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Summary In laboratory mice (strain NMRI) the ontogenetic development of single unit activity in the olfactory bulb was investigated. From postnatal day 10 on, spontaneously active neurons were recorded with glass-microelectrodes, and their responses to olfactory stimuli were tested (butyric acid, geraniol, grass- and nest-odour).From day 10 to 13 only very few neurons were recordable (and most of these elements were too weak and were lost before being stimulated). At day 14 the number of recordable neurons increased rapidly, and by day 15 spontaneously active neurons reached adult level in terms of incidence and electric properties.There were 3 types of neurons: 1. respiration synchronous elements; 2. bursting neurons not correlated with respiration; 3. continuously, but randomly, firing elements (about 60% of all neurons). Reactions to odour stimuli (excitation, ca. 50%; inhibition, ca. 34%; complex reactions, ca. 12%; change in activity pattern, ca. 4%) occurred as soon as the cells were stable enough for testing. The reaction patterns showed no age specific differences; the duration of the responses varied from 100 ms to 100 s.In younger animals (P11–P14) the percentage of responses was slightly smaller (47%) than in the older ones (P30–P50; 64% response to olfactory stimulation). For some of the odours tested the proportion of responding cells differed depending on age (for instance grass odour evoked a response in 40% of the cells in young ones, but in 65% in adults).Abbreviations AP action potential - In interneuron - MTc mitral or tufted cell - P10 postnatal day 10  相似文献   

Human babies and other young mammals prefer food odours and flavours of their mother's diet during pregnancy as well as their mother's individually distinctive odour. Newborn mice also prefer the individual odours of more closely related--even unfamiliar--lactating females. If exposure to in utero odorants-which include metabolites from the mother's diet and the foetus's genetically determined individual odour-helps shape the neuroanatomical development of the olfactory bulb, this could influence the perception of such biologically important odours that are preferred after birth. We exposed gene-targeted mice during gestation and nursing to odorants that activate GFP-tagged olfactory receptors (ORs) and then measured the effects on the size of tagged glomeruli in the olfactory bulb where axons from olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) coalesce by OR type. We found significantly larger tagged glomeruli in mice exposed to these activating odorants in amniotic fluid, and later in mother's milk, as well as significant preferences for the activating odour. Larger glomeruli comprising OSNs that respond to consistently encountered odorants should enhance detection and discrimination of these subsequently preferred odours, which in nature would facilitate selection of palatable foods and kin recognition, through similarities in individual odours of relatives.  相似文献   

The lectin concanavalin A (ConA) when applied to the olfactory mucosa (OM) of frog and rat, is reported to partially inhibit electro-olfactogram (EOG) responses to fatty acid odours. Control odours like isoamyl acetate were not affected. We have now studied in the frog whether this treatment affects the corresponding olfactory bulb (OB) response. The OB surface was impregnated with a voltage-sensitive dye (RH 414). Spatial and temporal patterns of odour response were measured by changes in dye fluorescence that occur when OB neurons fire. The apparatus, consisted of an epi-fluorescent microscope coupled to a 64 x 64 pixel CCD photodetection camera. This allowed imaging over an 0.9 mm2 area of the OB glomerular layer to high resolution. When the frog OM was bathed with 5 mg ml(-1) ConA in Ringer's solution, the n-butyric acid odour response in the OB largely disappeared while the isoamyl acetate response did not change. When this experiment was repeated in the presence of 20 mM methyl alpha-D mannopyranoside (a ConA inhibitor), ConA failed to inhibit the n-butyric acid response. Moreover the ConA effect was partially reversible. A Ringer's wash of the OM after ConA treatment, partially restored the OB response to n-butyric acid. Thus the olfactory bulb results seem compatible with the EOG results and reinforce the notion that ConA selectively prevents n-butyric acid sensitive olfactory receptor neurons from firing. Chemical modification of the OM and their effect on OB response patterns may provide a useful approach to investigate olfactory quality coding.  相似文献   

Natural olfactory stimuli are often complex and highly variable. The olfactory systems of animals are likely to have evolved to use specific features of olfactory stimuli for identification and discrimination. Here, we train honeybees to learn chemically defined odorant mixtures that systematically vary from trial to trial and then examine how they generalize to each odorant present in the mixture. An odorant that was present at a constant concentration in a mixture becomes more representative of the mixture than other variable odorants. We also show that both variation and intensity of a complex olfactory stimulus affect the rate of generalization by honeybees to subsequent olfactory stimuli. These results have implications for the way that all animals perceive and attend to features of olfactory stimuli.  相似文献   

