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The envelope glycoproteins (Env) are the focus of HIV-1 vaccine development strategies based on the induction of humoral immunity, but the mechanisms the virus has evolved to limit the induction and binding of neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) constitute substantial obstacles. Conserved neutralization epitopes are shielded by variable regions and carbohydrates, so one strategy to increase their exposure and, it is hoped, their immunogenicity is to delete the overlying variable loops. However, deleting the variable regions from Env trimers can be problematic, because hydrophobic patches that are normally solvent-inaccessible now become exposed, causing protein misfolding or aggregation, for example. Here, we describe the construction and characterization of recombinant gp140 trimers lacking variable domains 1 and 2 (ΔV1V2). The design of the trimers was guided by HIV-1 evolution studies that identified compensatory changes in V1V2-deleted but functional Env proteins (Bontjer, I., Land, A., Eggink, D., Verkade, E., Tuin, K., Baldwin, C., Pollakis, G., Paxton, W. A., Braakman, I., Berkhout, B., and Sanders, R. W. (2009) J. Virol. 83, 368–383). We now show that specific compensatory changes improved the function of ΔV1V2 Env proteins and hence HIV-1 replication. The changes acted by reducing the exposure of a hydrophobic surface either by replacing a hydrophobic residue with a hydrophilic one or by covering the surface with a glycan. The compensatory changes allowed the efficient expression of well folded, soluble gp140 trimers derived from various HIV-1 isolates. The evolved ΔV1V2 Env viruses were extremely sensitive to NAbs, indicating that neutralization epitopes are well exposed, which was confirmed by studies of NAb binding to the soluble ΔV1V2 gp140 trimers. These evolved ΔV1V2 trimers could be useful reagents for immunogenicity and structural studies.  相似文献   

HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Env) are the only viral antigens present on the virus surface and serve as the key targets for virus-neutralizing antibodies. However, HIV-1 deploys multiple strategies to shield the vulnerable sites on its Env from neutralizing antibodies. The V1V2 domain located at the apex of the HIV-1 Env spike is known to encompass highly variable loops, but V1V2 also contains immunogenic conserved elements recognized by cross-reactive antibodies. This study evaluates human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against V2 epitopes which overlap with the conserved integrin α4β7-binding LDV/I motif, designated as the V2i (integrin) epitopes. We postulate that the V2i Abs have weak or no neutralizing activities because the V2i epitopes are often occluded from antibody recognition. To gain insights into the mechanisms of the V2i occlusion, we evaluated three elements at the distal end of the V1V2 domain shown in the structure of V2i epitope complexed with mAb 830A to be important for antibody recognition of the V2i epitope. Amino-acid substitutions at position 179 that restore the LDV/I motif had minimal effects on virus sensitivity to neutralization by most V2i mAbs. However, a charge change at position 153 in the V1 region significantly increased sensitivity of subtype C virus ZM109 to most V2i mAbs. Separately, a disulfide bond introduced to stabilize the hypervariable region of V2 loop also enhanced virus neutralization by some V2i mAbs, but the effects varied depending on the virus. These data demonstrate that multiple elements within the V1V2 domain act independently and in a virus-dependent fashion to govern the antibody recognition and accessibility of V2i epitopes, suggesting the need for multi-pronged strategies to counter the escape and the shielding mechanisms obstructing the V2i Abs from neutralizing HIV-1.  相似文献   

