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The previous demonstration that the large late metaxylem vessels of field-grown maize ( Zea mays L. cv. Rosella) roots do not lose their crosswalls until they are 20–30 cm from the tip, and that the presence of a soil sheath outside the root was indicative of immature vessels within, greatly strengthened the hypothesis that ion accumulation into these roots was by uptake into living xylem element vacuoles. Proposals that salt movement into the xylem was by leakage or secretion into dead vessels became much less plausible. Potassium concentration in the vacuoles of late metaxylem elements was measured by X-ray microanalysis in unetched fracture faces of bulk, frozen-hydrated pieces of sheathed roots, and found to be in the range 150–400 m M . Potassium concentration in open vessels of bare roots, measured both with the microprobe and by spectrophotometry of aspirated sap, was in the range of 5 to 25 m M . It is concluded that uptake of potassium (and possibly other ions) is into living xylem elements, and that its release to the transpiration stream occurs by the breakdown of their crosswalls and the addition of their vacuoles to the solution in the vessels above.  相似文献   

Living Vessel Elements in the Late Metaxylem of Sheathed Maize Roots   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The two types of nodal roots of field-grown maize, sheathedand bare, were found to have such different water conductivitiesthat an investigation of the anatomy of their large metaxylemvessels was made. While the vessels of the bare roots were openfor scores of centimetres, those of the sheathed roots werefound to be not vessels but developing vessel elements, withcross walls at 1 mm intervals, and protoplasts. The cross wallsbetween the elements had several unique histochemical properties.Previous investigators have often failed to find the cross wallsbecause they are very easily dislodged during the usual methodsof tissue preparation. They are best identified by microdissectionof fresh xylem. The living elements persist in the late metaxylemup to 20 – 30 cm from the tip. As the roots become longerthan this both the cross walls and the soil sheaths disappearand there is a transition to a bare root with open vessels inthe proximal region. The soil sheath persists a little longerthan the cross walls. The two types are thus stages in a developmentalsequence through which all nodal roots pass. A fundamental differencebetween the two types is in their water status, since the estimatedconductive capacity of a bare root is about 100 times greaterthan that of a sheathed root. These observations point to theneed for a reassessment of the published work on transport ofions into the xylem of grass roots through a reinvestigationof the ‘maturity’ of their xylem vessels. Grass roots, dimorphic roots, ion secretion to xylem, soil sheaths, xylem vessels, xylem differentiation, water conduction, Zea mays L  相似文献   

The large, late metaxylem (LMX) in the roots of soybean beginsdevelopment in the centre of the stele after lignification ofthe early metaxylem poles. Subsequent maturation of the firstappearing LMX elements is gradual. They were never mature inthe 8-d-old seedlings examined. In 10 to 15-d-old plants thefirst LMX matured to open vessels at a mean of 17 cm proximalto the root tip. Additional LMX vessels developed in more proximalregions of the roots and these also matured gradually. Based on calculations from relative vessel diameters, the potentialflow of xylem sap in a single central LMX vessel is 50 timesthat in the total of all the early metaxylem (EMX) vessels ofa typical primary root of soybean. There was a marked dependence of relative leaf area on the lengthof primary root with open LMX vessels. This may result fromthe predicted increased water and nutrient flow to the shoot,facilitated by the opening of the large vessels. It is suggestedthat, as in maize, the living LMX elements may function in ionaccumulation. Dicotyledonous roots, soybean, Glycine max, xylem vessels, xylem maturation, water conduction  相似文献   

Recent studies among several plant species have shown that maturationof the largest vessels in primary xylem of roots occurs muchlater than is commonly assumed. These results have importantimplications for studies of water and nutrient uptake sincethe condition of the vessels, termed late metaxylem (LMX), mighthave a large effect on the potential conductivity of the xylem.To determine whether this phenomenon occurred in common bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.), patterns of root xylem differentiationwere studied in young bean plants. Soil bulk density was variedin one trial to determine whether differentiation of LMX wassensitive to the growing medium. Vessels of LMX lost cell contentsand-became functional conduits between 100 and 150 mm from theroot apex. Increasing soil bulk density caused the zone of maturationof LMX to shift toward the root apex, but this zone was nevercloser than 67 mm. In the region where the primary root increasedin diameter as it merged with the hypocotyl, a zone was foundwhere vessels increased in number, had a reduced diameter, andwere arranged in a ring, the normal tetrarch arrangement ofthe xylem being lost. Potential conductivity in this zone wasconsiderably less than in zones with conventional large LMXvessels, so the zone appears to present an important restrictionto water transport from the root to the shoot. Thus, while thephenomenon of late maturation of LMX occurs in common bean,its significance in transport of water from roots to shootsis unclear Phaseolus vulgaris L., common bean, metaxylem, soil compaction, roots, anatomy  相似文献   

