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Protein folding and binding can be understood using energy landscape theory. When seeming deviations from the predictions of the funnel hypothesis are found, landscape theory helps us locate the cause. Sometimes the deviation reflects symmetry effects, allowing extra degeneracies to occur. Such effects seem to explain some kinetic anomalies in helical bundles. When binding processes were found to use apparently non-funneled landscapes this was traced to an inadequate understanding of biomolecular forces. The discrepancy allowed the discovery of new water-mediated forces - some of which act between hydrophilic residues. Introducing such forces into the algorithms greatly improves the quality of structure predictions.  相似文献   

Proteins fold in a time range of microseconds to minutes despite the large amount of possible conformers. Molecular dynamics simulations of a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet peptide (for a total of 12.6 microsec and 72 folding events) show that at the melting temperature the unfolded state ensemble contains many more conformers than those sampled during a folding event.  相似文献   

The Notch ankyrin domain is a repeat protein whose folding has been characterized through equilibrium and kinetic measurements. In previous work, equilibrium folding free energies of truncated constructs were used to generate an experimentally determined folding energy landscape (Mello and Barrick, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004;101:14102–14107). Here, this folding energy landscape is used to parameterize a kinetic model in which local transition probabilities between partly folded states are based on energy values from the landscape. The landscape‐based model correctly predicts highly diverse experimentally determined folding kinetics of the Notch ankyrin domain and sequence variants. These predictions include monophasic folding and biphasic unfolding, curvature in the unfolding limb of the chevron plot, population of a transient unfolding intermediate, relative folding rates of 19 variants spanning three orders of magnitude, and a change in the folding pathway that results from C‐terminal stabilization. These findings indicate that the folding pathway(s) of the Notch ankyrin domain are thermodynamically selected: the primary determinants of kinetic behavior can be simply deduced from the local stability of individual repeats.  相似文献   

Current knowledge on the reaction whereby a protein acquires its native three-dimensional structure was obtained by and large through characterization of the folding mechanism of simple systems. Given the multiplicity of amino acid sequences and unique folds, it is not so easy, however, to draw general rules by comparing folding pathways of different proteins. In fact, quantitative comparison may be jeopardized not only because of the vast repertoire of sequences but also in view of a multiplicity of structures of the native and denatured states. We have tackled the problem of the relationships between the sequence information and the folding pathway of a protein, using a combination of kinetics, protein engineering and computational methods, applied to relatively simple systems. Our strategy has been to investigate the folding mechanism determinants using two complementary approaches, i.e. (i) the study of members of the same family characterized by a common fold, but substantial differences in amino acid sequence, or (ii) heteromorphic pairs characterized by largely identical sequences but with different folds. We discuss some recent data on protein-folding mechanisms by presenting experiments on different members of the PDZ domain family and their circularly permuted variants. Characterization of the energetics and structures of intermediates and TSs (transition states), obtained by Φ-value analysis and restrained MD (molecular dynamics) simulations, provides a glimpse of the malleability of the dynamic states and of the role of the topology of the native states and of the denatured states in dictating folding and misfolding pathways.  相似文献   

The cell envelope is essential for the survival of Gram-negative bacteria. This specialised membrane is densely packed with outer membrane proteins (OMPs), which perform a variety of functions. How OMPs fold into this crowded environment remains an open question. Here, we review current knowledge about OMP folding mechanisms in vitro and discuss how the need to fold to a stable native state has shaped their folding energy landscapes. We also highlight the role of chaperones and the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) in assisting OMP folding in vivo and discuss proposed mechanisms by which this fascinating machinery may catalyse OMP folding.  相似文献   

Zhou R 《Proteins》2003,53(2):148-161
The Generalized Born (GB) continuum solvent model is arguably the most widely used implicit solvent model in protein folding and protein structure prediction simulations; however, it still remains an open question on how well the model behaves in these large-scale simulations. The current study uses the beta-hairpin from C-terminus of protein G as an example to explore the folding free energy landscape with various GB models, and the results are compared to the explicit solvent simulations and experiments. All free energy landscapes are obtained from extensive conformation space sampling with a highly parallel replica exchange method. Because solvation model parameters are strongly coupled with force fields, five different force field/solvation model combinations are examined and compared in this study, namely the explicit solvent model: OPLSAA/SPC model, and the implicit solvent models: OPLSAA/SGB (Surface GB), AMBER94/GBSA (GB with Solvent Accessible Surface Area), AMBER96/GBSA, and AMBER99/GBSA. Surprisingly, we find that the free energy landscapes from implicit solvent models are quite different from that of the explicit solvent model. Except for AMBER96/GBSA, all other implicit solvent models find the lowest free energy state not the native state. All implicit solvent models show erroneous salt-bridge effects between charged residues, particularly in OPLSAA/SGB model, where the overly strong salt-bridge effect results in an overweighting of a non-native structure with one hydrophobic residue F52 expelled from the hydrophobic core in order to make better salt bridges. On the other hand, both AMBER94/GBSA and AMBER99/GBSA models turn the beta-hairpin in to an alpha-helix, and the alpha-helical content is much higher than the previously reported alpha-helices in an explicit solvent simulation with AMBER94 (AMBER94/TIP3P). Only AMBER96/GBSA shows a reasonable free energy landscape with the lowest free energy structure the native one despite an erroneous salt-bridge between D47 and K50. Detailed results on free energy contour maps, lowest free energy structures, distribution of native contacts, alpha-helical content during the folding process, NOE comparison with NMR, and temperature dependences are reported and discussed for all five models.  相似文献   

