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Wood degradation by two basidiomycetes, Fomitopsis pinicola and Laetiporus sulphureus was studied in one conifer and four broadleaved trees: Picea abies (Norway spruce), Acer pseudoplatanus (sycamore), Betula pendula (birch), Quercus robur (common oak) and Robinia pseudoacacia (robinia). Observations of birefringence under polarized light showed that in all hosts both brown rot fungi affected cells of the early wood before those of the late wood. Degradation of cellulose, as shown by the loss of birefringence, was apparent after 6 weeks in the cell wall of fibres and fibre tracheids, but even after 12 weeks, axial parenchyma showed no signs of degradation. The results indicate that both brown rot fungi cause higher weight losses in hosts (P. abies and B. pendula) with a small amount of parenchyma cells, whereas the lowest weight losses are associated with wood containing a high amount of parenchyma cells (Q. robur and R. pseudoacacia). Resistance of parenchyma cells to degradation by brown rot fungi appears to be related to the cell wall morphology of parenchyma cells and may also reflect a low co-evolutionary adaptation of brown rot fungi to the xylem of broadleaved trees.  相似文献   

The degradation of wood by brown rot fungi has been studied intensely for many years in order to facilitate the preservation of in-service wood. In this work we used X-ray diffraction to examine changes in wood cellulose crystallinity caused by the brown rot fungi Gloeophyllum trabeum, Coniophora puteana, and two isolates of Serpula lacrymans. All fungi increased apparent percent crystallinity early in the decay process while decreasing total amounts of both crystalline and amorphous material. Data also showed an apparent decrease of approximately 0.05 Å in the average spacing of the crystal planes in all degraded samples after roughly 20% weight loss, as well as a decrease in the average observed relative peak width at 2θ = 22.2°. These results may indicate a disruption of the outer most semi-crystalline cellulose chains comprising the wood microfibril. X-ray diffraction analysis of wood subjected to biological attack by fungi may provide insight into degradative processes and wood cellulose structure.  相似文献   

The effects of biological pretreatment on Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus, were evaluated after exposure to two brown rot fungi Gloephylum trabeum and Laetoporeus sulphureus. Changes in chemical composition, structural modification, and susceptibility to enzymatic hydrolysis in the degraded wood were analyzed. After eight weeks of biodegradation, the greatest loss of weight and hemicellulose were 13% and 31%, respectively, for P. radiata with G. trabeum. The content of glucan decreased slightly, being the highest loss of 20% for E. globulus with G. trabeum. Consistent with degradation mechanism of these fungi, lignin was essentially undegraded by both brown rot fungi. Both brown rot fungi cause a sharp reduction in the cellulose degree of polymerization (DP) in the range between 58% and 79%. G. trabeum depolymerized cellulose in both wood faster than L. sulphureus. Also, structural characteristic of crystalline cellulose were measured by using two different techniques - X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The biological pretreatments showed an effect on cellulose crystallinity structure, a decrease between 6% and 21% was obtained in the crystallinity index (CrI) calculated by IR, no changes were observed in the XRD. Material digestibility was evaluated by enzymatic hydrolysis, the conversion of cellulose to glucose increased with the biotreatment time. The highest enzymatic hydrolysis yields were obtained when saccharification was performed on wood biopretreated with G. trabeum (14% P. radiata and 13% E. globulus). Decreasing in DP and CrI, and hemicellulose removal result in an increase of enzymatic hydrolysis performance. Digestibility was better related to DP than with other properties. G. trabeum can be considered as a potential fungus for biological pretreatment, since it provides an effective process in breaking the wood structure, making it potentially useful in the development of combined pretreatments (biological-chemical). A viable alternative to pretreatment process that can be used is a bio-mimetic system, similar to low-molecular complexes generated by fungi such as G. trabeum combined pretreatments (biological-chemical).  相似文献   