The effects of different temperatures on the development ofmetaxylem were studied in the primary seminal root of winterwheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings. Xylem development wasstudied microscopically at different distances behind the rootapex after safranin staining to reveal lignification. Diameter of the central late metaxylem (LMX) and its proportionto the stele cross-sectional area increased in the acropetaldirection. Diameter of the LMX and stele decreased with an increasein growing temperature. Numbers of early metaxylem (EMX) wereseven, seven and six at 10, 20 and 30 C, respectively. EMXwas lignified much more rapidly than the LMX along the seminalroot axes. Lignification of xylem elements commenced furthertowards the root apex at the higher temperatures. The LMX vesselsof the roots grown at the higher temperature had thicker secondarywalls. The relative conductivity of seminal roots, calculated fromPoiseuille's equation, decreased as growing temperature increased.In a drought-prone environment where wheat plants rely heavilyon stored soil water, a lowered axial conductivity in the rootswould be advantageous. The plants would tend to conserve waterduring vegetative growth for use during the critical periodsof flowering and grain-filling. Breeders selecting wheat plants for altered LMX diameters shouldcontrol temperatures during primary root development, sectionthe roots at the same distance from the tip and be aware thatcross walls may exist in the LMX for up to 30 cm from the tip. Wheat, Triticum aestivum L., roots, xylem development, hydraulic conductivity, temperature  相似文献   

The ‘Hydraulic Tree Model’ of the root system simulateswater uptake through root systems by coupling a root architecturemodel with laws for water flow into and along roots (Doussan,Pagès and Vercambre,Annals of Botany81: 213–223,1998). A detailed picture of water absorption in all roots comprisingthe root system is thus provided. Moreover, the influence ofdifferent distributions of radial and axial hydraulic conductancesin the root system on the patterns of water uptake can be analysed.Use of the model with Varney and Canny's data (1993) for flowalong maize roots demonstrated that a constant conductance inthe root system cannot reproduce the observed water flux profiles.Taking into account the existing data on hydraulic conductancesin maize roots, we fitted the distribution of conductances inthe root system to the observed flux data. The result is that,during root tissue maturation, the radial conductivity decreasesby one order of magnitude while the axial conductance increasesby about three orders of magnitude. Both types of conductanceexhibit abrupt changes in their evolution. Due to the conductancedistribution in the root system, appreciable water potentialgradients may develop in the roots, in both the branch rootsand main axes. An important point is that the conductance distributionin the branch roots described by the model should be relatedto the age of the tissue (and not the distance from the branchroot tip) and is therefore closely related to the developmentprocess. Thus for branch roots, which represent about 90% ofthe calculated total water uptake in 43-d-old maize, water absorptionwill depend on the opening of the metaxylem in the axes, andon the time dependent variation of the conductances in the branchroots.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Water; absorption; root system; architecture; model; hydraulic conductance;Zea maysL.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that soil sheaths cling tightly to some portions of all axile roots and cover all but the growing tips of the young roots of field-grown maize. These sheaths overlie immature regions of the roots which have intact epidermal cells with root hairs, and living, thus non-conducting, late metaxylem elements. Loss of the soil sheath in the proximal region coincides with the opening of these large metaxylem vessels. Now, total, and viable counts have been recorded of bacteria associated with the root surface and adhering soil of sheathed and bare regions. These showed some common features, in that populations of similar size were associated with the two root regions in plants beginning to flower. Each population included about the same numbers of bacteria that were viable on each of three selective media (nitrogen-free, Pseudomonas F or MacConkey). However, more spore-formers capable of growth on nitrogen-free media and more fluorescent bacteria were isolated from the sheathed regions. Actinomycetes were absent from sheathed but plentiful on bare regions.The high numbers of diverse types of bacteria associated with both root surfaces can be related to the previously demonstrated similarity in amounts of organic carbon released from each region. The proliferation of actionomycetes on the bare roots and their exclusion from sheathed roots may in part be due to the lower water status of the bare region, which is related to its greater axial conducting capacity. Thus the distribution of the two types of root surface within an individual root system has important implications for the choice of root and rhizosphere sampling techniques and for root bacterization work.  相似文献   

