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Field experiments to assess the development of the main stem,its constituent internodes, and their potential contributionsto grain yield in one cultivar of winter barley were carriedout in four growing seasons. Internodes developed sequentiallyup the stem and all reached their maximum mass after attainingtheir final length. Lower internodes were the main potentialcontributors of pre-anthesis assimilate to grain-filling butupper internodes were an important source of stored assimilateaccumulated after anthesis. If the contribution of stored assimilateto grain yield is equated only with the potential pre-anthesiscontribution then the importance of the stem as a storage organis grossly underestimated. The ratio of pre-anthesis to post-anthesiscontribution to total storage ranged between years from 1:1·3to 1:3·1. Crops that lost more mass from the stem alsohad greater grain yields. The stem is the major source of assimilatetowards the end of grain-filling. Mass lost from the stem betweenthe time of maximum stem mass and maturity can potentially accountfor 62% to 92% of the increase in grain mass during this period. Pre-anthesis storage, Post-antheses storage, winter barley, Hordeum Sativum Lam, stem, internode, grain yield  相似文献   

Powdery mildew was artificially introduced into field plotsof barley given two amounts of nitrogen fertilizer. In Tyraand Triumph, grain dry matter and nitrogen yield of healthyplots increased in response to nitrogen fertilizer. In mildewedplots increases in response to nitrogen did not occur in Triumph,despite low levels of mildew infection. Mildew reduced grainyield and nitrogen content at both levels of nitrogen in bothvarieties. Hordewm vulgare L., barley, Erysiphe graminis, powdery mildew, nitrogen fertilizer, grain yield  相似文献   

大麦籽粒蛋白质含量的配合力研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄志仁  周美学 《遗传学报》1991,18(3):263-270
采用蛋白质含量不同的6个大麦品种,以双列杂交设计,经过2年3个世代研究大麦籽粒蛋白质含量的杂种优势与配合力。试验表明:(1)大麦籽粒蛋白质含量在F_2、F_3代几乎全为负向优势(-10.81—16.92%)。低蛋白质含量为显性;(2)一般配合力方差为特殊配合力方差的3—4倍。亲本的表型与一般配合力效应相关密切。通过亲本可以大体预测杂种群体的蛋白质含量。Hiproly为高蛋白含量的优良亲本,Pally为低蛋白含量的优良亲本。(3)杂种组合籽粒蛋白质含量的特殊配合力高低与杂种优势相关密切,但与表型不密切,故不能完全以此评定杂种组合的价值。 对亲本籽粒蛋白质含量配合力的应用作了讨论。  相似文献   

Spring barley cv Ark Royal was grown in pots in the open, andsoil drenches containing 6-benzyl-aminopurine were repeatedlyapplied during the pre-heading phase starting either ‘early’when the main shoot apex had reached the glume primordium stage,during tillering, or ‘later’ at the anther primordiumstage, at the start of stem elongation Although grain yield was unaffected by the ‘late’cytokinin treatments, it was increased by up to 57 per centby the ‘early’ treatments. The increase was dueto greater grain yields of the smaller shoots of each plantthere was no effect on the yields of the two largest shootsor on the total number of fertile shoots The increased grain yield of these smaller shoots was attributableto increased weights of their individual kernels, especiallyin the basal and distal parts of the ears such that a greateruniformity of kernel size within the ear was achieved Thus the cytokinin treatment increased uniformity both betweenshoots and between spikelets within the ears Hordeum vulgare L, spring barley, cytokinin, 6-benzylaminopunne, shoot dominance, harvest index, grain yield  相似文献   

