexes of GSH with Zn(2+), which have never been proposed previously in the literature, were identified in solution and a model of their structure was proposed. Moreover, the Zn(2+) promoted deprotonation of the cysteinyl peptidic NH with formation of five membered (S,N(Cys)(-)) chelating rings was evidenced. The speciation study of the ternary Zn(2+)/GSH/NAcCG system was also performed, showing that the Zn(2+) does not bind preferentially to GSH in presence of NAcCG. The (1)H NMR protonation studies of both GSH and NAcCG were also performed, and a novel proton dissociation microconstant calculation procedure has been proposed and applied to GSH equilibria.  相似文献   

Because zinc (Zn) is an important component for cell protection against certain oxygen species, it has been suggested that Zn deficiency impairs the potent oxidant defense capacity, which is constitutively provided in the vascular system. However, the influence of dietary Zn deficiency on systemic blood pressure and vascular system is controversial and unclear. We therefore examine the effect of dietary Zn deficiency on systemic blood pressure, a potent superoxide scavenger, aortic Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, a most representative synthase of the endothelium-derived relaxing factor, and aortic endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression. Furthermore, the direct effects of intravenous administration of NOS inhibitor, N ω-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME), and a SOD mimetic compound, tempol, in normotensives were tested in Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. A Zn-deficient diet (4 wk) contributed to growth retardation, the decrease in thymus weight, and the lower levels of serum Zn compared with the standard diet group. However, no significant difference in conscious systolic and diastolic blood pressure was found in the Zn-deficiency group. The administration of l-NAME caused an increase in the mean arterial pressure (MAP) levels in the two groups of rats and the involvement of the vasodilator nitric oxide (NO) in the regulation of systemic BP in the normotensive state. On the other hand, administration of the superoxide scavenger, tempol, led to a decrease in MAP levels in the two groups of rats, indicating the participation of the oxygen free radical, superoxide, in the maintenance of the systemic BP in a normotensive state. There were no significant differences between the Zn-deficient diet group and the standard diet group in the normotensive state. eNOS expression and Cu/Zn SOD activity in the aorta were also intact in Zn-deficient normotensive rats. These findings suggest that the 4 wk of Zn deficiency was inadequate to alter systemic blood pressure and focal NO signaling in the normotensive state. Long-term Zn deficiency affects the neuronal, immune, and hematopoietic systems, which contribute to systemic and/or local circulation. However, Zn deficiency alone does not cause hypertension and local vascular dysfunction in the normotensive state.  相似文献   

Sphingomyelinase (SMase) from Bacillus cereus has been known to be activated by Mg2+, Mn2+, and Co2+, but strongly inhibited by Zn2+. In the present study, we investigated the effects of several kinds of metal ions on the catalytic activity of B. cereus SMase, and found that the activity was inhibited by Zn2+ at its higher concentrations or at higher pH values, but unexpectedly activated at lower Zn2+ concentrations or at lower pH values. This result indicates that SMase possesses at least two different binding sites for Zn2+ and that the Zn2+ binding to the high-affinity site can activate the enzyme, whereas the Zn2+ binding to the low-affinity site can inactivate it. We also found that the binding of substrate to the enzyme was independent of the Zn2+ binding to the high-affinity site, but was competitively inhibited by the Zn2+ binding to the low-affinity site. The binding affinity of the metal ions to the site for activating the enzyme was determined to be in the rank-order of Mg2+ = Co2+ < Mn2+ < Zn2+. It was also demonstrated that these four metal ions competed with each other for the same binding site on the enzyme molecule.  相似文献   

