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Z. Maciej Gliwicz 《Hydrobiologia》1994,272(1-3):201-210
One of the most obvious features of tropical lakes and reservoirs is the small body size of their zooplankton taxa. It is believed that this is the result of high and persistent predation by abundant planktivorous fish, which select large-bodied zooplankton prey thus making them more vulnerable to extinction in tropical as compared to temperate habitats. Do these extinctions result directly from fish predation? Could the high predation-induced mortality alone be responsible for an extermination of the population from a habitat? Or could indirect effects of predation be responsible? Some important indirect effects can be seen at the demographic level; these include reduced reproduction in the population resulting from higher vulnerability of ovigerous females to predation by visually oriented planktivores. Other important indirect effects can be observed at the individual level; these include shifts in behavior (from foraging to predator avoidance) and adjustments in physiology (from high to low feeding rate) in those planktonic animals which detect danger from their predators by sensing either the ‘predator odor’ or an ‘alarm substance’ originating from injured conspecific prey. Although a zooplankton species density may mostly result from the brutal force of direct predator impact on the population (mortality), it is more likely that its distribution in time and space could be attributed to a combination of indirect effects of predation on individual behavior and physiology. An example of periodicity in density and depth distribution patterns of Cahora Bassa zooplankton species and their periodic exterminations seems to confirm the role of indirect effects of predation by planktivorous fish.  相似文献   

1. We performed a mesocosm experiment to investigate the structuring and cascading effects of two predominant crustacean mesozooplankton groups on microbial food web components. The natural summer plankton community of a mesotrophic lake was exposed to density gradients of Daphnia and copepods. Regression analysis was used to reveal top–down impacts of mesozooplankton on protists and bacteria after days 9 and 15. 2. Selective grazing by copepods caused a clear trophic cascade via ciliates to nanoplankton. Medium‐sized (20–40 μm) ciliates (mainly Oligotrichida) were particularly negatively affected by copepods whereas nanociliates (mainly Prostomatida) became more abundant. Phototrophic and heterotrophic nanoflagellates increased significantly with increasing copepod biomass, which we interpret as an indirect response to reduced grazing pressure from the medium‐sized ciliates. 3. In Daphnia‐treatments, ciliates of all size classes as well as nanoflagellates were reduced directly but the overall predation effect became most strongly visible after 15 days at higher Daphnia biomass. 4. The response of bacterioplankton involved only modest changes in bacterial biomass and cell‐size distribution along the zooplankton gradients. Increasing zooplankton biomass resulted either in a reduction (with Daphnia) or in an increase (with copepods) of bacterial biovolume, activity and production. Patterns of bacterial diversity, as measured by polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR–DGGE), showed no distinct grouping after 9 days, whereas a clear treatment‐coupled similarity clustering occurred after 15 days. 5. The experiment demonstrated that zooplankton‐mediated predatory interactions cascade down to the bacterial level, but also revealed that changes occurred rather slowly in this summer plankton community and were most pronounced with respect to bacterial activity and composition.  相似文献   