Modeling the olfactory bulb and its neural oscillatory processings   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The olfactory bulb of mammals aids in the discrimination of odors. A mathematical model based on the bulbar anatomy and electrophysiology is described. Simulations of the highly non-linear model produce a 35–60 Hz modulated activity which is coherent across the bulb. The decision states (for the odor information) in this system can be thought of as stable cycles, rather than point stable states typical of simpler neuro-computing models. Analysis shows that a group of coupled non-linear oscillators are responsible for the oscillatory activities. The output oscillation pattern of the bulb is determined by the odor input. The model provides a framework in which to understand the transform between odor input and the bulbar output to olfactory cortex. There is significant correspondence between the model behavior and observed electrophysiology.  相似文献   

We evaluated ketoprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), as an antinociceptive supplement to chloral hydrate anesthesia in mouse. Effects of ketoprofen on main olfactory bulb (MOB) neuronal spontaneous activity were investigated using extracellular recordings in mouse in vivo. These effects were compared with those of another nociceptive supplement, the mu-opioid agonist buprenorphine. Ketoprofen (100 or 200 mg/kg) did not significantly alter MOB single-unit spontaneous rates in either ICR or C57BL/6J mice. In contrast, buprenorphine, at doses of 0.02, 0.05, and 0.20 mg/kg, inhibited MOB neuronal spontaneous rates by 19%, 49%, and 57%, respectively. Neither drug altered the temporal patterning of single-unit spike trains, as measured by the interspike interval (ISI) coefficient of variation (CV). We also investigated the ability of ketoprofen and buprenorphine to induce antinociception in the anesthetized mouse. The electroencephalogram (EEG) was used to measure the anesthetic plane. Both ketoprofen and buprenorphine altered the EEG trace and ketoprofen altered the power spectrum in a manner consistent with deepening anesthesia. Lastly, when applied at the time of anesthesia induction, ketoprofen decreased the amount of chloral hydrate necessary to maintain a defined anesthetic plane during the rest of the experiment. These results suggest that ketoprofen induces antinociception under chloral hydrate anesthesia without significantly inhibiting spontaneous activity of MOB neurons. Ketoprofen is therefore suitable as an antinociceptive supplement to chloral hydrate anesthesia during in vivo electrophysiologic recordings of the mouse MOB.  相似文献   

Previously reported electrophysiological responses recordedfrom individual neurons in the olfactory bulb of frogs stimulatedwith odorous compounds were further analyzed using statisticalmethods. Five of the odorants were delivered at two concentrations.The pattern of discrimination among these odorants was investigatedwith the aid of the Pearson's correlation test and Benzecri's‘analyse des correspondances’. Special attentionwas paid to the incidence of odour concentration on this discriminationpattern. The results were compared with those of a similar studyperformed on receptor cells in the same experimental conditions.The comparison indicated that the information processing inthe olfactory bulb seems to improve discrimination between chemicallydifferent stimuli, especially those poorly discriminated byreceptor cell responses, whereas it protects this discriminationagainst a massive influence of the intensity of the stimuli.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the function of AOB and MOB during different social interaction and in different vole species,the behaviors and neural activation of the olfactory bulbs in social interactions of mandarin voles Microtus mandarinus and reed voles Microtus fortis were compared in the present research.Mandarin voles spent significantly more time attacking and sniffing their opponents and sniffing sawdust than reed voles.During same sex encounters,mandarin voles attacked their opponents for a significantly ...  相似文献   

Duchamp  A. 《Chemical senses》1982,7(2):191-210
Extracellular recordings were performed from olfactory bulbneurons in the frog. The odour stimuli were the same as thosepreviously used for studying the receptor cells in the sameanimal species and were delivered at similar concentrations(Revial et al., 1982). The general properties of the neuronresponses are presented and discussed with reference to homologousproperties of olfactory receptor cells. The response rates elicitedby different stimuli from the bulbar neurons were found to behighly correlated with those elicited from receptor cells. Theindividual cell selectivity was better in the bulb than in theolfactory epithelium. The olfactory bulb neurons seemed to improvethe discrimination between stimuli (enantiomers) poorly distinguishedby the receptor cells. Reducing odor concentration caused therate of suppressive response to decrease faster than that ofexcitatory ones, suggesting that the manifestations of inhibitoryprocesses in some neurons requires a high level of excitationin others.  相似文献   