J M Yon 《Biochimie》1978,60(6-7):581-591
The mechanisms by which a polypeptide chain reaches the three dimensional structure which generates its functional properties are not yet totally understood. The great amount of data now available in the field of protein structure and the data already obtained on protein folding by in vitro experiments allow some schematic representation as, at least, a working hypothesis. In this respect the emphasis is put on the hierarchy in protein structure and the possibility of a folding by stages, some elements or "building blocks" being able to reach independently a native structure and to refine this structure by interacting with each other in the whole molecule.  相似文献   

The ability of protein molecules to fold into their highly structured functional states is one of the most remarkable evolutionary achievements of biology. In recent years, our understanding of the way in which this complex self-assembly process takes place has increased dramatically. Much of the reason for this advance has been the development of energy surfaces (landscapes), which allow the folding reaction to be described and visualized in a meaningful manner. Analysis of these surfaces, derived from the constructive interplay between theory and experiment, has led to the development of a unified mechanism for folding and a recognition of the underlying factors that control the rates and products of the folding process.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Kihara D  Skolnick J 《Proteins》2002,48(2):192-201
Among the major difficulties in protein structure prediction is the roughness of the energy landscape that must be searched for the global energy minimum. To address this issue, we have developed a novel Monte Carlo algorithm called parallel hyperbolic sampling (PHS) that logarithmically flattens local high-energy barriers and, therefore, allows the simulation to tunnel more efficiently through energetically inaccessible regions to low-energy valleys. Here, we show the utility of this approach by applying it to the SICHO (SIde-CHain-Only) protein model. For the same CPU time, the parallel hyperbolic sampling method can identify much lower energy states and explore a larger region phase space than the commonly used replica sampling (RS) Monte Carlo method. By clustering the simulated structures obtained in the PHS implementation of the SICHO model, we can successfully predict, among a representative benchmark 65 proteins set, 50 cases in which one of the top 5 clusters have a root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) from the native structure below 6.5 A. Compared with our previous calculations that used RS as the conformational search procedure, the number of successful predictions increased by four and the CPU cost is reduced. By comparing the structure clusters produced by both PHS and RS, we find a strong correlation between the quality of predicted structures and the minimum relative RMSD (mrRMSD) of structures clusters identified by using different search engines. This mrRMSD correlation may be useful in blind prediction as an indicator of the likelihood of successful folds.  相似文献   

Probing the energy landscape of protein folding/unfolding transition states   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Previous molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the thermal denaturation of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2) have provided atomic-resolution models of the transition state ensemble that is well supported by experimental studies. Here, we use simulations to further investigate the energy landscape around the transition state region. Nine structures within approximately 35 ps and 3 A C(alpha) RMSD of the transition state ensemble identified in a previous 498 K thermal denaturation simulation were quenched under the quasi-native conditions of 335 K and neutral pH. All of the structures underwent hydrophobically driven collapse in response to the drop in temperature. Structures less denatured than the transition state became structurally more native-like, while structures that were more denatured than the transition state tended to show additional loss of native structure. The structures in the immediate region of the transition state fluctuated between becoming more and less native-like. All of the starting structures had the same native-like topology and were quite similar (within 3.5 A C(alpha) RMSD). That the structures all shared native-like topology, yet diverged into either more or less native-like structures depending on which side of the transition state they occupied on the unfolding trajectory, indicates that topology alone does not dictate protein folding. Instead, our results suggest that a detailed interplay of packing interactions and interactions with water determine whether a partially denatured protein will become more native-like under refolding conditions.  相似文献   

The homochirality, or isotacticity, of the natural amino acids facilitates the formation of regular secondary structures such as alpha-helices and beta-sheets. However, many examples exist in nature where novel polypeptide topologies use both l- and d-amino acids. In this study, we explore how stereochemistry of the polypeptide backbone influences basic properties such as compactness and the size of fold space by simulating both lattice and all-atom polypeptide chains. We formulate a rectangular lattice chain model in both two and three dimensions, where monomers are chiral, having the effect of restricting local conformation. Syndiotactic chains with alternating chirality of adjacent monomers have a very large ensemble of accessible conformations characterized predominantly by extended structures. Isotactic chains on the other hand, have far fewer possible conformations and a significant fraction of these are compact. Syndiotactic chains are often unable to access maximally compact states available to their isotactic counterparts of the same length. Similar features are observed in all-atom models of isotactic versus syndiotactic polyalanine. Our results suggest that protein isotacticity has evolved to increase the enthalpy of chain collapse by facilitating compact helical states and to reduce the entropic cost of folding by restricting the size of the unfolded ensemble of competing states.  相似文献   