McCully ME 《Plant physiology》1999,119(3):1001-1008
Embolism and refilling of vessels was monitored directly by cryomicroscopy of field-grown corn (Zea mays L.) roots. To test the reliability of an earlier study showing embolism refilling in roots at negative leaf water potentials, embolisms were counted, and root water potentials (Psiroot) and osmotic potentials of exuded xylem sap from the same roots were measured by isopiestic psychrometry. All vessels were full at dawn (Psiroot -0.1 MPa). Embolisms were first seen in late metaxylem vessels at 8 AM. Embolized late metaxylem vessels peaked at 50% at 10 AM (Psiroot -0.1 MPa), fell to 44% by 12 PM (Psiroot -0.23 MPa), then dropped steadily to zero by early evening (Psiroot -0.28 MPa). Transpiration was highest (8.5 μg cm-2 s-1) between 12 and 2 PM when the percentage of vessels embolized was falling. Embolized vessels were refilled by liquid moving through their lateral walls. Xylem sap was very low in solutes. The mechanism of vessel refilling, when Psiroot is negative, requires further investigation. Daily embolism and refilling in roots of well-watered plants is a normal occurrence and may be a component of an important hydraulic signaling mechanism between roots and shoots.  相似文献   

Development of the primary and early nodal roots was studied in Zea mays L., Zea mexicana (Schrad.) Reeves & Mangelsd., Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench., and Sorghum sudanese (Piper) Stapf. in relation to shoot development. In all the types studied all roots reached lengths of about 30 centimeters before the late metaxylem (LMX) was open, and young plants with total root lengths of around 100 centimeters had almost no open LMX. On average, corn seedlings with up to 36 square centimeters of leaf had no open LMX. The name “immature apices” is suggested for such long but not fully functional roots. In plants up to 50 days old a fairly constant proportion of less than half the total root length had open LMX. A pilot study of stomatal resistance on days of high evaporative demand suggested that young seedlings may show higher resistance than older plants in the afternoon. Estimates of longitudinal permeability of corn roots with only early metaxylem vessels open indicate very steep gradients of water potential would develop under such conditions.  相似文献   

Root systems determine the capacity of a plant to access soil water and their architecture can influence adaptation to water-limited conditions. It may be possible to associate that architecture with root attributes of young plants as a basis for rapid phenotypic screening. This requires improved understanding of root system development. This study aimed to characterise the morphological and architectural development of sorghum and maize root systems by (i) clarifying the initiation and origin of roots at germination, and (ii) monitoring and quantifying the development of root systems in young plants. Three experiments were conducted with two maize and four sorghum hybrids. Sorghum produced a sole seminal (primary) root and coleoptile nodal roots emerged at the 4th–5th leaf stage, whereas maize produced 3–7 seminal (primary and scutellum) roots and coleoptile nodal roots emerged at the 2nd leaf stage. Genotypic variation in the flush angle and mean diameter of nodal roots was observed and could be considered a suitable target for large scale screening for root architecture in breeding populations. Because of the relatively late appearance of nodal roots in sorghum, such screening would require a small chamber system to grow plants until at least 6 leaves had fully expanded.  相似文献   

The long delayed maturation of the late metaxylem of maize ( Zea mays ) roots imposes a high-resistance barrier between the immature apices and the negative water potential of the leaves. These apices (20+ cm) bear strongly adhering soil sheaths to within 0.5 to 2 cm of the distal end. It was hypothesized that the sheathed immature apices should show less response to transpiration stress than bare regions. Measurements were made of the relative water content (RWC) of the sheathed and bare zones of the axile roots, both at different ages of the plant, and early and late in the day's transpiration. Sheathed roots maintained a steady RWC of about 83% irrespective of age or transpiration. Bare roots had RWCs of about 63% in the morning, but this fell to 55% in the afternoon. The first-order branches on the bare roots in the morning had still lower values of RWC, near 50%. Plots of RWC against water potential were indistinguishable for the three root types. It is concluded that the immature apices are indeed relatively isolated from the fluctuating tensions in the stem xylem, and that these tensions reduce the water content of bare roots and their branches to low values.  相似文献   