In a field experiment on barley at Rothamsted with the highmean yield of 49 cwt. of grain per acre, the varieties Proctorand Herta produced 10—15 per cent, more grain than Plumage-Archeron plots that received no nitrogenous fertilizer. When nitrogenwas applied the difference was increased to about 30 per cent.,because the higher nitrogen supply caused the Plumage-Archercrop to lodge and did not increase its yield, while Proctorand Herta remained standing. The three varieties did not differ in leaf-area index nor innet assimilation rate before ear emergence, so that all hadthe same total dry weight. After ear emergence, the leaf-areaindices of Proctor and Plumage-Archer were nearly equal, butthat of Herta was smaller. Assuming that the photosyntheticefficiency of the leaves continued to be the same in all varieties,the higher grain yields of Proctor and Herta cannot be attributedto greater production of dry matter by the leaves, either beforeor after ear emergence. A pot experiment on plants with shadedears confirmed that the dry matter contributed to grain yieldby unit leaf area was nearly equal in all the varieties. The higher grain yield of Proctor and Herta than of Plumage-Archermust therefore have come from additional photosynthesis in partsof the plant other than the leaves, i.e. in the ears themselves.An attempt to demonstrate this directly in a pot experiment,by comparing the grain yields of plants with shaded or withunshaded ears, was unsuccessful because the varieties behaveddifferently in pots; Proctor and Herta produced only about 6per cent, more grain yield than Plumage-Archer, and though thedecrease in grain yield by shading the ears was slightly greaterfor Proctor and Herta, the differences were not significant. The sum of ear sizes (estimated from length and breadth measurements)per m.1 in the field experiment was greater for Proctor andHerta than for Plumage-Archer. Also the distribution of drymatter between developing ears and shoots apparently differedwith variety, so that at ear emergence the dry weight of earsper m.2 was greater in the two higher yielding varieties. Theincreased amount of photosynthetic tissue in the ears of Proctorand Herta, as measured by size or weight, may not wholly explaintheir greater dry-matter production; ears of Herta may alsohave a higher photosynthetic efficiency. No differences in nutrient uptake that could account for thevarietal differences in grain yield were found. Plumage-Archerabsorbed more potassium, and Herta less phosphorus than theother varieties. About a quarter of the final content of nitrogen,and a third of the phosphorus, was absorbed after ear emergence,but the potassium content was nearly maximal at ear emergenceand later decreased. The pot experiment showed that, on the average of all varieties,26 per cent. of the dry matter in the grain at harvest originatedfrom photosynthesis in the ears, including 10 per cent, fromthe awns; 59 per cent, came from photosynthesis in the flag-leaflamina and sheath and peduncle, and 15 per cent, from partsof the shoot below the flag leaf.  相似文献   

The timing and rate of nitrate application to barley seedlingsgrown under control and shade conditions can appreciably affectthe maximum amount of Fraction I protein attained in the firstleaf lamina. In unshaded seedlings early application resultsin a higher maximum amount of Fraction I protein per lamina,but not per unit lamina fresh weight. Late application of nitratehowever delays the age at which Fraction I protein reaches amaximum both in absolute terms and as a proportion of totalsoluble protein. For both control and shade-grown material earlyand higher rates of nitrate supply increase the maximum amountof soluble protein in the leaf but not the proportion representedby Fraction I protein. Lower rates of nitrate application havemuch less effect on first-leaf protein synthesis when applicationis given late. This is thought to be due to competition fromthe rapidly developing second leaf. Studies on the soluble protein content of shaded first-leaflaminae have shown that although grain size affects the maximumamount of Fraction I protein attained it does not alter theage at which this is attained; nor is the proportion of thetotal soluble protein accounted for by Fraction I protein affectedby grain size or grain nitrogen content. A model is proposed to explain the contribution made by grainreserves and exogenous carbon and nitrogen supply to the developmentof the soluble protein content of the first leaf.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Strigolactones (SLs) are well known as a class of endogenous phytohormones that regulate tiller bud outgrowth. Reduction of inorganic phosphate (Pi) induces the...  相似文献   

METIVIER  J. R.; DALE  J. E. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(6):1287-1296
Five cultivars of barley with widely differing grain nitrogencontents were compared. In the absence of exogenous nitratesupply plants grown from high nitrogen grain showed a more rapidleaf emergence, greater leaf size, especially of the first leaf,higher photosynthetic rate and greater total souble proteinand Fraction 1 protein content of the first leaf, than plantsgrown from low nitrogen grain. However, early supply of nitrateto plants grown from low nitrogen grain enabled these to performas well as those from grain with a high nitrogen content. Regressionanalysis showed that Fraction 1 content of the first leaf isclosely correlated with grain nitrogen which exerts a progressivelygreater effect on content of this protein as application ofexogenous nitrate is delayed. The more rapid photosyntheticrate of plants grown with high nitrogen, and the consequentgreater rate of dry matter accumulation, is attributable mainlyto effects of nitrogen availability on leaf area and much lessto effects on leaf protein.  相似文献   

