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Homologs of the Escherichia coli (mutL, S and uvrD) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (hexA, B) genes involved in mismatch repair are known in several distantly related organisms. Degenerate oligonucleotide primers based on conserved regions of E. coli MutS protein and its homologs from Salmonella typhimurium, S. pneumoniae and human were used in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify and clone mutS/hexA homologs from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Two DNA sequences were amplified whose deduced amino acid sequences both shared a high degree of homology with MutS. These sequences were then used to clone the full-length genes from a yeast genomic library. Sequence analysis of the two MSH genes (MSH = mutS homolog), MSH1 and MSH2, revealed open reading frames of 2877 bp and 2898 bp. The deduced amino acid sequences predict polypeptides of 109.3 kD and 109.1 kD, respectively. The overall amino acid sequence identity with the E. coli MutS protein is 28.6% for MSH1 and 25.2% for MSH2. Features previously found to be shared by MutS homologs, such as the nucleotide binding site and the helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif as well as other highly conserved regions whose function remain unknown, were also found in the two yeast homologs. Evidence presented in this and a companion study suggest that MSH1 is involved in repair of mitochondrial DNA and that MSH2 is involved in nuclear DNA repair.  相似文献   

菜豆基因组微卫星DNA的分离与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从耐高温型菜豆(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)品种“Haibushi”基因组分离微卫星DNA,可以提供与耐热性QTL(quantitative trait locus)连锁的多态遗传标记。为此,利用lambda ZAPⅡ载体构建了一个包含400-800bp插入片段的菜豆基因组文库。利用地高辛末端标记寡聚核苷酸(GA)10和(CA)10作为探针筛选该文库,并对部分阳性克隆进行测序分析,  相似文献   

Isolation and Characterization of Microsatellites in Snap Bean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objectives of this study were to isolate and characterize microsatellites from a heat tolerant variety of snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in order to generate polymorphic genetic markers linked to quantitative trait loci for heat tolerance. A genomic library contained 400-800 bp inserts was constructed and screened for the presence of (GA/CT)n and (CA/GT)n repeats. The proportion of positive clones yielded estimated of 3.72×10 4 such dinucleotide repeats per genome, roughly comparable to the abundance reported in other eukaryotic genomes. Twenty-six positive clones were sequenced. In contrast to mammalian genomes, the (GA/CT)n motif was much more abundant than the (CA/GT)n motif in these clones. The (GA/CT)n repeats also showed longer average repeat length (mean n=10.4 versus 6.5), suggesting that they are better candidates for yielding polymorphic genetic markers in the snap bean genome.  相似文献   

Recombination rates have been examined in two-point crosses of various defined cyc1 mutations that cause the loss or nonfunction of iso-1-cytochrome c in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Recombinants arising by three different means were investigated, including X-ray induced mitotic recombination, spontaneous mitotic recombination, and meiotic recombination. Heteroallelic diploid strains were derived by crossing cyc1 mutants containing a series of alterations at or near the same site to cyc1 mutants containing alterations at various distances. Marked disproportionalities between physical distances and recombination frequencies were observed with certain cyc1 mutations, indicating that certain mismatched bases can significantly affect recombination. The marker effects were more pronounced when the two mutational sites of the heteroalleles were within about 20 base pairs, but separated by at least 4 base pairs. Two alleles, cyc1-163 and cyc1-166, which arose by G.C----C.G transversions at nucleotide positions 3 and 194, respectively, gave rise to especially high rates of recombination. Other mutations having different substitutions at the same nucleotide positions were not associated with abnormally high recombination frequencies. We suggest that these marker effects are due to the lack of repair of either G/G or C/C mismatched base pairs, while the other mismatched base pair of the heteroallele undergoes substantial repair. Furthermore, we suggest that diminished recombination frequencies are due to the concomitant repair of both mismatches within the same DNA tract.  相似文献   