Recent work in our laboratory provides evidence for a revised view of the functioning of roots of maize, and probably of all the grasses. The development of coherent soil sheaths on the distal 30-cm of these roots, and the loss of the sheaths further back, led us to investigate the differences in surface structure, anatomy, carbon exudation and microflora of the sheathed and bare zones. The significant differences are summarized. But the fact which underlies all these differences is the maturation of the late metaxylem (LMX). In the sheathed zones the LMX elements are still alive and non-conducting; only the early metaxylem (EMX) and protoxylem are open. In the bare zones they are open vessels. This leads directly to the dryness of bare zones and the wetness of sheathed zones, and indirectly to the other differences noted. Branch root junctions are shown to be structures of great significance. Besides connecting the branches to the axile systems, they serve also to connect the EMX and LMX vessels, and contain a tracheid barrier which prevents air embolisms entering the main vessels. These discoveries force us to revise the traditional view of water uptake by the root hair zone, and to suggest that much water must also enter bare roots, possibly via the laterals. There is some published evidence for this. The living LMX elements of the sheathed zone accumulate large concentrations of potassium which must joint the transpiration water at the transition to the bare zone. Calculations suggest that this may be only a tenth of the requirement of a mature plant, and that the balance may enter the bare zones with the transpiration water.  相似文献   

Water loss from roots back into drying soil is a problem ofpractical importance in plants growing under conditions of verylow substrate water potential, such as dry or saline areas.Root exodermis is relatively impermeable and has been suggestedto play a protective role against water loss. The relative waterretention ability was compared in root segments from exodermal(maize, onion, sunflower, Rhodes grass and sorghum) and non-exodermalspecies (Pisum sativum,Vicia fabaand wheat). Apical and basalsegments from exodermal roots, with different degrees of exodermisdevelopment, were also compared, as were segments from sorghumroots in which the exodermis thickness had been modified bysubjecting the plants to a 30 d water stress treatment. Waterretention was significantly higher in segments from exodermalroots. In each root, water loss was higher in apical than inbasal segments, regardless of the presence of exodermis. Insorghum, prolonged drought treatment increased exodermis thickeningin nodal roots, however, no differences in rates of water losswere observed in segments obtained from control and droughtedplants. Soil sheaths formed around roots of Rhodes grass growingin very dry soil with the epidermis adhering tightly to thesheath. In plants growing in the field, soil sheaths may bemore effective than the exodermis in preventing root water loss.Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company. Root, exodermis, rhizosheaths, water loss.  相似文献   

The genetic architecture of nodal root number in maize   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The maize nodal root system plays a crucial role in the development of the aboveground plant and determines the yield via the uptake of water and nutrients in the field. However, the genetic architecture of the maize nodal root system is not well understood, and it has become the ‘dark matter’ of maize genetics. Here, a large teosinte‐maize population was analyzed, and high‐resolution mapping revealed that 62 out of 133 quantitative trait loci (QTLs), accounting for approximately half of the total genetic variation in nodal root number, were derived from QTLs for flowering time, which was further validated through a transgenic analysis and a genome‐wide association study. However, only 16% of the total genetic variation in nodal root number was derived from QTLs for plant height. These results gave a hint that flowering time played a key role in shaping nodal root number via indirect selection during maize domestication. Our results also supported that more aerial nodal roots and fewer crown roots might be favored in temperate maize, and this root architecture might efficiently improve root‐lodging resistance and the ability to take up deep water and nitrogen under dense planting.  相似文献   

Gas and Liquids in Intercellular Spaces of Maize Roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oils are spontaneously absorbed by gas-filled intercellularspaces (IS) in maize root cortex. The network of these spacesin living root sections was imaged by confocal laser scanningmicroscopy using a fluorescent solution of Nile red in oil.The gas volume fraction (GVF) of root segments was quantifiedby the increase in weight (differentiated zones) or tissue density(2–3 mm root tips) due to complete vacuum infiltration.Cooling to 6 °C or inhibition of oxidative phosphorylationdiminished the GVF of root tips but did not significantly affectthe GVF of differentiated root zones. The threshold pressuredifference for measurable infiltration of isolated root segmentsis lower (10 to 15  kPa) than the threshold for infiltrationof comparable zones of attached roots or of detached roots withthe cut surface sealed (>60 kPa). In the absence of an opencut, pressure-driven infiltration of the root cortex is acceleratedby microscopic fissures within the epidermal/hypodermal barrier.The GVF of the root cortex was reduced after transferring rootsfrom sugar solutions (0.1 to 0.3M ) to water. This points toefficient water transport from the medium to sugar-containingcortical cell walls through epidermal and hypodermal protoplasts.When 2-cm-long primary roots were vacuum infiltrated in situand then allowed to grow on aerated mineral medium for a further5 d, cortical IS of the originally infiltrated root bases remainedfilled with liquid but the subsequently grown apical root zoneshad a normal GVF. Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Apoplastic and protoplasmic route, maize, infiltration, intercellular spaces, oil absorption, confocal laser scanning microscope, water transport, Zea mays L.  相似文献   