Antarctica is the continent with the harshest climate on the Earth. Antarctic lakes, however, usually presents liquid water, at least during part of the year or below the ice cover, especially those from the sub-Antarctic islands and the maritime Antarctic region where climatic conditions are less extreme. Planktonic communities in these lakes are mostly dominated by microorganisms, including bacteria and phototrophic and heterotrophic protists, and by metazooplankton, usually represented by rotifers and calanoid copepods, the latter mainly from the genus Boeckella. Here I report and discuss on studies performed during the last decade that show that there is a potential for top–down control of the structure of the planktonic microbial food web in sub-Antarctic and maritime Antarctic lakes. In some of the studied lakes, the effect of copepod grazing on protozoa, either ciliates or flagellates, depending on size of both the predator and the prey, could promote cascade effects that would be transmitted to the bacterioplankton assemblage.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Piscivore stocking at artificially high densities and fishing are the two common approaches to reduce the amount of planktivorous and benthivorous fish in lake biomanipulation programmes. Both measures have advantages and disadvantages, but their relative efficacy has not previously been directly compared.
2. We calculated the average annual catch of roach and bream in a lake undergoing long-term biomanipulation (Feldberger Haussee, Germany) by seining each year between 1992 and 1998. We compared this value with a bioenergetics estimate of annual consumption rates of the dominant cohorts of piscivores, pikeperch and pike, in 1997 and 1998. We also determined species composition and length distribution of prey fish in stomachs of the piscivores.
3. Roach was the dominant prey species of both pikeperch and pike, whereas bream was rarely taken by either piscivorous species. Seining removed on average larger specimens of roach than were found in the stomachs of the piscivores.
4. Based on stocking densities of the piscivores, published mortality rates, and individual consumption rates, feeding of pikeperch and pike on roach exceeded the manual removal of roach by seining by a factor of 4–15 (biomass) in 1997 and 1998.
5. Based on these results, a combination of fishing and piscivore enhancement is recommended. Whereas the stocks of adult roach and bream have to be reduced mainly by fishing, the predation of piscivores should be directed predominantly towards the juvenile zooplanktivorous fish. Therefore, small size-classes of piscivorous fish should be promoted by fisheries management, including stocking and harvest regulations.  相似文献   

 Seagrass meadows are often important habitats for newly recruited juvenile fishes. Although substantial effort has gone into documenting patterns of association of fishes with attributes of seagrass beds, experimental investigations of why fish use seagrass habitats are rare. We performed two short-term manipulative field experiments to test (1) the effects of food supply on growth and densities of fish, and (2) effects of predation on the density and size distribution of fish recruits, and how this varies among habitat types. Experiments were conducted in Galveston Bay, Texas, and we focused on the common estuarine fish, pinfish Lagodon rhomboides. In the first experiment, replicate artifical seagrass and sand plots were either supplemented with food or left as controls. Recruitment of pinfish was significantly greater to seagrass than sand habitats; however, we detected no effect of food supplementation on the abundance of recruits in either habitat. Pinfish recruits in artifical seagrass grew at a significantly faster rate than those in sand habitats, and fish supplemented with food exhibited a greater growth rate than controls in both sand and artifical grass habitats. In our second experiment, we provided artificial seagrass and sand habitats with and without predator access. Predator access was manipulated with cages, and two-sided cages served as controls. Recruitment was significantly greater to the cage versus cage-control treatment, and this effect did not vary between habitats. In addition, the standard length of pinfish recruits was significantly larger in the predator access than in the predator exclusion treatment, suggesting size-selective predation on smaller settlers or density-dependent growth. Our results indicate that the impact of predation on pinfish recruits is equivalent in both sand and vegetated habitats, and thus differential predation does not explain the higher recruitment of pinfish to vegetated than to nonvegetated habitats. Since predators may disproportionately affect smaller fish, and a limited food resource appears to be more effectively utilized by fish in vegetated than in unvegetated habitats, we hypothesize that pinfish recruits may select vegetated habitats because high growth rates allow them to achieve a size that is relatively safe from predation more quickly. Received: 10 October 1996 / Accepted: 5 April 1997  相似文献   

A modified fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) method was used to analyze bacterial prey composition in protistan food vacuoles in both laboratory and natural populations. Under laboratory conditions, we exposed two bacterial strains (affiliated with beta- and gamma-Proteobacteria -- Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas fluorescens, respectively) to grazing by three protists: the flagellates Bodo saltans and Goniomonas sp., and the ciliate Cyclidium glaucoma. Both flagellate species preferably ingested A. hydrophila over P. fluorescens, while C. glaucoma showed no clear preferences. Differences were found in the digestion of bacterial prey with B. saltans digesting significantly faster P. fluorescens compared to two other protists. The field study was conducted in a reservoir as part of a larger experiment. We monitored changes in the bacterial prey composition available compared to the bacteria ingested in flagellate food vacuoles. Bacteria detected by probe HGC69a (Actinobacteria) and R-BT065 were negatively selected by flagellates. Bacteria detected by probe CF319a were initially positively selected but along with a temporal shift in bacterial cell size, this trend changed to negative selection during the experiment. Overall, our analysis of protistan food vacuole content indicated marked effects of flagellate prey selectivity on bacterioplankton community composition.  相似文献   

