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A mild bleaching event was observed among Pocillopora spp. in the southern Gulf of California in the spring of 2006. Uniform bleaching occurred in numerous colonies on the upper portions of their branches. Most (∼90%) colonies that exhibited bleaching contained a species of endosymbiotic dinoflagellate, Symbiodinium C1b-c, which differed from the Symbiodinium D1 found inhabiting most unbleached colonies. Analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence, indicated a decline in photosystem II photochemical activity, especially among colonies populated with C1b-c. By early August, most affected colonies had recovered their normal pigmentation and fluorescence values were once again high for all colonies. No mortality was observed among tagged bleached colonies nor did symbiont species composition change during recovery. This unusual episode of bleaching did not appear to be a response to thermal stress, but may have been triggered by high levels of solar radiation during a period of unseasonally high water clarity in the early spring.  相似文献   

The recovery of bleached corals is crucial in ensuring the persistence of the coral reef ecosystem function. This study investigated whether relocating bleached Platygyra sinensis colonies was a viable measure to accelerate their recovery. During a mild bleaching event in 2014, eight bleached colonies of P. sinensis were relocated from an affected reef at Sultan Shoal, Singapore, to a reef at Kusu that was less impacted. Another eight colonies at Sultan Shoal were tagged as controls. After five months, 88% of relocated bleached colonies at Kusu showed full recovery whereas only 25% of the control bleached colonies at Sultan Shoal had recovered. The differential coral recovery among the two sites was most likely due to lower seawater temperatures and faster water flow at Kusu, which helped to mitigate the effects of thermal stress on the bleached corals. This relocation study demonstrated that relocating bleached P. sinensis to sites with more favourable environmental conditions is a viable approach to reduce bleaching impacts for this species.  相似文献   

In this study, we used a correlative approach to (1) test for an association between bleaching and host tissue composition during a natural bleaching event, and (2) assess whether bleaching susceptibility varies between years. In August 1997, Montastraea franksi at 15-m depth on Conch Reef, Florida, bleached and the severity of the response varied among individuals. Seventy-five randomly selected colonies were quantified for bleaching using both an ordinal scale, assigned by eye, and a continuous scale, assessed using red, green, and blue (RGB) spectral analysis of photographs. Zooxanthella density and chlorophyll a content were evaluated as measures of bleaching, and coral tissue was analyzed for glycerol, free amino acids (FAA), protein, and mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs); collectively, these are described as the "tissue composition." In 1998, most of the same coral colonies were analyzed for color and zooxanthella density to determine whether colony color in 1997 was correlated with color in 1998. In 1997, colonies of M. franksi that were ranked by color differed significantly in RGB brightness, zooxanthella density, and chlorophyll a content, but not in tissue composition. Similarly, a multivariate test for a linear relationship between color and tissue composition did not reveal a significant association. Analyses of corals in 1997 and 1998 revealed a significant positive relationship between color in both years (i.e., the same colonies were similarly colored in each year). These results are discussed in the context of the temporal scale of the sampling regime, the nature of the measured traits, and the adaptive bleaching hypothesis.  相似文献   

Recently, an underwater version of a fast repetition rate fluorometer (FRRF) was developed for the non-destructive study of fluorescence yields in benthic photoautotrophs. We used an FRRF to study bleached colonies of the corals, Montastraea faveolata and Diploria labyrinthiformes at sites surrounding Lee Stocking Island, Exuma, Bahamas, to assess their recovery from bleaching ( approximately 1 year after the initial bleaching event) induced by elevated temperatures. The steady state quantum yields of chlorophyll a fluorescence (DeltaF'/F'(m)) from photosystem II (PSII) within coral colonies were separated into three categories representing visibly distinct degrees of bleaching ranging from no bleaching to completely bleached areas. Differences in DeltaF'/F'(m) were significantly different from bleached to unbleached regions within colonies. Dark, unbleached regions within colonies exhibited significantly higher DeltaF'/F'(m) values (0.438+/-0.019; mean+/-S.D.) when compared to lighter regions, and occupied a majority of the colonies' surface area (46-73%). Bleached regions exhibited significantly lower DeltaF'/F'(m) (0.337+/-0.014) and covered only 7-25% of the colonies' surface area. The observations from this study suggest that zooxanthellae in bleached regions of a colony exhibit reduced photosynthetic activity as long as one year after a bleaching event and that in situ fluorescence techniques such as FRRF are an effective means of studying coral responses and recovery from natural or anthropogenic stress in a non-destructive manner.  相似文献   