Summary Critical Zn levels in tissues currently used for the prediction of Zn deficiency in crop plants often fail to explain the anomaly of diminished yield levels in spite of the higher tissue Zn levels, much above the critical Zn levels in crop plants. The study on tissue Zn content, Fe content and tissue Fe/Zn ratios in maize (at the time of appearance of deficiency symptoms-25 day old plants) reveals that the tissue Fe/Zn ratio appears to be a promising diagnostic tool for the prediction of Zn deficiency in crop plants. It also explains the phenomenon of diminished yield levels associated with the high Zn levels often much above the critical Zn levels in crop plants. Correlations between dry matter yields and tissue Fe/Zn ratios were found to be negative and significant. This shows that the yield diminishes as the tissue Fe/Zn ratio increases beyond a certain critical Fe/Zn ratio. Relative per cent yields against the tissue Fe/Zn ratios were plotted using the approach of Cate and Nelson2 which shows that there is a certain critical Fe/Zn ratio in crop plants beyond which there is a hidden Zn deficiency and a probable response to Zn application. Critical Fe/Zn ratio in maize was found to be around 6.0.Former Ph.D. Scholar (Now Scientist S-1 (Soil Sci.) Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, Research Centre, Kota, Rajasthan) and former Director of Research Services, JNAU-Jabalpur (Now Adviser to the Gujrat Agricultural University, Anand, Gujrat) respectively.  相似文献   

Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)) is a second messenger that induces the release of Ca(2+) from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The IP(3) receptor (IP(3)R) was discovered as a developmentally regulated glyco-phosphoprotein, P400, that was missing in strains of mutant mice. IP(3)R can allosterically and dynamically change its form in a reversible manner. The crystal structures of the IP(3)-binding core and N-terminal suppressor sequence of IP(3)R have been identified. An IP(3) indicator (known as IP(3)R-based IP(3) sensor) was developed from the IP(3)-binding core. The IP(3)-binding core's affinity to IP(3) is very similar among the three isoforms of IP(3)R; instead, the N-terminal IP(3) binding suppressor region is responsible for isoform-specific IP(3)-binding affinity tuning. Various pathways for the trafficking of IP(3)R have been identified; for example, the ER forms a meshwork upon which IP(3)R moves by lateral diffusion, and vesicular ER subcompartments containing IP(3)R move rapidly along microtubles using a kinesin motor. Furthermore, IP(3)R mRNA within mRNA granules also moves along microtubules. IP(3)Rs are involved in exocrine secretion. ERp44 works as a redox sensor in the ER and regulates IP(3)R1 activity. IP(3) has been found to release Ca(2+), but it also releases IRBIT (IP(3)R-binding protein released with IP(3)). IRBIT is a pseudo-ligand for IP(3) that regulates the frequency and amplitude of Ca(2+) oscillations through IP(3)R. IRBIT binds to pancreas-type Na, bicarbonate co-transporter 1, which is important for acid-base balance. The presence of many kinds of binding partners, like homer, protein 4.1N, huntingtin-associated protein-1A, protein phosphatases (PPI and PP2A), RACK1, ankyrin, chromogranin, carbonic anhydrase-related protein, IRBIT, Na,K-ATPase, and ERp44, suggest that IP(3)Rs form a macro signal complex and function as a center for signaling cascades. The structure of IP(3)R1, as revealed by cryoelectron microscopy, fits closely with these molecules.  相似文献   

Isolated guinea pig hearts were perfused, by the Langendorff technique, with 30, 15, 7.5, and 1.5 μM Zn2+ in Chenoweth solution. Contractile force, coronary flow, and heart rate were recorded by means of Narco IV Physiograph. Calcium inhibitor (Verapamil 1 μM) and anion inhibitor (DIDS: 0.1, 1, and 5 μM) were used subsequently in the perfusing solutions in order to distinguish some of the possible mechanisms that Zn2+ uses to exert its action on cardiac myocytes. Isomolar to zinc concentration of Pb (II) and Co (II) were used to elucidate whether zinc effects on heart are specific for this metal. All hearts were used to estimate their zinc and calcium content by means of AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry). Our findings suggest that the higher the Zn2+ concentration, the more toxic effects on heart are expressed by rapid reversible contractile force reduction and reversible specific changes of heart rate and flow. Zinc 1.5 μM in the perfusing solution benefits heart performance, but not significantly. Furthermore, the metal exerts specific effects on guinea pig heart, and it is rather possible that these effects on cardiac myocytes are held through cell membrane receptors.  相似文献   