Culture fluids obtained from submerged cultures of white, brown and gray wood rot fungi were assayed for the presence of cellulolytic activity complexes against the model substrated carboxymethylcellulose-Na and Standard Whatman cellulose and natural substrates, i.e. celluloses isolated from pine bark and sawdust. The cellulolytic activity of the examined fungal species was highly differentiated. The use of model and natural substrates allowed determination of the high substrate specificity of the cellulase complexes produced by the fungi. Not all the fungi were found to produce EC endo-1, 4-beta-glucanase under the culture conditions employed. All the fungi were, however, able to produce a complex of EC exo-1, 4-beta-glucanases. All the examined fungi were also able to degrade, although to a varied extent, such higher forms of cellulose as Standard Whatman cellulose or natural celluloses isolated from pine bark and sawdust. Determination of the cellulolytic activity of fungi against the above-mentioned specific natural substrates affords the possibility of their practical use.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the accumulation and translocation of metal ions in wood during the degradation performed by one strain of each of the three brown rot fungi; Serpula lacrymans, Meruliporia incrassata and Coniophora puteana. These fungi species are inhabitants of the built environment where the prevention and understanding of fungal decay is of high priority. This study focuses on the influence of various building materials in relation to fungal growth and metal uptake. Changes in the concentration of iron, manganese, calcium and copper ions in the decayed wood were analyzed by induced coupled plasma spectroscopy and related to wood weight loss and oxalic acid accumulation. Metal transport into the fungal inoculated wood was found to be dependent on the individual strain/species. The S. lacrymans strain caused a significant increase in total iron whereas the concentration of copper ions in the wood appeared decreased after 10 weeks of decay. Wood inoculated with the M. incrassata isolate showed the contrary tendency with high copper accumulation and low iron increase despite similar weight losses for the two strains. However, significantly lower oxalic acid accumulation was recorded in M. incrassata degraded wood. The addition of a building material resulted in increased weight loss in wood degraded by C. puteana in the soil-block test; however, this could not be directly linked specifically to the accumulation of any of the four metals recorded. The accumulation of oxalic acid seemed to influence the iron uptake. The study assessing the influence of the presence of soil and glass in the soil-block test revealed that soil contributed the majority of the metals for uptake by the fungi and contributed to increased weight loss. The varying uptake observed among the three brown rot fungi strains toward the four metals analyzed may be related to the specific non-enzymatic and enzymatic properties including bio-chelators employed by each of the species during wood decay.  相似文献   

The redox cycle of 2,5-dimethoxybenzoquinone (2,5-DMBQ) is proposed as a source of reducing equivalent for the regeneration of Fe2+ and H2O2 in brown rot fungal decay of wood. Oxalate has also been proposed to be the physiological iron reductant. We characterized the effect of pH and oxalate on the 2,5-DMBQ-driven Fenton chemistry and on Fe3+ reduction and oxidation. Hydroxyl radical formation was assessed by lipid peroxidation. We found that hydroquinone (2,5-DMHQ) is very stable in the absence of iron at pH 2 to 4, the pH of degraded wood. 2,5-DMHQ readily reduces Fe3+ at a rate constant of 4.5 x 10(3) M(-1)s(-1) at pH 4.0. Fe2+ is also very stable at a low pH. H2O2 generation results from the autoxidation of the semiquinone radical and was observed only when 2,5-DMHQ was incubated with Fe3+. Consistent with this conclusion, lipid peroxidation occurred only in incubation mixtures containing both 2,5-DMHQ and Fe3+. Catalase and hydroxyl radical scavengers were effective inhibitors of lipid peroxidation, whereas superoxide dismutase caused no inhibition. At a low concentration of oxalate (50 micro M), ferric ion reduction and lipid peroxidation are enhanced. Thus, the enhancement of both ferric ion reduction and lipid peroxidation may be due to oxalate increasing the solubility of the ferric ion. Increasing the oxalate concentration such that the oxalate/ferric ion ratio favored formation of the 2:1 and 3:1 complexes resulted in inhibition of iron reduction and lipid peroxidation. Our results confirm that hydroxyl radical formation occurs via the 2,5-DMBQ redox cycle.  相似文献   

