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Private gardens provide habitat and resources for many birds living in human-dominated landscapes. While wild bird feeding is recognised as one of the most popular forms of human-wildlife interaction, almost nothing is known about the use of bird baths. This citizen science initiative explores avian assemblages at bird baths in private gardens in south-eastern Australia and how this differs with respect to levels of urbanisation and bioregion. Overall, 992 citizen scientists collected data over two, four-week survey periods during winter 2014 and summer 2015 (43% participated in both years). Avian assemblages at urban and rural bird baths differed between bioregions with aggressive nectar-eating species influenced the avian assemblages visiting urban bird baths in South Eastern Queensland, NSW North Coast and Sydney Basin while introduced birds contributed to differences in South Western Slopes, Southern Volcanic Plains and Victorian Midlands. Small honeyeaters and other small native birds occurred less often at urban bird baths compared to rural bird baths. Our results suggest that differences between urban versus rural areas, as well as bioregion, significantly influence the composition of avian assemblages visiting bird baths in private gardens. We also demonstrate that citizen science monitoring of fixed survey sites such as bird baths is a useful tool in understanding large-scale patterns in avian assemblages which requires a vast amount of data to be collected across broad areas.  相似文献   

Abstract A number of studies on mammalian species that have adapted to urban areas suggest survival may be higher for urban populations than rural populations. We examined differences in fatalities between an urban and rural population of fox squirrels (Sciurus niger). We radiocollared (n = 50 rural, n = 78 urban) fox squirrels during approximately 2 years. We found monthly survival of rural fox squirrels (Ŝ = 0.936) was lower than urban fox squirrels (Ŝ = 0.976) over the same 12-month period. Nonetheless, when comparing a 24-month period of survival data on urban squirrels with an 18-month period on the rural squirrels (periods overlapped for 12 months), survival rates were more similar between urban (Ŝ = 0.938) and rural squirrels (Ŝ = 0.945). Our data suggest that sex and season may influence survival of urban squirrels and not rural squirrels. We also found that cause of fatalities differed between the urban and rural squirrels, with >60% of fatalities on the rural site caused by predation. In contrast, <5% of the fatalities on the urban site were caused by predation and >60% of urban fox squirrel fatalities were caused by motor vehicle collisions. This study illustrates the need to advance our ability to understand, predict, and mitigate effects of urbanization on wildlife resources.  相似文献   

四川白坡山自然保护区冬季鸟类群落调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨彪  冉江洪  蔡国  曾宗永 《四川动物》2006,25(3):509-515
2003年12月对四川白坡山自然保护区的鸟类群落的种类和数量进行了调查,实际发现鸟类151种,结合历史文献23种,保护区鸟类共有174种,隶属于12目41科。保护区有国家级重点保护鸟类14种,四川省保护鸟类2种,我国特有鸟类5种。保护区鸟类区系以东洋界成分为主。利用多样性指数分析了不同群落的鸟类多样性,结果表明:地处1300~2600 m的中山云南松及其混交林群落鸟类多样性最高,原因是该群落中生境类型丰富多样。  相似文献   

Non-native species are frequently considered to influence urban assemblages. The grey squirrel Sciurus carolinensis is one such species that is widespread in the UK and is starting to spread across Europe; it predates birds’ nests and can compete with birds for supplementary food. Using distance sampling across the urbanisation intensity gradient in Sheffield (UK) we test whether urban grey squirrels influence avian species richness and density through nest predation and competition for supplementary food sources. We also assess how urban bird assemblages respond to supplementary feeding. We find that grey squirrels slightly reduced the abundance of breeding bird species most sensitive to squirrel nest predation by reducing the beneficial impact of woodland cover. There was no evidence that grey squirrel presence altered relationships between supplementary feeding and avian assemblage structure. This may be because, somewhat surprisingly, supplementary feeding was not associated with the richness or density of wintering bird assemblages. These associations were positive during the summer, supporting advocacy to feed birds during the breeding season and not just winter, but explanatory capacity was limited. The amount of green space and its quality, assessed as canopy cover, had a stronger influence on avian species richness and population size than the presence of grey squirrels and supplementary feeding stations. Urban bird populations are thus more likely to benefit from investment in improving the availability of high quality habitats than controlling squirrel populations or increased investment in supplementary feeding.  相似文献   

