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It has been postulated that life span is inversely related to energy expenditure. If this is correct, regularly performed exercise could accelerate the aging process. In two early studies, exercise shortened the life span of rats; the results of these studies have been cited as evidence for the concept that an increase in energy expenditure accelerates aging. However, subsequent studies have not confirmed this finding. Instead, the weight of evidence now indicates that rats that exercise regularly have a longer average life span than sedentary, ad libitum-fed controls. Freely eating sedentary rats become obese, indicating that their food intake is in excess of their energy requirements. Available evidence seems compatible with the interpretation that exercise results in improved survival in rats by countering deleterious effects of a sedentary life combined with overeating.  相似文献   

The role of exercise in thermogenesis and energy balance   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The role of exercise training in energy balance has been reviewed. Recent well-conducted studies showed that exercise may increase energy expenditure not only during the period of exercise itself but during the postexercise period as well. This notion of excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), which has been a controversial issue for many years, is now becoming a generally well-accepted concept, the consensus being that EPOC takes place following prolonged and strenuous exercise bouts. Besides, the role of EPOC in long-term energy balance remains to be determined. Long-term energy balance studies carried out in rats show that exercise affects energy balance by altering food intake and promoting energy expenditure. In male rats exercise causes a marked decrease in energy intake which contributes, in association with the expenditure of exercise itself, to retard lean and fat tissue growth. From the suppressed deposition of lean body mass, decreases in basal metabolic rate can be predicted in males. In female rats, exercise does not affect food intake; the lower energy gain of exercise-trained females results from the elevated expenditure rate associated with exercise itself. In both male and female rats, there is no evidence that exercise training affects energy expenditure other than during exercise itself unless the habitual feeding pattern of the rats is radically modified. The interactive effects of diet and exercise, which have to be further investigated in long-term energy balance, emerge as a promising area of research.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that mere exposure to drugs can induce long-term alterations in the neural systems that mediate reward processing, motivation, and behavioral control, potentially causing the pathological pursuit of drugs that characterizes the addicted state. The incentive sensitization theory proposes that drug exposure potentiates the influence of reward-paired cues on behavior. It has also been suggested that drug exposure biases action selection towards the automatic execution of habits and away from more deliberate goal-directed control. The current study investigated whether rats given repeated exposure to peripherally administered cocaine would show alterations in incentive motivation (assayed using the Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer (PIT) paradigm) or habit formation (assayed using sensitivity to reward devaluation). After instrumental and Pavlovian training for food pellet rewards, rats were given 6 daily injections of cocaine (15 mg/kg, IP) or saline, followed by a 10-d period of rest. Consistent with the incentive sensitization theory, cocaine-treated rats showed stronger cue-evoked lever pressing than saline-treated rats during the PIT test. The same rats were then trained on a new instrumental action with a new food pellet reward before undergoing a reward devaluation testing. Although saline-treated rats exhibited sensitivity to reward devaluation, indicative of goal-directed performance, cocaine-treated rats were insensitive to this treatment, suggesting a reliance on habitual processes. These findings, when taken together, indicate that repeated exposure to cocaine can cause broad alterations in behavioral control, spanning both motivational and action selection processes, and could therefore help explain aberrations of decision-making that underlie drug addiction.  相似文献   

Conditional stimuli (CS) that are paired with reward can be used to motivate instrumental responses. This process is called Pavlovian-instrumental transfer (PIT). A recent study in rats suggested that habitual responses are particularly sensitive to the motivational effects of reward cues. The current experiments examined this idea using ratio and interval training in mice. Two groups of animals were trained to lever press for food pellets that were delivered on random ratio or random interval schedules. Devaluation tests revealed that interval training led to habitual responding while ratio training produced goal-directed actions. The presentation of CSs paired with reward led to positive transfer in both groups, however, the size of this effect was much larger in mice that were trained on interval schedules. This result suggests that habitual responses are more sensitive to the motivational influence of reward cues than goal-directed actions. The implications for neurobiological models of motivation and drug seeking behaviors are discussed.  相似文献   

