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抗菌药物用量与耐药相关分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究抗菌药物用量与耐药的关系。方法对1998年至2002年我院住院病人抗菌药物的用量与医院感染主要病原菌的耐药进行相关分析。结果头孢噻肟的用量与大肠埃希菌对头孢噻肟的耐药率呈显著正相关(r=0.911,P=0.032);亚胺培南/西司他丁的用量与铜绿假单胞菌对亚胺培南的耐药率呈显著正相关(r=0.996,P=0.004)。结论加强抗菌药物的合理使用有助于改善当前微生物敏感性降低的形势。  相似文献   

目的了解肝病住院患者抗菌药物的使用情况。方法对62例肝病住院患者抗菌药物的应用进行调查。结果抗菌药物的使用率为25.81%;单用占75.00%;主要抗菌药物为哌拉西林、阿莫西林和头孢曲松;用药途径以静脉以及口服 静脉为主;以治疗性用药为主,预防用药在住院患者中的总使用率为4.84%;细菌标本送检率仅为6.25%。结论减少预防性用药,严格掌握抗菌药物的使用可降低抗菌药物的应用率;对于复数耐药菌感染应采取联合用药;提高细菌标本的送检率对于抗菌药物的合理应用十分重要;加强临床医师的抗菌药物知识更新和公众普及教育。  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strains isolated from commercial broilers and an experimental flock of chickens were screened to determine phenotypic expression of antimicrobial resistance and carriage of drug resistance determinants. The goal of this study was to investigate the influence of oxytetracycline, sarafloxacin, and enrofloxacin administration on the distribution of resistance determinants and strain types among intestinal commensal E. coli strains isolated from broiler chickens. We detected a high prevalence of resistance to drugs such as tetracycline (36 to 97%), sulfonamides (50 to 100%), and streptomycin (53 to 100%) in E. coli isolates from treated and untreated flocks. These isolates also had a high prevalence of class 1 integron carriage, and most of them possessed the streptomycin resistance cassette, aadA1. In order to investigate the contribution of E. coli strain distribution to the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance and the resistance determinants, isolates from each flock were DNA fingerprinted by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence (ERIC) PCR. Although very diverse E. coli strain types were detected, four ERIC strain types were present on all of the commercial broiler farms, and two of the strains were also found in the experimental flocks. Each E. coli strain consisted of both susceptible and antimicrobial agent-resistant isolates. In some instances, isolates of the same E. coli strain expressed the same drug resistance patterns although they harbored different tet determinants or streptomycin resistance genes. Therefore, drug resistance patterns could not be explained solely by strain prevalence, indicating that mobile elements contributed significantly to the prevalence of resistance.  相似文献   

D J Cook  L E Griffith  D L Sackett 《CMAJ》1995,153(6):755-764
OBJECTIVES: To explore the importance of and satisfaction with clinical responsibilities, teaching, research and interpersonal issues among general internists; to understand the barriers to satisfaction in these domains and the usefulness of potential solutions to these problems. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey conducted from November 1992 to June 1994. SETTING: Ontario. PARTICIPANTS: General internists who were fellows of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and members of the Ontario Medical Association. Of 1192 physicians, 1007 (84.5%) returned a completed questionnaire; only the 199 who devoted at least 50% of their time to the practice of general internal medicine were included in this analysis. RESULTS: The respondents were satisfied with their primary role as clinicians dealing with complex, undifferentiated problems caring for the total patient and providing consultation. Guidelines for the referral of patients to general internists, computerization of test results, recruitment of general internal medicine fellows and more confidence in the future of general internal medicine were some of the solutions considered likely to increase professional satisfaction. The respondents involved in teaching suggested additional solutions, such as an opportunity to improve their teaching and evidence-based medicine skills and a greater recognition for their teaching efforts. Few of the general internists conducted research, barriers included lack of personal and project funding, and pressure to generate clinical earnings. In the domain of professional interpersonal issues, women were significantly more likely than men to rate having a mentor, peer support groups, ongoing career counselling, promotion and tenure guidelines for parental leave, availability of on-site day care, addressing gender discrimination and adoption of gender-neutral language as likely to improve the work environment. CONCLUSIONS: The primary role of general internists is that of patient-centred clinician. Our findings suggest that general internists want to take responsibility for revitalizing this discipline. The potential solutions generated in this survey may help to promote action that will improve professional satisfaction in the area of clinical responsibilities, teaching, research and interpersonal issues.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence showing that antimicrobial consumption provides a powerful selective force that promotes the emergence of resistance in pathogenic, commensal as well as zoonotic bacteria in animals. The main aim of this study was to develop a modeling framework that can be used to assess the impact of antimicrobial usage in pigs on the emergence and transmission of resistant bacteria within a finisher pig farm. The transmission dynamics of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant bacteria among pigs in the herd were characterized by studying the local and global stability properties of steady state solutions of the system. Numerical simulations demonstrating the influence of factors such as initial prevalence of infection, presence of pre-existing antimicrobial resistant mutants, and frequency of treatment on predicted prevalence were performed. Sensitivity analysis revealed that two parameters had a huge influence on the predicted proportion of pigs carrying resistant bacteria: (a) the transmission coefficient between uninfected pigs and those infected with drug-resistant bacteria during treatment (β2) and after treatment stops (β3), and (b) the spontaneous clear-out rate of drug-resistant bacteria during treatment (γ2) and immediately after treatment stops (γ3). Control measures should therefore be geared towards reducing the magnitudes of β2 and β3 or increasing those of γ2 and γ3.  相似文献   

