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Species of Lophiidae collected from the western South Pacific Ocean are examined. Nine nominal species are recognized, all but one species with their distributions extended eastwards and southwards from the western Pacific Ocean. Two new species are described from Polynesia. Lophiodes iwamotoi n. sp. is described from five specimens collected from Savannah Seamount. It is characterized by a relatively long third dorsal-fin spine (56.9-70.8% standard length, L(S)) that extends (when retracted) to between the end of the soft dorsal fin and caudal-fin base; a relatively short fifth dorsal-fin spine (10.5-13.1% L(S)); a relatively short and narrow head; 19-20 pectoral-fin rays. Lophiodes maculatus n. sp. is described from 20 specimens collected from Marquesas Islands. It is characterized by an extremely long third dorsal-fin spine (71.9-87.2% L(S)), extending well beyond the caudal-fin base; a relatively short fifth dorsal-fin spine (11.4-16.5% L(S)); 17-18 pectoral-fin rays. A key to the lophiids in the western South Pacific Ocean is provided.  相似文献   

Lophiodes endoi sp. nov. is described from the western Pacific Ocean. Within the genus Lophiodes, the new species belongs in the L. mutilus group mainly defined by the absence of the fourth dorsal fin spine and differs from other species in the L. mutilus group in having a rounded esca with a paler tip, a third dorsal spine bearing a pair of black tendrils at two-thirds its length, 20–21 pectoral fin rays, a relatively short head, a relatively short illicium, a relatively short third dorsal spine, and a relatively long fifth dorsal spine, reaching the third soft dorsal fin ray when folded back. Comments on a similar species, L. bruchius, newly collected from the Kyushu–Palau Ridge, and notes on the distribution of congeneric species in the northwestern Pacific are provided.  相似文献   

In the third part of the revision of the genus Melamphaes Melamphaidae (Melamphaidae), we examine multirakered species (20 and more rakers at the first gill arch) with seven soft rays in the ventral fin that have a posttemporal (temporal) spine directed anteriorly-upwards, with 14–15 rays in the pectoral fin, and 11 (rarely 12) trunk vertebrae. M. suborbitalis inhabits the Atlantic Ocean (in the north up to 57°N, in the south, up to 40°S), the Indian Ocean (is known in its southwestern part), and the western part of the Pacific Ocean. There is no significant evidence on catches of this species in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. Apparently, M. suborbitalis is absent in the tropical waters of the oceans. Until recently, M. parini was known from the holotype caught in the Sea of Okhotsk. Two specimens of this rare species: from the central (the area of the Hawaiian Islands) and the northeastern part of the Pacific Ocean are reported. M. acanthomus is an endemic of the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean where it is known along the coasts of America from California to the northern coast of Chile (approximately between 33°N and 21°S).  相似文献   

For many years, researchers have speculatedthat fin whales are year-round residents in theSea of Cortez (= Gulf of California). Previouswork by Bérubé and co-workers has shownthat the degree of genetic diversity among finwhales in the Sea of Cortez at nuclear andmitochondrial loci is highly reduced. However,the relatively unobstructed connection with theNorth Pacific Ocean argues that Sea of Cortezfin whales are part of a much larger easternNorth Pacific population given the extensivemigratory ranges observed in fin whales andbaleen whales in general. The low degree ofgenetic variation might thus simply be due tohistoric fluctuations in the effectivepopulation size of an eastern North Pacificpopulation. In order to test if the reducedgenetic variation detected among fin whales inthe Sea of Cortez is due to small populationsize or a past bottleneck in an otherwise largeeastern North Pacific population, we analyzedthe geographic distribution of geneticvariation at a single mitochondrial (controlregion) and 16 nuclear loci in samplescollected from fin whales in the eastern NorthPacific (n = 12) as well as the Sea of Cortez(n = 77). Our results showed that fin whalesobserved in the Sea of Cortez constitute ahighly isolated and thus evolutionary uniquepopulation, which warrants special conservationmeasures given the current low estimate ofabundance of approximately 400 individuals.  相似文献   

The second part of the publication is devoted to the Melamphaes species (family Melamphaidae), which are characterized by 20 and more rakers on the first gill arch, by seven soft rays in the ventral fin, by absence of a temporal spine, by 14–15 rays in the pectoral fin, and by 11 abdominal vertebrae. M. polylepis is characterized by circumtropical range (Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, western and central Pacific Ocean). Newly described species M. falsidicus is described from the northern Atlantic Ocean, where it was sampled between 34°N and 58°N. Before, this species was defined as M. microps. Another newly described species, M. pachystomus, is described along the Peruvian Coast. M. macrocephalus is redescribed. This species inhabits the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (approximately between 30°N and 23°S). One of the studied specimens of M. macrocephalus was characterized by larger body size (SL = 128 mm) than was described before for this species. M. leprus is known currently by single findings from the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean (between 11°N and 4°S). This species was also found in the samples obtain in the Gulf of Guinea.  相似文献   