According to one influential account, face processing atypicalities in autism reflect reduced reward value of faces, which results in limited attention to faces during development and a consequent failure to acquire face expertise. Surprisingly, however, there is a paucity of work directly investigating the reward value of faces for individuals with autism and the evidence for diminished face rewards in this population remains equivocal. In the current study, we measured how hard children with autism would work to view faces, using an effortful key-press sequence, and whether they were sensitive to the differential reward value of attractive and unattractive faces. Contrary to expectations, cognitively able children with autism did not differ from typically developing children of similar age and ability in their willingness to work to view faces. Moreover, the effort expended was strongly positively correlated with facial attractiveness ratings in both groups of children. There was also no evidence of atypical reward values for other, less social categories (cars and inverted faces) in the children with autism. These results speak against the possibility that face recognition difficulties in autism are explained by atypical reward value of faces.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of exercise training on energy balance in male rats acclimated at two different environmental temperatures. Sedimentary and exercised rats were housed and trained at either 24 or 4 degrees C, with the training program consisting of running on a motor-driven treadmill within their respective environments. After 45 days, energy, protein, and fat contents of rats were determined together with the energy content of food and feces. The results show that metabolizable energy intake was reduced by 10% in exercise-trained groups. Substantial differences in energy gains were observed between sedentary and trained rats; sedentary rats showed almost three times more energy gain than trained rats. Carcass analysis revealed the energy gain differences to be mainly due to varied amounts of fat deposition. Energy expenditure (kJ) excluding the cost of exercise training was corrected for metabolic body size (BW 0.75), which in turn showed no significant differences between trained rats and their respective sedentary controls. The present results suggested that exercise training in rats leads to neither increase nor decrease in energy expenditure through components additional to physical activity. The present results also indicated that brown adipose tissue thermogenesis, as assessed through mitochondrial guanosine 5'-diphosphate binding, was not significantly modified by exercise training, regardless of the temperature at which the rats were housed and trained.  相似文献   

The role of medial shell of the nucleus accumbens in acquisition of spatial behavior was studied in rats performing choice task in radial maze with asymmetrical water reinforcement. It has been found that the nucleus accumbens lesioned rats failed in finding larger rewards but preserve their reward-seeking behavior guided by visual discriminative stimuli. The results obtained are in good agreement with suggestion that the nucleus accumbens is a site of convergence of spatial information (from hippocampus) with reward information (from amygdala and VTA), providing bridge for effective limbic-motor interface underlying motivated goal-directed behavior in animals.  相似文献   

In order to select actions appropriate to current needs, a subject must identify relationships between actions and events. Control over the environment is determined by the degree to which action consequences can be predicted, as described by action-outcome contingencies--i.e. performing an action should affect the probability of the outcome. We evaluated in a first experiment adaptation to contingency changes in rats with neurotoxic lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex. Results indicate that this brain region is not critical to adjust instrumental responding to a negative contingency where the rats must refrain from pressing a lever, as this action prevents reward delivery. By contrast, this brain region is required to reduce responding in a non-contingent situation where the same number of rewards is freely delivered and actions do not affect the outcome any more. In a second experiment, we determined that this effect does not result from a different perception of temporal relationships between actions and outcomes since lesioned rats adapted normally to gradually increasing delays in reward delivery. These data indicate that the medial prefrontal cortex is not directly involved in evaluating the correlation between action--and reward--rates or in the perception of reward delays. The deficit in lesioned rats appears to consist of an abnormal response to the balance between contingent and non-contingent rewards. By highlighting the role of prefrontal regions in adapting to the causal status of actions, these data contribute to our understanding of the neural basis of choice tasks.  相似文献   

This is a study of the ability of blindfolded human subjects to match the position of their forearms before and after eccentric exercise. The hypothesis tested was that the sense of effort contributed to forearm position sense. The fall in force after the exercise was predicted to alter the relationship between effort and force and thereby induce position errors. In the arms-in-front posture, subjects had their unsupported reference arm set to one of two angles from the horizontal, 30 or 60 degrees , and they matched its position by voluntary placement of their other arm. Matching errors were compared with a task where the arms were counterweighted, so could be moved in the vertical plane with minimal effort, and where the arms were moved in the horizontal plane. In these latter two tasks, the intention was to test whether removal of an effort sensation from holding the arm against gravity influenced matching performance. It was found that, although absolute errors for counterweighted and horizontal matching were no larger than for unsupported matching, their standard deviations, 6.1 and 6.8 degrees , respectively, were significantly greater than for unsupported matching (4.6 degrees ), indicating more erratic matching. The eccentric exercise led, the next day, to a fall in maximum voluntary muscle torque of >or=15%. This was accompanied by a significant increase in matching errors for the unsupported matching task from 2.7 +/- 0.5 to 0.8 +/- 0.7 degrees but not for counterweighted (1.4 +/- 0.2 to -0.2 degrees +/- 1.1 degrees ) or horizontal matching (-1.3 +/- 0.7 degrees to -1.8 +/- 0.7 degrees ). This, it is postulated, is because the reduced voluntary torque after exercise was accompanied by a greater effort required to support the arms, leading to larger matching errors. However, effort is only able to provide positional information for unsupported matching where gravity plays a role. In gravity-neutral tasks like counterweighted or horizontal matching, a change in the effort-force relationship after exercise leaves matching accuracy unaffected.  相似文献   