A survey of yeasts in traditional sausages of southern Italy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The evolution of the yeast population during manufacturing and ripening of 'salsiccia sotto sugna', a typical salami of the Lucania region (southern Italy), was investigated. Four different batches, produced in four farms in Lucania, were studied. Each batch showed a specific yeast population, and the most frequently isolated yeasts belonged to Debaryomyces hansenii and its anamorph Candida famata, and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. Yarrowia lipolytica was isolated from three sausage batches. The Y. lipolytica isolates were further characterised, in particular for their lipolytic activity on pork fat. Lipolytic activity was maximal at pH 5.5, with oleic and palmitic acids as major free fatty acids produced. The use of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction allowed the detection of a high genetic heterogeneity among the isolates phenotypically assigned to the species Y. lipolytica.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):697-732

The fourteen species of Calymperes occurring in southern India and neighouring islands are described and their relationships discussed. Syrrhopodon subgenus Heliconema is raised to generic status and a nomenclatural account of its single Asian representative is provided (Heliconema peguense (Besch.) L. T. Ellis and A. Eddy).  相似文献   

Muthukumar T  Udaiyan K 《Mycorrhiza》2002,12(4):213-217
Root and soil samples of three potted or ground-grown cycads ( Cycas circinalis, C. revoluta, Zamiasp.) were collected between November 1999 and June 2000 and surveyed for arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization and spore populations. AM fungi were associated with all root systems and rhizosphere samples examined. Root colonization was of a typical Arum type and AM colonization levels differed significantly between species and between potted and ground-grown cycads. Mycorrhizal colonization levels were inversely related to root hair number and length. Spores of nine morphotypes belonging to three genera ( Acaulospora, Glomus, Scutellospora) were extracted from soil. The percentage root length colonized by AM fungi was not related to soil factors, but total AM fungal spore numbers in the rhizosphere soil were inversely related to soil nitrogen and phosphorus levels. AM fungal spore numbers in the soil were linearly related to root length colonized. The co-occurrence of septate non-mycorrhizal fungi was recorded for the first time in cycads. These observations and the relationship between plant mycorrhizal status and soil nutrients are discussed.  相似文献   

A survey of current work in biomedical text mining   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The volume of published biomedical research, and therefore the underlying biomedical knowledge base, is expanding at an increasing rate. Among the tools that can aid researchers in coping with this information overload are text mining and knowledge extraction. Significant progress has been made in applying text mining to named entity recognition, text classification, terminology extraction, relationship extraction and hypothesis generation. Several research groups are constructing integrated flexible text-mining systems intended for multiple uses. The major challenge of biomedical text mining over the next 5-10 years is to make these systems useful to biomedical researchers. This will require enhanced access to full text, better understanding of the feature space of biomedical literature, better methods for measuring the usefulness of systems to users, and continued cooperation with the biomedical research community to ensure that their needs are addressed.  相似文献   

Recent events have raised awareness of the need for effective hygiene in the home. Not least is the requirement to reduce antibiotic resistance by reducing the need for antibiotic prescribing. Current evidence suggests that improved hygiene in the domestic setting could have a significant impact. Recently, it has been suggested that widespread biocide usage, particularly in consumer products, may be a contributory factor in antibiotic resistance. In developing home hygiene policies, however, it is important that biocide use as an integral part of good hygiene practice is not discouraged in situations where there is real benefit. Although laboratory data indicate possible links, it is necessary to assess whether and to what extent biocide exposure could contribute to antibiotic resistance in clinical practice. The extent to which reduced susceptibility to biocides resulting from biocide exposure could compromise their 'in-use' effectiveness must also be considered. Equally, it is important that changes in susceptibility induced by biocide exposure are assessed relative to those induced by antibiotic exposure or the phenotypic changes induced by 'normal' environmental 'stresses'. It is proposed that to be effective, home hygiene policy should be based on the concept of risk assessment and risk prevention. Using this approach, critical risk situations are identified and appropriate hygiene procedures applied to reduce risks. This may involve either soap and water cleaning, or cleaning combined with a disinfection process. A 'targeted' hygiene approach not only provides the most effective means of preventing infectious disease, it also offers a means of addressing concerns about 'too much hygiene' and 'too many antibacterials' amongst a public who have lost confidence regarding appropriate hygiene for their home environment.  相似文献   