The fungi that cause brown rot of wood initiate lignocellulose breakdown with an extracellular Fenton system in which Fe(2+) and H(2)O(2) react to produce hydroxyl radicals (.OH), which then oxidize and cleave the wood holocellulose. One such fungus, Gloeophyllum trabeum, drives Fenton chemistry on defined media by reducing Fe(3+) and O(2) with two extracellular hydroquinones, 2,5-dimethoxyhydroquinone (2,5-DMHQ) and 4,5-dimethoxycatechol (4,5-DMC). However, it has never been shown that the hydroquinones contribute to brown rot of wood. We grew G. trabeum on spruce blocks and found that 2,5-DMHQ and 4,5-DMC were each present in the aqueous phase at concentrations near 20 microM after 1 week. We determined rate constants for the reactions of 2,5-DMHQ and 4,5-DMC with the Fe(3+)-oxalate complexes that predominate in wood undergoing brown rot, finding them to be 43 l mol(-1) s(-1) and 65 l mol(-1) s(-1) respectively. Using these values, we estimated that the average amount of hydroquinone-driven .OH production during the first week of decay was 11.5 micromol g(-1) dry weight of wood. Viscometry of the degraded wood holocellulose coupled with computer modelling showed that a number of the same general magnitude, 41.2 micromol oxidations per gram, was required to account for the depolymerization that occurred in the first week. Moreover, the decrease in holocellulose viscosity was correlated with the measured concentrations of hydroquinones. Therefore, hydroquinone-driven Fenton chemistry is one component of the biodegradative arsenal that G. trabeum expresses on wood.  相似文献   

Wheat straw cultures of the brown rot fungi Gloeophyllum striatum and G. trabeum degraded 2,4-dichlorophenol and pentachorophenol. Up to 54% and 27% 14CO2, respectively, were liberated from uniformly 14C-labeled substrates within 6 weeks. Under identical conditions Trametes versicolor, a typical white rot species employed as reference, evolved up to 42% and 43% 14CO2 and expressed high activities of laccase, manganese peroxidase, and manganese-independent peroxidase. No such activity could be detected in straw or liquid cultures of Gloeophyllum. Moreover, G. striatum degraded both chlorophenols most efficiently under non-cometabolic conditions, i.e. on a defined mineral medium lacking sources of carbon, nitrogen and phosphate.  相似文献   

Degenerate primers corresponding to the consensus sequences of the copper-binding regions in the N-terminal domains of known basidiomycete laccases were used to isolate laccase gene-specific sequences from strains representing nine genera of wood rot fungi. All except three gave the expected PCR product of about 200 bp. Computer searches of the databases identified the sequence of each of the PCR products analyzed as a laccase gene sequence, suggesting the specificity of the primers. PCR products of the white rot fungi Ganoderma lucidum, Phlebia brevispora, and Trametes versicolor showed 65 to 74% nucleotide sequence similarity to each other; the similarity in deduced amino acid sequences was 83 to 91%. The PCR products of Lentinula edodes and Lentinus tigrinus, on the other hand, showed relatively low nucleotide and amino acid similarities (58 to 64 and 62 to 81%, respectively); however, these similarities were still much higher than when compared with the corresponding regions in the laccases of the ascomycete fungi Aspergillus nidulans and Neurospora crassa. A few of the white rot fungi, as well as Gloeophyllum trabeum, a brown rot fungus, gave a 144-bp PCR fragment which had a nucleotide sequence similarity of 60 to 71%. Demonstration of laccase activity in G. trabeum and several other brown rot fungi was of particular interest because these organisms were not previously shown to produce laccases.  相似文献   

Metal accumulation by fungi: Applications in environmental biotechnology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Fungi can accumulate metal and radionuclide species by physico-chemical and biological mechanisms including extracellular binding by metabolites and biopolymers, binding to specific polypeptides and metabolism-dependent accumulation. Biosorptive processes appear to have the most potential for environmental biotechnology. Biosorption consists of accumulation by predominatly metabolism-independent interactions, such as adsorptive or ion-exchange processes: the biosorptive capacity of the biomass can be manipulated by a range of physical and chemical treatments. Immobilized biomass retains biosorptive properties and possesses a number of advantages for process applications. Native or immobilized biomass can be used in fixed-bed, air-lift or fluidized bed bioreactors; biosorbed metal/radionuclide species can be removed for reclamation and the biomass regenerated by simple chemical treatments.  相似文献   

