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城市公园是城市居民与自然生态系统互动的主要场所,为居民提供重要的生态系统服务。从景感生态角度和方法对城市公园文化服务进行评价,需要掌握大量居民个体对城市公园的感知、感受信息。随着现代信息技术和人们生活方式的发展,社交媒体成为大众获取信息、发布观点的主要方式之一。社交媒体数据具有数据易于获取、时间跨度长、数据量大等优势,同时,通过对社交媒体信息进一步进行文本提取与分析,还可以获取用户对特定活动场所更为具体的感知和感受,因此,社交媒体数据为城市公园景感评价提供了有价值的新的数据来源和手段。构建了基于社交媒体数据的城市公园景感评价框架和流程、评价指标以及信息提取方法,包括对获取数据进行预处理;构建感官感知及公园要素词库;通过情感分类,形成积极和消极情感文本,表征用户对文本关联景感要素的满意度;将各类情感文本分别进行要素及其对应感知感官的统计,以频率衡量景感要素对用户感知的重要性;在此基础上,基于重要性-绩效分析(IPA)方法构建了感知评价模型。最后,以北京玉渊潭公园为例,进行了实证研究。结果表明:视觉在居民对城市公园的感知体验中占据主导地位,触觉感知次之,听觉感知普遍不被重视,而嗅觉感知评价...  相似文献   

This article examines the role of historical social resources in the development of a transnational trade diaspora of Ecuador's indigenous Otavalan merchants. The Otavalans are well known for their production of handicrafts, using pre-industrial and industrial technologies, and for their far-flung trips in search of foreign buyers. In this account, the role of 'social capital', typically defined as a 'public good', is highlighted to better gauge its usefulness to other migrant and indigenous groups. I conclude that the Otavalo case suggests that in-group 'social capital' is: (a) not sufficient or necessary for 'grass-roots' transnational entrepreneurship; (b) the political origins of an ethnic group's 'trust-worthiness' reveal a more diverse set of symbolic and cultural 'capitals', which may then be used by an emergent merchant class to gain financial capital for a business venture; and (c) 'globalization' notwithstanding, contemporary trade diasporas may rise and fall due to similar causal dynamics found among much older and ubiquitous 'cross-cultural trade diasporas'.  相似文献   

Epistasis refers to gene interaction effect involving two or more genes. Statistical methods for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) with epistasis effects have become available recently. However, little is known about the statistical power and sample size requirements for mapping epistatic QTL using genetic markers. In this study, we developed analytical formulae to calculate the statistical power and sample requirement for detecting each epistasis effect under the F-2 design based on crossing inbred lines. Assuming two unlinked interactive QTL and the same absolute value for all epistasis effects, the heritability of additive × additive (a × a) effect is twice as large as that of additive × dominance (a × d) or dominance × additive (d × a) effect, and is four times as large as that of dominance × dominance (d × d) effect. Consequently, among the four types of epistasis effects involving two loci, ''a × a'' effect is the easiest to detect whereas ''d × d'' effect is the most difficult to detect. The statistical power for detecting ''a × a'' effect is similar to that for detecting dominance effect of a single QTL. The sample size requirements for detecting ''a × d'', ''d × a'' and ''d × d'' are highly sensitive to increased distance between the markers and the interacting QTLs. Therefore, using dense marker coverage is critical to detecting those effects.  相似文献   

The ring nematode (Criconemoides ornatus), stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus martini), and sting nematode (Belonolaimus Iongicaudatus) reproduced readily on six bermudagrasses (Common, ''U-3'', ''Tufcote'', ''Continental'', ''Tiffine'', and ''Tifdwarf''). Populations of a single nematode species influenced the population development of a second and third parasitic nematode species on a particular host plant. Activity of most nematodes adversely affected reproduction of other nematode species in mixed cultures. Generally, the number of fibrous roots produced by plants decreased as the number of nematode species in the treatments increased. Tifdwarf bermudagrass appeared to be more tolerant to C. ornatus and T. martini than other grasses tested.  相似文献   

