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A correlation-based learning (CBL) neural network model is proposed, which simulates the emergence of grating cells as well as some of their response characteristics to periodic pattern stimuli. These cells, found in areas V1 and V2 of the visual cortex of monkeys, respond vigorously and exclusively to bar gratings of a preferred orientation and periodicity. Their non-linear behaviour differentiates grating cells from other orientation-selective cells, which show linear spatial frequency filtering. Received: 9 June 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 9 February 1998  相似文献   

Many neurons in mammalian primary visual cortex have properties such as sharp tuning for contour orientation, strong selectivity for motion direction, and insensitivity to stimulus polarity, that are not shared with their sub-cortical counterparts. Successful models have been developed for a number of these properties but in one case, direction selectivity, there is no consensus about underlying mechanisms. We here define a model that accounts for many of the empirical observations concerning direction selectivity. The model describes a single column of cat primary visual cortex and comprises a series of processing stages. Each neuron in the first cortical stage receives input from a small number of on-centre and off-centre relay cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus. Consistent with recent physiological evidence, the off-centre inputs to cortex precede the on-centre inputs by a small (~4 ms) interval, and it is this difference that confers direction selectivity on model neurons. We show that the resulting model successfully matches the following empirical data: the proportion of cells that are direction selective; tilted spatiotemporal receptive fields; phase advance in the response to a stationary contrast-reversing grating stepped across the receptive field. The model also accounts for several other fundamental properties. Receptive fields have elongated subregions, orientation selectivity is strong, and the distribution of orientation tuning bandwidth across neurons is similar to that seen in the laboratory. Finally, neurons in the first stage have properties corresponding to simple cells, and more complex-like cells emerge in later stages. The results therefore show that a simple feed-forward model can account for a number of the fundamental properties of primary visual cortex.  相似文献   

Computational models of periodic- and aperiodic-pattern selective cells, also called grating and bar cells, respectively, are proposed. Grating cells are found in areas V1 and V2 of the visual cortex of monkeys and respond strongly to bar gratings of a given orientation and periodicity but very weakly or not at all to single bars. This non-linear behaviour, which is quite different from the spatial frequency filtering behaviour exhibited by the other types of orientation-selective neurons such as the simple cells, is incorporated in the proposed computational model by using an AND-type non-linearity to combine the responses of simple cells with symmetric receptive field profiles and opposite polarities. The functional behaviour of bar cells, which are found in the same areas of the visual cortex as grating cells, is less well explored and documented in the literature. In general, these cells respond to single bars and their responses decrease when further bars are added to form a periodic pattern. These properties of bar cells are implemented in a computational model in which the responses of bar cells are computed as thresholded differences of the responses of corresponding complex (or simple) cells and grating cells. Bar and grating cells seem to play complementary roles in resolving the ambiguity with which the responses of simple and complex cells represent oriented visual stimuli, in that bar cells are selective only for form information as present in contours and grating cells only respond to oriented texture information. The proposed model is capable of explaining the results of neurophysiological experiments as well as the psychophysical observation that the perception of texture and the perception of form are complementary processes. Received: 4 June 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

The visual response of a cell in the primary visual cortex (V1) to a drifting grating stimulus at the cell’s preferred orientation decreases when a second, perpendicular, grating is superimposed. This effect is called masking. To understand the nonlinear masking effect, we model the response of Macaque V1 simple cells in layer 4Cα to input from magnocellular Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) cells. The cortical model network is a coarse-grained reduction of an integrate-and-fire network with excitation from LGN input and inhibition from other cortical neurons. The input is modeled as a sum of LGN cell responses. Each LGN cell is modeled as the convolution of a spatio-temporal filter with the visual stimulus, normalized by a retinal contrast gain control, and followed by rectification representing the LGN spike threshold. In our model, the experimentally observed masking arises at the level of LGN input to the cortex. The cortical network effectively induces a dynamic threshold that forces the test grating to have high contrast before it can overcome the masking provided by the perpendicular grating. The subcortical nonlinearities and the cortical network together account for the masking effect. Melinda Koelling is formerly from Center for Neural Science and Courant Institute, New York University.  相似文献   