This study describes the severity of the 2005 bleaching event at 15 reef sites across Venezuela and compares the 1998 and 2005 bleaching events at one of them. During August and September 2005, bleached corals were first observed on oceanic reefs rather than coastal reefs, affecting 1 to 4% of coral colonies in the community (3 reef sites, n = 736 colonies). At that time, however, no bleached corals were recorded along the eastern coast of Venezuela, an area of seasonal upwelling (3 reefs, n = 181 colonies). On coastal reefs, bleaching started in October but highest levels were reached in November 2005 and January 2006, when 16% of corals were affected among a wide range of taxa (e.g. scleractinians, octocorals, Millepora and zoanthids). In the Acropora habitats of Los Roques (an oceanic reef),no bleached was recorded in 2005 (four sites,n = 643 colonies). At Cayo Sombrero, a coastal reef site, bleaching was less severe in 1998 than in 2005 (9% of the coral colonies involving 2 species vs. 26% involving 23 species, respectively). Our results indicate that bleaching was more severe in 2005 than in 1998 on Venezuelan reefs; however, no mass mortality was observed in either of these two events.  相似文献   

Coral patch reefs around San Salvador Island, Bahamas have been monitored with the aid of Earthwatch volunteers three times a year since 1992. During that period two significant mass bleaching events occurred: autumn 1995, and late summer 1998. Elsewhere in 1995, bleaching was caused by higher-than-normal summer sea temperatures; in San Salvador, however, temperatures were normal. In 1998 a prolonged period of higher-than-normal sea temperatures preceded bleaching on San Salvador and worldwide. During the 1995 event, one of the monitored reefs had twice the percentage of coral colonies bleached as the other two. Bleaching was more evenly distributed among the reefs during the 1998 event. In 1995 Agaricia agaricites was significantly more affected than other coral species, with almost 50% of all its colonies showing bleaching. Bleaching was more evenly spread among coral species in 1998, with five species showing bleaching on more than 40% of their colonies. Bleaching began on Millepora as early as August during the 1998 event and progressed to other species through the remainder of the autumn. In 1995 bleaching was not seen until late autumn and appeared to impact all affected species at about the same time. Recovery from the 1995 event was complete: no coral death or damage above normal background levels were seen. In the 1998 event, all Acropora cervicornis on the monitored reefs died and A. palmata was severely damaged. Millepora sp. lost almost half of their live tissue, and Montastraea sp. showed significant tissue damage following this event. Phototransect analysis suggests that more than 20% of total live tissue on affected species died during the 1998 event. A. cervicornis has demonstrated no re-growth from 1998 to 2000 on monitored reefs. Monitoring has suggested significant differences in causes and courses in these two events.  相似文献   

Colonies of Montastrea annularis from Carysfort Reef, Florida, that remained bleached seven months after the 1987 Caribbean bleaching event were studied to determine the long term effects of bleaching on coral physiology. Two types of bleached colonies were found: colonies with low numbers of zooxanthellae with normal pigment content, and a colony with high densities of lowpigment zooxanthellae. In both types, the zooxanthellae had an abnormal distribution within polyp tissues: highest densities were observed in basal endoderm and in mesenteries where zooxanthellae are not normally found. Bleached corals had 30% less tissue carbon and 44% less tissue nitrogen biomass per skeletal surface area, but the same tissue C:N ratio as other colonies that either did not bleach (normal) or that bleached and regained their zooxanthellae (recovered). Bleached corals were not able to complete gametogenesis during the reproductive season following the bleaching, while recovered corals were able to follow a normal gametogenic cycle. It appears that bleached corals were able to survive the prolonged period without nutritional contribution from their zooxanthellae by consuming their own structural materials for maintenance, but then, did not have the resources necessary for reproduction. The recovered corals, on the other hand, must have regained their zooxanthellae soon after the bleaching event since neither their tissue biomass nor their ability to reproduce were impaired.  相似文献   