We have investigated visual responses to moving stimuli presented to the normal hemifield of a hemianope, GY, who exhibits residual visual function in his right, ''blind'' hemifield. Preliminary experiments established that his perception of moving stimuli localized in his ''blind'' hemifield is retained when a similar stimulus is presented simultaneously in the normal hemifield. In response to a grating stimulus moving horizontally towards fixation in the non-foveal region of the normal, left hemifield, he perceives in addition to a normal motion percept in the left hemifield, a sensation of movement localized in the right hemifield. Qualitatively, this latter is indistinguishable from responses elicited by direct stimulation localized within his ''blind'' hemifield by moving stimuli. We have investigated the characteristics of the mechanisms which induce the ''blind'' field component of GY''s responses to stimulation of the normal hemifield. We show that GY''s sensitivity for detection of movement localized within his ''blind'' hemifield is dependent on the direction of movement, the contrast and the velocity of a grating presented to the normal hemifield. No induced effects were recorded in response to colour or to non-moving, flickering stimuli. We examine the possible contribution of scattered light to our observations, and eliminate this factor by consideration of our experimental results. We discuss the neural mechanisms which may be involved in this response.  相似文献   

Organisations in the Not-for-Profit and charity sector face increasing competition to win time, money and efforts from a common donor base. Consequently, these organisations need to be more proactive than ever. The increased level of communications between individuals and organisations today, heightens the need for investigating the drivers of charitable giving and understanding the various consumer groups, or donor segments, within a population. It is contended that `trust'' is the cornerstone of the not-for-profit sector''s survival, making it an inevitable topic for research in this context. It has become imperative for charities and not-for-profit organisations to adopt for-profit''s research, marketing and targeting strategies. This study provides the not-for-profit sector with an easily-interpretable segmentation method based on a novel unsupervised clustering technique (MST-kNN) followed by a feature saliency method (the CM1 score). A sample of 1,562 respondents from a survey conducted by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission is analysed to reveal donor segments. Each cluster''s most salient features are identified using the CM1 score. Furthermore, symbolic regression modelling is employed to find cluster-specific models to predict `low'' or `high'' involvement in clusters. The MST-kNN method found seven clusters. Based on their salient features they were labelled as: the `non-institutionalist charities supporters'', the `resource allocation critics'', the `information-seeking financial sceptics'', the `non-questioning charity supporters'', the `non-trusting sceptics'', the `charity management believers'' and the `institutionalist charity believers''. Each cluster exhibits their own characteristics as well as different drivers of `involvement''. The method in this study provides the not-for-profit sector with a guideline for clustering, segmenting, understanding and potentially targeting their donor base better. If charities and not-for-profit organisations adopt these strategies, they will be more successful in today''s competitive environment.  相似文献   

Mirror agnosia.     
Normal people rarely confuse the mirror image of an object with a real object so long as they realize they are looking into a mirror. We report a new neurological sign, ''mirror agnosia'', following right parietal lesions in which this ability is severely compromised. We studied four right hemisphere stroke patients who had left visual field ''neglect''. i.e. they were indifferent to objects in their left visual field even though they were not blind. We then placed a vertical parasagittal mirror on each patients'' right so that they could clearly see the reflection of objects placed in the (neglected) visual field. When shown a candy or pen on their left, the patients kept banging their hand into the mirror or groped behind it attempting to grab the reflection; they did not reach for the real object on the left, even though they were mentally quite lucid and knew they were looking into a mirror. Remarkably, all four patients kept complaining that the object was ''in the mirror'', ''outside my reach'' or ''behind the mirror''. Thus, even the patients'' ability to make simple logical inferences about mirrors has been selectively warped to accommodate the strange new sensory world that they now inhabit. The finding may have implications for understanding how the brain creates representations of mirror reflections.  相似文献   

The signifiers, 'race', 'culture' or 'ethnicity' are utilized in the teenage pregnancy literature (1) to highlight 'differences' in adolescent sexual and reproductive behaviour and (2) as explanatory tools. When 'white' teenagers are the focus of research, psychological explanations are usually invoked, whereas for 'black' teenagers, explanations are socio-cultural in nature. In this article, we explore how, through a process of racialization, the psychomedical literature on teenage pregnancy in South Africa contributes to the entrenchment of 'race', 'culture' and 'ethnicity' as fixed, 'natural' signifiers. We utilize Derrida's notion of différance , together with Phoenix and Woollett's adaptation - 'normalized absence/pathologized presence' - to indicate how 'black' people are cast as the Other, the pathologized presence which relies on the normalized absent trace, 'whiteness', for definition. We analyse how the notions of 'tradition' and 'culture' are deployed to sanitize or disguise the underlying racializing project. 'Black' is exoticized and rendered strange and thus open to scrutiny, monitoring and intervention. 'Culture' and 'tradition' appeal to the myth of origin, thus providing pseudohistorical explanations which essentialize and naturalize racialized collectivities.  相似文献   