AtMHX is a vacuolar transporter encoded by a single gene in Arabidopsis. Electrophysiological analysis showed that it exchanges protons with Mg2+, Zn2+, and Fe2+ ions. The physiological impact of AtMHX was examined so far only in tissue-culture grown seedlings of tobacco plants overexpressing this transporter. Here we investigated the impact of AtMHX on growth, response to different metals, and metal accumulation of mature tobacco plants, as well as Arabidopsis plants in which we overexpressed this transporter. The analyses were carried out in hydroponic growth-systems, in which the mineral composition could be effectively controlled, and the metal content of roots could be examined. Transformed tobacco plants showed necrotic lesions and apical burnings upon growth with increased levels of Mg2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ ions. This suggested that AtMHX can carry in planta not only Mg2+ and Zn2+ ions, as previously deduced based on observations in tissue-culture, but also Cd2+ ions. Transformed plants of both tobacco and Arabidopsis showed a reduction in plant size. However, the overall response of Arabidopsis to AtMHX overexpression was minor. No change was detected in the mineral content of any organ of the transgenic tobacco or Arabidopsis plants. The necrotic lesions in tobacco resembled those seen in plants with perturbed proton balancing, raising the assumption that AtMHX can affect the proton homeostasis of cells. In agreement with this assumption, the transformed tobacco plants had increased expression and activity of the vacuolar H+-ATPase. The relative significance of AtMHX for metal and proton homeostasis still has to be elucidated.  相似文献   

A new fluorescent Zn2+ indicator, namely, ICPBCZin was synthesized and the spectral profile of its free and Zn2+ bound forms was studied. The newly synthesized zinc indicator incorporates as chromophore the chromeno [3′,2′:3,4]pyrido[1,2a] [1,3]benzimidazole moiety and belongs to the dicarboxylate-type of zinc probes. The compound is excited with visible light, exhibits high selectivity for zinc in the presence of calcium and other common biological ions, and its Zn2+ dissociation constant is 4.0 nM. Fluorescence spectra studies of ICPBCZin indicated a clear shift in its emission wavelength maxima upon Zn2+ binding, as it belongs to the class of Photoinduced Charge Transfer (PCT) indicators, along with changes in fluorescence intensity that enable the compound to be used as a ratiometric, visible-excitable Zn2+ probe.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence suggests that a group of dietary-derived phytochemicals known as flavonoids are able to induce improvements in memory, learning and cognition. Flavonoids have been shown to modulate critical neuronal signalling pathways involved in processes of memory, and therefore are likely to affect synaptic plasticity and long-term potentiation mechanisms, widely considered to provide a basis for memory. Animal dietary supplementation studies have further shown that flavonoid-rich foods are able to reverse age-related spatial memory and spatial learning impairments. A more accurate understanding of how a particular spatial memory task works and of which aspects of memory and learning can be assessed in each case, are necessary for a correct interpretation of data relating to diet-cognition experiments. Further understanding of how specific behavioural tasks relate to the functioning of hippocampal circuitry during learning processes might be also elucidative of the specific observed memory improvements. The overall goal of this review is to give an overview of how the hippocampal circuitry operates as a memory system during behavioural tasks, which we believe will provide a new insight into the underlying mechanisms of the action of flavonoids on cognition.  相似文献   

A role for Zn2+ in accelerating wound healing is established, yet, the signaling pathways linking Zn2+ to tissue repair are not well known. We show that in the human HaCaT keratinocytes extracellular Zn2+ induces a metabotropic Ca2+ response that is abolished by silencing the expression of the G-protein-coupled receptor GPR39, suggesting that this Zn2+-sensing receptor, ZnR, is mediating the response. Keratinocytic-ZnR signaling is highly selective for Zn2+ and can be triggered by nanomolar concentrations of this ion. Interestingly, Zn2+ was also released following cellular injury, as monitored by a specific non-permeable fluorescent Zn2+ probe, ZnAF-2. Chelation of Zn2+ and scavenging of ATP from conditioned medium, collected from injured epithelial cultures, was sufficient to eliminate the metabotropic Ca2+ signaling. The signaling triggered by Zn2+, via ZnR, or by ATP further activated MAP kinase and induced up-regulation of the sodium/proton exchanger NHE1 activity. Finally, activation of ZnR/GPR39 signaling or application of ATP enhanced keratinocytes scratch closure in an in vitro model. Thus our results indicate that extracellular Zn2+, which is either applied or released following injury, activates ZnR/GPR39 to promote signaling leading to epithelial repair.  相似文献   