Nezumia liolepis and Nezumia stelgidolepis were collected during a National Marine Fisheries Service 1997 groundfish survey along the Pacific coast of North America. Bottom trawling was conducted from 188 to 1260 m depths. Nezumia liolepis were collected from 581 to 1247 m (3·4–5·7°C) and N. stelgidolepis from 285 to 555 m (6·0–8·4°C). The two species had distinct depth and temperature distributions and the majority of the specimens for each species came from narrow depth ranges. Nezumia stelgidolepis attains a larger pre-anal fin length (117 mm) than N. liolepis (83 mm), and age estimates from otolith ring counts indicate ages from 3 to 9 years for N. liolepis and 7 and 13 years for N. stelgidolepis from specimens collected. The gonads of N. liolepis were not reproductively active, and a single N. stelgidolepis possessed eggs of various sizes suggesting batch spawning. N. liolepis and N. stelgidolepis fed benthically, primarily on crustaceans such as amphipods, shrimp, mysids and polychaete worms. Although diet overlap was high, these two species appear to limit competition for resources by habitat separation.  相似文献   

A new species of blenny,Atrosalarias hosokawai is described on the basis of 15 specimens from the western Pacific. It is distinguished from the only known congeneric species,A. fuscus (=A. fuscus fuscus+A. fuscus holomelas), by the following: supraorbital cirrus broad and flat (vs. slender and thread-like inA. fuscus); dorsal fin broadly contacting caudal fin (vs. narrow contact); anal fin narrowly contacting caudal fin (vs. usually free or (rarely) very narrow contact); posteriormost dorsal and anal fin rays long (vs. short); first or posteriormost soft dorsal fin ray shortest (vs. posteriormost ray shortest); first soft anal fin ray shortest (vs. posteriormost ray shortest); caudal fin rays branched in specimens over 36.0 mm SL (vs. unbranched); a large dark spot on base of pectoral fin absent (vs. present or absent); a red margin on anterior dorsal fin absent (vs. present). Futhermore,A. hosokawai differs fromA. f. fuscus in having a lower number of dorsal fin spines (ten vs. eleven) and geographical distribution (western Pacific Ocean vs. Indian Ocean and Red Sea). AlthoughA. hosokawai occurs sympatrically withA. f. holomelas, it can be further distinguished from the latter in lacking a large dark spot on base of pectoral fin.  相似文献   


Meristies and morphometries are reported for 81 specimens of Alepisaurus ferox and 31 of A. brevirostris, mostly from the Pacific Ocean. The holotype and topotype of A. ferox and two paratypes of A. brevirostris, all from the Atlantic Ocean, were also examined. For specimens longer than aJoout 500 mm SL, ferox is distinguishable from brevirostris by its relatively longer head and snout. In ferox the dorsal fin origin is a1bove or behind the hind margin of the operculum; in brevirostris it is in front. Paoific Ocean ferox have significantly fewer dorsal fin rays (mean 36.6) than Atlantic (40.5) and Indian Ocean (40.8) examples. In the Pacific, ferox can be distinguished from brevirostris by its fewer dorsal rays, but in the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean there is considerable overlap in dorsal ray counts. A. ferox is found world-wide, whereas brevirostris is not known from the North Pacific. The northernmost record of brevirostris in the Pacific is from 14°47′S.  相似文献   

A new cottid species,Porocottus coronatus, is described on the basis of nine specimens from the Pacific coast of eastern Hokkaido, Japan. It differs from other species of this genus by having a group of finger-like cirri on the dorsal midline of the head, long uppermost preopercular spine, 15–16 anal fin rays and well developed cephalic sensory system with many small pores.  相似文献   

Deep-sea smelts (Argentiniformes: Microstomatidae, Bathylaginae) from the Miocene of Far East Russia (Sakhalin and Urup islands) are described. The specimens described belong to four taxa, one of which is assigned to a new species of the genus Leuroglossus. Like Recent smoothtongues, the new species has thickened medial rays in the caudal fin. The small number of abdominal vertebrae makes the new species similar to the extant southern smoothtongue L. stilbius, which occurs along the eastern coasts of the Pacific Ocean. The new species differs from extant smoothtongues in the short snout, which is not longer than the orbit. Phylogenetic analysis of morphological features of the new species, using a matrix of characters of living deepsea smelts, shows that it occupies a basal position in the genus Leuroglossus. Three other extinct taxa cannot be reliably classified below the level of the subfamily Bathylaginae or tribe Bathylagini because of insufficient preservation of available specimens. The new records of deep-sea smelts in Far East Russia show that this fish subfamily was widespread and highly morphologically differentiated in the Neogene.  相似文献   

In the fourth part of the revision of the genus Melamphaes (Melamphaidae) multi-raker species (20 and more rakers at the first gill arch, rarely 19??in M. ebelingi) with eight soft rays in the ventral fin are considered. In this species, temporal spine is absent, there are 15 rays in the pectoral fin, and there are 11 to 12 abdominal vertebrae. M. ebelingi inhabits tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean. A new catch of this rare species in the northeastern part of the ocean is reported. The new species M. occlusus is described from one specimen from the subtropical part of the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean. Still another new species, M. nikolayi, is described from one specimen from the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean (subtropical waters). A table for identification of 15 multi-raker species of the genus Melamphaes is provided.  相似文献   