Individuals that combine features of both genders–gender blends–are sometimes appealing and sometimes not. Heretofore, this difference was explained entirely in terms of sexual selection. In contrast, we propose that part of individuals’ preference for gender blends is due to the cognitive effort required to classify them, and that such effort depends on the context in which a blend is judged. In two studies, participants judged the attractiveness of male-female morphs. Participants did so after classifying each face in terms of its gender, which was selectively more effortful for gender blends, or classifying faces on a gender-irrelevant dimension, which was equally effortful for gender blends. In both studies, gender blends were disliked when, and only when, the faces were first classified by gender, despite an overall preference for feminine features in all conditions. Critically, the preferences were mediated by the effort of stimulus classification. The results suggest that the variation in attractiveness of gender-ambiguous faces may derive from context-dependent requirements to determine gender membership. More generally, the results show that the difficulty of resolving social category membership–not just attitudes toward a social category–feed into perceivers’ overall evaluations toward category members.  相似文献   

Several studies have investigated the neural basis of effortful emotion regulation (ER) but the neural basis of automatic ER has been less comprehensively explored. The present study investigated the neural basis of automatic ER supported by ‘implementation intentions’. 40 healthy participants underwent fMRI while viewing emotion-eliciting images and used either a previously-taught effortful ER strategy, in the form of a goal intention (e.g., try to take a detached perspective), or a more automatic ER strategy, in the form of an implementation intention (e.g., “If I see something disgusting, then I will think these are just pixels on the screen!”), to regulate their emotional response. Whereas goal intention ER strategies were associated with activation of brain areas previously reported to be involved in effortful ER (including dorsolateral prefrontal cortex), ER strategies based on an implementation intention strategy were associated with activation of right inferior frontal gyrus and ventro-parietal cortex, which may reflect the attentional control processes automatically captured by the cue for action contained within the implementation intention. Goal intentions were also associated with less effective modulation of left amygdala, supporting the increased efficacy of ER under implementation intention instructions, which showed coupling of orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala. The findings support previous behavioural studies in suggesting that forming an implementation intention enables people to enact goal-directed responses with less effort and more efficiency.  相似文献   

Octopuses are intelligent, soft-bodied animals with keen senses that perform reliably in a variety of visual and tactile learning tasks. However, researchers have found them disappointing in that they consistently fail in operant tasks that require them to combine central nervous system reward information with visual and peripheral knowledge of the location of their arms. Wells claimed that in order to filter and integrate an abundance of multisensory inputs that might inform the animal of the position of a single arm, octopuses would need an exceptional computing mechanism, and "There is no evidence that such a system exists in Octopus, or in any other soft bodied animal." Recent electrophysiological experiments, which found no clear somatotopic organization in the higher motor centers, support this claim. We developed a three-choice maze that required an octopus to use a single arm to reach a visually marked goal compartment. Using this operant task, we show for the first time that Octopus vulgaris is capable of guiding a single arm in a complex movement to a location. Thus, we claim that octopuses can combine peripheral arm location information with visual input to control goal-directed complex movements.  相似文献   

In this issue of Neuron, Parikh et al. utilize biosensors to probe the cholinergic system in freely moving rats performing cue-detection/reward delivery tasks. They show that cue-evoked cholinergic activity in the medial prefrontal cortex is associated with cue detection and not reward delivery. We discuss the implications of their research in behavioral neuroscience.  相似文献   