Dragonflies have been proposed as indicators for the ecosystem health of freshwater wetlands. For their useful functioning as indicators it is, however, necessary to identify species compositions in specific habitats and species-habitat associations, particularly in the tropics, where such knowledge is still weak. We examined the dragonfly species composition of 133 localities in the arid environment of western Namibia. An analysis of nestedness indicated that distinct, and predictable patterns of species associations can be expected. Discriminant analyses revealed that most of the nine habitat types separated by structural and hydrological parameters are well discriminated by their dragonfly assemblages. Spring brooks in particular host a specific assemblage, which is threatened due to the habitat restriction of several species, as well as by recent habitat loss and degradation. Using a hierarchical method of several criteria we demonstrated the selection of a set of potential indicator species from the species set, most of these being useful indicators for spring brook assemblages. The conservation status of certain habitats and species is discussed. We propose that dragonflies will have a high indicator potential for threatened freshwater wetlands in such areas and may also serve as an indication of the sustainable use of water resources including evaluating measures to rehabilitate environments.  相似文献   

谢凡  鲁碧耕  油志远  李刚  张惠  杨孔  杨楠 《四川动物》2022,41(1):107-120
鸟类多样性研究是国家级自然保护区的重要工作。2020年6月—2021年5月,采用样线法和样点法,调查了四川格西沟国家级自然保护区的鸟类多样性。结果显示:结合历史文献资料,保护区共有鸟类19目56科249种。其中,国家一级重点保护动物10种,国家二级重点保护动物35种,中国特有种11种。居留型以留鸟为主,共156种(62.65%),其次是夏候鸟60种(24.10%)、旅鸟19种(7.63%)、冬候鸟14种(5.62%)。区系组成以东洋界为主,共116种(46.59%),古北界103种(41.37%)、广布种30种(12.04%)。各生态系统中森林和灌丛生态系统Shannon-Wiener指数最高,其他生态系统最低,森林和灌丛生态系统的Sorenson相似性指数最高;夏、秋季的Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数最高,冬季最低。建议保护区建立长期监测体系,并持续开展鸟类保护宣传活动,加大巡护和管控力度,降低保护区内的人为干扰,同时注重鸟类所利用栖息地的保护。  相似文献   


A survey in a major Mexican city (Merida) and three rural communities was conducted to generate information regarding the size and structure of the owned-dog populations and people's opinions about the dogs and how they took care of them. Household characteristics and dog population size, health and reproductive issues were compared between the two kinds of communities: urban and rural. A telephone survey was conducted in Merida city whereas personal interviews were used in the rural communities. Local veterinarians were also interviewed to evaluate their influence on the dog populations in Merida city. The ratio of people to dogs was 3.4:1 in the city, and 1.7:1 to 4.6:1 in the different rural communities. In general it was more common to find a dog-owning household in the city of Merida (72.8%) than in the rural areas (63.6%, 65.5% and 71.1%), and in the city more households had adequate fences to restrain dogs. Larger families were more likely to own a dog than small families. Households of medium socio-economic status had a significantly higher probability of owning a dog than households of low or high socio-economic status. Of the dogs in the city, 90.1% were vaccinated against rabies compared with 62.3% of the dogs in the rural communities. Most animals were intact; the frequency of neutering/spaying was 3.1% in Merida and 1.8% in the rural communities. Few private veterinary practitioners were involved in the control of dog overpopulation. It is concluded that dogs are popular pets both in urban and rural Yucatan. People's opinions about dogs and the level of supervision varied with socio-economic status, and people in the city provided better food, shelter and preventive medicine. The veterinary practitioners did little to promote the control of dog breeding or to reduce the relinquishing of unwanted dogs in the city. Better client education and the promotion of sterilization of pets at low cost would improve the situation.  相似文献   