Two lines of investigation have highlighted the importance of antibodies to the V1/V2 domain of gp120 in providing protection from HIV-1 infection. First, the recent RV144 HIV-1 vaccine trial documented a correlation between non-neutralizing antibodies to the V2 domain and protection. Second, multiple broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to the V1/V2 domain (e.g. PG9) have been isolated from rare infected individuals, termed elite neutralizers. Interestingly, the binding of both types of antibodies appears to depend on the same cluster of amino acids (positions 167–171) adjacent to the junction of the B and C strands of the four-stranded V1/V2 domain β-sheet structure. However, the broadly neutralizing mAb, PG9, additionally depends on mannose-5 glycans at positions 156 and 160 for binding. Because the gp120 vaccine immunogens used in previous HIV-1 vaccine trials were enriched for complex sialic acid-containing glycans, and lacked the high mannose structures required for the binding of PG9-like mAbs, we wondered if these immunogens could be improved by limiting glycosylation to mannose-5 glycans. Here, we describe the PG9 binding activity of monomeric gp120s from multiple strains of HIV-1 produced with mannose-5 glycans. We also describe the properties of glycopeptide scaffolds from the V1/V2 domain also expressed with mannose-5 glycans. The V1/V2 scaffold from the A244 isolate was able to bind the PG9, CH01, and CH03 mAbs with high affinity provided that the proper glycans were present. We further show that immunization with A244 V1/V2 fragments alone, or in a prime/boost regimen with gp120, enhanced the antibody response to sequences in the V1/V2 domain associated with protection in the RV144 trial.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between the amino acid sequences of the V2 and V3 regions of the envelope protein and the biological properties of ten human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) primary isolates. The infectivity, cytopathic effect (CPE), and syncytium forming activity of these primary isolates were tested against three T cell lines (CEM, MT2, and MOLT4/CL.8 cells), CD8-depleted peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), and primary monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) from seronegative donors. In addition to the viral groups which had the syncytium inducing/T-cell line tropic (SI/TT) phenotype or non-syncytium inducing/non-T cell line tropic (NSI/NT) phenotype (including the NSI/macrophage tropic (NSI/MT) phenotype), there was a group of viruses that infected one or two T cell lines and PBMC but could not mediate syncytium formation. We therefore classified this group of viruses as a non-syncytium inducing/partial T-cell line tropic (NSI/pTT) virus. To investigate the relationship between these viral phenotypes and the sequence variability of the V2 and V3 regions of the envelope, we cloned the viral gene segment and sequenced the individual isolates. The sequence data suggested that the SI/TT type changes in the V3 sequence alone mediate a partial T cell line tropism and mild cytopathic effect and that an isolate became more virulent (SI/TT phenotype) if there were additional changes in the V2 or other regions. On the other hand, sequence changes in the V2 region alone could not mediate phenotypic changes but some additional changes in the other variable regions (for example, V3) might be required for the phenotypic changes in combination with changes in V2. These findings also suggested that amino acid changes in both the V2 and V3 region are required for the development of virulent variants of HIV-1 that outgrow during advanced stages of the disease.  相似文献   

The mature human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein (Env) comprises the non-covalently associated gp120 and gp41 subunits generated from the gp160 precursor. Recent structural analyses have provided quaternary structural models for gp120/gp41 trimers, including the variable loops (V1–V5) of gp120. In these models, the V3 loop is located under V1/V2 at the apical center of the Env trimer, and the V4 and V5 loops project outward from the trimeric protomers. In addition, the V4 and V5 loops are predicted to have less movement upon receptor binding during membrane fusion events. We performed insertional mutagenesis using a GFP variant, GFPOPT, placed into the variable loops of HXB2 gp120. This allowed us to evaluate the current structural models and to simultaneously generate a GFP-tagged HIV-1 Env, which was useful for image analyses. All GFP-inserted mutants showed similar levels of whole-cell expression, although certain mutants, particularly V3 mutants, showed lower levels of cell surface expression. Functional evaluation of their fusogenicities in cell-cell and virus-like particle-cell fusion assays revealed that V3 was the most sensitive to the insertion and that the V1/V2 loops were less sensitive than V3. The V4 and V5 loops were the most tolerant to insertion, and certain tag proteins other than GFPOPT could also be inserted without functional consequences. Our results support the current structural models and provide a GFPOPT-tagged Env construct for imaging studies.  相似文献   

Some strains of enterovirus 71 (EV71), but not others, infect leukocytes by binding to a specific receptor molecule: the P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1). We find that a single amino acid residue within the capsid protein VP1 determines whether EV71 binds to PSGL-1. Examination of capsid sequences of representative EV71 strains revealed that the PSGL-1-binding viruses had either a G or a Q at residue 145 within the capsid protein VP1 (VP1-145G or Q), whereas PSGL-1-nonbinding viruses had VP1-145E. Using site-directed mutagenesis we found that PSGL-1-binding strains lost their capacity to bind when VP1-145G/Q was replaced by E; conversely, nonbinding strains gained the capacity to bind PSGL-1 when VP1-145E was replaced with either G or Q. Viruses with G/Q at VP1-145 productively infected a leukocyte cell line, Jurkat T-cells, whereas viruses with E at this position did not. We previously reported that EV71 binds to the N-terminal region of PSGL-1, and that binding depends on sulfated tyrosine residues within this region. We speculated that binding depends on interaction between negatively charged sulfate groups and positively charged basic residues in the virus capsid. VP1-145 on the virus surface is in close proximity to conserved lysine residues at VP1-242 and VP1-244. Comparison of recently published crystal structures of EV71 isolates with either Q or E at VP1-145 revealed that VP1-145 controls the orientation of the lysine side-chain of VP1-244: with VP1-145Q the lysine side chain faces outward, but with VP1-145E, the lysine side chain is turned toward the virus surface. Mutation of VP1-244 abolished virus binding to PSGL-1, and mutation of VP1-242 greatly reduced binding. We propose that conserved lysine residues on the virus surface are responsible for interaction with sulfated tyrosine residues at the PSGL-1 N-terminus, and that VP1-145 acts as a switch, controlling PSGL-1 binding by modulating the exposure of VP1-244K.  相似文献   