Zn efficiency (ZE) is the ability of plants to maintain high yield under Zn-deficiency stress in the soil. Two bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes that differed in ZE, Voyager (Zn-efficient) and Avanti (Zn-inefficient), were used for this investigation. Plants were grown under controlled-environment conditions in chelate-buffered nutrient solution where Zn2+ activities were controlled at low (0.1 pM) or sufficient (150 pM) levels. To investigate the relative contribution of the root versus the shoot to ZE, observations of Zn-deficiency symptoms in reciprocal grafts of the two genotypes were made. After growth under low-Zn conditions, plants of nongrafted Avanti, self-grafted Avanti and reciprocal grafts that had the Avanti shoot scion exhibited Zn-deficiency symptoms. However nongrafted and self-grafted Voyager, as well as reciprocal grafts with the Voyager shoot scion, were healthy with no visible Zn-deficiency symptoms under the same growth conditions. More detailed investigations into putative shoot-localized ZE mechanisms involved determinations of leaf biomass production and Zn accumulation, measurements of subcellular Zn compartmentation, activities of two Zn-requiring enzymes, carbonic anhydrase and Cu/Zn-dependent superoxide dismutase (Co/ZnSOD), as well as the non-Zn-requiring enzyme nitrate reductase. There were no differences in shoot tissue Zn concentrations between the Zn-inefficient and Zn-efficient genotypes grown under the low-Zn conditions where differences in ZE were exhibited. Shoot Zn compartmentation was investigated using radiotracer (65Zn) efflux analysis and suggested that the Zn-efficient genotype maintains higher cytoplasmic Zn concentrations and less Zn in the leaf-cell vacuole, compared to leaves from the Zn-inefficient genotype under Zn deficiency. Analysis of Zn-requiring enzymes in bean leaves revealed that the Zn-efficient genotype maintains significantly higher levels of carbonic anhydrase and Cu/ZnSOD activity under Zn deficiency. While these data are not sufficient to allow us to determine the specific mechanisms underlying ZE, they certainly point to the shoot as a key site where ZE mechanisms are functioning, and could involve processes associated with Zn compartmentation and biochemical Zn utilization.Abbreviations CA Carbonic anhydrase - NR Nitrate reductase - SOD Superoxide dismutase - ZE Zinc efficiency This research was supported by a graduate fellowship awarded to G.H. by The Republic of Turkey  相似文献   

The dopamine transporter shapes dopaminergic neurotransmission by clearing extracellular dopamine and by replenishing vesicular stores. The dopamine transporter carries an endogenous binding site for Zn2+, but the nature of the Zn2+-dependent modulation has remained elusive: both, inhibition and stimulation of DAT have been reported. Here, we exploited the high time resolution of patch-clamp recordings to examine the effects of Zn2+ on the transport cycle of DAT: we recorded peak currents associated with substrate translocation and steady-state currents reflecting the forward transport mode of DAT. Zn2+ depressed the peak current but enhanced the steady-state current through DAT. The parsimonious explanation is preferential binding of Zn2+ to the outward facing conformation of DAT, which allows for an allosteric activation of DAT, in both, the forward transport mode and substrate exchange mode. We directly confirmed that Zn2+ dissociated more rapidly from the inward- than from the outward-facing state of DAT. Finally, we formulated a kinetic model for the action of Zn2+ on DAT that emulated all current experimental observations and accounted for all previous (in part contradictory) findings. Importantly, the model predicts that the intracellular Na+ concentration determines whether substrate uptake by DAT is stimulated or inhibited by Zn2+. This prediction was directly verified. The mechanistic framework provided by the current model is of relevance for the rational design of allosteric activators of DAT. These are of interest for treating de novo loss-of-function mutations of DAT associated with neuropsychiatric disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  相似文献   

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