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivumL., ‘Chablis’) wasgrown under field conditions from sowing until harvest maturity,except for a 12-d period [70–82 days after sowing (DAS)coinciding with anthesis] during which replicated crop areaswere exposed to a range of temperatures within two pairs ofpolyethylene-covered temperature gradient tunnels. At 82 DAS,an increase in mean temperature from 16 to 25 °C duringthis treatment period had no effect on above-ground biomass,but increased ear dry weight from 223 to 327 g m-2and, at 83DAS, reduced root biomass from 141 to 63 g m-2. Mean temperatureover the treatment period had no effect on either above-groundbiomass or grain yield at maturity. However, the number of grainsper ear at maturity declined with increasing maximum temperaturerecorded over the mid-anthesis period (76–79 DAS) and,more significantly, with maximum temperature 1 d after 50% anthesis(78 DAS). Grain yield and harvest index also declined sharplywith maximum temperature at 78 DAS. Grain yield declined by350 g m-2at harvest maturity with a 10 °C increase in maximumtemperature at 78 DAS and was related to a 40% reduction inthe number of grains per ear. Grain yield was also negativelyrelated to thermal time accumulated above a base temperatureof 31 °C (over 8 d of the treatment from 5 d before to 2d after 50% anthesis). Thus, grain fertilization and grain setwas most sensitive to the maximum temperature at mid-anthesis.These results confirm that wheat yields would be reduced considerablyif, as modellers suggest, high temperature extremes become morefrequent as a result of increased variability in temperatureassociated with climate change.Copyright 1998 Annals of BotanyCompany Triticum aestivum, spring wheat, temperature, grain number, grain yield, root growth.  相似文献   

Effects of the environment on shoot survival were studied inwinter wheat cv. Avalon grown in microplots at a density of247 plants m–2. The incident radiation and mean temperaturewere altered during one of three periods of between 14 and 29d duration, the first (P1) starting at the end of tiller productionand the last (P3) finishing near the end of the tiller deathphase, about three weeks before anthesis. Plants were giventemperature and radiation treatments in growth rooms in twoexperiments and extra light outdoors in a third experiment:they were at other times grown outdoors. Increasing radiation by between 60 and 100 per cent during P1had negligible effects on shoot number; during P2 it alwaysdelayed tiller death but increased final ear number in onlyone experiment; during P3 it consistently increased ear numberby up to 100 m–2. Increased radiation always increasedcrop dry weight immediately after treatment but only sometimesdid this increase persist to maturity. Grain dry weight wasincreased by treatment during P3 of one experiment. Increasingthe temperature by 4 C decreased shoot number, usually onlytemporarily, by hastening death of some tillers. Warmer temperaturesdecreased crop growth after, but not during, treatment and decreasedgrain dry weight. Radiation and temperature rarely interacted. Variation in grain yield within and between experiments relatedwell to variation in number of grains m–2, which in turnrelated to variation in ear dry weight at anthesis. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, radiation, temperature, tillers, grain yield, grain number  相似文献   

Field experiments showed that the treatment of winter barley with microbial metabolites produced by a Bacillus subtilis strain led to increased yields in spite of a remaining mildew infection. Disease severity/yield relations obtained on a single tiller basis for either mildew infection at EC 75 or area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) were negatively correlated for untreated plants (R2= 89%, 94%) while this relation did not exist for inducer-treated ones (R2= 10%, 13%). Despite an increasing infection density. yields of main tillers of inducertreated plants were not decreased. On the other hand area under green leaf area curve (AUGLAC) showed a higher correlation with grain yield (R2= 89%) of inducer-treated plants. Possible explanations for the mitigated damaging effect of powdery mildew were expected in carbohydrate metabolism. especially carbohydrate formation and translocation. Assimilation rates of flag leaves of inducer-treated barley with similar infection densities to those of untreated plants were increased over a prolonged period and even exceeded those of non infected ones. In inducer-treated plants the export of 14CO2 from flag leaves into ears remained unimpaired by mildew infection and the allocation of assimilates to grains was highest at late stages of grain filling. Obviously plants were stimulated by inducer treatments to compensate for the damaging effect of powdery mildew and to tolerate mildew infection without yield loss.  相似文献   