Age-related alterations in the electrical response of olfactory epithelium to odorant-induced stimulation and certain morphometric indices were investigated in male and female laboratory mice of strains C57BL/6 (B6) and AKR (AK). It was found that maximum amplitude of response to odorants characterized young and adolescent animals. Ageing is accompanied by a decline in response level in the olfactory epithelium. Age-related distinctions between morphometric characteristics of the olfactory organ such as overall area and depth of the olfactory epithelium were noted.Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics Research Institute, N. I. Lobachevskii University, Gor'kii. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 723–729, November–December, 1989.  相似文献   

The olfactory bulbs (OBs) are bilaterally paired structures in the vertebrate forebrain that receive and process odor information from the olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) in the periphery. Virtually all vertebrate OBs are arranged chemotopically, with different regions of the OB processing different types of odorants. However, there is some evidence that elasmobranch fishes (sharks, rays, and skates) may possess a gross somatotopic organization instead. To test this hypothesis, we used histological staining and retrograde tracing techniques to examine the morphology and organization of ORN projections from the olfactory epithelium (OE) to the OB in three elasmobranch species with varying OB morphologies. In all three species, glomeruli in the OB received projections from ORNs located on only the three to five lamellae situated immediately anterior within the OE. These results support that the gross arrangement of the elasmobranch OB is somatotopic, an organization unique among fishes and most other vertebrates. In addition, certain elasmobranch species possess a unique OB morphology in which each OB is physically subdivided into two or more “hemi‐olfactory bulbs.” Somatotopy could provide a preadaptation which facilitated the evolution of olfactory hemibulbs in these species. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Viral upper respiratory infections are the most common cause of clinical olfactory dysfunction, but the pathogenesis of dysosmia after viral infection is poorly understood. Biopsies of the olfactory mucosa in patients that complain of dysosmia after viral infection fall into two categories: one in which no olfactory epithelium is seen and another in which the epithelium is disordered and populated mainly by immature neurons. We have used intranasal inoculation with an olfactory bulb line variant of MHV to study the consequences of viral infection on peripheral olfactory structures. MHV OBLV has little direct effect on the olfactory epithelium, but causes extensive spongiotic degeneration and destruction of mitral cells and interneurons in the olfactory bulb such that the axonal projection from the bulb via the lateral olfactory tract is markedly reduced. Moreover, surviving mitral cells apparently remain disconnected from the sensory neuron input to the glomerular layer, judging from retrograde labeling studies using Dil. The damage to the bulb indirectly causes a persistent, long-term increase in the turnover of sensory neurons in the epithelium, i.e. the relative proportion of immature to mature sensory neurons and the rate of basal cell proliferation both increase. The changes that develop after inoculation with MHV OBLV closely resemble the disordering of the olfactory epithelium in some patient biopsies. Thus, damage to the olfactory nerve or bulb may contribute to a form of post-viral olfactory dysfunction and MHV OBLV is a useful model for studying the pathogenesis of this form of dysosmia.  相似文献   

Females in estrus showed maximum olfactory sensitivity as judged by their ability in locating the buried bait. The results suggest that olfactory sensitivity in females varies during the stages of the estrous cycle. The findings further indicate that gonadal steroids play an important role in the expression of olfactory sensitivity in females.  相似文献   

Inhibition in the olfactory bulb of the carp was studied by recording potentials from secondary neurons intracellularly. Three types of inhibition — trace, early, and late — can arise in neurons of the olfactory bulb. Trace inhibition corresponds to hyperpolarization about 20 msec in duration, which is closely connected with the spike, but it is not after-hyperpolarization but an IPSP. Early and late inhibition correspond to IPSPs of different parameters. The first has a latency of 0–50 msec (relative to the spike) and a duration of 60–400 msec; the corresponding values for the second are 100–400 msec and 0.5–3 sec. The possible mechanisms of these types of inhibition are discussed.M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 650–656, November–December, 1971.  相似文献   

The olfactory bulb employs lateral and feedback inhibitory pathways to distribute odor information across parallel assemblies of mitral and granule cells. The pathways involve dendritic action potentials that can interact with a variety of voltage-dependent conductances and synaptic transmission to produce complex and dynamic patterns of activity. Electrical coupling also helps to ensure proper coordination and synchronization of these patterns. These mechanisms provide numerous options for dynamic modulation and control of signaling in the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

The neuropil of the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

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