We document long-term effects of a simulated bleaching event on the reproductive output and offspring viability of the soft coral Lobophytum compactum. Corals were subjected to temperature and solar radiation treatments to produce both moderately (48–60%) and heavily (90–95%) bleached colonies. Although bleached colonies recovered their zooxanthellae within 10 to 18 weeks, impacts on reproductive output were significant for at least two annual spawning seasons. In the first year, both polyp fecundity and mean oocyte diameter were reduced and inversely correlated with the degree of bleaching, with complete failure of fertilization in the group of heavily bleached colonies. For moderately bleached soft corals, survival and growth of sexual offspring did not differ significantly from those of unbleached colonies. Although no further reductions in zooxanthellae densities in experimental soft corals were recorded throughout the subsequent second year, egg size and fecundity of the heavily bleached soft corals were still significantly reduced 20 months later. Severe bleaching clearly has long-term sub-lethal impacts, reducing overall reproductive output for at least two spawning seasons. Accepted: 1 June 2000  相似文献   

This study examines patterns of susceptibility and short-term recovery of corals from bleaching. A mass coral bleaching event began in March, 1991 on reefs in Moorea, French Polynesia and affected corals on the shallow barrier reef and to >20 m depth on the outer forereef slope. There were significant differences in the effect of the bleaching among common coral genera, with Acropora, Montastrea, Montipora, and Pocillopora more affected than Porites, Pavona, leptastrea or Millepora. Individual colonies of the common species of Acropora and Pocillopora were marked and their fate assessed on a subsequent survey in August, 1991 to determine rates of recovery and mortality. Ninety-six percent of Acropora spp. showed some degree of bleaching compared to 76% of Pocillopora spp. From March to August mortality of bleached colonies of Pocillopora was 17%, 38% recovered completely, and many suffered some partial mortality of the tissue. In contrast, 63% of the Acropora spp. died, and about 10% recovered completely. Generally, those colonies with less than 50% of the colony area affected by the bleaching recovered at a higher rate than did those with more severe bleaching. Changes in community composition four months after the event began included a significant decrease only in crustose algae and an increase in cover of filamentous algae, much of which occupied plate-like and branching corals that had died in the bleaching event. Total coral cover and cover of susceptible coral genera had declined, but not significantly, after the event.  相似文献   

Massive coral bleaching events associated with high sea surface temperatures are forecast to become more frequent and severe in the future due to climate change. Monitoring colony recovery from bleaching disturbances over multiyear time frames is important for improving predictions of future coral community changes. However, there are currently few multiyear studies describing long‐term outcomes for coral colonies following acute bleaching events. We recorded colony pigmentation and size for bleached and unbleached groups of co‐located conspecifics of three major reef‐building scleractinian corals (Orbicella franksi, Siderastrea siderea, and Stephanocoenia michelini; n = 198 total) in Bocas del Toro, Panama, during the major 2005 bleaching event and then monitored pigmentation status and changes live tissue colony size for 8 years (2005–2013). Corals that were bleached in 2005 demonstrated markedly different response trajectories compared to unbleached colony groups, with extensive live tissue loss for bleached corals of all species following bleaching, with mean live tissue losses per colony 9 months postbleaching of 26.2% (±5.4 SE) for O. franksi, 35.7% (±4.7 SE) for S. michelini, and 11.2% (±3.9 SE) for S. siderea. Two species, O. franksi and S. michelini, later recovered to net positive growth, which continued until a second thermal stress event in 2010. Following this event, all species again lost tissue, with previously unbleached colony species groups experiencing greater declines than conspecific sample groups, which were previously bleached, indicating a possible positive acclimative response. However, despite this beneficial effect for previously bleached corals, all groups experienced substantial net tissue loss between 2005 and 2013, indicating that many important Caribbean reef‐building corals will likely suffer continued tissue loss and may be unable to maintain current benthic coverage when faced with future thermal stress forecast for the region, even with potential benefits from bleaching‐related acclimation.  相似文献   

