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Hepatic clearance of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins depends on heparan sulfate and low density lipoprotein receptors expressed on the basal membrane of hepatocytes. Binding and uptake of the lipoproteins by way of heparan sulfate depends on the degree of sulfation of the chains based on accumulation of plasma triglycerides and delayed clearance of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in mice bearing a hepatocyte-specific alteration of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) N-deacetylase-N-sulfotransferase 1 (Ndst1) (MacArthur, J. M., Bishop, J. R., Stanford, K. I., Wang, L., Bensadoun, A., Witztum, J. L., and Esko, J. D. (2007) J. Clin. Invest. 117, 153–164). Inactivation of Ndst1 led to decreased overall sulfation of heparan sulfate due to coupling of uronyl 2-O-sulfation and glucosaminyl 6-O-sulfation to initial N-deacetylation and N-sulfation of GlcNAc residues. To determine whether lipoprotein clearance depends on 2-O-and 6-O-sulfation, we evaluated plasma triglyceride levels in mice containing loxP-flanked conditional alleles of uronyl 2-O-sulfotransferase (Hs2stf/f) and glucosaminyl 6-O-sulfotransferase-1 (Hs6st1f/f) and the bacterial Cre recombinase expressed in hepatocytes from the rat albumin (Alb) promoter. We show that Hs2stf/fAlbCre+ mice accumulated plasma triglycerides and exhibited delayed clearance of intestinally derived chylomicrons and injected human very low density lipoproteins to the same extent as observed in Ndst1f/fAlbCre+ mice. In contrast, Hs6st1f/fAlbCre+ mice did not exhibit any changes in plasma triglycerides. Chemically modified heparins lacking N-sulfate and 2-O-sulfate groups did not block very low density lipoprotein binding and uptake in isolated hepatocytes, whereas heparin lacking 6-O-sulfate groups was as active as unaltered heparin. Our findings show that plasma lipoprotein clearance depends on specific subclasses of sulfate groups and not on overall charge of the chains.  相似文献   

Timeless (Tim), a core circadian clock gene in Drosophila, is retained in mammals but has no apparent mammalian circadian clock function. Mammalian TIM is essential for ATR-dependent Chk1 activation and S-phase arrest. We report that TIM is likewise essential for ATM-dependent Chk2-mediated signaling of doxorubicin-induced DNA double strand breaks. TIM depletion attenuates doxorubicin-induced G2/M cell cycle arrest and sensitizes cancer cells to doxorubicin-induced cytotoxicity. TIM is, thereby, a potential novel anticancer drug target whose inhibition may enhance the therapeutic cytotoxicity of agents that activate DNA damage pathways as part of their mechanism.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the TNF-alpha receptor TNF-R1 has been shown to differentially regulate receptor signaling and function and promote changes in its subcellular localization. Previous studies have shown that p42(mapk/erk2) phosphorylates Ser and Thr residues (T236, S240, S244, and S270) in the membrane proximal region of TNF-R1 and that mutation of these residues to Glu and Asp residues (TNF-R1.4D/E) mimics the effect of phosphorylation on receptor signaling and localization. In the present study, we investigated whether the initial phosphorylation of these residues by p42(mapk/erk2) promotes hierarchical phosphorylation of additional sites within the cytoplasmic domain of TNF-R1. This question was addressed by investigating the ability of the TNF-R1.4D/E mutant receptor to be phosphorylated in in vitro kinase assays using GST-mutant cytoplasmic domain fusion proteins as substrates and in intact cells following mutant receptor expression. In addition, we determined the location of the additional phosphorylation sites. Incubation of Sepharose bead-bound GST-TNF-R1(207)(-)(425).4D/E fusion protein with lysates containing activated p42(mapk/erk2) led to the phosphorylation of Ser and Thr residues in addition to the previously defined sites at T236, S240, S244, and S270. Deletional mutagenesis localized these residues to a stretch of 14 amino acids that encompasses three basic Pro-directed ([S/T]P) kinase consensus sequences located between residues S256 and T267. Point mutagenesis of T257, S262, and T267 to Ala residues indicated that these sites are targets of phosphorylation by p42(mapk/)(erk2). These findings support the conclusion that p42(mapk/erk2) promotes extensive phosphorylation of the membrane proximal region in a hierarchical fashion at both consensus and nonconsensus ERK-phosphorylation sites.  相似文献   

Accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis requires that homologous chromosomes pair and become physically connected so that they can orient properly on the meiosis I spindle. These connections are formed by homologous recombination closely integrated with the development of meiosis-specific, higher-order chromosome structures. The yeast Pch2 protein has emerged as an important factor with roles in both recombination and chromosome structure formation, but recent analysis suggested that TRIP13, the mouse Pch2 ortholog, is not required for the same processes. Using distinct Trip13 alleles with moderate and severe impairment of TRIP13 function, we report here that TRIP13 is required for proper synaptonemal complex formation, such that autosomal bivalents in Trip13-deficient meiocytes frequently displayed pericentric synaptic forks and other defects. In males, TRIP13 is required for efficient synapsis of the sex chromosomes and for sex body formation. Furthermore, the numbers of crossovers and chiasmata are reduced in the absence of TRIP13, and their distribution along the chromosomes is altered, suggesting a role for TRIP13 in aspects of crossover formation and/or control. Recombination defects are evident very early in meiotic prophase, soon after DSB formation. These findings provide evidence for evolutionarily conserved functions for TRIP13/Pch2 in both recombination and formation of higher order chromosome structures, and they support the hypothesis that TRIP13/Pch2 participates in coordinating these key aspects of meiotic chromosome behavior.  相似文献   

The protein tyrosine kinase C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) is activated by the engagement of its Src homology (SH) 2 domain. However, the molecular mechanism required for this is not completely understood. The crystal structure of the active Csk indicates that Csk could be activated by contact between the SH2 domain and the β3-αC loop in the N-terminal lobe of the kinase domain. To study the importance of this interaction for the SH2-domain-mediated activation of Csk, we mutated the amino acid residues forming the contacts between the SH2 domain and the β3-αC loop. The mutation of the β3-αC loop Ala228 to glycine and of the SH2 domain Tyr116, Tyr133, Leu138, and Leu149 to alanine resulted in the inability of the SH2 domain ligand to activate Csk. Furthermore, the overexpressed Csk mutants A228G, Y133A/Y116A, L138A, and L149A were unable to efficiently inactivate endogenous Src in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. The results suggest that the SH2-domain-mediated activation of Csk is dependent on the binding of the β3-αC loop Ala228 to the hydrophobic pocket formed by the side chains of Tyr116, Tyr133, Leu138, and Leu149 on the surface of the SH2 domain.  相似文献   

In the Drosophila oocyte, gurken (grk) mRNA encodes a secreted TGF-α signal that specifies the future embryonic dorso-ventral axes by altering the fate of the surrounding epithelial follicle cells. We previously identified a number of RNA binding proteins that associate specifically with the 64 nucleotide grk localization signal, including the Drosophila orthologue of polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB), Hephaestus (Heph). To test whether Heph is required for correct grk mRNA or protein function, we used immunoprecipitation to validate the association of Heph with grk mRNA and characterized the heph mutant phenotype. We found that Heph is a component of grk mRNP complexes but heph germline clones show that Heph is not required for grk mRNA localization. Instead, we identify a novel function for Heph in the germline and show that it is required for proper Grk protein localization. Furthermore, we show that Heph is required in the oocyte for the correct organization of the actin cytoskeleton and dorsal appendage morphogenesis. Our results highlight a requirement for an mRNA binding protein in the localization of Grk protein, which is independent of mRNA localization, and we propose that Heph is required in the germline for efficient Grk signalling to the somatic follicle cells during dorso-ventral patterning.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells entry into and progression through mitosis are regulated by multiple mitotic kinases. How mitotic kinases interact with each other and coordinately regulate mitosis remains to be fully understood. Here we employed a chemical biology approach using selective small molecule kinase inhibitors to dissect the relationship between Cdk1 and Aurora A kinases during G2/M transition. We find that activation of Aurora A first occurs at centrosomes at late G2 and is required for centrosome separation independently of Cdk1 activity. Upon entry into mitosis, Aurora A then becomes fully activated downstream of Cdk1 activation. Inactivation of Aurora A or Plk1 individually during a synchronized cell cycle shows no significant effect on Cdk1 activation and entry into mitosis. However, simultaneous inactivation of both Aurora A and Plk1 markedly delays Cdk1 activation and entry into mitosis, suggesting that Aurora A and Plk1 have redundant functions in the feedback activation of Cdk1. Together, our data suggest that Cdk1, Aurora A, and Plk1 mitotic kinases participate in a feedback activation loop and that activation of Cdk1 initiates the feedback loop activity, leading to rapid and timely entry into mitosis in human cells. In addition, live cell imaging reveals that the nuclear cycle of cells becomes uncoupled from cytokinesis upon inactivation of both Aurora A and Aurora B kinases and continues to oscillate in a Cdk1-dependent manner in the absence of cytokinesis, resulting in multinucleated, polyploidy cells.  相似文献   

