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In maize, a layer of basal endosperm cells adjacent to the pedicel is modified for a function in solute transfer. Three genes specifically expressed in this region, termed the basal endosperm transfer layer (BETL-2 to -4), were isolated by differential hybridization. BETL-2 to -4 are coordinately expressed in early and mid-term endosperm development, but are absent at later stages. BETL-2 to -4 coding sequences all predict small (<100 amino acids), secreted, cysteine-rich polypeptides which lack close relatives in current database accessions. BETL-3 and BETL-1 display some sequence similarities with each other and to plant defensins. BETL-2 to -4 promoter regions were isolated and compared, revealing the presence of a promoter-proximal microsatellite repeat as the most highly conserved sequence element in each sequence. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) showed that specific BETL-2 to -4 promoter fragments competed for binding to the same DNA-binding activity in nuclear extracts prepared from maize endosperm. Although BETL-2 to -4 are only expressed in basal endosperm cells, the DNA-binding activities detected were of two types: distal endosperm-specific, or present in both basal and distal endosperm extracts. On the basis of these findings, a model to account for the coordinate regulation of BETL genes in endosperm cells is proposed.  相似文献   

Growth of the maize (Zea mays) endosperm is tightly regulated by maternal zygotic and sporophytic genes, some of which are subject to a parent-of-origin effect. We report here a novel gene, maternally expressed gene1 (meg1), which shows a maternal parent-of-origin expression pattern during early stages of endosperm development but biallelic expression at later stages. Interestingly, a stable reporter fusion containing the meg1 promoter exhibits a similar pattern of expression. meg1 is exclusively expressed in the basal transfer region of the endosperm. Further, we show that the putatively processed MEG1 protein is glycosylated and subsequently localized to the labyrinthine ingrowths of the transfer cell walls. Hence, the discovery of a parent-of-origin gene expressed solely in the basal transfer region opens the door to epigenetic mechanisms operating in the endosperm to regulate certain aspects of nutrient trafficking from the maternal tissue into the developing seed.  相似文献   

An in vitro continuous endosperm callus culture derived from developing endosperm of transformation-amenable maize Hi-II genotype was obtained. The endosperm callus was composed of cells that differentiated into aleurone-like and starchy endosperm-like cell types. This callus has been maintained for 4?yr. Endosperm callus cells transcribe and produce zein proteins at a level similar to developing endosperm tissue. Starchy endosperm cells of the endosperm callus displayed active starch biosynthetic activity. The dual cell physiology of this culture limited the utility of the cell line for promoter analysis and transient assays of gene expression in the current culture conditions. However, because such cell line can be readily initiated and easily maintained for a long period of time, it provides an alternative tool for analysis of transgene expression in endosperm callus derived from transgenic maize lines in Hi-II background.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone, BET1 (for basal endosperm transfer layer), was isolated from a cDNA bank prepared from 10-days after pollination (DAP) maize endosperm mRNA. BET1 mRNA was shown to encode a 7-kD cell wall polypeptide. Both the mRNA and protein were restricted in their distribution to the basal endosperm transfer layer and were not expressed elsewhere in the plant. BET1 expression commenced at 9 DAP, reached a maximum between 12 and 16 DAP, and declined after 16 DAP. The initial accumulation of the BET1 polypeptide reached a plateau by 16 DAP and declined thereafter, becoming undetectable by 20 DAP. The antibody raised against the BET1 protein reacted with a number of polypeptides of higher molecular mass than the BET1 monomer. Most of these were present in cytosolic fractions and were found in nonbasal cell endosperm extracts, but three species appeared to be basal cell specific. This result and the reactivity of exhaustively extracted cell wall material with the BET1 antibody suggest that a fraction of the protein is deposited in a covalently bound form in the extracellular matrix. We propose that the BET1 protein plays a role in the structural specialization of the transfer cells. In addition, BET1 provides a new molecular marker for the development of this endosperm domain.  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) is essential for all life forms, including humans. It is estimated that around two billion people are deficient in their Zn intake. Human dietary Zn intake relies heavily on plants, which in many developing countries consists mainly of cereals. The inner part of cereal grain, the endosperm, is the part that is eaten after milling but contains only a quarter of the total grain Zn. Here, we present results demonstrating that endosperm Zn content can be enhanced through expression of a transporter responsible for vacuolar Zn accumulation in cereals. The barley (Hordeum vulgare) vacuolar Zn transporter HvMTP1 was expressed under the control of the endosperm‐specific D‐hordein promoter. Transformed plants exhibited no significant change in growth but had higher total grain Zn concentration, as measured by ICP‐OES, compared to parental controls. Compared with Zn, transformants had smaller increases in concentrations of Cu and Mn but not Fe. Staining grain cross sections with the Zn‐specific stain DTZ revealed a significant enhancement of Zn accumulation in the endosperm of two of three transformed lines, a result confirmed by ICP‐OES in the endosperm of dissected grain. Synchrotron X‐ray fluorescence analysis of longitudinal grain sections demonstrated a redistribution of grain Zn from aleurone to endosperm. We argue that this proof‐of‐principle study provides the basis of a strategy for biofortification of cereal endosperm with Zn.  相似文献   

Protein breakdown during germination of maize at 28° is closely correlated with the appearance of protease activity. In the first 2 days of germination, a slight disaggregation of only G3 glutelins into more simple elements (albumin-globulins) can be observed. Between 2 and 2.5 days, there is extensive breakdown of all protein fractions, the rate of which coincides with the rate of appearance of proteolytic activity. After 2.5 days these phenomena slow down and the bulk of the endosperm proteins disappears. Three acid proteases in endosperm extracts of germinated grain (P11, P21 and P22) have been isolated by affinity chromatography and gel filtration, and partially characterized. P11 (MW 40 000) which is present in the ungerminated grain, cannot hydrolyse prolamins and is insensitive to reducing agents. P21 (MW 36 000) and P22 (MW 12 000), which appear on day 3 of germination, can degrade prolamins in vitro. Reducing agents enhance their activity and prevent their aggregation or denaturation. Comparative assays with different substrates suggest our enzyme preparations are principally endotype proteases with little contaminating carboxypeptidase activity.  相似文献   

The tissue-specific, developmental, and genetic control of four endosperm-active genes was studied via expression of GUS reporter genes in transgenic maize plants. The transgenes included promoters from the maize granule-bound starch synthase (Waxy) gene (zmGBS), a maize 27 kDa zein gene (zmZ27), a rice small subunit ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase gene (osAGP) and the rice glutelin 1 gene (osGT1). Most plants had a transgene expression profile similar to that of the endogenous gene: expression in the pollen and endosperm for the zmGBS transgene, and endosperm only for the others. Histological analysis indicated expression initiated at the periphery of the endosperm for zmGBS, zmZ27 and osGT1, while osAGP transgene activity tended to start in the lower portion of the seed. Transgene expression at the RNA level was proportional to GUS activity, and did not influence endogenous gene expression. Genetic analysis showed that there was a positive dosage response with most lines. Activity of the zmGBS transgene was threefold higher in a low starch (shrunken2) genetic background. This effect was not seen with zmZ27 or osGT1 transgenes. The expression of the transgenes is discussed relative to the known behaviour of the endogenous genes, and the developmental programme of the maize endosperm  相似文献   

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