Coral reefs at the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica were affected during a bleaching event associated with the 1995 warming of the Western Caribbean. During doldrum weather in late August 1995, reef organisms at Parque Nacional Cahuita were 62% and 7.4% bleached and dead respectively, whilst 67.6% bleached and 8.2% died in the Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo. However, Cahuita had the highest mean number of bleached (257 +/- 51.1) and dead (30.5 +/- 5.6) colonies in the surveyed transects, and bleaching was observed down to a depth of 20 m. The most affected species (>10% of dead colonies) were the hydrocoral Millepora complanata and the scleractinian corals Montastraea spp. at Cahuita, and Porites furcata, Porites porites and M. complanata at Gandoca-Manzanillo. Mean seawater temperature was between 30.5 and 31.1 degrees C (0-18 m depth) during four days of observation at the end of August 1995. Coral reefs of the Costa Rican Caribbean coast have shown a rapid decline during the last 20 years due to natural and anthropogenic disturbances. The effect of the 1995 warming added more pressure to the already deteriorated reefs.  相似文献   

Permanent study sites were established at 6 m, 12 m and 18 m on the West Fore Reef at Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Colonies of Montastrea annularis, Porites astreoides, Porites porites and Agaricia spp. were assessed for presence and extent of bleached tissue at two month intervals between October 1986 and September 1987. In 98% of all corals exhibiting a bleaching response, less than 25% of the colony appeared pale. In the remaining 2%, more than 25% of the tissue appeared pale. M. annularis, P. astreoides and Agaricia spp. showed a significant positive correlation between the percent of colonies exhibiting a partial bleaching response and seawater temperature. There was no significant difference in the percentage of colonies bleached between the three depths. M. annularis and Agaricia spp. exhibited a significantly higher percentage of colonies bleached than P. astreoides and P. porites. For M. annularis 15% of coral colonies studied showed 1–2 cm2 randomly seattered patches of pale tissue which remained constant throughout the study. The partial bleaching patterns observed in this study were never lethal and are considered, in part, to be a response to seasonal variations in seawater temperature. Study location: Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory, P.O. Box 35, Discovery Bay, Jamaica, W. Indies  相似文献   

X-radiography and carbon and oxygen stable isotope analysis have been used to examine the effects of prolonged bleaching on the growth rate and chemical composition of the skeleton of the massive reef coral, Montastrea annularis. The post-bleaching linear growth of one colony that remained bleached for 10 to 12 months following the 1987 Caribbean-wide bleaching event was only 37% of mean annual growth from pre-bleaching years, and was manifest as a loss of the following year's low density band. Two colonies that did not bleach (normal) and two that bleached and regained their coloration (recovered) had linear growth rates over the same period that were 81 to 98% of mean pre-bleaching annual growth. Linear growth by a third recovered coral was 66% of pre-bleaching growth. No sub-annual stress bands were associated with the bleaching. The skeleton of the bleached colony had carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions that were reduced in range and enriched (increased) in both 13C and 18O in the post-bleaching year. The skeletons of two of the nine colonies, one bleached and one recovered, had depleted (reduced) 18O values (-5.3 and -4.8%., respectively) during the bleaching episode that agree with the suggestion that positive temperature anomalies occurred during, and may have caused, the bleaching event. The range and values for all other normal and recovered corals, however, were not different between the post-bleaching year and previous years. Our data suggest that stress bands and isotopic analysis of coral skeletons may not always be reliable tools for examining the occurrence, cause or effects of certain discrete stress events that may interrupt skeletal growth.  相似文献   