This work aims to outline the dynamics of trophic links between the three main microbial components (bacteria, nanoflagellates, and ciliates) of the Farasan Archipelago in order to establish a baseline for future research in this area. The Farasan Archipelago lies along the southwestern coast of the Saudi Arabia, southern Red Sea between 16°20′–17°10′N and 41°30′–42°30′E and had been declared as marine and terrestrial reserve by the year 1996. Three different sites were chosen for this study, with each site visited bimonthly for 18 months from September 2016 to February 2018. Bacteria, nanoflagellates and ciliates were enumerated in order to explore the complex interactions between the main microbial categories in sea waters of the Farasan Archipelago. High abundances were recorded during the present study for bacteria (8.7 × 106 bacteria ml−1), nanoflagellates (3.7 × 104 TNAN ml−1) and ciliates (40.4 ciliates ml−1). The paper discusses the various potential pathways controlling the complex interactions between these microbial groups in this part of the southern Red Sea. It is concluded that a linear trophic chain consisting of bacteria; heterotrophic nanoflagellates; filter feeding ciliates is a major route by which the production of bacteria is transferred to the higher consuming levels, thereby confirming the high importance of t bottom-up control (food supply), alongside top-down control (predation) in regulating bacterial abundances in the Farasan Archipelago. During the present investigation, each nanoflagellate ingested between 11 and 87 bacteria in one hour, while each ciliate consumed between 20 and 185 nanoflagellates every hour. These calculated grazing rates of protistan eukaryotes confirmed the role of heterotrophic nanoflagellates as the main consumers of bacteria, and the role of ciliates as the major control for the heterotrophic nanoflagellate population dynamics, and thus the top predators within the microbial plankton assemblage in the Farasan Archipelago.  相似文献   

Changes in picoplankton population abundance and growth underturbulence have been suggested to be the consequence of turbulenceaffecting larger trophic levels and hence the grazing pressure.We designed a laboratory set-up to assess the effects of turbulenceon plankton assemblages, and tested the degree of food-web complexityneeded to produce cascading effects on picoplankton and theinteractions with nutrient enrichment. Grazing pressure on bacteriawas relaxed under turbulence and we show that one trophic linkis enough to produce effects at the picoplankton level. Nutrientenrichment increased the effect of turbulence as there was morebiomass to act upon. The organisms responsible for driving thegrazing pressure shifts could not be identified since they seemedto change depending on initial conditions and experimental treatment.A trend of increased heterotrophic biomass under turbulencewas found in all cases, which can have important implicationsin community metabolism dynamics.  相似文献   

The effects of planktivorous and benthivorous fish on benthic fauna, zooplankton, phytoplankton and water chemistry were studied experimentally in two eutrophic Swedish lakes using cylindrical enclosures. In enclosures in both lakes, dense fish populations resulted in low numbers of benthic fauna and planktonic cladocerans, high concentration of chlorophyll, blooms of blue-green, algae, high pH and low transparency. In the soft-water Lake Trummen, total phosporus increased in the enclosure with fish, but in the hard-water Lake Bysjön total phosphorus decreased simultaneously with precipitation of calcium carbonate. Enclosures without fish had a higher abundance of benthic fauna and large planktonic cladocerans, lower phytoplankton biomass, lower pH and higher transparency.The changes in enclosures with fish can be described as eutrophication, and those in enclosures without fish as oligotrophication. The possibility of regulation of fish populations as a lake restoration method is discussed.This paper was presented at the XXth SIL Congress in Copenhagen in 1977.  相似文献   