The Eph receptor tyrosine kinases interact with their ephrin ligands on adjacent cells to facilitate contact-dependent cell communication. Ephrin B ligands are expressed on T cells and have been suggested to act as co-stimulatory molecules during T cell activation. There are no detailed reports of the expression and modulation of EphB receptors on dendritic cells, the main antigen presenting cells that interact with T cells. Here we show that mouse splenic dendritic cells (DC) and bone-marrow derived DCs (BMDC) express EphB2, a member of the EphB family. EphB2 expression is modulated by ligation of TLR4 and TLR9 and also by interaction with ephrin B ligands. Co-localization of EphB2 with MHC-II is also consistent with a potential role in T cell activation. However, BMDCs derived from EphB2 deficient mice were able to present antigen in the context of MHC-II and produce T cell activating cytokines to the same extent as intact DCs. Collectively our data suggest that EphB2 may contribute to DC responses, but that EphB2 is not required for T cell activation. This result may have arisen because DCs express other members of the EphB receptor family, EphB3, EphB4 and EphB6, all of which can interact with ephrin B ligands, or because EphB2 may be playing a role in another aspect of DC biology such as migration.  相似文献   

Activation of executioner caspases during receptor-mediated apoptosis in type II cells requires the engagement of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Although it is well established that recruitment of mitochondria in this context involves the cleavage of Bid to truncated Bid (tBid), the precise post-mitochondrial signaling responsible for executioner caspase activation is controversial. Here, we used distinct clones of type II Jurkat T-lymphocytes in which the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway had been inhibited to investigate the molecular requirements necessary for Fas-induced apoptosis. Cells overexpressing either Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL were protected from apoptosis induced by agonistic anti-Fas antibody. By comparison, Apaf-1-deficient Jurkat cells were sensitive to anti-Fas, exhibiting Bid cleavage, Bak activation, the release of cytochrome c and Smac, and activation of executioner caspase-3. Inhibiting downstream caspase activation with the pharmacological inhibitor Z-DEVD-fmk or by expressing the BIR1/BIR2 domains of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) decreased all anti-Fas-induced apoptotic changes. Additionally, pretreatment of Bcl-xL-overexpressing cells with a Smac mimetic sensitized these cells to Fas-induced apoptosis. Combined, our findings strongly suggest that Fas-mediated activation of executioner caspases and induction of apoptosis do not depend on apoptosome-mediated caspase-9 activation in prototypical type II cells.  相似文献   

The development of eutherian mammalian embryos is critically dependent on the selective bi-directional transport of molecules across the placenta. Here, we uncover two independent and partially redundant protease signaling pathways that include the membrane-anchored serine proteases, matriptase and prostasin, and the G protein-coupled receptor PAR-2 that mediate the establishment of a functional feto-maternal barrier. Mice with a combined matriptase and PAR-2 deficiency do not survive to term and the survival of matriptase-deficient mice heterozygous for PAR-2 is severely diminished. Embryos with the combined loss of PAR-2 and matriptase or PAR-2 and the matriptase partner protease, prostasin, uniformly die on or before embryonic day 14.5. Despite the extensive co-localization of matriptase, prostasin, and PAR-2 in embryonic epithelia, the overall macroscopic and histological analysis of the double-deficient embryos did not reveal any obvious developmental abnormalities. In agreement with this, the conditional deletion of matriptase from the embryo proper did not affect the prenatal development or survival of PAR-2-deficient mice, indicating that the critical redundant functions of matriptase/prostasin and PAR-2 are limited to extraembryonic tissues. Indeed, placentas of the double-deficient animals showed decreased vascularization, and the ability of placental epithelium to establish a functional feto-maternal barrier was severely diminished. Interestingly, molecular analysis suggested that the barrier defect was associated with a selective deficiency in the expression of the tight junction protein, claudin-1. Our results reveal unexpected complementary roles of matriptase-prostasin- and PAR-2-dependent proteolytic signaling in the establishment of placental epithelial barrier function and overall embryonic survival.  相似文献   