Determining if, or when, individuals trade off time spent personally feeding against time spent monitoring others for kleptoparasitism opportunities is essential to an understanding of the evolution of scrounging and usurpation behaviours. We provide a first field test of whether kleptoparasites reduce their personal foraging effort in situations where the frequency and rewards of kleptoparasitism increase. We provided experimental food patches for wild European blackbirds that varied in the distribution of prey and that had a potentially high rate of kleptoparasitism within pairs of blackbirds feeding in them. Although individuals differed in their rate of kleptoparasitism, they did not vary in the size of the reward that they gained from kleptoparasitism. As prey became more clumped, kleptoparasitism rate and its reward per incident increased on average. There was, however, no evidence that individuals that were kleptoparasitising more quickly and/or at a higher frequency had lower personal foraging effort. In contrast, foraging effort increased in both birds compared to when they were foraging alone, independent of dominance, kleptoparasitic opportunity or reward. Our evidence suggests that in some circumstances a kleptoparasite can detect kleptoparasitic opportunities without compromising its own personal foraging rate.  相似文献   

Actions can create preferences, increasing the value ascribed to commodities acquired at greater cost. This behavioural finding has been observed in a variety of species; however, the causal factors underlying the phenomenon are relatively unknown. We sought to develop a behavioural platform to examine the relationship between effort and reinforcer value in mice trained under demanding or lenient schedules of reinforcement to obtain food. In the initial experiment, expenditure of effort enhanced the value of the associated food via relatively lasting changes in its hedonic attributes, promoting an acquired preference for these reinforcers when tested outside of the training environment. Moreover, otherwise neutral cues associated with those reinforcers during training similarly acquired greater reinforcing value, as assessed under conditioned reinforcement. In a separate experiment, expenditure of effort was also capable of enhancing the value of less-preferred low-caloric reinforcers. Analysis of licking microstructure revealed the basis for this increased valuation was, in part, due to increased palatability of the associated reinforcer. This change in the hedonic taste properties of the food can not only serve as a basis for preference, but also guide decision-making and foraging behaviour by coordinating a potentially adaptive repertoire of incentive motivation, goal-directed action and consumption.  相似文献   

The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and mediodorsal thalamus (MD) together form a thalamocortical circuit that has been implicated in the learning and production of goal-directed actions. In this study we measured neural activity in both regions simultaneously, as rats learned to press a lever to earn food rewards. In both MD and mPFC, instrumental learning was accompanied by dramatic changes in the firing patterns of the neurons, in particular the rapid emergence of single-unit neural activity reflecting the completion of the action and reward delivery. In addition, we observed distinct patterns of changes in the oscillatory LFP response in MD and mPFC. With learning, there was a significant increase in theta band oscillations (6–10 Hz) in the MD, but not in the mPFC. By contrast, gamma band oscillations (40–55 Hz) increased in the mPFC, but not in the MD. Coherence between these two regions also changed with learning: gamma coherence in relation to reward delivery increased, whereas theta coherence did not. Together these results suggest that, as rats learned the instrumental contingency between action and outcome, the emergence of task related neural activity is accompanied by enhanced functional interaction between MD and mPFC in response to the reward feedback.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that both structural and functional adaptations of arterioles occur within the skeletal muscle of rats aerobically trained for 8-10 wk with treadmill exercise. The training regimen used has been shown to elicit a 37% increase in plantaris citrate synthase activity but did not result in an elevation in citrate synthase activity in the spinotrapezius or gracilis muscles of rats used in this study. In the in vivo resting spinotrapezius muscle, arteriole diameters were similar in sedentary (SED) and trained (TR) rats. However, large- (1A) and intermediate- (2A) sized arterioles dilated proportionately more in TR than in SED rats during 1- to 8-Hz muscle contractions, even though the passive mechanical properties (circumference-passive wall tension relationships) were similar between groups. Vascular casts demonstrated a trend for an increase in the number of small (3A) arterioles and an approximately 20% increase in the passive diameter of 1A and 2A arterioles in the spinotrapezius muscle of TR rats. In contrast, in the gracilis muscle, arteriole diameters and density were identical in SED and TR rats, but the capillary-to-muscle fiber ratio was approximately 15% higher in TR rats. The results suggest that aerobic exercise training can greatly increase functional vasodilation and induce a slight increase in vascular density in skeletal muscle tissues, even if the oxidative capacity of these tissues is not increased by the training regimen.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests a role for estrogen in the use of a particular cognitive strategy when solving a maze task. In order to confirm the role of estrogen in this phenomenon, ovariectomized (OVX) female rats receiving either high ( approximately 90 pg/ml) or low ( approximately 32 pg/ml) circulating levels of 17beta-estradiol benzoate (E2) performed a plus maze task for a reward. Consistent with previous research, OVX rats receiving low levels of E2 utilized a striatum-mediated response strategy while OVX rats administered high levels of E2 employed a hippocampus-mediated place strategy. Furthermore, following a systemic injection of a moderate dose of either a dopamine D1 (SKF 83566, 0.1 mg/kg IP) or D2 (raclopride, 0.5 mg/kg IP) receptor antagonist, low E2 rats were seen to use the opposite strategy and exercise a hippocampus-mediated place strategy in order to obtain the reward. At the same doses, high E2 rats did not change from using a place strategy. At a lower dose, these drugs shifted high E2 rats such that they showed an equal propensity for either strategy; this was not observed in low E2 rats. These results corroborate previous findings that E2 plays a significant role in the use of either a response or place strategy when solving a maze for a reward. In addition, the shift in strategy after dopamine receptor blockade implies the importance of central dopamine function in selecting a cognitive strategy to solve such tasks. It is suggested that estrogen alters cognitive strategy not only by improving hippocampal function, but also by altering dopamine-regulated striatal function.  相似文献   