A new approach to study dynamic interactions between transpiration and xylem pressure in intact plants is presented. Pressure probe measurements were preformed in living (immature) late metaxylem of maize roots rather than in adjacent mature xylem. This eliminated technical limitations related to the measurement of negative pressures. Water relations of single cells showed that turgor and volumetric elastic modulus were significantly larger in living metaxylem than in cortical cells; hydraulic conductivity was similar in both types of root cells. Increasing transpiration induced an immediate decrease of xylem pressure, and vice versa. Turgor in the living metaxylem could be continuously recorded for more than 1 h. The relationship between xylem pressure and transpiration yielded a root hydraulic resistance of 1.3 x 109 MPa s m-3. Control experiments indicated that the response of living xylem in the positive pressure range essentially paralleled that of mature root xylem in the negative range. In mature xylem, pressures as low as -0.55 MPa were recorded for short periods (several minutes). Several tests verified that the pressure probe was in contact with mature xylem during the measurements of tensions. The results demonstrate convincingly that transpiration generates an effective driving force for water uptake in roots, a central feature of the cohesion theory.Key words: Hydraulic conductivity, negative pressure, root development, turgor, water transport, Zea mays.   相似文献   

The extent by which salinity affects plant growth depends partlyon the ability of the plant to exclude NaCl. To study the uptakeof NaCl into excised roots of Zea mays L. cv. ‘Tanker’,two different techniques were applied. A root pressure probewas used to record steady state as well as transient valuesof root (xylem) pressure upon exposure of the root to mediacontaining NaCl and KCl as osmotic solutes. In treatments withNaCl, pressure/time responses of the root indicated a significantuptake of NaCl into the xylem. NaCl induced kinetics were completelyreversible when the NaCl solution was replaced by an isosmoticKCl solution. This indicated a passive movement of Na+-saltsacross the root cylinder. Root samples were taken at differenttimes of exposure to NaCl and prepared for X-ray microanalysis(EDX analysis). Radial profiles of ion concentrations (Na+,K+, Cl) were measured in cell vacuoles and xylem vesselsalong the root axis. Na+ appeared rapidly in mature xylem (earlymetaxylem) and living xylem (late metaxylem) before it was detectablein vacuoles of the root cortex. EDX results confirmed that thekinetics observed by the pressure probe technique correspondedmainly to an influx of Na+-salts into early metaxylem. In latemetaxylem, the uptake of Na+ was associated with a decline ofK+. The Na+/K+ exchange indicated a mechanism to reduce sodiumfrom the transpiration stream. Ion localization, ion transport, maize, root pressure, salinity, water relations, X-ray microanalysis, Zea mays  相似文献   

We examined morphological changes in the first-formed protoxylem vessels in Arabidopsis seedlings. Between 2.5 and 8 days after imbibition, mean hypocotyl and root length increased 1.52 and 23.3 times, respectively. In the 2.5-day-old seedlings, two continuous protoxylem vessels were present in the hypocotyl-root axis. In the 8-day-old upper hypocotyls, six protoxylem vessels were observed, and in the lower hypocotyls, four protoxylem vessels and one or two metaxylem vessels were observed. In the 8-day-old roots, there were two protoxylem vessels and two or three metaxylem vessels. Two protoxylem vessels in the hypocotyls connected to two metaxylem vessels in the roots of 8-day-old seedlings. At the 0.3-mm part below the hypocotyl-root boundary, the mean intervals of neighboring annular secondary wall thickenings in protoxylem vessels in 8-day-old roots were 12.9% larger than those in 2.5-day-old roots. In more apical parts of 8-day-old roots, the mean intervals fluctuated between 1.71 and 2.29 microm. In 8-day-old seedlings, metaxylem vessels were formed between 0.4 mm above the hypocotyl-root boundary and 17 mm below the boundary. The intervals in these regions were not extended so much as protoxylem vessels were collapsed. The first-formed protoxylem vessels presumably retain their water-conductive function after metaxylem formation.  相似文献   

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