The orientation tuning properties of the non-classical receptive field (nCRF or “surround”) relative to that of the classical receptive field (CRF or “center”) were tested for 119 neurons in the cat primary visual cortex (V1). The stimuli were concentric sinusoidal gratings generated on a computer screen with the center grating presented at an optimal orientation to stimulate the CRF and the surround grating with variable orientations stimulating the nCRF. Based on the presence or absence of surround suppression, measured by the suppression index at the optimal orientation of the cells, we subdivided the neurons into two categories: surround-suppressive (SS) cells and surround-non-suppressive (SN) cells. When stimulated with an optimally oriented grating centered at CRF, the SS cells showed increasing surround suppression when the stimulus grating was expanded beyond the boundary of the CRF, whereas for the SN cells, expanding the stimulus grating beyond the CRF caused no suppression of the center response. For the SS cells, strength of surround suppression was dependent on the relative orientation between CRF and nCRF: an iso-orientation grating over center and surround at the optimal orientation evoked strongest suppression and a surround grating orthogonal to the optimal center grating evoked the weakest or no suppression. By contrast, the SN cells showed slightly increased responses to an iso-orientation stimulus and weak suppression to orthogonal surround gratings. This iso-/orthogonal orientation selectivity between center and surround was analyzed in 22 SN and 97 SS cells, and for the two types of cells, the different center-surround orientation selectivity was dependent on the suppressive strength of the cells. We conclude that SN cells are suitable to detect orientation continuity or similarity between CRF and nCRF, whereas the SS cells are adapted to the detection of discontinuity or differences in orientation between CRF and nCRF.  相似文献   

One of the reasons the visual cortex has attracted the interest of computational neuroscience is that it has well-defined inputs. The lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus is the source of visual signals to the primary visual cortex (V1). Most large-scale cortical network models approximate the spike trains of LGN neurons as simple Poisson point processes. However, many studies have shown that neurons in the early visual pathway are capable of spiking with high temporal precision and their discharges are not Poisson-like. To gain an understanding of how response variability in the LGN influences the behavior of V1, we study response properties of model V1 neurons that receive purely feedforward inputs from LGN cells modeled either as noisy leaky integrate-and-fire (NLIF) neurons or as inhomogeneous Poisson processes. We first demonstrate that the NLIF model is capable of reproducing many experimentally observed statistical properties of LGN neurons. Then we show that a V1 model in which the LGN input to a V1 neuron is modeled as a group of NLIF neurons produces higher orientation selectivity than the one with Poisson LGN input. The second result implies that statistical characteristics of LGN spike trains are important for V1’s function. We conclude that physiologically motivated models of V1 need to include more realistic LGN spike trains that are less noisy than inhomogeneous Poisson processes.  相似文献   

There are two distinct classes of cells in the primary visual cortex (V1): simple cells and complex cells. One defining feature of complex cells is their spatial phase invariance; they respond strongly to oriented grating stimuli with a preferred orientation but with a wide range of spatial phases. A classical model of complete spatial phase invariance in complex cells is the energy model, in which the responses are the sum of the squared outputs of two linear spatially phase-shifted filters. However, recent experimental studies have shown that complex cells have a diverse range of spatial phase invariance and only a subset can be characterized by the energy model. While several models have been proposed to explain how complex cells could learn to be selective to orientation but invariant to spatial phase, most existing models overlook many biologically important details. We propose a biologically plausible model for complex cells that learns to pool inputs from simple cells based on the presentation of natural scene stimuli. The model is a three-layer network with rate-based neurons that describes the activities of LGN cells (layer 1), V1 simple cells (layer 2), and V1 complex cells (layer 3). The first two layers implement a recently proposed simple cell model that is biologically plausible and accounts for many experimental phenomena. The neural dynamics of the complex cells is modeled as the integration of simple cells inputs along with response normalization. Connections between LGN and simple cells are learned using Hebbian and anti-Hebbian plasticity. Connections between simple and complex cells are learned using a modified version of the Bienenstock, Cooper, and Munro (BCM) rule. Our results demonstrate that the learning rule can describe a diversity of complex cells, similar to those observed experimentally.  相似文献   

对于运动信息在脑内的加工,一种观点认为分两阶段进行,低级视皮层只对运动图形内部成分的取向进行调谐,高级视皮层整合低级视皮层的输入,对图形整体的运动方向敏感。用网格(plaid)作为刺激的实验表明,在较低级皮层区,细胞多表现为成分方向选择性(Component-motion Selectivity),即对刺激中的取向因素敏感:而较高视皮层的细胞多表现为整体方向选择性(Pattern-motion Selecitivity),对运动整体的方向敏感,从而支持运动信息加工的“两阶段”理论。实验中,用一系列运动随机线条刺激(random line patterns)。研究猫前内侧上雪氏区(Anteriormedial lateral suprasylvian area,AMLS)神经元的方向调谐特性。结果表明多数细胞为整体方向选择性,且随线长增加此类细胞比例下降,而成分方向选择性细胞的比例有所增加,呈现由整体方向选择性向中间类型(Unclassified),由中间类型向成分方向选择性变化的趋势,提示整体或成分方向选择性可能并非细胞的固有特性,而是可以随刺激取向因素的变化而改变的。  相似文献   