The SCAR/WAVE complex drives actin-based protrusion, cell migration, and cell separation during cytokinesis. However, the contribution of the individual complex members to the activity of the whole remains a mystery. This is primarily because complex members depend on one another for stability, which limits the scope for experimental manipulation. Several studies suggest that Abi, a relatively small complex member, connects signaling to SCAR/WAVE complex localization and activation through its polyproline C-terminal tail. We generated a deletion series of the Dictyostelium discoideum Abi to investigate its exact role in regulation of the SCAR complex and identified a minimal fragment that would stabilize the complex. Surprisingly, loss of either the N terminus of Abi or the C-terminal polyproline tail conferred no detectable defect in complex recruitment to the leading edge or the formation of pseudopods. A fragment containing approximately 20% Abi—and none of the sites that couple to known signaling pathways—allowed the SCAR complex to function with normal localization and kinetics. However, expression of N-terminal Abi deletions exacerbated the cytokinesis defect of the Dictyostelium abi mutant, which was earlier shown to be caused by the inappropriate activation of SCAR. This demonstrates, unexpectedly, that Abi does not mediate the SCAR complex''s ability to make pseudopods, beyond its role in complex stability. Instead, we propose that Abi has a modulatory role when the SCAR complex is activated through other mechanisms.  相似文献   

p120 catenin is a major regulator of cadherin stability at cell-cell contacts and a modulator of Rho GTPase activities. In C2C12 myoblasts, N-cadherin is stabilized at cell contacts through its association with cholesterol-rich membrane domains or lipid rafts (LR) and acts as an adhesion-activated receptor that activates RhoA, an event required for myogenesis induction. Here, we report that association of p120 catenin with N-cadherin at cell contacts occurs specifically in LR. We demonstrate that interaction of p120 catenin with N-cadherin is required for N-cadherin association with LR and for its stabilization at cell contacts. LR disruption inhibits myogenesis induction and N-cadherin-dependent RhoA activation as does the perturbation of the N-cadherin-p120 catenin complex after p120 catenin knockdown. Finally, we observe an N-cadherin-dependent accumulation of RhoA at phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate-enriched cell contacts which is lost after LR disruption. Thus, a functional N-cadherin-catenin complex occurs in cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains which allows the recruitment of RhoA and the regulation of its activity during myogenesis induction.Skeletal myogenesis is a multistep process regulated by diffusible molecules and the interaction of muscle cell precursors with their neighbors and the extracellular matrix (1, 2). Particularly, N-cadherin-dependent intercellular adhesion has a major role in cell cycle exit and induction of skeletal muscle differentiation through activation of the Rho family GTPases. RhoA positively regulates MyoD expression and skeletal muscle differentiation because it is required for serum response factor-mediated activation of several muscle-specific gene promoters (3, 4).Dynamic association of cadherin complexes at the plasma membrane (PM)4 is crucial for cadherin-mediated signaling. Their extracellular domain mediates homophilic cell-cell adhesion, whereas the intracellular domain associates with catenins that produce attachment sites for the F-actin cytoskeleton (57). The juxtamembrane domain of the cadherin cytoplasmic tail binds to p120 catenin, which regulates cadherin stability at cell contacts and modulates Rho GTPase activities (811). Cadherin stability is directly dependent on p120 catenin, and in its absence most cadherins are internalized and often degraded, suggesting that p120 catenin controls cadherin turnover at the cell surface (11, 12). Moreover, mutations in the E-cadherin region that bind to p120 catenin dissociate the E-cadherin-p120 catenin complex and disrupt strong cell adhesion, although interaction with other catenins remains intact (13). Cadherin stability at cell-cell contacts is also regulated by homophilic binding between extracellular domains and association with the F-actin cytoskeleton (14, 15). Association of N-cadherin with cholesterol-enriched microdomains, called lipid rafts (LR), at cell contacts, also stabilizes N-cadherin (16). Because p120 catenin interaction with cadherins and N-cadherin association with LR at cell contact sites are both involved in cadherin stability at cell contact sites, we asked whether p120 catenin association with N-cadherin required LR. We observed that their association occurred specifically in these cholesterol-rich domains. Moreover, using an N-cadherin mutant unable to bind to p120 catenin, we showed that the N-cadherin/p120 catenin interaction was required for N-cadherin association with LR and its stabilization at cell contacts. Because N-cadherin is implicated in the commitment to myogenesis through RhoA activation, we questioned whether its association with p120 catenin in LR was a prerequisite for RhoA activation. LR disruption inhibited myogenesis induction, association of p120 catenin with N-cadherin, and N-cadherin-dependent RhoA activation, as did the perturbation of the N-cadherin-p120 catenin complex after p120 catenin knockdown. Together, these data suggest a crucial role for the N-cadherin/p120 catenin association in LR in the regulation of RhoA activity during myogenesis induction.  相似文献   

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