The influence of chromatin structure on DNA metabolic processes, including DNA replication and repair, has been a matter of intensive studies in recent years. Although the human mismatch repair (MMR) reaction has been reconstituted using purified proteins, the influence of chromatin structure on human MMR is unknown. This study examines the interaction between human MutSα and a mismatch located within a nucleosome or between two nucleosomes. The results show that, whereas MutSα specifically recognizes both types of nucleosomal heteroduplexes, the protein bound the mismatch within a nucleosome with much lower efficiency than a naked heteroduplex or a heterology free of histone proteins but between two nucleosomes. Additionally, MutSα displays reduced ATPase- and ADP-binding activity when interacting with nucleosomal heteroduplexes. Interestingly, nucleosomes block ATP-induced MutSα sliding along the DNA helix when the mismatch is in between two nucleosomes. These findings suggest that nucleosomes may inhibit MMR in eukaryotic cells. The implications of these findings for our understanding of eukaryotic MMR are discussed.  相似文献   

Mismatch repair (MMR) proteins actively inhibit recombination between diverged sequences in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Although the molecular basis of the antirecombination activity exerted by MMR proteins is unclear, it presumably involves the recognition of mismatches present in heteroduplex recombination intermediates. This recognition could be exerted during the initial stage of strand exchange, during the extension of heteroduplex DNA, or during the resolution of recombination intermediates. We previously used an assay system based on 350-bp inverted-repeat substrates to demonstrate that MMR proteins strongly inhibit mitotic recombination between diverged sequences in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The assay system detects only those events that reverse the orientation of the region between the recombination substrates, which can occur as a result of either intrachromatid crossover or sister chromatid conversion. In the present study we sequenced the products of mitotic recombination between 94%-identical substrates in order to map gene conversion tracts in wild-type versus MMR-defective yeast strains. The sequence data indicate that (i) most recombination occurs via sister chromatid conversion and (ii) gene conversion tracts in an MMR-defective strain are significantly longer than those in an isogenic wild-type strain. The shortening of conversion tracts observed in a wild-type strain relative to an MMR-defective strain suggests that at least part of the antirecombination activity of MMR proteins derives from the blockage of heteroduplex extension in the presence of mismatches.  相似文献   

Yeast Msh2p forms complexes with Msh3p and Msh6p to repair DNA mispairs that arise during DNA replication. In addition to their role in mismatch repair (MMR), the MSH2 and MSH3 gene products are required to remove 3' nonhomologous DNA tails during genetic recombination. The mismatch repair genes MSH6, MLH1, and PMS1, whose products interact with Msh2p, are not required in this process. We have identified mutations in MSH2 that do not disrupt genetic recombination but confer a strong defect in mismatch repair. Twenty-four msh2 mutations that conferred a dominant negative phenotype for mismatch repair were isolated. A subset of these mutations mapped to residues in Msh2p that were analogous to mutations identified in human nonpolyposis colorectal cancer msh2 kindreds. Approximately half of the these MMR-defective mutations retained wild-type or nearly wild-type activity for the removal of nonhomologous DNA tails during genetic recombination. The identification of mutations in MSH2 that disrupt mismatch repair without affecting recombination provides a first step in dissecting the Msh-effector protein complexes that are thought to play different roles during DNA repair and genetic recombination.  相似文献   

Excision of the prokaryotic transposon Tn10 is a host-mediated process that occurs in the absence of recA function or any transposon-encoded functions. To determine which host functions might play a role in transposon excision, we have isolated 40 mutants of E. coli K12, designated tex, which increase the frequency of Tn10 precise excision. Three of these mutations (texA) have been shown to qualitatively alter RecBC function. We show that 21 additional tex mutations with a mutator phenotype map to five genes previously identified as components of a methylation-directed pathway for repair of base pair mismatches: uvrD, mutH, mutL, mutS and dam. Previously identified alleles of these genes also have a Tex phenotype.--Several other E. coli mutations affecting related functions have been analyzed for their effects on Tn10 excision. Other mutations affecting the frequency of spontaneous mutations (mutT, polA, ung), different excision repair pathways (uvrA, uvrB) or the state of DNA methylation (dcm) have no effect on Tn10 excision. Mutations ssb-113 and mutD5, however, do increase Tn10 excision.--The products of the mismatch correction genes probably function in a coordinated way during DNA repair in vivo. Thus, mutations in these genes might also enhance transposon excision by a single general mechanism. Alternatively, since mutations in each gene have qualitatively and quantitatively different effects on transposon excision, defects in different mismatch repair genes may enhance excision by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