Although predator avoidance has been proposed as one possible factor influencing the distribution of fish among substrate types, no study has addressed this question directly. Groups of juvenile Atlantic cod were offered a choice between pairs of the following three substrates: sand, gravel-pebble and cobble. Their distribution on these substrates was compared prior to, during and following exposure to a predator (i.e. a larger conspecific). With no apparent risk of predation, juvenile cod preferred sand or gravel-pebble. When cobble was present, juveniles hid in the interstitial spaces of this substrate in the presence of a predator. With no cobble present, juveniles showed no preference between sand and gravel-pebble, and did not seek refuge from predation in association with these substrates. Following exposure to a predator (i.e. 2.5 h later) larger juvenile cod again showed a preference for the finer-grained substrates, but smaller individuals continued to associated with the cobble. The presence of cobble resulted in fewer juveniles being captured and a significant increase in the latency until the first juvenile was captured by the predator. Results are discussed with respect to the effects of predation on the distribution and survival of fishes among substrate types.  相似文献   

In a four year experiment (1988–1991) carried out in a shallow, eutrophic lake, an increase in young-of-the-year pike (Esox lucius) density was used to control planktivorous fish assemblages consisting mainly of small-sized cyprinids: roach (Rutilus rutilus), Leucaspius delineatus, and white bream (Blicca bjoerkna). Stocking with pike fry of ca 30 mm in three successive springs resulted in large-scale mortality among prey of vulnerable sizes. Rotenone treatment at the end of the fourth year showed that roach and white bream populations contained few 0+ to 2+ fish, but very high numbers of 3+ to 6+ fish. By this time, short-lived, slow-growing L. delineatus, with no size refuge from predators, had been driven almost to extinction.  相似文献   

Summary The leechGlossiphonia complanata does not appear to have substantial impact on snail populations, but this may be due to most studies focusing on adult snails rather than juvenile snails. In this study I investigated how predation rates ofG. complanata feeding on newly-hatched and juvenile snails was affected by snail species, snail size, snail density and substrate, in a laboratory experiment. Number of snails eaten increased with increasing density resulting in a type II functional response curve. Predation rates were higher when leeches were feeding onLymnaea emarginata than onPhysa gyrina, whereas there was no significant difference in predation rates when they were feeding onL. emarginata andHelisoma anceps. Sandy substrates and greater snail size resulted in decreased predation rates. Sand reduced movement speed ofG. complanata, which probably reduced encounter rates. Thus, there was a comparatively large effect of leech predation on newly-hatched snails, due to a high probability of encounter and high predation rates, but spatial and temporal refuges probably reduce the importance of leech predation as a structuring force in freshwater snail assemblages.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of pelagic mesocosm experiments designed to test the effects of enhanced and reduced ultraviolet radiation (UV) on the planktonic community of a Baltic Sea estuary. The Darss-Zingst estuary consists of a series of brackish lagoons with high concentrations of chlorophyll and dissolved organic matter. The shallow depth of the estuary ensures that organisms in the water are regularly exposed to high levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and UV. During the summer of 1995 and 1996, four 1-m3 mesocosms were filled with water from the mid-point of the estuary. Each compartment was equipped with a pump to simulate natural rates of wind-induced vertical mixing. The mesocosms were hung in the estuary from a floating raft and were shielded from above by filters to give the spectral treatments PAR only, PAR+UV-A, and PAR+UV-A+UV-B. Enhanced levels of UV-B, i.e. twice that of midday sunlight, were provided in a further treatment by artificial sunlamps. Experiments were conducted for periods of 3–14 days. No significant effects of enhanced or reduced UV-B were observed on chlorophyll a concentrations or photosynthetic performance, although the PAR-only treatment did show higher final chlorophyll concentrations in two of the trials. Phytoplankton pigment composition was measured by in vivo absorption and fluorescence excitation spectra, and was similar in all mesocosm treatments indicating that there were no major differences in functional group composition. Bacterial secondary production rates as measured by thymidine incorporation increased with time in all mesocosms, probably due to enhanced production of phytoplankton exudate. There was evidence for a small depression of secondary production by enhanced UV-B, but only on certain days. Microzooplankton generally increased in all mesocosms to population densities higher than those observed in the estuary, and tended to reach higher final values in the mesocosms exposed to UV. It is concluded that vertical mixing which reduces the residence time of planktonic organisms in the surface layers, and high concentrations of chromophoric, dissolved organic matter, which greatly reduce the penetration of UV-B, combined to protect the planktonic community from UV-B damage. Received in revised form: 5 June 2000 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