The functional significance of the conserved motif ''YxGG/A'', located between the 3''-5'' exonuclease and polymerization domains of eukaryotic-type DNA polymerases, has been studied by site-directed mutagenesis in phi29 DNA polymerase. Single substitutions at this region were obtained, and 11 phi29 DNA polymerase mutant derivatives were overproduced in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. Nine mutants showed an altered polymerase/3''-5'' exonuclease balance on a template/primer DNA structure, giving rise to three different mutant phenotypes: (i) favored polymerization (high pol/exo ratio); (ii) favored exonucleolysis (low pol/exo ratio); and (iii) favored exonucleolysis and null polymerization. Interestingly, these three different phenotypes could be obtained by mutating a single amino acid at the ''YxGG/A'' motif. All different phenotypes could be directly related to defects in DNA binding at a particular active site. Thus, a high pol/exo ratio was related to a poor stability at the 3''-5'' exonuclease active site. On the contrary, a low pol/exo ratio or null polymerization capacity was related to a poor stability at the polymerization active site and either a normal or an increased accessibility to the exonuclease active site. These results allow us to propose that this motif, located in the connecting region between the N-terminal and C-terminal domains, has a primary role in DNA binding, playing a critical role in the coordination or cross-talk between synthesis and degradation.  相似文献   

The need for glioma biomarkers with improved sensitivity and specificity has sparked research into short non-coding RNA known as microRNA (miRNA). Altered miRNA biogenesis and expression in glioma plays a vital role in important signaling pathways associated with a range of tumor characteristics including gliomagenesis, invasion, and malignancy. This review will discuss current research into the role of miRNA in glioma and altered miRNA expression in biofluids as candidate biomarkers with a particular focus on glioblastoma, the most malignant form of glioma. The isolation and characterization of miRNA using cellular and molecular biology techniques from the circulation of glioma patients could potentially be used for improved diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment decisions. We aim to highlight the links between research into miRNA function, their use as biomarkers, and how these biomarkers can be used to predict response to therapy. Furthermore, increased understanding of miRNA in glioma biology through biomarker research has led to the development of miRNA therapeutics which could restore normal miRNA expression and function and improve the prognosis of glioma patients. A panel of important miRNA biomarkers for glioma in various biofluids discovered to date has been summarized here. There is still a need, however, to standardize techniques for biomarker characterization to bring us closer to clinically relevant miRNA-based diagnostic and therapeutic signatures. A clinically validated biomarker panel has potential to improve time to diagnosis, predicting response to treatment and ultimately the prognosis of glioma patients.  相似文献   

The prospect of generic principles of biological organization being uncovered through the increasingly broad use of the concepts of ''self-assembly'' and ''self-organization'' in biology will only be fulfilled if students of different levels of biological organization use the same terms with the same meanings. We consider the different ways the terms ''self-assembly'' and ''self-organization'' have been used, from studies of molecules to studies of animal societies. By linking ''self-assembly'' and ''self-organization'' with division of labour, we not only put forward a distinction between the underlying concepts but we are also able to relate them to the question: Why has a certain structure been favoured by natural selection? Using the particularly instructive case of social resilience in ant colonies, we demonstrate that the principle of self-organizing self-assembly may apply to higher levels of biological organization than previously considered. We predict that at the level of interactions among organisms within the most advanced animal societies, specialization through learning has a crucial role to play in re-assembly processes. This review may also help important commonalities and differences to be recognized between ordering mechanisms up to the social level and those further up the biological hierarchy, at the level of ecological communities.  相似文献   

MapReduce is a programming model to process a massive amount of data on cloud computing. MapReduce processes data in two phases and needs to transfer intermediate data among computers between phases. MapReduce allows programmers to aggregate intermediate data with a function named combiner before transferring it. By leaving programmers the choice of using a combiner, MapReduce has a risk of performance degradation because aggregating intermediate data benefits some applications but harms others. Now, MapReduce can work with our proposal named the Adaptive Combiner for MapReduce (ACMR) to automatically, smartly, and trainer for getting a better performance without any interference of programmers. In experiments on seven applications, MapReduce can utilize ACMR to get the performance comparable to the system that is optimal for an application.  相似文献   