A simple and biologically plausible model is proposed to simulatethe visual motion processing taking place in the middle temporal (MT) areaof the visual cortex in the primate brain. The model is ahierarchical neural network composed of multiple competitive learninglayers. The input layer of the network simulates the neurons in the primaryvisual cortex (V1), which are sensitive to the orientation and motionvelocity of the visual stimuli, and the middle and output layers of thenetwork simulate the component MT and pattern MT neurons, which areselectively responsive to local and global motions, respectively. Thenetwork model was tested with various simulated motion patterns (random dotsof different direction correlations, transparent motion, grating and plaidpatterns, and so on). The response properties of the model closely resemblemany of the known features of the MT neurons found neurophysiologically.These results show that the sophisticated response behaviors of the MTneurons can emerge naturally from some very simple models, such as acompetitive learning network.  相似文献   

Neurons in the primary visual cortex are selective to orientation with various degrees of selectivity to the spatial phase, from high selectivity in simple cells to low selectivity in complex cells. Various computational models have suggested a possible link between the presence of phase invariant cells and the existence of orientation maps in higher mammals’ V1. These models, however, do not explain the emergence of complex cells in animals that do not show orientation maps. In this study, we build a theoretical model based on a convolutional network called Sparse Deep Predictive Coding (SDPC) and show that a single computational mechanism, pooling, allows the SDPC model to account for the emergence in V1 of complex cells with or without that of orientation maps, as observed in distinct species of mammals. In particular, we observed that pooling in the feature space is directly related to the orientation map formation while pooling in the retinotopic space is responsible for the emergence of a complex cells population. Introducing different forms of pooling in a predictive model of early visual processing as implemented in SDPC can therefore be viewed as a theoretical framework that explains the diversity of structural and functional phenomena observed in V1.  相似文献   

以扫描正弦光栅作为刺激,用冰冻法毁损皮层17、18、19区和外侧上雪氏回(LS区)来阻断皮层对外膝体的反馈投射,记录并描绘了猫外膝体597个细胞的方位调制特性.去视皮层猫外膝体神经元的平均方位选择性强度(Bias)为0.154,与正常猫(0.155)几乎相同,其最优方位偏向于水平方位.与正常猫外膝体不同的是,去视皮层猫外膝体失去了最优方位的切向分布规律,用GABA或KCl压抑皮层活动得到了相近的实验结果.结果说明正常外膝体的最优方位切向分布规律来自皮层反馈投射.  相似文献   

Grating cells were discovered in the V1 and V2 areas of the monkey visual cortex by von der Heydt et al. (1992). These cells responded vigorously to grating patterns of appropriate orientation and periodicity. Computational models inspired by these findings were used as texture operator (Kruzinga and Petkov 1995, 1999; Petkov and Kruzinga 1997) and for the emergence and self-organization of grating cells (Brunner et al. 1998; Bauer et al. 1999). The aim of this paper is to create a grating cell operator that demonstrates similar responses to monkey grating cells by applying operator to the same stimuli as in the experiments carried out by von der Heydt et al. (1992). Operator will be tested on images that contain periodic patterns as suggested by De Valois (1988). In order to learn more about the role of grating cells in natural vision, operator is applied to 338 real-world images of textures obtained from three different databases. The results suggest that grating cells respond strongly to regular alternating periodic patterns of a certain orientation. Such patterns are common in images of human-made structures, like buildings, fabrics, and tiles, and to regular natural periodic patterns, which are relatively rare in nature.  相似文献   

提出一种基于初级视觉皮层的目标检测模型,该模型只采用方位选择性细胞和皮层内水平连接等V1基本单元,它以链码表示的目标轮廓作为知识,允许该知识以时间脉冲的形式控制V1区内神经细胞的动态活动,使与知识轮廓形状相符合的轮廓内的细胞进入同步振荡状态,实现对视野中特定目标轮廓的识别。计算机仿真结果表明,在较高级皮层的“知识”控制之下,初级视觉皮层结构上实现简单的目标检测是可行的。  相似文献   

In the primate visual pathway, orientation tuning of neurons is first observed in the primary visual cortex. The LGN cells that comprise the thalamic input to V1 are not orientation tuned, but some V1 neurons are quite selective. Two main classes of theoretical models have been offered to explain orientation selectivity: feedforward models, in which inputs from spatially aligned LGN cells are summed together by one cortical neuron; and feedback models, in which an initial weak orientation bias due to convergent LGN input is sharpened and amplified by intracortical feedback. Recent data on the dynamics of orientation tuning, obtained by a cross-correlation technique, may help to distinguish between these classes of models. To test this possibility, we simulated the measurement of orientation tuning dynamics on various receptive field models, including a simple Hubel-Wiesel type feedforward model: a linear spatiotemporal filter followed by an integrate-and-fire spike generator. The computational study reveals that simple feedforward models may account for some aspects of the experimental data but fail to explain many salient features of orientation tuning dynamics in V1 cells. A simple feedback model of interacting cells is also considered. This model is successful in explaining the appearance of Mexican-hat orientation profiles, but other features of the data continue to be unexplained.  相似文献   