The detailed characterization of the overall free energy landscape associated with the folding process of a protein is the ultimate goal in protein folding studies. Modern experimental techniques and all-atom simulations provide a way to obtain accurate thermodynamic and kinetic measurements, but they are oftentimes restricted to probe limited regions of a protein landscape. Although simplified protein models can access larger regions of the landscape, they are built on assumptions and approximations that can affect the accuracy of the results. We review here recent promising approaches that allow to combine the complementary strengths of theory and experiment for a more complete characterization of a protein folding landscape at multiple resolutions. Recent results and possible applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Chaperonins, such as the GroE complex of the bacteria Escherichia coli, assist the folding of proteins under non-permissive folding conditions by providing a cavity in which the newly translated or translocated protein can be encapsulated. Whether the chaperonin cage plays a passive role in protecting the protein from aggregation, or an active role in accelerating folding rates, remains a matter of debate. Here, we investigate the role of confinement in chaperonin mediated folding through molecular dynamics simulations. We designed a substrate protein with an alpha/beta sandwich fold, a common structural motif found in GroE substrate proteins and confined it to a spherical hydrophilic cage which mimicked the interior of the GroEL/ES cavity. The thermodynamics and kinetics of folding were studied over a wide range of temperature and cage radii. Confinement was seen to significantly raise the collapse temperature, T(c), as a result of the associated entropy loss of the unfolded state. The folding temperature, T(f), on the other hand, remained unaffected by encapsulation, a consequence of the folding mechanism of this protein that involves an initial collapse to a compact misfolded state prior to rearranging to the native state. Folding rates were observed to be either accelerated or retarded compared to bulk folding rates, depending on the temperature of the simulation. Rate enhancements due to confinement were observed only at temperatures above the temperature T(m), which corresponds to the temperature at which the protein folds fastest. For this protein, T(m) lies above the folding temperature, T(f), implying that encapsulation alone will not lead to a rate enhancement under conditions where the native state is stable (T相似文献   

To address the role of sequence in the folding of homologous proteins, the folding and unfolding kinetics of the all-helical bacterial immunity proteins Im2 and Im9 were characterised, together with six chimeric derivatives of these proteins. We show that both Im2 and Im9 fold rapidly (k(UN)(H(2)O)) approximately 2000 s(-1) at pH 7.0, 25 degrees C) in apparent two-state transitions, through rate-limiting transition states that are highly compact (beta(TS)0.93 and 0.96, respectively). Whilst the folding and unfolding properties of three of the chimeras (Im2 (1-44)(Im9), Im2 (1-64)(Im9 )and Im2 (25-44)(Im9)) are similar to their parental counterparts, in other chimeric proteins the introduced sequence variation results in altered kinetic behaviour. At low urea concentrations, Im2 (1-29)(Im9) and Im2 (56-64)(Im9) fold in two-state transitions via transition states that are significantly less compact (beta(TS) approximately 0.7) than those characterised for the other immunity proteins presented here. At higher urea concentrations, however, the rate-limiting transition state for these two chimeras switches or moves to a more compact species (beta(TS) approximately 0.9). Surprisingly, Im2 (30-64)(Im9) populates a highly collapsed species (beta(I)=0.87) in the dead-time (2.5 ms) of stopped flow measurements. These data indicate that whilst topology may place significant constraints on the folding process, specific inter-residue interactions, revealed here through multiple sequence changes, can modulate the ruggedness of the folding energy landscape.  相似文献   

Understanding protein folding: small proteins in silico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent improvements in methodology and increased computer power now allow atomistic computer simulations of protein folding. We briefly review several advanced Monte Carlo algorithms that have contributed to this development. Details of folding simulations of three designed mini proteins are shown. Adding global translations and rotations has allowed us to handle multiple chains and to simulate the aggregation of six beta-amyloid fragments. In a different line of research we have developed several algorithms to predict local features from sequence. In an outlook we sketch how such biasing could extend the application spectrum of Monte Carlo simulations to structure prediction of larger proteins.  相似文献   

From the time it was recognized that proteins are made up primarily of secondary structures, theories of protein folding have used secondary structural elements as important building blocks. Peptides have played a central role in elucidating the factors that stabilize individual elements of secondary structure and are now being employed to study higher levels of organization. The control of conformation in peptides has taken on new relevance with the realization that protein folding plays a central role in many disease states.  相似文献   

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