Phaseolin seed protein variability in a group of 8 wild and 77 cultivated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) accessions was determined using 1-dimensional SDS/ PAGE and 2-dimensional IEF-SDS/PAGE. Wild common bean accessions exhibited the 'CH' and 'B' patterns, previously undescribed among either wild or cultivated common beans. The cultivated genotypes showed (in decreasing frequency) the previously described 'S,' T,' and 'C phaseolin patterns as well as the new 'B' pattern similar to the pattern identified in a Colombian wild common bean accession. In the northeastern part of the Colombian bean-growing region, the cultivars exhibited almost exclusively an 'S' phaseolin type, while in the south-western part, the 'T' and 'C phaseolin cultivars were more frequent. Seed size analysis indicated that 'T' and 'C' phaseolin cultivars had larger seeds than 'S' and 'B' phaseolin cultivars. Our results suggest that Colombia is a meeting place for Andean and Middle American common bean germplasms, as well as a domestication center for the common bean.  相似文献   

Penetration, development, and reproduction of a virulent ''Harmony'' population of Meloidogyne arenaria was studied on two nematode-resistant grape rootstocks 10-17A and 6-19B. ''Cabernet Sauvignon'' was used as a susceptible control for comparison. Plants were inoculated with 100 freshly hatched second-stage juveniles (J2) of M. arenaria. Greater numbers of J2 penetrated roots of ''Cabernet'' than 10-17A, and none penetrated roots of 6-19B 4 days after inoculation (DAI). At 7 DAI, vermiform J2 advanced to sausage-shaped J2 in roots of ''Cabernet,'' penetrated roots of 6-19B, and had egressed from roots of 10-17A. Resistant rootstocks expressed hypersensitive responses to penetrating J2 along the root epidermis, among the cortical cells, and along the differentiating vascular bundles. At 13 DAI, 68% of the J2 had attained globose stage in roots of ''Cabernet,'' whereas there was no development of vermiform J2 in roots of the other two rootstocks. The nematodes reproduced only in roots of ''Cabernet.'' Lack of development of J2 in roots of the two resistant grape rootstocks might be the result of a hypersensitive response to J2 feeding.  相似文献   

Advances in sequencing technology have led to a sharp decrease in the cost of ''data generation''. But is this sufficient to ensure cost-effective and efficient ''knowledge generation''?  相似文献   

The central argument of The origin of species was that mechanical processes (inheritance of features and the differential reproduction they cause) can give rise to the appearance of design. The ''mechanical processes'' are now mathematically represented by the dynamic systems of population genetics, and the appearance of design by optimization and game theory in which the individual plays the part of the maximizing agent. Establishing a precise individual-as-maximizing-agent (IMA) analogy for a population-genetics system justifies optimization approaches, and so provides a modern formal representation of the core of Darwinism. It is a hitherto unnoticed implication of recent population-genetics models that, contrary to a decades-long consensus, an IMA analogy can be found in models with stochastic environments (subject to a convexity assumption), in which individuals maximize expected reproductive value. The key is that the total reproductive value of a species must be considered as constant, so therefore reproductive value should always be calculated in relative terms. This result removes a major obstacle from the theoretical challenge to find a unifying framework which establishes the IMA analogy for all of Darwinian biology, including as special cases inclusive fitness, evolutionarily stable strategies, evolutionary life-history theory, age-structured models and sex ratio theory. This would provide a formal, mathematical justification of fruitful and widespread but ''intentional'' terms in evolutionary biology, such as ''selfish'', ''altruism'' and ''conflict''.  相似文献   

Penetration, rate of development, and total population of Meloidogyne incognita in roots of susceptible ''Allgold'' and resistant ''Nemagold'' sweet potatoes increased with temperature 24-32 C. Rate of larval penetration in ''Allgold'' was significantly higher than in ''Nemagold'' after 48 hr of root exposure at 24, 28, and 32 C. At 24, 28, and 32 C (16 hr) day and 20 C (8 hr) night temperature the life cycle of M. incognita required 42, 32, and 28 days in ''Allgold'', and 44, 33, and 31 days in ''Nemagold''; mature females in the first generation were 40, 40, 40, and 10, 22, 20 respectively. The correlation between the length of time roots were allowed to grow in the soil prior to inoculation and number of larvae recovered from the roots after inoculation was positive for ''Allgold'' and negative for ''Nemagold''. Therefore, a root exudate repellent to M. incognita larvae is proposed as a hypothetical basis for resistance to M. incognita in sweet potatoes.  相似文献   

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