HIV-1 cell entry is initiated by the interaction of the viral envelope glycoprotein gp120 with CD4, and chemokine coreceptors CXCR4 and CCR5. The molecular recognition of CXCR4 or CCR5 by the HIV-1 gp120 is mediated through the V3 loop, a fragment of gp120. The binding of the V3 loop to CXCR4 or CCR5 determines the cell tropism of HIV-1 and constitutes a key step before HIV-1 cell entry. Thus, elucidating the molecular recognition of CXCR4 by the V3 loop is important for understanding HIV-1 viral infectivity and tropism, and for the design of HIV-1 inhibitors. We employed a comprehensive set of computational tools, predominantly based on free energy calculations and molecular-dynamics simulations, to investigate the molecular recognition of CXCR4 by a dual tropic V3 loop. We report what is, to our knowledge, the first HIV-1 gp120 V3 loop:CXCR4 complex structure. The computationally derived structure reveals an abundance of polar and nonpolar intermolecular interactions contributing to the HIV-1 gp120:CXCR4 binding. Our results are in remarkable agreement with previous experimental findings. Therefore, this work sheds light on the functional role of HIV-1 gp120 V3 loop and CXCR4 residues associated with HIV-1 coreceptor activity.  相似文献   

HIV-1 cell entry is initiated by the interaction of the viral envelope glycoprotein gp120 with CD4, and chemokine coreceptors CXCR4 and CCR5. The molecular recognition of CXCR4 or CCR5 by the HIV-1 gp120 is mediated through the V3 loop, a fragment of gp120. The binding of the V3 loop to CXCR4 or CCR5 determines the cell tropism of HIV-1 and constitutes a key step before HIV-1 cell entry. Thus, elucidating the molecular recognition of CXCR4 by the V3 loop is important for understanding HIV-1 viral infectivity and tropism, and for the design of HIV-1 inhibitors. We employed a comprehensive set of computational tools, predominantly based on free energy calculations and molecular-dynamics simulations, to investigate the molecular recognition of CXCR4 by a dual tropic V3 loop. We report what is, to our knowledge, the first HIV-1 gp120 V3 loop:CXCR4 complex structure. The computationally derived structure reveals an abundance of polar and nonpolar intermolecular interactions contributing to the HIV-1 gp120:CXCR4 binding. Our results are in remarkable agreement with previous experimental findings. Therefore, this work sheds light on the functional role of HIV-1 gp120 V3 loop and CXCR4 residues associated with HIV-1 coreceptor activity.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of neutralization sensitivity and resistance is important for the development of an effective human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vaccine. In these studies, we have made use of the swarm of closely related envelope protein variants (quasispecies) from an extremely neutralization-resistant clinical isolate in order to identify mutations that conferred neutralization sensitivity to antibodies in sera from HIV-1-infected individuals. Here, we describe a virus with a rare mutation at position 179 in the V2 domain of gp120, where replacement of aspartic acid (D) by asparagine (N) converts a virus that is highly resistant to neutralization by multiple polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, as well as antiviral entry inhibitors, to one that is sensitive to neutralization. Although the V2 domain sequence is highly variable, D at position 179 is highly conserved in HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and is located within the LDI/V recognition motif of the recently described α4β7 receptor binding site. Our results suggest that the D179N mutation induces a conformational change that exposes epitopes in both the gp120 and the gp41 portions of the envelope protein, such as the CD4 binding site and the MPER, that are normally concealed by conformational masking. Our results suggest that D179 plays a central role in maintaining the conformation and infectivity of HIV-1 as well as mediating binding to α4β7.A major goal in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vaccine research is the identification of immunogens able to elicit protective immunity from HIV-1 infection. Results from the recent RV144 clinical trial in Thailand (53) have provided evidence that immunization with vaccines containing the recombinant HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 (6, 7) can protect humans from HIV infection when incorporated in a prime/boost immunization regimen. Although the level of protection observed in the RV144 trial (31%) was modest, it represents a significant advance in HIV-1 vaccine research and has rekindled the efforts to identify improved subunit vaccine antigens that might achieve even higher levels of protection. In these studies, we have sought to understand the molecular determinants of neutralization sensitivity and resistance in HIV-1 envelope proteins for the purpose of developing improved vaccine antigens.In previous studies (47), we have