Comparing adaptations to noisy city environments with those to natural mountain environments on the community level can provide significant insights that allow an understanding of the impact of anthropogenic noise on invertebrates that employ loud calling songs for mate attraction, especially when each species has its distinct song, as in the case of cicadas. In this study, we investigated the partitioning strategy of cicada assemblages in city and mountain environments by comparing the acoustic features and calling activity patterns of each species, recorded using automated digital recording systems. Our comparison of activity patterns of seasonal and diel calling revealed that there was no significant temporal partitioning of cicada assemblages in either environment. In addition, there was no correlation between the acoustic distance based on spectral features and temporal segregation. Heterospecific spectral overlap was low in both city and mountain environments, although city and mountain cicada assemblages were subject to significantly different levels of anthropogenic or interspecific noise. Furthermore, for the common species found in both environments, the calling activity patterns at both seasonal and diel time scales were significantly consistent across sites and across environments. We suggest that the temporal calling activity is constrained by endogenous factors for each species and is less flexible in response to external factors, such as anthropogenic noise. As a result, cicada assemblages in city environments with low species diversity do not demonstrate a more significant temporal partitioning than those in mountain environments with high species diversity.  相似文献   

黑石顶自然保护区鸟类资源调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
常弘  林术 《生态科学》1997,16(1):45-51
对黑石顶自然保护区及它的外围区的鸟类进行了调查,已记录136种鸟类,属于15目、33科.根据中国动物地理区,有23.5%(32种)属古北种;54.4%(74种)属于东洋种;22.1%(30种)属广布种类.在东洋种(74种)中,属华中种的有5.4%(4种);属华南种有6.8%(5种);属华中华南共有种87.8%(65种).  相似文献   

汉江中上游河道冬季水鸟共30种,隶属7目7科。其中,冬候鸟15种,留鸟8种,占73.3%,旅鸟7种。调查分析表明:独特的动物地理区系和优越的湿地环境使汉水中上游流域成为重要的鸟类越冬地及迁徙中转地,由此形成了该地特殊的冬季鸟类结构。  相似文献   

内蒙古赛罕乌拉自然保护区冬季鸟类多样性调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用固定样线法于2006~2009年对内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区冬季鸟类组成进行了调查.共记录鸟类6目18科51种,其中有37种留鸟,9种冬候鸟,5种旅鸟,鸟类的居留型发生变化.所记录鸟类中有国家Ⅰ级重点保护鸟类1种,Ⅱ级保护鸟类13种,国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济及科学研究价值的鸟类29种.群落多样性指数值最高...  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to the study of species persistence in fragmented landscapes generally consider a binary classification of habitat being suitable or unsuitable; however, the range of human‐modified habitats within a region may offer a gradient of habitat suitability (or conservation value) for species. We identified such a gradient by comparing bird assemblages among contrasting land uses (pine plantations of different age, annual crops, clear cuts and cattle pastures) in the Upper Parana Atlantic forest. Bird assemblages and vegetation structure were characterized in an extensive area of 4400 km2 in Argentina and Paraguay during the breeding seasons of 2005–2010. Similarity of bird assemblages between anthropogenic habitats and the native forest and the proportion of forest species increased with vegetation vertical structure, while the proportion of open‐area species decreased. As a consequence, mature tree plantations were the most suitable habitats for forest species and were mainly used by frugivores and bark insectivores. In contrast, open habitats were the least suitable habitat for forest species and were used primarily by insectivores. Human‐created habitats that are structurally complex can be used by a subset of forest species, and may improve functional connectivity and mitigate edge effects. The conservation of large tracks of native forests, however, is critical for the long‐term persistence of the entire bird assemblage, especially for native forest dependent species.  相似文献   

锡林河湿地鸟类调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005~2006年采用固定半径样点法和样线法对锡林河湿地4种生境的鸟类资源现状进行了调查。共记录到鸟类97种,隶属于12目33科。其中留鸟11种,占该地区鸟类总数的11.34%;夏候鸟68种,占70.10%;旅鸟15种,占15.46%;冬候鸟3种,占3.09%;国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物有3种,Ⅱ级重点保护动物有12种。繁殖鸟(包括夏候鸟和留鸟)79种,构成了该地区鸟类的主体。在繁殖鸟中,属于北方型的有68种,占86.08%,反映出明显的古北界特征。  相似文献   