In response to an external source of adenine, yeast cells repress the expression of purine biosynthesis pathway genes. To identify necessary components of this signalling mechanism, we have isolated mutants that are constitutively active for expression. These mutants were named bra (for bypass of repression by adenine). BRA7 is allelic to FCY2, the gene encoding the purine cytosine permease and BRA9 is ADE12, the gene encoding adenylosuccinate synthetase. BRA6 and BRA1 are new genes encoding, respectively, hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase and adenylosuccinate lyase. These results indicate that uptake and salvage of adenine are important steps in regulating expression of purine biosynthetic genes. We have also shown that two other salvage enzymes, adenine phosphoribosyl transferase and adenine deaminase, are involved in activating the pathway. Finally, using mutant strains affected in AMP kinase or ribonucleotide reductase activities, we have shown that AMP needs to be phosphorylated to ADP to exert its regulatory role while reduction of ADP into dADP by ribonucleotide reductase is not required for adenine repression. Together these data suggest that ADP or a derivative of ADP is the effector molecule in the signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

AEM. Adams  D. Botstein 《Genetics》1989,121(4):675-683
A gene whose product is likely to interact with yeast actin was identified by the isolation of pseudorevertants carrying dominant suppressors of the temperature-sensitive (Ts) act1-1 mutation. Of 30 independent revertants analyzed, 29 were found to carry extragenic suppressor mutations and of these, 24/24 tested were found to be linked to each other. This linkage group identifies a new gene SAC6, whose product, by several genetic criteria, is likely to interact intimately with actin. First, although act1-1 sac6 strains are temperature-independent (Ts+), 4/17 sac6 mutant alleles tested are Ts in an ACT1+ background. Moreover, four Ts+ pseudorevertants of these ACT1+ sac6 mutants carry suppressor mutations in ACT1; significantly, three of these are again Ts in a SAC6+ background, and are most likely new act1 mutant alleles. Thus, mutations in ACT1 and SAC6 can suppress each other's defects. Second, sac6 mutations can suppress the Ts defects of the act1-1 and act1-2, but not act1-4, mutations. This allele specificity indicates the sac6 mutations do not suppress by simply bypassing the function of actin at high temperature. Third, act1-4 sac6 strains have a growth defect greater than that due to either of the single mutations alone, again suggesting an interaction between the two proteins. The mutant sac6 gene was cloned on the basis of dominant suppression from an act1-1 sac6 mutant library, and was then mapped to chromosome IV, less than 2 cM from ARO1.  相似文献   

To detect the incidence of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in DNA mismatch repair genes (MMR) occurring in atherosclerosis, fifty human autopsy cases of atherosclerosis were examined for LOH using 19 microsatellite markers, in three single and four tetraplex microsatellite assays. The markers used are located on or close to MMR genes. Fourteen specimens (28%) showed allelic imbalance in at least one locus. Loci hMSH2 (2p22.3–p16.1), hPMS1 (2q24.1–q32.1), and hMLH1 (3p21.32–p21.1) exhibited LOH (10, 10, and 12% respectively). We found that loss of heterozygosity on hMSH2, hPMS1, and hMLH1, occurs in atherosclerosis. The occurrence of such genomic alterations may represent important events in the development of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

白条草蜥(Takydromus wolteri)是一种年产多窝卵的蜥蜴。为了对其婚配制度、同一雌性个体所产卵的窝内和窝间的父权状况、种群的遗传结构和物种的进化历史等研究内容进行探讨,本研究筛选出白条草蜥的9个具有高度多态性的微卫星位点。微卫星位点筛选自包含(AC)n和(ATAG)n重复片度的微卫星富集文库。在白条草蜥安徽滁州种群的16~32个个体中对上述位点进行检测后发现,上述座位的等位基因数目范围为12~20个,期望杂合度范围为0.894~0.955,观测杂合度范围0.565~0.938,表明这些微卫星标记具有良好的遗传多样性,它们将在白条草蜥的种群遗传结构、基因流水平、种群分化和婚配制度的研究中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