described a novel method of mutational analysis of the HIV-1 envelope protein, termed swarm analysis, for identification of mutations that confer sensitivity and/or resistance to broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs). This method makes use of the natural amino acid sequence virus variation that occurs in each HIV-infected individual to establish panels of closely related envelope proteins that differ from each other by a limited number of amino acid substitutions. We have previously used this method to identify a novel amino acid substitution in gp41 that conferred sensitivity to neutralization by monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies as well as virus entry inhibitors. In this paper, we describe a mutation in the V2 domain of gp120 that similarly induces a neutralization-sensitive phenotype in an otherwise neutralization-resistant envelope sequence.Previous studies (10, 14, 33, 40, 43, 52, 72, 74) have suggested that sequences in the V2 domain act as the “global regulator of neutralization sensitivity” and confer neutralization resistance by restricting access to epitopes located in the V3 domain, the CD4 binding site, and chemokine receptor binding sites through “conformational masking” of neutralizing epitopes. Deletion of the V2 domain markedly increases neutralization sensitivity (10, 57, 62, 74), and several envelope proteins with V2 domain deletions have been developed as candidate HIV-1 vaccines (5, 42, 61). In this paper, we show that a single substitution of asparagine (N) for aspartic acid (D) at position 179 in the C-terminal portion of the V2 domain (corresponding to position 180 in HXB2 numbering) converts a highly neutralization-resistant virus to a neutralization-sensitive virus with a phenotype similar to that described for V2 domain deletion mutants. Position 179 has recently attracted attention as a critical element of the α4β7 integrin binding site that affects virus tropism to the gut (2). Our results suggest that mutation at position 179 results in a conformational change that increases neutralization sensitivity by exposure of epitopes in both gp120 and gp41 that are normally masked in the trimeric structure of gp160 and thus are unavailable for antibody binding.  相似文献   

Broadly neutralizing antibodies to HIV-1 usually develops in chronic infections. Here, we examined the basis of enhanced sensitivity of an env clone amplified from cross neutralizing plasma of an antiretroviral naïve chronically infected Indian patient (ID50 >600-fold higher compared to other autologous env clones). The enhanced autologous neutralization of pseudotyped viruses expressing the sensitive envelope (Env) was associated with increased sensitivity to reagents and monoclonal antibodies targeting distinct sites in Env. Chimeric viruses constructed by swapping fragments of sensitive Env into resistant Env backbone revealed that the presence of unique residues within C2V3 region of gp120 governed increased neutralization. The enhanced virus neutralization was also associated with low CD4 dependence as well as increased binding of Env trimers to IgG1b12 and CD4-IgG2 and was independent of gp120 shedding. Our data highlighted vulnerabilities in the Env obtained from cross neutralizing plasma associated with the exposure of discontinuous neutralizing epitopes and enhanced autologous neutralization. Such information may aid in Env-based vaccine immunogen design.  相似文献   

The CD4 binding site (CD4bs) on the HIV-1 envelope plays a major role in determining the capacity of R5 viruses to infect primary macrophages. Thus, envelope determinants within or proximal to the CD4bs have been shown to control the use of low CD4 levels on macrophages for infection. These residues affect the affinity for CD4 either directly or indirectly by altering the exposure of CD4 contact residues. Here, we describe a single amino acid determinant in the V1 loop that also modulates macrophage tropism. Thus, we identified an E153G substitution that conferred high levels of macrophage infectivity for several heterologous R5 envelopes, while the reciprocal G153E substitution abrogated infection. Shifts in macrophage tropism were associated with dramatic shifts in sensitivity to the V3 loop monoclonal antibody (MAb), 447-52D and soluble CD4, as well as more modest changes in sensitivity to the CD4bs MAb, b12. These observations are consistent with an altered conformation or exposure of the V3 loop that enables the envelope to use low CD4 levels for infection. The modest shifts in b12 sensitivity suggest that residue 153 impacts on the exposure of the CD4bs. However, the more intense shifts in sCD4 sensitivity suggest additional mechanisms that likely include an increased ability of the envelope to undergo conformational changes following binding to suboptimal levels of cell surface CD4. In summary, we show that a conserved determinant in the V1 loop modulates the V3 loop to prime low CD4 use and macrophage infection.  相似文献   