Many environmental factors contribute to the rise in prevalence of obesity in populations but one key driver is urbanization. Countries in Southeast (SE) Asia have undergone rapid changes in urbanization in recent decades. The aim of this study is to provide a systematic review of studies exploring the relationship between living in an urban or rural environment (urbanicity) and obesity in Southeast Asia. In particular, the review will investigate whether the associations are uniform across countries and ages, and by sex. The literature search was conducted up to June 2014 using five databases: EMBASE, PubMed, GlobalHealth, DigitalJournal and Open Grey. Forty-five articles representing eight of the eleven countries in SE Asia were included in the review. The review found a consistent positive association between urbanicity and obesity in countries of Southeast Asia, in all age groups and both genders. Regional differences between the associations are partly explained by gross national income (GNI). In countries with lower GNI per capita, the association between urbanicity and obesity was greater. Such findings have implications for policy makers. They imply that population level interventions need to be country or region specific, tailored to suit the current stage of economic development. In addition, less developed countries might be more vulnerable to the negative health impact of urbanization than more developed countries.  相似文献   

内蒙古锡林浩特市鸟类资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年5月至2006年11月,采用固定样点法和样带法,对内蒙古自治区锡林浩特市的鸟类资源进行了调查.共记录到鸟类186种,隶属于18目42科98属.其中,留鸟27种,夏候鸟104种,冬候鸟1种,旅鸟54种.鸟类区系以古北界成分为主,有117种,占繁殖鸟总数的88.6%.国家Ⅰ级重点保护鸟类5种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类28种.湿地生境中鸟类资源最为丰富,有134种.鸟类的G-F指数为0.81.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in the composition of species assemblages could be the result of deterministic processes driven by environmental change and/or stochastic processes of colonization and local extinction. Here, we analyzed the relative roles of deterministic and stochastic processes on bird assemblages in an agricultural landscape of southwestern France. We first assessed the impact of land cover change that occurred between 1982 and 2007 on (i) the species composition (presence/absence) of bird assemblages and (ii) the spatial pattern of taxonomic beta diversity. We also compared the observed temporal change of bird assemblages with a null model accounting for the effect of stochastic dynamics on temporal beta diversity. Temporal assemblage dissimilarity was partitioned into two separate components, accounting for the replacement of species (i.e. turnover) and for the nested species losses (or gains) from one time to the other (i.e. nestedness-resultant dissimilarity), respectively. Neither the turnover nor the nestedness-resultant components of temporal variation were accurately explained by any of the measured variables accounting for land cover change (r2<0.06 in all cases). Additionally, the amount of spatial assemblage heterogeneity in the region did not significantly change between 1982 and 2007, and site-specific observed temporal dissimilarities were larger than null expectations in only 1% of sites for temporal turnover and 13% of sites for nestedness-resultant dissimilarity. Taken together, our results suggest that land cover change in this agricultural landscape had little impact on temporal beta diversity of bird assemblages. Although other unmeasured deterministic process could be driving the observed patterns, it is also possible that the observed changes in presence/absence species composition of local bird assemblages might be the consequence of stochastic processes in which species populations appeared and disappeared from specific localities in a random-like way. Our results might be case-specific, but if stochastic dynamics are generally dominant, the ability of correlative and mechanistic models to predict land cover change effects on species composition would be compromised.  相似文献   