With this study we estimated the changes in colour, bleaching and mortality of coral colonies from February to December 2007, using the colour reference card method. The study was developed in the Watamu Marine Park lagoon (Kenya), bridging the local summer when seawater temperatures were highest and coral bleaching risk was at its maximum. Seven coral genera were selected, and their colour recorded using a colour reference card (Coral Watch card). Seven different scenarios of bleaching and mortality were observed, varying among the coral genera and between two species in the genus Pocillopora. Twenty percent of the colonies bleached, of which 50% died. Only 15% of the coral that did not bleach died. Branching genera had a higher bleaching incidence than massive and sub-massive genera. Pocillopora showed the highest bleaching susceptibility, followed by Acropora, and the highest level of mortality. Of the two species of Pocillopora considered in this study, P. eydouxi showed higher bleaching and mortality levels, while P. verrucosa bleached less and experienced only partial mortality. Our results evidenced different patterns of coral bleaching and mortality which were easily and clearly detected with the colour card method during both bleaching and a post-bleaching events.  相似文献   

In September of 2010, Brewer''s Bay reef, located in St. Thomas (U.S. Virgin Islands), was simultaneously affected by abnormally high temperatures and the passage of a hurricane that resulted in the mass bleaching and fragmentation of its coral community. An outbreak of a rapid tissue loss disease among coral colonies was associated with these two disturbances. Gross lesion signs and lesion progression rates indicated that the disease was most similar to the Caribbean coral disease white plague type 1. Experiments indicated that the disease was transmissible through direct contact between colonies, and five-meter radial transects showed a clustered spatial distribution of disease, with diseased colonies being concentrated within the first meter of other diseased colonies. Disease prevalence and the extent to which colonies were bleached were both significantly higher on unattached colony fragments than on attached colonies, and disease occurred primarily on fragments found in direct contact with sediment. In contrast to other recent studies, disease presence was not related to the extent of bleaching on colonies. The results of this study suggest that colony fragmentation and contact with sediment played primary roles in the initial appearance of disease, but that the disease was capable of spreading among colonies, which suggests secondary transmission is possible through some other, unidentified mechanism.  相似文献   

Bleaching is generally expected to produce detrimental impacts on coral reproduction. This study compared the fecundity of bleached and unbleached colonies of the Hawaiian coral Montipora capitata. It was hypothesized that bleaching would have no effect on reproduction because previous studies have shown that Montipora capitata can increase heterotrophic feeding following bleaching. Reproductive parameters, total reproductive output (bundles released ml−1 coral colony), number of eggs bundle−1, and egg size, measured in the summer of 2005 did not differ between colonies that bleached or did not bleach during 2004. These data were collected following a single bleaching event and cannot be used to predict the outcome should bleaching episodes become more frequent or severe.  相似文献   

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 290–400 nm) is an important abiotic factor that tropical marine organisms have been exposed to over evolutionary time. Additionally, UVR is known to cause coral bleaching independently and is an important synergistic factor in bleaching caused by thermal stress. Corals can avoid some of the damage associated with exposure to UVR by producing UVR-absorbing compounds such as mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs). To examine the role of MAAs in the UVR photobiology of corals we conducted experiments on the Hawaiian coral Montipora verrucosa. M. verrucosa colonies were collected from 1, 5 and 10 m and exposed to three different UVR treatments for 3 days under constant visible irradiances equivalent to a depth of 0.15 m depth in Kane'ohe Bay. In addition to quantifying the MAA concentration of these corals several types of UVR-induced damage were measured to assess whether MAAs were providing protection. Quantum yields of photosystem II (PSII) fluorescence and excitation pressure on PSII were measured for each coral, and the formation of direct UVR damage to DNA was measured as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and (6-4) pyrimidine–pyrimidone photoproducts for the holobiont. All corals exhibited midday depressions in quantum yields, developed DNA photoproducts, and increased their MAA concentrations significantly as a result of UVR exposures. CPD accumulation in M. verrucosa was highest in corals from 1 m, which had the lowest MAA concentrations at the end of the experiment. Corals originally from 10 m showed the highest MAA concentration and lowest DNA damage in response to exposure to UVR. While corals from all collection depths displayed some sensitivity to increased irradiances of UVR, their respective levels of tolerance were clearly dependant on their previous light history.  相似文献   