Three barley varieties (Atem, Arabic Abiad and Beecher) weregrown on a line source sprinkler to establish a gradient ofwater supply from rain-fed (218 mm) to fully irrigated (330mm). Developing ‘seeds’ were analysed for free grainproline at three stages up to maturity. At the milk stage allthree varieties showed a strong inverse correlation (r>0–95)between free proline and irrigation treatment. A pronouncedinter-varietal difference was evident with the relatively drought-intolerantAtem having 213 nmol seed–1 free proline when rain-fedas compared with Arabic Abiad or Beecher which had about 120nmol seed–1 free proline at this stage. By maturity thiscorrelation was lost in all varieties, with most of the freeproline being incorporated into protein. Prolamin protein production was not impaired by drought in anyof the varieties, when measured on a per seed basis. There wassome indication that it may even rise in concentration in severelydrought-stressed plants. The results are discussed in relation to the decline in finalgrain yield with increased water deficit. Each of the threevarieties tested showed different yield responses along theirrigation gradient. These may reflect the physiological tolerancesto drought of each variety. At the milk stage the measurementof free ‘grain’ proline as a diagnostic for droughtstress tolerance may be of some value. Key words: Drought stress, seed physiology, proline  相似文献   

Complex non-linear relationships exist between air and soil temperature responses to climate change. Despite its influence on hydrological and biogeochemical processes, soil temperature has received less attention in climate impact studies. Here we present and apply an empirical soil temperature model to four forest sites along a climatic gradient of Sweden. Future air and soil temperature were projected using an ensemble of regional climate models. Annual average air and soil temperatures were projected to increase, but complex dynamics were projected on a seasonal scale. Future changes in winter soil temperature were strongly dependent on projected snow cover. At the northernmost site, winter soil temperatures changed very little due to insulating effects of snow cover but southern sites with little or no snow cover showed the largest projected winter soil warming. Projected soil warming was greatest in the spring (up to 4°C) in the north, suggesting earlier snowmelt, extension of growing season length and possible northward shifts in the boreal biome. This showed that the projected effects of climate change on soil temperature in snow dominated regions are complex and general assumptions of future soil temperature responses to climate change based on air temperature alone are inadequate and should be avoided in boreal regions.  相似文献   

In resting grains of Triumph barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Triumph) about 40% of the β-amylase could be extracted with a saline solution, the remaining 60% being in a bound form. During seedling growth (20°C), the bound form was released mainly between days 1 and 3. When a preparation containing bound β-amylase was incubated with an extract made of endosperms separated from germinating grains, release of bound β-amylase took place and could be studied in vitro. The release was almost completely prevented by leupeptin and antipain, specific inhibitors of a group of SH-proteinases, but it was not inhibited by pepstatin A or EDTA, which inhibit some other barley proteinases. It is thus very likely that in a whole grain, at least the bulk of the bound β-amylase is released by the proteolytic action of one or several SH-proteinases. When the bound β-amylase was released by papain, its molecular weight was about 5000 daltons smaller than that of β-amylase released by dithiothreitol. This indicates that the release is due to removal of a sequence of β-amylase itself. A similar decrease in size took place during seedling growth. Bound β-amylase showed some activity against native starch and it hydrolyzed maltotetraose at a rate that was about 70% of the rate the same amount of bound β-amylase gave after release. Bound β-amylase is thus not inactive and it is likely that the slower rate of hydrolysis is due to steric hindrances which prevent substrates from reaching the active site.  相似文献   

Twenty-four barley genotypes were produced from crosses betweentwo sets of parents each having a different, non-allelic dwarfinggene. Four genotypes were phenotypically tall, twelve were singledwarf and eight were double dwarf. By a combination of carbon-14labelling and growth measurement the contribution to grain drymatter from assimilation before anthesis was estimated for eachgenotype in two years, 1976 and 1977. Pre-anthesis assimilation was estimated to have contributed44 per cent of grain dry matter in 1976, a very dry, hot year,but only 11 per cent in 1977, a wetter, cooler year. These percentageswere equivalent to about 133 and 74 g m–2 in 1976 and1977. It is shown that some previous estimates of the contributionfrom pre-anthesis assimilation are too low for crops of barleygrown in the field in dry years, while in wet years, the contributionis unlikely to be less than 10 per cent. In neither year did the genotypes differ in the extent to whichpre-anthesis assimilation contributed to grain filling. In bothyears, grain yields of the tall genotypes were 8–9 percent greater than those of the double dwarf ones, and stem weightsat maturity 30 per cent greater. Hordeum vulgare L., barley, grain yield, carbon assimilation  相似文献   