Wood-decaying basidiomycetes are some of the most effective bioconverters of lignocellulose in nature, however the way they alter wood crystalline cellulose on a molecular level is still not well understood. To address this, we examined and compared changes in wood undergoing decay by two species of brown rot fungi, Gloeophyllum trabeum and Meruliporia incrassata, and two species of white rot fungi, Irpex lacteus and Pycnoporus sanguineus, using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and 13C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The overall percent crystallinity in wood undergoing decay by M. incrassata, G. trabeum, and I. lacteus appeared to decrease according to the stage of decay, while in wood decayed by P. sanguineus the crystallinity was found to increase during some stages of degradation. This result is suggested to be potentially due to the different decay strategies employed by these fungi. The average spacing between the 200 cellulose crystal planes was significantly decreased in wood degraded by brown rot, whereas changes observed in wood degraded by the two white rot fungi examined varied according to the selectivity for lignin. The conclusions were supported by a quantitative analysis of the structural components in the wood before and during decay confirming the distinct differences observed for brown and white rot fungi. The results from this study were consistent with differences in degradation methods previously reported among fungal species, specifically more non-enzymatic degradation in brown rot versus more enzymatic degradation in white rot.  相似文献   

Among wood‐degrading fungi, lineages holding taxa that selectively metabolize carbohydrates without significant lignin removal (brown rot) are polyphyletic, having evolved multiple times from lignin‐removing white rot fungi. Given the qualitative nature of the ‘brown rot’ classifier, we aimed to quantify and compare the temporal sequence of carbohydrate removal among brown rot clades. Lignocellulose deconstruction was compared among fungi using distinct plant substrates (angiosperm, conifer, grass). Specifically, aspen, pine and corn stalk were harvested over a 16‐week time series from microcosms containing Gloeophyllum trabeum, Fomitopsis pinicola, Ossicaulis lignatilis, Fistulina hepatica, Serpula lacrymans, Wolfiporia cocos or Dacryopinax sp. After quantifying plant mass loss, a thorough compositional analysis was complemented by a saccharification test to determine wood cell wall accessibility. Mass loss and accessibility varied depending on fungal decomposer and substrate, and trajectories of loss for hemicellulosic components and cellulose differed among plant tissue types. At any given stage of decomposition, however, lignocellulose accessibility and the fraction remaining of carbohydrates and lignin within a plant tissue type were generally the same, regardless of fungal isolate. This suggests that the sequence of plant component removal at this typical scale of characterization is shared among these brown rot lineages, despite their diverse genomes and secretomes.  相似文献   

Summary Most of the hyphae forming the medulla of the stroma of the brown rot fungi are 4–7 in diameter and contain food reserves in large vacuoles and lipid bodies. Some stromatal hyphae have very thick walls and perform a protective function. Smaller hyphae (1–2 in diameter) form a network through the medulla and their structure suggests that they initiate the growth of vegetative hyphae and spores after the stroma has passed through a period of rest.  相似文献   