H. Mitsuzawa  I. Uno  T. Oshima    T. Ishikawa 《Genetics》1989,123(4):739-748
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains two ras homologues, RAS1 and RAS2, whose products have been shown to modulate the activity of adenylate cyclase encoded by the CYR1 gene. To isolate temperature-sensitive mutations in the RAS2 gene, we constructed a plasmid carrying a RAS2 gene whose expression is under the control of the galactose-inducible GAL1 promoter. A ras1 strain transformed with this plasmid was subjected to ethyl methanesulfonate mutagenesis and nystatin enrichment. Screening of approximately 13,000 mutagenized colonies for galactose-dependent growth at a high temperature (37 degrees) yielded six temperature-sensitive ras2 (ras2ts) mutations and one temperature-sensitive cyr1 (cyr1ts) mutation that can be suppressed by overexpression or increased dosage of RAS2. Some ras2ts mutations were shown to be suppressed by an extra copy of CYR1. Therefore increased dosage of either RAS2 or CYR1 can suppress the temperature sensitivity caused by a mutation in the other. ras1 ras2ts and ras1 cyr1ts mutants arrested in the G1 phase of the cell cycle at the restrictive temperature, and showed pleiotropic phenotypes to varying degrees even at a temperature permissive for growth (25 degrees), including slow growth, sporulation on rich media, increased accumulation of glycogen, impaired growth on nonfermentable carbon sources, heat-shock resistance, impaired growth on low concentrations of glucose, and lithium sensitivity. Of these, impaired growth on low concentrations of glucose and sensitivity to lithium are new phenotypes, which have not been reported for mutants defective in the cAMP pathway.  相似文献   

Nonsense suppressors were obtained in a haploid yeast strain containing eight nutritional mutations, that are assumed to be amber or ochre, and the cyc1-179 amber mutation that has a UAG codon corresponding to position 9 in iso-1-cytochrome c. Previous studies established that the biosynthesis and function of iso-1-cytochrome c is compatible with replacements at position 9 of amino acids having widely different structures (Stewart and Sherman 1972). UV-induced revertants, selected on media requiring the reversion of one or two of the amber nutritional markers, were presumed to contain a suppressor if there was the unselected reversion of at least one other marker. The 1088 suppressors that were isolated could be divided into 78 phenotypic classes. Only 43 suppressors of three classes caused the production of more than 50% of the normal amount of iso-1-cytochrome c in the cyc1-179 strain. Genetic analyses indicated that all of these highly efficient amber suppressors are allelic to one or another of the eight suppressors which cause the insertion of tyrosine at ochre (UAA) codons (Gilmore, Stewart and Sherman 1971). Furthermore, only tyrosine has been identified at position 9 in iso-1-cytochrome c in cyc1-179 strains suppressed with these efficient amber suppressors.  相似文献   

P. J. Schatz  F. Solomon    D. Botstein 《Genetics》1988,120(3):681-695
Microtubules in yeast are functional components of the mitotic and meiotic spindles and are essential for nuclear movement during cell division and mating. We have isolated 70 conditional-lethal mutations in the TUB1 alpha-tubulin gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a plasmid replacement technique. Of the 70 mutations isolated, 67 resulted in cold-sensitivity, one resulted in temperature-sensitivity, and two resulted in both. Fine-structure mapping revealed that the mutations were located throughout the TUB1 gene. We characterized the phenotypes caused by 38 of the mutations after shifts of mutants to the nonpermissive temperature. Populations of temperature-shifted mutant cells contained an excess of large-budded cells with undivided nuclei, consistent with the previously determined role of microtubules in yeast mitosis. Several of the mutants arrested growth with a sufficiently uniform morphology to indicate that TUB1 has at least one specific role in the progression of the yeast cell cycle. A number of the mutants had gross defects in microtubule assembly at the restrictive temperature, some with no microtubules and some with excess microtubules. Other mutants contained disorganized microtubules and nuclei. There were no obvious correlations between these phenotypes and the map positions of the mutations. Greater than 90% of the mutants examined were hypersensitive to the antimicrotubule drug benomyl. Mutations that suppressed the cold-sensitive phenotypes of two of the TUB1 alleles occurred in TUB2, the single structural gene specifying beta-tubulin.  相似文献   

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