In order to better estimate bacterial biomass in marine environments, we developed a novel technique for direct measurement of carbon and nitrogen contents of natural bacterial assemblages. Bacterial cells were separated from phytoplankton and detritus with glass fiber and membrane filters (pore size, 0.8 μm) and then concentrated by tangential flow filtration. The concentrate was used for the determination of amounts of organic carbon and nitrogen by a high-temperature catalytic oxidation method, and after it was stained with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, cell abundance was determined by epifluorescence microscopy. We found that the average contents of carbon and nitrogen for oceanic bacterial assemblages were 12.4 ± 6.3 and 2.1 ± 1.1 fg cell−1 (mean ± standard deviation; n = 6), respectively. Corresponding values for coastal bacterial assemblages were 30.2 ± 12.3 fg of C cell−1 and 5.8 ± 1.5 fg of N cell−1 (n = 5), significantly higher than those for oceanic bacteria (two-tailed Student’s t test; P < 0.03). There was no significant difference (P > 0.2) in the bacterial C:N ratio (atom atom−1) between oceanic (6.8 ± 1.2) and coastal (5.9 ± 1.1) assemblages. Our estimates support the previous proposition that bacteria contribute substantially to total biomass in marine environments, but they also suggest that the use of a single conversion factor for diverse marine environments can lead to large errors in assessing the role of bacteria in food webs and biogeochemical cycles. The use of a factor, 20 fg of C cell−1, which has been widely adopted in recent studies may result in the overestimation (by as much as 330%) of bacterial biomass in open oceans and in the underestimation (by as much as 40%) of bacterial biomass in coastal environments.  相似文献   

The Lower Kihansi Hydropower Project in southern Tanzania caused the diversion of the Kihansi River from the Kihansi Gorge in the year 2000. By sampling the understorey avifauna prior to diversion, we examined (i) whether the adjacent Udagaje Gorge was an adequate control for observations in the Kihansi Gorge; (ii) which species of conservation interest occurred; and, (iii) which season best suited annual monitoring. Species composition and capture rates at three and two elevational transects in the Kihansi Gorge and Udagaje Gorge, respectively, confirmed that Udagaje had a comparable avifaunal assemblage to Kihansi. The cold season was most appropriate for population monitoring because >2 times more individuals were captured in the cold than hot season at both gorges, and at least four altitudinal migrants were present in the cold but not hot season. Post-diversion sampling revealed that only the Upper Kihansi transect suffered a significant decrease in number of individuals, a result that was driven largely by a decline in the Little Greenbul, Andropadus virens. This transect is closest to the Kihansi waterfall and associated spray zone which were lost after river diversion. Lack of differences in bird communities at other transects after diversion illustrates that early post-diversion effects on birds are probably concentrated near the base of the main falls. Together with studies of other biota in Kihansi, we propose that long-term monitoring is necessary to understand the factors that regulate changes in species composition of this threatened forest site.  相似文献   



Distinctions between rural and urban environments produce different frequencies of traumatic exposures and psychiatric disorders. We examine the prevalence of psychiatric disorders and frequency of trauma exposures by position on the rural-urban continuum.


The National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R) was used to evaluate psychiatric disorders among a nationally-representative sample of the U.S. population. Rurality was designated using the Department of Agriculture''s 2003 rural-urban continuum codes (RUCC), which differentiate counties into levels of rurality by population density and adjacency to metropolitan areas. Lifetime psychiatric disorders included post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder, mood disorders, impulse-control disorders, and substance abuse. Trauma exposures were classified as war-related, accident-related, disaster-related, interpersonal or other. Weighted logistic regression models examined the odds of psychiatric disorders and trauma exposures by position on the rural-urban continuum, adjusted for relevant covariates.


75% of participants were metropolitan, 12.2% were suburban, and 12.8% were from rural counties. The most common disorder reported was any anxiety disorder (38.5%). Drug abuse was more common among metropolitan (8.7%, p = 0.018), compared to nonmetropolitan (5.1% suburban, 6.1% rural) participants. A one-category increase in rurality was associated with decreased odds for war-related trauma (aOR = 0.86, 95%CI 0.78–0.95). Rurality was not associated with risk for any other lifetime psychiatric disorders or trauma exposure.


Contrary to the expectation of some rural primary care providers, the frequencies of most psychiatric disorders and trauma exposures are similar across the rural-urban continuum, reinforcing calls to improve mental healthcare access in resource-poor rural communities.  相似文献   

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