During the course of infection, transmitted HIV-1 isolates that initially use CCR5 can acquire the ability to use CXCR4, which is associated with an accelerated progression to AIDS. Although this coreceptor switch is often associated with mutations in the stem of the viral envelope (Env) V3 loop, domains outside V3 can also play a role, and the underlying mechanisms and structural basis for how X4 tropism is acquired remain unknown. In this study we used a V3 truncated R5-tropic Env as a starting point to derive two X4-tropic Envs, termed ΔV3-X4A.c5 and ΔV3-X4B.c7, which took distinct molecular pathways for this change. The ΔV3-X4A.c5 Env clone acquired a 7-amino-acid insertion in V3 that included three positively charged residues, reestablishing an interaction with the CXCR4 extracellular loops (ECLs) and rendering it highly susceptible to the CXCR4 antagonist AMD3100. In contrast, the ΔV3-X4B.c7 Env maintained the V3 truncation but acquired mutations outside V3 that were critical for X4 tropism. In contrast to ΔV3-X4A.c5, ΔV3-X4B.c7 showed increased dependence on the CXCR4 N terminus (NT) and was completely resistant to AMD3100. These results indicate that HIV-1 X4 coreceptor switching can involve (i) V3 loop mutations that establish interactions with the CXCR4 ECLs, and/or (ii) mutations outside V3 that enhance interactions with the CXCR4 NT. The cooperative contributions of CXCR4 NT and ECL interactions with gp120 in acquiring X4 tropism likely impart flexibility on pathways for viral evolution and suggest novel approaches to isolate these interactions for drug discovery.For human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) to enter a target cell, the gp120 subunit of the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) must engage CD4 and a coreceptor on the cell surface. Although numerous coreceptors have been identified in vitro, the two most important coreceptors in vivo are the CCR5 (3, 11, 19, 22, 24) and CXCR4 (27) chemokine receptors. HIV-1 variants that can use only CCR5 (R5 viruses) are critical for HIV-1 transmission and predominate during the early stages of infection (86, 90). The importance of CCR5 for HIV-1 transmission is underscored by the fact that individuals bearing a homozygous 32-bp deletion in the CCR5 gene (ccr5-Δ32) are largely resistant to HIV-1 infection (15, 49, 84). Although R5 viruses typically persist into late disease stages, viruses that can use CXCR4, either alone (X4 viruses) or in addition to CCR5 (R5X4 viruses), emerge in approximately 50% of individuals infected with subtype B or D viruses (12, 39, 44). Although not required for disease progression, the appearance of X4 and/or R5X4 viruses is associated with a more rapid depletion of CD4+ cells in peripheral blood and faster progression to AIDS (12, 44, 77, 86). However, it remains unclear whether these viruses are a cause or a consequence of accelerated CD4+ T cell decline (57). The emergence of CXCR4-using viruses has also complicated the use of small-molecule CCR5 antagonists as anti-HIV-therapeutics as these compounds can select for the outgrowth of X4 or R5X4 escape variants (93).Following triggering by CD4, gp120 binds to a coreceptor via two principal interactions: (i) the bridging sheet, a four-stranded antiparallel beta sheet that connects the inner and outer domains of gp120, together with the base of the V3 loop, engages the coreceptor N terminus (NT); and (ii) more distal regions of V3 interact with the coreceptor extracellular loops (ECLs) (13, 14, 36-38, 43, 59, 60, 78, 79, 88). Although both the NT and ECL interactions are important for coreceptor binding and entry, their relative contributions vary among different HIV-1 strains (23). For example, V3 interactions with the ECLs, particularly ECL2, serve a dominant role in CXCR4 utilization (7, 21, 50, 63, 72), while R5 viruses exhibit a more variable use of CCR5 domains, with the NT interaction being particularly important (4, 6, 20, 67, 83). Although V3 is the primary determinant of coreceptor preference (34), it is unclear how specificity for CCR5 and/or CXCR4 is determined, and, in particular, it is unknown how X4 tropism is acquired. Several reports have shown that the emergence of X4 tropism correlates with the acquisition of positively charged residues in the V3 stem (17, 29, 87), particularly at positions 11, 24, and 25 (8, 17, 28, 29, 42, 75), raising the possibility that these mutations directly or indirectly mediate interactions with negatively charged residues in the CXCR4 ECLs. However, Env domains outside V3, including V1/V2 (9, 32, 45, 46, 61, 64, 65, 80, 95) and even gp41 (40), can also contribute to coreceptor switching, and it is unclear mechanistically or structurally how X4 tropism is determined.We previously derived a replication-competent variant of the R5X4 HIV-1 clone R3A that contained a markedly truncated V3 loop (47). This Env was generated by introducing a mutation termed ΔV3(9,9), which deleted the distal 15 amino acids of V3. The ΔV3(9,9) mutation selectively ablated X4 tropism but left R5 tropism intact, consistent with the view that an interaction between the distal half of V3 and the ECLs is critical for CXCR4 usage (7, 21, 43, 50, 59, 60, 63, 72). This V3-truncated virus provided a unique opportunity to address whether CXCR4 utilization could be regained on a background in which this critical V3-ECL interaction had been ablated and, if so, by what mechanism. Here, we characterize two novel X4 variants of R3A ΔV3(9,9) derived by adapting this virus to replicate in CXCR4+ CCR5 SupT1 cells. We show that R3A ΔV3(9,9) could indeed reacquire X4 tropism but through two markedly different mechanisms. One X4 variant, designated ΔV3-X4A, acquired changes in the V3 remnant that reestablished an interaction with the CXCR4 ECLs; the other, ΔV3-X4B, acquired changes outside V3 that engendered interactions with the CXCR4 NT. These divergent evolutionary pathways led to profound differences in sensitivity to the CXCR4 antagonist AMD3100, with ΔV3-X4A showing increased sensitivity relative to R3A and with ΔV3-X4B becoming completely resistant. These findings demonstrate the contributions that interactions with distinct coreceptor regions have in mediating tropism and drug sensitivity and illustrate how HIV''s remarkable evolutionary plasticity in adapting to selection pressures can be exploited to better understand its biological potential.  相似文献   