In addition to visually driven cells we found within the lateral suprasylvian visual cortex of cats a considerable number of auditory and/or bimodal cells. Most of the visually driven cells were direction and orientation selective with responses that were neither highly stimulus time locked nor very stable. Most of the auditory responses were also not very stable, had relatively high thresholds and were readily habituated. Previous studies have suggested that populations of cells within the lateral suprasylvian area are specialized for the analysis of optic flow fields. Given that a remarkable proportion of cells within this area can be also driven by auditory stimuli we hypothesize that the "optic flow" model may be extended to the bimodal domain rather than restricted to visual clues only. This, however, remains to be corroborated experimentally.  相似文献   

In cat visual cortex, we investigated with parallel recordings from multiple units the neuronal correlates of perceived brightness. The perceived brightness of a center grating was changed by varying the orientation or the relative spatial phase of a surrounding grating. Brightness enhancement by orientation contrast is associated with an increase of discharge rates of responses to the center grating but not with changes in spike synchronization. In contrast, if brightness enhancement is induced by phase offset, discharge rates are unchanged but synchronization increases between neurons responding to the center grating. The changes in synchronization correlate well with changes in perceived brightness that were assessed in parallel in human subjects using the same stimuli. These results indicate that in cerebral cortex the modulation of synchronicity of responses is used as a mechanism complementary to rate changes to enhance the saliency of neuronal responses.  相似文献   

An illusory contour is an image that is perceived as a contour in the absence of typical contour characteristics, such as a change in luminance or chromaticity across the stimulus. In cats and primates, cells that respond to illusory contours are sparse in cortical area V1, but are found in greater numbers in cortical area V2. We propose a model capable of illusory contour detection that is based on a realistic topographic organization of V1 cells, which reproduces the responses of individual cell types measured experimentally. The model allows us to explain several experimentally observed properties of V2 cells including variability in orientation tuning and inducer spacing preference. As a practical application, the model can be used to estimate the relationship between the severity of a cortical injury in the primary visual cortex and the deterioration of V2 cell responses to real and illusory contours.  相似文献   

The role of intrinsic cortical dynamics is a debatable issue. A recent optical imaging study (Kenet et al., 2003) found that activity patterns similar to orientation maps (OMs), emerge in the primary visual cortex (V1) even in the absence of sensory input, suggesting an intrinsic mechanism of OM activation. To better understand these results and shed light on the intrinsic V1 processing, we suggest a neural network model in which OMs are encoded by the intrinsic lateral connections. The proposed connectivity pattern depends on the preferred orientation and, unlike previous models, on the degree of orientation selectivity of the interconnected neurons. We prove that the network has a ring attractor composed of an approximated version of the OMs. Consequently, OMs emerge spontaneously when the network is presented with an unstructured noisy input. Simulations show that the model can be applied to experimental data and generate realistic OMs. We study a variation of the model with spatially restricted connections, and show that it gives rise to states composed of several OMs. We hypothesize that these states can represent local properties of the visual scene. Action Editor: Jonathan D. Victor  相似文献   

The aim of our work was to localize cortical areas involved in the processing of incomplete figures using functional MRI (fMRI) for 8 healthy volunteers (18-30 year old) with the did of anatomical and fMRI fast imaging technique: echo planar imaging (EPI), whole brain scan (36 slices) matrix 64 x 64, 3.7 second. We used 1.5 T MR-scanner and BOLD-method (Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent), based on distinctions of magnetic properties of hemoglobin. Fast imaging technique on modern MR-scanners with > or = 1.5 T provides precise statistical maps of oxygenation increase with high spatial resolution. For test stimuli we used matrix of Gabor grating. We used two types of 10 x 10 matrices with chaotic and ordered orientation of Gabor gratings. The size, brightness and contrast of the stimuli were identical. The chaotic and ordered patterns activated different brain areas. We establish that ordered patterns activated only primary visual cortex - V1 and V2, (BA17-18), wheareas chaotic patterns activated in addition primary visual cortex, the V3,V4,V5 (BA19) of the occipital cortex and the area 7 of parietal area (BA7) classification. Decision making for that task is localized in prefrontal and frontal cortex, including (BA 6, 9, 10).  相似文献   

PSYCHOPHYSICAL studies have established that the human central visual system contains a large number of independent channels each of which responds maximally to a selectively oriented sine wave grating of a given spatial frequency and hardly at all to gratings of spatial frequencies differing by a factor of two1–4. Electrophysiological studies with moving sinusoidally modulated grating patterns have demonstrated that there exists a class of neurones in the striate cortex of cats5 and monkeys6 each member of which is maximally selective to a given spatial frequency and orientation.  相似文献   

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