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Proteins synthesized in Escherichia coli during recovery from starvation were resolved by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Nine outgrowth-specific proteins, which appeared in two kinetic groups, that were not detected in either starved or exponential-phase cells were synthesized. Five other proteins whose rate of synthesis during outgrowth was > or = 5-fold higher than during exponential growth were observed.  相似文献   

The methylation of transfer RNA in Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The elution profiles of Asp-tRNA from unstarved and starved cultures of a relaxed-control (Rel-) strain of Escherichia coli were compared by reversed-phase chromatography. Methionine starvation results in the appearance of several additional species of Asp-tRNA which are not observed with starvation for leucine or histidine. By the criterion of cyanogen bromide-effected shifts in chromatographic elution position, a large portion of the tRNAAsp synthesized in methionine-starved cells lacks the normal Q nucleoside. By the same criterion, virtually all of the tRNAAsp from unstarved, leucine-starved, and histidine-starved cells contain Q. We conclude that methionine starvation prevents the formation of the norma Q nucleoside in Rel- E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary The short (0-20S) Okazaki fragments seen upon pulse-labeling E. coli (thy +, deo +) with 3H-thymidine are actually composed of three types of DNA fragments: (1) true replication intermediates, (2) post-replication repair fragments (such as those which arise subsequent to the removal of misincorporated uracil), and (3) chromosomal fragments. Our experiments show that the number of pulse-labeled fragments decreases slightly with the introduction of the ung-1 mutation into E. coli K-12 (dut +, thyl +, polA +), and that there are fewer fragments found in E. coli B/r than in E. coli K-12 ung-1. This suggests that while some fraction of pulse-labeled fragments may be due to repair, this fraction can vary among different strains; moreover, the majority of fragments appear to be replication intermediates. Selfhybridization (reannealing) of pulse-labeled fragments from E. coli B/r show that these fragments are asymmetric with respect to the strand origin and with respect to their size: the smaller (3-8S) fragments come from only one of the parental strands, whereas the larger (13-20S) fragments are synthesized equally from both parental strands. We interpret our results to mean that replication can be discontinuous on both strands but asymmetric with respect to both the size of the fragments and the size of the discontinuous region on the two strands.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, amino acid starvation triggers the rapid synthesis of two guanosine polyphosphates, pppGpp and ppGpp (the 3'-pyrophosphates of GTP and GDP, respectively). Determination of the turnover rate of the ppGpp pool indicated that during serine deprivation, as opposed to other amino acid starvations, the rate of ppGpp degradation is dramatically decreased. This results in a slow but significant accumulation of this regulatory nucleotide in a relA mutant during serine starvation. Similar ppGpp accumulation can be seen during serine starvation in different serine auxotrophic mutants carrying different relA alleles. On the other hand, no ppGpp accumulation is induced in various relaxed strains by serine hydroxamate treatment.  相似文献   

Pairs of very closely related Escherichia coli strains were prepared, one having the wild-type allele for ribonuclease III, an enzyme which specifically degrades double-stranded RNA, and the other having a mutant RNase III allele. Growth and phage plating efficiency were compared in these strains. The RNase III+ strains grow better than the RNase III- strains and plate T7 and lambda phage better, but T4 plates with the same efficiency on both strains. On the other hand, the half lives of newly synthesized RNA as well as of functional beta-galactosidase mRNA are similar in both kind of strains. These two parameters, however, are significantly longer in both strains as compared to the original strain from which they were derived. Also, no difference in the differential induction of beta-galactosidase was observed between such strains. Thus, we have to conclude that either ribonuclease III does not play a significant role in the functioning and stability of newly synthesized mRNA, or that enough enzymatic activity was left, residual RNase III or some other enzyme to deal with double-stranded regions in the message.  相似文献   

The in vitro movement of ribosomes over messenger RNA was studied in both the presence and the absence of protein synthesis. For this purpose, labeled polysomes were extracted from rel+ and rel? strains of Escherichia coli grown in the presence of radioactive uracil and incubated in a cell-free system containing tRNA, amino acids, soluble enzymes and a source of energy. The gradual conversion of the labeled polysomes into monosomes and ribosomal subunits was followed by subjecting the reaction mixture to sucrose gradient sedimentation after various incubation times and measuring the radioactivity present in the three relevant ribosomal fractions.It was found that when the conditions of incubation allow protein synthesis to occur, polysomes extracted from rel+ and rel? cells are converted mainly into free monosomes, which can be made to dissociate into subunits by high-sodium or low-magnesium ion concentrations. Under conditions in which protein synthesis cannot occur because a mutant aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase has been rendered inactive, polysome conversion still occurs, though to a reduced extent. When the products of such residual run-off are examined, however, a difference is manifest between polysomes extracted from rel+ and from rel? strains: whereas the polysomes from the rel? strain are still converted into free monosomes even in the absence of protein synthesis, the polysomes from the rel+ strain are now converted mainly into subunits. It can be inferred, therefore, that ribosomes from rel? bacteria, but not those from rel+ bacteria, continue movement over messenger RNA in the absence of protein synthesis.Studies of mixed extracts from rel? and rel+ bacteria have shown that the character of the run-off process does not depend on the source of tRNA and soluble enzymes; the proportions of monosomes and subunits among the run-off products formed in the absence of protein synthesis depend only on the source of the polysomes. It is suggested that the mutation of the rel gene alters the functional architecture of ribosomes.  相似文献   

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