HIV-1 pathogenesis is intimately linked with microbial infections and innate immunity during all stages of the disease. While the impact of microbial-derived products in transmission of R5-using virus to CD4+ T cells by dendritic cells (DCs) has been addressed before, very limited data are available on the effect of such compounds on DC-mediated dissemination of X4-tropic variant. Here, we provide evidence that treatment of DCs with dectin-1/TLR2 and NOD2 ligands increases cis-infection of autologous CD4+ T cells by X4-using virus. This phenomenon is most likely associated with an enhanced permissiveness of DCs to productive infection with X4 virus, which is linked to increased surface expression of CXCR4 and the acquisition of a maturation profile by DCs. The ensuing DC maturation enhances susceptibility of CD4+ T cells to productive infection with HIV-1. This study highlights the crucial role of DCs at different stages of HIV-1 infection and particularly in spreading of viral strains displaying a X4 phenotype.  相似文献   

The hypervariable domain of the HIV gp120, the V3 loop domain, represents a target for neutralizing antibodies and for HIV vaccine strategies. In this study, we have investigated in murine species the potential cross-reactivity of immune responses elicited by immunization either with individual V3 peptides, derived from distinct HIV sequences (BRU, RF, SF2, MN and ELI sequences), or with a V3 combinatorial peptide library. We observed that individual V3 peptides are immunogenic but elicit a specific B- and T-cell immune response that is mainly restricted to the sequence of the immunizing peptide. In particular, T-cell responses that depend on T-cell receptor recognition of peptides bound to the molecules encoded by the major histocompatibility complex were significantly influenced by small differences in the peptide amino acid sequence. The combinatorial V3 peptide library, previously described as B- and T-cell immunogens, induced a more broadly reactive immune response, specially when T-cell cytokine secretion was used as a readout for restimulation of T-cells with individual V3 peptides. These data suggest that amino acid variations in the sequence of an antigenic peptide could lead to the induction of different transducing signals in the primed T-cell population and to the activation of T-cells with distinct cytokine secretion properties. These observations may have implications in the understanding of antigenic variability and in the design of vaccine strategies.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility class I (MHC-I)-specific inhibitory receptors on natural killer (NK) cells (iNKRs) tolerize mature NK cell responses toward normal cells. NK cells generate cytolytic responses to virus-infected or malignant target cells with altered or decreased MHC-I surface expression due to the loss of tolerizing ligands. The NKG2A/CD94 iNKR suppresses NK cell responses through recognition of the non-classical MHC-I, HLA-E. We used HIV-infected primary T-cells as targets in an in vitro cytolytic assay with autologous NK cells from healthy donors. In these experiments, primary NKG2A/CD94+ NK cells surprisingly generated the most efficient responses toward HIV-infected T-cells, despite high HLA-E expression on the infected targets. Since certain MHC-I-presented peptides can alter recognition by iNKRs, we hypothesized that HIV-1-derived peptides presented by HLA-E on infected cells may block engagement with NKG2A/CD94, thereby engendering susceptibility to NKG2A/CD94+ NK cells. We demonstrate that HLA-E is capable of presenting a highly conserved peptide from HIV-1 capsid (AISPRTLNA) that is not recognized by