Lignocellulose biodegradation, an essential step in terrestrial carbon cycling, generally involves removal of the recalcitrant lignin barrier that otherwise prevents infiltration by microbial polysaccharide hydrolases. However, fungi that cause brown rot of wood, a major route for biomass recycling in coniferous forests, utilize wood polysaccharides efficiently while removing little of the lignin. The mechanism by which these basidiomycetes breach the lignin remains unclear. We used recently developed methods for solubilization and multidimensional (1) H-(13) C solution-state NMR spectroscopy of ball-milled lignocellulose to analyse aspen wood degraded by Postia placenta. The results showed that decay decreased the content of the principal arylglycerol-β-aryl ether interunit linkage in the lignin by more than half, while increasing the frequency of several truncated lignin structures roughly fourfold over the level found in sound aspen. These new end-groups, consisting of benzaldehydes, benzoic acids and phenylglycerols, accounted for 6-7% of all original lignin subunits. Our results provide evidence that brown rot by P. placenta results in significant ligninolysis, which might enable infiltration of the wood by polysaccharide hydrolases even though the partially degraded lignin remains in situ. Recent work has revealed that the P. placenta genome encodes no ligninolytic peroxidases, but has also shown that this fungus produces an extracellular Fenton system. It is accordingly likely that P. placenta employs electrophilic reactive oxygen species such as hydroxyl radicals to disrupt lignin in wood.  相似文献   

Basidiomycota brown rot fungus (Fomitopsis pinicola) and two white rot fungi (Phlebia radiata, Trichaptum abietinum) were cultivated on thin slices of spruce wood individually and in interspecies combinations. Within 12 months, F. pinicola substantially decomposed spruce wood observed as mass loss, also in three-species combinations. However, white rot fungi through hyphal interactions negatively affected the brown-rot indicative iron reduction capacity of F. pinicola. Decay-signature gene expression in mycelial interaction zones indicated suppression of brown rot mechanism but stimulation of enzymatic white-rot lignin attack by P. radiata. Wood ultrastructure imaging showed white-rot dominance in the fungal combinations, whereas destructive brown-rot was evident with F. pinicola alone. Our results confirm the dynamic pattern of enzyme production in fungal combinations, and transition from brown to white rot decomposition metabolism during the late stage of wood decay after one year of interspecific interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract. The wood-degrading white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium , has been the subject of intensive research in recent years and, based upon isolation of the extracellular enzyme ligninase, major advances have now been made toward elucidating the mechanism by which this fungus degrades lignin. From these developments, a model emerges which could explain the process by which wood-degrading fungi in general, attack lignin.  相似文献   

Ethanol was produced by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) from beech wood chips after bioorganosolve pretreatments by ethanolysis and white rot fungi, Ceriporiopsis subvermispora, Dichomitus squalens, Pleurotus ostreatus, and Coriolus versicolor. Beech wood chips were pretreated with the white rot fungi for 2-8 weeks without addition of any nutrients. The wood chips were then subjected to ethanolysis to separate them into pulp and soluble fractions (SFs). From the pulp fraction (PF), ethanol was produced by SSF using Saccharomyces cerevisiae AM12 and a commercial cellulase preparation, Meicelase, from Trichoderma viride. Among the four strains, C. subvermispora gave the highest yield on SSF. The yield of ethanol obtained after pretreatment with C. subvermispora for 8 weeks was 0.294 g g(-1) of ethanolysis pulp (74% of theoretical) and 0.176 g g(-1) of beech wood chips (62% of theoretical). The yield was 1.6 times higher than that obtained without the fungal treatments. The biological pretreatments saved 15% of the electricity needed for the ethanolysis.  相似文献   

We investigated the solubilizing activity of the Basidiomycete fungi Trametes hirsuta and Trametes maxima, with respect to brown coal (lignite) during liquid phase cultivation. We found that the degrading capacity of the fungi is determined by the activity of the ligninolytic enzymes Mn peroxidase and lignin peroxidase. We assessed the growth-stimulating activity of biopreparations (BPs), based on the culture liquids (CL) of the studied fungal strains, which were grown on a rich or minimal medium. We found that the obtained BPs inhibited the growth of wheat shoots and roots at the germination stage, but they either had no effect at later stages of plant growth or showed a mild stimulation. When basidiomycetes were cultivated in the presence of brown coal, the obtained BPs stimulated root growth at the germination stage, and did not influence plant growth (Trametes hirsuta) or stimulated it (Trametes maxima) at later stages. Further, we report a pronounced detoxifying ability of the BPs in respect to the atrazine herbicide. We suggest that this effect is caused by the laccases action, that are present in the studied BPs.  相似文献   

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