A prerequisite for adaptive goal-directed behavior is that animals constantly evaluate action outcomes and relate them to both their antecedent behavior and to stimuli predictive of reward or non-reward. Here, we investigate whether single neurons in the avian nidopallium caudolaterale (NCL), a multimodal associative forebrain structure and a presumed analogue of mammalian prefrontal cortex, represent information useful for goal-directed behavior. We subjected pigeons to a go-nogo task, in which responding to one visual stimulus (S+) was partially reinforced, responding to another stimulus (S–) was punished, and responding to test stimuli from the same physical dimension (spatial frequency) was inconsequential. The birds responded most intensely to S+, and their response rates decreased monotonically as stimuli became progressively dissimilar to S+; thereby, response rates provided a behavioral index of reward expectancy. We found that many NCL neurons'' responses were modulated in the stimulus discrimination phase, the outcome phase, or both. A substantial fraction of neurons increased firing for cues predicting non-reward or decreased firing for cues predicting reward. Interestingly, the same neurons also responded when reward was expected but not delivered, and could thus provide a negative reward prediction error or, alternatively, signal negative value. In addition, many cells showed motor-related response modulation. In summary, NCL neurons represent information about the reward value of specific stimuli, instrumental actions as well as action outcomes, and therefore provide signals useful for adaptive behavior in dynamically changing environments.  相似文献   



To determine energy expenditure in kilocalories (kcal) during sexual activity in young healthy couples in their natural environment and compare it to a session of endurance exercise.


The study population consisted of twenty one heterosexual couples (age: 22.6 ± 2.8 years old) from the Montreal region. Free living energy expenditure during sexual activity and the endurance exercise was measured using the portable mini SenseWear armband. Perceived energy expenditure, perception of effort, fatigue and pleasure were also assessed after sexual activity. All participants completed a 30 min endurance exercise session on a treadmill at a moderate intensity.


Mean energy expenditure during sexual activity was 101 kCal or 4.2 kCal/min in men and 69.1 kCal or 3.1 kCal/min in women. In addition, mean intensity was 6.0 METS in men and 5.6 METS in women, which represents a moderate intensity. Moreover, the energy expenditure and intensity during the 30 min exercise session in men was 276 kCal or 9.2 kCal/min and 8.5 METS, respectively and in women 213 kCal or 7.1 kCal/min and 8.4 METS, respectively. Interestingly, the highest range value achieved by men for absolute energy expenditure can potentially be higher than that of the mean energy expenditure of the 30 min exercise session (i.e. 306.1 vs. 276 kCal, respectively) whereas this was not observed in women. Finally, perceived energy expenditure during sexual activity was similar in men (100 kCal) and in women (76.2 kCal) when compared to measured energy expenditure.


The present study indicates that energy expenditure during sexual activity appears to be approximately 85 kCal or 3.6 kCal/min and seems to be performed at a moderate intensity (5.8 METS) in young healthy men and women. These results suggest that sexual activity may potentially be considered, at times, as a significant exercise.  相似文献   

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