NKG2A/CD94. We further confirmed that HLA-C expressed on HIV-infected cells restricts attack by KIR2DL+ CD56dim NK cells, in contrast to the efficient responses by CD56bright NK cells, which express predominantly NKG2A/CD94 and lack KIR2DLs. These findings are important since the use of NK cells was recently proposed to treat latently HIV-1-infected patients in combination with latency reversing agents. Our results provide a mechanistic basis to guide these future clinical studies, suggesting that ex vivo-expanded NKG2A/CD94+ KIR2DL- NK cells may be uniquely beneficial.  相似文献   

The swarm of quasispecies that evolves in each HIV-1-infected individual represents a source of closely related Env protein variants that can be used to explore various aspects of HIV-1 biology. In this study, we made use of these variants to identify mutations that confer sensitivity and resistance to the broadly neutralizing antibodies found in the sera of selected HIV-1-infected individuals. For these studies, libraries of Env proteins were cloned from infected subjects and screened for infectivity and neutralization sensitivity. The nucleotide sequences of the Env proteins were then compared for pairs of neutralization-sensitive and -resistant viruses. In vitro mutagenesis was used to identify the specific amino acids responsible for the neutralization phenotype. All of the mutations altering neutralization sensitivity/resistance appeared to induce conformational changes that simultaneously enhanced the exposure of two or more epitopes located in different regions of gp160. These mutations appeared to occur at unique positions required to maintain the quaternary structure of the gp160 trimer, as well as conformational masking of epitopes targeted by neutralizing antibodies. Our results show that sequences in gp41, the CD4 binding site, and the V2 domain all have the ability to act as global regulators of neutralization sensitivity. Our results also suggest that neutralization assays designed to support the development of vaccines and therapeutics targeting the HIV-1 Env protein should consider virus variation within individuals as well as virus variation between individuals.  相似文献   

Some human APOBEC3 cytidine deaminases have antiviral activity against HIV-1 and other retroviruses. The single deaminase domain APOBEC3H (A3H) enzyme is highly polymorphic and multiple A3H haplotypes have been identified. A3H haplotype II (A3H-hapII) possesses the strongest activity against HIV-1. There remains, however, uncertainty regarding the extent to which A3H-hapII is sensitive to HIV-1 Vif mediated degradation. We tested, therefore, the two different reference Vif proteins widely used in previous studies. We show that A3H-hapII is resistant to NL4-3 Vif while it is efficiently degraded by LAI Vif. Co-immunoprecipitation assays demonstrate that LAI Vif, but not NL4-3 Vif associates with A3H-hapII. Chimeras between NL4-3 and LAI Vif identify the amino acid responsible for the differential degradation activity: A histidine at position 48 in Vif confers activity against A3H-hapII, while an asparagine abolishes its anti-A3H activity. Furthermore, the amino acid identity at position 48 only affects the degradation of A3H-hapII, whereas recognition of and activity against human A3D, A3F and A3G are only minimally affected. NL4-3 encoding 48H replicates better than NL4-3 WT (48N) in T cell-lines stably expressing A3H hapII, whereas there is no fitness difference in the absence of APOBEC3. These studies provide an explanation for the conflicting reports regarding A3H resistance to Vif mediated degradation.  相似文献   

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