Zooxanthellae fluorescence was measured in situ, remotely, and in near real-time with a pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer for a colony of Siderastrea siderea and Agaricia tenuifolia at Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas during the Caribbean-wide 2005 bleaching event. These colonies displayed evidence of photosystem II (PS II) inactivation coincident with thermal stress and seasonally high doses of solar radiation. Hurricane-associated declines in temperature and light appear to have facilitated the recovery of maximum quantum yield of PS II within these two colonies, although both corals responded differently to individual storms. PAM fluorometry, coupled with long-term measurement of in situ light and temperature, provides much more detail of coral photobiology on a seasonal time scale and during possible bleaching conditions than sporadic, subjective, and qualitative observations. S. siderea displayed evidence of PS II inactivation over a month prior to the issuing of a satellite-based, sea surface temperature (SST) bleaching alert by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In fact, recovery had already begun in S. siderea when the bleaching alert was issued. Fluorescence data for A. tenuifolia were difficult to interpret because the shaded parts of a colony were monitored and thus did not perfectly coincide with thermal stress and seasonally high doses of solar radiation as in S. siderea. These results further emphasize the limitations of solely monitoring SST (satellite or in situ) as a bleaching indicator without considering the physiological status of coral-zooxanthellae symbioses. Communicated by Environment Editor Prof. Rob van Woesik  相似文献   

Coral zooxanthellae contain high concentrations of dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP), the precursor of dimethylsulphide (DMS), an aerosol substance that could affect cloud cover, solar radiation and ocean temperatures. Acropora intermedia a dominant staghorn coral in the Indo-Pacific region, contain some of the highest concentrations of DMSP reported in the literature but no studies have shown that corals produce atmospheric DMS in situ and thus could potentially participate in sea surface temperature (SST) regulation over reefs; or how production varies during coral bleaching. We show that A. intermedia from the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) produces significant amounts of atmospheric DMS, in chamber experiments, indicating that coral reefs in this region could contribute to an “ocean thermostat” similar to that described for the western Pacific warm pool, where significantly fewer coral reefs have bleached during the last 25?years because of a cloud-SST feedback. However, when Acropora intermedia was stressed with higher light levels and seawater temperatures DMSP production, an indicator of zooxanthellae expulsion, increased markedly in the chamber, whilst atmospheric DMS emissions almost completely shut down. These results suggest that during increased light levels and seawater temperatures in the GBR coral shut-down atmospheric DMS aerosol production, potentially increasing solar radiation levels over reefs and exacerbating coral bleaching.  相似文献   

Coral bleaching events are globally occurring more frequently and with higher intensity, mainly caused by increases in seawater temperature. In Tayrona National Natural Park (TNNP) in the Colombian Caribbean, local coral communities are subjected to seasonal wind-triggered upwelling events coinciding with stronger water currents depending on location. This natural phenomenon offers the unique opportunity to study potential water current-induced mitigation mechanisms of coral bleaching in an upwelling influenced region. Therefore, coral bleaching susceptibility and recovery patterns were compared during a moderate and a mild bleaching event in December 2010 and 2011, and at the end of the subsequent upwelling periods at a water current-exposed and -sheltered site of an exemplary bay using permanent transect and labeling tools. This was accompanied by parallel monitoring of key environmental variables. Findings revealed that in 2010 overall coral bleaching before upwelling was significantly higher at the sheltered (34%) compared to the exposed site (8%). Whereas 97% of all previously bleached corals at the water current-exposed site had recovered from bleaching by April 2011, only 77% recovered at the sheltered site, but 12% had died there. In December 2011, only mild bleaching (<10% at both sites) was observed, but corals recovered significantly at both sites in the course of upwelling. No differences in water temperatures between sites occurred, but water current exposure and turbidity were significantly higher at the exposed site, suggesting that these variables may be responsible for the observed site-specific mitigation of coral bleaching. This indicates the existence of local resilience patterns against coral bleaching in Caribbean reefs.  相似文献   

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