A new poecilopsettid flounder, Nematops nanosquama, is described from 10 specimens (4 males, 6 females) collected from deep waters (96–650 m) off Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands. This species is easily separated from the three recognized species of the genus Nematops by having large numbers of dorsal fin rays, anal fin rays, lateral line scales, and vertebrae, five dark transverse broad bands on the body, and a black blotch on the distal area of the pectoral fin. N.nanosquama shows the easternmost record of this genus from the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Argyripnus is described from the underwater elevations of the Northwestern Pacific. The species is most similar to A. hulleyi from the western Indian Ocean, but it differs in a larger number of rays of the dorsal and pectoral fins, a slightly larger number of photophores in the ventral row, and several other characters. The type series of the species is the most northern record of the representatives of the genus in the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

A new zoarcid fish, Lycodes mcallisteri, is described on the basis of nine specimens (230–375 mm SL) from eastern Arctic Canada, Nunavut (Hudson Strait, 298 m; Cumberland Sound and Baffin Bay, 579 m). It resembles about 15 other Lycodes spp. in having a long tail and a "ventromediolateral" type of lateral line. It is distinguished from Arctic members of this group (Lycodes marisalbi, L. palearis, and L. sagittarius) by the high number of pectoral fin rays (22–23), short pelvic fins, low submental crests, and coloration (6–10 light patches dorsally). It resembles two Pacific species (L. macrochir and L. soldatovi) by the high number of pectoral fin rays, but differs by coloration, meristics, and shape of the pectoral fin. Received: April 13, 2000 / Revised: September 7, 2000 / Accepted: January 11, 2001  相似文献   

A new eastern Pacific achirid, Trinectes xanthurus, has a distinctive yellow or light caudal fin, without pattern, to contrast with its relatively dark body. This species also has black, posterior margins of the dorsal and anal fins and 21-22 caudal vertebrae, versus 19-20 for its Pacific coast congeners. It usually is found in shallow, continental shelf waters on sand or mud bottoms and ranges from Colombia to El Salvador. The genus Trinectes is represented in the eastern Pacific by four species. A fifth species usually occurs in Pacific slope drainages (freshwater) in Panama. Of these species, only Trinectes fonsecensis is found throughout the tropical eastern Pacific, while the other three coastal species are confined to tropical waters south of the Golfo de Tehauntepec.  相似文献   

The population structure of the giant mottled eel, Anguilla marmorata, was investigated with mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA analyses using 449 specimens from 13 localities throughout the species range. Control region F-statistics indicated the North Pacific (Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Sulawesi), South Pacific (Tahiti, Fiji, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea), eastern Indian Ocean (Sumatra), western Indian Ocean (Réunion, Madagascar), Ambon, and Guam regions were significantly different (Phi(ST) = 0.131-0.698, P < 0.05) while only a few differences were observed between localities within the South Pacific. These regions were roughly clustered in the neighbour-joining tree, although Ambon individuals were mainly divided into North and South Pacific groups. Analysis with eight microsatellite loci showed almost identical results to those of the control region, except no genetic difference was observed between the western and eastern Indian Ocean (F(ST) = 0.009, P > 0.05). The Bayesian cluster analysis of the microsatellite data detected two genetic groups. One included four North Pacific localities, and the other included eight localities in the South Pacific, Indian Ocean, and Guam, but Ambon individuals were evenly assigned to these two groups. These results showed that A. marmorata has four genetically different populations (North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian Ocean, Guam region). The North Pacific population is fully panmictic whereas the South Pacific and Indian Ocean populations have a metapopulation structure. Interestingly, Guam was suggested to be inhabited by a reproductive population restricted to that region, and the individuals from the North and South Pacific populations co-exist in Ambon.  相似文献   

Hemibrycon iqueima sp. nov., is described from small streams in the Magdalena drainage at the foothills of the western slope of the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes, Suarez municipality, Tolima Department, Colombia. The new species is distinguished from its congeners in the Magdalena–Cauca River basin by a combination of characters related to snout–anal‐fin origin length, head length, dorsal–pectoral fin distance, dorsal‐fin–hypural distance, postorbital distance, orbital diameter, snout length, number of total vertebrae, pre‐dorsal scales, scale rows between anal‐fin origin and lateral line, number of branched rays of the anal fin, maxillary teeth number and number and arrangement of hooks on the branched rays of the pectoral and dorsal fins. In addition, the validity of this species is supported by previous molecular analyses that included specimens of the new species that had been erroneously identified. Phylogenetic relationships between the new species and congeners from Pacific coast basins are discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus of righteye flounder, Samaretta gen. nov., is described from two specimens (one female and one juvenile) collected in deep waters (470–512 m) from submarine mountains of the southern eastern Pacific. The type species of the new genus, Samaretta perexilis, is characterized by unremarkable (i.e., not elongated) anterior dorsal fin rays, four pectoral fin rays, six parapophyses, reduced lateral line canals, a very slender body, large head and eyes, and minute scales. An updated key to the samarid genera is presented.  相似文献   

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