1. Contrary to that for lakes and ponds, our knowledge of the influence of planktivorous fish on zooplankton communities in rivers is slight, largely because of the general assumption that such communities are overwhelmingly regulated by physical conditions. 2. In two separate but concurrent in situ enclosure experiments, we investigated the effects of carp gudgeon (Hypseleotris spp.) and Eastern Gambusia (Gambusia holbrooki) on zooplankton communities in slackwaters of a temperate Australian floodplain river. 3. A high biomass of Hypseleotris suppressed the density of daphniid microcrustaceans, but enhanced the total density of rotifers. A high biomass of Gambusia, on the other hand, suppressed the total density of both microcrustaceans and rotifers. 4. A high biomass of planktivorous fish also reduced the density of many of the ovigerous (egg‐carrying) zooplanktonic taxa. Indeed, ovigerous cyclopoid copepods were suppressed in the presence of a high biomass of Hypseleotris, even though there was no significant effect on overall (ovigerous plus non‐ovigerous) density. 5. Our results imply that a high biomass of planktivorous fish can potentially influence zooplankton communities in riverine slackwaters, as in many lakes and ponds.  相似文献   

To define nanoflagellate-bacteria interactions and potential trophic levels within the microbial food web in the oligotrophic South China Sea, we conducted fourteen size-fractionation experiments in which seawater was filtered through 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 60, and 200 μm membranes or meshes and the growth of four groups of picoplankton, Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, high DNA heterotrophic bacteria, and low DNA heterotrophic bacteria were monitored in each filtrate after 24 hours of incubation. Removing grazers by filtration would relieve the grazing pressure on lower trophic levels which finally influenced the net growth rates of picoplankton. The growth patterns of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus were similar, with higher growth rates in the < 1 μm or < 2 μm treatments, a second peak in the < 10 μm treatments and often a third peak in the < 200 μm treatments. The net growth rates of low DNA heterotrophic bacteria were little influenced by size-fractionation. Due to a subgroup of high DNA heterotrophic bacteria with larger size and higher DNA content which appeared to resist the grazing by < 5 μm nanoflagellates, the net growth rates of high DNA heterotrophic bacteria were higher in the < 2 μm or < 5 μm treatments with a second peak in the < 60 μm treatments. A general pattern of five potential trophic levels (< 2 μm, 2-5 μm, 5-10 μm, 10-60 μm, 60-200 μm) was revealed combining all the experiments, confirming the existence of multiple trophic levels within the microbial food web in the oligotrophic South China Sea.  相似文献   

The effect of fish predation on Cyclops life cycle   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Papi  `nska  Katarzyna 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):449-453
Two populations of Cyclops abyssorum tatricus studied in neighbouring alpine lakes in Tatra Mountains (southern Poland) differed in their life cycles. In the lake with planktivorous fishes, Cyclops was typically monocyclic, with highly synchronized reproduction during two winter months, while in the fishless lake its reproduction was asynchronous and continued for six months. Direct and indirect effects of fish predation on Cyclops life cycles are discussed.  相似文献   

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