A method of field application of strontium chloride (SrCl2) and the assessment of local dispersal of marked Helicoverpa armigera moths in a mark-capture experiment in southern India are described. A 1.7 ha field of pigeonpea sustaining a population of approximately 400,000 larvae was treated with a single application of SrCl2 plus surfactant at 10 kg/ha, using a motorised high volume sprayer. An estimated 50,400 moths emerging over a 20 day period were unequivocally marked with Sr at a marking efficiency of 55%. Catches of moths in an array of 14 battery operated light traps and 29 pheromone traps, up to 3.5 km distant were analysed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Low recaptures of marked moths (7%) in the treated field suggested the rapid exodus of emergent moths, even while the crop remained attractive, and their dilution or replacement by immigrants. The distribution of marked moths in lights and pheromone traps is consistent with a predominantly downwind dispersal close to the ground during the early part of the night and more random movement later on.
Résumé L'exposé concerne une méthode de traitement en champ des chenilles par le chlorure de strontium (SrCl2) et de la mesure de la dispersion locale des papillons marqués de H. armigera Hübner (Lépido.: Noctuida) dans le sud de l'Inde. Un champ de 1,7 ha de C. cajan (cultivar ICPL138) qui hébergeait une population d'environ 400 000 chenilles a été traité en une seule fois avec un pulvérisateur motorisé de forte capacité à raison de 10 kg/ha de SrCl2 additionné de 0,1% Triton X-100 comme surfactant. 55% des 50 400 papillons émergeant sur une période de 20 jours étaient sans ambiguïté marqués au strontium. Les papillons, capturés dans des rangées de 14 pièges lumineux et 33 pièges à phéromones attractifs jusqu'à 3,5 km, ont été examinés au spectrophotomètre à absorption atomique. Les faibles recapturés (7%) dans le champ traité suggèrent un rapide exode des mouches ayant émergé ou leur remplacement par des immigrants. Les captures révèlent, au début de la nuit, une dispersion majoritairement dans le sens du vent, près du sol et, plus tard dans la nuit, un mouvement plus au hasard.

A minimum variance cluster analysis of 87 species of vascular plants occurring in south Siberian birch woodlands, based on their total distribution ranges, grouped them into 9 phytogeographic elements. The main distribution patterns of each element are illustrated by means of maps obtained by automatic mapping programs, showing the joint occurrence of the species of each element on a world scale. The results indicate a predominance of Eurasiatic-temperate taxa. The south Siberian birch woodlands can be considered as the easternmost extensions of the European deciduous forest belt, which in Siberia is compressed between the taiga biome in the north and the steppe biome in the south. The marginal position of Siberian Betula stands is reflected by the persistence of plants which are ecologically marginal with respect to true forest vegetation; most of the Eurasiatic species are typical, in Europe, of forest-meadows and forest-margins.  相似文献   

The measurement of gas produced as a fermentation end product in vitro was correlated with absorbance as a measure of bacterial growth and was used as a rapid screening procedure to test the antimicrobial activity of certain essential oil and tannin secondary plant metabolites on gastrointestinal microorganisms from chickens. The assay was optimised using Clostridium perfringens and Lactobacillus fermentum, and tested in antimicrobial assays against C. perfringens; the minimum inhibitory concentration for each essential oil and condensed tannin was determined. The effect of penicillin-G on C. perfringens, in both growth and fermentation assays, was similar, and for all secondary metabolites tested, concentrations that inhibited fermentation were also bacteriocidal. The assay was also used to demonstrate the effect of dietary composition and enzyme supplementation on fermentation of mixed gut microflora in vitro; results are compared with in vivo results for the same dietary treatments. The data demonstrate that the effects of bioactive secondary plant products and feed composition on individual organisms or mixed gut microflora can be tested by analysis of fermentative activity in vitro, and that this provides a rapid assay for testing potential poultry feed additives before in vivo trials.  相似文献   

A critical survey of all published measurements made so far aimed at retrospective biological dosimetry using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) techniques on some workers at the Mayak reprocessing plant and on members of the Techa River cohort is given. Each individual has a recorded dose derived from personal monitoring measurements, usually external gamma-rays for Mayak workers or from reconstruction techniques, usually internally derived for the Techa River cohort. From the person's age, which affects the control level, and the stated dose, an expected number of translocations is calculated for each individual and comparisons made to the observed numbers of translocations. From this, an assessment of how well FISH studies can help to validate existing estimates of dose is made. This varies from study to study. Good agreement is generally obtained for the Techa River cohort and lower doses of the Mayak cohort. Rather poorer agreement applies to the more highly exposed Mayak workers. Some of the discrepancy could be because the FISH painting technique was new and was applied to populations before a proper investigation on how to use it for retrospective biological dosimetry had taken place. In addition, too few cells were generally scored per individual so that statistical uncertainties were large.  相似文献   

The possibility of shortening the thermal sterilization time for cultivating media was demonstrated in chlortetracycline fermentation with an industrial strain ofStreptomyces aureofaciens. The medium was artificially contaminated with a mixture of eight strains of G + and G-bacteria isolated from contaminated industrial fermentors, and the following chemical agents, either alone or in combination, were added: formaldehyde, phenol, dimethylformamide,p-aminosalicylic acid and nitrofurazone. Dimethylformamide was inhibitory even at 0.08%. formaldehyde concentrations higher than 0.05%, Nitrofurazone stimulated chlortetracycline production, The best combination was 0.01% formaldehyde added before, and 2.10-3% nitrofurazone added after short sterilization at 120 °C.  相似文献   

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