Immediate phenotypic variation and the lagged effect of evolutionary adaptation to climate change appear to be two key processes in tree responses to climate warming. This study examines these components in two types of growth models for predicting the 2010–2099 diameter growth change of four major boreal species Betula papyrifera, Pinus banksiana, Picea mariana, and Populus tremuloides along a broad latitudinal gradient in eastern Canada under future climate projections. Climate-growth response models for 34 stands over nine latitudes were calibrated and cross-validated. An adaptive response model (A-model), in which the climate-growth relationship varies over time, and a fixed response model (F-model), in which the relationship is constant over time, were constructed to predict future growth. For the former, we examined how future growth of stands in northern latitudes could be forecasted using growth-climate equations derived from stands currently growing in southern latitudes assuming that current climate in southern locations provide an analogue for future conditions in the north. For the latter, we tested if future growth of stands would be maximally predicted using the growth-climate equation obtained from the given local stand assuming a lagged response to climate due to genetic constraints. Both models predicted a large growth increase in northern stands due to more benign temperatures, whereas there was a minimal growth change in southern stands due to potentially warm-temperature induced drought-stress. The A-model demonstrates a changing environment whereas the F-model highlights a constant growth response to future warming. As time elapses we can predict a gradual transition between a response to climate associated with the current conditions (F-model) to a more adapted response to future climate (A-model). Our modeling approach provides a template to predict tree growth response to climate warming at mid-high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Leaf segments prepared from the first leaves of barley (Hordeumvulgare) exhibit a rapid loss of protein when given a matricstress with polyethylene glycol. Protein synthesis was reducedby the stress but a greater effect of stress was seen on proteindegradation. Growing leaves were exposed to 3H2O for 4 d ormore to label total protein, and the half-life of protein 2-3H,in the isolated segments prepared from such leaves, was shownto be c. 140 h in the absence of stress. Stress reduced thisto c. 62 h. A short pulse with 3H2O preferentially labels rapidlyturning-over protein and a 24 h pulse given to isolated leafsegments labelled proteins with a half-life of c. 64 h in thepresence or absence of stress. Degradation of the 24 h pulse-labelledproteins was inhibited by cycloheximide. Proline accumulationoccurred in the stressed segments and was inhibited by cycloheximide.The results are discussed in the light of current views concerningprotein degradation and possible relationships between proteolysisand proline accumulation.  相似文献   

Jiang  D.  Dai  T.  Jing  Q.  Cao  W.  Zhou  Q.  Zhao  H.  Fan  X. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(3):439-446
Based on a 20-year fertilization experiment with wheat-maize double cropping system, the effects of different long-term fertilization treatments on leaf photosynthetic characteristics and grain yield in different winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars were studied in the growing seasons of 2000–2001 and 2001–2002. A total of nine fertilization treatments were implemented, i.e. no fertilizer (CK), N fertilizer (N), N and P fertilizers (NP), N and K fertilizers (NK), N, P, and K fertilizers (NPK), only organic manure (M), organic manure and N fertilizer (MN), organic manure and N and P fertilizers (MNP), and organic manure and N, P, and K fertilizers (MNPK). With the treatments of combined organic manure and inorganic fertilizers (TMI), net photosynthetic rate (P N), maximal activity of photosystem 2, PS2 (Fv/Fm), and chlorophyll content (SPAD value) of flag leaves and leaf area index (LAI) were much higher at the mid grain filling stage (20 or 23 d post anthesis, DPA), and exhibited slower declines at the late grain filling stage (30 DPA), compared with the treatments of only inorganic fertilizers (TI). The maximal canopy photosynthetic traits expressed as P N×LAI and SPAD×LAI at the mid grain filling stage were also higher in TMI than those in TI, which resulted in different grain yields in TMI and TI. Among the treatments of TMI or among the treatments of TI, both flag leaf and canopy photosynthetic abilities and yield levels increased with the supplement of inorganic nutrients (N, P, and K fertilizers), except for the treatment of NK. Under NK, soil contents of N and K increased while that of P decreased. Hence the unbalanced nutrients in soil from the improper input of nutrients in NK treatment were probably responsible for the reduced flag leaf and canopy photosynthetic characteristics and LAI, and for the fast declining of flag leaf photosynthetic traits during grain filling, resulting in the reduced yield of NK similar to the level of CK.  相似文献   

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